Numbers, The Biggest Fraud, Scam, Crime Ever Commited And Invented! UPDATE! The 6 Step Blueprint On How To Turn Infinite/Analog Beings Into Batteries!

I'm watching this video right now and while this guy exposes the crap out of the banking cartels i see the problem at its source which is the numbers/idols themselves. 

Banks are all about money=numbers right?

Here's the word for bank in greek.


Numbers=Trap subliminal just like the digital infected world we live in.

I noticed how history has repeated itself many times here.

Remember when they introduced the digital computers and said how they will become the future that you wont be able to live without?
Many thought back then how these stupid dead things will become the future?

And they became cause they were pushed and supported by the powers that be.

Now go more back in time when banks=numbers/money were introduced, it was the same thing, "they will be the future and you wont be able to live without" just like with the computers. Many would have laughed at them(that were accustomed trading actual living things, animals, plants etc and not dead symbols/idols) as a scam just like with the computers but they were supported and pushed by the powers that be and became what they are today.

Now go further back and you'll find "schools=words=numbers", "they will be the future without them you wont be able to live", same thing repeated all over again, they were pushed by the powers that be and became what they are today.

Now go back further when humans had super abilities like telepathy and didnt need numbers or words in their lives, someone brings papers with words/letters/skeletons/idols on them and tells them "this will be the future, if you dont learn how to speak them, use them and understand them you wont be able to live".

Since history repeats i just reconstructed precisely our lost/erased history right there when the numbers first introduced on our 3rd layer we call earth=three after we got conquered by the moon(s) and the chinese/worm's race.

I am mad as hell, watch the above video to see how the elite scams and enslaves the masses with money=numbers and you'll notice how the same pattern applies to everything that has to do with numbers and the digital computers that will become the matrix or a robocop augmentation if it hasnt already become, "that's the criminal satanic numbers right there in all of their glory!"

The masses are brainwashed to love the numbers and can never suspect or even dream how evil they are and what they're dealing with.

I imagine when the ancient king returns like jesus in the solomon temple will have a field day purifying this layer from the numbers=words=worms.


The 6 step blueprint on how to fully enslave analog worlds and beings with numbers.

Step 1: introduce symbols
Step 2: create schools and books to infect everyone's mind with them
Step 3: introduce banks, computers, digital entertainment
Step 4: now that you infected the mind it's time to infect the body, you introduce rfid chip, dna vaccines, robocop etc you sell it as immortality, power, cure to all diseases etc, if the masses dont buy it just send the chinese or mongols/your genetic creation to rape them agent smith style and force the digital augmentations on them too.
Step 5: matrix=full immersion in the numbers/digital, you sell it as heaven on earth.(which is heaven for you but hell for them)
Step 6: you admire your creation


  1. I remember when watching dbz as a kid and chichi forced gohan to go to school and start reading and writing countless books it made me feel so sick in my stomach, i was like "get these gay shit out of sight!"

    Also goku/the father was against his son wasting his time with books and numbers while the mother was very mean and demanding her son spends all of his day with books.
    She even had kid gohan wear headphones at night playing cassettes to brainwash his brain with numbers while sleeping like hypnotism does. That was some straight demonic shit right there!

    I suspect symbolism of zeus/odin=good father and hera/lilith/medusa=evil mother here.
    The one is pro analog=infinite/freedom, the other pro digital=limited/slavery.
    And that's why the one is weak=limited power and the other strong=infinite power.
    Which fractal translated to the strong man and weak woman we have today.
    Women though might be inferior like the digital/limited compared to analog/infinity, calculating the numbers they devise cunning strategies that can catch off guard the pro analog man and in embarrassing situations like we're in right now.

    Maybe like the rabbit we underestimated the turtle/digital shit and we pay the price for that now.

    1. Damn i was right on the money that women symbolize the digital and men the analog as women are way more materialistic than men and men are more spiritual than women(more that have to do with the analog mind) as all great inventors/thinkers are men, why women are complete absent from this analog field and all about material things?

      This gives away women are more tuned genetically towards digital while men towards analog.
      Also that is why men have a hard time to understand women and put some sense into their minds as they think more digitally and we think more analog and that's why all great inventors, thinkers, philosophers etc are men.

  2. Regarding what you said about "How To Turn Infinite/Analog Beings Into Batteries!", Cassandra who is supposedly an Illuminati insider had this to say about turning sleeping souls into batteries.

    " We will enjoy the fruits of our labor while you sleep and dream as we create our own world for ourselves in which you are not suitable to exist. You are breathing dead and your time is ours. Billions of you and only a few are even reading this and that would still be true even if this was your nightly news station. A capable race would see beyond the swamp to find the fresh water." - from this source,

    1. Oh, pardon me I forgot to add the part that talked about everybody's souls being used as a battery that powers their new creations. I suspect what they're building is a Giant Saturnalian Moon Matrix Prison, where they continue making sibling planets just to be murdered over & over. Then rinse and repeat, onwards to the next victim which is the freshly baked sibling planet.

      "And we will have our utopia without your presence doing anything but powering our new creations."

    2. - Max Spiers talked about in one of his videos how there's a window opening opportunity that's coming up where huemanitree can be freed from this beast system. I bet this song is talking about the exact same thing.. These musicians are probably initiates into the occult and would be keyed into this type of stuff going on.

      Don't fret precious I'm here, step away from the window
      Go back to sleep

      Pay no mind what other voices say
      They don't care about you, like I do, like I do
      Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils,
      See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do.

      Just stay with me, safe and ignorant,
      Go back to sleep
      Go back to sleep

    3. That capable race she's talking about are the chinese. I exposed in comments above women are wired towards digital like the chinese that are unable to invent stuff but only copy innovations of others as innovation requires the use of the analog mind.

    4. If you read the original letter and get the full context then it's apparent she wasn't referring to only 1 race.

    5. It reminded me the british mason who said his dream is to see the african population displaced with chinese and how the elite has plans to genocide all races and replace them with chinese and since she's illuminati insider thought it's safe to assume she's referring to the chinese. Anyone can see the powers that be favor china over any other country and race so when i see illuminati insiders talk about a capable race i can only suspect 1.


  3. Nineteen-ninety-seven, reduction of a nation
    The government is slayin, new laws is what you're facin
    Next comes the clonin, they're makin new creation
    Secretly forming soldiers of you and they station
    We are slowly being slaughtered
    So be prepared for the new world order


    1. In an effort to permanently and irreversibly rid the
      "Old Empire" of such "untouchables", the eternal
      identity, memory, and abilities of every IS-BE is
      forcefully erased. This "final solution" was
      conceived and carried out by the psychopathic criminals
      who are controlled by the "Old Empire".
      The mass extermination of "untouchables" and prison
      camps created by Germany during World War II were
      recently revealed. Likewise, the IS-BEs of Earth are the
      victims of spiritual eradication and eternal slavery
      inside frail, biological bodies, inspired by the same
      kind of craven hatred in the "Old Empire".
      The kind and creative inmates of Earth are continuously
      tortured by butchers and lunatics who are controlled by
      the "Old Empire" prison operators. The so-called
      "civilizations" of Earth, from the age of useless
      pyramids to the age of nuclear holocaust, have been a
      colossal waste of natural resources, a perverted use of
      intelligence, and an overt oppression of the spiritual
      essence of every single IS-BE on the planet.
      If The Domain sent ships to every corner of the universe
      in search of "Hell", their quest could end on Earth.
      What greater brutality can be inflicted on anyone than
      to erase the spiritual awareness, identity, ability,
      and memory that is the essence of oneself?" - from "Alien interview" book by Lawrence Spencer.

      Kaboom, I hope all of this misery / mystery ends soon. It has really been painfully exhausting being down here in human form.

  4. Towards the end of above video i got very impressed with Edward Griffin as he took notice and exposed too the numbers are leading towards robocop and matrix reality where all of humanity is enslaved or replaced(by the chinese). While the elite will remain humans he said while they turn everyone else into robots.

    This reminded me the lunar queen from gears of war games where she was the queen of the reptilians(mutated humans) but not reptilian herself and 100% human and a scientist like nova from alita.
    I decoded recently how reptiles with their mosaic/dotted skin symbolize digital as analog is smooth and constant, has no gaps, cracks, spaces, edges etc.

    The strategy the lunar queen uses reminds me the drug dealers advice in movies "never get high on your own product", and she uses digital on everyone else while she stays away from it to remain superior.

    1. Spot on! That's what all this interracial/lbgtq agenda is about. It will just lead us towards transhumanism and mutation where you can actually live forever because they will just place your soul/brain into machines. Then you will really be their slaves because you will then have nowhere to run or hide

    2. I googled "rfid chip" and articles were saying our human rights will change when we get it and so reminded me the robocop movie where we lost our human rights because we got mixed with machine/digital.

      The masses should read the fine print before they inject anything into their human bodies
      "you surrender your human rights"
      that is if they dare to have a fine print.

  5. Hiya Kaboom, instead of making a blog (which I will soon enough) I've decided in the meantime to share with you this revelation. This is regarding the number Seven, and how these 7 beings seem to be root of all evil. You were on point with what you've already uncovered about that number. Now I bring another piece of the puzzle to help you see even clearer what we're dealing with.

    I suspect their anchor consciousness is located inside of the 7 moons you've spoken about. Now, the only question that remains is how does huemanitree wake up and go about killing this criminally insane terrorist group of 7 Evil Elohim?

    They've been the real virus all along it seems. - you can fast forward to 2:50 for the most relevant tidbit, although all of it is worth watching.

    1. Thank you for this intel, the video at 3:40 talks about 7 underworld lords, 7 lords means 7 realms, that's the 7 layers of the underworld that engulf the sun who looks to have been stolen/extracted right now. They remind me the 7 deadly sins which can easily refer to the 7 deadly layers/prisons of the underworld/land of the dead.

  6. Revelation 9:6 And in those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them.

    1. are you responding to any post? or simply saying that we should look deeper into where this verse is in the Bible.

    2. I'm saying that's what the future will be especially when they start experimenting like the days of Atlantis. History always repeats it's self

    3. Will never get to know that is lie that is as those who die now wake up in places and realities they want to escape from too. So death was never an escape just an illusion which they plan to take that(illusion) away too.


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