Hades The Digital/Dotted/Death Worm!

Just came across this game trailer and what do we have here!
The digital worm in all of its glory!

Main hero with different color eyes and 3 skulls on his belt and shoulder(3 headed cerberus subliminal) is none other than the worm infected lunar boss traitor himself.

In other trailers they mentioned hades realm rearranges itself like in cube movies and rubik cube to prevent escape.
Identical intel we have in escape plan hades movie with stallone.

In rubik cube to win the game/solve the problem you have to literally unmix the mixed colors!(purify the mixed worm intel!)

About escape from hades/belly of the digital/dotted worm i realized yesterday the importance of not to go through any gates/oculus etc but to make our own gates/oculus openings like the machines did in matrix 3.

Like in the dotted worm each dot/sphere/planet is connected through gates/oculus/moongates and the moment you cross one you dont escape hell you just trade one hell for another.(like in cube movies)

But if you were to drill at the wall/dome like the machines did in matrix 3 you create your own gate which leads you outside of the dotted/digital worm.

Also i noticed the earth we walk on could be part of the dome/sphere and we're literally skywalkers(like potc movie showed our sky is land like the one we walk on), so drilling down can be literally drilling out of the cube/sphere.


  1. From Portugal they always presented that if you were to dug a hole through the Earth you would get to China, and China/Chain like you say represents slavery, but since everything is inverted it could symbolize getting to freedom , i dont know.


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