Black Widow 2021, All Women Are Black Widows

It always baffled me why women's brain is wired differently than men's. Scientists have admitted it too.
Also trying to win a debate with a woman is like trying to convince a robot or a calculator that 2+2=22.

Anyways i have also decoded wonder woman's island how we're all women here so that put us all under the mind control of the lunar boss, i just suspect women are under a much heavier influence.
In blade runner 2049, all lunar boss's soldiers were women too.

DREYKOV: -It's my network of widows
that help me control the scales of power.
One command,
the oil and stock markets crumble.
One command,
and a quarter of the planet will starve.
My widows can start and end wars.
They can make and break kings.(like black widow jackie 007, poor jfk man i feel sorry for him)

-You control all of that from here?
-And with you,
an Avenger under my control,
I can finally come out of the shadows
using the only natural resource
that the world has too much of.
(Yeah no wonder now kamala harris is a black widow and why they are pushing for women to take over all positions of power. Which like black widows that cant give birth are not real women too, transgender subliminal. Natasha looked like a boy when was a kid, it's like they didnt want to hide it that all black widows/lunar drones are transgender).

-Why the aggression, huh?
Is it your time of the month?
-I don't get my period, dipshit.
I don't have a uterus.
-Or ovaries.
(In north korea kim's assassins are also women, he used a woman to kill his brother)

But i knew the mother was the big boss the moment i saw her and her pigs to symbolize humans which was revealed later having given them human names and her ex husband's name too(stole her husband's throne intel).
This is the Circe from Odyssey intel how she has turned humans into animals she controls like puppets ventriloquist style down to our very heartbeat.

They showed also how we all are imprisoned in antarctica and like in westworld with william those who will come liberate us are family to us. They keep showing us that they are also angry at us cause we weren't a good father to them before this life.

They showed also the intel that we were kidnapped from our real families in the outworld(like in loki series) and they are looking for us relentlessly(Taken movie style).

-But you're not even the first mother
that abandoned me.
-No, you weren't abandoned.
You were selected by a program
that assessed
the genetic potential in infants.
-I was taken?
-I believe a bargain was struck,
your family paid off.
But your mother,
she never stopped looking for you.
She was like you in that way.
She was

-What happened to her?
-Dreykov had her killed.
Her existence threatened
to uncover the Red Room.
Normally, the actions
of one curious civilian
wouldn't warrant an execution,
but, as I said, she was relentless.

Dreykov=Drako subliminal, the red room reminded me the red brainwashing room from loki series.
There too they had a program that was deciding which kids to kidnap from the outworld.
It felt like watching loki.
They showed lunar boss operating from the moon above and saying that he owns earth.
The hologram moon intel was shown too as a cloud that hides the true face of the moon/satellite etc.

When our family came to liberate us an avalanche was triggered which is the earth=trap intel i decoded recently and how the lunar boss will detonate earth maze runner 2 style the moment the outworld enters earth.

They showed also the 2 families intel i have decoded and how we are like the demi gods from mythology having one family on earth and another one unknown that we find out later.

-It's funny. My whole life,
I didn't think I had any family.
Turns out I got two

Lunar queen revealed cleverly how like Odin rules 9 realms(9 planets of our solar system intel).

-I have nine pigs
that will require attending to
in my absence.
-Don't give a shit about your pigs.

The agents living normal human lives for 3 years is the 3000 years intel of living as a human on earth which is part of our brainwashing.

-Then he buries me in Ohio
on that stupid mission.
Three years!
So tedious, boring me to tears.

I think part of their plan having us experience human life and families here is to give us something to care about they can use later to control us and blackmail us, like they did to harrison ford in blade runner 2049 which gave me an idea how to resist lunar scum blackmailing.
"Her eyes were green!"
Yeap that's the password, they bring someone you care about and threat to hurt him in front of you, just tell them "her eyes were green" and walk away.


  1. Apparently Eve from the bible was a black widow too, i had exposed her that she was working for the snake/worm and i have also decoded that all women were created by the devil, hahaha, i had my doubts man, not anymore.

    1. Also, do you think women are so powerful because they are closer to being a child via neoteny?

  2. That red gas wasnt the antidote but the mind controlling virus itself, lunar boss was using identical gas to control his victims and is a subliminal that is airborne like batman's airborne kryptonite.
    Similar mind controlling gas was shown in dbz garlic junior was spraying earth from the moon.
    In far cry 5 lunar boss was using a green gas to mind control his people too and had whole areas/continents covered with that gas.

    Makes me even more suspicious about the tar/venom/oil/gas we all help by driving cars to spread all over the air.

  3. I liked the clever intel here that the father who looks for us like in "taken" and "wanted" movies is God.

    -He(lunar boss) moves location constantly.
    And every widow is sedated
    on entry and exit for maximum security.
    -I'm just finding it hard to believe
    that he could stay off my radar.
    -Well, it's not smart to attack an Avenger
    if you want to stay hidden.
    I mean, the clue is in the name.
    Dreykov kills you,
    one of the big ones comes to avenge you.
    -Wait, what are the big ones?
    -Well, I doubt the god from space
    has to take an ibuprofen after a fight.

  4. The intel that a family member sold us to slavery and another one is looking to rescue us was in the rambo last blood movie.

    Evil sister/brother sold us to slavery and good father/stallone/rambo goes through hell to get us back.

    -I believe a bargain was struck,
    your family(brother/sister) paid off.
    But your mother(father stallone),
    she never stopped looking for you.

    And stallone was indeed relentless looking for his girl man, and i have decoded that movie too with the evil sister/brother loki.

  5. About lunar queen/dark mother being the big boss and the lunar boss the front man like in tenet movie was given away here.

    -Wait, Mom Melina?
    -We thought she was dead.
    -You cannot kill a fox that swift.
    She was the scientist, the strategist.
    I was the muscle.
    She worked directly for Dreykov
    far more than I ever did.

    Huntsman winter's war had identical intel of lunar queen kidnapping children and train them to be her soldiers and acting like a mother to them but was never their real mother.
    Same here natasha later found that Melina wasnt her real mother and i was blown away when Melina later was dressed like a queen ninja revealing who she truly was and an expert with swords like frost from die another day, wife of odin etc.

    1. The boss pheromone that make you unable to attack the lunar boss/queen the moment you smell it is bee queen subliminal.

    2. Thats deep. Just how strong do you think het smell is? I think I could resist it lol

    3. Having experienced sleep paralysis, i'm aware how much control they have over our bodies, natasha was paralyzed the same way when tried to attack the bee queen.
      I think the trick is not holding your breath but closing your eyes and open them back and forth.
      That's how i used to break free from sleep paralysis.
      In lacerta files reptilian lacerta was advising to close your eyes when coming across reptilians as the brainwaves change and is harder to control you.
      I think open and close them back and forth confuses them and makes it hard to control you as it's like changing frequencies back and forth and they cant focus on one.

    4. Dark mother said here

      -You can't defeat a man
      who commands the very will of others.

      And i reply like thor
      "But he can"
      points at the father.

    5. Yep that's exactly what I do when i experience or am about 2 experience pain out of sight, out of mind. See no evil. Thats always works 4 me.

  6. Worth mentioning the moon fell on earth in this movie too, hahaha!
    Oh and it was the lunar queen herself who dropped it.

    The fact that the lunar boss/queen rules earth and controls mankind through the women can be seen in every house where the wife/woman is always the boss and the man/husband simply her pawn.

    That's why mothers and wives of their sons are always at war as both being women want to be on the throne of the house and as a result, war ensues in every house between the mother of the son and his wife.

    I had an old uncle who punched his father in the face at the instructions of his wife cause he caught her whoring around and told her to go home.

    Natasha called her father stupid and that's so true as we men want to love our fathers but they treat us like shit and force us into hating them(part of our programming here obviously) while they treat their daughters like queens and their wives as mistresses, pushing away the only true ally that could be their son.

    1. Yep I can confirm this. I grew up in the ghetto and known a lot men killed over a woman or turn on their best friend 4 a woman. It's crazy to see what men will do 4 women. It's like men see women as GOD....

    2. We're wired like that, i remember in school and usmc friends hating me cause a woman liked me over them, a hot stripper i met back then and out of nowhere i was behaving like a little dog telling her "yes, yes, yes, anything you want".
      The past 11 years living a life with no women or sex i realized pride and dignity are way more important and valuable than women and we lose both the moment we start chasing women.

  7. Worth mentioning this movie had identical intel to movie wanted with angelina jolie where we kill our loved ones while under the mind control of lunar boss/queen.

    In the beginning of the movie oksana like the father in wanted could have easily killed black widow yelena but didnt cause they were old friends. When yelena killed oksana she realized that she killed an old friend while under mind control.

    This is the intel with the evil aliens they'll have us kill while in this flesh or in afterlife in different flesh which aliens are our ancient friends and family that are looking for us to rescue us from the lunar scum(taken's moon and star albanians) relentlessly.

    1. I find interesting after yelena killed her loved one her team tried to kill her as same thing they tried on the son in movie wanted after he killed his father and in john wick after he killed a princess which was his old friend too, as it turns out that loved one is also a loved one to the lunar boss(sister in john wick, brother in See series with batista and aquaman).

      In john wick lunar boss told john "what kind of man would i be if i didnt avenge the death of my own sister".

      What a sick man/woman, have us kill our father/his brother and then kill us to avenge him.

      Again there's a serious ancient family drama going on here and is captured well in the trailer for See season 2.
      our father is lunar boss's brother hahaha! unbelievable stuff man.
      reminds me the devil from hellraiser 1 that was our uncle.
      oh and in the end he was disguised as our father too, classic devil/loki man.
      He was on the hiding and on the run in hellraiser 1 from the galactic police which was demonized as demons.

    2. In john wick he had us kill his brother/sister so he takes her throne, hahaha uncle loki at it again.

      It always baffled me why in greek uncle and god is the same word "theos", now i see why, fucking treacherous uncle plays god.

    3. Damn, uncle is anagram of lucen which is short for lucifer and in lucent means "glowing with or giving off light".

      But i'm worrying more about the mother or should i say grandma.
      My lovely grandma came to mind which i always felt something very demonic in her.
      She was wise/super smart like the lunar queen, hardest working woman and toughest woman i've known(spider and expert with swords symbolism) and life was hell when she was raising me as a baby while my father was away. When my father returned i viewed him as my savior from my evil grandma, then i realized i wasnt saved but traded a demon for a worse one.

      My grandma was ugly like a demon too but super beautiful when young, another lunar queen fractal.
      This father grandma fractal makes me worry about the space father, he might be righteous but if he forces us a life Drill instructors force in bootcamp we all are gonna remember the days the lunar queen ruled earth as our golden days.

      I know for a fact there will be no sex or even fapping when our space father returns.
      That alone will make life hell for most humans until detoxification runs its course.
      Not to mention alcohol, drugs and even sugar will be out of the window.
      Video games, tv, music all could be gone too.
      Yeap just like in usmc bootcamp, until detoxification completes humans will be like
      "we had it nice with the devil and we didnt appreciate it" hahaha!

    4. The mother/lunar queen in army of the dead movie so reminded me my grandma who was as ugly and scary looking to me when a baby.

    5. Eventually my father moved away from my grandma and was forced to move away too and i was crying badly thinking i'll never see my grandma again. Was visiting her daily after i left.
      Damn was my childhood a whole fractal that repeats on a bigger scale, damn!

  8. Forgot totally to mention this decoding.

    Dreyko is Thanos
    Natasha(adopted and favored daughter) is Gamora.
    Antonia real and hated daughter that gets crazy experimented on is Nebula.

    It was the same exact script and natasha was hated like a traitor by dreykov as like gamora betrayed her home and adopted father, left them and tried to kill them.

    Dreykov had raised natasha as his daughter and the reason he told her this

    -When you look into the eyes
    of a child you have raised,
    no mask in the world can hide that.
    Welcome home.

    Before he said this to Melina

    MELINA: -What about Romanoff?
    -She's a traitor.
    She turned her back on her people.
    On her blood.
    She had nothing.
    I gave her home.
    I gave her love.

    Just like Thanos to Gamora, identical script we have on both.

    Also thanos saying "i kill half so the other half dont starve", this identical thing Mao of china had said which gives away Thanos is not king of the universe but of sad little hill/crater we call earth.

    I loved that girl in serenity movie who called him "a sad little king of a sad little hill", natasha told him this too which pissed him off equally.

    -Real power comes
    from undetectable influence.
    -If no one's noticed, then why even do it?
    You're nothing.
    -You have nothing.

    1. At the end antonia like nebula was also very happy that her father died, it was like watching guardians of galaxy reskinned.
      Also dreykov/thanos didnt die at the end, natasha blew him up before and he survived, her sister told her "did you find the body to confirm the kill?", same thing at the end, no dead body was shown to confirm the kill.

      When thanos said "natasha had nothing when i took her and gave her everything", reminded me the lunar queen from 300 rise of an empire that got picked up from the slave market and the 3$ hooker lunar queen intel i had decoded. Thanos with gamora same thing, he picked her up as a little girl with nothing and gave her everything.
      Traitor natasha symbolizes the lunar queen and i suspect she was already a black widow before thanos/dreykov picked her up as that's what black widows do, find/attract/seduce powerful men, betray them and steal their kingdom like ravenna from huntsman movies.

  9. 7 Rockets Hitting The Dome or Firmament

    They keep repeating this is the age of aquarius.
    Is the first age pisces used to lure/fish/kidnap/taken souls from the outside and now theyre closing the fish bowl?

    1. "The agents living normal human lives for 3 years is the 3000 years intel of living as a human on earth which is part of our brainwashing."

      Watch Jonathan Kleck took care of a bird for 3 days and then the bird vanished in thin air:

      Jesus ((( IS ))) Coming,,, Watch the Evidence till the END.. THEN Watch AGT Episode VICTORY BRINKER

  10. I keep forgetting the intel from rambo last blood, it verifies my decoding that they turn earth into a trap and prepare it like a battlefield where galactic war is about to take place.(see battlefield earth with john travolta, the galactic war took place in the year 3000/3033)

    Rambo's ranch symbolizes earth with all the massive tunnels(trenches for war symbolism) under it he built/dug himself knowing a big war is coming.

    The intel that the outworld comes here like in the trojan war to recover something precious that was stolen from it was also in the movie "independence day resurgence" where the aliens came here to take something that was stolen(kidnapped) from them.

    Yeah i got these bastards. By the way i came across this movie i had in my hard drive for some time now but didnt know if it was worth watching.
    "The Man from U.N.C.L.E"
    Yeah now that i know who the UNCLE is makes me feel like i have to watch it.
    Uncle Loki/Lucifer, our father's evil brother/edo voss from see series.
    Oh and in that series our father like rambo from last blood is looking for us relentlessly.
    I wonder does he know his brother is behind everything or should i say the mother/frigga/hera/athena/medusa. The son loki is a brainwashed puppet/pawn.

  11. The false father/kidnapper of natasha was the devil in hellboy 2019 movie where they showed us too how they kidnap us from our families and replace the baby with another one so the parents dont go looking for it relentless like rambo and taken's father.
    They learned their lesson i guess, plus they infiltrate the outworld with their agents by replacing the babies.

  12. Holy moly, they made a movie out of natasha's relentless mother!
    "Whenever you go, i'll be right behind you!"
    "You took the wrong kid!"

    Father from far cry 6
    "I caught the wrong fish that day, i should have catch and release like my father".

    1. I wonder if they reveal in kidnap movie that it was halle berry's sister that kidnapped her son under the instructions of the mother or evil grandma hahaha!

    2. The way you connect the script from all these movies is insane man, Lol, i love it.

      Remember Lion King, the uncle kidnapped the nephew/heir to the throne to lure and kill the father:

      The Lion King - Mufasa's Death

    3. Lion king with the uncle and the father lions is the same repetitive black&white symbolism shown a trillion times, sometimes its a black guy&white guy, other times its the blonde hair&dark hair, white pope&black pope.
      The father could have survived if he had faith in the son to survive on his own through the stampede i think, all he had to do was to not throw himself into the trap, yeah that couldve worked.

    4. Damn, forgot all about the uncle from lion king, thank you so much! Oh my goodness the uncle lunar boss/edo voss is completely exposed now!

      Like in movie wanted and star wars he is using the son to kill the father or force the father to sacrifice himself to save his son(which is what darth vader did to save his son!)
      Then like in john wick "i have to avenge my brother's death" goes after the nephew=us.

    5. Theres 3 hyenas provoking the stampede which is the devils number and gives the 3 days symbolism.

  13. By the way i would have loved to have that boss pheromone when a kid at school, matilda principals, teachers, bus attendants, parents etc try to slap me and get paralyzed
    -what's wrong?
    try with the other hand.
    (then proceed to discipline them like dreykov to natasha, teach them to never hit kids and how like in loki series, kids are the big boss in this damn prison, i would teach them to respect kids like kings).
    Hahaha my childhood would have been so much fun!

    1. I imagine the lunar scum try to renew my contract to relive another life/program on earth.
      "Add boss pheromone or no deal"


    " ‘Wobbling’ moon will cause devastating worldwide flooding in 2030s, Nasa warns "

    2033/2034 mid 2030's

    ofcourse these nasis wont reveal the real truth what will cause this , sick of half baked truths

    1. It's a cheap distraction so earth/west dont see the actual threat which is the chinese taking over earth by 2030.
      USMC and USA is general is preparing for a bullshit fixed/staged war with china in 2030 where usa/west loses and passes the torch to china.
      We lost the west will say, now accept china as your new boss, be obedient good boys, we fought we lost, china is new boss, obey china now.


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