What if he remembers everything? Unknown 2011 Decoded!


 Oh man this movie blew me away! Dont forget to notice the subliminal in the poster "Take Back Your Life!"

This was my favorite part from the movie.

-The question is,
why would they want to take your place?
What could they gain from being you?
What does your wife(jackie 007) gain
by denying you exist?

Earlier before he lost his memories was about to stay in the presidential suite in the german hotel where princes and kings were shown to be living there later only!

That throne man, that throne of god must be very sweet for the lunar scum to go through all this trouble to get it.

I saw this video also yesterday, the rebellion against zeus

and the leader of the rebellion was zeus's wife! hahahaha! who wanted the throne for herself after she screwed her husband jackie 007 style. Note both hera and jackie kennedy hated their husband for sleeping with other women. Jackie getting married to the richest man on earth onassis(so they claimed back then) after she killed her husband apart that it looks like the reward cia gave her for killing jfk, it also subliminally looks like gaining the throne of power as the richest man symbolizes also power which jackie like hera got after killing her husband.

And in this movie our wife was a professional assassin working for the secret service just like jackie 007.

-What if she told them
where you were going?
-Liz? She wouldn't.
-How do you know?
-Gina, she's my wife.
-Yes, she is.

I guess we were the same kind of fools, trusting our 3 dollar hooker assassin wife like odin, jfk, onassis, zeus, darius, the richest human and owner of earth from altered carbon s1 etc.

Note also the husband was 4 days(3 days/3000 years intel i have decoded symbolism) in a coma while they were preparing to steal his identity, kingdom etc or use him as a programmed pawn from hypnotism when he wakes up. That mri machine was shown to implant memories and alter personalities.

And they even gave him jesus/god symbolism before they were about to kill him while betraying him too as they were in his team.

-They're gonna write
a textbook(bible subliminal) on you someday.

The husband many times throughout the movie screamed like jackie chan "who am i" and reminded me the "who am i" movie i saw and decoded not long ago with the lunar boss laughing at us saying "you will never know who you are".

The new series of loki came to mind and all the brainf*ck they created to steal his throne or have him/the king of the 9 realms work for janitors thinking they are the superior force no one can f*ck with.
In loki series same thing, they have loki asleep in a coma and are brainwashing him with vhs cassettes/dreams that resemble human lives with ultimate goal for him to be a pawn/puppet/programmed like a robot when he wakes up.

Here on earth in not so ancient empires and kingdoms humans were killing their entire family tree to get the throne so imagine what some desperate degenerates and similarly infected with worms scum bags would do for the throne of god.

I would destroy that throne with a sledge hammer and put a bottomless pit in its place, then turn around and say "any 3 dollar hookers out there dreaming for it, take it, it's yours!" and go eat some watermelon laughing my ass off for the sick fools that might got for it.

I got to see that movie troy again, they revealed at the end the trojans escaped to some tunnels after troy fell and was like back then "what tunnels?", "they never mentioned that in school".

Asgard symbolizes also troy and saw a video yesterday of a great wall around it that was built with the help of a giant horse/trojan horse symbolism and both symbolize our moon shown also as a crane in matrix 3 cave. The crane that built the dome and i suspect maintains it from the ongoing bombardement from the outworld.
No wonder why most valuable resources we dig out from earth especially gold go to the moon. It could be for dome and electric fence maintenance.
In the rebellion against zeus video hera used gold chains to subdue zeus while he was sleeping.
If gold can keep the god of gods restrained and unable to break them, then it could be the best substance for an unbreakable wall/impenetrable walls of troy.


  1. Yep just like the movie total recall when his wife was agent setting him up the whole time. This is why I'll never get married or trust a woman because they're just there to set you up and steal the gold or your identity if they can. I also have had certain women in my life who supposedly hated me but I found out through my sources that they were really obsessed and some even imitated me like they were literally trying 2 be me/steal my indenty. Creepy stuff.

    1. I just remembered the total recall movie too and then remembered arnold's wife trying to kill him too and i was so blown away!
      The goal was the same in both movies for us here to end up working for the lunar scum and seeing our life here on earth as fabrication and the real us as lunar scum where the truth is both are fabrications and the real us something far greater!

    2. By the way i'm fixing to quit eating watermelon as it keeps making my stomach sick. I noticed also the kind of swiss cheese it is too from all the worms/seeds inside it and the whole thing to be a worm egg as it literally hangs from a string on the ground that resembles a worm.

      I just googled "watermelon string" and then "worm eggs" and holy moly, the watermelons when very young are in the exact shape of worm eggs!
      I'll try cooking a slice and see how it tastes, they say when you cook fruit it tastes even sweeter!

    3. Im not a fan of watermelon because when i eat it some of it i shit out exactly as it came in which means its not getting digested, also a lot of watermelons that ive bought when i opened them they were all powdered on the inside making them unedible, so i dont trust them.

      If you like watermelon that much heres a good solution for you:
      Making watermelon jam is super easy. All you need to do is puree the watermelon flesh in a blender or food processor, then put it in a pot, add sugar, then boil for 20 minutes and you are done!

      It works for any kind of fruit, thats how i like my fruit, in juice or jam form.

    4. On the subject of traitorous wives have you watched the movie Gone Girl, its one of the most popular movies on that subject.

      Gone Girl | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

      I watched it years ago, dont remember much of it, just that it created a big fuss together with the 50 shades of grey movie.

    5. In the bible the christians are called the bride of Christ, Christ is the husband, that means that Christians that go after other Gods (moslty means idolatry which is worshipping your own flesh) are the traitorous wife.

      Exodus 20_1.6

      And God spoke all these words:
      “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
      “You shall have no other gods before me.
      Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image (idol), or any likeness (embodiment/host body) of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 
      You shall not bow down to them or worship them (the flesh); for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
      but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

    6. "Jackie getting married to the richest man on earth onassis(so they claimed back then)"

      Interesting that when they parade Bill Gates as the richest man on earth they are also constantly scripting the wife drama nonsense around him as well:

      1991 Interview with Bill Gates

      Bill And Melinda Gates Announce Divorce After 27 Years Of Marriage | TODAY

    7. Note both hera and jackie kennedy hated their husband for sleeping with other women.

      Very easy to see what that is a mirror of:
      Jesus hates his bride (the christian church) for worshipping other Gods.

      See here the black pope saying there are several Gods in our world:

      Black Pope Lays Out His Plans For A NEW WORLD ORDER

      The biggest of them all is the flesh.
      Obeying the will of the flesh instead of the will of God.

    8. Jackie getting married to the richest man on earth onassis

      The richest man on Earth is Satan
      The christian church is the traitorous wife that kills her husbnd (Jesus) and gets married to Satan.

      Luk 4:5  And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 
      Luk 4:6  And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. 
      Luk 4:7  If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. 
      Luk 4:8  And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 

    9. "the reward cia gave her for killing jfk"
      That represents the reward of selling your soul to the devil which is being a traitorous wife (Jesus is the husband).

      The Slug Count - The Berserk Monster Manual

    10. Check out the count story from Berserk.
      The count went mad because his traitorous wife was indulging in satanic orgies.
      Then he sacrificed her and became the Slug King/King worm.

    11. From that count video:
      "Irony being that those indulging in sexual immorality are punished but i guess gluttony is ok."
      Yep 100% how the catholics think.

    12. And dont forget the wine, its ok to be a drankard all your life as long as you say 3 hail marys after confession to a priest.

    13. But all they cryabout is oh the evil gays and the evil abortionists and blah blah like i buy into any of the nonsense.
      They wont even mention how all the athletes are taking human growth hormone and fetal stem cells collected from the abortion clinics, the same athletes that they drool over and worship.

    14. Ok in the berserk count video the guy also makes the connection between the slug/worm and the penis, so what we talk about in this blog is not ludicrous as other people notice the same, there you go.

    15. See also how the count infects other people with the worm turning them into wormed mutants.
      This all came out in 1991 so its not new intel.

    16. The count fight also gives the intel that the winning strategy is to attack the head/the moon.

    17. The reward cia/god hand gave her/the count for killing jfk/his wife was his slug worm powers.

    18. 3 dollar hooker assassin
      3 is the devils number, it represents trusting the devil instead of Jesus.

    19. Heres the traitorous wife song again:

      Something Really Beautiful - Courtney's Love Killed Kurt Cobain

    20. That mri machine was shown to implant memories and alter personalities.

      I backed out from getting a magnetic resonance done for my peripheral nerve damage, i dont trust that crap.
      Backed out from a colonoscopy and an eye surgery as well.

    21. The worst part about all this nonsensical procedures is that not only are they nonsensical but they expect you to pay out of your pocket for the nonsense which is even crazier.

    22. Should have backed out from the electromyography as well but learned my lesson there.

    23. All these useless procedures are metaphorical leeches from the old dark ages.
      Same thing.


      They achieve nothing.
      And they expect me to pay for it!

    24. The hive people of this world call these leech procedures help!
      Then when i refuse them they say im refusing help!
      Imagine that, i hate this place and because of it i hate myself as well, i have too much hate and frustration inside me.

    25. Which is by design, they seed the hatred and the sickness here and they expect me to self-destruct on it i guess.

    26. I wonder what will be their next move now to push the covidiot vaccine crap on me.

    27. Doctors are 3 dollar hookers.
      And hookers in on what they spend their money on anyway.

    28. Dr Dre giving his wide Aids is another give away that doctors give us the diseases.

      Did Dr.Dre Give His Wife Nicole Young HIV/AIDS?

    29. Nicole Young betrayed her husband to be with Dr Dre.
      Probably a fractal of the traitorous wife screwing us by using the doctors.

    30. Interesting how the manipulations work in this place, when i refuse their useless leeching procedures that do nothing but leech away my time, money and patience then they accuse me of faking my diseases even if i had already done previously the same procedure in the past proving the disease, the moment i refuse them they accuse me of lying, its all garbage.
      Especially in school when i was constantly being accused of faking being ill when in reality the only reason i didnt dropped out of school was because that will trigger the police on me and my parents.
      I cant win in this wormhole, its all rigged.

    31. All these 3 brances dominate this shithole way more than politics, school-church-medical but people only rage about useless crap like political puppets and homos and jews.
      Rage all you want while protecting the real con artists, the priests, doctors and teachers, all spawned by the Medici library in Florence by the way, the root of satanism in the world today.

    32. Then its on to the useless jewish witch hunt narrative, you clowns want me you know everything about me as everything is registered in the system, my name, address, medical history, school history, job history, tax records, property records, everything i am and was you know since i was birthed, but but but i do have a big jewlike nose like the count so you better watch out!!!!
      Everything here is nonsense and garbage.

    33. And the hillarious part about the jewish witch hunt narrative is that divine royals like dear prince Albert Grimaldi dont have the evil jewish nose because they got a nose job just like this porn star did:


    34. But watch out cause the count has a big jewlike nose!!!
      Hitler was right!!!

      The Count ... The count song censored from Sesame Street ...

    35. Jacob Rothschild has a normal sized nose as far as i can tell, you better watch out cause he might be a crypto muslim!!!


      And Felipe Vi does have a big nose, i think hes a crypto marrano!!!


      Albert Grimaldi has the exact same type of balding that Lord Rothschild has, i think theyre father and son!!!


      Useless retarded crap.

      USA: Trump says impeachment is ‘greatest witch hunt in history of politics’

    36. Albert Grimaldi has a big gut god damn, you think for a prince they would make you gon ona diet or something.
      I guess diets are only for the serfs.
      But but but but watch out cause the mean jewish man is promoting soy burgers and sugary drinks, those are of the devil!!!

    37. Princess Charlene WON'T return to Monaco for her 10th wedding anniversary next week because she's undergoing 'multiple procedures' for an infection she contracted in South Africa, spokesperson says


      Is princess Charlene on the sacrificial table, wouldnt surprise me.

    38. I wonder what the wonderful doctors are doing to her?


      Eminem ft. Rihanna - The Monster (Explicit) [Official Video]

      But watch out the doctors might have a jewlike nose!
      Hitler was right!

    39. The royal, 43, hasn't been seen in Monaco since January, but her husband Prince Albert and their six-year-old twins Princess Gabriella and Hereditary Prince Jacques visited her in South Africa earlier this month.

      Whats the symbolic meaning of being visited by the twins?

    40. Some heavy duty spirit cookery going on here.

      "Charlene underwent her most recent operation yesterday, with her medical team advising she stays in her native South Africa while undergoing more procedures."


    41. The symbolic meaning is probably that they aim to colonize Africa next the last frontier just like China. Also Africa had the highest rate of twins in the world. The Nazis were also very interested in twins probably because they're enhanced rate of psychic abilities and other forbidden things so Africa would be a good place 2 search/look 4 that magic.

    42. Bullshit they all have twins like Ronaldo also has, Beyonce, its spirit cookery.
      Princess Charlene is being killed off as a sacrifice, its all the same as the 911 twin tower ritual.
      Here welcome to South Africa:

      Die Antwoord - "Fatty Boom Boom" (Official Video)

      Everybody that has a twin is trapped in the mirror like this commercial shows:

      2014 Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial | Arnold | Extended Scenes | Bud Light

      "Everybody here is a twin?"

    43. Look at this picture she is under heavy attack:


      She looks like a corpse.

    44. In that Bud Light commercial Ian is the sacrifice but first he goes to the twins party.

    45. Agree. Benin and Nigeria still have the highest rates of twins in the world. Brazil is next. Asians have the lowest rate. Plus there's that out of Africa theory. Anyways Africa has already been dubbed as the last frontier for the elite. Thats why the Chinese are colonizing it now and even Bill Gates has interest there

    46. "The couple were engaged in 2010 and married in 2011, despite reports that Charlene got cold feet and tried to flee the country, after rumours surfaced that Albert had fathered a third illegitimate child.
      Charlene reportedly had her passport confiscated and it took "intense convincing" to get her to stay. The palace has denied the reports as "ugly rumours.""


      She was already under coercion and now they are going to finish her off.

      "It's been a tumultuous start to the year for the royal, after news emerged that her husband is facing a paternity suit over a love child born in the early years of their relationship."

      Either that or it is again the traitorous wife pulling one over her husband to get him out of the throne.
      Anyway its the same marriage drama over and over and over again.
      The serfs love this stuff thats why they fight to protect the chuch and monarchy.

    47. Anyway its all pointless as i can blame the king, but the king is just following orders from the pope, the pope is just following orders from Satan, and Satan is just following orders from God, so its all futility.
      Better to say that its all Gods will like the pope does and leave it at that.

    48. The jews are just as retarded as well as they begged God to give them a king, king David who they still worship as God and are still crying for his heir.
      And the muslims as well as they worship the ayatollah, the emir and the sultans.
      This place is all nonsensical from one corner to the other.

    49. 1Sa 8:5  And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. 
      1Sa 8:6  But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the LORD. 
      1Sa 8:7  And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them. 
      1Sa 8:8  According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day, wherewith they have forsaken me, and served other gods, so do they also unto thee. 
      1Sa 8:9  Now therefore hearken unto their voice: howbeit yet protest solemnly unto them, and shew them the manner of the king that shall reign over them. 

      For some reason all these retards love to be ruled by their equal.
      But but but Philip of Bourbon is divine he craps lightning and the ayatollah as been divinely endowed to shoot rainbows!

    50. I agree everybody is just working 4 God at the end of the day even Satan lol btw the battle of sexes is funny to me cuz women are really just men with different reproduction systems/chemicals. We even all start out as a female fetus. Thats why there's still man in the term woman because females are basically just feminine versions of men. Maybe that's why wives are always trying 2 betray their husbands cuz they feel ashamed and embarrassed for their husbands trying to make them their bitch/sex toys. I do agree with liberals there that we should all be gender neutral/binary because of shit like this. If men started 2 treat women as their equals than there would probably be less treachery.

    51. 1Sa 8:19  Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us; 
      1Sa 8:20  That we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles. 

    52. Princess Charlene looks very gender neutral here:

      Thats probably her aim.

      Heres a tv show that i watched called The Challenge on MTV, they had 2 seasons of the battle of the sexes that were totally one sided as the men decimated the women:

      MTV Battle of the Sexes 2 Intro

      But this was way back in 2004 as now they script females to win over the males:

      The Challenge: Cara Maria Best Moments

      Seems like they are gearing to start mix genders in sports and on everything, who knows, i dont really mind, i dont see whats all the fuss about the gender and racial nonsense.
      I dont think its good to mix roles, but if youre going to do it then you will reap the consequences, thats all.

    53. So Saul was the annointed King first, David came later, sorry.

      1Sa 15:35  And Samuel came no more to see Saul until the day of his death: nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul: and the LORD repented that he had made Saul king over Israel. 

    54. Yes, btw all the gender and racial shit is just bullshit to prepare you 4 what they really want...transhumanism. They really want to merge man with machine, animal Robocop/terminator/alter carbon style. Don't let the horse shit fool you. The soul can virtually take on any form and that's where they're going next with this. Just like in the days of Atlantis.

    55. In the gone girl video wife punches husband totally fine by society, husband retaliates and pushes wife down, gets labeled by society as an evil murderer. Then they turn around and say "it's a man's world".

      The king slug becoming a slug after killing his demonic wife is the intel i noticed that the one who kills the mother/medusa/worm queen takes her place.(her worms jump ship to the closest container like azazel from fallen movie after their host dies).

    56. Lol i know what the transhumanist agenda is about, Revelation 9, its a race of scorpion xenomorphs from the pit, on the image of Beelzebub/the fly.

      The Fly Transformation Animation

      Thats why i even ask if that is my real face?

      In theological sources, predominantly Christian, Beelzebub is another name for Satan. He is known in demonology as one of the seven princes of Hell. The Dictionnaire Infernal describes Beelzebub as a being capable of flying, known as the "Lord of the Flyers", or the "Lord of the Flies".

      It’s Mosquito Week

      Or Pazuzu which means father of the flies, same thing.

      Pazuzu - A Simpsons Song [2017]

    57. Flies are just adult worms-

      Silent Vault - Maggot's Queen

    58. Here the Rolling Stones show whats behind the human mask:

      Heart Of Stone

      Its an insect race.
      Remember the movie The Fly, man and the fly became one.

    59. When Seth Brundle makes a huge scientific and technological breakthrough in teleportation, he decides to test it on himself. Unbeknownst to him, a common housefly manages to get inside the device and the two become one.

      This is the transhuman agenda.

      The Fly (1986) - Trailer in 1080p

    60. I just saw the whole slug count video
      at 3:10 this is identical intel to odysseus and penelope(lunar queen) which i decoded that she wasnt faithful and a whore that was sleeping with all 40 suitors. The count like odysseus returns home(to earth) only to find out his wife like quintessa from transformers has turned his holy temple/earth into a satanic brothel.
      Wife possessed by the worms is counting on the love the husband has/had for her and thinks he will not punish her for what she did.
      In the official odysseus story that was said in school i used to wonder why the wife wasnt happy to see her husband return after years of being away and freeing her from the evil suitors/elite? That was the give away of the dark hidden story revealed by other philosophers which was censored in schools, that penelope was an evil queen wife and a whore odysseus severely punished when he returned to his kingdom which took it back with the help of his son/us.

      That's why the lunar queen like in bad boys for life brainwashes the son/luke skywalker into killing his own father. She thinks without the son king odysseus wont be able to take his kingdom back and through the son she can get rid of the father and her remain queen and ruler of earth. Plan b, c and d is of course for the worms to jump ship and take control of odysseus or his son that he has an opportunity to blindside and kill the father and take his throne.

      It's the worms behind everything, the evil wife is a pawn of them from what i see.

    61. In the king slug video was shown how the worms infect every human they come across and how they all are wireless connected and report to their king/queen everything they see and do.

    62. By the way that earth is the holy temple of god intel can bee seen in all greek churches that paint the dome blue to symbolize earth's sky.
      Holy temple that was turned into a breeding brothel and casino/money place like in MK 2021.

    63. In the gone girl video wife (humanity) punches (crucifies) husband (Jesus) totally fine by society,
      husband (Jesus) retaliates and pushes wife (humanity) down, gets labeled by society as an evil murderer (as in the Noahs flood).
      Then they turn around and say "it's a man's (Jesus's) world".

      See how that works?

    64. The count (Jesus) like odysseus returns home(to earth) only to find out his wife (humanity) like quintessa from transformers has turned his holy temple/earth (host body) into a satanic brothel (Covid MRNA gene therapy).
      Wife (Humanity) possessed by the worms (the Covid gene therapy) is counting on the love the husband (Jesus) has/had for her and thinks he will not punish her for what she did.

      Pretty much what is going on.

    65. Lol yep that's why they're demonizing men in the west while pushing 4 masculinity in the east so they can steal the throne than give it 2 China. China is wise in that regard by embracing masculinity. Maybe China will try to kill the queen/whore of the west this time around after finding out her treacherous ways LOL

    66. Holy temple that was turned into a breeding brothel and casino/money place like in MK 2021.

      So Macau is the prototype for the whole world, Macau is just brothels and casinos.

      Sauna in Macau China

    67. Wow pretty good-looking whores there now I'm tempted LOL jk anyways yeah the elite want to take away religion just like in China and make money the ultimate GOD of this world.

    68. Why do you keep saying China is masculine, everything there is uptight and controlled, materiastic mindset, thats all female mentality, see how women are compulsive obsessive about cleaning and organizing the house down to the kitchen utensils, they are the Chichi character in Dragon Ball.

      Chi-Chi Wants Goku and Piccolo to get the drivers license

      The concept that you need a license for anything is a female mentality and its very much how the chinese think, you need a license even for crossing the street.

      China ranks 'good' and 'bad' citizens with 'social credit' system

      Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners | FULL EPISODE | Series 1, Episode 1

      Masks, desinfectants, these are all chinese mind sets.

      6 Reasons Why The Chinese Wear Face Masks

      Theres no masculinity in this crap.
      Its also why they are the country with the highest population on the planet, its all about the womb and breeding, thats all that women think about, that and setting the nest, buying homes, thats all China thinks about, the real estate market, its all female, wheres the masculinity like you keep repeating?

      The Chinese React To New 3-Child Policy | Street Interview

      Why China's Crazy Housing Bubble REFUSES TO BURST!

    69. I worked in a warehouse, you know who gives a crap the design thats on a freaking plate that is used to served food on, the freaking chinese!
      You know who else cares for such a thing, the food goes into the plate, you eat the food, the plate gets dirty and then you wash the plate, but you know who else cares about what design is on the plate, women do.
      Designs on everything, every conceivable kind of mug, kitchen utensil and plate, cooking pot, boxed and boxed and boxed of the stuff.
      I was baffled, i cant conceive who gives a crap.

    70. But they do give a crap, the chinese are all about designs and details, the useless stuff, designs on curtains, designs on carpets, designs on the shower curtain, designs on the bed sheets, designs on the napkins, designs on toilet paper, you think a man gives a crap about those?

    71. Its insane how many boxes and boxes and boxes of the same product they will produce just based on a small change in design.
      A very tiny useless detail that nobody else will notice.
      But they the chinese will notice.
      They will notice.
      Cause this mug has one less blue triangle on the righ hand side than that mug.
      Entire lines of production just for that crap.
      You know who else would notice such a thing, a woman.

    72. Bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-55926248

    73. They government is pushing 4 manly men. Even Candace Owens mention it

    74. Theres no manly anything in china, everything is uptight, rigid and controlled, the school and army are all female based, worst than what Kaboom had in the marines with the jerking the riffle on useless crap.

    75. The same retards that think its manly to jerk off your rifle push those fake news.
      Heres your manly school-

      Chinese High School for a Day

      Its all a female hive.
      Men arent hive minded, they are free minded.

      Schools across China reopen as officials say Covid-19 is under control

    76. Those kind of fake news come from the same people that sell Hitler as manly, Hitler was the most feminine man in the history of the world, he was all about being rigid, uptight, taking naps to keep a sleep regimen and eating butter cakes.
      The entire germany army was a hive, thats why they lost, they dont know what free thinking and independence mean, those are manly traits, which the americans and british used to have but now they are losing that over their female obsession for bureaucracy, licenses, rigidity. schools, churches, medical security and other crap.
      All female mindset.

    77. Heres the dumb germans criticizing Ronaldo for acting like a man on the field.
      All they know is rigidity.
      Female mindset.
      Like the chinese.

      Euro 2020: Ronaldo called “a fool” for trying to disgrace Rudiger

    78. Lol good observations. But in
      America they're putting ugly ass black men in dresses now and calling them women so I don't know how that's masculine lmao

    79. Germany is in central Europe. My guess would be that Anglos would be the most pure masculine whites at least in their prime that's why they conquered most of the known workd at one time.

    80. I said the americans and the british used to be free thinkers like men but now they are trading that for female rigidity and security, and so like females they have to mold themselves according to the precepts of what they are being told.
      They have become hive minded, just look at them, they are just like the rest of europe, they have been conquered, they are no longer the outsiders, they are just like everyone else now. made to fit the standards.
      Brexit and Trump are just bluffs, they mean nothing.
      They have to be broken with extremes like blacks and trannies but eventually they will conform just like the chinese do.
      Toe the line.

    81. The german franks that destroyed Rome certainly were manly, but all those were killed down the years especially during the 30 years war, theyre just yes men now, thats why Angela Merkel is their leader. she doesnt even look like a woman, she looks like a gender neutral Michelin man.

    82. Lol agree. Russia, Eastern Europe and to maybe the middleasy is all we have left. The west has already sold out. Thats why they're pushing their shitty socialists/communists agendas over here.

    83. They all became roman sock puppets anyway just like Hitler was, just like the chinese are, toe the line, obey.

      Teutoburg Forest 9 AD - Roman-Germanic Wars DOCUMENTARY

      Hail the big hive of Caesarian female mind based on Babylon and Cleopatras Egypt, Isis and Semiramis.

    84. Right we all share hive, energy mind now. This is what happens when humans are too stupid and corrupt to be individuals. Kalegri plan in progress.

    85. Look at this chinese fighter Yi Long, thats chinese "manliness", its all rigidity, he has no free flowing of movements, hes like a concrete statue, he cant improvise anything.

      Yi Long VS Sithichai a very satisfying KO

      Even Vitor Pereira was the chinese champion on his first try, i now that sports are all rigged but still give me a break.

      Exclusive interview with SIPG head coach Vítor Pereira | Chinese Super League

      Sure manly, Vitor Pereira is the same guy that goes on pilgrimages to Fatima to pray to the mother goddess, he even claimed she was the reason why he won the portuguese championship.

    86. "Right we all share hive, energy mind now. This is what happens when humans are too stupid and corrupt to be individuals. Kalegri plan in progress."

      I absolutely agree with that.

    87. Lol I already know bro. The western white man is the epitome of masculinity. Then they perverted it by trying to replace him with women then blacks now it's asians and maybe next robots/machines. I know it's all an agenda to replace gods original design/intent.

    88. Yep the chinese are just a counterfeit, just like Hitler was, just like tha japanese samurai were, its all too contrived to be real.

    89. They force it too much to be real, thats why they go into extremes, they cant just be.
      Just be.
      Its all an act, fake it till you make it like this:

      Mulan | I'll Make A Man Out Of You | Disney Sing-Along

    90. Bushido = Rigidity.
      Like a female corset.

    91. A paper dragon that depends on the socialist west to keep them afloat and vice versa. They werent even strong enough to take on the Japanese during ww2 when they were getting slaughtered. Russia is naturally the only one who can expose them and us because being that they're still capitalist and majority Christian. Putin is the last threat to China and the socialist west

    92. Look at this man Greg Doucette, the female energy is consuming, thats why hes all roided up, he cant just be, his insecurity shows.

      Greg Doucette Calls Me A Moron!

      Hes overcompensating with testosterone injections.
      This is what happened to american men.

    93. The female energy is consuming him thats what i meant.

    94. Reminds me of Dana White, Joe Rogan and Alex Jones, they all look like big balloons about to pop.
      Why cant they just be?
      Theyre being coerced thats why, thats a female trait.

    95. Durianrider, Floyd Mayweather, those are men, 100% fluidity, no rigidity crap.

      Floyd Mayweather It's a Fight

      Look how dumb Wladimir Klitschko looked when he lost to Tyson Fury, thats rigidity, Wladimir has no freedom of movement, he is all stiff like a female courset, a yes man.
      His brother Vitali is a real free man.


      Brawl erupts in Ukrainian parliament, Klitschko watches from sidelines

    96. By the way Charlene as in Monacos princess thats being destroyed, her name means free man, thats whats being destroyed here.

      In French Baby Names the meaning of the name Charlene is: Feminine of Charles meaning manly.

    97. Free man, free woman, it mans fluidity unlike rigidity.

    98. Trump had a lot of fluidity thats why he won all the debates.

      Donald Trump's BEST MOMENTS of his 2016 Campaign!

    99. Look at Renee Dupree all stiff, this is what passes off as manly, people hate this crap, its all contrived.

      Sheriff Stone Cold Gives Rene Dupree A Ticket

      A vain show, thats China all puffed up.

    100. Vitor Pereira has to be the stiffest man in portuguese history, he cant say 2 sentences without losing his temper, he acts like a female everywhere he goes, yet he was the chinese champion on his first try, just look at this.

      Vitor Pereira goes mad after Al-Ahli press officer tries to restrict his comments

      People make jokes about this man everywhere he goes yet hes the chinese champion, cmon China is a joke.
      Hes also the greek champion, that shows how much they destroyed greece with all the euro protests and all the bureaucratic banking crap.

    101. I also have this female energy working through me, thats why i have always been the last picked male at everything, and even played on the female team many times, but cmon Vitor Pereira just loses it all over the place like a Karen for no reason every single time Lol.

      Karens Going Wilds Compilation by Pavel

    102. Ive acted like a Karen too many times also, im ashamed of it.
      This female energy is out of control.

    103. I feel like calling Vitor Pereira mr Bushido, he is completely stiff-
      Vitor Pereira acts like a woman that needs her high heels to feel secure Lol.

    104. Heres a good video on this if you want to watch:


      I dont agree with everything and thats the beauty of manhood, i can be fluid, not rigid like the covidiot crap.

      When China says:
      China promotes education drive to make boys more 'manly'

      What they mean is they are making more soldiers for the hive, the kind that jerk off their rifle.

    105. Actually Rene Dupree looked amazing in that segment, i wished they had scripting him beating the hell out of Stone Cold instead, Stone Cold is the vain show, hes the kind that loves to watch men jerking off their rifle.

    106. Lol you shouldve checked the news youve posted, theyre all about chinese men being too feminine:

      China promotes education drive to make boys more 'manly'

      Boybands like TF Boys are wildly popular, but media ask if they are good role models

      "Where women are concerned, the Covid-19 pandemic has been a good opportunity to demonstrate the significant role of women as front-line workers.

      And China's achievements in space last year were a great opportunity to promote figures like Zhou Chengyu, who became a viral sensation as a 24-year-old space commander.

      But as Si Zefu hinted last year, for young Chinese men the appeal of being strong and fearless soldiers, policemen or firefighters is waning."

      The whole article is about how feminine they are. BBC is basically bashing them.

      "And one of China's top pop stars came under fierce criticism online in 2019 when he was pictured smoking."

      Im not a fan of smoking but see, their social credit score wont even let you enjoy your some which is seen everywhere else in the world as a manly trait, smoking your cigarettes, my father loved the booze and the smokes, those were his 2 biggest loves.

      Liquor and Whores

    107. "President Xi, a known football fan, visited Manchester City's football ground on his 2015 UK visit"

      BBC even mocks the chinese by pointing out how amazed they are at english football and how manly it is.

    108. What theyre hiding is that Xi Jiping goes to the UK for his jesuit meetings at the city of London, not to watch Kevin de Bruyne kick a ball Lol.

    109. If the chinese want to be more manly all they need is to march all their man over to Macau instead of selling off all their chinese prostitutes to russian mobsters and british aristocrats.
      Then they will start performing like Cantona on the pitch.

      Eric Cantona kung-fu kick on Crystal Palace fan

      Thats all it takes, Vitor Pereira is also a portuguese champion all thanks to the brothels and the whores.

    110. Lol of course he admires the English and Jesuits. The Chinese are smart and know that they only stand a chance by stealing and imitating. I have female energy to like you but I KNOW it and never fool myself. I'm a black American descendant of slaves so that's my excuse as America had purposely broken us down over the generations lol thats why I say the European white male is naturally the most masculine male but now they're coming for them like they did to the blacks in 20th and 19th centuries.

    111. I dont know about that, Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Anthony Joshua, Bernard Hopkins, Terence Crawford, these are some of the best boxers of all time, all black.
      Best runners all black.
      Porn stars same thing, blacks, gangsta rappers blacks, musicians like Miles Davis and John Coltrane blacks, football even though Ronaldo is the best football player of all time Portugal only has 1 cup all thanks to a black man Eder, blacks rule.
      What can i say about the chinese, well the female gymnasts thats all i can think of.
      Still theres nothing manly than Kurt Angle jumping of a cage.

      Kurt Angle - Moonsault of the Cage [HD]

    112. This is what the chinese excell at:

      Cheng Fei's Team Gold Medal Floor Exercise from Beijing 2008 | Music Monday

    113. The jesus/humanity analogy you exposed was awesome!
      About alex jones and joe rogan, a ufc fight between those 2 would be so hilarious, especially if alex manages to defeat rogan, he said he wanted to fight him and joe looked pissed and afraid too.
      That fight would make alex even more famous and the elite is trying to censor him now especially after he started exposing china so i dont think that fight would ever happen.

    114. American blacks are mostly mixed cuz of slavery. On my accenstry background check I have more European countries than even African countries LOL Ireland, northern England, Scotland etc. We're not as pure as real Africans. Yeah those black athletes and musicians are legendary. But they are trying to feminize the new generations as many black athletes and rappers are coming out as gay these days like lil nas X etc. They're doing it to whites to he fair. You don't see too many Asians, Arabs or Latino coming out as gay though.

    115. I used to watch a youtube channel with 2 black twins, ex marines too who thought every black in america is mixed while the blacks in africa are pure blacks.
      It made me sad seeing american blacks to be completely ignorant of the ancient crimes the mongols and chinese did to africa.
      I have exposed in glp most blacks in africa have asian eyes like julius malema who looks like black chinese too, which eyes reveal of the ancient total genocide of men and rape of all women in africa by the mongols and chinese.
      Europe was raped too by the mongols but the asian eyes are way more pronounced on the africans which gives away the mongols did worse things there.
      Africans are not pure blacks and whites are not pure whites, we're all infected with the dragon's race genes which genes are also responsible for all the hate and evil that exists in today's black and white race.
      Which hate and evil is way more pronounced in china the source of those evil genes and the reason the most horrible things are happening in china on a country level like eating their own babies, selling their mothers to slavery, love for animals and birds is completely absent with birds being extinct as all got eaten and dogs get farmed for consumption, and that to name a few.
      Worth mentioning the human concentration camps they have to harvest human organs and that is happening on a country level. This kind of evil and at that degree you dont see it on any other country or race.(North korea doesnt count as they're chinese too).

    116. I saw a video yesterday with bruce lee holding a sign saying "the sick men of asia" referring to the chinese and then proceed to beat up japanese men to prove the chinese are not sick, which he proved how sick they are by forcing the japanese to eat paper and threaten them that next time they'll eat blood.

      found the clip!
      how easy the world forgets, which baffled the german old spy in unknown movie too.

    117. You tell the truth many blacks in Africa have tiny Asianlike skulls and slanted eyes. I always wondered why and thought of them as closer to Asian than African Americans. A lot also can't seem to grow facial hair which is another Asian trait. While most African Americans like me had at least some facial hair since puberty LOL also many Africans hate and look down on African Americans which is another dead giveaway at how different. Also, Google khoisan people and then check out the images. They look like black Chinese LOL

    118. Hate and discrimination comes from the chinese genes(which is on another level in china), so when you see a black or white discriminating that's 100% proof they're infected with chinese genes.
      Thank you for khoisan people intel, holy damn the chinese and mongols did a number to their ancestors!

    119. Yup I also seen them on my family DNA results paper. It's amazing how they sneak their genes in. Also, I once heard one of my relatives who also looks the most like a mongoloid/Chinese admit to being evil and she is also a SHE like the lunar queen also a snake too. It's comical how right you are about some of this shit. Poetry in motion bro LOL

  2. The movie unknown showed also how we like odin went from living like kings in presidential suites to homes made from cardboard/aka homeless.

    "What if he remembers everything?"
    Lunar queen
    "lets help him remember, bring more vhs tapes and turn the mri machine on"

    1. Remembering can be a trap, i only trust my investigation and judge thinking from now on.

    2. Agree. All you have is now as the past doesn't exist and the future is not certain. I can see the lunar boss using trying to use your past against you as well as the uncertain future. Thats why I live 4 the here and now like we're at war because we are LOL

  3. Just noticed this unknown movie showed also the 2 personalities that exist within us all, intel that was shown with the 2 buus in dbz, 2 piccolos, 2 cops(bad cop good cop) in hellraiser hellseeker etc.
    Both the husband and his impostor were shown to have the exact memories and when the husband killed his impostor at the end he was looking at his reflection which he broke like a mirror and then killed his 2nd personality within.

    Same intel was shown in thor ragnarok with 2 beings within a cage, one was god thor and the other a dead human skeleton. I used to think the dead human skeleton symbolized us now i suspect the imprisoned god symbolizes us.

    In unknown the 2nd personality within was called also our backup that takes over the steering wheel when we fail at the job the lunar scum have assigned on us(which is killing our loved ones from the outworld, like luke skywalker was programmed in yoda's cave to kill his father thinking he's some evil being/evil alien etc, movie wanted with angelina jolie etc.)

    I expressed my fears before about the 2nd personality within that takes the steering wheel like ford from westworld whenever it wants as that means we might have no chance into not killing our loved ones from the outworld when we see them again.

    I have suspected that maybe like odin and kami to purify ourselves from the evil within or take the control from it we have to pluck the eyeball out that is connected to it. I suspect it's the left eyeball but saw recently a picture of kamala harris with her right eyeball to look identical to bezos left predatory eyeball so i dont trust the right either. I would remove both and be blind like neo on the outworld, might gain god vision like neo did as i have decoded everything in this flesh is a bottleneck.

    1. Wow good Intel. I was born with a bad pretty much half dead left eye and a strong right eye and i always seen myself as angel. I suspect kamala Harris is undermining the right eye on purpose to demonize it like the left eye. I don't trust the whore as evil tries to imitate good and twist it with evil so you don't know who to trust lol

    2. I remember my countless sleep paralysis i was getting back in 2008-2009(where i would lose the steering wheel and unable to move or control my body) and the 2nd evil being i noticed to be right on my back or next to my left ear. I knew it was that 2nd being that was laughing at me too(like the impostor to the husband "you dont remember anything do you" was saying laughing) that was causing my sleep paralysis and used to think back then that it was visiting me at nights. Now i suspect it was/is always within me, the backup, the impostor.

      All the people that hurt me in my life, from schoolmates, teachers, DIs, recruits, bus attendants even my own father, i now suspect their backup/2nd evil within was behind and i'll get it, if it's a program i'll burn it, then i'll go find its creator and unleash my wrath on it/him/her.

    3. Goid Intel. And yeah white and black are 2 sides if the same coin of masculinity that's why they're going after us the most and trying to feminize us while pushing 4 Easter man and even Latino men as masculine. It's all apart of the plan. They done a good job at making white and black women hate their men too and making them masculine. Notice they don't this with any other race or tribe LOL

    4. "Both the husband and his impostor were shown to have the exact memories and when the husband killed his impostor at the end he was looking at his reflection which he broke like a mirror and then killed his 2nd personality within."

      Lol thats the exact content that ive been writing about here on your comments section, funny that you would pick a movie that would show exactly the same thing, but again they all show the same message under one desguise or another.

  4. Yup remind of the cleansing of the temple in bible when Jesus said you made my father's house a den of thieves.


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