The Great Wall/Snake Of China Decoded, GOD Decoded.

 They built it in the shape of their chinese dragon/snake, they even included the legs which you can clearly see.
I saw the wonder woman 84 movie few days ago and they showed there too the wall/dome of earth that separates us from the outside world and it looked identical to the great wall of china which the chinese show us it's a snake!

Which is another in our face evidence that we live in the belly of a snake like princess snake told us in dbz.
Asgard map with the serpent that encircles earth, that serpent symbolizes the great wall/dome of earth!

 I realized recently that the real GOD is the ocean/waters of above that the dome/dam/snake is keeping away and separate from us like in doctor strange movie the lunar queen was keeping the universe/ocean/dormammu away from us while making sure for herself to be the only one having access to its power.

-The ritual gives me the power
to overthrow The Ancient One(lunar queen)...
and tear her Sanctums(dome) down.
To let the Dark Dimension(universe/ocean/god/flood) in.
Because what The Ancient One hoards,
Dormammu(ocean/universe/god) gives freely.
Life everlasting.
He's not the destroyer of worlds, doctor.
He's the savior of worlds.
(And according to gods of egypt movie earth is the last stronghold of the lunar scum/worms, dormammu/god rules the entire universe except earth while having earth surrounded and trying to take it back.)

Father ego from gog 2 came to mind that said "My wife is the sea!", giving away he's after the true power that's the universal ocean/god, what star wars movies call the force, ocean water that's inside of us and all around us.

Thales of Miletus the father of science revealed "all things are full of god!"
Now we know exactly how that is.
He also revealed "all is water/ocean/god" a thing i noticed too as anything you heat up turns into liquid/water.
Digital i decoded to be dead/frozen water=ice=sand/material while analog living water, smooth and constant without gaps and one piece.

It is important to know the true nature of god cause when you know what god is no one can deceive you into worshiping and serving false gods/containers/mud puddles/humans like us and not the real thing which is the universal ocean.

In noah 2014 was revealed that the waters of above/flood is also fire and it helped me connect the dots of universe=bright light and also water, like the sun some have decoded that is made from water.
"Researchers Confirm that Water Exists On The Sun"

I finally understood what the singer is talking about in this song.

"Open the floodgates of heaven/dome, let it rain, at 1:07 he tells the crowd "say firefall"
and it sounded evil when i first heard it, now i understand the science of our reality, waters above us, bright light/universe above us, light=fire=water=analog.

From noah 2014

-So, is that all you saw?
The fires of destruction on this place?
-No, not fire.
- Water?
My father said it would be fire.

-I saw water. Death by water.

It's both like our sun, liquid fire!
And that's how all frozen water/digital i guess returns to the ocean/god/analog, by melting with fire.
This new intel is still too much for me to handle as the brainwashing of survival of our human flesh/frozen water still runs strong in me, while yoda told it to our face that our true form is light/fire/analog which in that case we shouldnt be afraid of the burning waters of above as they will free us from the ice demolition man style.

In newest justice league movie aquaman told batman
"i dont care if the waters rise
batman replied
"what if they boil?"

Hahahaha i decoded some amazing shit again man, the waters of above are also fire which connects the dots to the intel of the universe being bright light and not darkness snake/satan dome is deceiving us with chameleon style.
God is fire/light and also water=ocean,
the great wall of china that reveals earth's wall is a snake like the asgard map, in this dbz clip

pause at 0:22 that's our night sky which gives away that our nightsky/dome is the belly of the snake.

So like in gog vol 2 we need someone to kill the beast and we will come out of it like batista

at 3:29 and like zeus's family came out of cronus after zeus killed him.

Just realized in tmnt 2016 that crack/tear in our sky/dome is the milky way/wound on the beast like i decoded in gog vol 2 and in thor ragnarok.

pause at 1:48!
We have intel also that it was from that tear/milky way that our moon came from, piece by piece which symbolizes to me also consumption by the beast.

In dbz the milky way is called snake way and they show to our face that it's a snake! Outside of it is surrounded by yellow clouds which is subliminal for the bright universe outside our dome/snake.

The chinese call that snake a dragon and i have decoded dragons evolve/transform from worms so the true nature of the beast is worm like the dune worm.
The new dune worm trailer shows it to our face that we live inside that giant worm in the eclipse scene that shows to be the mouth of the worm.


  1. In wonder woman 84 after the wall/dome/dam was destroyed water started flowing in which symbolized the great flood, which water was welcomed by the humans and were drinking from it!

    Lunar boss like in maze runner movies was dying from a disease and was stealing life and soul from all other humans to stay alive. They even gave him one eyed symbolism and his name was max lord. I rofled so hard when i heard his secretary calling him that.
    They showed the shady used car sales dealer he is and how important not to make deals or wishes dragon shenron style with him is.

    The heaven steve was after death symbolizes analog that's why he couldnt describe it with human words/numbers as numbers/words are digital/limited and cant describe or comprehend the unlimited/analog/heaven.

    In christianity paul went to heaven and came back and same thing, he couldnt describe it with human words, as heaven is analog and the languages we use are digital/numbers/digits.

    I suspected recently that our imagination originates/emits from the analog realm as it is limitless like analog is.
    Some scientists say the real world is analog which would mean our imagination that seems unreal to all is the real thing and our digital mixed reality here/land of the dead the actual unreal/fake thing/dotted construct.

  2. Damn just noticed C-section birthing symbolizes how batista got out of the beast in gog vol 2 and how the C-section is the milky way on the dome/belly of the beast.
    I'm wondering if it's safe to exit through there or go through the 2nd hidden exit.
    The milky way gives away that the beast has given birth before C-section style so it makes me wonder when the C-section/milky way opens again is it game over for the beast or simply another cycle/repetition of history/C-section birth.

    1. in this link
      the milky way is in literal C shape!

  3. Adam the first human/prisoner in the belly of the beast reminds me the lunar boss/king from thor ragnarok who was the first human/prisoner of planet sakaar/earth.
    I dont suspect anymore of adam to be god(but the rebel lunar boss/satan instead) nor any human size lifeform.
    I suspect the ocean that is god is also the orgone energy the elite was shown to be very afraid of by burning all wilhelm reich's books and throwing him to jail.
    This god ocean was called by the ancients as ether also.
    Ethereum mining comes to mind which could be subliminal for mining god's energy.

    1. Good Intel. Maybe that's why God flooded the earth and killed off the fallen angels with the ocean in the bible

    2. It's mind blowing to know now the great flood is god/dormammu himself and the greatest thing that can happen on earth and all humans.
      I just googled dormammu and all pictures show him as fire!

    3. Be aware also many things the bible mentions that happened in the past is subliminal for future events or since history repeats they might have happened in the past and repeat again in the future.

  4. I decoded dragons are worms many times before, i'm watching the mandalorian s2 ep 1 now and they have the dune worm show up, sheriff just called it "the krayt dragon!" hahaha my decoding on the money again!

    1. Just finished watching that episode, the dragon worm had impenetrable skin like the beast in guardians of galaxy 2 and the dragon from hobbit 2. Mando was able to kill it from the inside.
      After it was killed the sand people recovered a white sphere from its belly that symbolized our moon and its egg.
      I have decoded before of our moon to be an egg so it's interesting to see this intel again.
      See chinese dragon statues and paintings they usually include a small sphere next to it which is our moon and he guards it like its egg.
      The dbz dragonballs are also dragon eggs that gave birth to more dragons/worms in db gt.

    2. Everything in this universe comes full circle so you're not 2 far off. It's all 1 big time loop as time doesn't really exist and human nature is predictable....


    an innocent song.. or something else


    2. What if the sudden leap in our technology was not a coincidence? What if there was a hidden purpose behind the jump forward in our advancement?

      What if the end of the world is all a stage that replays over and over again?*/

    3. Trump is said to have a time machine that his uncle stole from Tesla?
      Supernatural season 3 episode 11 = 33 = November 3 3/11 Trumps screwjob election date on St Hubert patron saint of hunters/hunter of souls feast day
      Heat of the moment - Supernatural

      Heat of the moment - Supernatural


    4. Ned was the dog that was the guardian of the dead in Jim Carreys number 23 movie
      Ned = 23
      Biden = Bi-Ned = Twin 23 chromossomes for a total of 46 = host body
      46th president = Portugal 46 years of democracy = King Felipe of bourbon crowned at 46 years of age = Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Michael Aquino, Marina Abramovic all maga mages born in 1946
      Donald Trump vs Umaga in Wrestlemania 23 battle of the billionaires/genomes
      45th president = 45th chromossome determines gender = Trump vs Hillary
      St Hubert patron saint of hunters = Kinghts of Hubert run Bohemian grove
      Hubert = Bright Heart = Bret Hart
      23 years before Trumps screwjob happened Bret Harts screwjob on November 9 9/11 1997.

      DIRECTV - WWE The legendary "Montreal Screwjob"

    5. Pink Bret Hart = Pink Pussy Haters movement = Anthoine Hubert Pink Formula 1 renault car #19 driver = buried September 11 9/11

      Anthoine Hubert Tribute

      I saw it written and I saw it say
      Pink moon is on its way
      And none of you stand so tall
      Pink moon gonna get you all

      It's a pink moon
      It's a pink moon
      Pink, pink, pink, pink
      Pink moon

      Pink Moon

      Trump was down in the hospital for 3 days with covid just like Jonah in the belly of the beast 33 days before election day on November 3 /11 33 and 42 years to the date of burial of pope John Paul I the 33 day pope

      Donald Trump taken to hospital after COVID-19 diagnosis

    6. Hollywood origins = Diana the moon goddess huntress = St Bret Hart hunter of souls = Hart is an archaic word for "stag/deer"
      Yes my dear =

      The Secret Origin of "Hollywood" will shock you! (R$E)

      Snow White and the Huntsman - White Hart

      Lunar queen tells Bret Hart to get for her Snow Whites heart but he instead gives her the heart of a pig

      Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Peddler's Disguise

    7. "One taste of the poisoned apple and the victims eyes will be closed forever in the sleeping death".

    8. Sleeping death = Trapped in the time loop

      【Spoiler】Groundhog Day (clip3-2) -"Well. It's Groundhog Day, again..."

    9. All dogs go to heaven time loop
      "Welcome to being dead"

      All Dogs Go to Heaven - Let Me Be Surprised

    10. "Hes gonna take you back to the past, to play the shitty games that suck ass"

      Rex Viper - Nintendo Power of Love (Music Video)

    11. Back to the Future Trump 2016

    12. Nick Drakes pink moon album cover does look to me like the worm in the apple:

    13. Worm = Worm hole: a hypothetical connection between widely separated regions of space–time.

      2021 - 1988 = 33

    15. The Church - Under The Milky Way

    16. "Are you still there Kaboom or have you crumbled also?"

      I am sorry that i made this comment, i am a hateful maggot, that was horrible.
      Hope youre doing better.

    17. My right foot has swollen like it's broken, it seems chemo made my bones weak.
      I'm still waiting for my sauna to arrive, it says shipped now on wayfair.
      Fenbendazole seems to kick ass so far.

    18. The swollenness on my feet from peripheral neuropathy is gone, the pain is there and the fingers get grayish still, other inflammatory conditions like acne or bowel disease are also minimal to gone, im low weight but still had a bubble gut and man boobs like Joe Rogan has and they have shrunken.

      Nothing turns off inflammation in my body like white sugar does, its amazing.
      I took accutane for 6 months, which is a drug to treat acne that is said to dry you up to turn off inflammation in the body, it did nothing for me other than give me chapped lips and ruin my eye sight.
      But white sugar, wow it really cleans me up, and it also raises up my body temperature and increases sweating which are signs that it is raising my immune system defense mechanism as that is how a fever works, it raises body heat and creates intense sweatings.
      I used to have strong fevers every 3 months or so but i have not had those in 6 years.
      Im gonna be 30 and definitely look and feel way better than i did when i was 20.

      I was listening to the last portuguese mayor of Macau, hes still a general at 81 years of age, these people never lel go of their positions which is why i dont agree with you when you are selling pity tales about old people, all key positions in Portugal are filled up by old people, which all believe they are bastions of wisdom.
      Anyway this guy makes zero mentions about brothels and casinos, which is all Macau is pretty much, but he did say that theres still 30 years of transitioning left for Portugal to hand Macau fully to the chinese, wow it takes 50 years to transition a colony, this process is worse than a turtle race.
      Heres the general Vasco Rocha Vieira:

    19. Vitor Pereira the greek and chicom champion has been released by the chinese, im gonna guess that hes going to be re-located to either Saudi Arabia or Ukraine next.

      Mr Hulk the chicom superstar was also shipped back to Brazil.
      He scored 77 goals in China, ive already talked plenty about 77, even Fauci was using this number.
      I see all these as signs that the honeymoon phase with China is ending.
      The president still has all his kids working there i believe, he went in mission to the Vatican the other day, probably to shake on more masonic deals.

      [ESTREIA] Hulk pelo Atlético-MG

    20. *to shake hands
      China billion $$$ investments on soccer are all money laundering, i doubt that they will get to Brazils level unless they start mixing themselves with machines and become cyborgs:

      2002 FIFA World Cup Korea & Japan™ - Match 26 - Group C - Brazil 4 x 0 China PR

    21. Hulk on the news is always being called a super-human or non-human which are Nephilim references, maybe he uses more than just fetal stem cells, i dont know, i could see them upgrading to cyborgs by this point.

    22. I wish you a healthy recovery for your foot.
      Heres a video on how sugar heals external wounds, its working great for me internally.

      BBC Midlands Today - Pioneering research into healing power of sugar

    23. Rocky Horror Time Warp

      The Cuckoo Clock of Doom is the twenty-eighth book in the original Goosebumps book series. It was first published in 1995.

      28 = 88

      Bohemian clubs Bret Harte Inscription on gravestone: "Death shall reap the braver harvest."

      May 5 1902 Bret Harte dies
      May 5 2002 World Wrestling Federation becomes World Wrestling Entertainment because of a lawsuit filled by the World Wildlife Fund
      Bret Hart is the patron saint of hunters and wildlife
      The last televised event to market the WWF logo was the UK-based pay-per-view Insurrextion 2002

      Where else have i heard about an insurrection...

      The Capitol stormed, an election completed: January 6 in six minutes

    24. May 14 is the anniversary of both the state of Israel and of the first vaccina
      2021 chinese year of the vacca/vaccina following 2020 chinese year of the rat/pandemic´
      May is the month of the vacca/taurus
      Tenth red heifer sacrifice to purify the temple/covid vaccina to purify the body temple

      Israel and Ancient Prophecy: The Red Heifer I Yohanna Tal

    25. Thank you for the peripheral neuropathy info, it could be this that i have as i remember during chemo nurses and doctors always were grabbing my feet and stomach to see if they hurt. I went through some horrible stomach cramps which they vanished after i started consuming sweet things, now i go through this swollen foot which i suspect to be from the chemo or the sweet things i started consuming the past 3-4 weeks.

      About old people i suspected and said what i said because the elite is indeed after exterminating them, there are old assholes and greece has plenty but still what i suspected makes sense as old people are holding back the elite's plans like the one global religion plan which will move along faster with the old people/generations gone.
      Ex kgb yuri said "we dont waste our time trying to change the minds of old generations, we simply let(force) them die and we focus on brainwashing and program the new generations with our new agendas".

  6. Mr Hulk scored 77 goals while playing in China, mr Biden was announced president on November 7/11 when he was 77 years old.

    Hulk ● Season 2020 ● All goals ● Shanghai SIPG ● Chinese Super League

    Can these people do anything except it be done by and for the numbers?

    1. Man i dont believe this, Hulk also scored 77 goals while in Russia, and 77 goals while in Portugal, then these people dont want me to believe that sports are as rigged as elections and expect me to swallow that poor Mr Willy wins at everything in life fair and square, sure.

      Hulk ● Zenit FC ● All 77 Goals

      Hulk spent four years with Porto from 2008 to 2012 - scoring 77 goals in 169 games - and his old side have been named as one of the clubs battling for his signature along with Brazilian team Palmeiras.
      Porto Goals Total 77
      Zenit Goals Total 77
      Shanghai SIPG Goals Total 77


      The conclave needs 77 votes, or a two-thirds majority from 115 cardinal-electors, for a single name to elect a new pope.

      Please Jehovah, in the name of Jesus Christ, please, remove me from this scripted reality show.

      Beyoncé - 7/11

    3. Genesis 4:24
      If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.”

      Im ready to tap out of this loony bin.


    4. ´Lincolns assassination, 7 conspirators on trial in front of an 11 man military court, 4 of them hanged on July 7 77.
      This place is looney toons.

      King Diamond - The 7th Day of July 1777

      September 11
      Septem = 7
      Statue of Liberty 7 pointed crown on top standing over 11 pointed star on bottom

    5. Fauci says that HIV/Aids has infected 77 million people, freemasons and their numerology strike again:

      The HIV/AIDS pandemic is #Solvable​ | Dr. Anthony Fauci


      Donald Trump was born exactly 700 days before the founding of Israel on May 14, 1948, and on his first full day in office he was exactly 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old.



    7. My father was born on May 14, hes dead.


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