See Episode 5-8 Decoded

 ep. 5
The frozen statues is us, she has the father frozen too. One statue was missing meaning someone managed to escape the ice prison.
The beast has slept for too long but now it is awake the lunar queen says after she collapses the dome and creates a great flood, we live in the belly of the beast subliminal.
Her horse carriage/getaway vehicle is spherical which is moon symbolism like in star trek first contact.
Next they talk about an absent father and the chance to reconnect.
They said at the end of our journey we will meet a new father. I suspected a trap as the lunar boss/uncle like in hellraiser 1 will try to fool us that he's our absent father.

The kidnapped queen/king they showed next is us.

-Do they like you?(your false parents)
-What did you say?
-They yell at you.
They question you, make you feel small.(beat you etc)
That is how my people(slave masters) always treated me.
(hahaha i nailed that shit in previous thread where i decoded our false parents on earth are trained and raised to be slave masters like their false fathers before them and how slavery is still ongoing and global and the slave masters our very parents!).

-Where am i?
-The city of worms.
(see intro with hairworms, they show all is worms here, See is subliminal for see the worms) 

-Here you(kidnapped king like loki) will be the same as the
rest, or even less so, perhaps,
as everything must be
learned from the beginning.
If you work hard for
me, you will live well.
If you try to escape,
you will not get far,
and the consequences will be...
(There was a bell that was ringing every time someone tried to escape which reminded me the lunar bell that i have decoded)

-You know the rules.
The bell rings, and how do we
know you aren't trying to escape?
The bell rings, and we must respond.
The bell rings, and
you will suffer for it.

Next they showed we're living inside a hollow tree that is surrounded by enemy forces, hahaha i wonder what that tree symbolizes, tree=earth anagram!
This episode ends by revealing we are kidnapped princes like sylvie from loki and the outside forces that have earth surrounded are our armies like in the batman anime with the imprisoned king mutant.
(And like in batman they showed their plan is to steal our throne in the outworld)

-Sooner or later, your men are gonna
want to hear from their queen.
And how do we prevent the
story from coming out then?
-She cannot be allowed to emerge
from that building(earth prison/city of worms) as queen again.
-What exactly does that mean?
-It means there are two
outcomes available to us.
Either she emerges having
abdicated the throne willingly,
blessed her sister as her successor
and agreed to be ruled by her...
or she does not emerge at all.

ep. 6
We're being lied to that the general/outside forces killed our loved ones to make us run away from them(like in movie wanted) where in reality they reunited and are on the same team,
Liar/lunar boss takes us in a deep cave to hide, he says "no one will find us here", that cave is earth!
Then he traps us in that cave and betray us like ephialtes/judas etc.

The ceiling of the cave has stars and are lifeforms, our frozen souls symbolism!
They said the cave in time turns us into monsters/unrecognizable like the journey they talked in previous episodes and north korean prisons.

Damn, i suspected the traitor lunar boss/boots killed his whole village just like lunar queen kane did and david in alien covenant and they just admitted it in this episode.
Only survivor was him and his mother=the devils are 2.
His mother is named delia which is the moon goddess in greek.
Mother lunar queen wants us to kill a relative when we exit her cave, she only allows to exit those who are sworn to kill their relative that lives outside the cave.
Damn baba had to climb out of the cave like batman in bane's pit.

Next they showed kidnaper lunar boss is blackmailing our loved ones in the outworld using us as leverage.

ep. 7

-Until your ransom is paid,
you are an asset that I
intend to be very careful with.

Next they showed if the outworld invades they kill us all, so they(outworld) try silently to kill the lunar scum and free us.

 -You have enough men to
overwhelm them, don't you?
-The moment they hear any of
us, the moment they sense us,
the moment an alarm
is given, this is over.
The only way to reach her alive
is for there to be no guards left
by the time they know we're here.
One man must do it, one at a time.
(That's why only one man is coming, plus if earth is a trap the outworld loses only one guy but he's their best guy!)

Lunar queen took down the dam/dome and like in loki was the "who she remained"/only survivor,
earth is shown to be also the home of the outworld and they'll be very pissed if they see earth destroyed. That's why brightseid in snyder's justice league grabbed earth soil when landed on earth like he returned home.

I liked how this episode ended, the light can be as blinding as the darkness!
"The opposites are the same"

Father ego that rapes all women is going to be evil in the next episode i can smell it.
It's obvious also his genes are evil as all his kids have great evil within them.

ep. 8

The absent father symbolizes the lunar boss, he owns a prison which is earth symbolism.

They show next we're all family to the outworld, if the lunar queen floods earth and kill us all, all humans in the outworld are losing a sister a brother a parent etc.

-Each one of these soldiers lost a
parent, child, a sibling, a spouse.

-Those soldiers out there...
For 20 years, they've done your bidding
on the promise that one day,
they will return to their
homes, their families.
Through countless battles...
and miseries and horrors,
that was what sustained them.
And you just took it all away.
(This can be symbolism for our dead loved ones that go to lunar bootcamp after death and then they go to fight the outworld in countless battles under promise that they will be allowed to reunite and see their loved ones on earth again)

They show next the plan of the devil father is to build more brainwashing prisons like earth.
He sells the women like in taken movie but keeps the boys for working slaves.

The blinding lights at the entrance of devil's prison symbolize our sun/sungate and similar bridge they had in north korea in die another day movie that was leading in and out of our prison.
It's the same bridge from episode 1 that was also hidden from humanity so no one can leave this place. Many movies even the thor movies show that bridge might be broken now.

Knowledge=books=words=digital is a disease that wiped/will wipe out humanity they said next.
Well indeed, see matrix(they're stealing the brains of the dead in hospitals left and right to put them in computer networks with end goal all humans go robot/robocop/matrix), pandemics and nuclear holocaust our scientists are working on 24/7 day and night, oh i almost left out Cern=big bang.

I liked in an earlier episode when baba advised his children to be careful with books cause sometimes their words are wicked.
Now that i know words=numbers=digital, books and all numbers in all of their forms can go to hell!
I felt such big relief when i learned how evil numbers are as schools and books always gave me such a headache and made my life an unbearable hell full with stress anxiety and misery.(and my parents/slave masters were always around the corner to punish me if i didnt do good with the numbers/school).
When i joined the usmc i was happy thinking "no more books, no more schools" and they were forcing us every year to study and pass tests and was like "not again!"

In alegiant movie they revealed education/numbers make people cold/numb=dead inside and baba just told jerlamarel that he feels nothing and knows nothing as true knowledge is analog=numberless! 

-Your vision and all your knowledge(digital)
is a disease that wiped out your kind.
But you feel nothing.
You fools know nothing.

From allegiant

-Restoring order in Chicago
is as important to me as it is to you.
It's the only way
to save the Damaged.
-What is the Damaged?
-The genetic alterations(through mixing)
had disastrous consequences.
Too brave,
and you're cruel.
Too peaceful,
and you're passive.
Too smart,
and you lose compassion.

Like your brother.
-Caleb's Damaged?

That scene at the end with the 2 fathers fighting was so entertaining!
They had the intel also the lunar scum like in snowpiercer will turn off the lights/sun for either mass slaughter on earth or to gain an advantage to the outworld if they come here.



    Season 2, kidnapper lunar boss is our uncle.
    Here Baba dressed in asian armor says
    "let's open our gate and welcome them to hell"

    There's intel like in odyssey and witcher 3 dlc the lunar scum are trapped here and only the outworld can open our gate.

  2. They say that sea tides are caused by the moon, high tides and low tides.
    But im noticing that the tides of fake news also work like the sea, theres days of high tides of bullshit followed by low tides.
    They work so similarly that i cant let it go unnoticed.

    Fake News Remix - Donald Trump vs. The Mainstream Media

  3. Few more interesting intel from See episodes.

    -The cocoon, it moves.
    Why does it do that?
    - That's even worse.
    You must summon someone quickly
    so they can take it away.
    -What for?
    -The worm is ready to emerge
    and it cannot do so without ruining
    all the silk from the cocoon.

    I suspect it symbolizes our second death/birth where the lunar scum come to collect us from our egg/human body/cage before we get out on our own and fly away.

    -A silkworm is a fascinating creature.
    Would you like to know why?
    She begins so small,
    so innocent, unassuming.
    But in the course of
    her very short life,
    she creates a substance of
    such beauty, such perfection,
    that the wealthiest men in the world,
    men who could dress themselves,
    their wives, their concubines,
    in whatever they desire,
    choose... this.
    And when her life has run its
    course, her usefulness expired,
    she spends her final
    days sadly grotesque.
    A winged creature with the urge to fly
    but denied that ability.
    A husk of herself, used up,
    eager for death.
    You will come to know her well here.
    You will come to understand her.

    They compare us with silkworms here and later in the cave's ceiling the stars were shown to be worm like creatures similar to silkworms.
    This double verifies my decoding that the stars in the sky are us.

    "A winged creature with the urge to fly
    but denied that ability."

    I always felt like we humans had the ability to fly like superman, goku etc but are deprived from that ability now, having our wings cut off like that angel from Constantine movie and living lives on earth as regular people not remembering our past or our true nature.

    1. Dragon Ball gives the intel that to fly you need Ki, the bible and the Legacy of Kain videogames give the intel that Ki is breath, covid masks represent running out of breath/Ki, Loki is Low Ki in other words like a vampire he needs to suck Ki from victims.

      Videl and Goten's flying lesson with Gohan..

    2. I wonder if you have seen this game, it has the 7 layers like you speak about here.

      Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator ~ Intro

    3. What an amazing intel and presentation of the world we live in.
      Thor 2 had identical intel and alita.
      Note how the layers dont let the light of the outworld enter and how that light unlocks our ancient powers like it did to monstar in silverhawks and how it kills on contact the worms/vampires like in underworld blood wars.

  4. Hey man, please check out this guy's channel, I think you both are on the same page:

    1. Lilith and Lucifer bound to the Saturn Cube, needing the human blood to survive in their own created 4D holografic flat earth.

    2. Thanks a lot, i have lost all researchers that used to be on youtube, i'm glad to see bitchute is going strong, i hope it doesnt go down the path of youtube.
      On youtube the moment nasa exposing videos and flat earthers started gaining momentum youtube moved in and shut them all down. Freedom of speech in north korea earth my ass.

    3. In darksiders 2 lilith and lucifer were working together. Samael was lilith's lover/husband she betrayed and imprisoned in the underworld like judas.
      I suspect lilith is the evil mother/frigga and lucifer her brainwashed son/loki.
      In darksiders 2 she was the mother of all nephilim one of her sons betrayed and had them imprisoned like samael.


  5. Mark Twain, that clay movie, you need to see IT

    1. Is it the The Adventures of Mark Twain?
      I just saw the trailer, looks interesting.

  6. In episode 1 the area that symbolized earth was called sungrave which is land of the dead subliminal.
    The intel that we are the stars in the sky is encoded also in the entertainment industry that calls humans stars, super stars etc.
    It's convenient also that our sleeping forms are located in the dome as the lunar scum might be using us as human shields against the outworld that has the dome/ceiling under bombardment.
    In mad max 2 lunar boss was using us all as human shields to blackmail his enemies which were relative to us.

    About parents being slave masters worth mentioning one of the reasons i joined the military was to get away from my family. I was shocked when in bootcamp to find out countless other people who joined for identical reason.
    Others were bragging that after they became marines they gained the respect of their father and i am like what kind of an abomination is this, for your own blood to love you and respect you you must join the military.
    Parents in general are horrible human beings(and dumb animals as you have to be of very low intelligence/animal level to bring your kids into this concentration north korean camp we call earth) and those of you that grew up in nice families be aware you are a very small minority and very lucky human beings.

    1. It's interesting how parents is anagram of serpent.
      a upside down is e.
      They're possessed by the seprent/worms that's for sure for treating their kids like slaves and prisoners of war.

    2. In greek mother is mi-tera
      father is pa-tera
      Tera means monster in greek and it always baffled me why the word monster is hidden/added in these words.

      They call earth tera too in english, earth=thera=tera=tree and now i have more proof that trees are monsters. I had decoded them to be worms and their fruit worm eggs.
      In the bible it was the fruit of a tree/worm/snake that doomed humanity let's not forget that.

      DBZ and far cry new dawn reveal the snake with legs was the tree itself. Its fruit/eggs full with worms possessing and transforming anyone who eat it.

    3. Hi, is there a link between getting people of meat consumption and shifting it to plant and fruit bases food?

    4. I see vegan/raw/uncooked food as more dangerous than cooked meat as all food in this prison is contaminated with parasites only fire/heat kills.

      Just learned when battling cancer neither cooked meat or vegan is enough to defeat cancer as our body doesn't absorb enough nutrients, vitamins etc to fight successfully.
      So far liposomal vitamins seem to work for me as our body absorbs 90% of them while only 20% through IV, a lot less through juicing, almost nothing through powders and pills and even lower through regular food consumption.

      I found doctors that said vitamin c combined with a pemf device works great as the pemf charges the cells with energy and they can make better use of the vitamin c and other vitamins.
      I got disappointed at my pemf device and steam sauna seeing my leukemia coming back but so far i can see they work a lot better when combined with liposomal vitamins.
      I added a new liposomal vitamin to my diet called glutathione and it seems to kick ass too.

      I used to laugh at hulk hogan that was saying "take your vitamins" and now i see how important they are especially when you fight cancer.

  7. Hey Kaboom, check this out:
    "The Sun - poral of the parasite" by Godgevlamste

    1. I think i've seen it before, i would add a minor change to the title
      "The Sun - mouth of the parasite"
      not the mirror sun but the oculus hole/mouth above it, called the devil's asshole in thor ragnarok.
      assholes look like the dune worm's mouth from newest 2020 movie.

  8. Greek5 Abba
    Of Chaldee origin father

    Hebrew2 Ab
    (Chaldee) father

    Hebrew1 Ab
    A primitive word; father in a literal and immediate, or figurative and remote application: - chief, (fore-) father

    Probably from here they got the Baba name.
    I kept reading you talking about baba instead of papa and this is the character that was coming to my mind:

    I am Fortune Teller Baba

    1. ab = father in hebrew ab ab father father
      ba ba father father inverted
      but also ab ba is the mirror
      and ba ba is inverted for pa pa

    2. Why would they invert the father/papa into baba?
      Everything is the mirror.

    3. papa is inverted for abab (father father in hebrew) and hebrew is also inverted as they write from right to left instead of frp, left to right, damn i really live in upside down world like roma which is inverted for amor/love.

      Inspector Gadget Intro (HD Full Screen)

    4. And also dada daddy.

    5. "let's open our gate and welcome them to hell"

      The way to open the gate is by turning everything upside down, like Jesus's grave, the stone that blocks was rolled upside down for the resurrection.

      Right here picture of Jesus's grave:

      Roll the stone 180º blocks the cave, another 180º opens the cave.

      Same as baba or papa.
      Freaking mirror.

      Like a Rolling Stone

    6. Jesus's grave represents His descent into Hell.
      Rolled the stone upside down = Jesus's came out of the darkness and into the light.

    7. Damn this movie looks like it portrays well the queen of the worms:

      The Lair of the White Worm (1988) - HD Trailer [1080p]

      Looks great, i wonder why ive never seen it before.
      Hugh Grant seems to be right over target on movies about the worm queen.

      Jeff Goldblum compares women to praying mantis. /MGTOW

      "They eat the father, they eat the father, they eat him!"

    8. "They survive, they will eat, queen of the woooooooooooorms!"

      Silent Vault - Maggot's Queen

    9. The lair of the white worm (1988) does give it all up:

      "And you have dug up our worm?
      Well its closer to a tyrannosaurus rex than a worm.
      You must not take the word worm too literally, its an adaptation of the anglish saxon wyvern meaning dragon or snake, gothic wyrm, german wurm, its all the same word.
      No the common earth worm was not always the lowly creature it is today, remember that the next time you dissect one with your shovel.
      You want some more?
      Its very tasty.
      Oh good youve taken to our local specialty, pickled earthworms."

      The Wyvern and the Worm

    10. Look at all these beautiful worms:

    11. Crazy scene in this movie with Jesus in Hell and the worm wrapped around Him on the cross.
      The worm bites Jesus in the arm just like in this Macho Man scene:

      Macho Man gets bit by Jake Roberts Cobra Snake ����

    12. Wow Jesus in Hell with women being raped by roman legionaries and the snake wrapped around the cross biting Him in the arm is the same scene as the Macho man Jake the snake confrontation in pro wrestling.

    13. Same ending as Dsnce of the vampires (1967), hero ends up infected with the very evil (worm) he had wished to destroy.
      Thanks to him this evil worm would at last be able to spread across the world.

    14. "That scene at the end with the 2 fathers fighting was so entertaining!"

      Eph 1:5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children (G5206 uihothesIa) by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

      Rom 8:15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage (slave to death) again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption (G5206 uihothesia), whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

      G5206 Uihothesia
      the placing as a son, that is, adoption (figuratively Christian sonship in respect to God)

      Satan's My Daddy!

    15. ABCedary
      AB = Father
      C = 3 = Satan
      Words = Worms

    16. The Dispute between a man and his Ba or The Debate Between a Man and his Soul is an ancient Egyptian text dating to the Middle Kingdom.
      The text takes the form of a dialogue between a man struggling to come to terms with the hardship of life, and his ba soul.

      Ab = Father
      Ba = Soul

      Ba Ba = Soul Soul
      Ab Ab = Father Father

      AB BA = Father Soul
      Soul of the father

    17. Baba is father in greek.
      V is B in greek.
      Baba Voss=Father Boss=The Father/God Is The Big Boss.

    18. Nice, thanks, didnt knew that.
      Its also the apple of the eye in hebrew Babah:

      Strong's #892: babah (pronounced baw-baw')

      feminine active participle of an unused root meaning to hollow out; something hollowed (as a gate), i.e. pupil of the eye:--apple (of the eye)

      Something hollowed (as a gate) and the pupil of the eye as a gate, eyes are gates to the soul, also changing your eyes changes the world around you

    19. Like this song:

      Guano Apes - Open Your Eyes (Official Video)

    20. "Open your eyes, open your mind
      Proud like a god, don't pretend to be blind
      Trapped in yourself, break out instead
      Beat the machine that works in your head"

      Nice lyrics but i smell traps and shadows all around me, so like the peasants in batman vs superman(knowing of a great enemy lurking outside their prison) i'm not exiting my cage.

    21. "That scene at the end with the 2 fathers fighting was so entertaining!"

      The Promo

      "I want to bring you back to the flight from Manila, by some freak of luck you and i were sitted together on that airplane for 14 straight hours.
      Couldnt talk about politics because we didnt agree.
      Couldnt talk about wrestling because we couldnt agree.
      The only thing you and i could agree on was family.
      And im shooting straight right here with you Ric, i tell you when you picked up that phone, and individually 1 by 1 dialed each of your 4 children, told em you loved them, just because you never know, those are your words, just because you never know, it touched me, it made me a little envious Ric, because i think i am a good dad, and i think i am a good friend, but deep down i know ill never have the bonding experience with my children like you did.
      You see Ric, ill never know what its like to look my children right in the eye and say Kids, your dad has just been arrested!"

    22. "your dad has just been arrested... by your real dad", that would be the shit.

      in guardians of galaxy kidnapper pirate lunar boss yondu was playing our father, then they turned him into a good guy and demonized our real father.

    23. "Your dad has just been arrested by your real dad, the kidnapper pirate lunar boss yondu was playing our father..."

      I dont know if youve watched this movie, but thats the exact plot in it:

      FACE/OFF trailer (HD) Blast the Gates

    24. Dominique Swain scene in Face/Off

    25. Thank you for reminding me of this movie. I have it but totally forgot about it.
      I watched parts of it on tv in greece when very young, plan to watch it properly again.


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