We are being mind controlled by our flesh. More proof and evidence.

 I had stopped dating women the past 10 years but was always addicted to porn and fapping to it.
Beautiful sexy women was always in mind and was thinking of a world without women to be a miserable one.

Past december i got spermatocele together with my leukemia that came back. Spermatocele disabled my sexual organ(no erection) and all of a sudden i had no interest in porn nor thinking about its women all the time. It was shocking to me as i used to think i like women because it's my choice not my penis's choice.
I knew from my research that our flesh is black goo venom/skin of evil from star trek etc but this was hardcore proof and evidence to me how bad we are being mind controlled by our flesh and its organs.
Then you have the worms and parasites within that do their own mind control, the genes etc, it's one big mess. Before spermatocele i couldnt go a day without fapping to porn, after spermatocele i went for a month and a half with no fapping as that's how long it took to go away and the whole time never had a desire to watch porn or fap. I felt free in december when i first got it and was excited that now i will have more time to research and learn new things instead of wasting most of my free time watching porn, then leukemia came back soon after and i wasted all that precious time and freedom spermatocele had given me at the hospital.

By the way in my hospital my nose was bleeding all the time from my platelets being below 10 and many times while i was pulling blood from my nose with a paper it was like a long ass spider web, i kept pulling and more web type of blood was coming out and it freaked me out as it reminded me carnage from spiderman venom!

Where they showed to our face our blood has spider nature. I then imagined how possible to be spiderman is and how a real world spiderman would be shooting blood from his wrists that will be spiderweb like the blood i was pulling from my nose. 

Look at this blood clot.

It looks like roots of a tree and reminded me spiderman venom from spiderman 3 at the end when he was dying and crawling was looking just like this blood clot.
Ancients were saying "know thy self=flesh" and i'm blown away how humanity might realize at the end that they know nothing about the human flesh.

I have decoded before how our flesh is mixed with analog and digital parts and how the digital ones are responsible for all evil and had also decoded the human penis as a digital part.
30 years researcher Raymond Drake had called the human penis a mutation like in ancient times men didnt have sexual organs and it makes sense, if you're immortal you dont need to reproduce as i have also decoded in ancient times we were living forever and then the lunar boss/queen like in altered carbon s1 invented death and reduced our lifespan to 100 years max. This also gives away that he/she invented the reproductive system/sexual organs too and the reason we call it sex=six which is the number of the devil, to keep humanity going as you invent death to keep us young and stupid then after we die you're out of slaves and food, so the reproductive system comes to the rescue to keep the food coming and the slaves to remain young and stupid for eternity.
I have decoded they plan to take it further and reduce humanity's lifespan to 33 years old. They have put this plan cleverly in the bible too, that in the future we all going to be 33 like jesus where in reality humanity will be dying at 33 like jesus did. I suspect child labour will come back at full force at that time(see blade runner 2049, all lunar bosses' slaves were kids and all were working under a dome which symbolized earth). Mr nobody movie showed identical thing that in the future old people wont exist and one of the reasons i have exposed is cause most humans gain a lot of wisdom past 60 years of age which wisdom they pass to their kids, grandkids and that goes against lunar boss' plan to keep humanity young, ignorant, stupid and easy to control and manipulate.

 Like westworld series said we live in the world of a madman. Knowing how much they have accomplished humanity dying at 33 in the future doesnt sound impossible to accomplish at all to me.
Might be a very simple to do after everyone gets chipped.

I have also suspected that god created man and the devil(who like a chinese tries to copy and mimic/imitate) created the woman and how Eve herself was the devil's apple in the bible.
Evidence that point that out is that women's brain is different than men and orientated more to digital(limited)/material thinking while men towards analog(limitless), imaginative, creative thinking. Most inventors are men for this very reason.

Another example is when men go looking for a woman all they care about(most of them) is how pretty she looks and they start immediately imagining how even more pretty she'll be looking naked, they care none about her status, how much money she has/makes etc while most women all they care in a man is his status, how much money he makes etc. (in military if you're a high rank all lower rank women spread their legs for you no matter how fat and ugly you look.)

There was a female bank manager 10 years ago that she was hitting on me hard and me i didnt like her so i turned her down. Now switch the roles around, how many women would turn down a male bank manager. That's digital/material vs analog=non material right there.

Men and women remind me also cats and dogs and i suspect same pattern took place there too. God created the dogs and the devil created the cats which carry also a parasite called toxoplasma that mind controls humans, real evil shit which next to the reptilian eyes cats have give away the nature of their creator.

God creates perfection, devil gets jealous and mimics, then goes ahead to pervert and alter god's creation out of hate i guess that he can never be as good.

All this genetic modification the elite/lunar boss did to all plants and animals from ancient times(and i suspect to fish too), it's hard not to see the hate towards the ancient lifeforms that were pure and superior and how someone had personal issues with the one who created them and out of revenge went on to pervert them all on the genetic level.

Since everything is mixed now i cant say women are evil as there's good in them, and same thing with men i cant say men are good as there's evil in them.
"Good and bad, that's how we're all made, it's just a question of how much of each"
Hellraiser Hellseeker 2002

Nevertheless it's mind blowing to me to think the ones i loved, admired, craved and wanted to get one for my self for most of my life were/are a weapon created for all of humanity to lose its immortality and get trapped in a cycle of reincarnations to remain young, ignorant and stupid for eternity, never allowed time to grow up.(yoda from mandalorian series gives away it takes at least 1000 years to reach maturity and gain true wisdom, 50 years old you're still a baby like he was literally). No wonder why religions hate women(see islam and in christianity is obvious too if you pay attention, many greek women professors have exposed the hate for women in it), it's like they know they are the devil's creation and they keep it secret from us.
I'm not hating on women, i wanna know the truth and my research and critical thinking leads me here.


  1. I just noticed, in the carnage pic above all these things sticking out of him are worms, our true enemy hidden in plain sight.

    1. Years ago, I vag•uely recall Credo Mutwa mentioning in a sit down, with David Icke I think it was. How the reptoid beings had come and divided the divinity of oneness of the beings here. Something to the effects of 1 entity went into a room and two came out (man/woman). Seems plausible considering the immense hostility of power between man and woman and why some are engraved with the idea of finding their better half in life or sole mate. If true, that is an ultamite game of fuckery.

    2. In the bible god created eve by butchering adam, he literally divided him.
      Divide and conquer, that's how the lunar boss defeated us ancient immortals.

  2. Totally agree. We are sent on a wild chase with no end and no possible happiness or contentment. Luckily, as a male, once we realize this we can be at least at peace alone.

    1. Most people i know that are married or have a girlfriend for more than a year are miserable, they get treated like shit, they get cheated on along with daily drama and turmoil.
      In daredevil stick/old man said "women are a distraction" and a huge waste of time leaving no room to the man's brain to think for other things that might be of extreme importance.


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