Lucifer=Lousifer Means Ferryman Of Souls! Why The Chinese Who Own Earth Allowed Other Races To Exist Question Finally Answered! UPDATE! AC vs DC Is Analog vs Digital Subliminal! UPDATE 2! Buzz Aldrin Said The Aliens Built The Pyramids! For The Good Aliens To Enter Earth/North Korea/Troy We Have To Destroy All Pyramids!

 Damn i was right that the ferryman is the lunar boss and the name lucifer is more supporting evidence!

Lucifer in greek means the one who brings/transports the light and just realized that light is our soul=analog/infinite energy!
(ra from gods of egypt came to mind transporting literally the light/analog infinite sun energy)
In greek lucifer is eosforos and eos means infinity in greek, lucifer=the one who transports the infinite/analog.
(i find interesting taxes in greek is foros and how there's a subliminal for the devil feasting on our analog energy)

That's why the devil wants our soul as it's the only thing that has real value in this digital/dead/worthless hell we live in! What would the matrix and its machines be without the batteries? Nothing, dead matter/digital! The batteries/souls/analog is where the value is at. The bastards like with voting they want our vote/energy without us on the table with them making decisions. They want us to be just batteries like in matrix providing the energy while they make all the decisions.

I have exposed morpheus in matrix to symbolize the lunar boss too and his name gives it away as morpheus in greek is the god of the dreamworld and morpheus himself in matrix movies called the matrix a dreamworld and like the ferryman and matrix 3 trainman he was the only one bringing souls in and out of the matrix!

I'm blown away that smith can symbolize us hunting the ferryman down to interrogate him to get info how to get out of this smelling sewer and how to help the outside forces come here/locate hidden zion and take over this place.(i suspect hidden earth like wonderwoman's island is not hidden anymore to the outside forces)

Smith said to morpheus "when zion/sion falls, there's no reason for me to keep being here" and zion means china! See sino-japanese war and sinic wall of china. Chinese older name was sinese/sines from sion/zion!

Also movies like guardians of the galaxy with yondu and ronan delivery guys showed the ferryman like lucifer rebelled and kept the souls/infinity/sun=son to himself instead of delivering them to the father and how he plans to use their power to overthrow the father.

I googled "ferryman" and came across this pic that verifies what i decoded recently of our mouth to be the 3rd eye!!!
(it's amazing how it hides in plain sight! i noticed it as it's the same shape with the 2 eyes above it)

 TMNT dimension x had also a ferryman that was bringing us from outside to it.

That's the ferryman and turtles thought he was their savior, then he goes and strips them from everything they have and sends them to a plane that symbolizes north korea/earth! Later like yondu was trying to play the good guy.

I remember also in a god of war game where kratos kicked the ferryman's ass and that was so satisfying!

"The walls/layers of tartarus/onion earth would not hold atlas and they would not hold me either"

I feel my research is paying off able to understand the language the elite is speaking to us though their cartoons, movies, games, religion, mythology etc.

Ferryman has also 3 heads on his waist which is 3 heads gatekeeper cerberus symbolism and wears a mask like medusa. At the end he gets cut in half like freiza from dbz, alita etc, wheel chair lunar boss/queen symbolism. 

In this one we have intel the lunar boss is a prisoner of this place too like agent smith and how we are all slaves here he delivers for consumption(like anubis in gods of egypt) when we're ripe/the time is right. I found interesting the bell kratos rung to make the ferryman show up as identical thing death did in darksiders 2 for the ferryman's ship to show up.(the place with the bell kratos is at looks like a broken moongate/oculus sun gate, wow it's the broken moon train station i decoded in an earlier thread! And the ferryman's boat that arrives there the black moon that comes and goes from behind our moon! holy moly! And the bell is the white moon itself! See when nasa bombed it and it rung like a bell! Who they delivered to the ferryman when they rung the moon i wonder!!!)
At 3:00 we have moonboat(black moon lilith) floating on the waters above us intel!

See at 6:35!
The lunar bell's location is called "serpent's peak" and it reminded me the moon located at the end of the snake way/road in dbz!
At 6:53 sepent's peak/moon location is shown to be also the mouth/entrance of the worm/bottomless pit that leads to earth/cave/layer below like lucy in the sky poster showed too.

I was watching this new joe rogan alex jones video recently

and at 57:50 alex says
"the co-founder of apple said "the best AI  is not even 0.0000001% close to how good an ant's brain is"

I told you guys they are stealing human brains and will use humans trapped in machines robocop style and in cloud basements when they introduce human level AI!

At 59:47 that guy just answered a question i had for a long time
"why the chinese when they took over earth in ancient times, didnt kill all other races(they did to the pure ones) and allowed races different from them to exist and now all of a sudden want to finish the job and genocide all other races?"

Brigadier general spalding in his video i posted in a previous thread answered this question which is "they need us(like digital needs analog) that's why they kept us around"
and westoworld s3 said "they cant get rid of us" as they need our analog energy and innovating thinking but this guy here at 59:47 put it right into our face.

"I think the only reason we're still around is cause they haven't figured out how to make robots good enough, if they had the right robots, the right AI(capable of innovating thinking) there would be no more humans around in this earth, they would have already killed us all!"

I suspected before how the chinese after they took over earth and killed all pure races, realized how they have no one great left around to copy and steal ideas from, so they allowed a mixed digital/analog(more analog to digital ratio) version of humanity to exist to innovate and bring new ideas into the table they can copy and benefit from.

The smart bastards, that's why they stayed at china for thousands of years and allowed other races to grow in other parts of earth and give them the illusion of freedom so they feel like home and start innovating.
And now i suspect if they truly think killing us all now to be cause they realized they dont need us all(as the majority of non chinese races stopped being creative anyways), just the few creative minds that remain who they can keep in a smaller zoo(the size of north korea) truman show style.

Imagine non chinese humans are born in a small country like greece surrounded by chinese in all countries all around them and are told they are free, we have democracy etc and encouraged to be creative and innovating so the digital filth that surrounds them can benefit from it.

I think that's exactly what's already going on on a bigger scale and how they plan to make that scale smaller now. More chinese/digital a lot less contaminated analog left around to innovate.

It's hilarious to imagine a planet/layer full with chinese packed and crawling like cockroaches and an island in the middle with non-chinese brainwashed to think they live in a free world and encouraged to innovate.(hahahaha that is so hilarious man!)

That's exactly what's happening right now in greece, greece is full with innovating minds and thinkers that invent all kinds of great stuff that get stolen to israel over night and sent over to china.
Greek inventor george giolvas who invented the artemis sound cannon back in the 50s he said his own country gave his secrets/invention to israel who built that weapon overnight!
Israel is a chinese proxy that gives to china all secrets and innovations they steal from other countries.
They have been caught giving to china american innovating technology and secrets left and right.

The point is people like the greeks are encouraged to innovate to make their country a better place and at the end all they really are doing is making china bigger and more powerful as that's where all inventions and their hard work goes.

Dont feed the beast, dont innovate, GIVE THEM NOTHING!

This is what i tell myself when i have a bad day "give them nothing!" and all stress and negative emotions go away miraculously!(as they trick us and manipulate us in our daily lives too into creating negative energy to feed on it)

The winning move is not to play no shit!
They kept us around so we play and think for them and feed on our creations.

X Kingpin's Digital System Doesnt Work If It Doesnt Have Us/Analog Inovating Minds And Batteries In It!

Ra from gods of egypt came to mind who said to apophis=digital worm

"You shall never feast on my creation"

I imagined innovating people stop what they're doing and burning their papers while saying the same thing and i rofled so hard.

Wow nikola tesla is the best example here!
Who best profited from his inventions? Who feasted on his creations and now are being used to further enslave the masses!

All ancient inventors if were kept alive to see where their inventions led humanity and how they were used they would regret inventing them in the first place!

After mentioning nikola tesla i did some quick research to find out how he died poor and from the data i found it became obvious his AC electricity represented the infinity/analog while the DC before it the limited/finite/digital!

"This new Alternating Current (AC) motor quickly proved to be vastly superior to the standard DC system. The three phase AC induction motor was by far the most efficient way to convert electricity to mechanical power. Not only could AC produce significantly higher voltages, it could transmit that electrical power exponentially longer distances, at a cost that was 1000 times cheaper than DC. To illustrate this point, we can use a simple modern example: Today every single household in America is wired with AC outlets but DC power is still used for things like batteries. Imagine how many batteries you would need to power a refrigerator and how quickly those batteries would run out of juice. Not only are batteries expensive, it would be a huge pain to constantly replace them to keep your refrigerator running. Alternatively, when you plug a refrigerator into your standard AC wall outlet, it will be powered continuously for relatively small amount money and zero hassle.

Another major drawback was that each DC power source could only provide electricity for 10-15 homes at any given time, and each home needed to be within 2 miles of the power source. On the other hand, a single Tesla AC power source could transport electricity hundreds of miles and provide electricity to tens of thousands of homes simultaneously."
(this gives away of those who say the electric companies keep selling us the same electricity over and over again to be correct as if AC electricity is indeed analog/infinite and goes in circles endlessly, then we're being charged countless times for the same energy indeed!)

This AC DC pic is subliminal to the ongoing ancient war of analog vs digital, unlimited/freedom vs control/limited/slavery!

And tesla tearing the billion dollar contract apart and showing no interest in money shows how he knew how worthless money/digital are and what had real value.

"To Westinghouse’s amazement, Tesla tore up the original contract on the spot. Tesla was grateful to Westinghouse for believing in him when no one else would. By tearing up the contract and relinquishing his royalties, Tesla single-handedly saved the Westinghouse Electric company."

I found hilarious when thomas edison was electrocuting animals to scare people of AC and how went on later to invent and patent the electric chair.( a true scumbag and his last name is interesting, edison=dieson=die sun/analog energy! reminds me also the dyson sphere/prison the nomads/lunar scum built around the sun in freelancer spacegame to harvest the energy of the sun starkiller base style)

The elite also attacked tesla to bury his technology until he relinquished his rights and gave it away for free. I have found intel that they buried most of his technology anyways and allowed us access only to what they could control.

They said tesla had created free energy for all and wirelessly without the need of cables and unable for corporations and governors to tax it, measure how much we use and force us paying for it.

Indeed i suspect tesla had introduced analog energy into our world.
The 3 phase of AC we talked in other threads to be R G B, i see now their importance in existence and how could be the backbone of the analog world, when parallel/uncrossed and pure that is.

The intel how earth neutralizes electricity by absorbing it shows the kind of soul/sun/analog prison matter is!

At the Joe rogan alex jones video at the last 30 minutes alex reveals that Buzz Aldrin told him that aliens built the pyramids.

This reveals how the hollywood evil aliens are already here and have been here for a very long time.
Raymond drake mentions same thing in his books and was surprised how they disappeared all of a sudden.

The trojan war story showed that they didnt left but are hiding behind our moon which V tv series with the reptilians showed to our face too.
The reason they went into hiding i have exposed to be cause if we knew evil is already here then how can they fool us into fighting the good guys that will be coming in the near future.

Also we serve and as good hostages and another reason they kept us around apart from profiting from our analog innovating thinking and maybe the staged alien invasion they plan for us to serve and as means to put our analog minds to work to come with solutions they can use on the real aliens that will be coming after!

X-men cartoon showed also the pyramids are weapons that create an electromagnetic fence above us to keep the outsiders out of earth/north korea. So like in constantinople war for the enemy(who like the janissares is related to us) to get in we have to open the gate from within which means we have to destroy all the pyramids all across earth and those that hide within mountains or are disguised as mountains like in serbia.


  1. Hausu (1977) movie showed same third eye imagery:

    1. Janus the god of passages was "the first to mint coins and the assarius, first coin of the liberal series, bears his effigy on one face."

      They used to place these coins over the eyes of the dead to pay the ferryman in order to secure a safe passage.

      It also ties in with Two Face and his coin.

      Which ties into Hela the goddess of the dead:

      Apparently from Helvetia:
      Helvetia is the female national personification of Switzerland, officially Confoederatio Helvetica, the Swiss Confederation.
      The cross/mix like Helas depictions.

    2. In that God of War videogame Charons movements and powers are green like chloros in chloroquine.

      Monster Energy - Unleash the Beast

    3. Its always green for the dead like Osiris.


      [60FPS] Lord of the Rings Ghost Army Scene 60FPS HFR HD

      That scene in Lord of the Rings could represent chloroquine entering the body that is dealing with a viral infection, the woman could represent the gene of eve.

    4. Or maybe its chloroquine killing the healthy cells in the body and the woman is the gene of Isis taking over.

    5. "we are all slaves here he delivers for consumption(like anubis in gods of egypt)"

      Or Marc Dutroux that was delivering children to the mother of darkness castle through a cult named Abrasax headed by Anubis.

      THE ILLUMINATI | Mother of Darkness Castle: The Most Evil Place on Earth Documentary

      Black Magic Woman / Gypsy Queen

    6. "I found interesting the bell kratos rung to make the ferryman show up"

      Jonathan Kleck the prophet of Jesus is the bell ringer.
      3:55 minutes in.

      The Bell is Rung... I believe the Time is Fulfilled ..End of the World Coming Soon ....

      In the Fighting Fantasy: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain game book you had also to ring the bell for the ferryman to show up.

    7. In One Piece Luffy/Lucifer had to ring the bell to connect the dimensions/layers of the kingdom of heaven with the ocean kingdom below.

      Luffy Rings the Golden Bell [Eng Sub] [HQ]

    8. Luffy screams "For 400 years the city of gold has been in the sky!".

      Strong's Hebrew: 400. אֹ֫כֶל (okel) -- food

      4hunnid 400 hunted for dinner

    9. Analog beings/children/angels/suns are brought down to the ocean kingdom below for consumption intel.

      Doctor And The Medics - Spirit In The Sky

    10. That porn star in the video above is named Lexi Belle.
      Lexi Belle = to ward off from the bell.

    11. Now rise, reconcile with the powers of darkness
      Uncover a saint
      You better believe or see for yourself

      I hear a bell
      A sound from Hell, the demon bell
      I see a lighting shadow in between the graves
      Swinging his sword of hate towards the gates of Heaven

      At the Sound of the Demon Bell

    12. The one piece video you posted was amazing!
      "When you return to jaya/earth
      what you will think if you find us all gone"

      It reminded me what i have decoded and how it might have already happened of the chinese genociding all races of earth when they lose earth to the outsiders so the family reunion never happens.
      Like when hela returned to her kingdom and all her people were dead and had to resurrect them.
      DB gt showed also how the lunar scum plan to transport us out of here so resurrection wont be even possible.

      The bell in the sky with the ship next to it symbolizes i suspect ship port/trainstation moon and black moon lilith parked at it. Also i wonder if nasa really rung the bell moon as we didnt hear it on earth so they didnt ring it right looks like it or hit it hard enough.

      The golden city symbolizes the city on the moon but i suspect all the gold has been taken/stolen by now like in the Colosseum which symbolizes also our moon i suspect or bloody arena earth. As above so below.

    13. "They kept us around so we play and think for them and feed on our creations."

      That reminds me of Scarface:
      "You dance.
      Go on.
      Have some fun.
      What do you think of him?
      I think he's a fucking peasant!
      But you get a guy like that on your side he breaks his back for you."

      Scarface dance scene

    14. I was just looking at Colosseum photos and started wondering why half of its exterior wall is missing? Why the italians destroy half of it? And then it hit me! To give more accurate moon symbolism that is half destroyed like dead space 3 showed to our face, similarly to why the greeks maintain a half destroyed acropolis, another moon symbolism structure.
      Notice also how it is onion shaped, layers within layers just like earth!

    15. Half destroyd like Helas depictions or two face in Batman, Jekyl and Hyde and it also reminds me of 50 percent the gangsta rapper.

      50 Cent - I'm Supposed To Die Tonight (Explicit)

      Im supposed as in 50 percent chance of death/success.

    16. "You shall never feast on my creation"

      I think that the digital worm is entitled to half from my comment above related to 50 percent the gangsta rapper, also Trump gives the same intel in his pizza commercial, "you are only entitled to half".

      Donald and Ivana Trump's Old Pizza Hut Commercial

      "Its wrong isnt it?
      But it feels so right.
      We eat the pizza the wrong way."

    17. Like the worm gets an inferior mixed downgraded mutated imitation made in china 50% accurate version of the creation/invention.
      Kinda like my messed up vision and mutated body i guess.

    18. Here in Portugal we are again in lockdown, im now outside without mask on but i noticed the few people around only feel comfortable to come outside if they wear their mask and if they take their dog out with them which reminds me of a common saying "those living in fear buy dogs".

    19. Its so weird man, i think they got the doggies just because of this lockdown crap so that they can come outside!
      The dog is taking them for a walk!!!

    20. Im some type of worm mutation because i never invented anything that would make me think of myself as creative or as analog from your examples, yet at the same time i cant think like these people, never could, i cant get this place.

    21. i forgot to point out they are feeding on emotional/analog energy what other researchers call loosh, so that's another reason they kept us around, we're also literal food.

      I updated this thread about thomas edison by the way

      "a true scumbag and his last name is interesting, edison=dieson=die sun/analog energy! reminds me also the dyson sphere/prison the nomads/lunar scum built around the sun in freelancer spacegame to harvest the energy of the sun starkiller base style"

  2. Kaboom is right. They want worker bees/slaves/ants/a.i. while the rest of us to be free loosh/batteries. It's all very sick. I believe they already mastered this on other planets and star systems as there nothing truly new under the sun and everything comes from an original plan/blueprint/plan somewhere.

    1. "there's nothing new under the sun"
      This was coming to my head a lot lately and i wonder if the sun lets the pro-digital lunar scum have their ways and at the end shows up and destroys them completely similar how the masons brag to operate saying "we will restore greece and europe(and america, make america great again) to their former glory and then we will destroy them completely"

      And since they're mimics that cant think but steal ideas i wonder if the joke is on them and that's exactly how the analog sun plays them!

      Imagine you're eternal you would want to have some fun with your stupid enemies from time to time, letting them built their abomination and dream expansions and then firing up and burn them all when they are at their peak.

      "There's nothing new under the sun"
      which means the sun has dealt before with these kind of digital crap many times.

    2. Youre describing Trumps 54d chess and his catch phrase "You are fired".

      Donald Trump "You're Fired" Compilation

      The rusted chains of prison moons
      Are shattered by the sun
      The keeper of the city keys
      Put shutters on the dreams
      I wait outside the pilgrim's door
      With insufficient schemes
      The black queen (liliyh moon) chants the funeral march
      The cracked brass bells will ring
      To summon back the fire witch (maga)
      To the court of the crimson king

      The court of the Crimson King

  3. At the "Kratos Loses vs Charon the Ferryman" video at 1:16 when the ferryman says "it is not yet your time kratos" the camera zooms in on ferryman's teeth which is a subliminal "it is not yet your time to be consumed", which is exactly what i decoded happening in gods of egypt where anubis was delivering souls at the gate/trainstation that was suppose to lead them to the analog outside world and had the worm at the gate so they get consumed by the worm instead of get out.

    Hobbit 2 showed the dragon/worm has placed its mouth right at the exit so anyone who goes close at the exit of this prison gets consumed instead of getting out.
    The exit is a trap to make it shot!
    Cube zero showed similar trap too above us at the sungate but it also showed another hidden exit below us, underwater.

  4. One Piece gives the same intel as you do here as Luffy/Lucifer represents the ferryman and he was gathering crew members/souls to take to the new world.~

    Luffy Meets Brook and ask to join Straw Hats

    Theres also some weird tie in here with William Lever the germophobe that bough the isle of Lewis on which Trumps mother was born and where all the time travelling stuff from Outlander was shot.
    Luffys boat is the thousand sunny which has the lion from Babalon and her septagram on the prow.

    So just like Babalon he is taking souls/suns to the other side/new world.
    And if you watch this William Lever poster it reads:
    "The King of Sunlight.
    How William Lever cleaned up the world.",204,203,200_.jpg

    A Thousand Dreamers One Piece colorcoded lyrics (ENG | ROM | JPN)

    1. "we have to destroy all the pyramids all across earth"

      The opposite is being done as just the other day a man stopped me to show me this pyramid temple they built to unite all religions/Baphomet intel reveals that met/the pyramid feasts on Ba/the soul.

      It also is an octogon but noooooooo dont look at octogons, its video after video after video on the jayish boogerman and on the hexagram of Moloch.

      The Initiate Arizona Wilder mentions The Octogon Organisation of the Swiss Nazi-Templars in 1998

    2. What other octogons do i know of, oh the one from my good friend Dana White who is really really white and the one from the temple mount that takes over the well of souls that lies underground.

      But but but bad jayish bearded man and Ivanka Trump want to blow up the dome, oh nooo thats mean.
      Of course no mention on how the swiss cross and the octogon revert back to the pyramid.

      Octogon...The Neutral Base of the Master Race

    3. "those that hide within mountains or are disguised as mountains like in serbia"

      Hall of the mountain king again and "it got what it takes to make a mountain man leave his home" come to mind, mount Zion/Sion/Nois.

      IN THE HALL OF THE TRUMPEN PRESIDENT | superior edition

      The mothership?

      When the Levee Breaks (Remaster)


    4. Also how come these guys are touching hands unmasked while all the others are masked around them, this place is too moronic.

  5. - hmm, seems like the evil aliens really are already here. and you can see the AC / DC play out even here.

    1. That smile is the dupers delight.

      Because We Care???

    2. Its an insect race as in Pazuzu father of the flies or Beelzebub.
      Lexi Belle = defender of Baal = Honey bee.
      Hexagon boogerman = ac/dc = powering up the hive.

      Sting of death = Scorpion wasp

      The Devil Was a Nerd in High School

      Scorpion Fly - Animal of the Week

    3. "Kaboom is right. They want worker bees/slaves/ants/a.i. while the rest of us to be free loosh/batteries."

      Alien ant farm fits the bill.

      Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal

      Kamen Rider Black RX - Opening Song

      DBZ Saiyaman Saga Was Sick 2

    4. Chichis helmet and her fathers helmet in dragon ball represent some type of insect just like Super Saiyaman, Son Gohan is part of the hive through his mother part sun through his father intel.

      Dragon Ball Z - Saikyo wa no fusion

      Chichis house was on fire when Goku met her which gives meddling with the sun/pissing off the sun intel.

      "Chi-Chi is the princess of Fire Mountain and the daughter of the Ox-King."
      The princess of fire mountain as in the hall of the mountain king/Ox king/baal bull oven womb moon king.

      HALL OF THE MOUNTAIN KING Cartoon by Mel-O-Toons

      She definitely represents a demonic entity and Goku breeding with her represents hindsight is 2020.

      Chi Chi Gets Mad At Goku And Piccolo For Not Having Their Drivers Licenses

      I dont want to be part of Chichis hive, no thank you.

    5. These alien insect entities make me think of the ayatollah that said that America is like the cat in Tom and Jerry cartoons, which gives intel on how the hive sees God as Tom the cat, and i guess that the hive plans an assault on heaven japanese kamikaze style.
      Its like fighting fire pokemon with beedrill.
      Yeah kinda crazy.

      Beating Gary with Beedrill Only

    6. Goku on his cloud represents how he came from heaven.
      Then he breeds with these insects because he has no discernment.


      Hindsight is 2020.

    7. Taxi drivers also come to mind who look like busy bees.

      Espantoso GTA Vice City radio full HQ

      Taxi Driver Trailer (HD)

    8. Chichi represents a busy bee but what insect does Bulma represent?
      Is she analog/from heaven also since she was creative/an inventor?

      I cant find a decent video on Bulma the inventorr, i remember that she invented all the gadgets but youtube apparently only has the sex scenes.

    9. Heres a good site on it:

      Bulma's Inventions

      1. Dragon Radar- One of the most useful tools made throught the whole DB series. This made finding the DB a very easy task. This told the person where all the DB were located and you could zoom in and out to get exact positions.

      2. PP Candy- After Eaten, whenever someone says PP you have to go to the bathroom. Bulma used this on Oolong around the first time they met in Dragonball.

      3.Cybernetic Scouting Plane- An extemely small plane that can fly around and is used to scout.

      4. Emergency Stop Controller- The controller is used to set off the bombs that were built into the Androids.

      5.Micro Band- A device that looks like your normal watch. It is worn by the Great Saiyaman.

      6. Transformation Suit and Bandall- This is the disguise of Gohan when he becomes the Great Saiyaman. The suit comes with a helmet, cape, boots and a belt.

      7. Converted Scouter- This was originally Radditz's scouter, but after the battle Bulma converted the readings to the Earth's language.

      8.Fighting Jacket- This jacket was made by Bulma. It is mainly seen worn by Trunks, Tales also wears a jacket like it. It has no arms and looks sort of like a tank top.

      Does this represent the females wishful thinking or the females hidden creativity?
      Dragon Ball had the push for females to be the inventors but then also had to put in there that she got it from her father.

    10. "All ancient inventors if were kept alive to see where their inventions led humanity and how they were used they would regret inventing them in the first place!"

      That was the basic premise of the original Dragon Ball, the villains kept on stealing Bulmas invention the dragon radar to find the dragon balls.

    11. I guess the point was that Chichi was the insect/digital/negative/output and Goku was the sun/analog/positive/input, while Bulma was the sun/analog/positive/input and Vegeta was the insect/digital/negative/output because they say that opposites attract and because the male plug connects on the female socket or batteries have a positive side and a negative side, so its all about conductors of energy being represented on these cartoons.

    12. Ive noticed that Bulma and her inventor father is the exact same as Belle and her inventor father, and Bulma tamed Vegeta from villain to hero just like Belle tamed the beast into a prince.

      Nothing new huh?

      Eminem - The Real Slim Shady (Official Video - Clean Version)

    13. Nothing new = tale as old as time

      Beauty and the Beast Tale As Old As Time HD

      I guess that the point was that Bulma/Belle/lunar queen was the invention of her father/lunar boss to be a trapeza/gate/moon/womb/oval office/bull oven/pussy to trap angels/suns/analog beings into the matrix/dreamworld.

      Bulma also used the bunny costume and Dragon Ball also played on the myth that bunnies live/come from the moon.

    14. chichi with the helmet symbolizes athena/medusa who wears also a helmet.
      the statue on top of the white house is athena/medusa and she wears a helmet too like chichi.
      Goku saying i thought bride means food, well bride is subliminal for bread and it reminds me of mantis that eat their partner during sex.
      Same thing the lunar queen did in the V series, she ate the one who slept with after like a mantis.

  6. In order to commit to this idea that China is the real threat. Then the Rothschild bankers will need debunked i.e. why do the CCP appear to have relied on the Rothschilds banking in order to exist in the first place. In plain sight, the Rothschilds have the most power. The bankers power cannot be denied.

    1. we dont deny the bankers' power or the hebrews or the secret societies, we expose all are tied together and china is on top.
      there's always someone behind someone and like in the military if they didnt inform the lowest rank how deep the pyramid goes all low rank would think the sergeants run the show while in the reality there are 4-5 levels of rank above them, then you have the layer of officers that add another 10 levels of rank.

      Same with the civilians, they see hebrews everywhere and immediately assume they are on top, then they are told about bankers and illuminati and think that's the top where i suspect the pyramid goes even deeper than china and the lunar boss himself.

      Bankers are low rank to me, staff sergeant level in the military is the max i can give them while i suspect most bankers dont break above corporal level.

      To rothchilds i'd give them gunnery sergeant level where like the gunnies in the military have boosted ego and think they are top dogs and brag about how they dont listen to anyone until they come face to face with a higher rank.

  7. Most recent thread is blocked but in that Makhachkala flag in which theres 21 stones around the gate with the 21st stone being the keystone, its the same thing as 21st century and as Trump tower with the 21 trees forming an arrow pointing down in which the 21st tree is the tipof the spear.


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