Vivarium Decoded

 I just saw the vivarium, stuck in a loop is vhs brainwashing dream/cassette.
Lunar boss/devil like loki was shown to be our adopted son and we the father/parents he betrayed or used for his agenda.

The father digging was investigating symbolism and reminded me myself.
The baby birds that got kidnapped and replaced reminded me the intel from hellboy how we are kidnapped and replaced in the outworld and imprisoned in this loop/reincarnation cycle we call earth/life so someone else lives in our place in the outworld.

The cuckoo birds that do this in nature i find interesting how in greek evil/bad is kako/cuckoo.
I loved the little girl who called out nature for what it is, cruel, horrible and refused to accept it as normal like most brainless humans do.
The mother that kept telling her son "you are not my son" is subliminal that our parents here on earth are not our real parents.

They had the intel of dr steven gundry that our job here is to have kids and raise them to replace us, bury us like in this movie and forget about us like we were never here. 

They even showed the parasites within and how they run the show from the shadow like dreykov from black widow.(undetectable influence is the source of true power they say, that's how they love to operate)

I loved the part where they showed TV is a brainwashing weapon as i realized lately everything science has created is a tool/weapon to control and enslave humanity.

I bet after couple more science made pandemics like covid and mutations/chimeras, scientists=satanists will burn again like the old times. History repeats indeed.

Humanity dreams becoming superman/god, science works nonstop to give us their version of god which is robocop/cyborg=ghost in a shell=god/superman under control.

Oh, the parents got very close to defeating the whole prison/matrix/loop by refusing to raise kids, it was the man/father that came with that idea to not have kids but the stupid woman like eve came to the rescue.
As it was shown in the end the parasites that run our prison are dying and need new bodies, so by not creating new bodies they die and the whole matrix/loop/prison collapses and no more new unsuspecting outsiders would get lured here.

I had said countless times in glp "to kill the beast you cut its food source" and how important for humanity to stop reproducing is and no one seemed to get it, forget about women/black widows getting it that's for sure.

In noah 2014 same thing, noah was going to end humanity by not allowing his family to reproduce and humanity was saved and rebooted by his wife/eve that was manipulating him like the devil.


  1. An update about my health, the past 2 weeks aml was coming back full force, i started getting bruises too and feeling like shit.
    I saw recently a funeral director on youtube saying "vitamin c cures everything even cancer, it fixes your dna too", i said "bullshit" as i had overdosed on vitamin c powder and pills 2 times before and it did nothing against my aml.
    Then yesterday a close friend of mine gave me to drink 5 table spoons of liposomal vitamin c and felt brand new, hadnt felt this good for 2-3 weeks now.

    I had read in .gov sites vitamin c iv helps fight aml while by mouth not, liposomal gets absorbed like iv and i guess that's why that seems to work.
    The devil is in the details, the cure too apparently.

    AML is the devil to kill too as it learns and adapts, lets see how much time the liposomal buys me.
    End of the day i'll do a bone marrow transplant but i made a lot of nurse enemies in my last cancer hospital and i worry they might kill me if i go back.
    They all looked like murderers and part of mexican cartels. Most nurses had those evil murderous eyes of Elchapo and i was so frightened man!

    1. And they hated cameras like the plague, friends and relatives had left a tablet to face time me as they didnt allow due to covid anyone to stay with me and all nurses were up in arms and were making my life miserable for that.
      They tried to take the tablet away too saying "recording is not allowed by state law" but my friends appealed that it doesnt record, only face time and i kept it.
      The nurses still were very uncomfortable when seeing the tablet.
      You can imagine the criminal shit that take place in hospitals for doctors and nurses to hate cameras so much.

    2. My friends had the tablet on a tripod too facing the whole room, hahaha! a nightmare for the nurses.

      By the way when i first reported a reckless nurse they offered to put a camera in my room, so cameras and recording are ok when they do it but god forbid the patient does it.
      It felt like i was in that hospital from hellraiser 2.
      Demon doctor comes in, sees patient holding a camera, runs away like in the pigs biblical story.

  2. While this movie made it blatant the parents here on earth are raising someone else's children i like better how it was said in selfless movie.
    "You thought you got a new car, turns out it has few miles on it"

    Reminded me when i started remembering those few miles when i was 3-4 years old and black widow mom rushed to the rescue to brainwash me that i didnt exist before i was born/come here on earth.

    This vivarium movie showed also the intel i have decoded that we are here to get brainwashed like in north korean prisons and when our brainwashing and transformation is complete they release us to the outworld.
    Pay attention to the child getting brainwashed and programmed everyday with secret messages while watching tv and when grown up released to the outside world to work as a secret agent that will lure more fools into this prison.
    The victim becomes the criminal pattern that i have also exposed.

    They showed also they are working on genetic modifications where humans will grow into adults as fast as dogs.
    This they will sure need it as i have decoded they plan to reduce human life expectancy on earth to 33 years old.

    1. I liked the accuracy this movie kept how fathers hate their sons and treat them horribly while mothers love them and the opposite with the daughters.
      Fathers like Cronus feel subconsciously they are about to be replaced and dethroned by their sons and the reason they treat them like shit and i suspect they fantasize sex with their daughters and the reason they treat them like queens.

    2. Spot on kaboom. It's hard trying to convince humans that we were here before our parents gave birth to us. Also that's too true about parents raising someone else's children. Even women were made to mate with the whole tribe get the strongest DNA and so that you NEVER know who the real offspring is lol the devil is in the details. Also apparently even aliens can implant their offspring in human women and only God knows what else they can do to us. Truth be told this 8s nobodys home. It's now an orphanage and prison and cruel science experiment

    3. When i was a kid in greece i was told
      "a woman raising her own child is called metera"
      "a woman raising someone else's child that she adopted is called metrea"
      Later when i learned about anagrams i was like WAIT WHAT THE HELL?

      Does that mean all humans are adopted(/kidnapped/taken) and no mother on earth is a real mother? I used to wonder.

  3. Good to know that you still have the upper hand over leukemia, keep at it, good luck.
    Its great to have you back, i love reading your posts.

    1. Thank you! The past 2 weeks i had problem staying in my steam sauna for 15 minutes and at 170F i wanted to get out.
      Today entered the steam sauna at 170F and after 15 minutes it was over 190F and had no hard time at all during the entire 15 minutes.

      That shows me the liposoma vitamin C is kicking ass!
      Every time i used to get bruises and blood on my nose, it was downhill from there, nothing could revert it and hospital and chemotherapy was the inevitable that was following soon after.

      That's why i'm so excited this time as i have solid proof that i have something that works as this sudden change has never happened before.

  4. Kaboom,

    Glad you are back, I hope you fully recover.

    For movies that you decode, " they" write it to shape our reality, as ideas seeping into our subconsious manifest outwardly into reality.

    Whatever you believe in at a subconcioues level is mirrored externally in your surrounding.

    So, the battle is a mental one, of beliefs ruling the subconcious.

    Just consider, and evaluate the validity of the above for yourself.

    Also, watch " Grant Morrison on Chaos Magic, the occult & Sigil creation."

    You will find it intresting, he met "them", and the writer of comics became the living character himself, facing the circumstances that he wrote about.

    1. Watching movies and trying to decode them is like playing with fire, i have suspected before when you try solving a problem you are changing yourself in the process and the end winner is actually the problem that was put in front of you to force you to change/solve=dilute you.

      So yeah i'm aware those movies i watch are a trap even for me that decode/solve them.
      It's a fun game for me at this point and i'm addicted and hard to stop.
      Thank you for reminding me and point this out.

      The winning move is indeed always not to play, not get involved, stay away and close to people you care and they love you.
      Everything is a trap and a manipulation like in loki series, even for researchers and investigators like us.

      In vivarium i found interesting how the guy that was digging/investigating what was actually doing was digging his own grave/creating his own hell/prison/bottomless pit.
      Wasting also precious time he could have spent with his loved one.

    2. Lex luthor/father/guy that was digging getting badly sick and die after finding a secret during his investigating/digging was also a subliminal how the lunar scum take out those who get close to something they dont want coming to light/get dug out.
      Reminds me myself getting leukemia after 10 years of investigating/digging.
      I wonder what forbidden territory did i get close to during my digging? hahaha.

      I suspect they might changed their mind and keep me around as they hate spending great time and effort doing things and no one taking notice.
      In law abiding citizen lunar boss was happy when someone took notice of all the gigantic work he was doing as like in black widow with dreykov he was frustrated no one noticing and giving him credit for all his hard work.
      Natasha made fun of him saying "if no one notices why bother do it? You're nothing, you have done nothing" and that pissed him off a lot.

      Taking me out who will decode and give credit to thousands of years of work he/she has done?
      Lunar boss being family to us is intel i haven't come across any other researcher decoding.
      Then you have the kidnapping intel, how all humans are taken from the outworld, taking me out the world loses a great researcher and lunar boss goes back to the shadow=being nothing.

      I'm off to see See series now with aquaman and cant wait for season 2 with uncle batista/lunar boss, coming out this august.

  5. The old devil dying and waiting for someone to take his place, reminded me identical intel in loki episode 6 where the devil said "i'm a lot older than i look" and was looking badly like atlas for someone to take his place. Same in gods of egypt with old lunar boss Ra.

    Then i remembered the Saw movies and i lost it. Jigsaw was also old and dying from cancer and his prison was actually a brainwashing life changing place like the "red room" in loki series(and black widow) with end goal to shape a man in his image and prepare him to take his place just like he did in loki, paving the life changing path for loki to walk on and in saw series those who made it through his games were taking over his operation and were looking fanatic supporters of what jigsaw was doing, aka they were brainwashed/changed to think and be like the lunar boss.

    I have decoded also that old wolf is a trickster and is looking for someone to take his place so he escapes punishment which potc movies showed to our face.
    In vivarium same thing, once the kid went through all the brainwashing and programing and grew up in the image of the lunar boss/agent smith clone, he went on to take his place.

  6. Worth point out this vivarium movie revealed that the kids are god(see the scene where the mother says "god knows", kid replies "dog knows" and starts acting like a dog) and reminded me the kid from loki series that was the god/king of earth.

    Alex jones came to mind too who said the catholics love raping kids as they feel like they have sex with god, then the ones who drink the blood of kids came to mind which obviously doing it for same thing, thinking they are drinking god/get god in their system like the athletes who also inject baby fluids in their veins which makes them perform better than steroids.
    There's indeed something divine and godlike with kids/babies the ones in the know try to harvest and profit from.

    In maze runner movies they were using exclusively kids to farm and harvest special liquids/fluids that were doing all kind of things, from curing diseases to raising life expectancy etc.

    Kids are God indeed looks like it and the parents, teachers/adults that hit them the filthy devil, they profit from them too using them as slaves for work, getting government money to spend on their addictions, drugs etc.
    Everyone is profiting from kids and is after taking advantage of kids looks like it.

    My father that raised me as a slave was keep bragging how having many kids is a great idea as you have free workers in your business and was advising me to do the same, implying "i take advantage of you now, you do the same to someone else tomorrow" oh and dont forget to tell them "they're lucky cause you had it worse", all parents say that, they abuse their children and then they tell 'em like the snowhite from huntsman "you're so lucky to have me as your parent as my parent was so much worse".

    Lunar boss in loki said same thing
    "you're so lucky to have me as your dictator as there are other versions of me that are much worse"

    I would say "why not get even more lucky and stay away from the whole lot of you, child abusers and kidnappers!"

    In blade runner 2049 lunar boss like in maze runner, all his slaves and prisoners were kids he apparently had kidnapped and had them all doing filthy jobs under a dome that symbolized earth.

  7. About obstacles and problems being traps the lunar boss puts in our path to change us, manipulate us into becoming something else i remembered all those who say
    "if i could go back in time i would change nothing since all i went through it made me the person i am today".

    What a dumb statement this is and what a waste of a great opportunity.
    Long story short
    "If you can go back in time, you go all the way back to the beginning when you are one with God, when you are god and when god is supposed to say "let there be light" you say "F*ck this shit" and walk away".

    That's how you take full advantage of an opportunity, you change/prevent/restore everything to their former glory, ALL=GOD and spare ALL unnecessary pain, drama and bullshit.

    1. Go back to the beginning and replace "Let there be light" with "Let there be bullshit".

      Black Sabbath - Walk Away LYRICS HD

  8. A new intel that was given away in this vivarium movie is that all humans or our consciousness comes from trees.(Avatar showed similar intel too)

    The movie begins with the woman teacher telling the kids "lets pretend to be trees", then in the next scene a tree starts talking like a human and her boyfriend comes out of it.

    Needless to say "back to the future" came to mind with the legendary insult "why dont you make like a tree and get out of here" hahaha.

    Wow my investigator senses picked up something here
    "It's 'make like a tree and leave" they said in the next movie.
    Were they telling us the way out of our prison?
    As in asgard map and last jedi they showed our prison/earth to be a tree.
    Also in avatar they said all trees are connected like the internet, so i suspect if we were to rebuild/heal the destroyed/mined tree that is earth then it will connect to the giant trees outside of earth and all of us trapped here will be able to leave, go anywhere when the earth tree joins the universal web/internet.

    In hunger games similar thing was shown(and in blood and wine witcher 3 dlc wonderland), the way out of domed earth was through a tree!

    Wow, what did i just decoded man, it's
    "Why dont you make earth=threa=tree again and leave"(able to go anywhere)

    1. The avatar intel that all trees are connected wirelessly or through the roots was shown in the fungal empire documentary video.
      Also in avatar movie was shown the reason we/humanity forgot our past is cause the earth tree was destroyed and apparently lost connection to the neighbor giant trees where our rest memories/consciousness is stored.

      I like this intel and possible scenario, trees look like brain neurons too.
      So it's very possible our consciousness or soul is using trees to travel across the cosmos/universe etc.

    2. The tree of life from the bible:

      Gen 3:22  And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: 

      The world tree from Berserk:

      The great Deku Tree from the Legend of Zelda:

      Origins of The Great Deku Tree (Zelda theory)


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