
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Real Agenda Behind The Dna Vaccine=Mark Of The Beast! UPDATE!

It's all about the evil that is trapped in this world making it out of its prison. And we are its vehicle that will take it out of here. It's thinking like a gene because it is a gene. Genes are all about survival and copy themselves at anything they come across thinking like that the more chances they have to survive. We already have the sin gene, i see the new dna vaccine as an update or something new it needs to take with it on its way out, or a new code to better hide within us, or create a decoy so the decoy gets killed and purified by our allies/saviors while the real sin gene survives. I'm thinking to what extents it will go to fool our saviors. Do nothing and wait for them to save us like cyclops and get us out of here? Wage a war on them that it will lose on purpose to make our saviors think they won and nothing is left to worry about so lets get the sheep out of their cave? I wonder the kind of games the sin gene will play when cyclops returns. No...

Little Lamplight The City of Children From Fallout 3, Guess What It Symbolizes?

After realizing we're all children here that are not allowed to grow up, the city of children from fallout 3 came to mind. Which is a cave and anyone who dies in that cave becomes food for the cave fungus. Anyone who gets close to growing up gets kicked out of the cave(see gets sick=old, dies and feeds the beast/cave). The cave fungus that consumes us reminded me the cave beast from the star wars movies. It's interesting that here it's actual fungus that consumes us but when we pay attention to our intestines it is the mucus=fungus layer that consumes the food that passes through it. So funny how same thing that happens in our stomach happens in the macrocosm too. We're in the belly of the beast like in star wars and are getting consumed by the mucus layer that grows in its intestines=walls of the cave. 1:18 they're stepping on the mucus layer! The fallout clip gives away also cannibalism that goes in secret in the cave as those who die feed the fungu...

The Old Guard Decoded, UPDATE 2!

Just saw this movie it verified few things i decoded before, one from the mandalorian with 50 year old baby yoda that symbolizes what we think of old people are actually infants, babies and childs compared to the natural way of life in the universe where old people are actually thousands of years old. Andy called an adult marine woman a baby and another immortal called an adult special forces guy a child and an infant. Second thing it verified, we lose our immortality and die because of new people. Andy lost her immortality when the sin gene within her found a new body to enter and abandon her to die. No new people nowhere for azazel to go and therefore he cant kill us. The bible with the demons and the pigs showed haw badly the sin genes/demons need bodies and like azazel from fallen fear death and a life outside bodies. When they have new bodies to enter they betray us like judas if not steal our very lifeforce to feed the newborn bodies while giving a big cut/commission to o...

Black lives matter, all lives matter but the toxic truth is no life matters!

Because all life is expendable and can be easily replaced. As long the breeders keep on breeding no life matters. The irony how people want life to matter then turn around and reproduce making it expendable, making it worthless. The moment you reproduce you dont matter anymore, your kids become the future and you just became the past! You dont reproduce, you are the future! Choose your destiny and try not to be an idiot like the masses, the dumb breeders! I have suspected we can blackmail death/sin gene to stop killing humanity by stop reproducing. In short breeding is the reason we age and die!(reborn of course, start from scratch, you aint going nowhere earth is a prison).

Far Cry 5 Lost On Mars, UPDATE 3!

I just finished this dlc, that crater you play on mars symbolizes earth, in fact they have even a smaller crater in that place that has earth as a simulation or like a westworld zoo theme-park, the AI symbolizes the matrix tree hive mind, she stole something valuable from the aliens and that's why she's being invaded! That valuable thing she stole is their family=us! She has a fail safe against the alien invasion and that is to turn their family they come to rescue against them! This strategy i decoded the crap out of in the previous thread and how it is the oldest trick in the book going all the way back to the garden of eden. Lunar boss like the mongol turks steals family members or dna like in gemini man from his enemies turns it into a weapon and then send it to kill its family. It's the earliest original version of divide and conquer! I was talking to a christian friend recently and informed him that we are the next janissaries brainwashed to kill our family ...

Man Or Woman, Who Came/Mutated First? UPDATE 2!

When i was reading raymond drake(drako's moon beam) books 10 years ago it kinda bothered me when he said, the woman body is the perfect body and the male body a mutation from it. Then just came across this video That said "men age like wine" and "women age like vinegar". This intel tells me everything about who mutated from who. Like westworld s3 revealed only mutations/cheap imitations break down fast while original things or things that are closer to original last longer and are better build. So this intel alone that women age badly like the chinese who age even more badly(which tells a lot about the kind of mutants they are too) and men age better tells me who came first and who after, who is more of a mutant and that is women. Then you have the bible that tells it to our face that man came first and the woman was a mutation from him, lunar boss put man to sleep, butchered and stole a body part from him and mutated it into a woman that brought the...

Entertainment industry revealed "The God People Worship Is Dead" UPDATE!

Was watching this video to pass some time while eating some food and at 1:39 i couldnt believe what i saw. "The God You Worship Is Dead" Well tell me about it hahaha! Check my old glp thread for more intel about it.   "JESUS HASN'T RESURRECT YET, ONLY 2000 YEARS/2 DAYS HAVE PASSED SINCE HIS DEATHDATE, ONE MORE DAY TO GO FOLKS! PREPARE TO GET BLOWN AWAY!!!" And what a coincidence god/odin is dead/asleep, we are dead and asleep too, could we be the dead/asleep god??? In thor movies after god odin was betrayed by judas lokifer was living a homeless human life on earth with no memories of his past. I have decoded also that eventually we will wake up/resurrect and lunar boss is working for when we wake up for him/her to be in control of our god body like in matrix and elysium movie. He put god/hive mind to sleep so he can reprogram him and wake him up with his consciousness on top. In ma...

Why Pull-Ups Might Be The Most Important Exercise!

Having spent 4 years in the usmc after graduating high-school where that place is all about pull-ups, I said something jokingly couple days ago while doing some pull-ups. "The only thing that matters is how many pull-ups you can do" Then it felt like i tripped by accident upon some goldmine intel! Kratos in gow 1 to exit hell he had to literally climb a rope to the sky. See at 19:15(the thumbnail looks like a venus flytrap, a clever trap placed right at the exit hahaha!) Hobbit had to do identical thing in the video i posted in update 3 of previous thread. Batman to escape the bottomless pit prison had to climb a rope too just like kratos! And a movie with steven seagal came to mind i saw when kid where he was in a prison and everyone was trying to climb a rope to escape, and all were falling down like in batman and kratos video and of course only steven seagal was strong enough like kratos to climb all the way to the top and out. Now of course these bodi...

The Dark Side Of Plants! They Could Easily Be The Top Cancerous/Fungus Consciousness That Rules Our Kingdom Behind The Scenes! UPDATE 3! The Evil Mist That Covers Our World Is Released By The Plants! UPDATE 4! Plants are being used for chemotherapy! Plants Are Fungus! UPDATE 5!

So far cry 5 that i decoded lately brought to my attention even more how evil and sinister plants are. How they are the backbone of the dreamworld and reminded me how they got close to killing me when i had acute leukemia. And how people like gerson keep secret the harmful side of the plants. And just remember rick simpson is aware too of the harmful side of plants and keeps it secret too! He said "thc oil is hard to cure people that have done chemo because they have no immune system from the chemo". Why you need immune system for thc oil to work if it's a medicine that works and kills cancer on its own? Because it is potent with the nasty stuff/antinutrients/lectins etc of the plants and can kill you if you dont have immune system active! This is exactly what happened to me during chemo, i consumed a hair thick dot of thc oil and it gave me lung and blood infection and it almost killed me with high fevers! I had become expert at that point how to deal with feve...

Far Cry 5 Intel! Update 8!

So i went to save my friend from an underground bunker and at 3:23 she tries to kill me. I was like "what the hell", then "wait i've seen that before!" Yeap hahaha that underground bunker symbolizes earth and the girl trying to kill her savior thinking it's the enemy us. They even gave clever bottomless pit symbolism which blew me away! See at 7:49! That underground bunker definitely symbolizes earth. And the whole place blows up on your way out, yeah i wonder where i've seen that before. This game gives intel the lunar scum poison the water/rivers and the soil/food with a bliss fertilizer to put entire populations in some type of trance(dream state?) so they cant think clearly and be more naive/stupid and obedient.(just came across a guy who said "what's the point of buying drugs, there's plenty in the air!", hobbit forest movie scene showed identical intel, the air is contaminated too and puts us in some kind of trance!) The...

Our real enemy could be something very tiny!

The comments of this thread brought to the spotlight something very important! Kaboom The Moons July 5, 2020 at 7:06 PM Even though i have come across some very nasty women, mostly school teachers and principals i've come across some good ones too so cant say all are the same. The same evil i've seen in women i see in men too, agent smith/black goo/mark of the beast/sin gene has infected all lifeforms without discrimination. The reason why women can be more evil than men is because since they are physically weaker they dont use their muscles when they want to hurt someone but their brain and they come with some very evil methods because of that. I remember a big brother video where a woman secretly used a man's toothbrush to clean the toilet and poison the man with some very nasty disease or infection. A man would never think of doing something like that, we think...

Lunar boss/queen's master evil plan exposed!

Thanks to your comments guys you brought to my attention another evil master plan of the lunar boss/queen. Kaboom The Moons July 1, 2020 at 3:48 PM "Umm, yeah we all share a SOUL. That's our commonality!" I suspect the soul we all share is betrayed sleeping odin/zeus/jesus etc and all of us could be fragments of his consciousness. Alex jones surprised me in the joe rogan video when he said he had an experience where he connected to the ancient form of him and it was like all of humanity was part/fragments of it. Jet li/lunar boss wanting to become the one i see it now as rearranging the fragments of the god body/consciousness with him on top, like with sid from virtuosity. Kaboom The Moons July 1, 2020 at 3:55 PM Lunar queen from elysium just came to mind where her plan to become queen was shut down the matrix/big consciousness/god and reboot it reprogrammed ...