
Showing posts from July, 2021

Vivarium Decoded

 I just saw the vivarium, stuck in a loop is vhs brainwashing dream/cassette. Lunar boss/devil like loki was shown to be our adopted son and we the father/parents he betrayed or used for his agenda. The father digging was investigating symbolism and reminded me myself. The baby birds that got kidnapped and replaced reminded me the intel from hellboy how we are kidnapped and replaced in the outworld and imprisoned in this loop/reincarnation cycle we call earth/life so someone else lives in our place in the outworld. The cuckoo birds that do this in nature i find interesting how in greek evil/bad is kako/cuckoo. I loved the little girl who called out nature for what it is, cruel, horrible and refused to accept it as normal like most brainless humans do. The mother that kept telling her son "you are not my son" is subliminal that our parents here on earth are not our real parents. They had the intel of dr steven gundry that our job here is to have kids and raise them to replace ...

Loki Episode 6, Atlas Wants To Give Up His Spot Holding The Sky, Cough Throne, Why He Wants To Do That?

 Hahaha it was like watching the myth of hercules, potc or gods of egypt reskinned. Lunar boss is in big trouble and he wants to give up his throne so someone else gets the blame and he walks away free. This episode 6 was based entirely around this. When he said "without me(my dome) everything burns" i really felt the fire i have decoded that surrounds our prison, which is a good thing as our soul is fire trapped in the ice and the outside fire would liberate us from the ice, but we're not supposed to know that but fear the fire instead and thank our savior atlas and the sky he holds above our heads, keeping us frozen in antarctica and buried in the cold dome with our souls resembling stars, cough i mean thank him for keeping us safe from that evil fire. The episode ended with this -But someone is coming.(furious and relentless taken's father) Countless different versions of a very dangerous person.(with a Very Particular Set of Skills) And they're all set on war....

Black Widow 2021, All Women Are Black Widows

It always baffled me why women's brain is wired differently than men's. Scientists have admitted it too. Also trying to win a debate with a woman is like trying to convince a robot or a calculator that 2+2=22. Anyways i have also decoded wonder woman's island how we're all women here so that put us all under the mind control of the lunar boss, i just suspect women are under a much heavier influence. In blade runner 2049, all lunar boss's soldiers were women too. DREYKOV: -It's my network of widows that help me control the scales of power. One command, the oil and stock markets crumble. One command, and a quarter of the planet will starve. My widows can start and end wars. They can make and break kings.(like black widow jackie 007, poor jfk man i feel sorry for him) -You control all of that from here? -And with you, an Avenger under my control, I can finally come out of the shadows using the only natural resource that the world has too much of. Girls. (Yeah no wo...

The Fall of Constantinople/Troy/Earth, The Lunar Scum Have 3 Days To Pillage Earth, 1 Day Remains Till 3033.

 47:24(put on the subtitles) "Sultan Mehmed had promised his troops three days of pillaging , to which they were entitled." No wonder the mining of earth has already escalated and will go even crazier the closer we get to 3033 with earth becoming a dumpster place like in matrix and planet sakaar in thor ragnarok. In greece for example its prime ministers for decades were saying "greece has no oil" and now they're about to go to war with turkey over rights to drill for oil in the aegean sea. World war 3 and the reduction of the human population has this goal too, to free up space from the masses so massive mining can commence on a global scale where whole countries will turn into bottomless pits/mining craters. The above video is full with intel and fractals. Archeologists have revealed that earth was an ancient mine(finding massive ancient mines in africa too) with most of its resources already stolen. In constantinople same thing, most of its riches were alread...

Loki Episode 4, The Holy Trinity/Father Has Been Dethroned, In Its Place Lunar Queen Has Put A Robotic Puppet...

 ... that she controls ventriloquist style like in dead silence movie. They showed what i have decoded how like the mongol turks in ottoman empire kidnapped us from the outworld when we were kids and destined to become kings only to brainwash us, erase our memories and have us join their ranks and even return us to our kingdom to become a king that they will control like a puppet. That Ravonna is the lunar queen and big boss Loki exposed her in episode 1 in a very clever move when asked her "ok the time keepers are protecting the time line(and play judge) and you're doing what?"(doing the same thing aka she is the big boss). Next her very name exposes her too as the lunar queen's name in huntsman movies was Ravenna. Yeah they were like lets change the e into o and hope no one takes notice. At the end they revealed there's someone behind the lunar queen which i know it's the worms/parasites but i doubt they will dare to show it. I used to think the lunar queen/...