The Ancient Family Drama. UPDATE ( Evil=Devil is mixed, Good=God is pure!)

I have decoded how like in Thor movies and religion with rebel adopted son loki/lucifer there's an ancient family drama going on here and we are caught right in the middle of it.

Jupiter ascending did a good job showing that family drama too where the lunar boss betrayed his mother and had her as a human cleaning toilets on earth while he ruling her kingdom. Same exact intel we have in the thor movies.

I had noticed in ancient religions zeus to symbolize jesus the good father and his wife hera/satan/lilith the evil mother.

I noticed in thor ragnarok with odin and hela what it meant when odin said "my life was all that held back hela and now that i'm gone she's taking over".

Hela symbolized his evil wife/hera(odin is zeus) and as long zeus was alive he was manhandling evil, maybe he married it to keep it close and control it as probably he couldnt kill it.

And just like in great alexander's family the evil wife used the help of the adopted son to overthrow the king/zeus and take his throne.

Alexander the great wearing the medusa head on his chest and goat horns on his head symbolizes the devil and he stole the throne with the help of his evil mother. His father like in thor movies had no plans for him to become king as he wasnt pure macedonian(most likely he was adopted or the son of his evil wife he married) so his evil wife olympia conspired with her son(alexander) to kill the father/husband and make her son king.

King philip before his assassination he had married a macedonian woman and had given birth to a pure macedonian child and was planning to make that the next king. After he was assassinated his ex evil wife burned his new woman/wife and newborn alive. And to this day in greece everyone loves olympia=hera/satan and hates philip/odin/zeus/jesus cause one time he attempted to kill alexander=adopted son loki/lucifer for something bad he did.

He was drunk and he failed and damn the trouble he would have saved us all from(like father owl in hirata estate in sekiro) had he not failed.
So i'm furious with the dumb ignorant greeks taking the side of lucifer/alexander and his evil mother olympia/hera and look down upon the king that symbolized the good father odin/zeus.

But odyssey reveals the good father will return and put everything back in order.
I have decoded whore weaver penelope from odyssey symbolizes the evil mother lilith/hera/satan and one ancient philosopher revealed when odysseus returned he punished penelope severely and locked her up.

Another thing i contemplate recently with so much evil showing up in female form is if the nature of evil is female.
In a battery the male is positive and female the negative.

Which exposes Eve in the bible was the snake/satan who seduced adam like the darkness seduced anakin skywalker and dragged him down along with his entire bloodline.

Similar female nature of evil intel we have in huntsman movies and in christian and muslim religions who have the good god as a male and both have a hate for women which reveals they secretly know of satan to be a woman.

Hollywood shows also of satan not to be a real woman but a transgender which verifies what i decoded that evil is in the mixing.


I just remembered the intel of zeus separating man from woman who used to be one/mixed before that.

And realized how this hasnt happened yet as both current men and women are a mix of both, the female part of men can be seen in their nipples and the male part of women in their clitoris.

So zeus separating the male from the female that is mixed together right now looks to me like the purification kami did in dbz and while the female part might look like the evil within i suspect it's evil when it's mixed, when alone/pure is not evil anymore when we consider only mixed things are evil.

Genes dont like to be mixed like the plants dont like to be eaten(see antinutrients). Mixing creates evil, unmixing cures it.

Which in this case neither male or female is evil but when mixed both are.

Mixed beast baphomet approves this message.
 Chinese mixed dragon/snake with legs/satan from the bible approves too.
 Evil=Devil is mixed, Good=God is pure!


  1. If I remember correctly, Credo Mutwa spoke of the one to two gender creation with David icke Years ago. Allegedly and I'm sure I may butchering the message a bit from memories. Reptilian type beings were responsible for converting the one mixed beings by having "it"go into a "change" room and two beings would emerge, male and female. Perception changes the narrative a tad but you nailed another if true!

    1. Hollywood keeps showing us that humans have two minds/consciousness like two different beings share the same container.
      This can be seen in the mirror where the left half of our face looks very different from the right like 2 different beings were fused into one like in dbz with the fusion technique.
      Pacific rim made it more blatant with the requirement of 2 people to operate 1 robot that symbolized the organic machine that is the human body.

    2. From hellraiser hellseeker!

      -Here's what I believe, Trevor.
      I believe you and me
      have a lot in common.
      I believe each of us
      are the sum of two...
      entirely different people.
      I know who I am.
      And I'm not a killer.
      -Denial to the end.
      That's what I like about you, kid!
      Good and bad, Trevor.
      Honest, dishonest.
      Righteous and evil.
      That's how we're all made.
      A little of both.
      It's just a question
      of how much...
      of each.
      And we're made up of just
      the right parts of both.
      A little heavier on the evil, huh?
      It's all good, Trev.
      It's all good!

    3. Just saw a youtube video of Credo Mutwa where he was saying all humans have a warrior mind and a mother mind. That's the female and male mixed in one human container i decoded and exposed in this thread. Funny how people are seeking their soul mate and is inside them the entire time.

    4. I think it's more so that being mixed creates chaos, confusion and discord. But yeah I agree with you. Great work as usual kaboom. It's also why the NWO wants so BADLY to mix all the human races up. So they can create their monster/mutants and chaos/hell on earth just like in the times of Atlantis and Mars.

    5. Thank you for the kind words, like correctly you said, they repeat history, what they plan to do have done it already many times in the past. I expose in the new thread i made after this why they have to keep repeating history as evil/mixing expires and has to get refreshed/updated/mixed further!


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