
Showing posts from October, 2020

Numbers, The Biggest Fraud, Scam, Crime Ever Commited And Invented! UPDATE! The 6 Step Blueprint On How To Turn Infinite/Analog Beings Into Batteries!

I'm watching this video right now and while this guy exposes the crap out of the banking cartels i see the problem at its source which is the numbers/idols themselves.  Banks are all about money=numbers right? Here's the word for bank in greek. " Trap eza" Numbers=Trap subliminal just like the digital infected world we live in. I noticed how history has repeated itself many times here. Remember when they introduced the digital computers and said how they will become the future that you wont be able to live without? Many thought back then how these stupid dead things will become the future? And they became cause they were pushed and supported by the powers that be. Now go more back in time when banks=numbers/money were introduced, it was the same thing, "they will be the future and you wont be able to live without" just like with the computers. Many would have laughed at them(that were accustomed trading actual living things, animals, plants etc and not dead ...

Earth's Core/Sun Has Been Captured And Extracted! It's Above Us For Now And Soon Might Be Gone For Good. Gods Of Egypt Intel! UPDATE! Onion Planet Alita Intel! And Cold War Decoded! UPDATE 2! Sun Is Missing Is Encoded In The Egyptian Pyramids!

 From the comments section of this thread. Pentagon Is An Earth Fractal Like The Onion And Nasa's Solar System Diagram, 7UP Further Decoded! SPACE WAR NEWS! The lunar scum are about to lose Mars!!! Then Earth Will Become The Next Battlefield! That's Why They're Rushing Space Force And Countries And Military Globalization/Unification Under China By 2030! Which Independence Day Resurgence Movie Showed To Our Face!  "I will rofl so hard if they manage to escape with their moons this 3rd=threa=earth layer during the alien war and humanity finds itself with no moon and sun and the whole place starts freezing again. Gods of Egypt came to mind that showed to our face our onion planet's sun/core has been captured by the lunar pirate scum and are waiting for the opportunity to escape hauling the sun(our planet's heart) out of here. 1:47 pirate lunar boss hauling our sun out of earth subliminal! And he played pirate boss barbossa too in potc hahaha! 4:07 holy shit ...

All Literally Are Made In China, from our tools and toys to our very countries, personality, behavior, beliefs, view of the world etc! UPDATE 2!

 From the comments section of this thread. "The chinese subversion of nations goes way back in time. First i noticed all military around the world is chinese culture, then the education system that allows teachers to hit kids and all about fear, anxiety and stress is also chinese culture. The way parents raise kids by fear and hitting them/violence is chinese culture.(they showed it in ip man the finale movie too) And recently found out capitalism is also chinese culture and how china uses extreme capitalism in its own country and people and i lost it! This planet was conquered by the chinese and their moon in ancient times, and is running in chinese ways for a long time and all humans are infected with chinese genes through the mongols and more ancient chinese global rapes not recorded in history books.(but recorded on the eyes(that have chinese characteristics) of all races!) In their ca...

Pentagon Is An Earth Fractal Like The Onion And Nasa's Solar System Diagram, 7UP Further Decoded! SPACE WAR NEWS! The lunar scum are about to lose Mars!!! Then Earth Will Become The Next Battlefield! That's Why They're Rushing Space Force And Countries And Military Globalization/Unification Under China By 2030! Which Independence Day Resurgence Movie Showed To Our Face!

I noticed recently we might be living behind multiple walls/domes/layers and pentagon's walls came to mind and other ancient kingdoms that were protected behind multiple parallel walls. The greek researchers i had come across long time ago talking about the 7UP subliminal they decoded it as that we have 7 skies/domes above us. Sky is uranus in greek and they present it as a sphere orbiting the sun while it's a sphere that encircles earth according to greek literature and the sun within earth. In jupiter ascending planet jupiter was a sphere that surrounded earth which also was hiding earth from the outside world through its massive clouds like firefly movie showed also. That cloud of blindness was mentioned also in star war movies and the reason the outside world is blind towards what's going on here and we're blind towards the real outside world. So i highly suspect nasa's 9-12 planets represent the layers/spheres/domes that surround and have consumed our analog/no...

The Digital Binary Language I O In The Human Body! UPDATE! Your Kids Are Your Enemy's Leverage!

 I noticed recently how in the human body the I O digital pair/binary values is everywhere. The eye closed is the I, it is called also I/Eye to our face, when opened we see the O/Iris/eyeball behind it. The mouth i decoded it before to be our 3rd eye and when closed it's an I shape just like the 2 Is above it. The O that is paired with it i suspected to be our tongue or the adam's apple. As like the eye/I vagina women have on their bottom the O is the cervix that is located further inside the I just like the adam apple in men. I of the bottom in women O behind the I just like in our eyes/I above. The male penis entrance is also I shaped and the O could be the round head of the penis or the foreskin around it like in the diamond shape eyes of reptiles and animals. I googled "uncircumcised penis" and found this great picture that's not an actual penis but shows exactly what i'm talking about. And verifies also when i decoded and exposed the eyes on our bottom, a...


 From update 3 of previous thread and its comments section, MIND BLOWING INTEL!!! Mind Blowing Fractal On Large Intestine/Dotted/Digital Worm Decoded! UPDATE! Uroboros Design Could Be The Solution To Make All Lifeforms Good Again. UPDATE 2! I O Decoded! UPDATE 3!  " UPDATE 3! ... So to go mixed or to go digital is to give away your universal analog rights and become a slave! As those rights protect only original analog beings and not edited/corrupt/mixed ones. Similar to human rights that dont apply to dead=digital human bodies! I think in robocop they had this intel where they told him you have no human rights you are a machine/digital/dead! HOLY MOLY! Maybe that's why they have us sign contracts according to dollhouse series as i suspect if they were to force us into slavery/digital the universe would take action. Man i hope that's not the case! Imagine if the upcoming brain chips and cybernetic augmentations is a slave trap that removes our human rights we have h...

China Was The Dominant Society For 5000 Years, They Had 100 Years Of Bad Luck And Now They're Back On Top! -Brigadier General Robert Spalding ,UPDATE!

15:30!!! I knew it and get ready for the big one! Xi Jinping=X Kingpin=XXX/666 Lunar Boss!!! (Xi is how you pronounce X in greek and Jin means Gold in chinese!  The lunar boss is called also goldface in hollywood and generally gold symbolizes him like black goo/black gold also) Satan Is Already On Earth And Will Rule All Nations Through China! Man what a relief this intel from that general gave me! Do you know how it feels to know for the past 10 years who runs this cave for thousands of years and everyone else to think it's the illuminati, the hebrews, the vatican, the jesuits, the trannies, the pedophiles, soros, rothchilds etc who are on top of the pyramid, and when you try to inform the masses about the worm's race everyone laughs at you. For the past 10 years everyone was laughing at the idea that china is on top of the ruling pyramid on earth and only recently people started to wake up to china. The jewish blackmailing p...

Mind Blowing Fractal On Large Intestine/Dotted/Digital Worm Decoded! UPDATE! Uroboros Design Could Be The Solution To Make All Lifeforms Good Again. UPDATE 2! I O Decoded! UPDATE 3!

The plan for the digital worm to consume all that is analog and use/degrade it as its battery/food(like matrix did) is encoded in this very picture! It's identical to the asgard earth map where the worm encircles the entire earth! And this gives away the kind of symbiosis we are with the digital worm, literally feeding off of us while we do all the work. The small intestine scientists call it now the lower brain and how it is like a super advanced battery according to mantak chia in his london real video. And i have exposed the digital worm/cerebellum in symbiosis with our upper analog brain!(as above so below) In this picture the cerebellum looks just like a vr headset digital device! It's like watching a human wearing an oculus vr device! And found people/writers in articles who were upset with scientists calling the cerebellum as useless as the digital worm on our bottom and how we can easily live without it. The vr digital devices they're pushing on the masses now give ...

Hades The Digital/Dotted/Death Worm!

Just came across this game trailer and what do we have here! The digital worm in all of its glory! Main hero with different color eyes and 3 skulls on his belt and shoulder(3 headed cerberus subliminal) is none other than the worm infected lunar boss traitor himself. In other trailers they mentioned hades realm rearranges itself like in cube movies and rubik cube to prevent escape. Identical intel we have in escape plan hades movie with stallone. In rubik cube to win the game/solve the problem you have to literally unmix the mixed colors!(purify the mixed worm intel!) About escape from hades/belly of the digital/dotted worm i realized yesterday the importance of not to go through any gates/oculus etc but to make our own gates/oculus openings like the machines did in matrix 3. Like in the dotted worm each dot/sphere/planet is connected through gates/oculus/moongates and the moment you cross one you dont escape hell you just trade one hell for another.(like in cube movies) But if you wer...

Analog Vs Digital=Real Vs Fake=Mimic! Smooth Vs Dotted! UPDATE! Large Vs Small Intestine, UPDATE 2!

 I'm researching this right now and want to give you guys my early thoughts, first i dont trust either as both look like worms but i find interesting how digital behaves very similarly to the evil we are dealing with in this world, cave.(it looks like cubes and crosses too, T is a cross symbol also) What i learned so far, all is analog and digital needs analog to work like flesh needs a soul, a machine a battery, computerworld matrix the human batteries etc. Analog is fluid, there's no edges, digital is not smooth, there's always edges and that's why in video games that are digital you cant have a perfect smooth circle and you need tons of anti-aliasing to smooth the edges out as digital is never smooth. Analog is always smooth which gives me a good idea on how to distinguish if we live in a digital/fake/matrix computer world or in a real one. The digital signal a guy on youtube made the best representation calling it and presenting it as a dotted line/snake/worm identi...