The Dark Side Of Plants! They Could Easily Be The Top Cancerous/Fungus Consciousness That Rules Our Kingdom Behind The Scenes! UPDATE 3! The Evil Mist That Covers Our World Is Released By The Plants! UPDATE 4! Plants are being used for chemotherapy! Plants Are Fungus! UPDATE 5!

So far cry 5 that i decoded lately brought to my attention even more how evil and sinister plants are. How they are the backbone of the dreamworld and reminded me how they got close to killing me when i had acute leukemia.

And how people like gerson keep secret the harmful side of the plants. And just remember rick simpson is aware too of the harmful side of plants and keeps it secret too!

He said "thc oil is hard to cure people that have done chemo because they have no immune system from the chemo".

Why you need immune system for thc oil to work if it's a medicine that works and kills cancer on its own?
Because it is potent with the nasty stuff/antinutrients/lectins etc of the plants and can kill you if you dont have immune system active!

This is exactly what happened to me during chemo, i consumed a hair thick dot of thc oil and it gave me lung and blood infection and it almost killed me with high fevers!
I had become expert at that point how to deal with fevers as was getting a lot of them before from the juicing of plants i was doing in the hospital.

But the fevers from thc oil were way worse!
I had learned to kill fevers quickly by placing ice packs on the back of my neck and could kill any fever in 5 minutes like that. But the fever i got from thc oil it took me hours to kill. I had to use so many ice packs that it reduced the blood my brain was getting as it had frozen that area in the back of my neck and almost passed out while going to the bathroom cause my brain wasnt getting enough blood. I run back to bed and i literally dropped on the bed.

Whatever nasty stuff plants contain, thc oil has a way higher concentration of them and i used to think back then that i got contaminated product. Little did i know!

So both gerson and rick simpson are aware of the harmful nature of plants and keeping it secret from the masses they lose all credibility in my eyes!

Funny how the opposites are indeed the same, i had made a thread in glp exposing the alternative treatments industry to be as greedy and corrupt and to kill a lot of people too.

And now i found more intel that removes any doubt about the devilish nature of the plants!

Apart from the black goo of ego from gog vol 2 that was a plant and was consuming entire worlds like a flood, who screwed the first humans in the bible and made them lose their heaven???

A freaking tree!!!
And the snake with legs/dragon from dbz with tree branches as horns gives away that the biblical snake was the tree itself!

Hydra from mythology symbolizes also a tree as it behaves just like a tree, you cut a head/branch many more grow in its place!!!

In avatar 2009 the matrix was a freaking tree!

Holy moly dbz had made a movie "the tree of might" where evil aliens were planting a special seed in planets that was growing in size as a big as a planet and was consuming all life from the planet in order to grow, transforming entire planets into deserts!

In above pic it looks like a cloud(moon subliminal) with mosquito proboscis sucking the planet's blood.

So i have a lot more intel now that the plants are not what we think they are.
Not to mention they are mastermind just like the devil able to genocide entire species to protect themselves.
Now i suspect carnivores could be used as pawns by the plants to protect themselves from the herbivores! And even worse!!! oh my what i just suspected!!!

The carnivores used to be herbivores too and were mutated into carnivores by the plants to protect themselves from the herbivores!

Bible saying in the beginning all animals were calm gives away all animals used to be herbivores! As only carnivores are aggressive!(mostly)

And who had to gain something from the carnivores existence???
In court the first suspect is the one who benefits the most!


Dr berg said "the plants are chemists" and dr gundry was amazed how plants can convert light into matter. So how hard is for a plant to infect a herbivore with a special mix/poison/gene etc and have it give birth to a carnivore and create a new species that will be living entirely off herbivores???

Not hard at all!!!

The plants are chemists and very intelligent and dr gundry saying "they are way smarter and were here before us" was giving away how the plants can easily be the big boss/consciousness that rules this place behind the scenes like far cry 5 and avatar 2009 showed too.

Damn man, my suspicion that carnivores were born/created/mutated from the plant kingdom gives me the chills!
Plants are evil mastermind!

I used to live with people that had a sheep and 3 dogs and many plants and a cactus that looked like a human. One day i saw the sheep eating the cactus completely and felt bad as the cactus looked like a human.
The next day morning the dogs attacked, tortured and killed the sheep!

I used to suspect if it was revenge from the cactus as i had learned by then the story with the deer getting genocided by plants to protect themselves.

Now i have no doubt man! My sheep was killed by a plant that used the dogs as its pawns.
The dogs never attacked the sheep before and were together for years. And that sheep used to be my friend and cried a lot for what happened to it.

Shit goes deep!
Papa dragon from avatar 2009 came to mind who blew up the dbz tree of might and was shown as a very evil man for doing this, and i was like if matrix is evil and since that tree was the matrix itself then papa dragon in avatar 2009 was a hero and the one who like jesus liberated the dead from the dreameworold/ma-tree-x.

And then it hit me! Same matrix tree was shown in altered carbon season 2 and its consciousness the very devil man!!! Who was also possessing people like agent smith and at the end took the form of a vampire humanoid bat.
(similar matrix tree was shown in man of steel)

Freiza/devil in dbs was shown sleeping inside a pod/fruit hanging from a tree!

And just remembered the sleeping bed of odysseus from homer's odyssey that was literally connected to a tree!(one of its legs was a branch leading to a tree) And now i know what it symbolizes! His bed connected to a tree symbolizes a matrix sleeping pod where we sleep and are connected to the big hive mind/matrix/tree x=cross.(just like frieza in dbs!)
We're connected to the cross tree and are literally crucified on a woodden cross/tree like jesus.
Now i see the wooden cross as symbolism for the X tree=matrix.
And how we like jesus died on it literally as when you connect to it you go to sleep=die on the outside world.

Hahaha goku is like "this place looks more like a heaven than hell, are you sure this is hell?", hahaha and this is why this place is worse than hell, cause it disguises itself to hide its true nature and identity!
Just like trees and plants that do an amazing job to be viewed as innocent and holy and are the devil itself especially if you watch them how they behave underground/beneath our radar, stealing each others life like mad vampires! But on the surface look harmless and mother teresa(who was evil too).

0:22 Fire!
You cant have it both ways hollywood in one movie the matreex is evil in another god and divine.
In matrix agent smith said in the beginning matrix was designed to resemble heaven, aka to fool it is heaven like in dbs where at least there they are more honest to call it hell.

 0:39 identical intel with frieza from dbs, our consciousness is trapped and sleeping inside the pods of the matrix tree, which can be a mechanical computer tree in reality like in man of steel, matrix etc that gets symbolized as a regular tree.

Wow the intel that we live in a tree or plant is encoded in the very name "planet" which is subliminal for plant and in greek planet derives from the word deceiver!

In star wars the last jedi the cave inside the big tree symbolized earth and right underneath it there was a bottomless pit.
In blade runner 2049 lunar boss had hidden people in a box/cube under a tree again earth symbolism and holy moly.

The very name earth is subliminal for tree and is an anagram of hater. The tree of hate=evil!

From a comment below.

"Thank you for all this intel! In my hospital they told me a lot of chemo is made from plants! Funny how chemo means juicing in greek! And medicine in greek means poison!
Thank you also for reminding me the matrix tree is called the tree of death in the bible!
Now we know exactly why it is called that and how it's killing us.
I had come across religious teachers when kid who were saying the dead that go to hell they dont burn but suffer a mental hell, that hell is in the mind. Now i know what mental hell means, the freaking dream/nightmare world! About breathing what the plants release in the air makes me suspect if the evil mist that covers our world is produced by the plants.
In hobbit the evil mist was produced by the trees and everyone in the evil forest were losing their mind and going into a dream state. The cure was climb above the tree canopy/dome and breath some fresh air!
They were calling it spider forest where they had us wrapped in cocoons hanging from trees like fruit for later consumption by the spiders."

After i remembered nurses in my hospital telling me many chemotherapy drugs are made from plants decided to google it for more info and holy moly at what i found!

"Plant alkaloids are chemotherapy treatments derived made from certain types of plants. The vinca alkaloids are made from the periwinkle plant (catharanthus rosea). The taxanes are made from the bark of the Pacific Yew tree (taxus). The vinca alkaloids and taxanes are also known as antimicrotubule agents."
 "Plant toxins and human disease. Naturally occurring alkylating agents."
On page 751!
"Most of these compounds are capable of producing severe tissue injury when administered in larger quantities and they are all CARCINOGENIC!"

Where are the vegans and gerson with her holy plants all bashing chemo that is made from toxic plants and then turn around and present you more plants as the alternative solution!

At least in this world/cave we live in the opposites are indeed the same man!
Look at this bs mainstream vs holistic/alternative doctors, plants vs plants, choose your poison!

I also found intel that antibiotics are made from fungus! And in the hospital where getting treated for leukemia they had me 24/7 under antibiotic iv, some type of antibiotics messed me up and turned my legs red with big rashes.

I said earlier "chemo means juicing in greek" and isnt it amazing how both are derived from plants.
Dr gundry called the plants chemists, chemist=chemo=chemical=poison!
Tullio simoncini called fungus a beast that consumes us chemically!

Fungus=chemical beast

My suspicion has been materialized!

And as we see the plants with the chemicals(evil mist) they release in the air have consumed like fungus our entire world chemically!
In far cry 5 you have to save the marshal from the bliss/mist/hallucination world/dreamworld which is produced from the plants, you have to literally remove him from the plant world like in hobbit movie to breathe some fresh air and come back to his senses. They showed also these plants infect us on the genetic level and if we dont undergo purification we're still be under their control even in the outside world. Marshal didnt allow his friends to purify him when they rescued him from the bliss/plant world and the lunar queen used him as her pawn to infiltrate gain the trust and kill all his loved ones in the outside world.

About the plants being able to mind control animals especially the carnivores which they created/mutated avatar 2009 showed exactly that with thanator!
Plants and more precisely the matrix tree of death was remote controlling this beast and all animals  and humans when the time came to wage war to the "evil" aliens(which were humans just like us).


  1. This makes me think of a Venus flytrap!

    1. There are also those who produce special chemicals that sterilize the flies when they try to eat or drink from them, there are also news articles of plants producing chemicals that were killing deer to prevent the deer from eating them.

      All this fear about pesticides yet only recently people start talking about the antinutrients and all kinds of toxins the plants themselves produce that are harmful to anyone who eat them.

      By the way i have stopped taking fenbendazole for a month now and all i take now is cayenne pepper extract. Daphne reloaded from youtube warned me against it as it contains harmful lectins. The past 2 days i feel some weird pain or cramps in my stomach.
      I suspect it could be from the cayenne pepper. I could stop taking it as i dont need it anymore but when i'm used to take something every day it's hard to stop.

  2. Im going to read through your post next, but all this plant talk also reminded me of Berserk.
    On it these pirates appear to be antonomous beings:
    Later it is revealed that they were nothing but plants/tentacles as part of one single entity/hive:
    You killed the central unity brain and all of its plants/zombies/tentacles would die, just like when you kill the queen of the hive.
    All the systems of this world operate under this rule since they all obey tbe hierarchical mind control of their superiors, same way that all the nazis were able to just being ship over into America under operation paperclip by blaming all of their mind control on one single person that of Adolph Hitler..
    Know Your Enemy (Part 36 - Jesuit Deception)

  3. In the bible both God and Satan are depicted as trees, and you have to consume fruit from them each in order to place yourself under their mind control, the symbology being that youre under the influence of their chemicals i guess, from that point on we are described in the holy book as completely obedient as you cant escape being dependent on the tree that youre attached to.
    Also Bill Gates which is said to be behind the corona vaccines as the mark of the beast is also pushing hard for the green plant agenda with his green burgers, and he is also symbolism for the very gates of hell/being attached to the tree as a single branch of it/being completely subservient and dependent on it.
    Why Bill Gates Thinks Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat Can Help Fight Climate Change
    Are they all tentacles/branches of one single entity/tree just like In Berserk with the sea god as the head of that tree, certainly looks like it as they repeat the climate change mantra on and on and on and on.
    Why Bill Gates Thinks Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat Can Help Fight Climate Change
    Pawns of the plant kingdom/tree of death?
    Theyre also always pushing for mushrooms and marijuana and other herbs as the chemicals to garantee your allegiance/dependence.d

    1. Crossing the gates of hell/ entering into Satans kingdom/ becoming attached to him/ becoming a branch of his tree/ under the influence mind control.
      Also the apple is symbolism for the apple of the eye as the pupil of the eye in which light enters into the body for you to form the world that you see.
      Altering your vision via the chemicals in plants alters the world that you see/hallucinations.
      Witchtanic Hallucinations

    2. Also ever since the CIA has assimilated the poor innocent nazi scientists that supposedly were just acting out under Hitlers mind control, placing all the blame on him as they all walked out blameless, that the CIA has been conducting all kinds of mind control experiments via all kinds of drugs including plant chemicals on its own american citizens, the kind of experiments that would be viewed to be criminal acts of war if they were being done to americas very enemies, and theit being employed on their very own citizens.

    3. I have to wonder why is tree hugging so prevalent among these covens, are they showing openly to be parts of that tree/ a branch subservient dependent on it.
      My uncle tried the very same ritual on me when i was a kid, had me plant an eucalyptus tree and kept on reminding me how that was my tree and how much it had grown and how many years it endured and on and on.
      Ron Jeremy says beloved tree outside his home will be cut down

    4. Since we breathe whatever that trees release, and these chemicals establish our dreamworld/reality, is this the reason behind the destruction of the amazon forest, australian forests, every year big forest fires here in the Iberian peninsula, and all of the chem trails in certain regions of the world?
      Geoengineering reality?
      Amazon deforestation soars amid pandemic lockdowns
      Australian Bushfires 2019-20: Abbos and farmers know why and blame Government Bureaucrats

    5. Interesting that you would call mother teresa evil as Anthony Fauci the leading face/branch in charge of the corona hoax apparently worked together with her as they both were trying to get aids patients killed on the most effective way possible.
      Dr. Anthony Fauci and Mother Teresa:
      AZT azidothymidine is behind the treatment that kills aids patients.

      Flash forward: August 17, 1989. Newspapers across America banner-headlined that AZT had been “proven to be effective in HIV antibody-positive, asymptomatic, and early ARC patients,” even though one of the panel’s main concerns was that the drug should only be used in a last-case scenario for critically-ill AIDS patients, due to the drug’s extreme toxicity. Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), was now pushing to expand prescription.

      AZT has been aggressively and repeatedly marketed as a drug that prolongs survival in AIDS patients because it stops the HIV virus from replicating and spreading to healthy cells. But, says Bialy: “There is no good evidence that HIV actively replicates in a person with AIDS, and if there isn’t much HIV replication to stop, it’s mostly killing healthy cells.”

      As a chemotherapeutic drug, explained Duesberg, AZT “kills dividing blood cells and other cells,” and is thus “directly immunosuppressive.”


    6. Burroughs Wellcome stock went through the roof when the announcement was made. At a price of $8.000 per patient per year (not including blood-work and transfusions), AZT is the most expensive drug ever marketed. Burroughs Wellcome’s gross profits for next year are estimated at $230 million. Stock market analysts predict that Burroughs Wellcome may be selling as much as $2 billion worth of AZT, under the brand name Retrovir, each year by the mid-1990s — matching Burroughs Wellcome’s total sales for all its products last year.

      Brook pointed out that since the drug is a form of chemotherapy, it should only be prescribed by doctors who have experience with chemotherapeutic drugs. Because of the most severe toxic effect of AZT — cell depletion of the bone marrow —patients would need frequent blood transfusions. As it happened, AZT was rampantly prescribed as soon as it was released, way beyond its purported parameters. The worst-case scenario had come true: Doctors interviewed by the New York Times later in 1987 revealed that they were already giving AZT to healthy people who had tested positive for antibodies to HIV.

      Cell depletion of the bone marrow?
      Seems that they are doing the opposite of removing the sin gene, instead they are feeding the beast tree of death.

    7. $2 billion worth of AZT, no wonder that crooks, drugs and sex trafficking all walk hand in hand.

    8. “Undeniably, AZT kills T-4 cells [white blood cells vital to the immune system],” says Bialy. “No one can argue with that. AZT is a chain-terminating nucleotide, which means that it stops DNA replication. It seeks out any cell that is engaged in DNA replication and kills it. The place where most of this replication is taking place is in the bone marrow. That’s why the most common and severe side effect of the drug is bone marrow toxicity. That is why they [patients] need blood transfusions.”

      Good to know that the soon to be mandatory corona vaccines are in the hands of the angel of death.
      Slayer ~ Angel of Death (Lyrics)

    9. Anemia, one of AZT’s common side effects, is the depletion of red blood cells, and, according to Duesberg, “Red blood cells are the one thing you cannot do without. Without red cells, you cannot pick up oxygen.”

      I have inherited thalassamia anemia from my mother, yet when i was a kid and couldnt perform on physical education the professor would just say that i was making stuff up and all that i needed to make things better was exercise more.
      Sure thing bud.
      That has most stabilized as i grew into an adult but i got other problems as a result from it such as peripheral nerve damage that hurts a lot, yet again people only believed that i had anything even with all the swelling after the doctor performed a Electromyography, got a nice chunk of $$$$$$$$ for it, just so that people could believe me by his signature confirming my pain.
      This place is a joke.

  4. The doctor gets a nice chunk of $$$$$$ to enjoy his time out on sex on the beach tourism for a 15 minute electromyography that only serves to prove something that i already knew.
    They dont even know how to treat it, just how to diagnose it so that whomever looks to hire me as their serf can know that whatever i am saying that im suffering from is the truth.

    1. “I think it’s horrible the way people are bullied by their doctors to take this drug. We get people coming to us shaking and crying because their doctors said they’ll die if they don’t take AZT. That is an absolute lie.” Fedorko has drawn his conclusion from years of listening to the stories of people struggling to survive AIDS at HEAL’s weekly support group.

      Gotta love all of the psy ops applied via the science dictatorship by mr green.
      Know Your Enemy Part 46 Science Dictatorships
      For the love of money - O' jays Full Version

    2. Dr. Fauci, the head of NIH, proudly announced that a trial has been going on for “two years” had “clearly shown” that early intervention will keep AIDS at bay. Anyone who has antibodies to HIV and less than 500 T-4 cells should start taking AZT at once, he said. That is approximately 650,000 people. 1.4 million Americans are assumed HIV antibody-positive, and eventually all of them may need to take AZT so they don’t get sick, Fauci contended.

      The leading newspapers didn’t seem to think it unusual that there was no existing copy of the study, but rather a breezy two-page press release from the NIH. When SPIN called the NIH asking for a copy of the study, we were told that it was “still being written.”

      Good to know that Fauci already knew about the corona plandemic before it hit.
      Dr. Fauci Predicted a Pandemic Under Trump in 2017 | NowThis

    3. “I’m ashamed of my colleagues,” Sonnabend laments. “I’m embarrassed. This is such shaddy science that it’s hard to believe nobody is protesting. Damned cowards. The name of the game is to protect your grant, don’t open your mouth. It’s all about money… it’s grounds for just following the party line and not being critical, when there are obviously financial and political forces driving this.”

      Good to know that people blindly believe their woves in sheeps clothes/knights in shining armor the good medical doctors.
      The Jungle Book - Trust in Me

    4. When Duesberg heard the latest announcement, he was partially stunned over the reaction of Gay Men’s Health Crisis President Richard Dunne, who said that GMHC now urged “everybody to get tested,” and of course those who test positive to go on to AZT. “These people are running into the gas chambers,” says Duesberg. “Himmler would have been so happy if only the Jays were this cooperative.”


    5. Thank you for all this intel! In my hospital they told me a lot of chemo is made from plants! Funny how chemo means juicing in greek! And medicine in greek means poison!
      Thank you also for reminding me the matrix tree is called the tree of death in the bible!
      Now we know exactly why it is called that and how it's killing us.
      I had come across religious teachers when kid who were saying the dead that go to hell they dont burn but suffer a mental hell, that hell is in the mind. Now i know what mental hell means, the freaking dream/nightmare world! About breathing what the plants release in the air makes me suspect if the evil mist that covers our world is produced by the plants.
      In hobbit the evil mist was produced by the trees and everyone in the evil forest were losing their mind and going into a dream state. The cure was climb above the tree canopy/dome and breath some fresh air!
      They were calling it spider forest where they had us wrapped in cocoons hanging from trees like fruit for later consumption by the spiders.

    6. The human body is definitely the cocoon.
      Angels to Humans to Locusts
      This realm is the spider forest, the fruit is the soul/soul traps.
      The spiders are the lunar scum/locusts that look to feed on the souls trapped in human bodies once they are properly cooked inside this fleshly oven/baal/bull.
      Interesting that in the video once the hobbit climbs above the trees it shows a swarm of butterflies, which represent the lunar scum offspring that is birthed from feeding off of the soul energy from the prisoners trapped in human cocoons and is also symbology for MK ultra monarch mind control as in dreaming life inside this dreamworld, notice how Macron is an anagram for Monarc and how him and Trump play a game of mirrors with their marriages being an exact mirror, young husband old wife, old husband young wife, 24 years apart for both marriages as 24 is 888 gematria for Jesus Christ, HP Harry Potter or Triple H in the fake wrestling.

    7. Ive read a lot of fighting fantasy books as well and one of the most common traps there are lotus fields which if youd choose to walk through them they would put you to sleep instantly killing you via one of many predators that would be laying in wait there as they were already immune to it.
      Interesting also that when Trump visited the pope and the pope gave him a huge grimace, Trump offered him a lotus like flower which is also shown on i Pet Goat, i think ive watched somewhere that it isnt a lotus flower but a waterlily, still the plants run the show.
      Pope Francis & Donald Trump's Meeting - Bound by the Devil’s Lotus Flower
      And might as well add were all the money is going, and thats the CIA Rothschild plantation in Kashmir for opium/heroin/hashish and so on drugs which is also how that Messiah Netflix series ends with ties in into Indias hinduism, jaydaism, islamism, catholicism and they all uniting into the field of dreams/lotus fields of drug dependence sleep induced state.

  5. More evil plant intel. Kaboom is on to something!

    1. It says
      "Hyoscine is main active component produced by certain plants of the nightshade family "
      Link to the nightshade family
      Shows the plants from far cry 5 lunar boss and queen were using to create illusions and mind control their victims.

    2. It looks they use it also in anesthesia, when in the hospital i did 3 bone marrow biopsies and in all 3 i refused to be put to sleep and did it without anesthesia. The 3rd time the female doctor that performed the operation tortured me hard by drilling my bone twice and fast the second time cause she freaked out from her first mistake which caused all muscles to contract hard and took a good hour for my muscles to relax after.


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