From update 3 of previous thread and its comments section, MIND BLOWING INTEL!!!

Mind Blowing Fractal On Large Intestine/Dotted/Digital Worm Decoded! UPDATE! Uroboros Design Could Be The Solution To Make All Lifeforms Good Again. UPDATE 2! I O Decoded! UPDATE 3! 


So to go mixed or to go digital is to give away your universal analog rights and become a slave! As those rights protect only original analog beings and not edited/corrupt/mixed ones.
Similar to human rights that dont apply to dead=digital human bodies!
I think in robocop they had this intel where they told him you have no human rights you are a machine/digital/dead! HOLY MOLY!

Maybe that's why they have us sign contracts according to dollhouse series as i suspect if they were to force us into slavery/digital the universe would take action. Man i hope that's not the case!

Imagine if the upcoming brain chips and cybernetic augmentations is a slave trap that removes our human rights we have here, i know they love to repeat history so i suspect they will replay the script even though our human rights are already a big joke that dont stop the criminals at all from doing whatever they want."


By the way i added more important intel in update 3 in case you already read it.
The digital scam they force on us removes our universal analog rights and they have us sign contracts too, so we might be really screwed and the reason the universe doesnt come to our rescue thinking we're here by choice and not analog anymore. Kinda like abandoning/renounce your u.s. citizenship and then wonder why america doesnt come to your rescue when kidnapped and enslaved by its enemies."

"Thank you for the kind words! Thanks to yuri bezmenov i realized how the analog universe is allowing to happen what's going on here as he said "subversion of a nation is a 2 way system, the recipient nation must willing to accept propaganda and influence from other nations and how nations like china and japan in older times cannot get subverted cause they dont allow influence/propaganda from other nations", see the great firewall of china.

In short if the analog universe wanted it could stop the criminals on this planet on their tracks.
Which made me suspect that we could be the reason, that we accepted these shit by signing contracts and coming into agreements with the criminal scum of this cave/world.

Like movie faster with the rock said "we create our own hell".

Wow and just found out how we sign the contract! Wow i had decoded it before and forgot all about!

Sex is the contract!
Penis is the pen, sperm is the ink, the womb is the contract, you cum in the pussy or on the digital flesh you sign the contract!

There is a japanese hentai cartoon where guys were having sex with a woman(lunar queen/devil) and after they came in her pussy she said "the pact of the soul has been achieved".
While they were having sex she said "in return of pleasure sacrifice your soul to me"
This is what i decoded in the last 2 threads how these digital pleasure human body parts are the reason we die, lose our soul/immortality, are trapped in this digital/mixed world etc.

My glp thread where i decoded the devil's contract!
"When you have sex that's when you sign the contract with the Devil!"

And obviously that contract we have to sign it every time before reincarnation, so living a life without cumming in the pussy or flesh could be all what it takes to break free from the digital world!


The contract has to get renewed/repeated constantly like everything else in this digital realm as it expires if not renewed!


wow these clever sneaky bastards! all make so much sense now why sex is so pleasurable(pleasure is the bait) and our body especially our digital parts manipulate and force us into it like someone's life is depended on it!

If we dont renew the contract they have to release us as if not the universe will have to step in, knock on their door and you know the rest.

I suspect there might be ways to still break the contact for those who have signed it, i suspect the most important part of the contract is having kids so as long you dont bring kids into this world that could be all it takes but i would stay away completely from cumming on/in the flesh if i could.

Of course removing the digital pleasure parts would guarantee we dont f*ck up down the road as they will keep manipulating us into signing the contract till our last breath!

I remember before the first time i had sex i was so crazy about wanting to do it that i was afraid of dying before having sex and viewed it as the worst thing that could happen to me. Turns out it's the best thing that could happen to me and the digital worm(s) were playing me and mind controlling me like a violin!

And my condom broke the first time i had sex, so i signed the contract, the bitch(she was a prostitute) gave me clamydia too and the whole sex felt like a scam as i got no pleasure from wearing condom.

The 4th time i had sex with a black woman and it felt so wrong, so disgusting and back then i had no idea about how wrong the mixing of genes is especially with other races, so i view it as my analog part was talking to me trying to prevent me from doing something very wrong.
I didnt wanna offend the girl and i was glad i had a condom on.

And that was the last time i had sex, 4 times of disappointment were enough to quit for me.
I still masturbate to calm my digital parts down and stop them from bothering me and always felt like they are milking my real sleeping body every time i do it in this surrogate/digital body. (They have made 3d hentai cartoons that show exactly that).

Now that i see a big reward on sight i have a big motivation to quit masturbation forever too!

It would suck if the lunar boss still gets me back to the digital world/prison though because my condom broke the first time i had sex.

Since it wasn't intentional it shouldn't count, i have grounds to fight that signed contract lol!

By the way demon preacher kenneth copeland said when we go vote our vote is our sperm/seed which gives away similarly we vote and approve the digital world/worm when we cum in the pussy/plant our seed to it and especially when we have kids as then we show to the analog universe that we love this freaking place for bringing our kids here, so why should they come pull us out of here/save us when we bring more people here they would wonder! They respect our vote/decision and leave us alone looks like it.

(The entrance of the voting box is I shaped like the entrance of the vagina dotted worm is.)

(And have decoded before vote means death in greek, you vote=you die=you go digital/reincarnate again.)

So by not having kids, by not giving your sperm/vote to this digital world you're making a statement to the analog/infinite universe and that is

(Not to mention you cut the food source of the beast and killing it that way which is another way to freedom)

And like stallone in escape plan 1 you get out of jail by simply requesting extraction since you didnt sign the contract.
Couldnt find that exact scene but this one gives similar vibes.

And stallone did burn the prison to the ground on his way out like he said he would do if they dont let him out. Which fire i have decoded kills the digital worm/world/prison.
(He was the architect of that prison and had the chinese worm with legs in his office, giving away he's the lunar boss trapped here with us(or the king of this kingdom trapped and enslaved in his own kingdom that was stolen from him like william from westworld series), i suspect since he's a rapist like agent smith and poseidon there's no way for him getting out by stop having sex so he tries to get out by other means)

Found the clip

The evacuation code could be another way to break the contract and get out of here and the reason they erase our memories so we dont remember it and cant use it which code would alert the analog/infinite universe that we want out of here.

My newest comment from this thread.

"The ancient greeks praised the women that lived human lives without having sex as the greatest thing ever and christianity with the virgin birth of jesus and condemnation of sex outside of or before marriage is another give away there's something very wrong with sex.

Women get terrified by it too and i used to wonder if it was cause they're afraid of putting themselves at risk and get pregnant but now i see that fear is also based on the subconscious awareness that we screw ourselves and giving us longer sentences in the digital hell by having sex."


In greek there's a famous saying which is also a great advice people give to each other that says


Now if that doesnt reveal that sex is a contract you sign with your bottom that is called also a pen=penis=is pen i dont know what else to say.

I'm blown away how the truth is in front us the entire time, we use it and mention it in our daily lives constantly and yet we never notice it or take it seriously.

Why?, because we're programmed to think to take seriously only things the authority tells us and things we hear from each other to just joke about them as nothing serious or important.


  1. Eating, fucking, sleeping...repeat.

    “What a wonderful life.” (sarcasm)

  2. The book I shared in a previous post, described how the process of erasing our memories happens in-between incarnations. It seems that it's accomplished with the use of Amnesia machinery that's hidden throughout and underneath this world. Rwenzori mountains was mentioned as one place containing such a machine that's capable of detecting & trapping souls.

    I also have some information that I need to share with you regarding the number seven. It's very important and can help you in future investigative works. Do you have an email address where I can share with you this discovery?

    1. Why not just post it here for everyone to see?

    2. Because I touched some nerves of evil with this particular discovery. You can't even find it on the surface web any longer.

      Do you still check your old email addresses? I've sent you a message before.

    3. It seems to be the root of all evil that I've uncovered. Money is just an artificial concept they use for their beast system. I don't think it's a human consciousness we're dealing with down here man..

    4. I also have a ton of research to share with you besides what was mentioned already. Sorry for not keeping it all on 1 comment.

      “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”
      ~ Henry David Thoreau

    5. I have forgot my login to my old email and never check emails anyways. Can you make a blog and post a link to it here?

  3. This weekend the hour changed (daylight saving time), i found interesting how the woman on the radio said that most digital clocks today are automatic so people out there dont need to strees out over it, but she added to keep an eye out because theres always that stubborn analog clock left laying around that has to be corrected manually...

    1. Analog needs to be corrected?

      The Earlier Caretaker's Name was Delbert Grady

      And there are people that cant tell the time through an analog clock, meaningless?

    2. Some boys try and some boys lie but
      I don't let them play (no way)
      Only boys who save their pennies
      Make my rainy day
      'Cause we're living in a material world
      And I am a material girl
      You know that we are living in a material world
      And I am a material girl

      Pennies = Penis
      Pennywise suckers/suck IT

      Also just yesterday i used a bathroom in Pingo Doce major supermaket chain and the walls were all green filled with the letters Pd all in pattern around the room.
      Pd as in ea as in WM as in 69 which means as above so below like the two triangles that make the hexagram boogerman on the israeli flag, but its the jayish everywhere, sure.

      Madonna - Material Girl (Official Music Video)

    3. Some boys try and some boys lie but
      I don't let them play (no way)
      Only boys who save their pennies
      Make my rainy day
      'Cause we're living in a material world
      And I am a material girl
      You know that we are living in a material world
      And I am a material girl

      Pennies = Penis
      As in Pennywise suckers/suck IT

      Just yesterday i used a bathroom on the major supermaket chain Pingo Doce, the room was all green with a pattern with the letters Pd circulating all the room, Pd as in ea as in WM as in 69 as in as above so below as in bible biblend as in the two triangles that make the hexagram boogerman on the israeli flag, but its the jayish boogerman running everything, sure.

    4. Sorry for the double post, it was blocking me but apparently after ive wrotten the second comment it posted the first.

    5. I havent had sex and am a 29 year old virgin, you might have seen plenty of GLP threads teasing me about it, i dont even like Duran Duran, and find it interesting that this place is going bananas with covidiocy just as i am heading into my 30th birthday or XXX/666.
      Mr Willy's dragon team has also just won their 29th championship under coach Sergio Conceiçao/Deliverer of the conception birth.
      Miklos Feher was a 29 shirt soccer player that was sacrificed on the field with a death that i can only describe as covidiot death.
      My birthday is the same as Mike Pence which has been shown in predictive programming to be the 46th president of the US for the final chromossome in the resurrected body of Osiris, and my mother delivered me through a gift procedure at age 33.
      I wonder if covidiocy means that lunar agents will have to sacrifice me Wicker Man style or like its shown on Mercyfuls Fate album cover.
      This place never made any sense anyway, people just lie constantly and expect to be taken seriously.
      Maybe ive already sold my soul and cant get out the script like its shown on the movie Mark of the Witch, i dont know.

      Predictive Programming BEFORE THE CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK

      Mark of the Witch (1970)


      Nuns Have No Fun - Mercyful Fate

      Miklos Feher Death, live game (with english subtitles) / Morte de Miklos Feher, jogo em directo

      Toda a festa - FC PORTO CAMPEÃO NACIONAL 2019/20����⚪

      The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar – WrestleMania 30 — The End of The Streak, only on WWE Network

      Tupac - I Don't Give A Fuck (HD)

    6. This place is all scripted and staged events, look at this Eurovision with Israel winning in Portugal, all the crowds going wild, is that even real?
      The crowds are either scripted or holographic like ive been told before, they are remotely controlled, why even fake all that excitement over some crap being performed in front of them on stage, they are toys?
      Or are digital creatures like they now show on WWE with webcams instead of a live audience.

      Netta - Toy - Israel - LIVE - Grand Final - Eurovision 2018


      Maybe i am analog and really dont belong here or i am digital and shouldnt exist like they show on Final Fantasy X, i dont get this place, just like construction why build more empty crap, empty buildings everywhere, empty stadiums, why even have me, ive been told that i should have been aborted many times, but it wasnt required an abortion, all that was necessary was for people to do nothing and just let infertility be.
      Yeah i dont get this place, oh but we need more used cars and empty apartments and restaurants, oh no boohohhooo, work work work work, jobs jobs jobs jobs, money money oh yeah....

    7. Why have Portugal being the stage for Hamilton to become the greatest formula 1 champion while at the same time pushing the lie that covidiocy is endangering anyone watching these rigged sports, see i cant this place seriously, its all staged poppycock.
      24 years later just like Trump who rose from covidiocy 42 years to the day that the 33 day pope was buried back in 1978.

      Lewis Hamilton's Record-Breaking 92nd Win | 2020 Portuguese Grand Prix

      Win #92 for Lewis Hamilton as he rewrites the F1 history books to become the driver with the most race wins ever.

      Strong's Greek: 92. ἀδίκημα (adikéma) -- a wrong, injury, crime (with which one is charged), misdeed, crime against God, a sin

    8. Greece also won here the biggest upset in soccer history (at least they pain it as such).

      Portugal vs Greece 0-1 | WHEN GREECE SHOCKED THE WORLD - Euro 2004 Final

      And the only victory that Portugal ever had, in France, was scored by Eder who as a reward was never recalled bavk on the team.
      Yeah i have to laugh atall the scripted idiocy, oh but but but i have to take it very seriously, oh no our families are very real, and our burger kings, and our doctors in their shiny white coats and our priests and schools, oh nooooo, heck Portugal even built an entire international airport for nothing, that thing just sits there, closed, ever since it was built and they want to build a new one, yeah, work, work, work, yeah we are very real, our planning is very accurate, oh Stone Cold give me a hell yeah, boohoohoo we sold all the casinos and all the brothels to the jayish and the chinks, oh noooooooooooo...

    9. They are also closing down borders again here due to coviodiocy during the Halloween/day of the dead season which reminds me of when you said that "the communications between the living and the dead are forbidden".

  4. I think the intel on sex is spot on. It is the source of all of man’s misery. Hilarious how when you sign a contract with a girl they assume all of your tokens now theirs! It’s amazing how fast your life changes. I guess I allow it to happen,
    It is part of the social contract as well. You must meet all their friends and do what they do, because they know what they do is just as empty as anything you were doing on your own.

    But they act like you playing video games is somehow not as useful as going out and paying too much money for drinks. Makes zero sense any of it really. One has to wonder why women want men around at all, if not for some form of slavery.

    1. TIME, not tokens. Stupid digital phone!

    2. They dont need men around, thats the point of parthenogenesis, they can self-reproduce without the male sperm donor, thats the control over the womb that Trump keeps signaling with his hand gestures.
      ZZ from Brazzers are the male chromossomes of a komodo dragon that is born from a female only parent, no male input is necessary.

      "In contrast to the XY sex-determination system and the X0 sex-determination system, where the sperm determines the sex, in the ZW system, the ovum determines the sex of the offspring. Males are the homogametic sex (ZZ), while females are the heterogametic sex (ZW). The Z chromosome is larger and has more genes, like the X chromosome in the XY system."

      Probably from where they get the Z from Dragon Ball Z too, that show is all about reproduction of alien genetics and crossbreedings too.

      "In Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies), examples of Z0, ZZW, and ZZWW females can be found. This suggests that the W chromosome is essential in female determination in some species (ZZW), but not in others (Z0)."

      Thats from where they get the butterfly logo everywhere too.

      Ghost - Cirice

    3. My mother had me through a at the time illegal gift procedure, did she really needed my father for the donation of sperm, really, the doctor could have used any kind of donor that he had available.
      Later she just divorced him anyway and he just died years later choking on his own vomit, he was a heavy drinker like you mention there, what is the point of it all, oh but but but we have to vote because poor people are not getting paid as much as the rich people, oh boohoohoo, oh we need more masks on the streets to protect no one, oh but the chicoms and the jayish and the blacks are breeding out the whites, yeah yeah derp derp.

  5. You think you're a big man? (Ha ha ha ha...)
    Treat you like you're a little man
    Yeah! Break it down!
    Yo, tell me what it's like to be half a man
    It must break your heart to see what I am
    But that's the breaks boy, yeah
    That's the breaks, little man
    Break it down!

    Half a man = only the ovum female parent like in parthenogenesis

    You think you can tell me what to do?
    You know who you're talking to?
    Just stop wanting me to be someone else
    Put it away like a book on a shelf
    That you can’t read boy
    Yeah, that you can’t read little man

    Mocking the illiterate that arent caught up in the scripted bookworm world like Kaboom points out.

    D-Generation X 1997 Titantron - Break It Down

    1. What happens when you degenerate the XY sex-determination system, you just convert the master race to the ZW system?

      MetalTrump - All Out Life (Slipknot)

    2. This luna park/digital world does mock the illiterate and terrorize anyone who is not good at school or not good with the numbers, yet just like in luna parks the numbers/money/digits of this digital realm are useless and worthless outside of it.

      Even if we dont make it out of the luna park we reincarnate and they erase our memories and have to learn the numbers all over again.

      Digital it's not just a scam it's a universal crime of the biggest degree!

      I noticed also the massive brainwashing towards more knowledge/numbers/digits and how the more digits/words you learn the better your life will be where the digits=limits are responsible for all human pain and suffering and freeing ourselves from them we return to our former analog/limitless/godlike form.

      In spiderman homecoming was shown too how we have super powers that are locked away, like limitless and lucy movies showed too and it turns out they're locked behind digits/numbers, what they're shoving down our brain the moment we step into this digital infected world.

      I have mentioned before a special ability i had as a baby that i lost it the moment my brain was loaded with digits/words/worms.

  6. Yeah man, I've fucked all races of women and only felt "kinda right" when I fucked a woman that was black like me. But even then, just like all women I still felt like my energy was being drained. Not all women are, but 97% of them are DEMONS meant to drag you into this place especially those goddamn onlyfans whores they sap weak men of money/energy and get rich overnight, and all the attention they receive corrupts their souls. But then when you finally turn away from porn/sex BAM! Women start coming after you for your seed because your energy builds up.

    That's another thing about jesus, He apparently never had sex and he even talked about how some eunuchs chopped off their balls to reach the "Kingdom".

    I'm trying to practice celibacy and focus on the kingdom, but it's extremely hard if you're not transmuting the energy through spiritual practice because hesitate wondering if heaven is real or a trap, then bam I have to release all potential.

    However, What you say about our latent abilities reminds of the ancient yogic practices where they stop masturbating and do meditation/yoga and achieve siddhis, but then I read this interesting chinese christian book called "latent power of the soul" where this Chinese guy talks about how God initially created Adam super powerful but then sealed off our power after we sinned because we couldn't control the energy, but satan wants us to release this inner power through qigong/yoga to destroy us. It got me thinking about digital/analog energy. Like when moses went against the pharaohs musicians.

    1. I didnt know how to fap until the 6th grade and i remember being very strong the 6 years prior and very weak after.
      The first woman i had sex with what a disappointment it was, i was super excited that it will be the best thing ever and it felt so disgusting, it felt like a trap literally, she was a white prostitute and realized i was turned off and became mean like a demon after and just wanted to get it over with quickly.

      The intel about adam is very interesting as similar thing odin did to thor in thor 1 movie after thor disrespected his father which symbolized lucifer's rebelling.
      Adam most likely got infected by the worm and lost his powers so the worm dont get access to them.
      Many times i thought that we erased our ancient memories initially so the worm cant access them and when the worm gets defeated they'll most likely come back.


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