Analog Vs Digital=Real Vs Fake=Mimic! Smooth Vs Dotted! UPDATE! Large Vs Small Intestine, UPDATE 2!

 I'm researching this right now and want to give you guys my early thoughts, first i dont trust either as both look like worms but i find interesting how digital behaves very similarly to the evil we are dealing with in this world, cave.(it looks like cubes and crosses too, T is a cross symbol also)

What i learned so far, all is analog and digital needs analog to work like flesh needs a soul, a machine a battery, computerworld matrix the human batteries etc.

Analog is fluid, there's no edges, digital is not smooth, there's always edges and that's why in video games that are digital you cant have a perfect smooth circle and you need tons of anti-aliasing to smooth the edges out as digital is never smooth.

Analog is always smooth which gives me a good idea on how to distinguish if we live in a digital/fake/matrix computer world or in a real one.

The digital signal a guy on youtube made the best representation calling it and presenting it as a dotted line/snake/worm identical to the nasty worms we have within us.
See at 7:04!

 Came across this pic that gave me the chills.

Even in the black worms you can see the dots when you look closely.

And dbz shenron worm is also a dotted/digital worm!

 And my conclusion so far is that we live in a mixed world, there's analog and there's plenty of digital too.
Everything that can get grinded to dots/dust/snadbox i view it as part of the digital/death world.

I find interesting when you heat up/burn the dots/digits/sand enough they become fluid/non dotted=liquid like analog!

And how cold and freezing of the analog world is vital to the existence of the digital world and why the worms freeze suns and planets on their arrival, before they can take over them. 

Freezing symbolizes death as a dead body becomes cold and that is another give away that the digital world symbolizes death and i suspect the analog world life!

I came across this interesting article too
The Real World is Analog

 The dotted digital worm symbolizes also mixing like its created from the mixing of many different lifeforms like the human centipede movie(hahaha)

while the smooth non dotted analog worm purity.

Which brings me full circle to "mixing vs purity" and how our true enemy is the mixed shit mixing creates and not just worms as analog signals give away the existence of pure/non dotted worms which i suspect to be good.
Evil=Devil is mixed, Good=God is pure!

This is why fire/heat is enemy of the digital worm and a friend to the analog worm as the heat breaks the bonds/shackles between the mixed things in the mixed worm while there's no bonds/connections to break in the analog worm as it's not mixed with different shit.

Large Vs Small Intestine

Which one is digital and which analog?

Which one needs the other and which does not?

I googled "life after large intestine removal" and was said that people live normal human length lives without their large intestine which looks like a dotted digital line while you cant survive a week without your small intestine=smooth analog line.

Came across this pic too which gave me nightmares

It's from a horse and damn that's a giant digital/dotted worm!
Lucky doctors not knowing what they're dealing with, ignorance is bliss here hahaha.

Vagina looks also like a dotted/digital worm!

The males penis looks like a digital dotted worm too!
Pay attention to the corpus carvenosum part.

So i suspect these digital human body parts were introduced like our digital video games for the sole purpose of pleasure/entertainment(see vaginal and anal sex) and insidiously stole our life, soul, immortality(see reincarnation) etc like the digital matrix! 

Holy moly what i just uncovered, holy moly!

Know thy enemy man, every day i get to know our enemy better.

Forehead wrinkles just came to mind that look like the dotted/digital worm

No wonder everyone hates them, our subconscious remembers and the reason we are automatically appalled by them.

In movies like spiderman venom and under the skin our skin is shown to be evil and our enemy.
They say it is also the biggest organ of our body.
In birds of prey movie the lunar boss was skinning people alive and telling them "you are free now".

Similar thing the lunar queen was doing in dredd 2012 and V series movies to her victims as the separation from the skin of evil is a very painful process like spiderman 3 showed to our face.

Star trek has made an episode called the skin of evil.

One of the reasons they changed our atmosphere i suspect is so we cant live without the skin of evil/digital worm.
In venom 2018 was said subliminally that we cant survive without venom/black goo/digital worm while here.

Cerebrum and cerebellum came to mind and how people were born without cerebellum and live normal lives.

Looking at pics like this i suspect the cerebrum is the analog brain and cerebellum the digital/dotted one as you can live without cerebellum but not without cerebrum.

Cerebrum looks smoother too while cerebellum a lot more wrinkled and holy shit, isnt it called the reptilian brain???

Hahahaha oh yeah i nailed that shit again!!!

Google said the reptilian brain consists of the brain stem and cerebellum.
I googled brain stem(where stem is halo=corona/crown in greek!)

and it looks wrinkled just like the cerebellum!

Math/death teachers came to mind who were bragging "it's all math=digits/digital"
(in greek "lesson" is mathema and "student" is mathetes giving away schools/skulls all they teach is numbers/math/death, and "lesson" what a mind blowing subliminal that you become less(*finite) when you go/learn digital/digits/math).

I wish i could meet them again to wipe that smile off their face.

I would tell them "you wish!", it's all analog and your digits/math/death is the glitch in the system, the glitch/death in life!

They have a plan for the digits to become all, consume/replace all analog(like the conversion from analog to digital they already have going on) but it cannot really happen as it needs analog/life so they will fake it like in matrix.(and like in ALL digital devices that have analog parts in them)

Bury all analog/souls, put them to sleep, trap them in machines like robocop and wake them up in a digital computer world where you can tell "it's all math/numbers" and no one left/awake to prove you wrong.

It's disgusting the abomination they try to create, analog they say represents the infinity/eternal/limitless while digital represents finite/mortal/death, so why they try to replace the infinity with finite man?

Why these f*ckers create scarcity in abundance?(see economy, food, water, debt etc, in not so old times they were burying food in america and in greece to create scarcity, in china they say "we have food problem" and then go and build ghost cities on top of farm land!) All to enslave us and create wars(as no one goes to war with his belly full), to get the pleasure of ruling others, that they are better than others.

Apparently they have some screw loose and mixing creates toxic minds and toxic thinking.
All evil is the result of mixing and we will never find peace from the mixed bastards that rule our cave until we like a doctor on a patient that refuses cure force the cure in them.

We're dealing with sickness that doesnt want to be cured and tries to copy itself into everything and convert everything in its image all for the sake of survival/preservation(like agent smith and ultron from avengers).

Literally "running from the cure" like rick simpson said, evil/sickness is running from the cure!

This is how i imagine evil came to be, some things got mixed up by mistake in the ancient past and the result had consciousness and it feared reverting back to its former state, so in order to preserve its current new state it tried to copy itself and convert everything else to its state, all to make sure it never goes away. But it cannot succeed as analog is infinite and digital is finite.

Finite cannot consume infinity!(it can fake it though, theatricality is a powerful agent they say hahaha).

Analog vs. Digital


We live in an analog world. There are an infinite amount of colors to paint an object [even if the difference is indiscernible to our eye](our eyes are digital give away that's why they cant see the infinity holy moly!), there are an infinite number of tones we can hear, and there are an infinite number of smells we can smell. The common theme among all of these analog signals is their infinite possibilities.

Digital signals and objects deal in the realm of the discrete or finite, meaning there is a limited set of values they can be. That could mean just two total possible values(I O computer binary language subliminal hahaha), 255, 4,294,967,296, or anything as long as it's not ∞ [infinity]."

That's why they gave everything beginning and end, it's the mortal/finite digital virus that tries to paint everything in its image.

"Since i have a beginning and most likely will have an end too, then everything has a beginning and end as no one is better than me"(reminds me of procrustes son of poseidon/rapist devil from mythology cutting people's legs so no one is taller than him and stretching shorter people to be as tall as him, making them in his image agent smith style).

All humans literally think everything has a beginning and end because they have beginning and end, they cant comprehend immortality/infinity/analog cause they are possessed by the digital/dotted worm/math/numbers(and the digital augmentations within their human flesh i exposed above)! 

*see asterisk above, lesson=finite=you become less/mortal=you die when you learn digits/numbers! holy moly!

Yuri Bezmenov told it to our face!
Words Are The Language Of The Dead! UPDATE! Yuri Bezmenov "The Moment We Make Words/Numbers The Guiding Principle Of Our Lives We Die!"



  1. Fascinating, K.
    I’m blown away with this essay.

    1. Whats your take on this song, it reminds me of the prevalent slogan everywhere of stronger together as in mixing, but also to-get-her, her being the gene of Eve/smooth/analog entity, to consume it to feed the hive/ant nest, Annie means Grace, or Ana Up, she was struck down, it was her doom, ants look like those rugged digital dotted worms too.

      Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal

      I see the miscegenation agenda in the video plus the kid wearing covidiot mask 11 years ago.

    2. Dude lip synching all in blue for freeza plus covidiot kid in yellow for golden dawn, guy at the end is lunar boss behind female element.

    3. Chinese kid girls love alien ant farm?

    4. "stronger together as in mixing"
      It's different fighting together parallel=next to each other like the spartans and be mixed together like majin buu where dbz even showed at the end buu's superior form was when unmixed.

      This is my understanding why mixing is always inferior.
      You have the original colors r g b unmixed and most potent. The moment you mix them they lose their potency, the red becomes weak diluted red, same for green and blue and as a result they become inferior to their former self.

      It's not like you add 1+2+3=5 and you get something stronger/more potent but adding +3-2-1 and you get less or nothing.

  2. Picture of candida auris.

    CDC sounds the alarm. Deadly, resistant, coming our way. Ha!

    Digital...the gift that keeps on giving.

    1. Damn, we hit a goldmine with the dotted/digital worm, thank you so much for this amazing intel! Dr Sebi said "there's only one disease", turns out it's real form and nature is digital/dotted.

  3. Direct me if you or contributors have mentioned this but in pondering this essay I suddenly thought of the Quantum Theory of Waves and Particles. This concept seems to support your ideas of fluid analog and dotted digital at the micro level.

    I’m a better audience than researcher so I only mention this thought in case it helps further your holy mollies in some way.


    1. I will look into it, thank you for bringing it to my attention!


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