Far Cry 5 Intel! Update 8!

So i went to save my friend from an underground bunker and at 3:23 she tries to kill me. I was like "what the hell", then "wait i've seen that before!"

Yeap hahaha that underground bunker symbolizes earth and the girl trying to kill her savior thinking it's the enemy us.

They even gave clever bottomless pit symbolism which blew me away! See at 7:49! That underground bunker definitely symbolizes earth. And the whole place blows up on your way out, yeah i wonder where i've seen that before.

This game gives intel the lunar scum poison the water/rivers and the soil/food with a bliss fertilizer to put entire populations in some type of trance(dream state?) so they cant think clearly and be more naive/stupid and obedient.(just came across a guy who said "what's the point of buying drugs, there's plenty in the air!", hobbit forest movie scene showed identical intel, the air is contaminated too and puts us in some kind of trance!)

They baptize humans in that bliss poison before they have them join their ranks.

In the beginning of the game we have intel like in the valley of yetis dlc that "all roads have been cut off=no one leaves and the signals are jammed=communication with the outside world is cut".

The main enemy of this game is called "the father". I see now all this family symbolism  as subconscious programming to hate and kill our real family when they show up.

They showed our loved ones that are outside of earth and are working hard to rescue us are getting blackmailed by the lunar boss that the more they work against him the more he will torture the hostages/us.

This game's story is based around the sin/cross gene and how we're all sinners/infected by it, that it's like a poison that clouds our minds and when we hurt other humans we are feeding the sin gene/evil within them which then grows and consumes them and us who hurt/feed it.

I was so thinking about it and how all people that hurt me from childhood(parents, teachers, schoolmates,(school bus attendants were the worst) etc to be orchestrated by the lunar boss or the sin gene within them and me so it feeds itself and grows.
In short we are manipulated by the sin gene into hurting others and getting hurt by others so it gets fed and grows.

And when it grows they said it consumes us(our soul? or the good/jesus within and at death our body gives birth to a demon? aka too late/game over/agent smith takes over when we wake up etc as religion warns us too).

Van damme in latest universal soldier said "you have 2 tigers within, who is going to win? the one you feed!", well it's not just us who feed it, assholes around us feed it too, that's why it's important to stay away from assholes.

About the intel that our air is contaminated with drugs/bliss poison/sin gene etc it reminded me wim hof's breathing techniques where he has you breath a lot until you get high from the oxygen and there are people in his videos that go into paralysis, trance and hallucination state from his excessive breathing techniques. He says too that he sees all kind of things when he does his breathing technique. I used to be a fan too as i love cold showers and can verify his breathing techniques gets you high!

So far cry 5's intel that there are drugs in the air is accurate!
By the way i'm not into wim hof anymore and unlike him my god is not cold but fire, not just any fire but cayenne pepper fire! It helps me tremendously with my leukemia to the point that i feel like i dont have it anymore.

And i suspect the cold to symbolize the lunar boss/lord chill/freiza etc who freezes people and planets/ice age medusa and lord slug from dbz style.

So screw cold, i'm with fire, cayenne fire!

Update 2!
The intel from far cry 5 about feeding the sin gene/evil/tiny beast within and then it goes to consume us was shown also in metro last light but it was shown best in dbz!!!

Evil within is consuming buu after kicking his ass.
The enemies of buu fed it by killing his loved ones (dog or hercules) which made buu extremely pissed, it fed the evil within, it grew, got out and ate buu.

Now i know why paladin was trying to piss off luke skywalker in star wars. He was feeding the beast within so it takes over luke agent smith style!!!

DBZ turns out to be more valuable and loaded with precious intel than the bible and any other book hahahaha!

I found funny in far cry 5 the priest hiding a gun in his bible which was a subliminal that the bible is a weapon what the book of eli=lie movie told to our face.

Update 3!
 About the evil within/sin gene getting fed, grow and consume us and how important it is  not to allow it to be fed from us or others made me think more and was like "the lunar boss rigs his games so even if you dont feed the sin gene it still consumes you" and then the beast/ape from dbz came to mind that verified that.

The sin gene like the ape/beast from dbz, werewolves and yeti from far cry 4 it draws its power from the moon too.

In dbz there's 2 ways to defeat it as when it takes over/consumes us agent smith style we're no longer in control, it is.

The 2 ways to defeat it are,
1)Blow up the moon or all 3 of them.
2)Cut the tail which symbolizes cutting/crippling the sin gene from your dna, which can be done through bone marrow purification similar to "car t-cell therapy".

I'd go with the first solution as blowing up the moon(s) is a permanent and global solution while crippling the sin gene a temporal as you can get it back from the contaminated air, water, and food/soil.(And the moon is the one that keeps contaminating our air and as a result the water and soil too).

Cant believe how i keep coming full circle and the real solution to our problems is blowing up the moon(s).

Update 4!
See at 18:10!
"Did you think you were free?"

We have same scene from far cry 3 with vaas, dreaming human life or wireless connected to one like in avatar and surrogates movies while the real us is locked in a cage.

This video shows lunar boss tricking his hostages into killing their loved ones thinking they are the enemy and a woman said "this is what he does".

Again you have to escape from underground bunker earth and this time the whole place floods on your way out.

Update 5!
I made it to the bliss territory where everyone is in bliss(drugged and asleep) and found interesting the intel "people are trapped in their own heads" as i had decoded in the past brain and head in greek is an anagram of prison.

I met the guy that goes by the name father and found interesting this thing he said
"the only way forward is to go back to the way things were, innocent(good) and pure"

Which verifies what i have decoded that good is always pure and evil is always mixed.

Why this world is so messed up, now you know.

Update 6!
In the video from update 4 at 18:03 the lunar boss holding the cube from hellraiser movies says
"dont worry you'll be out of here soon enough" and then he call us his tool/pawn.

And after we get out of his prison we are sent back home to kill our loved ones!

I had decoded this many times how the lunar boss eventually will release us or wake us up from this prison to fight his enemies which are our loved ones.

I suspect he can also use our sleeping bodies while we are still in the dreamworld as when you kill him he tells you that you've done a number of horrible things and you dont even know it.
Implying the whole time while we were dreaming human life he was using our real bodies to do all kinds of f*ckery to the real world.

Damn man this pisses me off so bad, this is the definition of being robbed from our lives!
And when we wake up get punished for crimes we never committed that he committed.
Damn the woman from riddick 2013 comes to mind who asked the lunar boss "how f*cked are we?"

I hope the outside world is smarter than the lunar boss as if he can play them and deceive them like he does to us the outside world is doomed too.

Father Joseph who symbolizes the lunar boss also and is the big boss in this game note his chinese/asian haircut which gives away the chinese are behind america's impending collapse. This game is full with predictive programming about america's collapse and brainwashes the masses to view it as a great thing and natural like all empires rise and fall. They dont rise and they dont fall naturally they get killed from within just like our human bodies with the age virus/sin gene!

Funny how those who kill empires from within act just like the sin gene from within, they dont mind killing their host as there's a new body/country available to jump ship and continue their lives and ruling from there.

In fact the whole point of killing an empire/human body is so a new one takes its place. If there was no one available to replace us the enemy within wouldn't even think about killing us.

All this support the west showed towards china the past 50 years and helped it grew to the beast that is today it becomes so obvious why was that, the demons/elite who rule the west were preparing a new body/empire for themselves similar to the sin gene within that manipulates us to give birth and prepare a new body for it to jump ship and continue its life there while kill us on its way out of us.

In short when china rules the world, it will be the same bastards the same demons the same elite that rules it today from whatever, west, east, antarctica, moon etc.

Similar to the lunar boss from altered carbon cartoon changing human body every so many years giving the illusion of a new person coming to power where in reality it was always the same demon that was just changing his costume every few years.

Update 7!
Just finished the main story, at the end you go to arrest the lunar boss and he gives you 2 choices, leave him alone with his flock( people that he kidnapped from their loved ones) or if you resist you have to go through your very loved ones to get him. He mind controls your loved ones and is using them to kill you. If this plan fails, he blows up earth!

Found interesting how you free your loved ones from his mind control, you kill them and then ressurect them.
Which is similar to how he takes control of his victims, kills them through baptism and then brings them back to life.
This is also similar to how the lunar queen tried to take control of the matrix hive mind in elysium, put it to sleep/shut it down first, then reboot it reprogrammed with her as the queen.

There's intel from people that do autopsies that people who die from cancer, the cancer, tumors etc go away once the body is dead. And dbz with majin buu showed cancer to be a demon or a bacteria virus that enters and leaves the body like a demon.

In short at death something indeed leaves the body, be it us or what's controlling us.

Just found this news article that contradicts the people who perform autopsies.
"Cancer gene still alive in body after death; could be transplanted through organ donation: study"

I have to do more research on this, but at least we have confirmation that cancer is a gene and according to my doctors all humans have cancer cells=cancer gene=sin gene, it's just sleeping or doing other things as it's programmed to kill us when old or weak(programmed to kill the weak?, this is what lunar boss was doing in far cry 5 and vegeta was all about in dbz).

(i personally weakened my self by becoming vegan for 10 years and poison my body with toxic supplements from amazon, acv, zinc 50mg, serrapeptase etc and had stopped working out all signs of weakness and the beast within like the wild animals prefer easy prey, so you show weakness you get culled by the beast).

Old people who keep working live longer, when they retire die soon after, i see now retiring a sign of weakness and telling the beast within that you're weak, done and ready to go but when keep working it's sign of strength, it's a sign that you're not done and keeps the beast away from killing you a little longer.

To kill the beat though we have to blow up a moon or 3. Father Joseph in far cry 3 quoted the bible that the moon will become blood red and the sun black(lights out) then the reaping of humanity begins. In short like i correctly decoded over the years earth's moons are the heads of the beast and to kill the beast we have to destroy all 3 moons.

About the moon hologram intel and fake sun reflecting light like in matrix cave, makes me wonder if it's actually easier to destroy the 3 moons than we think. And that is by finding the batman kind of projectors on earth and destroy them instead.
Right on the thumbnail, the sun/light machine is on earth, what we see on the dome is a projection of it like the batman signal/moon.

Update 8!
Plants are evil!
Poison ivy from batman and iron man 3 gave us this intel which i always ignored until i got cancer from being vegan. Then i found more people like daphne reloaded who almost got killed by veganism too.(and get attacked and harassed by fanatic vegans for exposing veganism, it's interesting how these bully vegans act just like the cultists from far cry 5 defending their poison aggressively).

Far cry 5 gave us the same intel. The backbone of the dreamworld, what keeps the veil of illusion up are the plants.(who look like some type of fungus to me lately).

And i used to think weed is innocent and that it cures, cant trust it anymore, not to mention thc oil almost killed me in the hospital by giving me horrible fevers and infections.

I was doing also juicing during chemo ignoring the doctors warning to eat nothing uncooked and was getting horrible fevers shortly after and came close to dying a lot of times.
Never suspected it was the juicing/plants that gave me these horrible fevers as i used to view them as something holy.

Turns out it's the devil/poison ivy herself!
Uncooked also symbolizes unsterile and the fact that humanity cooks its food before consumption gives away how tainted the food is and loaded with nasty stuff that we have to kill/purify with fire before consumption.

When you have a strong immune system and eat uncooked/unpurified things you dont notice the damage as your immune system does an amazing job killing all the nasty stuff. When you have no immune system from the chemo and do juicing, it's a painful suicide!


  1. Yes, kind of how they MIX us all up through reincarnation and erase memories of our past lives so that we don't know who are true friends, true enemies and even who are true selves are lol They make sure 2 switch are races, genders up and sometimes even species up too so that we never know our REAL family/friends

    1. Damn your video what it just reminded man, it just verified fallout old world's blues intel where lunar boss revealed he gives us new names so our old memories get overwritten and is crucial to remember your old name if you want your old memories to come back. That's why the woman in this video was trying to make robocop to remember his name so his memories come back and when he told him his name he got shocked like he got hit with flashbacks from his old memories. Of course there are memory implants like hunger games and blade runner 2049 showed, so i cant trust memories but could investigate/dissect and learn from them like i do to movies, games, religion, music, mythology etc.

    2. this robocop video is actually evil, robocop just got his memories erased and the woman like our parents and fallout evil doctor simply gives him a new name like they always do after memory erasure/death so his old/erased memories dont come back or implant him with new memories/personality dollhouse style with the name she just hit him with.

  2. Did you say game over?
    Eva-nescence as in dissipation of the gene of Eve (sinless gene)
    Evanescence - The Game Is Over (Official Music Video)

    1. I suspect that we have to burn agent smith out of us before we die or we wake up with him in control like in the matrix and game over for real when we die.

      Found interesting also far cry 5 has a character named Eli=Lie who believed everything will go back to normal and all we have to do is be patient. The ones who were all about taking action were also the ones who were killing their loved ones mission impossible 2 style.

      Makes me wonder, then again our loved ones should be smart enough to put us back to sleep if agent smith is in control, burn him like Neo did and then wake us up again.

  3. Ive been doing vegan for the last 5 years even though that i eventually transitioned back to vegetarianism by adding cow milk to it because its way more practical than soy milk and all of the b12 supplements that they try and get you to take.
    Anyway its been working great for me, cleared up a lot of issues, but i agree that theres a satanic agenda attached to it especially with Bill Gates of Hell all involved into pushing the green burgers agenda, again green for Osiris and for soylent green cannibalism.
    Not to mention that it is way cheaper, but that is also part of the agenda since the plan is to transition the system into the one world order digital currency, and so they plan on bankrupt the old system.

    1. Gerson therapy site that cures cancer patients with juicing, to those like me that have/had acute leukemia which in itself without chemo it destroys your immune system she tells on her website to go and do chemo as juicing doesnt work for cancers like mine. And she mentions her juicing method needs an active immune system to work. In short she knows the plants contain nasty stuff and an immune system is needed to avoid getting sick or killed by the nasty stuff(antinutrients etc) and they keep quiet about it so the plants dont be seen in negative light.
      This censoring of important information puts the whole idea of veganism in jeopardy in my eyes.
      Lately more famous people come forward and speak about the antinutrients of the plants and how they dont like to be eaten and can be harmful.
      Then again there's people that had a lot of help from the plants and currently i get a lot of help from the cayenne pepper extract. I guess everybody is different but still the censoring of the side effects/antinutrients of plants makes the whole vegan idea shady.
      Then bill gates showing up supporting it makes matters look even worse.

  4. SInce the body runs on sugar, fat is the big problem that clogs it down, these are two good videos if you care to take a look, theyre talking about diabetes but it works for your body overall because:
    1) fatty acids/fat and amino acids/animal protein create a state of acidity inside of your body, which ultimately clogs you up and runs you down
    2) sugars boost your system, but when encountering huge clogs of stale fat they just sit around and eventually it creates for you immuno issues and it ends up burning down your pripheral nerves
    Dr McDougall DESTROYS Dr Greger Sugar Paradox
    Insulin Resistance Diet — What To Eat & Why

    For me it cleared my severe acne, cleared my inflammatory bowel disease, no longer have high levels of cholesterol, my thalassamia anaemia is still stable, ive had all kinds of strains and peripheral nerve damage from before and even though that i still get a lot of pain especially from the peripheral neuropathy it really cool down all the inflammation that i used to get on those areas in my feet ad thighst, have never got a fever or sore throat since and i always used to get big fevers every 4 months before of this dietary change.

    1. I currently eat some black chocolate and drink some orange juice from time to time and i'm not afraid of sugar anymore as i had stopped sugar completely for 1 year and then i got leukemia, in the hospital i learned how important sugar is for our body and if it drops below a certain level it can be very harmful to the body. I guess everything must be used in moderation makes more sense to me now. Zinc that messed me up was and is being sold at 50mg mostly(and the label says to take one daily) which is toxic level and a holistic doctor called me stupid for taking it at such high dosage.(like i had a choice all amazon was/is selling is 50mg zinc). And ACV i was drinking it more than the recommended dosage. If i was consuming these things in smaller dosages maybe they wouldnt mess me up. Serrapeptase messed me up cause i have a hemorrhoid and was causing me to lose a lot of blood. A lot of people on youtube got messed up by serrapeptase but to me it was mostly the bleeding problem that messed me up.
      About acv the reason i was drinking higher dosages is cause i used to think "if it's good, the more the better", and i used to love acv because it helped me cut my sugar addiction(before couldnt live a day without chocolate and ice cream), so i was so excited about acv, i was telling all my friends and then it started tasting like poison and got leukemia.
      Zinc 50mg after 3 months of taking it daily was making me sick to my stomach and was vomiting after taking it. Then at the same time i was also losing a lot of blood every day from serappeptase and was always on low energy the past 10 years from being vegan. It was a recipe for disaster and looking back, it took a lot to bring me down as you see it was a combination of many things that weaken myself and woke up the beast/predator/cancer within who thought what a great opportunity to take me out of the game.

  5. Youre going to find lots of opinions like this from Andrew Cobra Tate in which he says that all life needs to consume life and that the higher that life is on the predatory scale the better it is for the predator, and that hes ready to beat down all vegans because their diet just makes them weak.
    Tate on Vegetarians & Vegans
    To each their own i guess, im too selfish to care about the animals but i do feel way better with it and it works great for people who grow up on it like the Kenyan runners, wont see Andrew Cobra Tate even with all of his power punches and trash talk beating any of those dudes at running and overall athleticism.
    How One Kenyan Village Fuels The World’s Fastest Distance Runners | Feed The Flame
    The Kenyan Marathon Diet: Food for Thought

    1. In ancient greek olympics athletes were eating raw meat as it was giving them more strength. It was tulio simmoncini that got me out of veganism as he said red meat is important to build soldiers/immune system in your body. Doctors in the hospital were telling me the same thing how important protein and meat is but wasnt taking them seriously. The reason i listened to tulio is because i saw antifungus medication/iv doing miracles to me so i trusted his word after that. Still view him as a crook too for charging 10,000 dollars for baking soda iv and not even be present but have some other people do it while he only showing up to collect the money.

      Chemo burned all my muscles and i was able to build them back fast within 4 months with red meat. So i view red meat differently now and i feel guilty cause i love animals but my excuse is i dont reproduce so there will be no more people from my bloodline that will hurt animals.

      Also life=live=evil!
      The writing is on the wall!
      That's why all life needs to steal life/commit sin to keep existing as it is made/converted(like in vampire movies) to be that way.

      Bible reveals that life wasnt always this way as in ancient times with adam and eve all life wasnt aggressive implying there was no need for life to consume other life as like we see in nature wild animals get always aggressive when they go to kill another animal, an animal that is calm cannot eat another animal it has to get aggressive first.
      Bible revealing in ancient times animals were always calm gives away there was no consumption/killing/evil=live/life but only good=god!

  6. Thanks for your replies Kaboom, hope youre feeling/doing better with your health overall,
    Your plant analogy also reminded me of how in the Harry Potter cartoons (by the way its Harry Potter HP which adds up to 24 or 888 gematria for Jesus Christ just like Triple H in the fake wrestling), a plant is used for symbology for this realm, as they call it the devils snare.
    On it they show what you have already decoded, that the more you struggle the worst the situation gets, and that the solution was doing nothing.
    Devil's Snare - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
    Which again ive been watching a lot of christian videos, and they keep pushing this agenda about how you have to make a stand and be counted, which all it reminds me is how in the dark ages they would get you to stand up and make a stand as a christian so that they could identify you and happily burn you at the stake.
    So all i see is more of the same controlled 5th column tactics being applied, in short the answer always comes to faith/ doing nothing.

    1. That's the matrix tree i talked about in my newest thread! We're all connected to it just like in harry potter and is feeding off of us like a venus fly trap! Holy moly!
      You're spot on about the tricks they played in dark ages. All christians today brag that their religion is the truth because they have martyrs giving away that the old martyrs were used as the foundation of the new religion that was christianity. So they were creating strong foundations by tricking people into dying for their new bs they had in the making. Another thing they were telling to the christians at the beginning of the christian religion was that the 2nd coming was just around the corner and if they die martyrs it's guarantee to go to heaven. So people were thinking since 2nd coming is soon and we will die soon regardless we might as well die as martyrs and guarantee going to heaven.

      They were tricked! And a priest in a christian school i went to when child gave it away when he said "back in the day martyrs thought the 2nd coming was going to happen at their lifetime that's why they were so prone into dying for their faith".
      He gave away the big psy-ops scam they were playing to the masses back in the day and didnt even realized it.

      Creating foundations out of human bodies is what the lunar boss was doing in watchmen and the lunar queen in riddick dark fury all signs that christianity which was built the same way was a tool of the lunar boss/satan/devil etc.

      By studying the way something is built we can identify its architect!

  7. Some examples:
    George Floyd ritual:
    On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a 46-year-old black American man, was killed in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during an arrest for allegedly using a counterfeit bill.
    Same day as:
    Ut unum sint (Latin: 'That they may be one') is an encyclical by Pope John Paul II of 25 May 1995. It was one of 14 encyclicals issued by John Paul II.
    Now look how they are pushing this agenda via the corona hoax on this link:
    Let me explain it: As a member of the Body of Christ, you’re supposed to be an integral part of the “whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth…”
    The term “fitly joined together” in the above verse means “joined, joint-to-joint” or “close-jointed.” The word “compacted” in the above verse means “united.”
    At the end of the day, this is the image that these people conjure up inside me:
    United, united, united, we stand...
    Judas Priest - United
    No thank you.

    1. Notice also how this Floyd (meaning grey as in grey state) was 46 years old, same thing as the 46th president as the temple of Solomon took 46 years to build and it takes 46 chromossomes to build a human body.
      United, united, united we stand the 46 chromossomes that form the human body, united we stand one and all.
      John 2:20
      Then said the Jays, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou raise it up in three days?

    2. United=Untied, just like in babylon the masses dont know what they're speaking, they have lost their marbles.

      Also i have come across people on youtube that used to work in nuclear plants and exposing that nuclear radiation is not that harmful as they scare the masses to be.
      Well lets take a closer look.

      Nuclear=Unclear=Scam weapons
      Every time now i hear the words "nuclear weapons" i just rofl.
      I wonder is "unclear weapons" another psy-op to scare/terrorize the masses?

    3. Americas destruction via nukes is both printed on the money and depicted on the pillars of St John the divine cathedral.
      New $100 Bill Decrypted - Nuclear Devastation
      The crowning birth/corona virus of the antichrist/new one world government at the 46th president/complete body is also depicted on it.
      The 46th chromossome both for males and females is a X, theres a lamb whose legs are tied together into a X on it.

  8. Kaboom you should look into yoga stomach nauli and digestive qi gong, itll strengthen your digestive system to the point where you can get max nutrients from anything you eat. Believe it or not, it's one of the secret powers of Luffy and goku. Also start exercising.

    1. Thank you, i realized recently how important exercise is, as it's a sign of strength to our enemy/gene/beast within who hesitates to f*ck with us when we're healthy and strong and prefers to torture us and kill us when weak or old.
      If we show weakness we attract it, if we show signs of strengths we detract it!


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