The Hera That Became The Villain

 I noticed an other side to the story of the lunar queen thanks to this thor 2 clip and army of the dead intel, the one who kills the king/queen worm takes its place.

There's a side to the story that the king of earth had left like Odysseus to fight a war far away and his expert with swords wife was left behind to defend his kingdom.
The kingdom got invaded by the worms seeing the opportunity like furiosa from mad max how earth's most forces were gone away.

The wife was victorious like in this clip, she beat the crap out of the king worm and even killed it and that's where she messed up. Like in army of the dead with lily/lilith killing medusa the one who kills the king/mother worm takes its place and the worms jumped ship and entered the wife.

Now world war z said the worms can only possess weak minded people or people with a weakness/scar like with baby/fungus from db gt, it could only enter and possess people that had a scar/weakness.
I suspect the (emotional)scar the wife had was from the husband that was sleeping with other women, the worms used it to their advantage to possess her and amplify that anger to the point like in altered carbon started sleeping with all men out of revenge.

And that's how the hera became the villain, she won the war like krall from star trek beyond and then became the enemy she just defeated.
Like the fire dragon from db gt after killing omega shenron he became omega shenron as omega's worm eggs/worm balls jumped into the fire dragon while omega was dying.

I dont know how to feel about the wife anymore, that's some insane shit that went down and i'll concentrate my attention on the worms who is the actual enemy while not letting the ex wife/pawn of the worms distract me.

Damn almost forgot, same intel we have in daredevil 2 with elektra! She died like frigga fighting the hand clan which she defeated too in the process and then they stole her dead body, resurrected her(what the worms are known for doing) and made her their pawn and new queen who then they used to kill daredevil/husband/ex lover.(same intel we have with superman, after he gets resurrected he joins and becomes leader of the darkseid. He died victorious and heroic too prior his resurrection.)

Holy moly, the intel that the wife like in batman was a hero that became a villain is too much for me to handle right now.
Damn worms i'm even more mad at them right now, also the scar the wife got makes us or the cheating husband responsible for her becoming the villain.

So billy bob was right after all in faster movie, we create our own hell!


  1. I see the irony now in
    "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
    seeing heroes dying left and right so they can get brainwashed while asleep in the land of the dead and wake up/resurrected as villains.

    To name a few, elektra, superman, zod, lunar queen, countless heroes in animes and mythology dying and going to hell and coming back as villains.

    This is the same strategy to vaccines, here get the swine flu, covid 19 etc vaccine and put the virus in your body guarantee so you dont get the same virus that's on the wild by random chance.

    You're a hero? hurry and die so you dont turn evil, you die only to get resurrected 3 days later guaranteed as a villain having been brainwashed and programmed for 3000 years in the dreamworld.

    In short all of us humans here i now suspect that we were heroes before coming here that died like superman, elektra, frigga and now the worms are working on us to resurrect us as villains and get the outworld by surprise who probably has built statues in our image like they did to superman who died protecting them only to wake up later turning their world into apocalyptic doom zone.

    Same thing was shown in die another day, the north korean father had built a statue to honor his dead son as a hero only to find him later alive in a different body and get killed by him.

    So in the real world it's like this
    "You either live as a hero, or you die long enough(usually 3 days time in the real world, 3000 years in the dreamworld) to see yourself become the villain."

    Makes sense too, when you're dead you get cold and full of worms, when alive you're moving which creates heat that keeps the worms away.(like the cold bats in fungal empire video posted in a previous thread, when asleep they get easily infected by fungi and worms that cant touch them when awake)

    Death creates villains
    Life creates heroes

    Wanna be hero and stay a hero, try not to die next time and stay away from lands of the dead and dreamworlds that keep your real body asleep, immobile and cold so it gets full with worms, which worms turn you into a villain.

    1. Reminds me of the movie spawn where he dies and goes to hell and is resurrected as a villain. You can also try to remember your past as a heroe even though it would be HARD total recall style and beat the evil brainwashing and try 2 become the hero once again. I also LOL at the phrase evil never dies as I know it's the nano worms that keep evil alive so they can FEED. thats the subliminal. Thats why there are so many Asians and 3rd world people in the world today cuz the worms most of all love 2 Feast.

    2. Demolition man came to mind where the dead/asleep that was frozen in ice was getting brainwashed in the dreamworld to become a villain and do great harm to the real world when they get released from their prison.
      Wesley snipes symbolized also stallone's alternate personality, going to the ice/death as a hero cop gets resurrected as a super villain like superman.

      Die a hero, wake up as a villain is the pattern i keep seeing over and over again.
      Kill the hero so a villain is born in its place is what it is.

      Oh my goodness, same thing was shown in elysium 2013 with kruger. After kruger died like a hero cop too taking a grenade to his face they healed his body and resurrected him and all his friends were afraid if he went insane while he was dead(in the dreamworld) and they were worried that he would kill them all which he did and the person he was working for, he killed her in cold blood.

      His friends when they woke him up kept asking him "are you good", "you sure you're alright?" like they knew the evil brainwashing and programming that happens to the dead that turns them insane like it did to wesley snipes in demolition man.

    3. Yep in the movie pet semetary it's the same message! Whenever someone's pet would die they'd bury it at pet semetary and it would comeback from the dead meaner and evil lol same message. I've seen it in real life too when someone had severe trauma they would somehow block it out their memory but comeback not right and more evil than previous. I guess the programming never stops....

    4. And that's a fractal too, people that die all around us i have decoded they go to lunar bootcamp where like in the usmc bootcamp i was all they do is brainwash you and program you, turning you into a robot and mindless killer.

      I wonder what they've done to friends and family i've lost so far, imagine i get to see them again only for them to try to kill me like wild animals.
      In the myth of Er we have same intel, it was said people that die go to the moon and come back different saying you go good you come back bad, you go bad you come back good, giving away of a massive brainwashing that takes place there, oh they revealed the lunar crucible too as Er witnessed souls on the moon drinking some water there and falling asleep, then get picked up by sirens/angels to get thrown at the crucible/fire where Er found himself immediately after.

      About the one who kills the king worm takes its place, i remembered in db gt where fire dragon took omega's place after he killed him and became omega, at the end of db gt, goku kills omega(which is actually shenron in disguise) and then goku takes shenron's place! He literally becomes shenron/king worm at the end, that's how db gt ended.

      In prey 2006 video game same thing, the lunar queen was the one who killed the previous queen and took her place, she was a warrior that defended earth from the lunar scum forces that invaded and got to kill the queen only to take her place.(like lily in army of the dead, and vin diesel in riddick too)
      Then in prey you get to kill the queen and given a choice to take her place(worms dont give you a choice in real life) but for the game to have a good ending they have you drive the moon towards the sun and kill it.

      In oblivion with tom cruise same thing, tom cruise was earth's best warrior that defended earth and ended up brainwashed and working for the enemy and not remembering his own past.
      They showed like in defenders with elektra the worms take the best warriors from their enemies and turn them against them.
      -You're making a new friend?
      -No Stick, I took one of yours.
      The vessel you knew is gone, only the black sky/venom/worms live.
      (I love this next part)
      -Listen to me kid, she's full of shit, we've got to get you out

    5. In full metal alchemist same thing, the protagonist resurrects his dead mother only for her to come back evil and with main goal to kill the father who symbolized God.
      They showed resurrection works but the dead always comes back evil.
      Now we know why, mystery solved, kaboom the moons, burn Antarctica!
      -Lazarus come out and you can leave the brainwashing behind.

    6. Just noticed "full of shit" is subliminal for "full of worms" as shit is filled with worms and parasites.

      In afghanistan they were burning the shit like worms, only for these little bastards to contaminate the air and make it stink.
      The fire rises, it indeed helped them rise all over the air.

    7. Thor ragnarok came to mind where hela resurrected the dead and all came back as zombies.
      I was like "what kind of bullshit resurrection is this?"
      I should give the worms some slack, that's the best they can do at bringing the dead back to life, like the chinese they cut too many corners and the final product turns to be a mess that barely even works, forget about lasting long.

    8. Having played batman arkham city where ra's al ghul tried to trick batman into killing him so he takes over his body and become batman, i think the wife queen got played by the king worm in similar way. I suspect the king worm like malekith put up a fight to not make his plan obvious and the wife got tricked.

      In the bible the snake/worm went first to the wife/eve too and i think it did that cause it knew its plan wouldnt work on adam like it didnt work on batman in arkham city.
      Then wearing the wife body it was easier to fool the husband/adam too, us.
      see at 9:30
      batman didnt know by killing ra's al ghul he would possess his body and he wouldnt be batman anymore but ra's al ghul.

      Ra's al ghul : -we are legion/venom(he's the worms/fungi subliminal)

      Now he blackmails batman into killing him, hahaha never before seen someone wanting to die so badly, like fungi he has to find a new body as his current is aging and he chose batman as his new body like he chose the lunar queen too. I wonder did he blackmail our wife similarly into killing him, i can imagine her shocking reaction.

  2. what music have u guys been listening 2?

      Disturbed: The infection must die
      (i like this song for obvious reasons)

    2. I dont like how disturbed is mixing his songs, like the above his best songs start shitty and you have to endure the shit part to get to the good part.
      Another reason why mixing sucks and how we are forced to consume shit through mixing.

    3. Im starting to get tired of listening to metal but here are the obvious ones:

      The path of darkness:
      Abysmal Grief - Borgo Pass

      Queen of the worms:
      Silent Vault - Maggot's Queen

      All seeing eye:
      Xysma - Viewmaster

      Jesuit liars:
      Temple Liar's by ONLY REMNANTS 2020

    4. Im starting to get tired of it, here some exceptional instrumental music from Portugal to get away from all the lyrical worded worms:

      Black Bombaim - Saturdays And Space Travels (ALBUM STREAM)

      Oh look its the mirror twins on the album cover, yep, again and again and again and again and again and again.

    5. Oh look at their most recent album, you think they know that this crater is all wormed, of course they do:


    6. You think these guys know while they parade a girl with blonde hair and another with black hair, of course they do, its all the same thing.

      Plague'd by ONLY REMNANTS 2019

      Other Place by ONLY REMNANTS 2019

    7. You think they released a song called plagued because they were caught by surprise by the covidiot nonsense or because all is scripted and rehearsed like in pro wrestling?

      Dr. Fauci Predicted a Pandemic Under Trump in 2017 | NowThis

      Here straight from the Sanhedrins mouth, "We dont know what will be, maybe they will say build the temple as quickly as you can because there is a plague and you can save and cure the people".

      SANHEDRIN | Prepare to Build Third Temple (R$E)

    8. This entire place is scripted like the princess snake scene in Dragon Ball, even my own mother starts putting up an act just like a Karen does roleplaying out the fake plague, she then talks to me like im a complete moron and expects me to believe on the invisible virus just because she went and got herself vaccinated Lol.

      Goku vs. Princess Snake
      This place is laughable, there is no plague other than the inner worms, even the GLP homeless starts to call me a liar like im a complete moron even after i went ahead and gave him 1500$ Lol.

    9. I like how she talks to me, she says im not respecting my responsibilities Lol.
      What responsibilities, being an actor?
      Same with the GLP homeless i gave him money then the guys starts talking to me like its my responsibility to give him more.
      Theres no winning in this place, its all rigged.

    10. Anyway heres a snake giving birth because thats whats happening here, the serpent worm race is surfacing through these people.

      Snake gives birth not to eggs but to live baby snakes

      Ghost - Year zero - HD - w/lyrics

      I refuse to play along with the theater, im not your marionette.

      Ghost - I'm a Marionette (ABBA cover) (Best Volume!)

      1987 Playmates Jill - we can make it happen!

      You can make it happen right?
      I choose the guillotine or the stake like in the old days over this crap.
      Im not an actor, i even failed theater class in school just like i failed physical education multiple times.
      Thats it, those were the only classes i got a negative grade at.

    11. If im going to be taken over by the worm ill have to burn anyway.

      Born for Burning

    12. I like how the GLP homeless suddenly knows a guy named Bill that lives with other 6 roommates and he can take him to New York Lol.
      Even 2 weeks ago he said 400kms to Fresno was too much, too far away, but now New York which is all the way over the other side of the United States suddenly thats doable!
      Laughable script, New York is the home of the devil, Bill is the devil, and Bill and his 6 roommates thats the septagram of Babylon that ive seen a million times.

      Like here in Andy San Dimas headband:

      Heres the septagram of Babylon:

      Here it is again:

      Again it shows up as the 7 pointed crown over the statue of Liberty:

      This script must think im a complete moron to come up with these ludicrous story lines.
      Now i regret giving him even the 1500$ but i live and i learn, its all nonsense here.

    13. I know who his pal Bill is, at least this script could come up with better story lines, heres Bill:

      The Devil Was a Nerd in High School

    14. You call me a liar Frank, is that what youre calling me?

      Tony tells Frank about their new deal with Sosa

      Lopez Motors, that symbol on the building is the same symbol as Mercedes and has the same meaning as the septagram of Babylon, it represents the two becoming one.
      Like i dont know that Frank and Tony represent my two spirits/identities.
      Thats why they even have the poster for the movie in black and white:

      This script thinks im a complete moron, its always talking to me like im a clown.
      Like i dont know im Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde thanks to the inner worms, they are the second identity.

      Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: THE MOVIE (2015) TRAILER

      Thats why its called Scarface, they need a scar to get inside just like Baby from Dragon Ball Gt.

      Dragon ball gt baby posession parasite scene

    15. Even thought the guy was dead since he cut me off and said that he was going to suicide.
      Now he writes me back with this ludicrous Bill from New York and his 6 room mates story line Lol.

    16. My mother talks to me like im a complete moron, she thinks she owns me or something, i dont get it, makes me feel regret that i complied with school instead of just skipping it all together and triggering the cops on my parents, that would have been smarter now that i look back.
      But better get muh vaccines and play along with the covidiot theater beccause thars reality, sure, retarded wormhole.

    17. The script even allowed my grandfather to sell my father off as a child to a grocer, it allowed them both to be drunkards all their lives, they only had a 4th grade education, but suddenly the script thinks i owe it something, suddenly the script has standards and responsibilities!

    18. Here are muh responsibilities, its a mud pie filled with worms.

      Angelica Has Responsibilities | Rugrats | NickRewind

      Dont you like it Angelica?
      Yeah i love worms.

    19. I always wonder why this script allowed my mother for a gift procedure, she was swallowed in debt, she had poor health thats why she was infertile, but they approved her procedure.
      At the same time the script keeps selling me garbage about survival of the fittest and how this world has high standards when it concerns to procreation Lol.
      Not only that they sell me that there are too many people in the world, then why even perform fertility procedures at all?
      Retarded wormhole.

    20. Scarface also shows the same thing that Alex Jones keeps repeating, Tony has the kill the children and because he doesnt go along with the ritual Sosa (the devil but it also reminds me of black pope Arturo Sosa) kills him.

      Scarface (1983) - No Wife, No Kids Scene (6/8) | Movieclips

      You didnt had the balls to be like us Tony.
      Yeah sure.

      Alex Jones On Elon Musk And Aliens | Andrew Schulz & Akaash Singh

    21. Lol Tony says, "Whay you think i am, a fucking worm like you?"

    22. Killing the children probably represents killing your inner child because we are Gods childre, i guess so.
      Then the worm takes over.

    23. Why is the guy killed in this scene named Angel?
      Angel Fernandez.

      Scarface (1983 - Chainsaw Threat Scene (2/8) | Movieclips

      Spirit cooking, Tonys angel was being killed and the final blow would be the death of the children, inner child.
      Yep Babalon she really likes to play with fire.

      Scarface - She's On Fire - Amy Holland

    24. Hey Kaboom what do you think this huge crash at the stage 1 of Tour de France 2021 caused by one spectator might be a fractal of?

      Tour De France Stage 1 2021 Spectator Causes INSANE Crash

      Rocket Kim nuking the US?

      Kim Jong Un ROCKETMAN Music Video (Parody) Elton John ft Kim Jong Un Donald Trump ROCKET MAN 2020

    25. This place is indeed rigged! I use to.get mad at people/Humans for being so evil and fucked up but now I see they just can't help it as they are just programs just like me. All we can really do is the best person that we can be and eliminate any threat comes our way. If karma is REAL then we will all get are just reward eventually.

    26. The GLP homeless says this is a Truman show simulation, he makes some great points, then he creates examples on how the script is out to get him, its very compelling, but he leaves many plot holes in his story because he wants to keep things private or something about his life, i dont get him at all, now hes trying to spellcast clearly. bill and his 6 roommates thats a septagram, he also talked to me once about 333 Choronzon and guess what, the next day i was in line i think it was at a pharmacy store and the ticket was number 333.
      I dont believe in Karma but ive always felt i should be destroyed as i shouldnt be, maybe its the worm inside me, i dont know.
      But this thing is rigged all over, i see it but i cant touch it, im not sure.

    27. Genesis 1 says we created men after our likeness, a likeness is a similitude as in a simulation so that confirms it, no doubt, its a wormhole hallucination, Choronzon is the god of hallucinations, just like the princess snake scene in Dragon Ball.

    28. A reflection in a mirror is a simulation, how many times ive seen the reflection theme, from the obelisk in Washington to the Taj Mahal:

    29. Yep the double slit experiment proves this. We are indeed in a collective simulation. Thats why everything is so scripted like a video/computer game.

    30. You can look but you cant touch with the Bella twins, its a freaking mirror trap simulation.

      The Bella Twins WWE Theme - You Can Look, But You Can't Touch (lyrics)

    31. Dumb song, i like the Playmate Jill we can make it happen better.

    32. It's a trap/setup indeed. Thats why I don't believe in karma because we're forced to play a rigged game. The only way to beat it is by not playing and the only way to not play is by killing yourself. Fuck this reality I say...

    33. Wow so you want me to commit suicide huh?
      Who knows, maybe.

    34. Nah, I rather destroy the whole planet and set everybody FREE. suicide would just get you another trip here with erased memory in a new human body as they just recycle souls once the body dies. Thats why I aim to destroy the whole planet and maybe the star system too.

    35. Here you go:

      Bardock's Death! Frieza Destroys Planet Vegeta(Japanese)

    36. Lol that's exactly what I'd do. Although planet vegeta was way more just and better than shithole earth.

    37. The death star shoots an octogram:

      Death Star Destruction Of Alderaan 1977 Vs 2011

    38. I love the name Jill but i might need a more dramatic name if im going to be a death star.
      Maybe someday you can help me think of one!
      Together we can make it happen, forever, side by side with you
      Learning to share, taking time to care
      Till a dream becomes a dream come true Lol

    39. I'm gonna give it the name of the most evil bitches I KNOW LOL or maybe of mixtures of names. Who knows...

    40. Jill is not fit for a death star thats why her sales failed while Barbie was a complete success:

      Aqua - Barbie Girl (Official Music Video)

      Just call the death star Barbie and color it pink.
      100% deadly kill.

    41. Heres my Barbie:

    42. Wow beautiful and perfect name. Also the same name as the infamous Nazi Klaus barbie! Guaranteed to get the job done.

    43. That spectator in Tour de France 2021 was creepy as hell.
      About that homeless, he reminded me back in school when i was generous and would give people money and food, i loved back then to test people if they would do the same for me and none would do. So i stopped being generous as it felt like being stupid helping people that wouldnt give a damn about me when i need help.

    44. Ill need an army of pink orchid mantises to go with my Barbie death star:

      Pet Praying Mantis!

    45. Ill conquer the whole star system by shooting octograms out of my Barbie death star while releasing huge swarms of orchid mantises on all those that try to escape.

    46. Maybe you're a Mantis alien lol

    47. "So i stopped being generous as it felt like being stupid helping people that wouldnt give a damn about me when i need help."

      In the bible Jesus says that charity is the greatest form of love, giving without asking nothing in return, especially being generous to ones enemies.
      Theres a great episode from Parker Lewis Cant Lose that does a great job at selling the idea that every good deed as its just reward or something like that, its the one where Kube either needs or gives a coin for a phone call, i dont know which one.

    48. Probably the Citizen Kube episode:

      "As Larry learns when you have money everyone is your friend and when you're broke people don't acknowledge you. That and the ending shows that sometimes being generous can be beneficial... A pretty good episode all in all."

    49. Yep thats the one, great episode:

      Parker Lewis Can't Lose - 1x19 - Citizen Kube

      i noticed how its episode 911.

    50. Interesting im watching the episode Parker says "How did the Kube/Cube/Hexagram get into this in the first place?", Mike replies "Tapeworm?", Parker "No, because of his generosity".
      They contrast charity with the worm, nice.

    51. "giving without asking nothing in return"
      that's nice but at the same time just like you dont wanna give your vote to a pedophile and cannibal same with who you support, give your energy, money etc.
      Would it be better to give your money to a homeless with a good heart that would appreciate it instead of one that will be ungrateful and disrespectful after?

      It's who you support that's important, not expecting returns or not.

      I remember van damme in a movie that said
      "there's a bad tiger and a good tiger, who will win? the one you feed"
      you feed evil, evil wins.

      My environment back in school was full with evil, so i stopped feeding it when became aware of it. Felt like i was feeding snakes and vampires and i felt stupid for supporting such nasty people.

    52. The snake poem is a good example too, you feed a snake expecting nothing in return and you get a nasty bite when you least expect it.
      Know who/what you feed, careful who you support.
      Testing people is a good way to learn who/what they truly are which is what i was doing back in school.
      If i was lucky enough to be around good people i would gladly continue be generous.
      Which by the way was my launch money, i was putting myself in hunger so others have it nice.

    53. Loving ones enemies is the fundamental teaching in the gospel as Jesus gave himself to be crucified for his enemies:

      Mat 5:43  Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 
      Mat 5:44  But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 
      Mat 5:45  That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 
      Mat 5:46  For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? 
      Mat 5:47  And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? 
      Mat 5:48  Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. 

      According to the message in the Gospel, you feed evil, good wins.
      I fail at the requirement of loving ones enemies.
      Everything to do with the bible and this simulation is bitter sweet, just like the meaning of the name Mary.
      I guess Mary is the one thats able to withstand this principle the best.

      Of Hebrew origin [H4813]; Maria or Mariam (that is, Mirjam), the name of six Christian females: - Mary.

      From H4805; rebelliously; Mirjam, the name of two Israelitesses: - Miriam.

      From H4784; bitterness, that is, (figuratively) rebellion; concretely bitter, or rebellious: - bitter, (most) rebel (-ion, -lious).

      A primitive root; to be (causatively make) bitter (or unpleasant); (figuratively) to rebel (or resist; causatively to provoke): - bitter, change, be disobedient, disobey, grievously, provocation, provoke (-ing), (be) rebel (against, -lious).

      This is the foundation of christianity.
      The United Sates was founded on Virginia and Maryland.
      This reality is so conflicting and mixed up that it bewilders the crap out of me.

    54. The word bible itself means bi-blend as in mixing good and evil, light and darkness, the truth and the lie.

      Isa 45:7  I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. 

      Thats why i dont get when Jonathan Kleck says that the bible is 100% truth, even the word itself means blended together, and its message is very conflicting, which is by design.

      Mat 13:11  He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. 

      Mat 13:13  Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. 

      These lyrics say it best:

      Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies (so I don't know what's real)
      So I don't know what's real and what's not (don't know what's real and what's not)
      Always confusing the thoughts in my head
      So I can't trust myself anymore

      What happens when you cant trust oneself, you then have to place trust outside of yourself, which is faith.
      Faith is the maze in itself, thats why its so confusing.
      At least to me it is, i read people online and they say and repeat that everything is so simple, well i dont get it.

      Evanescence - Going Under (Official Music Video)

      This video does an excellent job at representing this, it shows the demons manifesting through the people, then she does a faith dive into the crowd.

    55. The construct creates to need to place trust outside of oneself, which is faith, and that is the root of evil as it leads to betrayal.
      The result is the traitorous wife theme that you keep noticing.

  3. I wanted to share more of my soul with you guys.

    Do y'all have any pictures of your childhood? This was me in the basketball shirt lol.
    This was sometime during 2006-09 up in Mexico

    1. It's cool if you wish to remain anonymous.

      Guadalajara to be exact, and do any of you have any memories of being transferred during REM sleep to a clone at a D.U.M.B?

      Last year I remembered a strange "dream" of Queen Elizardbeth challenging me to a match. It's very blurry although I do recall it was her that forced me to fight to the death. Shortly after I think we even watched Rick & Morty as bizarre as that sounds.

      Not sure if this actually happened or not, Kaboom have you ever looked into Donald Marshall and Vrill?

    2. Donny's info lines up with what Phil Schneider was talking about decades ago.

      "OK, under this guys eye on the V magazine cover... Says TRUE. They're either making fun n of me or they're desperate."

      "Donald Marshall The word true under his eye says it all."

      Richard Feldman That's right. Why that word, and why that location. Beyond chance or any other explanation.

    3. - this post is an obvious reference to Vrill lizard drones as Don described them.


      Donald Marshall (Fri. November 9, 2012) - bermuda triangle I was told was the remnants of the doomsday weapon the Atlanteans used to destroy themselves so they wouldn't all be droned by Vrill. History is about to repeat itself.


      Donald Marshall (August 2013) - Bermuda triangle could possibly be where Atlantis's up top city might have sank.

      Question - Are they [Vril] an alien/e.t. race, or an indigenous earth race?

      Donald Marshall - earth.... always been on earth... they say they were in Atlantic... kept really primitive records...said Atlantis destroyed itself rather than be entirely parasitized.... these things have an instinctual like sex drive to take over humans... and half the illuminuts think that Lucifer or Azazel wants his followers to make drones... in tribute to him... so they do.


      Donald Marshall (May 2014) - cold fusion is probably what destroyed Atlantis.

      a gift of powerful technology from aliens...

    5. Atlantis and mars to be exact and probably the lost planet of marduk. It's a great weapon to destroy shit with. Maybe I'll use it to blast earth LOL

    6. Atlantis and mars to be exact and probably the lost planet of marduk too. It's a great weapon to destroy shit with. Maybe I'll use it to blast earth LOL

    7. Lucifer was king of Atlantis. And it was destroyed because of the war between the reptilians and the atlantians. I think all beings parasite on some level especially humans as it's survival of the fittest and we all must consume something in order to live.

    8. I dont know about Atlantis but when they say that humans and dinosaurs lived together what they mean is that they were mixed at a genetic level.
      Also when you ask whether something is indigenous from Earth or whether does it come from outside the dome the answer is both as everything is mixed and bastardized together.

    9. Yes, humans are a mix between reptilian and anunnaki. We were definitely planter here and genetically altered. I believe we were on mars before they placed us here on earth.


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