
Today i remembered this scene from thor ragnarok where angels were coming from gaps on our dome and was like let me check it again and was blown away. I had missed it completely when i saw this movie that this opening on our sky is the milky way.

In the religion i grew up it was said that before god returns to earth there will be signs on our sky that everyone will be able to see.
Now we know what this sign will be, our milky way/wound of the beast opening up and revealing the true color of our universe which is bright light!
Which light should revert us back to our true forms like the moonlight/sunlight was doing to lycans, saiyans, monstar etc.
Or to be more realistic melt the ice in antarctica completely and liberate us from the ice we are imprisoned in demolition man style.

From wikipedia

In the Babylonian epic poem Enûma Eliš, the Milky Way is created from the severed tail of the primeval salt water dragoness Tiamat, set in the sky by Marduk, the Babylonian national god, after slaying her.

In the Hindu collection of stories called Bhagavata Purana, all the visible stars and planets moving through space are likened to a dolphin that swims through the water, and the heavens are called śiśumãra cakra, the dolphin disc. The Milky Way forms the abdomen of the dolphin(dome=belly of the beast subliminal) and is called Akasaganga which means "The Ganges River of the Sky"

Other names include:
Claí Mór na Réaltaí
"Great Ditch/Fence of the Stars"

In Hungarian mythology, Csaba, the mythical son of Attila the Hun and ancestor of the Hungarians, is supposed to ride down the Milky Way when the Székelys (ethnic Hungarians living in Transylvania) are threatened. Thus the Milky Way is called "The Road of the Warriors" (lit. "Road of Armies") Hungarian: Hadak Útja.
(subliminal for our alies/evil aliens that will come from the milky way to save their friends that are threatened/us)

Australian Aboriginal
The Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains in South Australia see the band of the Milky Way as a river in the sky world. They called it Wodliparri (wodli = hut, house, parri = river) and believe that positioned along the river are a number of campfires. In addition, the dark patches mark the dwelling place of a dangerous creature known as a yura; the Kaurna call these patches Yurakauwe, which literally means "monster water".
(HAHAHA that's the kraken from aquaman movie i correctly decoded in previous thread we live in its belly/it's our dome)

Aboriginal groups from the Cape York region of Queensland see the band of light(milky way and rest stars) as termites that had been blown into the sky by the ancestral hero Burbuk Boon. 
(stars on our dome=leechmonger/worm swarm from dark souls i decoded in an older thread).

In star wars movies there's intel too that the milky way is a wound on the dome beast.
In the 80s movies they showed that we live in the belly of a giant worm/snake.
In newest star wars movie rey and her friends were trapped underground/underworld symbolism and there was a wounded giant worm/snake that was blocking the exit.
Rey healed it and it let them get out.
That was the same scene from the 80s only here with rey they made the beast look innocent and in need of help. The wound looked identical to the monser energy drink logo which has been decoded to be 666.

Princess snake from dbz comes to mind laughing at goku that he lives in the belly of a snake/worm and he has no clue.
In the video with rey there's subliminal too that they live in the belly of a snake/worm as that area they walk in underground has the shape of the body of a worm. Look around you rey, that's no cave!

-This is no cave.

Princes leia is the princess snake from dbz/lunar queen hiding in plain sight and her stupid lover got her out of her prison.
Hela in thor ragnarok was shown also imprisoned here behind the milky way/dome.
In tron legacy it was the lunar boss himself that revealed the location of his hidden kingdom/prison earth so the fools who will come here to rescue their loved ones/father odin/us/god/x-men apocalypse open the gate like cyclops so the lunar boss can get out hiding among the sheep like odysseus and like skurge from thor ragnarok.

I came across today an old jackie chan movie trailer named "Who Am I", trailer ends with
"You will never know who you are"

Yeah i'm definitely watching this movie, and i know who we are/fragments of betrayed, sleeping, frozen god like jet li from monkey king. Ancient greek philosophers were revealing how all lifeforms are god!
When ra's al ghul/lunar boss wakes me up i'll tell him like batman if i can influence god's hive mind, "this time i wont save you" like he is expecting us to do electro and robocop style and instead leave him behind in his train/worm cave to crash and die with it.


Robocop 2014
-Wake him up, Aleeeexxxx these men are here to kill us, these men are here to kill us!
(Alex after not having wasted his time in the dreamworld dancing with his wife, chasing women, getting married, reproducing etc but investigating instead.)
-You S.O.B. i should kill you where you stand but then again i dont wanna deprive my friends/evil aliens from the pleasure of capturing you alive and judging you for your crimes.

-I should kill you.
(Electro waking up looked like he knew dealer lunar boss is his enemy and then he got played. It reminds me the art of war book by sun tzu where sun tzu said
"extremely dangerous people you dont imprison, you kill them quickly as every second that passes and are alive you, your kingdom and your whole mission is in jeopardy")

Sun tzu was talking about people that were experts at poisoning and could poison water sources, create pandemics etc and kill thousands, lunar boss is even more dangerous but i would freeze him first, dont wanna kill the wrong guy and get played mi2 style.

Freeze him and put him in a museum or vr like the aliens did to rick in rick and morty cartoon and learn all his secrets.
I'm also aware the lunar boss could be a puppet of a parasite/worm and how the actual enemy is living in the microcosm.
I'm aware also how these worms contaminate constantly food, water and air(when the infected exhales) with their eggs and being close to a being infected by them to be a great mistake.
This means i would keep scanning myself for worms/parasites regularly after i wake up especially if i get the chance to capture the lunar boss myself.
I get it now why sun tzu said "kill them immediately" as the longer they breath the more eggs they contaminate the air with.


  1. Looks like Mr Sean Hross is your fan:

    The Grange Castle of Lafayette next to Chateau Lafite of Ghislaine Maxwell

    1min 5sec in:
    "Pharaoh" points camera to the castle
    "Me" ponts camera to the backpack
    "Them" points camera to the moon.
    Then laughs.

    1. Jackie Chan "Who am I"
      Jackie Chan = JC = Jesus Christ

      Colossians 3:1-4
      If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
      Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
      For you have died, and your life/identity is hidden with Christ in God.
      When Christ who is your life/identity appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

  2. http://web.archive.org/web/20191114154520/https://illuminatiscarface.blog/

    1. CIA boogerman, ok, why not take it one step further to the ones who created the CIA, the knights of Malta and the jesuits?
      Its always America being blamed for everything that happens in the world, a country that is only 200 years old created by the jesuits.
      Napoleon, Hitler, both jesuit puppets.
      Stalin, Mao, probably also jesuit puppets.
      Lorenzo Ricci created the United States in 1776 same year that one of his disciples Adam Weishaupt created the bavarian Illuminati, more than a century before that his ancestor Matteo Ricci was giving the chinese their lunar calendar and all the secrets that NASA holds today back in the early 1600s.

    2. The Jesuits are also known as the knights of Mary, you know as in Virginia and Maryland, the central headquarters of the CIA.
      Heres a movie that they just released to her:

      THE UNHOLY - Official Trailer (HD) | In Theaters Good Friday, April 2

    3. I am one of her miracles.
      My mother was infertile, tried for 10 years to conceive.
      She went to Fatima.
      What good did that do?
      It destroyed my parents marriage.
      They divorced.
      Then people tell me that i shouldve been aborted.
      There was no abortion needed, she was infertile.
      This place is all moronic.
      Now youre telling me that God says be fruitful and multiply, for what, isnt 8 billion enough already?
      Oh multiply so you can then be sent into the gas chambers, the labor camps and to take your vaxes.
      Sure, im right on it boss.

    4. Now what, im unholy so i have to be purget out like all those poor people at Jasenovac?
      I have to take your vaxes and wear a mask to protect you from me the boogerman.
      Just get it done, like i would care, moronic reality.

      Documentary "Jasenovac the Cruelest Death Camp of all times" 1983,Roman Catholic Genocide in Croatia

      Oh wait the js are coming to get me, never even met a j in my life but these morons see js in every corner.

    5. I do have yellow teeth, maybe thats why you want me to wear a dumb mask since everyone on tv has bright white teeth,

    6. My only regrets are that i didnt skipped school and catechesis, my time wouldve been better spent kicking a soccer ball against the wall.
      But to you people as long as Mr Willy continues to grab whores by the pussy at the dragon stadium and Mourinho keeps on taking millions out of the pockets of dumb brits then you are living heaven on Earth, the dark middle ages are over as youve tried to convince me, Lol.

    7. The dark middle ages are so over that after 46 years of democracy the outcome is that you are now selling that the only solution for Portugal moving forward is to go back to the monarchy Lol.

    8. Even that is just part of a jesuitical ritual, because 46 are the numbers of chromossomes in the body and the monarch is Osiris the king of Egypt aka the green obelisk man or Master Yoda.
      Like i want to submit to that moron.
      Adam Green as in the green man is the guy that keeps selling that the j boogerman is coming to get me and that theyre going to blow up the dome of the rock octogon, as if that would be a problem, who cares let them blow it up, oh but but that would be the worst attack on christianity since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, blah blah more nonsense.

      Type O Negative - The Green Man

    9. 46 years of democracy just like Donald Trump, George W Bush, Bill Clinton, Marina Abramovic, Michael Aquino all maga mages born in 1946.
      Here, its always a dumb ritual taking place right in front of your eyes:

      U.S Army solider Michael Aquino brags about having Himmler's Nazi Dagger

    10. Even Felipe of Bourbon was crowned king at 46 years of age.
      Coincidence right, sure.
      Catalonia wants out but these morons here in Portugal want in because the priests have convinced them that the chicom boogerman is coming to eat them in their sleep, what a moronic existence.

      Felipe VI sworn in as king of Spain - official ceremony

    11. Heres what you will never mention about mind control while you will forever deflect it with the CIA, Hollywood and J boogermen:

      "The Superior General’s small army would be trained by the Spiritual Exercises to practice a brand of obedience Loyola termed contemplativus in actione, active contemplation, instantaneous obedience with all critical thought suppressed.
      As stated in Section 353.1 of the Exercises, “We must put aside all judgment of our own, and keep the mind ever ready and prompt to obey in all things the hierarchical Church.” But Jesuit obedience would be more than mere obedience of the will.
      An obedient will suppresses what it would do in order to obey what a superior wants done.
      Ignatius demanded obedience of the understanding.
      An obediente understanding alters its perception of reality according to the superior’s dictates.
      Section 365.13 declares, “We must hold fast to the following principle: What seems to me white, 1 will believe black if the hierarchical Church so defines.”
      Francis Xavier would later describe this quality of submission in a vow that unintentionally summarized the Jesuit mission: “I would not even believe in the Gospels
      were the Holy Church to forbid it.”

    12. Francis Xavier as in Professor X Charles Xavier, and how dos he control the X-Men in Marvel, through the spiritual exercises, and how does he keep Wolverine under submission, a man that is invulnerable to anything, through trauma based mind control, as Wolverine does not have any real weakness.

      "America's understanding has been systematically bent to the will of the Church Militant, while the intellectual means for sensing the capture have been disconnected.
      Most of the content of modern media, whether television, radio, print, film, stage, or web, is state-of-the-art Jesuit ratio studiorum.
      The Jesuit college is no longer just a chartered institution; it has become our entire social environment - the movies, the mall, the school, the home, the mind. Human experience has become a Spiritual Exercise managed by charismatic spiritual directors who know how to manipulate a democracy's emotions.
      Logic, perspective, national memory, and self-discipline are purged to the point that “unbridled emotional responses,” as economist Thomas Sowell put it, “are all we have left.”

    13. I cant think of a more prevalent example of trauma based mind control than kneeling in churches and participating in the jesuit confessional.

      Jesui was a great-grandson of Abraham.
      His father was the Israelite tribal chieftan Asher (Asher, “happy”).
      At Genesis 49:20, Asher's posterity is divinely prophesied to “yield royal dainties
      (ma-adanim, 'delights').”
      Their uniquely privileged access to the minds and wills of kings has certainly enabled the Jesuits to yield copious harvests of royal delights.

      There are exceptions, of course: Condemnors who Reconcile and Reconcilers who Condemn.
      Many loving Roman Catholic priests dedicate their lives to a form of reconciliation, Confession and Absolution.
      But aren’t these sacraments really a process of Condemnation in which the confessant pleads guilty and is sentenced on the spot by the priestly judge to certain penitential acts which pardon the guilt?
      Reconciliation according to Scripture forgives the sin free of charge and directs the confessant’s energies not to punishments but toward a repentant, constructive life within the mind of Christ.
      I suspect there are lots of Catholic priests who do true Reconciliation, even though it’s technically heretical.
      My elderly British Jesuit friend stationed at the Gesu was a Reconciler of sorts: he took confession every weekday afternoon by the clock in Italian, a language he didn’t understand."

      Know Your Enemy (Part 36 - Jesuit Deception)

      Comedian Louis CK SNL segment ---Truth in plain sight about Catholic church

    14. This mind control is so insidious that i live in a territory called the Iberian peninsula, Iberia as in Ibriy which means Hebrew in Hebrew.
      King Felipe of Bourbon claims to be divinely chosen by God through the bloodline of king David.
      Yet somehow these morons are commited to the idea that they are escaping some make believe j boogerman far away who is mind controlling by instead submitting their will to these principal monarchial powers Lol, i dont even know what to say about this whole moronic construct.

    15. I also dont get how can you refute the examples i give when i use the inquisition by claiming that it happened so long ago, while at the same time keep on using eamples of js stoning people for heresy 2000 years ago.
      And where are the js death camps that you keep promising?
      Oh they are coming right, sure meanwhile here comes more catholic lockdowns and more laboring to pay for bankrupt churches and their devinely chosen royals.

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5TSm2mWlbo&t=1695s

    What if Eminem was lowkey telling the truth in "Rap God"?

    His line where he said how we're all stuck in a time warp/loop from 2004.

    He also mentions sacrificing humans, and there's a picture of him with Rachel Chandler who was a criminal associate of Epstein.

    1. EM in EM, thats 33 in 33 also M&M as in Master Mason.
      Also why do they have to get the bleach blonde hair, not just Eminem but a lot of them do that, does that signal some sort of transmutation going on, maybe the light of Lucifer like Super Saiyans in Dragon Ball, they have been illuminated.

    2. Doesnt Eminem rap about anything?
      Maybe he could rap about Little Saint James island since his name is on the Lolita express flight logs.
      Probably not, swiss laws of silence being in place and all.

    3. If you watch the Just Lose It video from 2004 the pedo theme is very present.

      Eminem - Just Lose It (Dirty Music Video)

      Just Lose it as in the cremation of care ritual that they take at Bohemian Grove, which is meant to burn away your care, self-restraint, inhibition, stage fright, temperance so that you can then act out all your perversions, or to get your military to be able to accomplish criminal acts of war, just lose it, nothings gonna happen, nothing is impossible, just bomb the shit out of them, no conscience, no remorse, who cares, fuck it.

    4. The spiritual exercises with the end justifying the means mentality are meant to achieve the same thing, so ultimately all the different venues of mind control are there to make you just lose it, it being your self-will.
      Lose yourself, your self-will.
      Empty your mind.
      Yeah no thank you.

      Eminem - Lose Yourself [HD] - Joker

    5. Open yourself to Mary, check the Unholy trailer that i posted above.
      Same thing they show on WWE with the fiend, Let me in, yeah let me in, sure thing bud.

      Bray Wyatt reveals a dark secret on “Firefly Fun House”: Raw, May 13, 2019

      You know whats BS?
      Vampires, they cant get in unless you invite them.

      You Know What’s BS!? Vampires

      Yeah i dont think so.

    6. Just Lose It video from 2004 also shows a time loop, it shows Eminem rap battling his younger self B Rabbit, thats a loop.
      The very name Encore can represent a loop,
      At the end of the album Eminem kills his audience and then himself.

      a repeated or additional performance of an item at the end of a concert, as called for by an audience.

      Saying goodbye but he never went away.

      Encore/Curtains Down

    7. When Dr. Dre says crunk, you will get it crunk
      Get it crunk! Crunk! Crunk! Crunk!
      And when 50 Cent says jump, you get on one foot, and jump
      Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!

      Sure and
      When the doc says confinement you will shut your door
      Shut your door! Door! Door! Door!
      And when a 50 percent chance says youre gonna die, you will get a covidiot mask
      And put it on! Put it on! On! On!

      We just want you to obey.

      OBEY! Pharaoh's Bible Romans 13 for Slave Stock of Ma'at 42 Principles by Masters of the World

  4. Damn good thread. It's all poetry in motion. Miky way also= land of free milk and honey i.e. they come here 2 FUCK/rape us and milk our precious virgin souls 4 free"Loosh".

    1. Luke 10:18
      And he said unto them, I beheld Satan falling as lightning from heaven.

      I am the lord of the wastelands
      A modern-day man of steel
      I gather darkness to please me
      And I command you to kneel
      Before the...

      God of thunder and rock and roll
      The spell you're under
      Will slowly rob you of your virgin soul

      The spell is covidiocy.

    2. God Of Thunder

  5. C = 3
    I = 9
    A = 1

    Strong's Greek: 391. anastrophé -- dealing with other men, conduct, life, behavior, manner of life, conduct

    Strong's Hebrew: 391. akzab -- deceptive, falsehood; by implication treachery -- liar, lie

    In conclusion CIA 391 means a deceptive conduct when dealing with other men

    Very fitting.

    1. Good deciphering bro. Try 2 break down the other and agencies too lol

  6. https://pastebin.com/7SNLCavt


    So, taking all of this into account..

    When are we finally gonna install an Antivirus to go along with the birth of a new sibling?

    A Perfect Antivirus that selectively kills based on the purity of ones heart and consciousness.

    1. Good video. I think they already have it with the covid virus as it seems to magically know who to go after. They wish 2 control our DNA, genetics and fate at the end of the day....

    2. Skull and bones 3/22 Secret Society

      Genesis 3:22
      And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”

    3. The worms sound like horny, lustful men lol

    4. The worms feed on lust but they feed on all the other sins of men too.
      Lust is the foundation since it is what keeps the flesh alive, you have to keep lusting and reproducing the flesh for the worms to have a nest to hatch from.

      Donald Trump, In The Flesh & Waiting For The Worms -- Pink Floyd's The Wall Mashup

      "Emperor Charles V called the Diet of Worms as a court of inquisition and ordered Luther to appear and either affirm or renounce his teachings."

      Freaking worms.

      Acid Witch - Worship The Worm

  7. BUT. Red, am I? and round – and rosy! May be, for I have dissembled well!
    But hark ye, my merry friend – hast ever thought that beneath a gay and frivolous exterior there may lurk a canker-worm which is slowly but surely eating its way into one’s very heart?


    Joel 2:25
    And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

    1. Even though i know that this world is an illusion and that flesh is just a worm feeding pit fest, damn porn is hard to let go, these women are just insanely perfect.
      If i was to design a woman physically and make her come to life, i couldnt do better than some of these women, its crazy, and im not talking of the ugly fake boobs and balloon faced ones with duck lips.
      Some of these naturals damn, they sure can feed those worms.

    2. The worst part is this is the reason that Jesus had to suffer and die for.
      So dumb, i am a moronic creation.
      I am sorry Jesus for being a degenerate moron.

    3. ALL good men are forced 2 be Jesus and carry the cross simply because we're good and pure:(

    4. There are no good men, the flesh is evil by default:

      Romans 3:10-18
      as it is written:
      “None is righteous, no, not one;
      no one understands;
      no one seeks for God.
      All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;
      no one does good,
      not even one.”
      “Their throat is an open grave;
      they use their tongues to deceive.”
      “The venom of asps is under their lips.”
      “Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.”
      “Their feet are swift to shed blood;
      in their paths are ruin and misery,
      and the way of peace they have not known.”
      “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

      The fact is this dimension is a prison for corrupt spiritual beings.
      That is why you have to repent or perish.

    5. "ALL good men are forced 2 be Jesus and carry the cross simply because we're good and pure:("

      I know that youre being sarcastic but here is a testimony of someone that actually redeemed his darkness and became good and pure, Jonathan Kleck:

      Jonathan Kleck's Personal Testimony

      So it can be done which means that the reason that i havent done it is because im too corrupt.
      Im closer to being this guy than being Jonathan Kleck:

      Oblivion NPC Conversation - what's your name?

      I cant see the serpents eating sheep, i cant hear Gds voice, i cant heal anybody, i cant cast out devils.
      Can you?
      I dont think so.

    6. Mr Sean Hross says that the powers are invisible and so you wont need your eyes, well that depends on whether you have the eyes to see, Jonathan Kleck can clearly see all thats hidden, i cant see nothing unless im being shown it.
      What does that mean?
      Im too corrupt.

    7. Unless You Repent, You Will Perish

      Luke 13:1-5
      And some were present at the very time, reporting to Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate mixed with their sacrifices.
      And having responded, He said to them, “Do you think that these Galileans were sinners more than all the Galileans, because they have suffered these things? No, I say to you. But unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.
      Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them— do you think that they were debtors more than all the people dwelling in Jerusalem?
      No, I say to you. But unless you repent, you will all similarly perish”.

    8. Luke 13 If The Tree Does Not Bear Fruit, It Will Be Cut Down

      What fruit?
      Spiritual gifts:

      1 Corinthians 12 Spiritual Gifts

      1 Corinthians 12:4-11
      Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit;
      and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord;
      and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.
      To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.
      For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit,
      to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.
      All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills.

    9. 1 Corinthians 12 One Body with Many Members

      1 Corinthians 12:12-13
      For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.
      For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.

      The body of Christ s a hive mind.

      TYPE O NEGATIVE - Machine Screw + Christian Woman

      And so is the beast, one mirrors the other.

    10. If happy little bluebirds fly
      Beyond the rainbow
      Why, oh, why can't I?

      I cant because im corrupt and deserving of hell.

      Somewhere Over the Rainbow - The Wizard of Oz (1/8) Movie CLIP (1939) HD

    11. "ALL good men are forced 2 be Jesus and carry the cross simply because we're good and pure:("

      If either you or me were good and pure we could heal Kabooms leukemia simply by praying for it, thats a spiritual gift, the gift of healing.
      Since we cant because neither of us is good and pure, the man is cursed to rely upon the con men of the medical industry that will continue to con him and drain him by exploiting his sickness.

    12. Check out Jonathan Klecks personal testimony, Jonathan healed a man with colon cancer simply by laying his hands on him, his cancer was gone.
      You think either you or me could do the same for Kaboom, yeah i dont think so.

    13. Wow that's amazing. All we can do is pray 4 kaboom and wish him the best of luck

    14. Unfortunately yes.
      The NPC guy talks about vampires wearing their sunglasses at night, that is Jonathan Klecks testimony about his spiritual transformation from darkness to light:

      VAMPIRE SUNGLASSES Marketing Video ,,, You will become a New Creation .. Compare the PAST

      I have no testimony of any spiritual transformation to give.
      But ive experienced a physical transformation thanks to the vegan diet, and by juxtaposition if a physical transformation is possible then a spiritual transformation has to be possible also.

      How did it worked?
      I repented from a bunch of stuff that i was consuming while everyone else including doctors were telling me that i have to eat from everything.

      If i apply the same logic than i have to repent also from what im doing that keeps me in a spiritual state of corruption.

    15. Even if i cant repent still i dont want to reproduce, this place is too moronic.
      And im still confused about what this place wants from me with this covidiocy spirit cooking witchery.

    16. Have you seen the South Park covid special episodes?
      Who would want to have kids to put them through this garbage?
      The normal South Park episodes are bad enough and they are very accurate at representing what is an average childhood in this worm hole.

    17. Here is Alex Jones talking about sacrificing kids to communicate with unseen spiritual beings:

      Alex Jones On Elon Musk And Aliens | Andrew Schulz & Akaash Singh

      Mr Sean Hross doesnt even know what happened to his kidnapped child.
      Im corrupt but not corrupt enough to believe that this worm hole is a good place to bring children to.
      And both Jones and Hross dont even touch on how this dimension is all just a worm pit anyway.

    18. Jones even gives the example on how Abraham was asked by God to sacrifice his child, but then God stopped him because every other religion is based around child sacrifice.
      Yeah no thank you, you can sacrifice me if i cant avoid it but no way would i give you children for that end, i would rather be dead now.

    19. My mother had a great gift, she was infertile.
      Once that was reversed and she started popping out children then my parents marriage ended.
      No way would i fall for that same con game.

    20. Both Jones and Kleck have confessed of leading women into abortion.
      More child sacrifice.
      Yeah no thank you.

    21. At least they are keeping happy all the customers out there that depend on aborted embryonic stem cells for their performances.

    22. I'm pretty much in the same boat as you bro. I don't have nor want to bring kids into this hellhole either! This place and all of its demons obviously want our eternal souls so they can feed on it forever like a free battery. The universe is all based on energy and the demonic which 2 use human souls as a free energy source. Hopefully we can all escape this place/hell someday!

    23. Apparently you can use these aborted embryonic stem cells to treat leukemia:

      Ethics in Science: stem cells research: Overview

      Khan Academy - Stem Cells

    24. "Hopefully we can all escape this place/hell someday!"

      Maybe im kept here for good reason and i shouldnt be let out.
      Have you seen the number 23 Jim Carrey movie?
      He was a crminal before losing his memory/identity.
      Could be for good reason that i was thrown here and i am too dangerous to go outside, i dont know.

      Número 23 (2007) | Trailer | Full HD | 1080p

    25. In this movie they also use the blonde hair female for light and the jet black hair female for darkness which is my guess on why certain celebrities like Eminem have to bleach their hair, they have been illuminated.
      This why in Stan the music video the guy bleaches his hair, he weants to be illuminated.

      Eminem - Stan (Long Version) ft. Dido

    26. And Stan just had his girlfriend pregnant so what is being hidden in plain sight on Stan the music video, child sacrifice.

    27. Why didnt Stan went crazy before getting his girlfriend pregnant, because thats the theme here, its always the same thing.
      And he got his hair bleached, became illuminated, like Alex Jones when he is talking about sacrificing children to communicate with hidden beings on the other side.

      Friends on the Other Side - Princess and the Frog

    28. The priests are another giveaway on how it is all a con game, they tell you to be fruitful and multiply and ask you to get married in their churches, meanwhile they keep themselves celibate and single (even if most of the time that is all just a facade).
      But people dont care, they eat it all up.

    29. Just as when these morons here in Portugal play the chicom boogermen card, oh the chicom are so meanie, yet when we had the colony there in Macau which is still all centered around brothels and casinos, oh hell yeah the chicoms were the best friends that a nation could have, even as Mr Willy keeps on getting millions out of China and Vitor Pereira dances around as the chicom champion, and Mr Hulk keeps on pretending that he is Ronaldo 2.0, these morons were all praising China and the chinese as the new kingdom come, now its all oh the chicoms are coming to get us, we need to hide under the king of Spain for protection, united we stand divided we fall, blah blah blergh.
      Ill rather side with the chicoms and the Morocco sultan than any of these morons, as if islam and godless china were not all run by the same masters child eaters at the top anyway.

      The Mythology Behind “Eaters of Children” by Johnny Cirucci

    30. Good finds bro. Kinda reminds me of Saturn eating his own son. They use the the youth as their life force/fresh blood. Nothing goes to waist with these demons

    31. Thor was also blonde while his brother Loki had dark hair

    32. From boogerman interview:
      "Theres a boogerman in all of us" = worm inside the apple
      "All my children went to heaven, Ooops, ahahahahah, awesome"...

      Eating worms with Boogeyman: Talking Snack

    33. Ive re-watched Jim Carreys number 23 movie, this is the kind of movie that gets worse with each repeated view, made me feel bad that i keep advertising it, avoid.

  8. Khan Academy - Stem Cells

    From watching this video ive learned that you can also collect these stem cells from cord blood taken from the umbilical cord and the placenta, and you can also reprogram your specific cell types like muscle cells back into stem cells by introducing into them certain genes.
    This reprogramming science sounds like it belongs to the same branch that they are working on with the MRNA covid vaccines.

    It also shows that the most common clinical utilization of these embryonic stem cells is to treat leukemia.
    They first clear the leukemia cells from the bone marrow with chemotherapy or radiation, then introduce these stem cells in that will later transform into red blood cells.
    So these embryonic stem cells can literally transform into anything, thats why they are being so promoted right now.

    No wonder they are such a big business for Brazil and that the industry is so pissed at Bolsonaro right now.
    Oh noo Bolsonaro boogerman is holding us back, these religious nuts are so backwards and moronic!
    Oh well...

    1. The Tanzanian president was already taken out, i wonder how much longer will Bolsonaro stand...

      Tanzanian President John Magufuli Tests Papaya for Corona - COMES BACK POSITIVE! CoronaVirus Covid19

      Bolsonaro - Tropa de elite

      Im not sure Bolsonaro is not part of the gang anyway, him and Trump are big pushers of Vaxxes for their swiss sionist eugenicist handlers..

    2. "Nothing goes to waist with these demons."

      Quite literally they even recycle back the cells that they farm off the umbilical cord and the placenta.
      Cant blame them 70 years old Trump looks younger and healthier than me at 20 years old, i wonder why cant they do the same for Biden though, the man is falling apart.

    3. Are you still there Kaboom or have you crumbled also?

    4. How Embryonic Stem Cell Lines are Made

      They can use donors of sperm and eggs, then can do the in vitro fertilization to extract these stem cells from, control over the womb, thats the signal that Trump keeps making with all of his hand gestures.

      Oval Womb Trump gesture:

      Merkel do this one a lot also-
      Guess they are all dependent upon these stem cells for their public appearances.

      MetalTrump - All Out Life (Slipknot)

    5. Stem cells are unprogrammed cells in the human body that can be described as "shape shifters."

    6. Shape Shifting is the answer to all questions.

    7. Stem cells can typically be broken into four types:

      Embryonic stem cells - Stem cells taken from human embryos
      Fetal stem cells- Stem cells taken from aborted fetal tissue
      Umbilical stem cells - Stem cells take from umbilical cords
      Adult stem cells - Stem cells taken from adult tissue

      The ones that ive always been refering to were in fact fetal stem cells, embryonic stem cells are the ones they fertilize in vitro, my mistake, sorry.
      Adult stem cells are reprogrammed via the insertion of certain genes, whatever those are.

    8. "Nothing goes to waist with these demons."

      In April 2001, researchers at UCLA and the University of Pittsburgh found stem cells in fat sucked out of liposuction patients.
      Source: https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/cellular-microscopic/question621.htm

      They can even collect these stem cells through liposuction procedures and later reprogram them for whatever application such as the treatment of leukemia.
      Wow this could be why obesity is so prevalent everywhere, an ettical means to get those stem cells when religious nuts forbid their direct access through fertility measures.

    9. "Differentiation is the process by which scientists pre-specialize the stem cells, almost like preprogramming the stem cells to become specific cells."

      Wow this sounds a lot like mind control, they program these cells similar to the way that they program minds.

    10. "Adult stem cells may not be able to be manipulated to produce all cell types, which limits how adult stem cells can be used to treat diseases.
      Adult stem cells also are more likely to contain abnormalities due to environmental hazards, such as toxins, or from errors acquired by the cells during replication."

      Liposuction fat stem cells not so good after all, back to the fertility clinics we go.

    11. An additional ethical consideration is that iPS cells have the potential to develop into a human embryo, in effect producing a clone of the donor. Many nations are already prepared for this, having legislation in place that bans human cloning.

      You can engage in cloning by reprogramming adult stem cells, they can even reprogram and edit memories of the person cloned, doesnt a cloned person starts with a blank new memory like the ones that incarnate directly from the moon, who knows.

      Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War


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