The Old Guard Decoded, UPDATE 2!

Just saw this movie it verified few things i decoded before, one from the mandalorian with 50 year old baby yoda that symbolizes what we think of old people are actually infants, babies and childs compared to the natural way of life in the universe where old people are actually thousands of years old.

Andy called an adult marine woman a baby and another immortal called an adult special forces guy a child and an infant.

Second thing it verified, we lose our immortality and die because of new people. Andy lost her immortality when the sin gene within her found a new body to enter and abandon her to die.

No new people nowhere for azazel to go and therefore he cant kill us. The bible with the demons and the pigs showed haw badly the sin genes/demons need bodies and like azazel from fallen fear death and a life outside bodies. When they have new bodies to enter they betray us like judas if not steal our very lifeforce to feed the newborn bodies while giving a big cut/commission to our moons.(The moons got to eat too.)

Next in the group of immortals there was a traitor and i noticed him from the get go. This is the intel i have decoded of how we lost our immortality in the first place(before we entered the cycle of reincarnations) and that was by a traitor family member from our very team.

The humanly shape cage underwater symbolizes our human body/cage where like the woman in it we keep dying and reborn in it constantly and always trying to break free but cannot.
That woman trapped in a human cage underwater was being searched for by her loved ones and symbolizes us.They said also this kind of human cage prison can drive us insane and her loved ones worried if they go to rescue her after all these years trapped in a human cage she might have gone insane and attempt to kill them.

At the end of the movie that woman got freed from her cage and was shown to be all about to kill her loved ones that failed to find her and rescue her.

This again is the intel i have decoded of us while in human bodies getting programmed and brainwashed to kill our ancient loved ones if they come here or when we get released and sent to them like in far cry 5.

Andy that used to be worshiped as a god, the evil big pharma CEO, the traitor and cia guy all symbolize the lunar boss/queen.
Andy being mortal is a give away that god or devil is mortal and can be killed.

There's one more intel that we are the traitor and are put here to be punished for that crime.
Traitor booker getting punished for 100 years of loneliness away from his ancient loved ones, those 100 years symbolize one human life where we do spend it in loneliness away from our old friends and family.

Andy said after the 100 years pass we meet our old friends and family at the very spot they left us.
And then the movie ended showing booker lonely getting drunk and come in contact with the red queen that conspires to kill our ancient family.

This is the same intel with the human cage the woman was trapped in how while we spend 100 years in loneliness we go insane and will try to kill our ancient loved ones when we see them again.

This shows if this human life we got was indeed a punishment to be a stupid decision, as you dont put criminals in environments where they become worse than what they used to be.
So i'm not buying this intel that we were put here to get punished for ancient crimes we did.
If there was a crime involved we were framed by the lunar boss like he did to stallone in demolition man where there too the ice matrix prison was driving people insane and making them killing weapons to raise hell to the real world when they get released from their cages.

They showed also the intel from maze runner 2 and 3 how they are performing all kind of experiments to our captured sleeping bodies and also harvesting them like Prometheus and milking us like cows.

Worth posting some subs to show how clever they present us the intel of our situation.

-I feel her pain.
Her rage.
She feels crazy.
Over 500 years in a box...
at the bottom of the ocean...
would make anyone insane.
NICKY: That's the reason
why we dread capture.
Spend eternity in a cage.

Later we are presented this intel.

-You don't need them for that.
You've got the samples,
blood, tissue, DNA.
-Well, you know
the concept of proprietary data,
and they're the product.
They go in the vault.
They stay there under lock and key.
-For... ever?
-We can't have them strolling back out
into the world...
into my competitors' laps.
If this takes years,
maybe decades,
what does it matter to them?
If we can unlock their genetic code,
the world will be begging us for the key.

-Mr. Merrick, look. If it's true and
she's somehow not immortal anymore,
then she might not survive the testing.
This will be murder.

Milking us till death intel or that the experiments they put us through eventually harvest our immortality(soul?) and kill us.

Worth posting, they included the intel from the bible when adam and eve f*cked up and all they had to do was give an apology to avoid punishment for their crime which was similar to betrayal, they betrayed someone who trusted them not to do something stupid. They ate the fruit so they become god aka take his throne, so their crime was indeed betrayal.

-There's got to be a price.
One hundred years from today,
they'll meet you here.
Till then, you're alone.
-I hoped for less, but...
I expected more.
-Nile was gonna let you off
with an apology.

And now i see adam and eve to symbolize lucifer as christians say god would forgive the devil if he would ask for forgiveness but he will never do.
Adam+eve=madam eve did/does the exact same thing, they refused to apologize.

Devil/lucifer wanted the throne of god.
MAdam Eve ate the fruit so she becomes the new god=take the throne of god.

Damn noah movie was spot on showing the bloodline of adam and eve to be the bloodline of the biblical snake=satan!
 Noah 2014 Decoded! "The Line of Adam and Eve and Noah is the Line of Satan!!!!"

Then there's the intel adam and eve after eating the  fruit they got infected agent smith black goo style and became a clone of satan, so they couldnt apologize even if they wanted to as satan or the tree/hive mind of satan was remote controlling them after the consumption of the fruit.


  1. My take on Adam and Eve is that they are part of a fifth column plan, as their genetics are taking down Satans tree from within, as they have joined Satans tree/ADN bloodline and act like a cancer poisoning the tree from within, because the life that God breathed into Adam is poisonous to the tree of death, its like this planet has assimilated something that unless it manages to fully consume and abosrbe then it will rot it out from within like the food is just laying there undigested inside of the belly of the beast, similar to how Goku and Vegeta were destroying Buu from within after being absorbed.

    Goku and Vegeta in Buu's Stomach

    1. And we have intel on how the divine royal bloodlines appointed by the pope feel corrupted from inside as they always single out individuals that they consider black sheep and a shame to the family, meaning being that the tree does not recognize those branches as part of the same tree.

      'Iris was a complete firecracker – an absolute delight': Tributes are paid to financier Ben Goldsmith's daughter, 15, after she was crushed to death in tragic 'quad bike' crash on family's farm
      Teenager was heir to two of Britain's, and the world's, most powerful dynasties, the Goldsmith and Rothschild families

      Notice how iris is symbolism for rainbow, light bringer and lucifer as it is how light enters into the body through the eye to manifest the world that you see and engage in.

      Don't Ever Take Sides Against the Family - The Godfather (7/9) Movie CLIP (1972) HD

      Just like the fasces symbolism, its integrity that keeps the tree together, the more mixed the bloodline becomes the more corrupt it becomes and rots out the tree from within, thats why these hotshots always breed with their sisters and cousins.

      Rainbow - Black sheep of the family

      The decisive way to take down a body/family/empire/tree is from within, thats why fifth column tactics/enemy within/trojan horse is the trump card when it comes to the art of war.

      It just happens that before the pope called for this covid confinement, the last movie that i saw on the theater was Il Traditore which is about how a traitor takes out a family tree of mobsters from within, the traitor comes from wuthin the family bloodline.

      IL TRADITORE di Marco Bellocchio (2019) - Trailer Ufficiale HD

      Matthew 10:34-36
      “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.
      For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
      And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.

      In this realm your worst enemies are always those youre closer to, blood ties, family ties, friendship ties, marital ties, oath ties, lover ties, people always fall for this trick.

      Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends [Official Music Video]

      Oh no he/she/it would never, ever do this to me, sure thing darling.

    2. I suspect the matrix tree wasnt always evil and got infected with satan's consciousness who took control of it. Satan/smith wanting out of the tree/matrix gives away he's not really the tree/matrix but took control of it while he was trapped there.

  2. Damn the only thing this confirms is how all life is pain! If you want to be free you better have a high pain threshold

    1. Life is pain because the heaven is ruled by snakes and have poisoned/mutated all of us.
      I suspect the soul symbolizes our original immortal pure form that got captured like in old guard and is getting distracted dreaming human lives while they are milking it from its energy maze runner 2 and battery wolverine from apocalypse style.


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