Lunar boss/queen's master evil plan exposed!

Thanks to your comments guys you brought to my attention another evil master plan of the lunar boss/queen.
"Umm, yeah we all share a SOUL. That's our commonality!"

I suspect the soul we all share is betrayed sleeping odin/zeus/jesus etc and all of us could be fragments of his consciousness. Alex jones surprised me in the joe rogan video when he said he had an experience where he connected to the ancient form of him and it was like all of humanity was part/fragments of it.

Jet li/lunar boss wanting to become the one i see it now as rearranging the fragments of the god body/consciousness with him on top, like with sid from virtuosity.

Lunar queen from elysium just came to mind where her plan to become queen was shut down the matrix/big consciousness/god and reboot it reprogrammed with her on top as president/queen etc.

So i suspect that was the reason she put odin/jesus/zeus/god to sleep so when he wakes up she's in control of the god consciousness/body etc.

Lunar boss from body snatcher in dbz is about to become god snatcher! Now i know exactly what Jet li meant when he said "i will be the one", no you're not asshole and if you do i'll put god to sleep too and kick you off the top, you showed us how. All that is done can be undone and i'll take pleasure undoing/purifying the Cross/Mix/Sin/Evil.


The intel from mythology came to mind where zeus/odin eventually woke up and took back his kingdom from his evil wife HeRa and punished her too.

Now we have some signs in mythology that the zeus that woke up from the dreamworld was not the same zeus but body snatcher lunar boss!

In mythology zeus freed himself from his wife's trap/prison/dreamworld with the help of a mixed monster with 100 hands. That mixed monster symbolizes the devil/lunar boss.

So bam he hijacked zeus body and woke up as god. And i suspect now his wife to have been replaced with our consciousness and the punishment he gave her was towards us.

This was shown in a potc movie where pirate lunar boss jack sparrow snatched the place of the judge and was punishing innocents(his slaves/hostages) disguised as him in the court that was set up for him to get judged and punished.
In mission impossible 2 was shown similar thing how he was snatching other people's identities and was causing the wrong people to get punished by fooling others of the wrong person to be him just like in the potc movie.

"The one" movie with jet li shows the lunar boss master plan to become god/the consciousness that like professor x controls the entire hive mind.

Bible with lucifer trying to take the throne of god shows us similar intel.
Agent smith and cobra commander saying "i want it all" reveal the same thing, they're after god!

In short when zeus/odin/father/god wakes up/resurrects remember to scream "imposter", "lunar boss" and demand investigation.

Agent smith infecting people/consciousnesses in the matrix and waking up controlling their real bodies gives me an idea how the lunar boss plans to hijack odin's sleeping body.

Infect all his fragments/us with his black goo genes and when we wake up he's in control of our super/god body like in matrix.

And like in matrix he has already infected all of us. So all that is left is for zeus/odin/jesus/us to wake up and game over?

Is it important to purify ourselves from the smith/sin/cross gene virus before we wake up? Makes me wonder.
"Oh god, smith will suffice"

Yeap he's after god and infecting all with his genes is how he will become god.

Religion telling us how jesus lives inside all of us supports my suspicion of all of us to be fragments of jesus/zeus/odin and lunar boss/smith by infecting all of us he takes control of god/he becomes god.

The importance of us having to purify ourselves from the smith virus before we wake up religion tells us the same thing among these lines 
"while here we have to do what we have to do cause when we die it's game over, if we dont fix things while here we go to hell when we wake up, and we cant fix/change things when we wake up" is what they tell us.

And thanks to the agent smith clip i completely understand now why it's game over and we cant change things when we wake up, because we will not be in control.

Maybe like neo we have to kill the lunar boss/queen or purify all lifeforms/consciousnesses from his genes/virus while in the matrix before we wake up.
Which is exactly what Neo did!


  1. lol I just had a thought after reading all of this. I wonder if evil and weak souls are reincarnated into females bodies lol

    1. Even though i have come across some very nasty women, mostly school teachers and principals i've come across some good ones too so cant say all are the same.
      The same evil i've seen in women i see in men too, agent smith/black goo/mark of the beast/sin gene has infected all lifeforms without discrimination.

      The reason why women can be more evil than men is because since they are physically weaker they dont use their muscles when they want to hurt someone but their brain and they come with some very evil methods because of that.

      I remember a big brother video where a woman secretly used a man's toothbrush to clean the toilet and poison the man with some very nasty disease or infection.

      A man would never think of doing something like that, we think with our muscles and we would simply punch someone that hurt us, women on the other hand remind me of the lunar boss/queen that uses poison which gives away he's a woman or some very weak man.

      There are also nasty men that come up with great evil thinking strategies to deceive women to screw them, get them pregnant and abandon them etc, so there's evil men who use their brain a lot for evil too.

    2. Now that i said "big brother" what did i just reminded myself. "Evil brother lunar boss from thor movies, westworld season 3, avengment with scott adkins, aquaman etc"
      You say my brother did this? my own brother! my own fucking brother!

      G*d damn man it hurts me to think my worst enemy could be my very brother!

    3. Holy moly back in november/december in the hospital getting chemo for leukemia i played the ps vita gow ghost of sparta and in the end you fight your own brother!
      Here our brother is crucified like jesus/snake on the cross(and is getting milked like a battery from gog vol 2) and we like a fool liberate him and he shows us his gratitude by telling us how much he hates us and that he will never forget or forgive us.
      Saying "you did this to me" symbolizes us crucified and getting milked like a battery and how our very brother did this to us.
      Lunar boss like a madman is mixing the lunar boss symbolism between kratos and deimos back and forth and is easy to make mistakes.

      I see here also the intel of us hating and killing the very family that is coming to liberate and save us.
      I hope in the end we help our family like deimos did to defeat the real beast that is behind everything, i suspect the sin gene/the beast of the microcosm!

    4. The way the beast encodes the intel in cartoons and movies it reminds me the james bond movie skyfall, "if we encode it easy they will suspect trap, if we encode it hard they will suspect truth", encoding the devil/lunar boss as our family i suspect the trap of us getting tricked into killing our real family.

      Nevertheless i'll still wont trust anyone and anything that comes to save or rescue me and my rule of thumb is "everything is guilty until proven innocent", from human like lifeforms all the way to bacteria and genes. (and the checks for innocence have to get repeated from time to time as today one can be innocent, tomorrow guilty/ infected and corrupted/crossed).

    5. A japanese cartoon came to mind where a small evil demon/genie/gene infected a rich powerful family and turned the wife against her husband, then the daughter against her father and took over the entire kingdom and kept using the daughter's body as its primary host.

      In that case it's not our lunar mother, father, ex wife, brother step brother, sister, daughter etc our enemy but the sin gene that infected them and infected all of us.

      It run wild with the family symbolism giving, dressing our enemy as all kinds of family.
      I used to wonder which one is it, mother ,father, brother, sister, wife, daughter etc now i suspect like silent hill 3 said "god/devil is something very tiny" implying a gene virus.


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