Loki Episode 4, The Holy Trinity/Father Has Been Dethroned, In Its Place Lunar Queen Has Put A Robotic Puppet...

 ... that she controls ventriloquist style like in dead silence movie.

They showed what i have decoded how like the mongol turks in ottoman empire kidnapped us from the outworld when we were kids and destined to become kings only to brainwash us, erase our memories and have us join their ranks and even return us to our kingdom to become a king that they will control like a puppet.

That Ravonna is the lunar queen and big boss Loki exposed her in episode 1 in a very clever move when asked her "ok the time keepers are protecting the time line(and play judge) and you're doing what?"(doing the same thing aka she is the big boss).
Next her very name exposes her too as the lunar queen's name in huntsman movies was Ravenna. Yeah they were like lets change the e into o and hope no one takes notice.

At the end they revealed there's someone behind the lunar queen which i know it's the worms/parasites but i doubt they will dare to show it.
I used to think the lunar queen/mother was infected but now like Stick in defenders i suspect she chose for it(you chose for it Elektra) as i came across a japanese manga where the worm venom was shown to make deals and contracts with the people it wanted to play ball with.(Same in Venom movie, "do we have a deal Eddie?" it said)

The lunar queen was shown out in the field operating like a minute man which is how she runs her kingdom, not sitting and hiding behind a desk but out in the frontlines. Same thing was shown in dollhouse with lunar boss going out in the field as a security guard and even risking his life, getting injured, same thing in avatar 2009 with papa dragon and scientist lunar queen and in deus ex 2000 video game with the mongol mafia boss saying the best place to run your business is putting yourself in the forntline as there you know exactly what's going on and he was positioned as a gate security guard in that game, no one knowing who he/she truly was like in dollhouse, loki etc. Same in westorld S1 with charlotte hale=hela and black hat boss entering the zoo and play the game too as regular people.

The trinity time keepers reminded me also quintessa from transformers 1986

They were robots, looking reptilian, playing judge and laughing like joker just like the time keepers, most faces have asian eyes too.

The pruning in loki series i had suspected it wasnt real death and loki in episode 4 revealed like westworld s3 that we dont die(death is a lie). In westworld s3 lunar boss was crying saying "we cant get rid of you" so they put us in ice and to sleep demolition man style(like he did to his brother) and try to change us by experiencing human lives/dreams/vhs tapes that are actually brainwashing and programming with main goal to make us obedient and subservient like usmc bootcamp and all military bootcamps do.

Like in matrix it's all about control and the reason the main recipe in everything we experience here from the moment we are born is obedience.
Parents, schools, military, government, jobs, wives etc obedience/subservience was all they taught us and shoved down our throats.


  1. Imagine in episode 5 or 6 ravenna tells loki, "so you wanted to dethrone the time keepers like you did to your father, are you mad that someone else beat you to it?" hahaha.

    It's all about that sweet throne/ultimate power everyone wants like in the zeus rebellion clip i posted recently.

    1. Ra in gods of egypt didnt want the throne anymore giving away it's a great pain to be on like atlas carrying the world on its shoulders.
      Set said "i will take your throne but wont be sitting on a damn boat/behind a desk" and like black hat in westworld(who stole also the throne from delos) was ruling his kingdom from the front line.

      Ruling from the front was also what alexander the great was doing who also stole the throne by killing his father.

    2. The time keepers told loki that he is a child of the time keepers/supreme rulers of the cosmos, that to give you an idea the kind of people and kids the lunar scum kidnap from the outside world. Lunar boss like in far cry 5 is smiling after every successful kidnapping saying "i caught a big fish today!"

      The time room they put loki where his past gets repeated over and over again reminded me identical intel from army of the dead movie that we are condemned here to experience our past failures/sins over and over again which i decoded is brainwashing to change us as repetition is brainwashing.
      This is exactly what happened to Loki in the time loop room/vhs tape dream, he eventually changed and then they removed him from the room as mission was accomplished.

  2. The Covid scam is also about one thing, subservience.

    Know Your DAMN Role

    Know your damn role and shut your damn mouth.

    The stone cold character is the most popular on pro wrestling history because it was all about being disobedient.

    Stone Cold Arrested After WrestleMania 14

    "Let me tell you one thing Michael, rattlesnakes dont make good pets."

    The attitude era with <Bret Hart and Stone Cold sold how great it is to be disobedient, then they went with full on selling subservience with John Xina.

    Bret Hart snaps live on Raw (Un-Edited)

    WWE champion John Cena speaks Mandarin, professes love for Lao Gan Ma

    Same thing with Hulk Hogan selling training, saying prayers and taking vitamins.

    Hulk Hogan Real American (official video) / Theme Song

    They love playing both sides of light and darkness on their shows.

    Cm Punk drops a Pipebomb on RAW June 27.06.2011

    Which again just represent the two sides we have inside, the right eye brain and the left eye brain.

    Donald's Better Self || Donald Duck Full Episode

    This dreamworld is designed to kill one of those sides, thats the mirror, if i kill my good side then im forever trapped in the mirror like Dracula is.

    Dracula (1931) - Don't Look In The Mirror (HD)

    Thats what i take from all this programming.

    1. Same thing they do with the political theater as here in Portugal they are constantly selling how evil Bolsonaro is for not playing along with the covid scam while praising the spanish king and the morocco sultan for playing along with the farce.
      Or like they did arresting all catalan independence leaders on charges of rebellion against the king, insurrection at the capitol script playing out in the United States, its all the same themes, all the same programming, used with the intent of achieving perfect obedience, oh which are the spiritual exercises promoted by a jesuitical initiation, obedience to the superior without question.
      It was all laid out in the Treaty of Verona from November 22 1822, same November 22 from John F Kennedys death with him playing a role of disobedience.

    2. http://annavonreitz.com/treatyofverona.pdf

      ARTICLE 1. The high contracting powers being convinced that the system of
      representative government is equally as incompatible with the monarchial principles as the maxim of the sovereignty of the people with the high divine right, engage mutually in the most solemn manner, to use all their efforts to put an end to the system of representative governments, in whatever country it may exist in Europe, and to prevent its being introduced in those countries where it is not yet known.

      ART. 2. As it can not be doubted that the liberty of the press is the most powerful means used by the pretended supporters of the rights of nations to the detriment of those princes, the high contracting parties promise reciprocally to adopt all proper measures to suppress it, not only in their own states but also in the rest of Europe.

      ART. 3. Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep nations in the state of passive obedience which they owe to their princes, the high contracting parties declare it to be their intention to sustain in their respective States those measures which the clergy may adopt, with the aim of ameliorating their own interests, so intimately connected with the preservation of the authority of the princes ; and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope for what he has already done for them, and solicit his constant cooperation in their views of submitting the nations.

    3. Their head would be a Superior General. In the Constitutions which Ignatius was writing, the Superior General would be “obeyed and reverenced at all times as the one who holds the place of Christ our Lord.”
      The phrase “holds the place of Christ” means that the Superior General would share with the Pope, at a level unperceived by the general public, the divine title of “Vicar of Christ” first claimed by Gelasius I on May 13, 495.
      Loyola’s completed Constitutions would repeat five hundred times that one is to
      see Christ in the person of the Superior General.
      The General’s equal status with the Pope, advantaged by an obscurity that renders him virtually invisible, is why the commander-in-chief of the Society of Jesus has always been called Papa Nero, the Black Pope.

      The Superior General’s small army would be trained by the Spiritual Exercises to practice a brand of obedience Loyola termed contemplativus in actione, active contemplation, instantaneous obedience with all critical thought suppressed.
      As stated in Section 353.1 of the Exercises, “We must put aside all judgment of our own, and keep the mind ever ready and prompt to obey in all things the hierarchical Church.”
      But Jesuit obedience would be more than mere obedience of the will.
      An obedient will suppresses what it would do in order to obey what a superior wants done.
      Ignatius demanded obedience of the understanding.
      An obedient understanding alters its perception of reality according to the superior’s dictates.
      Section 365.13 declares, “We must hold fast to following principle:
      What seems to me white, 1 will believe black if the hierarchical Church so defines.”
      Francis Xavier would later describe this quality of submission in a vow that unintentionally summarized the Jesuit mission: “I would not even believe in the Gospels were the Holy Church to forbid it.”

    4. Professor X controls his Earth school prison ventriloquist style.

      Charles Controls Magneto

      And heres what this hive mind wants to eradicate.

      Tear Away

      God damn I love me

      I don't care about anyone else but me
      I don't care about anyone
      I don't care about anyone else but me
      I don't care about anyone or anything
      I don't care about anyone else but me
      I don't care about anyone

      This hive wormhole is constantly trying to make me hate myself to try and assimilate me as one more pawn of the hive.

    5. After World War II, during September 1957, Pope John XXIII gave Jesuit theatre even broader horizons with his encyclical Miranda prorsus (“Looking ahead”), saying,

      Men must be brought into closer communion with one another.
      They must become socially minded.
      These technical arts (cinema, sound broadcasting, and television) can achieve
      this aim far more easily than the printed word.
      The Catholic Church is keenly desirous that these means be converted to the spreading and advancement of everything that can be truly called good. Embracing, as she does, the whole of human society within the orbit of her divinely appointed mission, she is directly concerned with the fostering of civilization among all peoples."

      Socially minded = hive minded
      Same thing.
      Theyre constantly promoting be selfless, and let us reap the rewards of your selflessness, sure, be selfless and procreate more drones.

    6. Since this place inverts everything, they call procreation a selfless act but everything about it is selfish, then they sell how much parents sacrifice for their children, sure, the parents program the children to reap the fruits of whatever they program the children to do, they just do it in more subtle ways than my grandfather that outright sold my father off to a grocer.
      Thats why my mother tries insidiously to come at me with arguments like "you are not keeping with your responsibilities" when what she means is im not providing for her the fruits that she wanted to reap, like for instance Ronaldo has provided for his mother.

      The loving yet complicated relationship between Cristiano Ronaldo and his mother | Oh My Goal

    7. “Vicar of Christ” first claimed by Gelasius I on May 13, 495.


      Beginning in the spring of 1916, three little shepherds – Lúcia dos Santos, Francisco and Jacinta Marto – reported three apparitions of an Angel in Valinhos, and starting on May 13, 1917, in Cova da Iria, six apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom the children described as "a Lady more brilliant than the Sun".

      May 13, same date on which the popes started claiming being Vicars of Christ, the Virgin Mary appeared which gives away how she wants to replace the father.
      Antifa = Anti father thats her movement.

      Pope Gregory XIII (Latin: Gregorius XIII; 7 January 1502 – 10 April 1585), born Ugo Boncompagni, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 13 May 1572 to his death in 1585.

      Pope Gregory XIII mr golden dragon also started his papacy on May 13.
      Same pope that replaced the true calendar with a vicarious replacement the gregorian calendar.
      The theme here is replacing the fathers authority with something else.
      Same thing as replacing meat with fake meat.

      Why Bill Gates Thinks Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat Can Help Fight Climate Change

      But this hive takes me for a complete moron and behaves as if i dont pick up on this stuff.

    8. "a Lady more brilliant than the Sun".

      Another giveaway how she replaced the true sun with a fake one.

    9. The worms replaced the father with a fake father, the pope.
      They replaced the calendar with a fake calendar, the gregorian calendar.
      They replaced the sun with a fake sun, they give it away by having "our lady" remote controlling it:


      The Miracle of the Sun also known as the Miracle of Fátima, is a series of events reported to have occurred miraculously on 13 October 1917, attended by a large crowd who had gathered in Fátima, Portugal, in response to a prophecy made by three shepherd children, Lúcia Santos and Francisco and Jacinta Marto.
      The prophecy was that the Virgin Mary (referred to as Our Lady of Fátima), would appear and perform miracles on that date.
      Newspapers published testimony from witnesses who said that they had seen extraordinary solar activity, such as the Sun appearing to "dance" or zig-zag in the sky, careen towards the Earth, or emit multicolored light and radiant colors. According to these reports, the event lasted approximately ten minutes.

      She controls the sun ventriloquist style = fake sun

    10. Is the fake sun the black sun? Also I Remember stone cold during the 90s, a straight up rebel just like so many others during that time. A great generation to be apart of lol

    11. The fake sun is the one in the sky if it can be made to zig zag and dance in that case its a projection, Kaboom said the sun is a mirror that reflects light coming from elsewhere which is another way on how can be a fake.
      They script these rebellious-subservient plays like do on the big picture as the same ventriloquists script the militaries and the terrorists just as they script the police and the criminal gangs.
      Stone Cold was scripted to sell how great it is ro be rebellious just so they can study it in people to achieve greater degrees of control.
      Bohemian grove cremation of care is about destroying self-restraint so that then they can impose outside interference to restrain these people that no longer can govern themselves, kind of like Britney Spears conservatorship.
      "Now we think for you."

      Illuminati Explained in Metal Gear 2

      They pit the right brain against the left brain till they can control both sides.
      Something like that.

    12. Vicar means a replacement, acting "in the person of" another.
      A substitute, a deputy.
      The bible calls Satan the deputy or substitute of God.
      Like fake meat.
      So if you think of Christ as the sun, a Vicar of Christ means a replacement acting in the place of the real sun hence a fake sun.

    13. The sun in the sky is the vicarius fili dei, the representative one, its a fake.

      Ghost - Here Comes The Sun

      The real sun is maybe frozen inside the moon?

    14. The real sun would be the Black sun to me. The sun the nazis occultist spoke. The white/yellow sun we have now is probably the fake, inposter/puppet sun lol

    15. A vicar is the same as a substitute teacher.

      texas substitute teacher has a meltdown

      "You are not being obedient by not listening to the teacher."
      Its a fake teacher, and theres a substitute sun in the sky too, as above so below.

    16. Funny you speak on the Britney spears conversatorship cuz my my mom shares the same birthday as her and is under the exact same circumstances as her as she has legally lost her mind. I now see the lunar scam at play. They want us to be considered legally insane so that they can steal our brains/minds!

    17. Theres a black pope and a white pope, and the white pope is a phony since the black pope runs the show.
      The popes are the substitutes for Christ, Christ is the sun, so they are the fake white sun and the black sun.
      The jesuits created the nazis so of course they worshipped the black sun/black pope.

    18. The jesuits worship the black madonna and her son which is the black sun.


    19. They want us to be considered legally insane so that they can steal our brains/minds!

      I think the mind is the egg shell and the soul is the egg yolk.
      They need to crack the mind to get to the soul life force energy i think.
      Then they can feed Legacy of Kain style.
      Kain is the farmer, its a soul farm.

      (3)Lok: Defiance - Raziel's Intro

    20. The sun represents energy, soul energy life force.
      Breatharians are vampires like Raziel.
      The black sun represents the vampires.
      Vampires fear the white sun and worship the black sun.
      Because the white sun is a fake like Draculas reflection just as vampires fear mirrors.

    21. A corona (Latin for 'crown', in turn derived from Ancient Greek κορώνη, korṓnē, 'garland, wreath') is an aura of plasma that surrounds the Sun and other stars.

      The Sun's corona extends millions of kilometres into outer space and is most easily seen during a total solar eclipse,

      This is what the corona scam is about, and the black sun is an eclipse like the one right after i was born:

      eclipse mexico 11 julio 91

      If the real sun is frozen inside the moon then thats the real sun ecplising/replacing the fake sun.

    22. They want us to be considered legally insane so that they can steal our souls!

      Thats why they wanted Tony killing the children in Scarface.

      Scarface (1983) - No Wife, No Kids Scene (6/8) | Movieclips

      Then Tony would be legally insane in the real world/spirit world and his actions in this fake substitute dream world would be the proof for that.
      Kind of like Canadas thought crime new laws, see if you would commit such action in a dream world then they deem you as a criminal in the real world.


      Bill C-36

      Strong's Greek: 336. anairesis
      taking away (of life), killing, slaying, murder.
      From G337 anaireó
      I take up, take away the life of, make an end of, murder

      I know they want to kill my real self, i just dont know what my real self is because of this dream world inflicted amnesia.

    23. “.... a potential victim feels that you might hate them, they can apply for what is essentially a restraining order. What’s more, the judge can demand that you surrender weapons, wear a GPS monitor, remain under house arrest, abstain from alcohol, and submit to drug tests.
      This is all without being charged, let alone convicted, of any crime....”

    24. This song other place shows a blonde girl/white sun, black hair girl/black sun, go to other place to fidn our real selves.

      Other Place by ONLY REMNANTS 2019

      This is the other place/dream world.

    25. Interesting you say breatharians are vampires! How/What do they feed off of then??

    26. By convention, someone who recognize the importance of this nourishing energy which is called Pranic Nourishment and who is feeding on it consciously as a matter of fact, may be defined as a Breatharian. Anyway being a Breatharian means to break free from social habits which are linked to the traditional nourishing ways.

      Strong's Greek: 4151. pneuma -- wind, spirit, ghost, life, breath

      Watch or play Legacy of Kain where Raziel the angel of death harvests souls by breathing them in.

      Soul Reaver 1 - Raziel encounters Kain

      Take my breath away = Take my spirit life force away

      Jessica Simpson - Take My Breath Away

    27. Also what race do you Jesus would be? I. Mean how do you think he would look? Same question 4 the black pope...

    28. All the black popes were white men, here they are:

      According to the description left by Pontius Pilate Jesus was a white man:

      Myths about Jewish Chosen People's DNA and Antisemitism

      If you read the descriptions of New Jerusalem in the book of Revelation everything is white there.

      Is the AntiChrist going to be a black man?
      Could be, they say that Obama is the Antichrist although Obama looks more indian or malaysian than black.
      They say he was born in Indonesia, he looks like it.
      Remember Wesley Snipes in Blade, darth vader means the dark father, Wesley Snipes looked the part:

      Blade Official Trailer #1 - (1998) HD

      And where are the chinese in this since they claim to be the dragons race.

      Xi: We call ourselves descendants of the dragon

      Dracula means son of the dragon, thats the AntiChrist.
      Are Pilates records a forgery and did Jesus looked like an Ethiopian or Pakistani, i dont know.

    29. Heres another video on how the ancient hebrews were white:

      AMAZING CELTIC HISTORY: Journey of the Celts to Britain from the Middle East

      Which is the exact mirror from the black hebrews narrative as given in this video:


      So both sides of the mirror again are being scripted into clashing, divide and conquer, solve et coagula, its the two becoming one symbolism represented by all the hexagrams, septagrams, hendecagrams or the Mercedes logo.

    30. Sometimes they use the black man/white man combo for this symbolism:

      They Live (1988) Fight Scene - HD 1080p

      Other times its the blonde hair/black hair combination:

      Negative Gemini - You Weren't There Anymore (Official Music Video)

    31. Roddy Piper turned Keith David the black man upside down to shown him the truth in They Live.

    32. Trump and Obama same black and white symbolism.

      Donald Trump And Barack Obama Singing Barbie Girl By Aqua - Maestro Ziikos

    33. Yes just like white and black pieces on a chessboard.

  3. And just like chess the queen is the most powerful. But I'd still sacrifice the bitch in order to win.

    1. Even if a pawn becomes a queen, it is still just a playing piece'

      'When I told Solidus that I wished to prevent disaster, he replied that 'pawns can never become players'.'

      'You're all just pawns placed to create the perfect simulation!'

      Conclusion: obviously the metal Gear chess board is composed of nothing but pawns in the end.

      Selection For Societal Sanity

    2. "The funny thing about this is that what they're saying about information overload couldn't be more true, but the Patriots (I mean, la-li-lu-le-lo) are lying to Raiden here. They don't have in mind the goal of "creating context" or "advancing human evolution" like they tell Raiden. Their true goal is to bring the world under their control and assimilate all people into one thought process, ultimately to serve Cipher's twisted interpretation of the Boss' Will."

      Cipher = Lu-cipher
      The Boss = God

    3. I'm a Barbie girl in the Barbie world
      Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
      You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
      Imagination, life is your creation

      1987 Playmates Jill - we can make it happen!

    4. Obama had the sun rising as his logo and Biden has the risen sun.


      Corona is about the sun.
      Apollo is the impostor sun/son.

      Angry Sun Hates Mario

    5. The sun zig zagging after Mario is the same as Fatimas miracle of the sun when "Mary Our Lady" made the sun zig zagging in the sky.


      Newspapers published testimony from witnesses who said that they had seen extraordinary solar activity, such as the Sun appearing to "dance" or zig-zag in the sky, careen towards the Earth, or emit multicolored light and radiant colors.

      How can the sun zig zag in the sky?
      Either is a hallucination or its an impostor.


      Beginning in the spring of 1916, three little shepherds – Lúcia dos Santos, Francisco and Jacinta Marto – reported three apparitions of an Angel in Valinhos, and starting on May 13, 1917, in Cova da Iria, six apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom the children described as "a Lady more brilliant than the Sun".

      If this lady is more brilliant than the sun then the sun is an impostor and her brilliancy must have come from the real sun that is maybe frozen inside her moon?

    6. Notice how both Obamas and Joes logo have 3 red stripes under the sun just as there were 3 children witnessing the Fatima solar apparitions.
      3 is the devils number, look at his shirt:

      It's a Wonderful Life (2/9) Movie CLIP - Lasso the Moon (1946) HD

  4. http://web.archive.org/web/20150927171015/http://wariscrime.com/new/the-moon-is-a-spacecraft/


    Sheesh, seems like we really do have to destroy the moon in order to cure amnesia.

    1. Bi-ble = 2-able = blended together
      Babel = mixed together

      Just like when the sun and the moon blend together to create an eclipse, and then you see the corona.

      Longest Total Solar Eclipse 1991 July 11th on the Big island of Hawaii

      Light and darkness blended together = strongest fusion

      Isaiah 45:7
      I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.

      Dragon Ball Z - Saikyo wa no fusion

      Just like twin tower one world freedom tower ritual and the WWF undisputed champion.

      Vengeance 2001 Pre Match Promo

      The truth and the lie blended together is the forked tongue of the pharaonic viper.

      Ezekiel 14:9
      And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.

      2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

    2. The word bible itself means both together, then how can Jonathan Kleck say that it is 100% truth?
      In that case they would call it an unible instead of a bible.

      Unible = Single path:

      Bible = Forked path:

    3. If it was 100% truth then there wouldnt be much faith involved, as it is both as in bi-blended its more like playing russian roulette.
      And if the snake created man in its image, a deceiver, is it that much of a stretch for people to say that Jehovah is a snake since Jehovah created the snake, hence in its image?
      And what about all the bugs and worms, whats the point of fighting fire with insects?
      Im still confused.
      Con-fused = Fused with the con,

      Goku imagines fusion with Hercule and dende

    4. "Sheesh, seems like we really do have to destroy the moon in order to cure amnesia."

      I lack the know how to do it myself.

    5. This place is obviously a big setup meant to enslave us and ours souls. For one Jehovah created our bodies to feel PAIN and seeing how many countless suffer horrible fates everyday it's definitely safe to assume he's a snake.

    6. The bible meaning in the title has to be about making the good and the evil sides of the perso one in Christ thus making peace, theres no point on dwelling on the lie since thats just feeding the worms.

      Eph 2:15  Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; 

      Im sorry for filling the comments section with my contradictions.

      Jas 1:8  A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. 

    7. I was just Reading Hajime No Ippo and it sells how great it is to have double mindedness:

      "Two hearts one fist":

  5. This place feeds off our pain, fear and other negative emotions/energy. Definitely a snakes design. No real God would create that kind of cruel suffering if it weren't an evil snake.

    1. I have decoded in maze runner movies the reason they keep terrorize us from the moment we are born is cause our sleeping forms produce important liquids they farm and harvest from the adrenaline from the fear.
      These liquids they sell 'em as drugs in the black market in the outside world like it was shown in jupiter ascending or they use them as medicine too to extend their lives from an infection/worms that's killing them maze runner 2 revealed.

      I remember when 3-4 years old getting terrorized with kindergarten and school before i even went there seeing how bad my older brother was treated there and by my parents that were hitting him if he didnt do well at school and i was so scared of school way before i went there.
      I remember 1st day at the 1st grade i was so afraid of the teacher that was coming to my desk thinking she will give me a test to do but instead she came to ask for my name.

      Then in 2nd grade the music teacher was terrorizing us with bs to make us obedient and the whole class was crying, in same 2nd grade an english teacher asked us to have our parents sign the test results so they punish us/hit us at home, so i signed it myself and was lying to my teacher's face that was my mom's signature like my life was depended on it.

      From the moment i was born day and night(dreams/nightmares), fear, stress, anxiety, terrorized is all i know and now i know why!

      When i heard of Bush back in 2000 announcing the war on terror, i thought all teachers and parents would be thrown to jail for the sick terrorists they are scaring and hurting emotionally and physically innocent little children.

    2. Worth mentioning 1st day at 1st grade at the end of schoolday i was so scared and crying next to other kids seeing the school buses leaving thinking they leave us behind and alone and will never get back home again.

      Similar bs to get scared i was put through in kindergarten too where when that year ended it felt like i got out of hell, that place was making me so sick, one more day and i would have gotten that leukemia many kids get called A.L.L.

      Kids are the backbone of the maze runner liquid/drug farm they have running behind the scenes(note in maze runner they were using only kids too to produce those liquids), getting very easily scared at extreme levels and their sleeping forms produce milk like adult cows, while old experienced people that 've seen it all the rivers run dry there.

      No wonder they hate old people and they plan to reduce the human age to 33 years old and with end goal of earth to be a kids only place like that kids only city in fallout 3.

      No adult gets scared like kids do, kids=maximum fear=maximum profit.
      Adults=less fear=less profit.

    3. Lol same story here. I Remember my older brother getting abused nentally and physically for not doing well in school and him telling me all his war stories about school and me being scared to death of starting kindergarten. Then what you know my first day of school all my suspicions came true as I was attacked by a big group of kids while I was alone. I kicked their asses then they started respecting me. Also, my suspicions about the abuse and threats I would receive if I didn't do well in school came true too as I was tormented by my mom throughout my whole school career. I also had the same fear as you never getting back home as my mom was a single mom and would have to pick me after work when most of the kids were gone! It's amazing how similar our experiences are. It's like they try to punish us in advance 4 knowing their schemes. My whole life has been nothing but feat, anxiety and stress too and even worse it runs in my blood/family so even more proof of a straight setup. This is truly the devil's realm.

    4. Yes kids release the most pheromones in the air/ether when they're scared and/or in fear, stress and pain. The perfect candidates for their use and their favorite drug adrenechrome. This is also a soul farm down here too where these beings and God knows who else can purchase us. Humans don't know how deep in the shit we really are lol

    5. Damn me too in kindergarten i was crying every morning and afternoon as i was the first kid there and all alone and the last kid to leave, one day my father couldnt come pick me up and they were trying to put me in a public bus alone by myself, man i was scared and this hell of terror was happening daily.

      I felt that fractal when i said this

      "Worth mentioning 1st day at 1st grade at the end of schoolday i was so scared and crying next to other kids seeing the school buses leaving thinking they leave us behind and alone and will never get back home again."

      the fractal of getting stuck/trapped in school=earth and no way to get back home as all the buses/rides out of here have left us behind like in army of the dead movie.

    6. Can never forget that ugly fake grass floor in kindergarten that made me realize of that kindergarten to symbolize earth.
      And like in kindergarten where it felt like i was getting leukemia at the last days there, same in the bigger kindergarten earth i got freaking leukemia man, unbelievable, does the leukemia i got recently means my time is up here?

      By the way in the last 2 days i started getting those dark dots again on my skin which is a sign of leukemia coming back, every time i use the sauna they start fading away and after a day they're gone but new ones keep showing up which means AML is at it again.
      I hate when doctors are right, they told me AML will come back within 6 months and i'm on the 5th month now.

      I'm hoping to last at least a year before going back to the hospital so i can tell my doctor "you gave me 6 months, i gave me a year, i won, you lost", you know bragging rights, i hate also how it's always 6 months for every cancer patient, they tell everyone "you have 6 months to live" hahaha that must be another fractal.

    7. Wow total fractual. Also note I was one of the only few black kids at my school as it was majority mexican/Latino so this increased the fear, stress and anxiety even more. I was also first 2 be there as my mom had to leave extra early 4 work. Exact same shit bro. And what you said about getting stuck at school/earth with no way to get back home is totally true as I still have recurring dreams even today as me as a child waiting for someone to come pick me up but they're all gone. And when I try 2 go home I either get attacked or captured LOL I know this is an evil setup because I constantly see it in the higher dimensions when I'm dreaming so that let's me know that they already played out this scenario in higher realms first. And you having the same experience confirms it even more. I knew we were 2 sides of the same coin though. Black and white!

    8. I remember at the last day on kindergarten i was dressed as a sailor, in fact i left that place dressed as a sailor which is another fractal of joining the lunar fleet after we die that are at war with the outworld outside earth's dome like in troy.

      Damn we need to pay more attention at everything that takes place in our lives, it's all fractals!

    9. Lol you ain't lying. Water/boats is very symbolic to me as I believe they want us to all be orphan, children they can abuse us at will on a island surrounded by deep, ocean water so that we can't escape similar to the book the lost boys of bird island. Jeffrey Epstein also had the same setup on his pedophile island so it's definitely a factual.

    10. About the bridge that is above our heads, i remembered yesterday in oblivion movie with tom cruise they kept referring to a soldier that defended a bridge against an empire all by himself. They made a great deal about it like the 300 movie, now i know exactly what that symbolizes and why that story was so special to hollywood, it symbolizes earth's dome/bridge that gets defended by a handful few against an immense empire.

      Like in hobbit 3 where 12 dwarfs were all that were protecting earth mine full with gold from the immense forces that had it surrounded. Oh there was a dragon/worm there in that mine too with impenetrable skin like the beast from gog vol 2 intro and both had a scar/weak spot which was used to kill the beast.

      earth vs the outworld right there

    11. That dwarf king was infected by the dragon like worms do and was essentially the dragon/worm itself.
      He used to be a good guy and was making himself look really bad to his friends outside the wall/dome which reminded me the king mutant from batman anime batman wanted to humiliate him to his people/army that had earth surrounded so they reject him as their king and make batman their new king, stealing his throne so to speak.

      In short those armies outside the wall of hobbit 3 were the very king's army that's behind the wall suffering from amnesia due to worm within and views them as his enemy and attacking them and make a real fool and embarrassment out of himself.

    12. Imagine you're king in a palace, your army returns victorious and you like a drunk defend its bridge/entrance all by yourself like that roman fool thinking they are enemy armies coming to conquer your palace, you close the gate to them and throw an arrow at them.
      Imagine how your armies and generals would feel about you, seeing their own king throwing arrows at them and try to fight them all by himself.

      They would be like "our king has lost it, time to lock him up in an asylum and make a new king". Oh his step brother loki or bastard son lucifer from the evil ex wife hera that tried to kill him in the past volunteers to take his throne, what could go wrong?

    13. Lol that kinda reminds me of the emperor's new clothes. Yeah they loving making the king the ultimate fool or having freaks lead like the hunchback in 300 with the dunce cap. I believe it's an humiliation ritual. They show this message a lot in movies like beauty and beast and Aladdin where Jafar hypnotized the sultan in plot to take his place. There's also an old movie in the 80s called trading places where they get a random homeless guy off the street and replace him with a rich wall street man as a bet and a experiment to see if he could run the show as well. I always ran into this opposition in real life too so I believe it's also a fractal of the switching of black and white that must be played out in the matrix. Shit is definitely weird down here...

    14. History is full with stories of kings getting drunk/under the influence(of the worm) and then killing their friends and loved ones when under the influence.

      The father of alexander the great almost killed his son when drunk/under the influence, alexander the great killed his best friend that had saved his life in battle when drunk/under the influence.

      In beowulf 2007 the king got drunk and started dancing naked in front of his people like he lost his mind and unfit to be king anymore.
      In altered carbon s1 was revealed that is our evil wife/queen that poison us secretly and forces us to act violently and out of our mind so we become unfit to keep being kings.

      In beowul 2007 was revealed our queen wife was also a dragon/worm and in that movie king beowulf was seduced by her and had a son with her which son she brainwashed like in bad boys for life to kill his own father.

      In hobbit 3 video i posted above, same thing is shown, the king under the influence of the worm is going after to kill his best friends!

    15. "There's also an old movie in the 80s called trading places where they get a random homeless guy off the street and replace him with a rich wall street man as a bet and a experiment to see if he could run the show as well."

      This was shown in dark city 1998, one day(life) you're a janitor cleaning toilets the next a king in a palace and the opposite. Having also no memory of the previous day/life and what you were or was doing.

    16. I said recently about being king of earth is like atlas or god ra from gods of egypt having a great responsibility and it reminded me the spiderman saying "with great power comes great responsibility".

      It reminded me Odin from thor movies who had great responsibility to keep the peace between the 9 realms and those low intelligence greedy fools like his wife and bastard son loki that wanted his throne for the power and benefits were unfit for the great responsibility and led everything to ruin.

      Same with zeus, when zeus was dethroned there was a goddess that warned the other gods and his wife how important it is for zeus to remain on the throne as he was the only one capable keeping everything together and without him, civil war will ensue and everything will fall into ruin.

      Everyone wants the throne and when they get it they find themselves like hercules replacing atlas and a giant burden over their shoulders and all of a sudden they want nothing to do with the throne.

      It reminded me back in usmc i came across a platoon where no one wanted to become a corporal saying their gunny has put a lot of responsibility on that rank and no one wants the responsibility and the reason no one wants to get promoted, hahaha that was so funny.

      I remember also an officer/captain saying he wish he was a lance corporal holding a broom cleaning the floor instead and was asking a lance corporal in front of him holding a broom to trade ranks.
      We were fixing to get deployed and there was a lot that was expected of that officer to do and it was a big burden and all of a sudden being janitor cleaning toilets instead looked very lucrative to him.

      I have a friend that he became an officer in the army flying helicopters and he wants badly out, he only has 3 years left to retirement and cant take it any longer.

      Reminds me also the lunar boss in a popular video game being jealous of our amnesia and how free of burden we are because of that.

      Damn man i come full circle on the lack of appreciation fractal, where i had it nice before i went to bootcamp and dint appreciate it, and life was hell man but still heaven compared to bootcamp where to me was way harder than everyone else as i got injured and stayed in training for half a month while injured too.

    17. Worth pointing out in that restaurant i used to work before bootcamp many workers wanted to suicide, i thought of that eventually too as working all day and have no fun in your life makes you lose interest in life. Then i went to bootcamp which symbolizes also what awaits us after death or suicide and was like "holy hell i had it nice and didnt appreciate it" and everyone i told that there was agreeing with me and how they feel identical.
      Many joined bootcamp to escape the hell that was their life and their nasty parents and realized that they didnt escape hell but like riddick in dark athena video game traded one for another worse one.

    18. Not to mention the DIs in my platoon hated me extra as my english werent that good having grew up in greece even though i was american my whole life having been born in usa, but military people are dumb, they hear an accent =bam, enemy combatant/it's an immigrant, activate hate and discrimination.

      The DIs even conspired to get me permanently injured or to jail by manipulating me into hitting them, yeah it felt like the lunar boss or queen herself was working full time to make my life a worse hell than it used to be.

      Regardless, number 1 reason no one should join the military is the VA is screwing all injured veterans, imagine risking your life for a trillionaire and losing an arm or a leg in the process, then the trillionaire doesnt want to spend a dime on your medical bills, that's USA for you.

      From my experience with the usmc, army, navy and airforce i have come up with some funny names for them.

      USMC are the miserable
      Army are the depressed
      Navy are the bored
      Airforce are the scared/chickens

      Wanna join the military, chose your poison, they all suck and then you have the VA at the end of the road to make sure you regret the moment you joined.

    19. Yep trading one HELL for another is exactly what it is. Also in trading places after they
      Successfully replaced poor black Eddie Murphy's life with rich, white. Dan aykroyd life Eddie Murphy overhears the 2 bosses talking about if they should keep him for the job since he did the better than the last guy and one of bosses says do you think I would ever keep the N word for this job hinting that they would eventually betray Eddie Murphy too. So yeah at the end nobody truly wins as the cycle just goes on and on with the snakes.

    20. Trading placing shows the only way to beat
      the snake by cutting its head off. The newly rich black man teams up with newly poor white man to outsmart the bosses of the broker firm and make them lose all their asses while both of the becoming rich in the process. It shows that you can't win by joining them as snakes eventually bite everyone. So it's best to just not join them in the first place unless you plan to infiltrate them from the inside and then burn down the building metaphorically speaking like Eddie Murphy did in the movie LOL

    21. My goal is to get in the inside like the random homeless man, learn thier ways seize their assets then burn down the building. That's the only way 2 beat the snake. When it's my turn 2 trade places and so called move up the ladder that's exactly what I'll do to end the ugly cycle. Kind of like what you wanted to do with your old school by burning it down. I will NEVER make deals with evil unless it's to deceive it so I can eventually destroy it LOL

    22. "About the bridge that is above our heads, i remembered yesterday in oblivion movie with tom cruise they kept referring to a soldier that defended a bridge against an empire all by himself."

      Saving Private Ryan - Bridge Scene

    23. Saving Private Ryan bridge scene:
      "Private your outfit wants to stay thats one thing, your partys over here, youve got 3 minutes."

      3 minutes/3 days
      Its always the same thing.

    24. Yup same cycle as the snake always bites it's own tail. Your party means it's your turn at bat/The ball is in your court. Once it's my turn and once the ball is in my court I will aim 2 burn this muthafucker down as I already know the routine is to replace and betrau me once I'm all used up.

    25. Thorin vs Thranduil Scene - The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - Full HD

      First thing i see in this scene youve posted, here comes a guy with blonde hair riding a dark stag, and a guy with dark hair riding a white horse, again with the black and white symbolism repetitive imagery.

      Same thing as Miley CYrus with blonde hair and Dua Lipa with dark hair and a million others:

      Miley Cyrus - Prisoner (Official Video) ft. Dua Lipa

    26. History repeats it's self as duality in only a 3d illusion anyways. The bible hints when it says the first shall be last and the last shall be first in my kingdom. I. Just say fuck your corrupt snake kingdom period.

    27. So i have a kingdom, i have a ball, i have a court, what else do i have?

    28. To be honest I believe we all have NOTHING as we are only strong as our weakest link and everything is an illusion. Trading places shows this when they switched a man who had nothing with a man who had everything. This also seems 2 be the case today with the covid pandemic making people basically lose everything overnight becoming homeless. So we're just as poor as the homeless bum on the street and as rich as a billionaire like Bill gates. God said everything belongs to me so that also means that everything inherited too good or bad.

    29. I remember watching the director's commentary of alien covenant saying how dangerous david was by playing politics which was not going directly against his master but play along and remain obedient until the right moment. He said you are way more dangerous when you play like that than someone who immediately starts a fight.

      About the great responsibility the one on top has, same intel we have in loki series, the time keepers had great responsibility to protect the timeline/keep the peace and the one who overthrew them couldnt handle the weight of the responsibility/sky like atlas did so the sky came crashing down on them like it did to loki in thor ragnarok after he overthrew his father.

      Jupiter ascending came to mind where lunar boss loki said his father/mother/king of earth begged him to overthrew him/kill him and take his throne which reminded me atlas and ra of god of egypt looking for a fool to take their place.
      Odin in thor ragnarok didnt look very unhappy either for losing the throne, instead he looked happy as a homeless on earth and proud of his son that overthrew him and i was like "what the hell?" hahaha now i know why!

      And agent smith wanting out of the matrix is same intel, he cant handle the weight/responsibility of the throne and wants out.

      Everyone wants great power and thrones until they feel the weight of the sky/bridge over their shoulders, then like my captain in usmc cleaning toilets as an alternative seems the best deal.(which is exactly what the owner of earth was doing in jupiter ascending after she gave up her throne).

      Me too when i was in afhanistan they tried to make me a sergeant and i had to study all day for it on my free time. I was like screw that i dont want to waste my valuable free time to get promoted but have fun with my friends and playing psp with them instead.

    30. Lol facts. The more power you have= the more problem and responsibilities you have too and the higher the karmic debt you will have if you fuck up. So many humans fall into the trap of wanting more not knowing that will create more problems 4 you especially if you can't handle the problems you have now. The devil likes coming to people when they're at the lowest point and offer them the whole world like he did to Jesus. But if that were me I'd tell him to go fuck himself and spit in his ugly face. I prefer justice and knowledge over any perverted power this criminal world has to offer. It's simply not worth the price. And the juice is not worth the squeeze as they say...

    31. I remember in usmc one time the staff sergeant he gave me sergeant duties and i was so stressed out as most people on my platoon were lazy shitbags.
      I usually was taking orders to do a job that i could do myself alone, so i always was looking good for getting the job done quick and good.
      Then when i was given the responsibility of a job that needed the whole platoon to get it done i was like "one shitbag is enough to ruin everything and all will come crashing down on me as i'm in charge of this job".

      When you're a low rank only you can make yourself look bad, when you're a high rank the more people you have under you the more likely you'll look bad as anyone below you f*cks up, it's on you. It was something new to me and oh boy i was stressed as in the usmc they love punishing you over anything, all high ranks are sadists, if they dont yell, humiliate and punish someone every hour they feel like they're not doing a good job.
      So imagine having a clean record for years and all of a sudden you are put in a situation which is a a trap with no way out.

      In potc dead men tell no tales i had decoded the lunar boss is looking for someone to take his place/throne so he escapes punishment from the galactic empire.
      See in the movie the scene with the british empire that captured the lunar pirate ship and its captain gave his throne to a janitor. The janitor yelled "this is the happiest moment in my life" and then like in thor ragnarok was yelling "i'm just the janitor here" when the british empire were beating the crap out of him for all his crimes thinking they caught the lunar boss.

      In potc with blackbeard, the father tried to screwed his own daughter to avoid death, so it will be hilarious if the father tricked his son/loki to take his throne so he gets all the blame. I used to always wonder "how a young wolf could fool/trick an old wolf and take its place?"
      What a sick family, son/daughter screw the father to take his throne, the father screws his kids like Cronus/Blackbeard to avoid punishment and then you have the wife/mother that plays all on a whole other level ventriloquist style.

      Where we humans fit in that picture? More likely we are the kids these f*ckers kidnapped from the outworld or lured us into their bullshit school/earth/fake candy heaven from hansel and gretel like pedos lure kids into their pedovans disguised as ice cream vans.

    32. And i used to think that we humans could be the father/homeless odin.
      It reminded me this scene from Taken movie
      -Who is Marko?
      -We all are Marko/Lunar boss/Father/ Agent smith/Homeless odin

      And the reason agent smith infected us all apparently is to make it difficult for the galactic empire to identify him and punish him telling them like in potc dead men tell no tales
      "Remember if you cut(punish) me you cut(hurt) the boy(your kids!)"

      Dollhouse series showed same intel how the lunar boss downloaded copies of his personality into all of us and in a sense we're all Marko from Tropoja, homeless odin and agent smith from matrix.


    33. In the last hospital i was last january they must have put some nano metallic robots in my chemo IV bags, the kind tony herbalist was exposing on youtube they spray us with and magneto on x-men movies was infecting humans and robots with to control them.

      Since last january i keep feeling things crawling and moving under my skin, they feel like they get activated from the outside wirelessly and it happens a lot more often now that i get multiple dark dots on my skin which is a sign of AML coming back.
      Feels like they are activating the nano within me to take me out.

      Sauna seems to help me a lot more than the magnetic pulser. Tony had advised me to stay away from blood electrifiers and pulsers saying that they support and stimulate the nano within.
      I'll keep using it as i think it works to some degree but wanted to mention also what tony told me about them.

      I pulse my eyes with my pulser and still see floaters and things moving after months of use, in fact i see more things moving in my eyes after i started using the pulser which tells me that tony could be right that they stimulate the nano within.

    34. Yup I once told my friend that all matter was tap. Even our bodies have shit ton of nano particles in it that can be used to control us. I Remember as a kid going 2 the store and the metal detector going off even though I didn't steal anything and also going to the airport and the same thing happening and then them having 2 frisk me even though I had nothing on me LOL wtf. That tells me that they placed metal/nano materials in us that can be used to activate hidden programs within us like you mention before in another thread. This shits makes me even more pissed and want to expose them even MORE. They aim to expose Robocop style

    35. Thank you so much, that was awesome!
      Most of the dark dots were gone away this morning which tells me my body is doing a great job killing those little shits.(but they keep coming back)
      I'll keep the bombardment going from the outside(sauna, pulser, dewormer etc) like the outworld does to earth but at the end of the day it's the prisoner/good guys within that will cure me, all i can do is provide support from the outside like the outworld.
      Which fractal tells me that it's us humans on earth that need to defeat the evil/worms/fungi/lunar scum here, all the outworld can do is shake 'em from the outside and provide some support.

  6. Here are some videos that you might have seen that are right up your alley:


    Over The Antarctic Ice Wall A Film Crew Disappears Forever

    Exploring The Firmament (1933)

    1. Great info in these videos! I liked the pseudo sun intel too.
      The self healing wall reminded me goku and vegeta in the belly of fungi buu.
      Also that fungi blue ice wall disappearing into nothing as it gets hot reminded me scientific videos of fungi calling them sacks that contain nothing. They call it nothing as scientists dont have the instruments to see what's there which cancer specialists have told me how much they fear what they cant see!
      In short that fungi shit dont disappear into nothing but into microscopic shit we dont have the technology to see which little shits are everywhere and in our very bodies.
      That blue sky wall is not just all around us but also inside all lifeforms.

      Masons have mentioned a war with alien ufos that took place in antarctica between 1940-60, so either we or them managed to drill through like in matrix 3 and avengers 2012.


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