Earth's Core/Sun Has Been Captured And Extracted! It's Above Us For Now And Soon Might Be Gone For Good. Gods Of Egypt Intel! UPDATE! Onion Planet Alita Intel! And Cold War Decoded! UPDATE 2! Sun Is Missing Is Encoded In The Egyptian Pyramids!

 From the comments section of this thread.
Pentagon Is An Earth Fractal Like The Onion And Nasa's Solar System Diagram, 7UP Further Decoded! SPACE WAR NEWS! The lunar scum are about to lose Mars!!! Then Earth Will Become The Next Battlefield! That's Why They're Rushing Space Force And Countries And Military Globalization/Unification Under China By 2030! Which Independence Day Resurgence Movie Showed To Our Face! 

"I will rofl so hard if they manage to escape with their moons this 3rd=threa=earth layer during the alien war and humanity finds itself with no moon and sun and the whole place starts freezing again.

Gods of Egypt came to mind that showed to our face our onion planet's sun/core has been captured by the lunar pirate scum and are waiting for the opportunity to escape hauling the sun(our planet's heart) out of here.

1:47 pirate lunar boss hauling our sun out of earth subliminal!
And he played pirate boss barbossa too in potc hahaha!

4:07 holy shit that's the waters of above intel and how our moon boat is floating on them!
I had decoded this moon boat intel floating on the waters above us in a potc movie too." 

From Independence Day Resurgence

"-A Harvester Ship(moon)
conquered our planet...
and extracted
its molten core.(sun within)
They use them
to refuel their ships...
and grow their technology.
They have done this
to countless civilizations."

They tell it to our face man, i'm blown away!

This time the galactic police caught them and surrounded this place/onion/multi-layer planet before they could escape and they're stuck with the sun/core on our layer/earth 3rd layer, hahaha our planet's heart is above us and humanity has no clue, hilarious stuff man hahahaha! 


If you guys have seen the alita movie, now you know exactly what they're talking about here.

-Welcome to
the underworld. My world.
From here, there are worlds
above worlds above worlds...
going farther up
than you can imagine.

And the trash of each one
flows down to the one below...
'til it all ends up here.
It's where I used to live.
-And it's where
you're going to die.

That's the oculus entrance each layer has and connects with each other.

That's why all military of all countries is gathered in antarctica and antarctica is off limits as that's where the oculus gate is and are expecting the aliens to come from. There's intel that there was already an alien war there in the 40s-60s and all the fear of cold war back then was subliminal for the antarctica war that was happening under everyone's radar.

When i was in usmc and found out that we have bases there and to expect i might get deployed there i was like "what the hell are we doing there", our vehicles' manual had also instructions on how to operate them when in antarctica so they already have all military around the globe ready for another antarctic war.

In newest star war movies the evil empire was coming from antarctica too!

In short u.s. space force my ass, it should get renamed to Ice Force as that's where they'll be fighting.


In the comments below i talked to how we're upside down and the top of the pyramid is down(where the sun/core was) and noticed just like in egyptian pyramids the top of the pyramid has been stolen!

And it's the sun here too!
And it looks like the tower of sauron who also had a sun on its top!

Wow i'm blown away man, the intel that earth has been robbed from its sun/heart/core is encoded in the Egyptian pyramids!

And the sun symbolizes also god which bible informs us that he was betrayed and that's how he was taken away from us.


  1. That spiral abyss reference is present on this Vatican staircase, check it out:

    Bramante Staircase

    Double helix = DNA

    1. It's where I used to live.
      -And it's where
      you're going to die.

      Its definitely talking about DNA, guess that it expects my sleeping self to die as in being spirit cooked by the worm infected virulent genetics.

    2. -Welcome to
      the underworld. My world.
      From here, there are worlds
      above worlds above worlds...
      going farther up
      than you can imagine.

      Its talking about the family tree.

      And the trash of each one
      flows down to the one below...
      'til it all ends up here.

      The trash infected worm genetics pass down from generations past to the present.

      Oh, my child please take heed
      Through you I am granted to live on
      These words more worth than you will ever know
      Make them live on from Father to Son

      Worm lives on through the family tree

      Father to Son

    3. Theres a worm inside the family tree.

      The worm inside...

      I'm the air you breathe babe, I'm the sun
      I'm the earth in your grave, and I'm the worm
      Don't you worry baby, you're safe with me
      I'm the poison apple in your tree

      I'm the broken lock thats on your door

      5th column/enemy within/trojan horse/broken lock reference


    4. In your Alita video they go through the wormhole/rabbit hole just like in every other cartoon or movie.

      Heres the wormhole that i just saw in Berserk:

      In Lion King the lion eats the worm/receives the infected genetics (vaccination), then goes through the wormhole at the end:

      Hakuna Matata | The Lion King 1994

    5. Amazing intel in the uncle acid song, also the chain behind the sun in gods of egypt looked like a worm which could mean our sun is infected/worm fertilized like in chicken eggs.
      The family tree intel makes sense but be aware there's always multi-symbolism in hollywood movies and literal symbolism at the same time as in alita they showed at the same time layers of worlds with humans above layers and so on.(identical intel was shown in thor ragnarok with the dumpster planet/layer)
      And everyone wanted to climb to the top while being unaware we're upside down and the top of the pyramid is down.
      Imagine being on the top of the mountain, being unaware of it and climbing down thinking you're going up.
      I think this is how we lost our heaven, all we had to do was sit back and relax but we felt or manipulated to move forward(try different shit and we got things mixed up/crossed), and when you're on top moving forward is suicide as you fall hard.

    6. Cold war is also subliminal for dormant genetics and i noticed Alita is in blue for Freeza.

    7. Your explanation about going down the pyramid brought to my mind the Judas Priest album "Sad Wings of Destiny".

      Standing by my window, breathing summer breeze
      Saw a figure floating, 'neath the willow tree
      Asked us if we were happy, we said we didn't know
      Took us by the hands and up we go

      Solar winds are blowing
      Neutron star controlling
      All is lost, doomed and tossed, at what cost forever

      Now change has come over her body, she doesn't see me anymore
      Now change has come over her body, she doesn't see me anymore

      Changes, changes, changes, changes
      Victim of changes

      We gotta get, we gotta get, we gotta get out of this place
      There's a man with a needle who's pleading to get at my face
      Hide me and hold me control free as best as you can
      It's all becoming too much, I can't cope, for one man

      Now we are taken unto the island of domination

      Judas Priest - Dreamer Deceiver & Deceiver

      It also reminds me of Hellraiser since according to traditional wisdom you cant appreciate what you have until its lost or you cant appreciate heaven until youve had a taste of hell.

      Motörhead - Hellraiser

  2. "Cold war is also subliminal for dormant genetics and i noticed Alita is in blue for Freeza."

    Perhaps that's why vaccines are their most destructive weapons since it murders God genes. Not sure of the exact details, although they even admit that it ends up changing something in our DNA. Something valuable that should've remained free from contamination/mutation..

    1. Alita is Atila inverted.

      Who were the ruthless warriors behind Attila the Hun?

      That question is hard to answer. The Huns “remain deeply mysterious,” writes historian Peter Heather, in part due to their lack of written history and their obscure origins. The nomadic people are thought to have come from what is now Kazakhstan, and swept across the eastern steppes after about 350 A.D. Some scholars think they were a Turkic tribe descended from the Xiongnu, a group of pastoral nomads who unified much of Asia during the late third and early second centuries B.C.

      Kazakhstan thats Borat the dude that wears the covidiot mask over his genitals in the commercials.

      Eastbound & Down - Ronnie

      Their most notorious leader, Attila the Hun, solidified that perception. Between 440 and 453 A.D., he led Hunnic hordes throughout much of Europe, including Gaul (modern-day France). Along the way he pillaged with abandon, gaining a reputation in historical accounts as a “Scourge of God” whose people perpetrated unspeakable acts of terror whenever they entered new territory. (Related: Do these modified, pointy skulls belong to the Huns?)

      Isotopic analysis revealed that Huns coexisted and conducted cultural exchange with Romans. Hunnic history “wasn’t necessarily just a story of conflict, but more a story of cross-border exchanges, cross-border adaptability,” Hakenbeck told the Washington Post in 2017.

      So more crossbreedings, surprise, surprise, surprise, not really.

      And in Mulan the plot is:

      The Huns, who are led by the ruthless Shan Yu, invade the imperial Han China by breaching the Great Wall.

      And a wall is a bodies immune system.
      Mulans guardian is the dragon/worm.

      I wonder why it always leads to the same plots.

      Keep 'Em Guessing-Deleted Song from Mulan

    2. Better watch out cause the jayish boogerman is really breeding out all the whites, but pay no attention to Kazakhstan, oh no, illuminati good, Borat funny man.

      Astana The Future New World Order City Capital of Kazakhstan

      Borat - Throw the Jay Down the Well!!

    3. Astana Satana


      The Kazakhs are descendants of the ancient Turkic and Mongolic tribes – Argyns, Dughlats, Naimans, Jalairs, Keraits, Qarluqs and of the Kipchaks.

      The Kazakhs likely began using that name during the 15th century.
      There are many theories on the origin of the word Kazakh or Qazaq. Some speculate that it comes from the Turkish verb qaz ("wanderer, warrior, free, independent"); or that it derives from the Proto-Turkic word khasaq (a wheeled cart used by the Kazakhs to transport their yurts and belongings).

      Another theory on the origin of the word Kazakh (originally Qazaq) is that it comes from the ancient Turkic word qazğaq, first mentioned on the 8th century Turkic monument of Uyuk-Turan.
      According to Turkic linguist Vasily Radlov and Orientalist Veniamin Yudin, the noun qazğaq derives from the same root as the verb qazğan ("to obtain", "to gain"). Therefore, qazğaq defines a type of person who seeks profit and gain.

      But it isnt the kazakh mongols crossbreeding the world into one miscenegated amalgamated bunch, no, its the khazars and the bolsheviks, as if its not all the same thing.

    4. And it also reminds me of the Jackie Chan cartoon intro with the dragon worm inside the octogon, but but but Mixed martial arts is not part of the same agenda, Dana White is really really white, i mean he even named himself as such, yeah yeah derp derp.

      Jackie Chan Adventures Intro (1080p HD)

      Floyd Mayweather vs Conor McGregor Mind Control Slave Psyop

    5. A male's surname generally takes the form Ó/Ua (meaning "descendant") or Mac ("son") followed by the genitive case of a name, as in Ó Dónaill ("descendant of Dónall") or Mac Lochlainn ("son of Lochlann").

      The masculine first name Gregory derives from the Latin name "Gregorius", which came from the late Greek name "Γρηγόριος" (Grēgórios) meaning "watchful, alert" (derived from Greek "γρηγoρεῖν" "grēgorein" meaning "to watch").

      Through folk etymology, the name also became associated with Latin grex (stem greg–) meaning "flock" or "herd". This association with a shepherd who diligently guides his flock contributed to the name's popularity among monks and popes.

      McGregor = Son of the watcher/shepherd

      Wakey wakey buttercups, its protect yourself at all times from this rigged script.

      Mayweather Ortiz Post Fight Interview

      Episode 15 Hold Back The Night

      The Snake Lyric Donald Trump

    6. Kazakhstan flag also looks like what you mention there about hauling the sun away.

    7. Damn, nice catch on the Kazakhstan flag!

  3. Ive just had the shortest fever in my life, 1 day fever.
    All my life ive had strong fevers, lasting for 1 to 2 weeks every 3 to 4 months.
    Havent had a fever for 5 years.
    Now the tards around me (that include my mother since this place operates like a hive) want me to get tested and quarantined because im endangering society.
    These are the same tards that always told me that sickness isnt real, it was all in my head, its all mental, all i need is a different attitude, its all created by stress, etc
    But suddenly covidiocy is very very real and is endangering these tards, yeah yeah derp derp.
    This is the same retarded hive that makes endless jokes about people living in their moms basement while my mother (who is less and less an individual these days and just acts like a talking head or a puppet on strings) just pulls the sad lady card on how shes getting old and doesnt want to live alone and boohoohoo.
    This place is getting too much for me, it always was retarded to the extreme but it just might push me over the edge into doing myself in, ive always thought about drowning at sea but might just do it fast with a knife to the throat, its getting too retarded for me, but but but first the narrative was that i cant say no to an eye surgery now i cant say no to the covidiocy, yeah sure buds, derp derp poor kazakhs are getting sicky from my fever, yeah yeah derp derp.

    1. And this place is all scripted poppycock because my mother had me through an illegal gift procedure at age 33 and my father left me a repair shop door number 33 that i sold, and check all the 33 in the news, Trump rises from covidiocy 33 days before election 33 42 years after 33 day pope, leave the script if you can.

      33 states report rise in new coronavirus cases

    2. Why didnt these tards quarantined my father or grandfather since both died chocking on their vomit, or my other grandfather the one that sold my father to a grocer at 10 years of age since he died from hypothermia after throwing himself into a well (even though my father claimed that my uncle pushed him in)?
      Yeah i cant take this place seriosuly.

    3. I know why they didnt quarantined any of them, because its all scripted, thats why this kid is wearing covidiot mask 19 years ago:

      Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal

      And why the covidiot mask is printed on the money just like the destruction of the dams:

      Recording #3

    4. Dont suicide man, they'll steal your brain and organs and trap you in a digital or mixed reality within the one we are now, stay around good people and away from bad ones. I know how much life sucks and how there's no stability, one day we're doing great next life is pushing us towards suicide, when i die i want it to be cause i decided it truly and not the lunar scum that make my life miserable to take me out of their game so i don't ruin it.

    5. Thanks man, wont gonna be placed into any quarantine for now as these tards need me to have an address and i dont have one (thought that they were just going to take me to a hospital or clinic).
      They tried to brainwash my mother into serving them and having me quarantined herself but that doesnt gonna fly either since shes going to be evicted next week.
      All she did though was outing herself as the broken lock thats on my door from the uncle acid song, maybe i should just forget about the sad lady gist and let the hive system and her take care of each other since they are on the same page.

    6. It's fucked up cuz they still can get ours souls though. I have a bad feeling that we're trapped/stuck here in this hellish matrix. My dreams show me that there is no escape even in death....

    7. Check my newest thread, i found more intel that our true form is the sun they have captured and are hauling away from this place.

  4. Have you seen the movie THE PLATFORM??? It shows people in a prison where it is rooms stacked on each other and the food comes from above and each floor below gets the leftovers from what those above eat. I was reminded of this movie after reading some of your intel about reality being structured from the top down.

    1. I just saw the trailer, thanks for bringing it to my attention.
      "Hunger unleashes the madman within", identical thing the north korean girl that escaped from there said and how that country keeps them hungry on purpose so they're thinking like animals instead of like humans.

      They showed a guy in the trailer eating pages from a book implying our food is full with worms like words from a book. Blade runner 2049 had identical intel that our food is just a bunch of worms the AI/cerebellum in our brain makes it look different and pretty.

      They showed also an asian girl eating a human, giving away their cannibalistic nature and tendencies.


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