Vivarium Decoded
I just saw the vivarium, stuck in a loop is vhs brainwashing dream/cassette. Lunar boss/devil like loki was shown to be our adopted son and we the father/parents he betrayed or used for his agenda. The father digging was investigating symbolism and reminded me myself. The baby birds that got kidnapped and replaced reminded me the intel from hellboy how we are kidnapped and replaced in the outworld and imprisoned in this loop/reincarnation cycle we call earth/life so someone else lives in our place in the outworld. The cuckoo birds that do this in nature i find interesting how in greek evil/bad is kako/cuckoo. I loved the little girl who called out nature for what it is, cruel, horrible and refused to accept it as normal like most brainless humans do. The mother that kept telling her son "you are not my son" is subliminal that our parents here on earth are not our real parents. They had the intel of dr steven gundry that our job here is to have kids and raise them to replace ...