Pentagon Is An Earth Fractal Like The Onion And Nasa's Solar System Diagram, 7UP Further Decoded! SPACE WAR NEWS! The lunar scum are about to lose Mars!!! Then Earth Will Become The Next Battlefield! That's Why They're Rushing Space Force And Countries And Military Globalization/Unification Under China By 2030! Which Independence Day Resurgence Movie Showed To Our Face!

I noticed recently we might be living behind multiple walls/domes/layers and pentagon's walls came to mind and other ancient kingdoms that were protected behind multiple parallel walls.

The greek researchers i had come across long time ago talking about the 7UP subliminal they decoded it as that we have 7 skies/domes above us.
Sky is uranus in greek and they present it as a sphere orbiting the sun while it's a sphere that encircles earth according to greek literature and the sun within earth.
In jupiter ascending planet jupiter was a sphere that surrounded earth which also was hiding earth from the outside world through its massive clouds like firefly movie showed also.
That cloud of blindness was mentioned also in star war movies and the reason the outside world is blind towards what's going on here and we're blind towards the real outside world.

So i highly suspect nasa's 9-12 planets represent the layers/spheres/domes that surround and have consumed our analog/non digital sun starkiller base style.

In the below onion picture i counted 7 layers around the sun and read onions can have up to 13 layers.
I have decoded the 7 weekdays to symbolize earth's 7 moons/planets and the months=moons used to be 7 too before the romans raised them to 12.(They say they raised them from 10 to 12 so someone before them could have raised them to 10 from 7). Which makes me suspect if through time the layers multiple like in onions and van allen belts.
In short we have the dotted worm right here in these pics before our eyes where the dots instead of being next to each other are inside one another instead. And the analog sun/battery in the middle powering them up.

This is important intel as it shows O which i decoded to be good when alone can still be as evil as the dotted worm OOOOOOOOO cause the extra dots can be hidden inside of one and give the false impression of purity.

In the pentagon picture i was like "why only 5 layers/walls/domes/spheres/planets around earth?"

Well according to this nasa picture

after earth there are only 5 planets/layers and 2 layers/planets/domes between us and the sun within!






So this consistency makes me truly suspect that i'm on the money here.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around this data man, this is mind blowing shit!

5 planets not just outside of earth but having consumed earth unicron style and earth is as guilty and there's 2 more beasts within earth.

Total number of sun eaters are 8, the hateful 8 and the number of the chinese dotted worm/bloodborne hateful maggot.

I find interesting the first layer above earth is called Mars which is subliminal for Wars and star wars=mars rogue one(and firefly movie) showed there's a war going on right above our first dome!

Lunar agents ghrees have informed that the galactic forces have conquered/recaptured up to the saturn layer and if the star wars rogue one data is correct that means they have captured jupiter layer too and now the war takes place on mars.

Apparently they have long way to go, then they have to capture earth(we're getting ready to face them, see space force, globalization under china like in Independence Day Resurgence movie etc), then venus, mercury and i dont trust the sun either who could be the head of the snake/worm as it has same color with gold which symbolizes the devil in hollywood and lucifer in religion.

In that case the real good guy/analog soul must be imprisoned within the sun.
Which intel was shown in dragonball gt with the sun dragon imprisoning guys within his sun sphere, movie sunshine where a human at the end was shown in the center of the sun and the lord of the rings movies and dc and marvel cartoons who talk of heroes and villains(sauron) trapped inside a sun like prometheus where they keep dying and resurrecting/regenerating like prometheus' liver constantly.

That doesnt sound much different to our fate here, dying and reborn constantly. Aahhh the fractals!

By the way i have decoded Independence Day Resurgence Movie here.
Independence Day Resurgence Decoded! They Plan To Unite All Nations Under China's Command!
You might have to click the link twice as pain in the ass glp forces you to accept stupid terms and then take you to the main forum instead to the thread you want to view.

From the glp link

"-A Harvester Ship(moon)
conquered our planet...
and extracted
its molten core.(sun within)
They use them
to refuel their ships...
and grow their technology.
They have done this
to countless civilizations.
We fought them
for (5)thousands of years...(going by how many years the chinese were the dominant society/force on earth according to brigadier general spalding and to the chinese themselves)
but they destroyed
all of our ships.(earth is their last stand)
I am the sole survivor."(no more worm's race/chinese exists outside earth/mars layer, they have been defeated everywhere outside of here and purified=no chinese/worm infected anymore)
(whom their eyes with the hidden eyelids gives away they're the reptilians who walk among us, as all reptiles with diamond shape pupils have hidden eyelids or no eyelids at all! The dragon's race indeed, only it's actually a worm, the dotted/mosaic skin of reptiles is a nice digital nature give away too!)

I have decoded recently that earth's sun/core might have already been extracted and located above our heads ready to go/escape earth for good borg queen star trek style.
(wow that's why earth's poles are frozen who are the entrances to the inner earth as the sun within is missing! hahaha oh my goodness! fire/light would becoming out of the poles instead of ice or they would be the hottest spots on earth if the sun was still within!)

See at 4:10!

If that's true then the space war ends with the capture of the earth layer!

Unless they try to move the sun moon back below the earth, mercury and venus layers which is what sephiroth tried to do in final fantasy 7!

See at 8:15

This intel i have decoded in countless movies and video games, that they plan to drop the moon on earth.
Turns out it could be just moving it beneath more layers to further protect it.
(And get to further milk the crap out of humanity(our sleeping forms inside the sun/moon) from the panic and fear maze runner 2 style!)


  1. The week being 5 days plus 2 weekend days paints the same picture, 5 days for work 2 for leisure, where people rest, stay in their grave/inner earth?
    2 inner layers, 5 outside layers, 2 days inside, 5 days outside

    1. Sabbath day: a supposed midnight meeting held by witches

      Midnight is in the middle of the night so could be a reference to the inner layer in which all the worms gather hidden from the sun/or because they give information in reverse could mean midday as in they are literally on top of the sun consuming it.

    2. The 5 days 2 days fractal you decoded is amazing! As i have also suspected they have us going to above layers after death to fight their wars and every time we get hurt or die come back to the layers below to recover, regrow, heal like vegeta and goku in a womb after he fought the ginyu force and then go back upstairs to fight again.

      Our loved ones will be thinking we rest in peace but instead we get hurt in war, and of course like xerxes lunar boss will be using fear tactics to force us fight his war like "fight or i'll make the lives of your kids and loved ones in the layers below miserable", some leverage/blackmailing shit like that or use the whip which symbolizes digital worms, a terrifying weapon indeed everyone is very afraid off batman arkham knight showed too.

    3. In star wars solo movie as soon han solo escaped the lunar queen who was shown as a worm and got out of her cave he immediately joined a war that was taking place right outside the cave!
      He joined also the forces that were ruling the cave too, so it was a bs escape.

    4. "I find interesting the first layer above earth is called Mars which is subliminal for Wars and star wars=mars rogue one(and firefly movie) showed there's a war going on right above our first dome!"

      Heres another piece of information that i just found:

      "Who would ever search a family of orthodox Jays for the key to the wealth of
      the Roman Catholic Church?
      I believe this appointment explains why the House of Rothschild is famous for helping nations go to war.
      It is fascinating that, as Meyer Rothschild’s sons grew into the family business, the firm took on the title Meyer Amschel Rothschild und Söhne, which gives us the notariqon MARS.
      Isn’t Mars the Roman God of War, whose heavenly manifestation is “the red planet”? There is powerful cabalah here, and there’s hardly an acre of inhabitable earth that hasn’t been affected by it in some way."

      Rothschild means red shield which supposedly comes from the shields that roman legionaries carried to war.*XXWpAq2aFi4Wfo410vZIeA.jpeg

      Now theres red China, red Trump hats, tenth (x) red heifer sacrifice all signaling war, and they want to create a one world government all in blue (after the red sacrifice) under the blue bloods/reptilian/scorpion race.

      Why we need a One World Flag and what it could look like | Thomas Mandl | TEDxMünchen

      red Ribbon Army Lyrics

    5. "Frederick of Hesse was one of Europe’s richest rulers.
      Much of his business was handled by his son, Prince William, also a Rosicrucian Freemason.
      William’s specialty was facilitating war.
      He drafted able-bodied male Hessians, outfitted and trained them for battle, and then sold them to his English cousin George, who used them to fight alongside his own redcoats.
      Every time a Hessian was killed, William received a reparation in the form of extra compensation.
      As casualties mounted, so did his profits, which he loaned out at interest.
      In September 1769, Prince William appointed Meyer Amschel Rothschild of nearby Frankfurt to transact some of his financial affairs in the capacity of Crown Agent.
      Aware that the Rothschilds are an important Jayish family, I looked them up in Encyclopedia ]udaica and discovered that they bear the title “Guardians of the Vatican Treasury.”
      The Vatican Treasury, of course, holds the imperial wealth of Rome.
      Imperial wealth grows in proportion to its victories in war – as the Jesuit empowerment Regimini militantis ecclesiae implies, the Church-at-War is more necessary than the Church-at-Peace."

      And theres the intel that China pays 2 billion anually to the Vatican for their blessing.

      Vatican allegedly receives $2 billion annually in bribes from China

      From the comments:
      "No surprise. The Vatican is just a money laundering operation these days."

      Laundering the profits from their chinese war machine, or being under full subversion by the chinese and just having to expose these mere 2 billion dollars as a way of blowing cover as cover.

    6. China is bribing the whole world and like sun tzu mentions after china gets what it wants (union of all nations under its command to face the upcoming galactic police i suspect) all bribed traitors die first.

      I suspect the reason covid-19 didnt kill many and ww3 i suspect wont kill many either is cause they need their human hostages for blackmailing and to fight the aliens that will be coming from the dome matrix 3 cave style.

      If they kill most of humanity before that who's going to fight? The chinese persians who fear their own shadow?

      In short they'll have a bs ww3, america will admit defeat like the greeks did to the germans after they even won the war at the border against them(greece was ruled by a traitor german mongol king at that time, go figure). Suck it up nations now china is the boss and oh what a coincidence there's an alien invasion!
      First one will be staged for training and programming of the masses to hate the real ones who will be coming soon after.

      I will rofl so hard if they manage to escape with their moons this 3rd=threa=earth layer during the alien war and humanity finds itself with no moon and sun and the whole place starts freezing again.

      Gods of egypt came to mind that showed to our face our onion planet's sun/core has been captured by the lunar pirate scum and are waiting for the opportunity to escape hauling the sun(our planet's heart) out of here.
      1:47 pirate lunar boss hauling our sun out of earth subliminal!
      And he played pirate boss barbossa too in potc hahaha!

      4:07 holy shit that's the waters of above intel and how our moon boat is floating on them!
      I had decoded this moon boat intel floating above on the waters above us in a potc movie too.

  2. You are probably writing something new in the blog and this is the reason why it blocks new comments on the most recent thread available, this is my guess as to why it is blocking my comments there again.

    Anyway this is in relation to your 0:50 catch on "The Rise of Phoenixes" trailer.
    Nice catch, it also resembles the most recent chapter of Berserk which i read just moments ago, heres the Wormhole:

    1. I was just finished typing a reply in this thread, good catch! Blogger sucks big time if that's the case which seems like it.

    2. Yeah, i believe that it blocks comments while someone else is posting something here, because guess what, it is not blocking me anymore in the most recent thread.


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