Mandalorian S2 Ep. 5 Decoded. UPDATE 2!
-The lives of these citizens(humanity) mean nothing to me. Now, because of you, these people will suffer. -They already suffer under your rule. Surrender, or face the consequences. You have one day(one thousand years our time) to decide. -We will be ready when she returns. The lunar queen was obvious who she was having the crescent moon tattoo on her forehead. Like they showed in previous star wars movies she keeps us hostages and tortures us(wars, pandemics, angry wives, parents, teachers etc) every time our allies/loved ones try to rescue us. The one day ultimatum they gave her is subliminal for 1000 years which leads to the year 3000/3033, father ego from gog vol 2 informed us that we have 1000 more years=1 more day to spend as a battery. The chinese claim they will rule the world for 1000 years, looks like all roads lead to the year 3000/3033! But i dont trust containers/limited anymore, i better see a limitless great flood coming to my rescue instead of another puppet...