Little Lamplight The City of Children From Fallout 3, Guess What It Symbolizes?

After realizing we're all children here that are not allowed to grow up, the city of children from fallout 3 came to mind.

Which is a cave and anyone who dies in that cave becomes food for the cave fungus.
Anyone who gets close to growing up gets kicked out of the cave(see gets sick=old, dies and feeds the beast/cave).

The cave fungus that consumes us reminded me the cave beast from the star wars movies. It's interesting that here it's actual fungus that consumes us but when we pay attention to our intestines it is the mucus=fungus layer that consumes the food that passes through it.

So funny how same thing that happens in our stomach happens in the macrocosm too. We're in the belly of the beast like in star wars and are getting consumed by the mucus layer that grows in its intestines=walls of the cave.

1:18 they're stepping on the mucus layer!

The fallout clip gives away also cannibalism that goes in secret in the cave as those who die feed the fungus and those who are alive eat fungus to remain alive, so in areality they're eating each other.

This verifies also what i suspected of the plants to be fungus as they feed on the dead like the fungus in fallout 3 children's cave and the living is feeding off of it.

In that children's cave of fallout 3 there's a little girl named lucy, i wonder what she symbolizes hahaha!

And this is why DBZ is the holy bible hahaha, it tells the story best.
0:46 they show it to our face, they know the masses are all dumb ignorant kids that'll never get the message.

Same intel we have in the newest god of war game.
I suspect that snake like star wars movie showed is actually a dune worm and dune worms like earth worms and tunnel boring machines are eating earth's valuable resources.

Which brings me full circle to this glp thread i made long ago.
Earth Is Hidden Is Underground It Moves And It Spins On Its Axis! TUNNEL BORING MACHINE GIVES THE WHOLE PICTURE AWAY!

I suspect we are living inside a machine and the rulers of this machine create all this myth around it, calling it snake, worm, tree, matrix, living cave etc.

At the end of the day it can very easily be a product of a mining company that uses us as batteries of its mining machines they use to grind planets to dust like in MIB international.


  1. Interesting to note that Bill Gates is showing now the RGB DNA model that you spoke about in a previous post.

    1. This bill gates guy is like a villain straight from a movie! Good catch on the colors and note also at 0:52 the symbol of that vaccine/mark of the beast is the cross or X which is how you pronounce "6" in greek! On the money again about the cross being the icon of sin dumb religious people/kids wear with pride.
      If these colors symbolize the synthesis of the upcoming rna vaccine omg omg!
      RGB colors while when alone are pure and divine when mixed it's the devil/evil in its most potent form!
      In short taking that vaccine would be literally like downloading agent smith in our genetic code and give him total control.
      I suspect that has already happened but seeing how badly they need to repeat history makes me suspect that evil/mixed things always expire and one way to purification is patience and outlive evil to its expiration date by making sure not updating it/refreshing it that is.
      I see aging could be a good thing as it could be the expiration of the evil black goo fungus mutant flesh that has trapped our consciousness and after it expires we go free. But it's a cage within a cage like a russian doll and the russian doll is in the belly of the beast and our enemy always 5 steps ahead.
      But when we count the intel that we're not alone and have ancient powerful allies then it's our enemies that are always 5 steps behind and are doomed to crash and burn like a train hitting a wall.
      If i was them i would make a deal with our allies for less punishment and apologize to my victims. Like the lunar queen said in maze runner 3 "you've got to know when you have already lost". In that movie they showed same intel from "the rock 1996" movie that the lunar boss has realized he has lost and wants to end this bullshit but people in his circle dont want to surrender and keep the shitshow going as far it can go. In both maze runner and rock movies the lunar boss/queen was killed and the shitshow continued by his right hand man who betrayed him/her.

    2. Bill Gates says the vaccine is going to have to go to 7 billion people.
      Thats exactly like Smith in the matrix.
      Agent Smith - Me too

    3. Short Hiatus Announcement & The Wizard of OZ (SNES) James and Mike Mondays

      "Weve been doind these videos every monday for 8 years..."
      8 mile road
      Octogon the empire of darkness/Cern collider octogon/UFC octogon/dome of the rock octogon
      Trump wants Russia back in the G/ to return it to G8
      "And were off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of oz"
      Red brick road/yellow brick road mixed crossbred genetics
      Wizard xastle emerald green like green monster energy flashing in the UFC octogon
      Osiris, lord of the dead and rebirth. His green skin symbolizes rebirth.
      The number 8 is very significant such that it is used 73 times in the Bible. It is the symbol of Resurrection and Regeneration. In Bible numerology, 8 means new beginning ; it denotes “a new order or creation, and man's true 'born again' event when he is resurrected from the dead into eternal life.
      Michael Aquino sacrificed as the aeon of Horus in the temple room on the third floor of the freemasons supreme councils building in Washington DC for a ceremony called raising of Osiris

    4. The number 8 is very significant such that it is used 73 times in the Bible.
      73 year old Michael Aquino

      Mindwar intel:
      Michael Aquino on MindWar, PSYCONs, fMRI, and TMS

    5. 1984/Abuse of children/Wizard of OZ Mindwar/McMartin case/Mc son of/Martin/Martian/Son of Mars/God of war

      McMartin Preschool: Anatomy of a Panic | Retro Report | The New York Times

    6. That rna vaccine clearly shows how dumb they take the masses for. Why bother poison food and water supplies like in the past and risk poisoning ourselves too, just have the sheep line up to get their shot.
      This makes me suspect that someone might indeed be coming from the outside world and are rushing to convert us all to agent smith/copies of satan to welcome him.
      "Do you like what i've done with the place? "
      "Remember you cut me you cut the boy!"
      POTC dead men tell no tales


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