X Kingpin's Digital System Doesnt Work If It Doesnt Have Us/Analog Inovating Minds And Batteries In It! -Brigadier General Robert Spalding

Listen to what he says at 25:00!

This is exactly what i exposed in this thread!
There's Analog Vs Digital War Going On In Big Business!

From lululemon's founder own words

"I know they're smart people and they know there has to be a right balance/symbiosis between creative/analog and metric/digital people as the one needs and depends on the other.(like parasite black goo venom)"

This hate towards analog and massive effort to decouple from it reminds me the feminist women that dream a world without men and only women.

Women are extremely jealous towards each other and that's why in the big brother show in greece at least the winner was always a man and similar in politics the president is always a man cause women hate women.

So imagine a world without analog men, it would be pure hate and jealousy!
Men have keep falling to women's digital level but i suspect still men are heavier towards analog than women.

The easiest and simplest way i have found to distinguish digital from analog is this.

"If it can survive on its own it's analog, if it depends on others it's digital"

Chinese trying to make all other nations dependent on them and them independent from others is their attempt to mimic analog and fool people that use my simple method to distinguish between analog and digital.

Europe and america shutting down their factories and moving them to china is so obvious now china was behind to make all other nations dependent on them. They just revealed it recently that was their plan all along and to be able to pull off a plan like this successfully imagine the kind of power and influence you must have!
This alone shows that china rules this world behind the scenes for a very long time.

Now i understand also why the world we live in is so easy towards women and hard on men as men originate from analog, represent analog and therefore must be punished for it as this is a pro-digital kingdom/prison that rewards and supports digital.

Lululemon's founder recommended marriage between digital/metric and analog/non-metric like men and women he said in his own words giving away also man is analog and woman digital.

Now we know why chichi in dbz was so obsessed with books/numbers/metrics and schools and forcing her son in it which made him a disgrace when he grew up.
She reminded me my mother and female teachers at school, identical obsessed with books/numbers and scaring us that we will be failures in life if we dont love them and worship them like god and the bible, metaphorically speaking.

Aren't all women/mothers like that?

To hell with their schools and books and with this digital hell they brought us in!
We were supposed to follow our GOD father's footsteps, not become a disgrace to his legacy like gohan.
His jealous ex-wife/lilith sure did a number on us.

Wow this very video shows while we're wasting our time with schools and books a whole galaxy(bigger world) is at danger and could use our help!

How much precious time this digital reality has wasted from our analog self i wonder!

Women from the usmc came to mind that were terrified if they dont get married by 25 and similar way women are in greece.
While men dont give a damn about marriage and most women trick men by getting pregnant to force them into marriage.

This shows men are analog(heavier at it) and women cunning digital(heavier at it) species like the chinese, dependent on others and then turn around like feminist women and dream of a world with only them.
(I know they're not fools and that they know they need us and the solution they came up with is matrix, put us to sleep to still be able to use us, hide us in a closet so to speak so they roam our world without our presence, and when they mess up wake us up to undo their mess like in riddick dark fury and in gods of egypt that woke up betrayed god ra at the end to fix their big mess!)

-We dont need you men, we dont need you analog, go away
After 3 days(3000 years in the dreamworld)
-Wake them up! every single one of them, wake them up!(see riddick dark fury)

Similar thing they did in underworld movie where selene=lunar queen woke up viktor after she got caught in a big mess!

Oh and in robocop!

Wake him up! Alex! Alex! Save us!

Wow westworld s3 had identical intel that showed how much they hate us like women to men but they cant get rid of us(they said) as they need us so they locked us up in a matrix type of asylum milking us maze runner 2 style and using the processing power of our analog mind dollhouse series style while we sleep.


  1. Digital feminist women that dream of a world with only them gives away how the digital chinese are thinking and of ghrees to be correct when they revealed the end plan of the chinese is the complete genocide of all other races and a planet/3rd layer(and eventually all layers) with only chinese on it.

    Digital loves spreading and taking over agent smith style looks like it.
    (and like agent smith and black goo venom it hides the analog deep within like a battery as it cant survive/live without it)

  2. obi wan kenobi name in star wars gives away this is what they are trying to do. 0be1 can 0be1. I think we may need to keep reminding ourselves that 0 be 0 and it's perfect just the way it is.

    1. in star wars when the dark emperor came to power he ordered the shut down of all robots/androids=digital! and then he said we'll have our peace!
      It feels like only us in this blogspot understand why that was so important to him to do.

    2. Every game and movie is like that, I was watching fallout 2 clips and antagonist of the game are the enclave which is a faction of humanity that hid underground during the war stayed pure/free mutation their the bad guys because their goal is to exterminate all mutated lifeforms in the post apocalyptic world vis virus and reclaim the world for pure humans.
      I completely agree with them because the world of fallout is HELL, it's filled with dangerous mutants, horrible living conditions, and just general bleakness and darkness, if the enclave won they could've wiped the slate clean and ended so much BS, suffering, and darkness but nooooo you can't have that. It's just like with thanos. The bible in general talks about this, The wicked and mixed willl be purged, and the pure/meek will be allowed into the kingdom.

    3. Your comment in another thread mentioned Sunday being the analog day. Which made me realize that our analog core is our solar plexus. I have a reminder of this on my body since the hair going up my abdomen forms a perfect circle at my solar plexus. I'm not sure if any others have this. Maybe as well this is what people are referring to when they say they trust their gut. It has nothing to do with the gut at all.

  3. Yeah, Goku should've bitch slapped chi-chi every time she started nagging like in this video XD
    I'm tired of these feminist and their dumb wacky religion, just the day my relatives were talking about how i need to view all women as queens and worship the ground they walk on, and i said fuck that she better make me a sandwich, only queen in my house is the queen sized mattress i pound her on. It's messed up when you think about it, All chi-chi ever fucking did was hold goku back even when the world was clearly about to be destroyed, it's almost as if she wanted the world to be destroyed.

    Haha, Digital love you remnded me of that one song
    It's crazy how women captivate and draw us to them like a magical spell, this dude really can't fucking get his mind of this irresistibly beautiful angelic woman and he can't help it all, he can do is dream and dream about because there's really nothing better in life than to find your yin/negative force that compliments your yang/positive force.

    1. That goku and chichi video you posted is a goldmine!
      It captures precisely the dumb digital mind of women, men cant put any sense to it as it's wired differently.
      -Is programming/numbers/material more important than saving the earth?
      -That's right! there's nothing more important than putting numbers/words/worms in my son's head!
      At 0:40 that's pure evil! She has made a setup to play words and numbers in gohan's mind while he's sleeping which is hypnotism zombie programming!

      I'm against violence especially to family members so if i was goku i would grab my wife by the... bottom and tell her,
      "listen it's men that have the analog mind(are a lot heavier towards it) and able to invent great stuff you women cant even dream about, that's why we are called the head of the house, we are the brain, so you support my decisions or go back to the kitchen and you'll never get to interact with my son again"
      straight and simple, men have gone downhill as generations go by and why is that?
      because men allowed their wives to become the man in the house and make all the decisions and thinking.
      The elite forcing men to work and allowed women to spend all day with the kids back in the day they knew exactly what they were doing, and now with schools, movies, cellphones etc they dont need women anymore to program the kids digitally so they put their asses to work too.

  4. All numbers and words related to Joe Bidens election show that the reconstruction of the temple is completed, that the great work of freemasonry is done, so theres no more point to the staged US republic and theyre ready to crown the one world messiah antichrist.

    Then theres all the staged mantras that they repeat like Enough is enough, basta, times up, which is they telling us they dont need us anymore.

    And from:

    Although Hwang deceived the world about being the first to create artificially cloned human embryos, he did contribute a major breakthrough to stem cell research by creating human embryos using parthenogenesis.
    The truth was discovered in 2007, long after the embryos were created by him and his team in February 2004.
    This made Hwang the first, unknowingly, to successfully perform the process of parthenogenesis to create a human embryon and, ultimately, a human parthenogenetic stem cell line.
    Matchaki recreated Woo-Suk's experiment in 2019 with seven successful human parthenogenetic stem cell lines thereby proving single-gender asexual reproduction as a viable option in humans.

    Helen Spurway, a geneticist specializing in the reproductive biology of the guppy, Lebistes reticulatus, claimed, in 1955, that parthenogenesis, which occurs in the guppy in nature, may also occur (though very rarely) in the human species, leading to so-called "virgin births".

    However, in 1995 there was a reported case of partial-parthenogenesis; a boy was found to have some of his cells (such as skin and white blood cells) to be lacking in any genetic content from his father.
    Scientists believe that in the boy's case, an unfertilised egg began to self-divide but then had some (but not all) of its cells fertilised by a sperm cell; this must have happened early in development, as self-activated eggs quickly lose their ability to be fertilised.
    The unfertilised cells eventually duplicated their DNA, boosting their chromosomes to 46.
    When the unfertilised cells hit a developmental block, the fertilised cells took over and developed that tissue.
    The boy had asymmetrical facial features and learning difficulties but was otherwise healthy.
    This would make him a parthenogenetic chimera (a child with two cell lineages in his body).

    This is the great work of freemasonry completed, they can reproduce both males and females from a female only ovum parent.
    Like in BraZZers or Dragon Ball Z, the Z is for the ZW sex system of children born from a female only parent through parthenogenesis.

    Ghost, get the joke ghost, as the father is a ghost/non existent.
    Only the mother/matter is real.

    genesis: the origin or mode of formation of something.
    partheno: a combining form meaning without fertilization/father


    1. I remember when my parents divorced when i was 11 and everybody was asking me which one i liked better my father or my mother to which i always answered both.
      My father always mocked my mother accusing her of being a sick and weak person but the truth is that my mother is still around and kicking while my father died years ago while choking on his vomit.
      Similar thing i noticed in the spiritual war going on, as ive watched tons of Jonathan Klecks videos the prophet of Jesus, hes always mocking Marina Abramovic, never have i seen a single video of Marina mocking Kleck, at the same time the impression i get is that Marina and her God Lucifer are the kind that gives no explanation or straight up lie to you and expect you to figure out everything on your own which is annoying, while Jonathan Kleck and his God Jesus are the kind that have to explain every single detail to you and even go as far as to do all the work for you leaving you just standing there as a witness to their work which is annoying also, so its all very tangled up from my pov.

    2. I even read things like "oh when you are in Jesus everybody hates you" but what i see is video after video on youtube of hate towards Marina Abramovic while Jonathan Kleck gets flooded with love letters and money, so you people are either delusional or lying or both.

      I also doubt that bands like Mercyful Fate or Ghost get more love than Klecks favorite band U2, but at the same time there are straight up satanic agendas like covidiocy that are beyond any annoyance that Kleck puts forward, i dont know how you people put up with the covidiot mask charade and the disinfectants every 5 minutes and all the lockdowns and retarded cops everywhere and politicians crapping on tv all day long, it is pure garbage.

    3. But i guess that as long as Alberts casinos are running and princess Charlene is saving the children of South Africa from cannibalism you people are happy so the show must go on.
      And now after a lifetime of liquor and whores you people even expect me to believe that you have a chip on your shoulder against the spanish king Juan Carlos, and his son Felipe is the cookie cutter jesuit trained loyal family man, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.

    4. BraZZers the worlds best porn site right.

      BRAZZERS INTRO | Full brazzers starting #brazzers#brazzersintro


      ZW sex-determination system

      The ZW sex-determination system is a chromosomal system that determines the sex of offspring in birds, some fish and crustaceans such as the giant river prawn, some insects (including butterflies and moths), and some reptiles, including Komodo dragons.

      The letters Z and W are used to distinguish this system from the XY sex-determination system.
      In this system, females have a pair of dissimilar ZW chromosomes, and males have two similar ZZ chromosomes.

      In contrast to the XY sex-determination system and the X0 sex-determination system, where the sperm determines the sex, in the ZW system, the ovum determines the sex of the offspring.
      Males are the homogametic sex (ZZ), while females are the heterogametic sex (ZW).
      The Z chromosome is larger and has more genes, like the X chromosome in the XY system.

    5. I guess that you could make the case that guys like this belong to Marina Abramovics wavelength and hive mind so by him mocking Kleck Marina is mocking Kleck also:

      10919 Klecks clothing line is named Sketchy & hes telling us they're going to kill us on the shirts

      But at the same time i have no difficulty finding people mocking Abramovic, so they too must belong to Klecks wavelength and hive mind.


      Looks like a WWE feud.

    6. So i found this story, i wonder what the fractal is and how does it relate to the dragon/worm.

      The incredible break-up story of Marina Abramović & Ulay on China’s Great Wall

      These guys are always going to China huh, weird.

      Mason = Son of Ma
      Manson = Son of Man

      Barack Obama = Lightning from heaven

      Luke 10:18
      And he said unto them, I beheld Satan fallen as lightning from heaven.

      The women love Obama because he casts them into leading roles.

      Obama Says Women Are Better Leaders Than Men | The View

      Judges 4:8-9

      Barak said to her, “If you go with me, I will go; but if you don’t go with me, I won’t go.”

      “Certainly I will go with you,” said Deborah. “But because of the course you are taking, the honor will not be yours, for the Lord will deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman.” So Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh.


      Because Barak would not go to battle without Deborah, the honor of victory did not go to him, but rather to "a woman" (Judges 4:9).
      Most authorities believe this passage refers to Jael's killing of Sisera in her tent following the battle, while others believe this refers to Deborah herself.

    7. Mason = Son of Ma
      Ma = Matrix = Matter = Mother

      Makes me think of Jack Ma the chinese CEO of Alibaba, he is maybe even bigger than Bill Gates in the highest grossing CEOs rankings.

      How Jack Ma Makes And Spends His Billions

      Another story that it reminds me of is the biblical story of the younger son Jacob/Israel and his mother Rebekah, and how they tricked the father Isaac and the oldest son Esau out of Gods promise.

      Genesis 27:6-13
      Rebekah said to her son Jacob, “I heard your father speak to your brother Esau,
      ‘Bring me game and prepare for me delicious food, that I may eat it and bless you before the Lord before I die.’
      Now therefore, my son, obey my voice as I command you.
      Go to the flock and bring me two good young goats, so that I may prepare from them delicious food for your father, such as he loves.
      And you shall bring it to your father to eat, so that he may bless you before he dies.”
      But Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, “Behold, my brother Esau is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man.
      Perhaps my father will feel me, and I shall seem to be mocking him and bring a curse upon myself and not a blessing.”
      His mother said to him, “Let your curse be on me, my son; only obey my voice, and go, bring them to me.”

      He even makes the distinction that he Jacob the yongest is a smooth man, while Esau is hairy/dotted/digital, interesting.

    8. Jack name meaning:
      God Is Gracious" or "Supplanter"
      Related names: John, Jacob, Jackie, James

      Jacob Ma
      Jacobs mother Rebekah that screwed the father Isaac and the older son out of Gods promise, yeah its all the same script.

      Genesis 27:36-40
      Esau said, “Is he not rightly named Jacob?
      For he has cheated me these two times. He took away my birthright, and behold, now he has taken away my blessing.” Then he said, “Have you not reserved a blessing for me?” Isaac answered and said to Esau, “Behold, I have made him lord over you, and all his brothers I have given to him for servants, and with grain and wine I have sustained him. What then can I do for you, my son?”
      Esau said to his father, “Have you but one blessing, my father? Bless me, even me also, O my father.” And Esau lifted up his voice and wept.

      Then Isaac his father answered and said to him:

      “Behold, away from the fatness of the earth shall your dwelling be,
      and away from the dew of heaven on high.
      By your sword you shall live,
      and you shall serve your brother;
      but when you grow restless
      you shall break his yoke from your neck.”

    9. In the Rage of Magas videogame you could pick either a female or male character but i dont think that it made any difference other than how they looked and their voice.
      You could also pick between knight or wizard, i never managed to beat it with the wizard, you could use books and learn spells but you were weak physically and would get killed off easily in direct combat, with the knight you couldnt use books or spells but you were strong physically and could survive direct combat, you could use a sword and shield for good defense, an axe to kill off faster weaker opponents, or a bow to strike winged enemies or attack from a distance, i only managed to win with the knight, it didnt matter if it were male or female since it was basically the same character.

    10. Weird maybe im remembering it wrong since from here:

      "Whether you choose male or female makes no difference other than what you are looking at on your screen (and may alter the dialogues some), but choosing between a mage and a warrior will greatly impact your game.
      It is recommended that beginners start out with a warrior, it is the easiest type to start with because they are less fragile.
      In theory, you can complete the game with either, although I am beginning to doubt whether it can really be done with a warrior…"

      Maybe it was the warrior that was useless at the end since you needed the wizard to keep healing your other characters.

  5. This analog stuff you mentioned got me thinking about jak and daxter and depictions of Atlantis https://youtu.be/vuJPTUlVqIo

    Like in jak and daxter notice how even though it's set in an 18-19th century setting without digital/computers, things like hovering platforms/vehicles and powerful energy batteries still exist. Analog is mainly about directing physical energy and engineering, whereas digital deals with software and fake abstract shit so maybe ancient civilizations didn't have computers but their society revolved around the directing of ambient energy that was available at the time, which is why it's so hard to recreate ancient analog technologies.

    Which gets me thinking deeper about how you said they use Male energy and jaydreamerz talking about how all the magical energy will return, That is whenever the Father comes or they wake man up to harvest his energy that's the event leads to ambient energy pouring through the world to enable the use of analog circuit technology.

    1. Makes sense to me too about the ancients using analog environmental technology.
      About the father returns could symbolize the return of the fire needed to reignite our cooled down or frozen sun and the harvest that might happen could be the lunar scum stealing whatever they can and escape before the father's/bigger fire's arrival.

    2. About that fire and the father's return you mention it reminds me of this astro boy 2003 intro https://youtu.be/7NbKzt_XOOY

      Notice the red beam shooting down from the sky, the waters from above re-'entering the earth after theyve been boiled away during the book of revelations. Then you see the fire shining brightly followed by an advanced analog city. So it's like after the blue beam causes the plasma event or the asshole gang leaves the father will return in relation to the blue beam.


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