There's Analog Vs Digital War Going On In Big Business!

-The way the boards are setup kills a creative/analog person,
it's very metric/digital driven, it's very by the book=worms,
there's no real love or caring about the non-metrics=analog!!!
a creative/analog founder loses his power cause what they say it's 1 vs 8 other people.
(which gives away democracy and equality was invented to suppress the creative/analog minds and force them to submit and act and think like the rest digital dumb minds/people)
-when a creative/analog person loses the ability to keep being creative/analog cause he is driven by logical/digital people, how did you handle that?
-(long story short he got tricked by the digital people and lost his company!)
-non creative people can't handle the unknown that creative people bring into the process,
they want people like them to surround them in the board and a CEO like them cause they know how to talk to that CEO.
-the board of directors, the money(numbers) people want to get rid of you cause you get in the way, do you think that's what they think to do?
-they dont even know they think that way, it's a very subconscious thing(=driven insidiously by the digital/cerebellum brain!)
I know they're smart people and they know there has to be a right balance/symbiosis between creative/analog and metric/digital people as the one needs and depends on the other.(like parasite black goo venom)

This is a mind blowing video that reveals how hard this communist north korean kingdom we call earth tries to suppress analog as it's a threat to it that can make it lose control over the people.

He goes on and reveals also how men and women are completely different people like the one is analog and the other digital which gives away why most men cant understand women as they think digitally and men analog. That's why all great inventors and thinkers are men, women are digitally driven like the chinese, materialistic, money driven/gold diggers and cant understand a world without matter/numbers/digital/matterix.

As generations go by men become more digitally driven like women and that's why we dont have any great inventors and thinkers anymore like in the past.

Towards the end that guy in the video ruined it as he expressed support towards getting digital implants in our bodies and 3d food and wear a one piece clothing suit like spiderman venom that can change its colors and shapes like a chameleon and black goo and how we have to go towards that direction.
He said in the future people wont design clothes but apps which will get downloaded to our suit and make it change spiderman venom style.

So he had a great start in this video but he crashed the ship towards an iceberg in the end and showed how the digital people in his environment did a number to his brain.

By the way this suppression of the analog mind reminded me the inception movie where they elite told to our face how much they hate ideas and go as far to steal them from people's minds when they sleep so they never come to thought.(they said in that movie "there's nothing more horrible, more disgusting than an idea")

In greek "idea" is literally how we pronounce hideous!(which hideous in itself is synonym to idea)
So they express their hate and disgust towards ideas and creativeness even in the very languages we speak.

Imagine hearing someone saying "i have a turd in my mind", this what a greek person will think when he hears an english speaking person saying "i have an idea in my mind".


  1. Dead and alone in this world. Now I know why...woe analog man.

    1. They hate analog, then they turn around and copy it like the chinese and feed off of it like vampires.
      They hated nikola tesla, treated him horribly but they copied and stole his ideas and twisted them to further enslave the masses.
      Similarly they have stole the ideas of many great people of the past who died poor and no one even got to know their name.
      Greek inventor george giolvas is another one, wilhelm reich too, this one they went as far to burn his books as his ideas and inventions would change the whole world.
      Similarly they have killed and hunted down all inventors of infinite/analog energy that liberates us from the scarcity and enslavement of the digital drain/bottomless pit that we have to keep feeding it endlessly.

    2. They kill infinite energy inventors, then turn around and tell us it's impossible to have infinite energy.

      This is straight up North Korean shit and i hate this place with passion for trying to disguise itself as something it's not.

      Imagine North Korean telling its people, "you're free, equal, democarcy, you all matter, god kim jong loves you" while they have soldiers at the border to shoot to kill anyone trying to leave. That's the hypocrisy of the whole earth right there.

    3. In man of steel they showed to our face anyone that tries to leave earth gets killed in the scene where baby superman was about to escape and general zod ordered to shoot him out of the sky.

      I hit the bullseye when i decoded earth as a bigger version of north korea!

    4. Schools, military, democracy, capitalism, governors, economy, money system etc it's all north korean/chinese culture and shit.
      Then they turn around and tell us these barbaric inhuman methods were invented by our ancestors so we accept them as ours.

  2. "they kill infinite energy inventors, then turn around and tell us it's impossible to have infinite energy."

    this just reminded me how similarly have brainwashed the masses to believe it's impossible for infinite at anything to be possible.
    the infinite universe has beginning and end, planets suns have beginning and end too, all lifeforms too, literally nothing according to the pro digital/finite elite that rules earth is infinite/analog, except religion that has god as the only infinite being.

  3. Its all about bending an individual into full conformance with the script, and that wont stop until they reach full assimilation into their hive mind digital identity.

    Revelation 20:15
    And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.

    Third of Five - "You will be assimilated."

    Its a code trying to assimilate foreign code.
    But it has to decode it/break it down first.

    You are, You Are
    I am I am!
    You are, You Are
    I am I am!

    Watch you want?
    I'll break you down
    What ya got?
    Jericho all around

    For those about to rock and What ya want
    Baby you know your judas and I'm your priest
    Baby what I got is not from the least
    Bring it through the stage in the rage of a beast...

    One, Break the wall down
    (Break down the walls)

    Every Day of my life
    I let the inside
    show from the outside
    i try to do my best to pass the test

    You are, You Are
    I am I am!
    You are, You Are
    I am I am!

    Being molded to conform with a set standard of code like Play-Doh or something.

    AJ Styles Theme (Old Theme)

    Chris Jericho (2001-2003) - Break The Walls Down V4

    You are no longer, You arent
    I am you, you are me
    You are no longer, You arent
    I am you, you are me

    Something like this, assimilation.

    Assimilate the right
    Assimilate the wrong
    Assimilate the weak
    Assimilate the strong
    Assimilate your feelings
    Assimilate, too late
    Assimilate the hope
    Assimilate, Assimilate

    This is what an actor/mimic does.

    Overkill - Elimination;center,top&resize=640:*

    Cell Absorbs Android 17

    1. I dont want to be assimilated by this moronic digital minded covidiot hive like they show here.

      Cell absorbs an entire team

    2. I also noticed how Cell is green like Chloros which is what they are promoting as treatment for covidiocy under the name chloroquine.


      Trump touts chloroquine, old malaria drug that doctors say may help treat coronavirus | ABC News

    3. Equine is a horse
      chlōros Is greenish, that is, verdant, dun-colored: - green, pale

      Chloroquine is the greenish pale horse of death

      Yeah no thank you.

      The Four Horsemen - Metallica

      Four horses?


      Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

      The fourth and final horse is pale green, and upon it rides Death accompanied by Hades.
      "They were given authority over a quarter of the earth, to kill with sword, famine, and plague, and by means of the beasts of the earth."

      A quarter you say?

      'Robot soldiers could make up quarter of British army by 2030s'

      Thirty thousand “robot soldiers” could form an integral part of the British army in the 2030s, working alongside humans in and around the frontline, the head of the armed forces said in a television interview on Sunday.

      Thirty = XXX = Vessel

      Speaking to Sky News on the morning of Remembrance Sunday, the chief of the defence staff suggested that “an armed forces that’s designed for the 2030s” could include large numbers of autonomous or remotely controlled machines.

      Technology under development includes the i9 drone, which is powered by six rotors and carries two shotguns. Remotely operated, it is intended to be used to storm buildings, typically an urban warfare situation that generates some of the highest casualties.

      When pressed if he was predicting there could be another major world conflict, Carter said “I’m saying it’s a risk and we need to be conscious of those risks.”

    5. Greenish and coolish or dracula: dead and loving it.
      Yeah no thank you.

      DANCE WITH THE DEAD - Adrift

      You can all keep your covidiot napkins.

  4. Guess we're analogs then, Because I'm so dysfunctional in this society that I can barely maintain my college gpa and i have no motivation for anything. The only careers I could devote myself to are either becoming a super scientist Inventor or army ranger/special ops or doing spiritual training until I ascended and became a DBZ warrior or something. I know it sounds crazy but the only things i find purpose in this world are through adventure and discovery, these things take you to the peak of the human condition, and cause you to transcend the mundane.. I'm depressed at the prospect of working a regular 9 to 5 jobs. I hate working. I hate going to college, I hate living in my grandmas. Fuck it all.

    1. Work means slavery in greek and sundays reveal in the analog world there's no work=slavery!
      As in sundays generaly no one supposes to work cause it's analog sun's day and in religion it's a sin to work on sundays which gives away work as a whole is a sinful act like slavery is.

      The bodies we have have been modified or infected with digital shit that force us into slavery.
      I hate work too and i love and miss the days i had as a child sitting on a chair on top of a mountain on an island next to my grandpa and enjoy the day chilling and having a nice beautiful view all around, or doing things i love like playing sports with friends etc, hobbies not work is how the outside world runs i suspect.

  5. Women are much more naturally creative than Men. The arts industries are dominated by women. This is easily visible all across society. The materialism etc you reference to women is to do with other drivers. Not their lack of creativity. That line of thought isn't going anywhere useful for you.


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