F9 The Fast Saga One Race Decoded


Lunar agents ghrees had exposed the chinese plan to genocide all races on earth and only chinese to remain on earth.

F9 was developed mainly for chinese consumption so when i saw the movie begin with ONE RACE i was like "here's hollywood licking chinese ass"
then matrix came to mind and was like holy moly, the chinese bastards really plan to turn the whole human race into chinese=one race.

Thor ragnarok had similar intel with a chinese general welcoming hela like agent smith to neo.
Independence day resurgence had chinese as the leaders of earth ready to face the alien visitors.

Dune 1984 revealed the chinese plan to our face calling it "a systematic genocide",
first they corrupt the genetic makeup of all other races, turn us all into mongols/mongrels and then like mao did to the black chinese initiate global cleansing and kill all mongols/mongrels until only chinese remain.

This movie was mainly trash but had some interesting intel, brother lunar boss/loki killing the father and then revealing like in jupiter ascending that the father himself asked him to do it with the addition jupiter kept hidden and i decoded myself, the ship is sinking/father was in big trouble and was bailing out with the help of his son or using his son to take his place so he goes free.(Same intel we have in gods of egypt)

In the beginning of the movie where dom's friends show up and he thinks they are enemy is subliminal of our alien friends when they show up and we welcome them similar to Dom with guns pointing at them.
This scene was copy paste from last jedi movie where the father's old friends came to see him and hid his son in a hole(earth symbolism) and then went on to fight his alien friends as his new enemies.
Cipher/lunar queen/mother was shown to be a ventriloquist puppet master and it gave me the chills.
In last jedi it was also a woman, father's wife who turned him against his old friends that came to see him from space. Yeah she was controlling him like a puppet like in dead silence movie.
In tenet she revealed that she runs the show and keeps a man(drugged husband) in the front saying "a masculine front has its uses".


  1. A very important intel this movie gave out which also zack snyder's justice league did is that digital technology(1 and 0) is trojan horse.
    Like 9/11 the entire infrastructure is built from the ground up to collapse or get hijacked in an instance.

    No wonder why all nations run by traitors/chinese pawns abandoned analog technology and dived into digital.
    I hope the day will come before it's too late that digital will be exposed for the trojan trash that it is and analog the real superior technology.

    1. Couple more interesting intel from this movie

      -You know,
      nothing's more powerful
      than the love of family.
      But you turn that
      into anger and resentment,
      nothing's more dangerous.

      Yeap i told you guys the lunar boss and lunar queen is family to us.
      Most likely uncle and grandma, or brother loki and mother hera/frigga.(the devils are 2)

      For someone to hate us to the extent these assholes do and go to the lengths they do to torture us and make our lives hell they have to be family.
      No one else(outside of family) can bring himself to hate us on that level.(see the daughter of william in westworld how much she hated her own father. It's disgusting how your own blood can hate you to that degree and i've experienced that level of hate through my father.)

      Another interesting intel

      do you know where God is
      -Where is God?
      -In your heart.
      -He's in your heart, too.
      And you know something?
      I'll always be in your heart.

      We're God/betrayed father/homeless Odin or bailing out atlas that left evil wife and brainwashed son behind on the throne.
      Dome saying "i'm in your heart too" is intel that we all have both god and devil inside which are always at war like the 2 buus and piccolos in dbz.

      In dbz for crossed/mixed piccolo to become god he had to purify himself from the evil within which verifies my decoding when we unmix ourselves we become gods.

  2. Oh my goodness how did i forgot this. They paid good homage to the flat earthers in this movie!
    Earth was shown curved in=crater from space!
    They even had scuba tanks and scuba diving suits in space.
    They included a lot of duct tape too, saying also "space stuff is all duct tape and band-aids", referring to the cheap cardboard and duct tape shit nasa uses to fool the masses.
    Youtube used to be full with videos exposing nasa's cardboard shuttles, bubbles and scuba tanks in space and all of a sudden all got removed.

    1. Scuba suits do look the same as astro-nots, and them diving in the water could mirror diving into the waters of above, as above so below:






      BTW i love how you use "oh my goodness" and "holy moly", those are some funny expressions, i mostly stick to "WOW", maybe i should add some variety to my writing.
      Like "Good Heavens" or something.
      Or "Jeepers Creepers Snickers".

      "Jeepers Crispers sneakers, they gave it all up in this scene."
      Or "Mama mia, they let it all loose on here."
      How do they even call this type of expressions?

    2. Holy moly they even have a pro wrestler named Moly holy:

      Top 5 Moves of Molly Holly • All for Fearless Red #WWE #MollyHolly #MightyMolly

    3. Sweet pumpkin, Moly Holy has some insane moves.

    4. In imdb comments nasa shills showed up bothered with all the symbolism this movie had in space exposing nasa. The crater earth intel was the biggest blow against nasa.
      (blade runner had similar crater earth intel with a very high skyscraper that was at 45% angle)
      I'm surprised this movie did what it did, i guess when it comes to fictional movies they love to show some honesty and reveal things they would never dare to do outside of fiction territory.

  3. F9
    F = 6
    F9 = 69 = mirror = AB BA

  4. New torrent release: Snake Eyes: G.I Joe Origins
    Lots of chinese motherfuckers there xD

    1. Thanks, i had no idea about this movie. I have decoded the previous ones in glp.
      I rofled so hard when the rock tried to assassinate the u.s. president who was cobra=working for the chinese and looking a lot like joe biden.
      When pedo joe biden said "i dont care if you think i'm the reincarnation of satan" it sure gave me the chills as i know they love hiding the truth in plain sight.


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