EGG FRACTAL DECODED! It's The Transformation/Mutation Of A Sun Into A Dragon/Worm Like Lifeform! We must liberate our sun before it's too late!

Thanks to the batman arkham knight i played last night i noticed something even more f*cked up that's going on right beneath our feet and above our heads within the moons/eggs.

In batman there was a mission where we liberate earth's oldest tree imprisoned within by cracking earth's crust open like an egg. Then instead of a tree a giant worm like shenron from dbz came out.


Then was like "wait there's a sun within the earth and cracking it open is the same as cracking an egg open".

Then the chicken eggs came to mind where the sun within eventually becomes a chicken/dinosaur/dragon/worm and that is after that sun gets infected by a worm!

So i noticed thanks to the above how the worms turn suns into giant worms and that is submerge them in water/liquid like spiderman did to the sun of doctor octupus.

1:52! Actually worm octupus submerged the sun in the water!

Then freeze the water and cool the sun down.(see ice age and ice at the poles of earth which are the oculus openings to the inner sun like in starkiller base).
Infect the sun with worms.

Build a shell/dome around the sun like in freelancer game with the dyson sphere around a sun.
Keep the outside forces out long enough/3 days/3 thousand years until the worms transform the sun into an abomination.

Then crack the dome open like an egg to let the dragon/worm with legs and wings out.

And that's why in muslim prophecies and oblivion with tom cruise our moon was cracked open like an egg and i suspect identical thing will happen to earth too(starkiller/sun mutation base/egg).(as above so below!)

Which means we must crack these eggs open before the mutation is finished, liberate our sun(s) and have them regain their heat which will purify them from the trojan worms within.(cracking the crust or dome open will cause the water/liquid to pour out like in chicken eggs and that would help them regain their heat i suspect)

Damn, so doing nothing backfires here!
Our enemy is counting on us doing nothing or be distracted with other things until it's too late which according to Yuri Bezmenov that's exactly how the chinese and communists operate.

If we're on year 2000 by 2033 then we have one more day to liberate god/jesus/sun before the worms transform him into a demon/worm.
Similar thing was shown in elysium with matt damon and had decoded before how our enemy is trying to hijack/snatch god's body.

I had decoded when odin wakes up from his slumber like betrayed by his wife zeus he will not be the same person and the whole strategy to put them to sleep(and in cold ice water like in demolition man and sun within earth) was to hijack their bodies like agent smith did in matrix.

It's also important to know what time/year it is as if we're already close to the year 3000 where i decoded signs of that to be the case then cracking the eggs open will only help and liberate the abominations that have already been born within.

There's people i had come across who said fracking and earth's mining eventually will hit a layer inside earth that will cause it to crack open like an egg. Which gives away the elite is already trying nonstop to crack earth open like an egg!

So did we wake up too late into the game? Makes me wonder.

Last Transformers movie showed earth to be unicron and in the 1986 anime earth transformed into a dragon!!! Damn i nailed that shit, on the money again!!!

Holy moly!!!

Unicron earth, or worm within the earth feeding on our sun and growing.

Unicron earth born/mutated into a dragon/worm with legs and wings/butterfly.

                                                         Starkiller base unicron/earth egg/dyson=die sun/god sphere.


  1. Check my newest thread guys, i was blown away at the chicken egg picture that shows the difference between a worm infected egg/sun and an egg/sun without the worm.


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