Mind Blowing Fractal On Large Intestine/Dotted/Digital Worm Decoded! UPDATE! Uroboros Design Could Be The Solution To Make All Lifeforms Good Again. UPDATE 2! I O Decoded! UPDATE 3!

The plan for the digital worm to consume all that is analog and use/degrade it as its battery/food(like matrix did) is encoded in this very picture!

It's identical to the asgard earth map where the worm encircles the entire earth!

And this gives away the kind of symbiosis we are with the digital worm, literally feeding off of us while we do all the work.

The small intestine scientists call it now the lower brain and how it is like a super advanced battery according to mantak chia in his london real video.

And i have exposed the digital worm/cerebellum in symbiosis with our upper analog brain!(as above so below)

In this picture the cerebellum looks just like a vr headset digital device! It's like watching a human wearing an oculus vr device!

And found people/writers in articles who were upset with scientists calling the cerebellum as useless as the digital worm on our bottom and how we can easily live without it.

The vr digital devices they're pushing on the masses now give away how they pushed these digital human parts on our ancestors if not forced them on them.
Introduced them as for pleasure and entertainment and when get them super excited and high on pleasure like drugs do introduce the womb=tomb=matrix pod/belly of the beast/digital worm!

Cemetery means sleeping in greek.
And i suspect we dream because of the cerebellum/digital brain which puts us in vr/fully digital/mimic world at night to get scared from nightmares so they milk us from our soul/analog energy maze runner 2 style.

Just found out the appendix which looks just like a worm is called vermiform which means literally worm!
"The appendix (or vermiform appendix; also cecal [or caecal] appendix; vermix; or vermiform process) is a finger-like, blind-ended tube connected to the cecum, from which it develops in the embryo. The cecum is a pouch-like structure of the colon, located at the junction of the small and the large intestines. The term "vermiform" comes from Latin and means "worm-shaped." The appendix used to be considered a vestigial organ(useless), but this view has changed over the past decades.[1] Recent research suggests that the appendix may serve an important purpose. In particular, it may serve as a reservoir for beneficial gut bacteria"(that can kill you if the appendix erupts! beneficial my ass!)

Makes me wonder is the appendix the head of the large intestine/digital worm or its tail?
I think it's the head full with nasty worms/bacteria like the medusa head and pandora box.

Looking at this pic

and the asgard/uroboros map pic makes wonder!
I decoded before the solution to the bottomless pit problem is to cure its hunger/wound by connecting the ends like in the uroboros worm!

And seeing the ends of the large intestine so close to each other makes me suspect if they used to be connected like uroboros and some asshole separated them and forced all lifeforms through that to go to hunger/evil mode which hunger led to the mass global killing, eating and slavery we have today.(all to appease that hunger/cut/wound that never heals!)

I'll be so pissed if the solution to the human problem could be so simple to just connect the ends of the digital worm. Making it a perpetual machine.

Scientists say we only absorb up to 5% of the food we eat so that food could literally go in circles 20 more times if not for eternity(worms/bacteria would adapt/evolve to eat their own shit(like their big daddy/large intestine), why not, evolution baby i would say to the naysayers) making our intestines a perpetual machine with no more need to keep eating and killing other lifeforms.

And of course if we were to eat something when full we could always puke it out.

Did i just decoded the solution to the human problem and all life=evil in this freaking cave?
I'm terrified a little hahaha!

The binary language of the digital=mixed world I O is the mixing of good and evil!

I symbolizes evil and O symbolizes good!
That's why i suspect word "evil" is made mostly from Is and "good" is made mostly from Os.

I noticed this symbolism in a youtube snake expert channel where the guy informed how easy to identify good snakes from bad/poisonous.

He said all snakes with diamond shape I pupils are toxic/poisonous and all snakes with human O shape pupils with the exception of 1 or 2 are non poisonous giving away the O shape symbolizes good and I evil.

Heads of nonvenomous snakes are also smooth and round while venomous are edgy, another digital vs analog fractal.

Uroboros is O shape and the solution to the hunger problem that affects all lifeforms.

Also O is the symbol of infinity which is also what analog is and I is the symbol of finite/beginning and end what digital is!

The hateful 8 symbolizes the perpetuity of crossing/mixing, how the digital worm found a way to immortalize itself by having mixing/crossing repeat over and over again which is what symbol 8 represents, eternal crossing/mixing.

Also having 0 represent nothing in math gives away the hate the elite has towards it as 0 is everything like analog is!

And in greek O is called omicro/small while the O that is cut open like a mouth and has beginning and end symbolizing the I is called omega in greek!

And is the last letter in greek alphabet symbolizing the end of the road/death! The end of infinity/analog!
Lowercase omega gives away how simple the solution is, connect the ends!(but make sure you dont create an 8 by mistake, lowercase omega is a clever 8 trap hidden in plain sight!)

They create the problem uppercase and then present you the solution/lowercase which is the solution they want, make mixing/evil eternal=8!

I just noticed the dotted worm is actually the number 8/crossing repeated over and over again!

Big relief as i was like the dotted worm is a bunch of O connected how O can be good?

So O alone is good, when connected/mixed/crossed or cut open/wounded like omega dangerous and evil!


I wanna add about the digital human part augmentations of the past are no different than the digital cybernetic augmentations of the present and future where they want to add more digital shit in our bodies and brains!

History repeats so this shit have already happened in the ancient past and i can already see how they sold the cerebellum to the masses.

"You add this digital organic device below your brain and you can dream all kind of realities! You lie down on your bed and you connect to pleasure worlds, yeah, buy now!"

I bet they sold them to the masses too, made them work hard to get them, like they do today with the VR devices who eventually will become digital chips they install in our brain. (and killed everyone else who refused to get the mark of the dotted beast/worm).
They already have developed them as scientists on youtube talk how they have connected human brains together and bypass vision and hearing and can make brains talk to each other directly without speaking the same language and can understand perfectly each other.

Now a question i had was if these things have already happened, why they repeat them?
The cerebellum and rest digital parts dont look like going away through atrophy so why add more shit?

This is identical to the dream within a dream and video game within video game strategy and ensures survival and preservation of the digital world/worm.

They know the masses eventually will question their reality and find out the truth and will try to get free.
So you create more layers like in an onion to trick them they're free when they remove one layer and the more the layers the better the survival as each layer is slightly different and easy to fool that it's the real thing.

Imagine someone with a digital metal chip in their brain removing it and thinking he's free being unaware of the cerebellum chip.
Similar to when we die and wake up in different bodies or soul humanoid forms and think of those to be our true form only to find out later it's another layer of the digital world.

But the digital is always mixed with analog(I O) as it cant survive without it, so the real shit is also present in each layer like cerebrum connected with cerebellum, large dotted intestine connected to smooth small intestine etc.

They cant replace the real thing/analog so they try to hide it especially by mixing it, but is always there to those who know how to look at things.

Same way to how they try to create artificial digital intelligence to replace human analog intelligence while stealing human brains from the dead and hide them behind machines robocop style or in server locations called the cloud.

I see digital now as the biggest scam ever and it was created for the sole purpose of enslaving things you dont and cant own.

For example and i hope the universe/outside world doesnt work the same way,

There's a law here you cant have human slaves, so how you go around that law?
You trap humans in machines and call them robots, now you can have human slaves, the law cant touch you!

Does the universe has similar laws and the digital shit was invented to circumvent such laws by disguising things and make them look what they're not?

Similar to how big pharma cant patent/own plants so they mix them up with other shit so they can patent them/own them.

So to go mixed or to go digital is to give away your universal analog rights and become a slave! As those rights protect only original analog beings and not edited/corrupt/mixed ones.
Similar to human rights that dont apply to dead=digital human bodies!
I think in robocop they had this intel where they told him you have no human rights you are a machine/digital/dead! HOLY MOLY!

Maybe that's why they have us sign contracts according to dollhouse series as i suspect if they were to force us into slavery/digital the universe would take action. Man i hope that's not the case!

Imagine if the upcoming brain chips and cybernetic augmentations is a slave trap that removes our human rights we have here, i know they love to repeat history so i suspect they will replay the script even though our human rights are already a big joke that dont stop the criminals at all from doing whatever they want.


  1. It can also be seen as AC vs DC which could be actually be analog current vs digital current rather than the names they give them of alternating and direct.


    A rectified DC current looks like it could be the rectum and large intestines.

    When we get into 3 phase power with AC it seems we introduce more dotted worms. The only pure undotted wave is the original single phase. 3 phase current also exists in the delta/triangle form where there is no neutral or the Y form with a common neutral.


    When you research converting one type of current to the other you will see a very similar fractal to humans and the alphabet groups.

    1. Damn, amazing intel! Through bob beck i learned of electricity that can be beneficial to the human body and that kills all nasty worms/bacteria or harmful depending on the type it is.
      The lethal 3 phase AC when i googled it, it shows up as rgb mixed/crossed!

      Then you have the intel on clean/pure and dirty electricity.

      By the way i added more important intel in update 3 in case you already read it.
      The digital scam they force on us removes our universal analog rights and they have us sign contracts too, so we might be really screwed and the reason the universe doesnt come to our rescue thinking we're here by choice and not analog anymore. Kinda like abandoning/renounce your u.s. citizenship and then wonder why america doesnt come to your rescue when kidnapped and enslaved by its enemies.

    2. It's amazing intel and I thank you for putting it all together. You can also see the color mixing in the wiring diagrams they use for each 3 phase configuration.


      The link you posted also reminds me of DNA and brings to mind AMD's newer RDNA architecture for graphics cards that is in the new playstation and xbox.

      I was wondering why a lot of companies were changing their TOS as of October 1st and it presented a feeling that they are trying to get us to agree to something without reading what it is we are actually agreeing to. Since TOS are usually quite wordy and not always easily understood most choose not to bother reading it.

      If we just stop using their products and delete our accounts so to speak, could it free us? Good luck finding a doctor who would remove all digital organs though. Dig it all.. Really puts it in to perspective that we are digging our own graves when we take them. Organs gives away that they produce sound/frequency.

    3. Thank you for the kind words! Thanks to yuri bezmenov i realized how the analog universe is allowing to happen what's going on here as he said "subversion of a nation is a 2 way system, the recipient nation must willing to accept propaganda and influence from other nations and how nations like china and japan in older times cannot get subverted cause they dont allow influence/propaganda from other nations", see the great firewall of china.

      In short if the analog universe wanted it could stop the criminals on this planet on their tracks.
      Which made me suspect that we could be the reason, that we accepted these shit by signing contracts and coming into agreements with the criminal scum of this cave/world.

      Like movie faster with the rock said "we create our own hell".

      Wow and just found out how we sign the contract! Wow i had decoded it before and forgot all about!

      Sex is the contract!
      Penis is the pen, sperm is the ink, the womb is the contract, you cum in the pussy or on the digital flesh you sign the contract!

      There is a japanese hentai cartoon where guys were having sex with a woman and after they came in her pussy she said "the pact of the soul has been achieved".
      While they were having sex she said "in return of pleasure sacrifice your soul to me"
      This is what i decoded in the last 2 threads how these digital pleasure human body parts are the reason we die, lose our soul/immortality etc.

      My glp thread where i decoded the devil's contract!
      "When you have sex that's when you sign the contract with the Devil!"

      And obviously that contract we have to sign it every time before reincarnation, so living a life without cumming in the pussy or flesh could be all what it takes to break free from the digital world!


      The contract has to get renewed/repeated constantly like everything else in this digital realm as it expires if not renewed!


    4. That's pretty intense but makes a whole lot of sense. As children I believe we know and remember this but over time we become programmed and or forget. As a young child I would say I was never having or bringing kids to this place but at some point I stopped telling myself this. I think most people just become bored with what is perceived as mundane and give into what we are told is natural for us.

    5. The ancient greeks praised the women that lived human lives without having sex as the greatest thing ever and christianity with the virgin birth of jesus and condemnation of sex outside of or before marriage is another give away there's something very wrong with sex.

      Women get terrified by it too and i used to wonder if it was cause they're afraid of putting themselves at risk and get pregnant but now i see that fear is also based on the subconscious awareness that we screw ourselves and giving us longer sentences in the digital hell by having sex.

    6. I just found this depiction of the periodic table and it's quite interesting.


      Kind of puts everything into perspective.

    7. It's the dotted/digital worm curled into a circle, it looks like a snail shell too.
      I counted 3 obelisks/penis heads who could be subliminal for the intel ancient literature inform us that the beast that has imprisoned us has 3 heads like cerberus.

      Just found out hades named cerberus spot which is the exact name the lunar queen gave to george clooney in from dusk till dawn movie before he told her "i'm already married".

  2. Not convinced on avoiding the sexual union. The various abrahamic cults did this for a very long time and got no where. Spilling / Wasting the seed is a different conversation. Look into injaculation. Consuming the sexual fluids etc


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