Allegiant 2016 Decoded, Earth's Dome Is Also An Electric Fence.

I got me a mosquito bug zapper yesterday and today i came across a video showing crazy thunders on the sky behaving just like a mosquito bug zapper like they were zapping someone trying to go through.
Then i was like damn, the electric fences in prisons is another fractal that gives away a bigger picture.
Then i saw today the Allegiant movie that showed it to our face that earth's dome is also an electric fence and was blown away. They also showed it conceals the true universe/outworld from us and us from the outworld, intel i had decoded and exposed countless times back in glp forum.

They showed the intel i have decoded of how we are kidnapped from the outside world, our memories erased, consumed by a flesh type of goo(human body symbolism) and given the mark of the beast and a dbz/tron halo which is a drone and a weapon.

They showed what i decoded recently how after we die we go through lunar bootcamp where we receive military training to fight the outworld and also kidnap more of their kids and bring them back here where they will go through the same process, amnesia, brainwashing etc we did.
(See the scene that was identical to the 40 martyrs christian story, they break free from the electric dome, girl says we did it and dies on the spot/afterlife subliminal what happens next, they are given halos on their heads which act like leashes and individual prisons and are lifted by those halos like the 40 martyrs by their angels after they put halos on their heads, then they are taken to a bootcamp place(moon tower) where they receive military training to join the lunar scum at their war and criminal operations.)
This Is What Happens When Youd Die, Be Prepared!

-This is not
a humanitarian mission.
We're not saving kids.
We're stealing them.
-This is what we do.
Now you know.
David takes them out from here,
wipes their memories with the gas,
and raises them in the Bureau.
-If you take away what they know,
then you take away who they are.
-Yeah. I think that's the point.

Damn this movie had it all man! They even showed the importance of purity and it symbolized also virginity and how only pures/original genetic humans and virgins have access to all doors and places while the rest mixed/contaminated ones are restricted, confined and given the shittiest jobs too.
(See movie taken i decoded recently, virgins go to heaven/great wealthy places, sluts stay in shithole earth, do disgusting jobs and have horrible deaths)

They even showed what i have suspected that through time our genes heal and revert back to their original pure form and the reason they keep forcing mixing on us constantly as mixing expires, the unholy bond degrades and breaks over time so it has to get renewed constantly.

-For nearly 200 years,
the greatest scientific minds
have lived here to test a theory.
If we could rescue
genetically damaged people
from the toxic environment
in the Fringe
and put them in a safe place,
like Chicago,
then perhaps, over time,
man's genetic material
would heal itself,
return to its original form.

-And I'm one of those people.

At the end they had propaganda for unity/globalization(i see hollywood is pushing this very hard the past 10 years) and they tried to blame the outworld for everything and prepare us to fight them.

-My name is Tris Prior.
And I'm here to reveal the truth.
There are others
who exist on this planet.(meaning earth is much bigger and there's more land past antarctica, see admiral byrd)
They do not view us as equals.
They call themselves the Pure(unmixed/original)
and they call us the Damaged.(mixed/evilved)
They created a wall
to divide(quarantine) us from their world
and factions(countries) to divide us
from each other.
We were their experiment
and it almost destroyed us.
They tried to make us forget
who we are and where we 're from,
but they did not succeed.
So here we stand.
Not as five factions,
but as one city.(globalization propaganda, united under china that is)
And we're gonna
tear down their wall.(and let our worms to the outworld, worm expansion business)
You've seen us.
And now, we see you.
To those of you beyond the wall,
hear me loud and clear,
because I know you're listening.(they showed earth is truman show and the outworld is watching us 24/7 big brother style and their people love us like celebrities/actors in movies)
Chicago is not your experiment.
It is our home.(prison)
And it always will be.(this creeped me the hell out lol)

They even showed the devil/lunar queen is our mother and how she's so f*cked up just like Hera from mythology killing/erasing her own children and she killed/erased her husband too in this movie.
Yeah this movie had it all man.

-Yeah, that's what I'm doing.
I'm getting out of here.
Look, I don't wanna be here
when your crazy mom
goes around killing everybody
who used to work for Jeanine, okay? 

Just noticed we had the intel from the rock 1996 movie where i decoded the lunar boss/queen will not follow through his/her genocidal plan and his circle will try to kill him and do it themselves.

-I wanna stand by your side.
But what you do to the city,
you do to me.
-I won't know who you are.
Don't do it.
-No!(lunar boss/queen gets shot here by his circle/people for not following through)
-That's why you pick a guy like me
for a job like this.
I hope you're watching, David!(Hahaha identical scene from rock 1996 movie man, i'm blown away! Holy shit, maze runner 3 had identical scene too of lunar queen getting shot by her right hand man for identical reason!)

Chinese owned hollywood didnt miss the opportunity to promote genetic mixing in this movie while in china they went as far and genocided all black chinese to keep their bloodline original so their leader Xi Jinping can brag of the chinese to be the same people they were 5000 years ago(search on youtube "chinese african genocide in china", i've posted the documentaries and pictures of black chinese getting exterminated in china many times in glp).

-Let her speak, David.
What mistakes, Tris?
-Human beings can not
be categorized in this way.
It doesn't work.
Maybe it's time to start
embracing everyone
instead of dividing them
into groups,
regardless of whether they're
Pure or they're Damaged.
(Have the mixed/damaged and the pures live together so all become mixed/damaged, yeah great plan).

They revealed also earth is much bigger than what we're told, intel westworld series gave away too.

-Just never imagined the world
to be this big.
-Ah. Chicago(crater earth) is just one
of 50 major cities
that used to exist
on this continent alone.
Beyond that is oceans and more land
than you can imagine.

Outside crater earth the land was full with craters just like on our moon which what i and other researchers have suspected of the moon above us to act and like a subliminal mirror/map showing us the bigger earth which is full with craters and each crater/bubble what we call a planet.
People calling the moon cheese is another give away of craters/bubbles/planets of bigger earth to be not just on the surface but everywhere within too.

Now the sky's bleeding.(We live in the belly of a beast/worm subliminal)

The gas they used to erase everyone's memories at the end symbolized chemtrails and they called it a vaccine too when administered individually.
They showed also everyone who gets out of crater earth goes through a decontamination process which had purgatory symbolism before they join the outworld, identical scene to die another day movie when james bond escaped north korea.
It's in the bible too where god says "no one enters heaven before they go through the holy flames".
And no one goes to hell before going through an ice bath!(freeze in hell batman)

See the scene where they got the mark of the beast and got consumed by cold goo flesh agent smith style.

-That was the best weird shower
I've ever had.
Little cold...

Neo said he felt very cold when smith tried to consume him majin buu/venom style.

Recently i suspect neither cold or fire to be worm/evil territory but only when they cross/mix as then you get the warm/worm territory which is also the danger zone in cooking where bacteria grow and multiply rapidly.

No wonder why in movies and cartoons they always pit red/fire against blue/cold as when they cross/mix evil is born.

Still i prefer fire/heat over ice/cold as cold only slows down the worms while heat kills them.


  1. Forgot to mention this movie showed also the intel from altered carbon how many parts of our life here is a prerecording like dreams are and we programmed or left to believe it's happening real time.

    The lunar boss's helicopter to be the only vehicle that can traverse the electric chameleon dome is moon symbolism. It was shown to also have cloaking abilities like tony stark's plane full with stolen riches like a pirate ship from spiderman homecoming. It might symbolize also the hidden black moon that shows up during eclipses. I thought it's always hiding behind the white moon but if it has cloaking abilities it might be running circles around us and no one having a clue except when it crosses in front of the sun.

    1. Ahh like cabin in the woods when ol Hemsworth jumps the gap and hits the barrier and is electrified. Makes sense, if this thing is all one big machine, creating such an illusionary barrier would require a cornbread ass ton of energy.

  2. Heres your favorite song:

    Judas Priest - United (BBC Performance)

    The fasces symbolize unity under one single authority.
    Thats the Antichrist rule on Earth.

    1. The papacy mixed the christians with the pagans on the pretext that it would christianize the pagans but with the intent of paganize the christians.

      Now i even get called a jew because i defend jews as being scapegoats, even though i never met a jew, never seen a rabbi, have underwent one catholic baptism, two catholic communions, believe that Jesus Christ is the messiah and that the papacy is the AntiChrist.
      Oh but what Israel is doing in the middle east is so horrible, as if it wasnt the same story that happened everywhere, Portugal was created by conquering land from the muslims, France was created from genociding the Gauls, America by killing the natives, etc etc etc
      Oh but what im saying is disinformation because Rome fell before the German Franks created France and on and and on it goes, its all nonsense this place.
      But the jews claim to be divine, how is that any different from the Bourbons, the Sax Coburgs, the Boncompagni Ludovisis, the Grimaldis and the rest of the divinely chosen mobsters?
      Oh but they are going to enslave me, because im not a serf anyway.
      Blahblahblahblahblah Hitler was right, guess he was since he rose from the masonic lodges run by Otto Von Bismark and Mussolini his pal rose from the masonic lodges run by Giuseppe Mazzini.
      But the jews they are so meanies, blah blah blah blah.
      Our kings and queens are going to become peasants like any other serf, thats sad to hear.

    2. Dont forget to bet on whos the winner going to be for the champions league final at the dragon stadium, the dragon/worm runs the show, the rest is just blabbering noise.

    3. And no one goes to hell before going through an ice bath!(freeze in hell batman)

      Guess thats why the celebrities are pushing for ice baths.

      #urinetherapy ✨��✨ MADONNA DRINKS URINE?

      Cristiano Ronaldo - Recovery session Ice Bath | Football | Unscriptd

      Why do footballers take ice baths? | Oh My Goal

    4. Recently i suspect neither cold or fire to be worm/evil territory but only when they cross/mix as then you get the warm/worm territory which is also the danger zone in cooking where bacteria grow and multiply rapidly.

      Revelation 3:16
      So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

      Lukewarm is purple, thats why the whore is arrayed in purple, because she mixes it up, Babalon means miscegenation, arab means miscegenated.

      Revelation 17:4
      And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

      Purple Rain means miscegenation.

      Purple Rain

    5. WOW amazing intel at Revelation 3:16
      Look what i just found!
      What does Revelation 3:16 mean?

      In this verse Jesus describes the church at Laodicea as lukewarm. It was customary for people in ancient times to drink hot or cold beverages at their feasts and in their religious sacrifices, but they never drank a lukewarm beverage. Such liquids are distasteful, and for good reason: they are more likely to harbor diseases. Today, on a hot day, people find a cold drink refreshing, and on a cold day they find a hot drink invigorating, but no one ever enjoys a lukewarm drink.

      Hahahaha amazing and i'm blown away how the worm territory which is the warm zone is hidden in plain sight.

      So neither extreme cold or extreme heat is worm territory but when such forces collide/cross like in thor 1 movie the perfect environment for worms is born.
      No wonder why they love red and blue at war or getting mixed with each other.
      In dbz goku wears red and faces piccolo who wears blue.
      Same with vegeta, goku/red and vegeta/blue always at war with each other.
      Same with freeza/cold/blue.
      In movies and cartoons always one force represents the red/fire and the opposing the blue/cold.
      Similar to white vs black where white originates from the ancient red race and black from the ancient blue race.
      Both of these ancient races i have decoded to be pure and divine but when they cross/mix we get the full of hate and evil humans we have today.
      When you mix RGB colors you get white light or black paint.

    6. It also represents your body temperature since humans are lukewarm, the angelic bodies are hot like fire, demonic bodies are cold like reptiles.
      I also remember a comedian joking that theres a region in Brazil where people drink hot beverages in the heat since temperatures are high there being in the equator and he was making a joke of how nonsensical that is.
      White is light which is heat and fire
      Black is darkness which is cold and ice
      Think about the deserts, they are scorching hot during the day and ice cold at night.
      Humans are a crossbreed of angels and demons thats why they are lukewarm, the pure races are angels and demons.
      Demons are xenomorph scorpion locusts, angels have many forms like shown here:

      Why Bible Accurate Angels Are So Creepy

    7. Loki in thor originating from the blue race and growing up in a red race symbolizes mixing, the bridge/cross between those races odin wanted to create and as a result the bridge/cross/mix that loki was made him the most corrupt and treacherous being in existence.
      Same in underworld movies, the bridge between the 2 races vampires and lycans when it was born/created it looked 100% devilish and those movies promoted such mixing as the greatest thing ever while wise old Viktor the only one aware of what this kind of mixing creates was demonized as a crazy psychotic old man.

    8. No wonder why bridges look like worms too and just remembered worm shenron in dbz was the snake way bridge itself in the afterlife hahahaha, man i hate bridges now for the worms they symbolize and look like.

      Amazing intel you posted on angels and demons and how humans are a mix of both!
      Turns out neither angels/fire or demons/cold are evil, just the mixed, lukewarm, corrupt and worm infested humans!

    9. Mixed entities and half breeds are dangerous because its hard to establish borders when you dont know wheter or not you can trust them, wherewas with pure beings you know what to expect, with mixed creations they are unpredictable.
      From all the fantasy books and video games that ive played, they establish orcs as evil, elves as good, but its when you have a mixture of the two that things get unpredictable as they play both sides, they behave nicely among the elves until they mess up and get cast out, and they behave beastial like among the orcs until they start to show compassion and get hunted down, stuff like that.
      Rage of Mages 2 had an orc that was an half breed that could be hired to bring down the orcish clans from within since he knew their language and traits but he was not fully like them so he was a traitor to them, that was a great game.

    10. Same in underworld movies, the bridge between the 2 races vampires and lycans when it was born/created it looked 100% devilish and those movies promoted such mixing as the greatest thing ever while wise old Viktor the only one aware of what this kind of mixing creates was demonized as a crazy psychotic old man.

      A guy that looks 100% angelic but works to bring down the angels, thats Satan.
      Hes the bridge or pontifex maximus/supreme bridgebuilder, the penis is the bride, penetration during vaginal sex opens the door to the other side.

      2 corinthians 11:14
      And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

      Genesis 6:4
      There were giants on the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

      When you can play both sides thats a great power to wield at first until neither side trusts you any longer, then it becomes the greatest curse.

    11. The penis is the bridge not the bride, sorry.
      Think of all the obelisks everywhere, they represent that bridge, pontifex maximus.
      Think about penetration during vaginal sex, thats two bodies like two shores in a river being bridged together, and mixing is the outcome.

      My Victoria Secret Model Level GF LOVES My Vasectomy?

    12. Damn the penis indeed looks like a bridge and a worm like the snake way bridge in dbz.
      About the elite that loves making cartoons and movies of red vs blue, fire vs ice i forgot completely the new MK movie that was all about it.
      Scorpio/Fire vs Subzero/Ice and both looked honorable people and forces, subzero was the bad guy but was fighting for his clan and died honorably at the end where he could run away like a coward.
      Fire Vs Ice, who could profit from such war(m)/worm hahaha!

    13. In dbz with venom/buu/worms was shown babidi was raising wars and conflict on earth so he can feed buu their energy. He was betrayed like Odin at the end by his own creation and killed by it.

    14. Heres a song that you just reminded me of:

      Baptise in Fire and Ice

    15. Blade's words are coming to mind now
      "Some motherf*cker's are always trying to ice skate uphill", so they mix things and create chimeras to cheat their way to the top, only to get killed by their own creation and roll downhill like fools.

    16. "Crime dont pay you know that", thats a quote from Rocky while hes stealing some turtle food at the pet shop.

    17. Baptise in Fire and Ice is subliminal for baptizing in lukewarm/worm territory as when you mix both warm/worm is what you get.
      Sneaky entertainment industry right there hiding the danger zone in plain sight.
      Fire and Ice=Worm Water=Bacteria/parasite territory.

    18. Game of Thrones original name in the books is "A Song of Ice and Fire".

      "Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss for HBO. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, a series of fantasy novels by George R. R. Martin, the first of which is A Game of Thrones."

      Finale Scene -The fall of the Wall - Game of Thrones Season 7 Ep 7 The Dragon and the Wolf

      Reminds me of the pope saying that Trump is not a christian because christians build bridges and not walls.

      President Trump Met With Pope Francis. It Got A Little Awkward

    19. When the pope is talking about building bridges hes talking about miscegenation and colonialism.
      Cristopher Columbus went after the new world to colonize it, his real name was Colon, like the colon in your bowels where the worms thrive.

      CARIBBEAN BRITISH PIRATES Port Royal Jamaica Oliver Cromwell & City of London

      And in Futurama they show that the worms are the real colonizers running the show are the worms.

      Futurama - Parasites Lost part 7

    20. Today, on a hot day (when life events are going well), people find a cold drink (a lie or joke) refreshing, and on a cold day (when life events are difficult and things are getting hopeless) they find a hot drink (the truth and a solution) invigorating, but no one ever enjoys a lukewarm drink (half-truths and maybes, cliff hangers).

      Fire is the truth
      Ice is the lie
      Mix them up together you get a cliff hanger.

      By the way the forked tongue of the serpent showed on demons represent being lukewarm that is telling half-truths.
      God wants things to be defined, either truth or lies.
      Indefinites are the devils territory.

    21. Hot = Yes
      Cold = No
      Lukewarm = Maybe = Thats the devils territory when anything can happen = Open borders

      Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe

      The Ink Spots - Maybe

    22. You Can't Handle the Truth! - A Few Good Men (7/8) Movie CLIP (1992) HD

      You cant handle the truth, well maybe.
      God doesnt like open endings and cliff hangers.
      Will this solution work, well maybe.
      Nobody wants to hear that.
      1 + 1 = 2 well maybe.
      Thats cheating.
      People want to see results not uncertainties.
      Thats the devils territory, the uncertain.

    23. Will this operation kill me Doc?
      Well maybe.
      Nobody wants to hear that Doc.
      Is this woman right for me?
      Well maybe.
      Yeah no deal mister.
      Trumps the art of the deal is full of maybes, cmon Trump are vaccines safe, maybe they are maybe they arent, what about choloroquine does it work maybe it does maybe it doesnt, hes there a pandemic out there sir, maybe there is maybe there isnt, will we drain the swamp sir, maybe we will maybe we wont, will we pull out our troops from the middle east, maybe we will maybe we wont, will Hillary be arrested, maybe she will maybe she wont, and on and on it goes.
      Thats the devils territory and what being lukewarm is about, God want things to be either hot or cold, yes or nay.

      Matthew 5:37
      But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.

      Alex Jones is funny here where he says Joe Rogan is lukewarm and that God wants things either hot or cold:

      The Alex Jones Prison Planet - Corrupt Them All [FULL EP]

      Im guilty of being lukewarm also, im a big moron.

    24. When you are lukewarm you invite evil in, infections, disease, thats the outcome from having open borders.

    25. You think i can be forgiven?
      I am sorry for being lukewarm.

    26. By the way Tenet reads the same both ways those are the forwards and backwards chains of darkness that represent the flesh.

      Jud 1:6 
      And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting (G126 aidios, (forward and backward), eternal) chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. 

      Thats the ouroboros like in the Qatar 2022 logo.

    27. Forgot the definition of chains from Jude:

      ligament (of the body) or shackle (of a prisoner)
      Figuratively an impediment or disability

      Dokken - Breaking The Chains (Official Music Video)

      Breaking the chains around me
      Nobody else can bind me
      Take a good look around me
      Now I'm breaking the chains


      The Gods had attempted to bind Fenrir twice before with huge chains of metal, but Fenrir was able to break free both times.
      Therefore, they commissioned the dwarves to forge a chain that was impossible to break.
      To create a chain to achieve the impossible, the dwarves fashioned the chain out of six supposedly impossible things.

      Therefore, even though Gleipnir is as thin as a silken ribbon, it is stronger than any iron chain.
      It was forged by the dwarves in their underground realm of Niðavellir.

      Gleipnir, having bound Fenrir securely, was the cause of Týr's lost hand, for Fenrir bit it off in revenge when he was not freed.
      Gleipnir is said to hold until Ragnarök, when Fenrir will finally break free and devour Odin.

      Jud 1:6
      And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting (G126 aidios, (forward and backward), eternal) chains (G1199 Desmon, ligament (of the body) or shackle (of a prisoner), figuratively an impediment or disability) under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

      Judas Priest - (Take These) Chains

  3. Just noticed this movie showed the lunar scum are losing the war with the outworld and at the end of the movie the lunar queen's building(earth symbolism) was surrounded and her locked in a vault(moon symbolism) which at that point was when she decides to genocide the whole earth as like in jupiter ascending and tenet 2020 they keep showing us if they lose earth they will completely destroy it. The rock 1996 shows the lunar boss/queen is bluffing and will not going to do it and his circle will kill him/her and finish the job themselves.

  4. I love how all hollywood movies are connected man.

    From allegiant

    -He's only here
    to extend his funding.
    Which we would be
    happy to do,
    but if things are
    as bad as she says, David,
    shouldn't you get
    your house in order first?

    I tried hard to remember where i heard that before and after 5 minutes of research i found it.

    From james bond die another day

    -Your boy's been very busy in his training.
    He showed up in Cuba and torches a clinic.
    Listen, you put your house in order
    or we're gonna do it for you.

    Both symbolizing the shitshow the lunar queen/boss runs on earth and the outworld threatening him/her to fix his mess or they'll do it for him/her.

    In allegiant he said he divided humanity in countries to ensure peace/control over humanity, now that he's threatened by the outworld humanity divided backfires as he cant use us effectively to fight his enemies so now tries to unite humanity and the reason hollywood pushes hard for unity, then there's the push for global religion etc.

    It's disgusting how people go watch a movie for entertainment but the movie was put there to brainwash them instead.
    Same with songs, video games etc. Entertainment is the bait, programming and brainwashing is what we get.

    Repetition by the way turns us into robots and the reason asians were making games super hard back in the day and when we die go back to the beginning to force us replay the same thing over and over again.
    Same reason why songs repeat the same words over and over again, why all movies promote the same message, why all media push the same script.
    Repetition is programming and programming is to go robot which is how i felt after spending 6 months in usmc bootcamp, i was reacting automatically like a robot having done the same thing thousands times and was surprised how simple it is to turn and degrade a human into a robot.

    1. Left right left right hahaha the drill instructor laughs inside him saying "i'm turning you stupid recruits into robots/puppets with left right left right and you have no freaking clue".

      If i could go back in time i would give all recruits earplugs and would tell em, wear those every time you march to save your sanity. Then the DI would only program his brain with his left right repetition which would be hilarious.

    2. Left-Right like in politics Hot-Cold Truth-Lie is how the serpent in the garden weaves the spell, the forked tongue represents that polarity and the government represents the mind control, thats how this world is operated.

    3. Just noticed usmc leadership are pro democrats and they were tricking recruits to love left more than right. In bootcamp they were forcing us to eat with the left hand only, to step in the bus with the left foot first and the DIs when were marching us they would say left more times than right. If you were caught eating with the right hand or stepping into buildings and buses with the right foot you were given hell while praised when doing it with the left foot. Damn those sneaky bastards man, they are manipulating recruits to go democrat!
      As the democrat side has been exposed to be totally infiltrated and controlled by the chinese and rest communists, no wonder why usmc operates like chinese dictatorship and is promoting the left side more. And like the chinese they have no concern for safety standards, they had us running fast on top of wet bleachers where i tripped and broke my left fibula.
      The way they train recruits in bootcamp is to make them hate the military, regret joining and want to get out, call them stupid for signing the contract etc. I used to be baffled why they do this, now that i noticed the chinese and communists have infiltrated and running usa's military it makes perfect sense!
      They dont want proud spartans but miserable persians who hate life and are full in fear 24/7 ready to crap their pants, abandon their post and run for their life at the sight of the communist enemy which is china and is coming.
      Now by the way they are shrinking the usmc and shutting down many departments of it like tanks, artillery etc. The chinese communists still fear the reputation of usmc even though it is rotten to the core so they try to eliminate it completely, kill the enemy before the war begins like shang tsung was doing in mortal kombat movie to ensure victory.
      In die another day movie they revealed they go to war only after they have already won the battle.

    4. This is a duality mirror world
      The mirror is what kills the soul thtas why ancient natives used to fear mirrors
      The devils trident = W = Double U = Double you = Mirror

      Hexagram = Rightside up traingle Upside triangle = Mirror
      Jesus crucified rightside up Peter crucified upside down = Mirror
      ea = 69 = WM = bp = dp = Mirror
      Ten Net
      Male Female
      Right Left
      Fire Ice
      Hot Cold
      Red Blue
      Light Darkness and so on and so on

      They love the mirror imagery like shown at the obelisk in Washington:

      The Taj Mahal:

      Pink Floyds Wish you were here album cover art:

      Wish You Were Here

      The mirror/polarity is what kills the soul, the outcome is that the soul becomes food for the worm.
      You gotta break through the mirror to exit the prison.

      Mirror mirror on the wall, its all nonsense here just like a reflection/imitation of life.

      Anthrax "Imitation of Life" (Among The Living) HD

    5. Jesus is always saying Truly, Truly because hes breaking the mirror/the 3 crosses at calvary = W = double U = double you = the mirror

      3 is the devils number = the mirror

      John 3:3
      Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again[a] he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

      To be born again is to break through the mirror = Glass shatters

      stone cold - titantron Glass Shatters (Disturbed)

      Austin 3:16 says i just whooped your ass, thats the devils ass double butt cheeks.
      T = XX
      xx Female rump calling for the worms = Devils ass

      "Stone Cold" gives his iconic "Austin 3:16" speech: King of the Ring 1996, only on WWE Network

      You sit there and you thump your bible and it didnt get you anywhere.
      Screw this place.

      john 3:16
      For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    6. The trident is a mirror = UU
      Its all an illusion.

      FULL MATCH - Kane vs. Impostor Kane: WWE Vengeance 2006

      2 Timothy 2:25
      In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

      Vampires cast no reflection, guess they cant face themselves/repent
      They have to double down on their crimes.

      Vampires cant reverse their thinking, its like they only have one side of their brain the reptilian side.

    7. allegiant
      al le is a mirror
      Giant mirror

    8. See right here
      Negative Gemini = Mirror
      6 min 9 sec duration of the video = 69 = Mirror
      Girls looking themselves in the miror = Mirror world
      Their cheer leading uniforms = XX = Female = Double X = Mirror
      One has dark hair one has blonde hair = Light and darkness = Loki and Thor = Mirror
      U werent there anymore = No more double UU = No more UU

      Negative Gemini - You Weren't There Anymore (Official Music Video)

      Just like this Donald Duck cartoon
      The two become one
      No more UU

      Donald's Better Self || Donald Duck Full Episode

    9. You probably dont get a damn thing im saying about mirrors here but thats ok, just found a great Ric Flair impersonation segment, mirror mirror on the wall whos the fairest of them all, Lol this one is great.


      Thats how they get U, get U in the mirror UU, U fight Urself and then U die, WOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

  5. You got me thinking about what you said with the moon boot camp and in really trying to piece it all together.

    You know how alot of these shows/movies that demons/aliens start flooding after the moon is split by the blue beam? Just like you said what if WE ARE THOSE DEMONS INVADING earth from the moon bootcamp?

    1. Okay then think about what happens to the demons when they stay here? Do they get trapped in here? This earth could be their/our training ground before going to the bigger battles.

    2. I just suspected that the moon symbolizes our prison like the vault in army of the dead i recently decoded where its door they said is a portal to a bigger world.
      So the moon cracking like an egg is symbolism of earth's dome cracking and we exiting into a bigger world/bigger earth where like brainwashed robots/demons invade it.
      In divergent 2014 they showed with vaccines they can hijack our minds dollhouse style and turn us into literal robots.

  6. Heres something that ive noticed that its out the box but it fits what weve been talking about so im gonna shoot it.
    Ive watched porn since i was 13, i find Andy San Dimas/Sarah Hildebrand the most attractive woman ive ever seen.
    Anyway ive noticed in some of her scenes shes holding the guys head in her hands (im talking about the upper body head, the one with the nose, eyes, mouth that stands over the shoulders), and shell move her hand over the guys head, and shell talk to him while staring him in the eyes, it very much feels like shes holding a skull, like a detached human skull, and it feels like some kind of mind control move.

    Heres what im talking about, its like shes holding a skull:

    Kind of like this:

    Why am i mentioning this, well the lunar queen runs this place like a movie or simulation.
    In a movie the director moves the actors around like they are puppets, hes like a master of puppets.
    And i know thats how the lunar queen/queen of the worms moves the people around me, she probably has an antenna or some wireless device connected to their skulls that operates this hive mind and could be located either at the moon or Antarctica.
    From reading Sarahs bio page in IMDB ive learned she wanted to be a ventriloquist, wow thats basically like a puppet master:

    "Andy originally wanted to be a ventriloquist, but at age 18 she got a job at an adult video store in Frederick, Maryland.
    After seeing several ads for adult filmmaker Eon McKai's movies in magazines sold at the store, Andy decided to contact McKai by sending him a nude photo of herself in a MySpace private message.
    Dimas subsequently moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the porn industry and appeared in her first explicit hardcore movie in 2007."

    She wanted to be a ventriloquist/puppet master:
    someone who entertains people by speaking without moving their lips, to make it seem as if the voice is coming from somewhere else : When a ventriloquist chats with a dummy, it really looks like two people are talking to each other.

    1. I have no doubt that when i see people talking to each other in this simulation it actually is the same entity speaking to itself like in a ventriloquist move, and it operates as a hive mind puppetereed by some lunar queen.
      Porn itself is very much about mind control, like controlling me through the worms inside me.
      Im not saying shes the lunar queen but i definitely see a fractal here.
      And then i checked her youtube channel and wow, she collects dolls, talking dolls which reminds me of collecting human dolls/puppets.

      Let’s talk about 1986 Pound Puppies Talking Cooler variations

      One of the first scenes i saw her in was from TeamSkeet "You dont even notice me", well lunar queen i notice you, i know you think you are hidden, and you control the simulation around me trhough a wireless virtual reality, and you think im a puppet but i notice things i just dont know what to do about it.

      Anyway this whole fractal reminds me a lot of Naruto, in that anime there were puppeteers and they had puppet ninja fights, its like fighting by proxy, thats very much what it reminds me of, the shadow arts.

      Sakura Haruno and Granny Chiyo VS Sasori of the Red Sand(Full Fight)

      I know that to exit the simulation/mirror i have to give my body and will back to Christ so that He can empower me with the Holy Spirit so that i can break through the mirror like in Stone Colds Glass Shattering theme or something like that, im still figuring it out.

      MetalTrump - Master Of Puppets (Metallica)

      Stone Cold Steve Austin Mashup Theme - "HellRaiser 3:16" (Added Effects)

      I am sorry Jesus Christ, please forgive me, i submit to you back my body and will, i dont want to be a lunar puppet in this wormed simulation.

    2. Andy contacted a guy named Eon McKai to start her porn career.
      Eon = Neo = one
      Mc = mac = son of
      Kai = God

      The Kais were the gods in Dragon Ball.

      The Meeting of the Supreme Kais

      These Kais or Gods/Elohim/Fallen angels run this simulation through the lunar queen/queen of the worms.
      Im onto you guys, like ive said, you keep trying to distract me with jewish nonsensical witch hunts but im not sure what im gonna do about it either, can i eat you guys Cain and Abel Cannibal snake eater style?
      I dont know.
      Do i have to forgive you to be able to ascend is that, well i forgive you guys for making a puppet and a serf out of me.
      Yeah i forgive you, im a big moron so i blame myself anyway.

      Metal Gear Solid 3 -Snake Eater- Official Music Video by KONAMI

    3. Im sorry for being a moron, i derserve my own shit and pain.
      Im a traitor as well, since im in the flesh chained in ligaments of the body that means i was part of the insurrection, thats just great.
      Then what, gonna burn in hell huh.

      Twisted Sister - Burn In Hell (Official banned Music Video)

    4. Andys ventriloquist puppet dolls remind me of the game Rage of Mages 2 which was my favorite game growing up.
      That game is about necromancers puppeteering armies of the undead and mind controlling dragons and trolls and stuff like that, half breed orcs and infiltrating orc clans and druidic forests, that was a great game.
      It also reminds me of Puppetmon in Digimon which was my favorite character in that show.
      I remember that, i completed a Digimon collection and the last Digimon i got was Ogremon, a friend gave it to me during catechesis.

      Puppetmon vs Everyone AMV

      "You're so free," that's what everybody's telling me
      Yet I feel I'm like an outward-bound, pushed around, refugee
      Something's wrong, got a feeling that I don't belong
      As if I had come from outer space, out of place, like King Kong

      I'm a marionette, just a marionette, pull the string
      I'm a marionette, everybody's pet, just as long as I sing
      I'm a marionette, see my pirouette, round and round
      I'm a marionette, I'm a marionette, just a silly old clown

      Ghost - I'm a Marionette (ABBA cover) (Best Volume!)

      Now that i think about it Rage of Mages is very much a demonstration of the catholic church, infiltrating, orcish clans, druidic forests, orders of knights, puppeteering kings, summoning dragons, yep.
      And the main villain was a wormhole travelling astral necromancer that would just teleport from place to place like pontifex maximus, supreme bridgebuilder.
      He would create a wormhole and that was his bridge between different places in space and time.

    5. Demons looked great back then until i found out that all demons are just an insect race, i dont even like insects.
      Am i an insect too, is that the big revelation, the apokaluptó , from apo reversal and kalupto veiling.
      To reverse the veiling and im actually an insect like the end of the movie the Fly, thats just great.

      The Fly Transformation Animation

      Well thanks a lot queen of the worms.

      Silent Vault - Maggot's Queen

      Im even currently consuming bigger quantities of sugar, oh just like insects that consume sugar sap from plants, the next evolutionary step in insects i know what it is, it is cannibalism.

    6. People see the butterfly and they immediately associate it with mind control Mk ultra, yep im unto you queen of the worms, i know you want to assimilate me.
      But for what, to wage war on angels of fire, thats a lost cause its like in Pokemon having an insect type like Beedrill fighting a fire type like Magmar, this place doesnt make much sense.

      How GOOD was Beedrill ACTUALLY? - History of Beedrill in Competitive Pokemon (Gens 1-7)

      I guess bugs are as useless and as dumb as me.
      Oh look is that a moth worm with wings like in the Silence of the Lambs, yep it is.

      Ghost - Cirice

    7. I know you want me to be one of your puppets like shown on these examples:

      Jap, Funny One Piece Zoro dan Perona

      Pokémon's Sabrina - Animal I Have Become (AMV-HD) *Remake*

      Melanie Martinez - Dollhouse (Official Music Video)

      You picked the wrong puppet.

    8. Oh but the jews they are so meanie, theyre the synagogue of satan, anyone that has not the Holy Spirit indwelling is the synagogue of Satan but good try worm queen.

      By the way:
      Avril = Larvae
      Lavigne = Vaginal

      Acid Witch - Worship The Worm

    9. The skull represents a vault and the sneaky little worm wants access to my vault, good luck with that you larvae.
      Worm in the apple/apple = skull/wormed skull

      You think you can break this vault little worm?

      How to break into bank vault (GTA5 Story mode)

      Sneaky bastard.

    10. This guy in pro wrestling also loves to play the ventriloquist and to ask people to let him into the vault/skull.

      Bray Wyatt reveals a dark secret on “Firefly Fun House”: Raw, May 13, 2019

      So this shows repetition all pushing the same theme.
      Its the mindwar like Michael Aquino was talking about-

      Michael Aquino on MindWar, PSYCONs, fMRI, and TMS

    11. Kentaro Miura is dead apparently, or maybe its a psy op just like the death of Michael Aquino.
      In his work Berserk, which has sucked ever since 911 2001, there was an arc with the queen of the worms, and her children the faeries were cannibals.

      The twin towers represented Cain and Abel cannibal.
      Once the church of Christ is raptured then the cannibalistic party begins.
      The queen of the worms loves her cannibal puppet holocaust.

      ROSINE: The Berserk Monster Manual

      Riz Ortolani - Main Theme [Cannibal Holocaust - Original Soundtrack]

      Griffith is probably the best villain in fictional works but Guts sucked as a main character, the love angle was horrible and the story sucked after the Rosine fight.
      I wonder if im going to be invited to the cannibal party, thats gonna suck.

    12. Apparently the Rosine arc ended in 1998, wow so Berserk sucked for 22 years, damn.
      U2 sucks as well, i dont get how can a christian band be so much worse than a satanic band like Abysmal Grief, U2 has no melody in their music, i dont get them.
      I get the appeal of their message but musically theyre horrible.

      U2 - Walk On (lyrics)

      You're packing a suitcase for a place
      None of us has been
      A place that has to be believed
      To be seen

      Coachman can you take me to the borgo pass?
      There is no road to the borgo pass.
      But its right there!
      Has to be believed to be seen.

      Its the exact same message, only the music is much better for the path of the darkness, just listen, U2 cant make music sound this good.

      Abysmal Grief - Borgo Pass

      Ive watched a lot of Jonathan Kleck and hes an archangel and all but i really cant stomach U2, the only band that i can think of that is as awful as them is Evanescence, theyre both a pain to listen to.


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