This Is What Happens When Youd Die, Be Prepared!

 I had made this thread right before i got leukemia this past December
Everything You Go Through In This Life Is Preparation To Join The Military In The Afterlife
and today while i was eating some watermelon i told myself, i better enjoy this sugar to its fullest cause there will be no sugar in the afterlife.
Then it hit me, in usmc bootcamp/parris island that symbolizes the moon/devil's island you are deprived completely from sugar!

This is the map of parris island

That's the chinese dragon/worm with legs disguised as a river and hiding in plain sight! The devil's island indeed!

I had decoded there's an ongoing war above earth's dome and we all are forced to participate in it after death and i also decoded everything we go though on earth is preparation to join that war.
I missed an important detail, which is the devil's bootcamp on the moon!
Which was shown also in dbz!

-You came here for training, are you?
-The training is tough, if you wanna back out now is the time.

Training for what? and when i watched this back in the day i was like "what's the point of doing thousands of push-ups in the afterlife/moon?"


Schools and parents teaching us obedience, fear and discipline prepare us for bootcamp which prepare us for war.(In most countries there's a draft and all are forced to join the military after school, so the sneaky bastards modified school training and way parents raise children to be the preliminary steps before that).

This repeats on a bigger scale, life on earth as a hole prepares us for the moon bootcamp which prepare us for the ongoing space war.(no wonder why all video games are kill kill kill!, sneaky bastards!)

Just found out Israel has a defense program called Iron Dome! Reminded me of the movie iron sky both symbolizing earth's dome.

When i was in usmc bootcamp i kept telling myself "i had it nice before i joined and i didnt appreciate it" and life without sugar was hell to me.
The DIs were like demons treating us like shit and some were chocked, kicked in the nuts, all of us were getting spit on the face daily and yelled at and one guy was cursed his whole family tree in his face by a DI.
My first platoon DIs hated me when i got injured(i broke my left fibula thanks to them by the way, they had us running on wet aluminum bleachers wearing cheap worn out running shoes with no tread under them, i slowed down seeing the danger, they hazed me, had me run on them again and i tripped with my leg getting caught between the seats running at full speed), they were thinking i was faking my injury and gave me extra hell too(all injured recruits are treated the same way, you broke your leg? you're a scammer, you're faking it and now you'll get punished more), they went as far to manipulate me into hitting them to throw me to military jail by calling me homosexual names(after the senior DI got caught hazing me while i was injured). Where i come from if you're straight and someone calls you gay is the same thing as calling a black man the N word, it's an instant fight. But my english weren't that good back then and took me a while to figure out what they were calling me which prevented me from punching them in the face.
The DIs by the way freaked out when saw me not getting pissed as they thought that they had come with a plan that was guarantee to get me in trouble, so they were looking each other after like "what are we doing now?"
So i hate that island as a whole for the way i was treated even though some DIs on my new platoon loved me cause i could do 30 pullups. Worth mentioning they were and are stealing all recruits' money(this happens in all platoons as i went through many) by making you spend all your money every 2 weeks at the military store, then they take all your stuff and put them in a storage room which they never give you back and then they take them back to the store for refund when the platoon is away from the building.

Oh and communications with your loved ones while on devil's island(usmc bootcamp)(and thieves' island i should add) were forbidden and cut-off.
I wonder what that symbolizes hahahaha!
All is fractals and subliminals man, everything that takes place on earth and my favorite is the North Korea fractal i decoded not long ago and how being a virgin or rich gets you out easy.
There was a north korean girl that simply bought her way out and reminded me the gods of egypt movie in the afterlife scene where the rich were going to heaven(had the ability to buy out of here) while the poor were going straight to hell.

I had decoded this place was a trap and the worm to hide behind the gate out of here consuming all who went to that gate but still like in North Korea if you know and bribe the right people you can get out of here.

When i was in usmc bootcamp they drowned and killed a recruit out of revenge for making a DI look bad who got caught punching the recruit.(Heard countless stories too of recruits getting killed by the DIs there and their bodies found by fishermen in the river)
Also VA screws all injured veterans paying them nothing for  their injuries, so if you think to join the military stay the hell out i would advise you. Everyone will call you a rock for signing the contract to begin with and you'll be in a place where everyone is miserable and wants to get out.


  1. Forgot to mention the crucible in bootcamp which symbolizes the moon crucible/2nd sun hidden in plain sight.
    There's the myth of Er that reveals of souls that burn in the moon and thanks to usmc bootcamp now i know why they burn. They get reshaped for war usage.
    This hidden moon crucible was shown in avengers end game where it burned thor to our face and turned him into a weapon!

  2. Your story about drowning a recruit rings a bell because I almost drowned as a child and suspected it being hit on me 4 the future things I would eventually know! Also drown victims can be brought be back 2 life as the water doesn't always kill the brain but just inflates it LOL perfect method 2 falsely kill and then awake you in whatever realm they want to put in. Also the evil God of the bible flooded the earth and supposedly kill the nephilim..sons of the fallen angels but the catch 22 was is that probably didn't and were resurrected like Jesus LOL

    1. Every time that devil's island(usmc bootcamp) gets caught doing something horrible like the recruit they drowned they try to throw all the blame to 1 guy and how he doesnt represent the whole island. 11 years later at 2016 another recruit died, this one suicide(and oh boy suicides happen all the time in that island as they dont allow you to quit and go home so many recruits suicide to end their misery), but the recruit that suicide in 2016 got media attention cause he was muslim, they did same thing they do to all injured recruits, they thought he was faking his injury and were treating him horrible to the point he said f*ck it and jumped off a balcony.
      Again they threw all the blame on 1 DI and how he doesnt represent the whole island and went back to business as usual.
      If i was president i would shut down usmc for all the recruits they have murdered and i would bomb that chinese dragon island out of existence like the british did to an island at falklands.
      Oh and all DIs current and retired i would throw them to guantanamo bay with daily waterboarding for all their sins. Just like none of them cared for the life or well being of any recruit no one would care about them and how bad they get treated in their prison.

      The recruit that got murdered when i was in bootcamp my DIs gave a rat's ass about him and all were worrying about a DI that would lose his job over it. Recruits' lives are worthless to the DIs and when recruits get injured they are laughed at too.
      In the medical platoon i was a recruit passed out, fell on the floor and the DI ordered us not to help him and was just looking at him for 30 minutes thinking he's faking it before he called someone to come pick him up.

  3. From Transformers The Last Knight 2017

    -Mr. Cade, everything you've done
    in your life,
    your pain and your suffering,
    the loss of your wife,
    separation from your daughter,
    your financial difficulties,
    it's all just been
    a journey to this very moment.

    Which moment was to go to war with the outworld/aliens/space friends/god/brightseid.
    I told you guys they prepare us for war insidiously after we graduate from the human flesh.
    All this massive effort and time they spend to brainwash us with movies, music and video games on kill kill kill has to pay off someday.

  4. Yep the Earth was created to wage war on Heaven:

    Gen 2:1
    Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host (H6635 tsaba, army of soldiers waiting upon war)
    of them.

    Gen 1:26
    And God (H430 elohim Plural of H433 eloah, angels of the supreme God)
    said, Let us make man in our image (H6754 tselem, phantom, illusion, idol),
    after our likeness (H1823 demuth, similitude, to assimilate):
    and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    Rev 9:7
    And the shapes (G3667 homoióma likeness, similitude, from G3666 homoioó to assimilate, to become similar)
    of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.

    Eze 13:20
    Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows (H3704 keseth from H3680 kasah, to clothe and to conceal self in a host body, to plump and to fill up hollows/honeycomb cells/soul traps),
    wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly (the locusts), and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly (the locusts).

    Silent Vault - Maggot's Queen

    Machine Head - Locust

    Angels to Humans to Locusts

    Lure angels, assimilate them into humans, transmutate them into locusts.
    Then kill, kill, kill, kill, kill.

    Die Antwoord - "Fatty Boom Boom" (Official Video)

  5. Yo fr3nz, I have this hard data to share with you regarding our skies and how damaged they truly are. The ozone layer is a lot weaker than they're willing to admit publically.

    Adapt accordingly, don't risk it without some sort of natural sunscreen. Fukushima threw us all into the Twilight Zone. Earth is only but a memory at this point.

    I actually got some overexposure damage on my skin due to sunbathing from last year. I was surprised as this never has happened to me before.

    "“A society that keeps cures a secret so they can continue to sell medication for huge profits is not a real society but a huge mental asylum.” – Dr. Sebi - Scroll down until you reach Raymond's comment for the pertinent info.

    I guess you could say, those Black Eyed Peas were prophets of our time?

    "We could all try now but just look up in the sky
    We ain't got no ozone left, we are gonna die
    Crime and corruption, is the only season
    Is it 'cause the reason is that we out of time" Behind the Front album, Say Goodbye.


    2. Schools are awful and whats the root cause for that:

      "During its four centuries of existence, the Jesuit educational/theatrical enterprise has produced a proud, poised, and imaginative graduate.
      He or she is enlightened by the Medici Library’s humanities, facile in worldly matters, moved by theatricality, and indifferent toward Holy Scripture.
      Producing Jesuitic graduates has become the aim of modern public education, despite the heavy price of ignoring Scripture (which, as Luther warned and the Columbine murders attest, has indeed turned the public schools into “widening gates of hell”).
      Jesuit theatre and the Spiritual Exercises, whose original purpose was to bring human understanding into papal subservience through esoteric emotional experiences, have evolved into the full panoply of contemporary social communication.

      America's understanding has been systematically bent to the will of the Church Militant, while the intellectual means for sensing the capture have been disconnected.
      Most of the content of modern media, whether television, radio, print, film, stage, or web, is state-of-the-art Jesuit ratio studiorum.
      The Jesuit college is no longer just a chartered institution; it has become our entire social environment - the movies, the mall, the school, the home, the mind. Human experience has become a Spiritual Exercise managed by charismatic spiritual directors who know how to manipulate a democracy's emotions.
      Logic, perspective, national memory, and self-discipline are purged to the point that “unbridled emotional responses,” as economist Thomas Sowell put it, “are all we have left.”

      Jesuit Georgetown Controls America.The Jesuits Rule The World

      Tony Fauci S.J. gloating to C-SPAN about how great the Jesuits are (Jan.8 2015)

      Kamala Harris Speech at Jesuit St. Ignatius Church: Admits she’s Jesuit trained (May 23, 2009)

    3. "I'm 15 now. But the question is how can we stop this? In my country not going to school is illegal. What can we do? I don't wanna sit on that goddam chair for 3/4 more years, listening to the pathetic teachers."

      Now you cant even say no to masks and genetic modification "vaccines".
      Obey the priest, obey the doctor, obey the politicians, obey the teachers, obey the police, we just want you to obey.
      But this isnt a nazi fascist global takeover, sure.

      Roman military fasces hidden in plain sight in USA and around the world (Re-upload)

      Ozone, green deal, Greta Thunberg, black lives matter, whats the root cause for all that i wonder:

      Shameless Jesuits are using a child--Greta Thunberg--to push a "green" new world economic order

      New Bank of England head compelled by Jesuits to enact climate regulation; COP25 Catholic controlled

      Bill Maher rare honest moment--compares Police to the Catholic Church

    4. But you dont want to watch my cringe videos because jews are meanie, 1521 Edict of Worms thats how meanie the jews are.

      "The Edict of Worms was a decree issued on 25 May 1521 by Emperor Charles V, declaring:

      For this reason we forbid anyone from this time forward to dare, either by words or by deeds, to receive, defend, sustain, or favour the said Martin Luther. On the contrary, we want him to be apprehended and punished as a notorious heretic, as he deserves, to be brought personally before us, or to be securely guarded until those who have captured him inform us, whereupon we will order the appropriate manner of proceeding against the said Luther. Those who will help in his capture will be rewarded generously for their good work."


      Documentation showing Jesuit General Ledochowski was fascist and hated Jews

      "The men of Catholic Action did try.
      Their first major effort was to employ Black Pope Vladimir Ledochowski’s strategy of bringing the Catholic nations of central and eastern Europe together into a pan-German federation.
      To head the federation, Ledochowski required a charismatic leader charged with subduing the communistic Soviet Union on the east, Protestant Prussia, Protestant Great Britain, and republican France on the west.
      Ledochowski chose the Catholic militarist Adolf Hitler, who told Bishop Bernind of Osnabruch in 1936 that there was no fundamental difference between National Socialism and the Catholic Church.

      Had not the church, he argued, looked on Jews as parasites and shut them in ghettos?
      ’I am only doing,’ he boasted, ’what the church has done for fifteen hundred years, only more effectively.’
      Being a Catholic himself, he told Berning, he ’admired and wanted to promote Christianity.’

      To promote Christianity as taught him by Roman Catholicism, Hitler appointed Leni Riefenstahl to create the greatest fascist films ever produced.
      Her deification of Hitler and romanticization of autocracy in spectacles like Triumph of the Will are, in themselves, the history of German cinema in the thirties and early forties.
      In print, Ledochowski’s pan-German manifesto took the form of Hitler’s autobiographical Mein Kampf (“My Struggle”), ghostwritten by the Jesuit Father Staempfle and placed beside the Bible on the altars of German churches.

      After World War II, during September 1957, Pope John XXIII gave Jesuit theatre even broader horizons with his encyclical Miranda prorsus (“Looking ahead”), saying,

      Men must be brought into closer communion with one another.
      They must become socially minded.
      These technical arts (cinema, sound broadcasting, and television) can achieve
      this aim far more easily than the printed word.
      The Catholic Church is keenly desirous that these means be converted to the spreading and advancement of everything that can be truly called good. Embracing, as she does, the whole of human society within the orbit of her divinely appointed mission, she is directly concerned with the fostering of civilization among all peoples."

    5. Cant even call their germ theory and virology science a hoax without getting banned.

      Andrew Kaufman MD - Does Contagion Exist?


    6. As for communism (whose hammer & sickle are the same as the pharaonic crook & flail) its not surprising to find how it has the same roots as all the other forms of subservience:

      Karl Marx was a tool of the Jesuits

      The Soviet Union and Stalinism were a Jesuit experiment(mirrored)

      Hofjuden Rothschilds are bankers of Rome and the Jesuits

      How the British Rothschilds Financed Communism and Zionism Out of England

      Vatican forms alliance with the Council for Inclusive Capitalism

      BIS - Secret History of Bank of International Settlements Switzerland

      According to Bill Cooper and Jordan Maxwell the World Government is in Switzerland


      "Fascism may be an ugly word to many, but its stately emblem is apparently offensive to no one.
      The emblem of fascism, a pair of them, commands the wall above and behind the speaker’s rostrum in the Chamber of the House of Representatives.
      They’re called fasces, and I can think of no reason for them to be there other than to declare the fascistic nature of American republican democracy.

      A fasces is a Roman device.
      Actually, it originated with the ancient Etruscans, from whom the earliest Romans derived their religious jurisprudence nearly three thousand years ago. It’s an axe-head whose handle is a bundle of rods tightly strapped together by
      a red sinew.
      It symbolizes the ordering of priestly functions into a single infallible sovereign, an autocrat who could require life and limb of his subjects.
      If the fasces is entwined with laurel, like the pair on the House wall, it signifies
      Caesarean military power.
      The Romans called this infallible sovereign Pontifex Maximus, “Supreme Bridgebuilder.”
      No Roman was called Pontifex Maximus until the title was given to Julius Caesar in 48 BC.
      Today’s Pontifex Maximus is Pope Francis."

    8. Pope = Papa = Father

      Matthew 23:9
      And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

    9. “The curriculum of the Jesuit colleges came to be adopted to a great extent as the basis of the curricula in the European colleges generally,” wrote Dr. James J. Walsh, Dean of Fordham University Medical School.

      Moreover, according to Dr. Walsh,
      The Founding Fathers of our American Republic, that is to say the groups of men who drew up and signed the Declaration of Independence, who were the leaders in the American Revolution, and who formulated the Constitution of the United States were, the majority of them, educated in the colonial colleges or in corresponding colleges abroad, which followed, almost exactly the Jesuit Ratio Studiorum.
      The fact has been missed to a great extent in our histories of American education...."

    10. "Matthew 23:9
      And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."

      This is exactly what i have decoded that our parents here on earth are not our real parents and we're like the ignorant demigods like hercules from mythology finding about it the last minute.

      Thanks for this biblical intel, i love it when the bible has identical intel as it helps me shut down and win debates with religious sheeple pretty quickly.
      Without bible backing me they would call me crazy if i dare tell them those are not your real parents but when i point it in the bible they swallow their tongues, their brain turns 360 and say with a smile "of course you're right, we always knew it too" rofl.

    11. Kratos from GOW too finding on his mother's deathbed zeus is his father which mother turned into a devilish creature right after a subliminal that the devil is our mother.
      And me i'm baffled like AVGN screaming what god was thinking? Was he seduced? blackmailed?, his sperm stolen?
      Or his wife was a good woman that got infected with the worm.

    12. Kratos killed his god father in gow 2, wet dream of the lunar queen/evil mother hera.

    13. "Without bible backing me they would call me crazy if i dare tell them those are not your real parents but when i point it in the bible they swallow their tongues, their brain turns 360 and say with a smile "of course you're right, we always knew it too" rofl."

      You meant doing a 180º inverting your position, doing a 360º is to remain in the same position.
      I am trying to repent by biblical terms but i keep failing at it, yesterday i masturbated again after 15 days of stopping it, even when i know about all the worms and bugs, damn.

    14. By the way notice how the fasces has an X holding it together, all the rods bundled together represent mixing of all peoples and genetics under one single authority, pontifex maximus "supreme bridgebuilder", a bridge connects two separate points as in crossing/mixing as well.

    15. "Without bible backing me they would call me crazy if i dare tell them those are not your real parents but when i point it in the bible they swallow their tongues, their brain turns 360 and say with a smile "of course you're right, we always knew it too" rofl."

      Heres another passage that confirms this for you:

      Luke 14:26
      “If any man come to Me and hate not his father and mother, and wife and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.

      Why, because they are your flesh family which is in opposition to your spiritual family.

      Matthew 12:48-50
      He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?”
      Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers.
      For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

    16. About the brain doing a 360 i was implying mental gymnastics and crazy maneuvers after the shock it received that was in the bible and there is no way around it for the religious people but accepting it as the truth.

      The bible is mixed with truth, lies and brainwashing so while i love it like in hollywood movies, animes etc when i spot truth i'm also equally disgusted when i witness the blatant brainwashing and programming.
      How religious people would react if god tells them
      "it wasnt me that wrote the bible but the devil"

      "I dont communicate with words/numbers but speak directly into your soul which doesnt need languages/words/numbers, those are digital shit and my kingdom is analog/limitless/non digital/numberless/wordless and wormless."

    17. Hera is also hare, in Wicker Man the little girl says that she transmutates into a hare not a silly old rabbit, rminds me of the Playboy bunny.

      Rabbit hole = Wormhole

      Building a wormhole = Supreme bridgebuilder

    18. H6148
      To intermix, mingle self, to braid, to traffic

      To grow dusky at sundown: - be darkened

      Sterility, Arabia a country east of Palestine

      To be a moor is to be dusky, composed of wormed genetics just like me.

      Converge - "The Dusk In Us" (Full Album Stream)

      Converge = Mixing = The fasces = To converge together like bundled rods under the supreme bridgebuilder = pontifex maximus the mixer = the worm

      1 Corinthians 5:11
      But I now have written unto you not to keep company with any man who is called a brother if he is a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner. With such a one you are not even to eat.

      Thats me, the idolater, fornicator and the liar.


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