The Fungal Empire

 Just finished watching this video, it has mind blowing intel on the fungi/worms and it confirms pretty much everything i have exposed on them. They're in the air, food, water, all lifeforms, plants, animals, humans etc are fungus, behaving and operate just like fungus.

Found funny when doctors thought someone had lung cancer, they cut a piece out to examine, turns out it was fungus hahaha.

Also there's subliminal intel in above video that the fungi/worms came from the moon when the video says "when earth was hit by that ancient meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs and the dust covered the sun(moon eclipse symbolism), the planet became a feasting ground for the fungi.
Like vampires they hate the light and heat and thrive in cold environments.

The frozen bats symbolize our frozen original forms and they said "when the bats are cold or frozen they cant protect themselves against the fungi which starts growing on them and feeding on them, but the moment you wake up the bats and they start moving, they take back control and defeat the fungus, mainly by raising their body temperature by being active instead of being cold by being inactive".

This gave me a good idea what the fungi/worms are doing to our frozen sleeping forms in antarctica or frozen moon above us and how important is for us to wake up in order to stop them and defeat them.

Found interesting the intel that when the fungi invade the human brain they create countless tiny holes in it(like worms do) turning it into swiss cheese(like our moon is) which gives away also the fungi/worm infested place that our moon is.

They said also that burning oil helps many of these fungi to go airborne(the fire helps the fungi rise is what bane really wanted to say in batman movie) and the reason the elite loved using fuel burning technologies and suppressing all alternative for so long.
Now the planet gets warmer and the fungi fearing heat, now burning oil works against them and they try to suppress things that make the planet warmer and they try to make it cold again like in snowpiercer movie.

It's so obvious learning from this video how the fungi operate, all about eating others, mining earth, love for sugar etc to realize humans are puppets of fungi what i call worms. They turn our brain into swiss cheese, that shows their worm nature right there.

They said also all fungi are connected and one through a wireless global network like having their own internet and it's also the fungi in all lifeforms, trees etc that connects them all together(see collective unconscious) like avatar movie revealed too, how all trees are connected in a global network, this video exposes is cause of the fungi within them. I suspect the fungi are more like gatekeepers, controlling the wireless connection between lifeforms and the reason we lost ancient abilities like telepathy.

They said they're in an ancient and ongoing war with bacteria and science all they do is using fungi to create new medicines to fight bacteria only to find out fungi is the most deadly, ancient and intelligent beast.

Fungi hates heat and the reason i think my steam sauna that goes up to 195F is working great on me.
Just like with my magnetic pulser the worms within me tried to fool me when i first got it that it's not working and that it's making my leukemia come back, turns out it's amazing to have and use daily.

I had also horrible plaque/tartar building up on my lower teeth(i suspect from the fungi chemo and fungi antibiotics) the past couple years to the point i couldn't floss my lower teeth from all the plaque between them. After using my magnetic pulser and sauna for a month all plaque from the lower front teeth has melted away and never regrows!!! I was in complete shock man, it's either the magnetic pulser or sauna that killed these fungi at my lower teeth we call plaque/tartar, when i pulse there it feels like the pulser is hitting something too while at the rest teeth that have no tartar i feel nothing when i pulse only where i have amalgam fillings which react too to my pulser.

I think i have a deadly combination that i use against my leukemia, dewormer fenbendazole for the worms in the belly, 3 tesla magnetic pulser for the worms in my bones, and super hot steam sauna for the worms in my blood and lungs. I wanna get cocky and say the worms dont stand a chance but it's too early to make that statement, lets try to make it to next spring first.

The thumbnail in above fungal empire video says "fungi, poison or medicine", in greek medicine is pharmacy and means literally poison! Worms/Fungi in spiderman movies call themselves Venom=Poison=Pharmacy=Medicine(Subliminal for worm infested Medusa too).

"Hidden from sight is a kingdom that rules all life on land"
(I can never forget the top doctor at my leukemia hospital saying that he worries about the stuff they cant see in their instruments impressing me for being aware of the invisible and super intelligent and sneaky enemy the worms/fungi are. Hiding in plain sight too, looking at you penis/2nd hijacking brain, looks like a mushroom and a worm too! Our penis and testicles in the female body look just like baphomet(devil's head) too! Talk about 2nd brain indeed! Mind controlling women to have kids, mind controlling men to have sex.)

Holy shit this black guy nailed it, then says "repent to our lord" and i'm here facepalming like picard.
This duality/hedging/good bad cop strategy works wonders and i'm astonished how even the best researchers i have come across cant break free from it.
On the left you have the dog which represents evil/fear/scary beast etc, on the right you have the shepherd/butcher/farmer dressed as kind-hearted civilized moral man and in the middle the sheep.
You scare the sheep with the dog so they rush to the shepherd's/lord's arms for salvation/slaughter.
Scare the masses with the devil and they run towards the dark lord.

The black guy in above picture verifies what i decoded in glp that it's when we have sex when we sign the contract with the devil, hahaha i had nailed that shit back then man.

From fungal empire video
-They're landing on us, we have this coating that's falling right now all around us, they're on your food, they're in your lungs, they're on your skin, they're on each thing you touch, they're on each place you go.
They are a single interconnected network, could be described as the third mode of life.
It's an alien world of powerful ancient lifeforms.
This entire web of life is connected and is connected through the fungi(gatekeeper comcast).
Some of those will save us, some of those threaten us and we just begin to understand which are which.(meaning humanity is completely clueless about it. They even admit it soon after too, that what we know is so little it's literally nothing).

-They shaped our world and hold the key to our future.(gatekeepers indeed man)
This is the fungal empire.

(From army of the dead movie, "you guys call this crater domed earth their prison, it's their kingdom!")
oh yeah, then why they want to get out damn there lily/lilith i would ask her.
(i also suspect the fungi play tough guy here being protected by the impenetrable walls of troy and would get their ass whooped so bad by the outworld like the outworld already did everywhere else in the universe and last place left to cleanse from these parasites to be the place we live in and call earth.)
How unlucky we are man, to live in the only place in the universe that has cancer/fungi.
(That is if we are to believe what the worms are telling us through their movies).


  1. Found interesting the intel that the fungi/worms bring the dead back to life, was shown also in venom 2018 after eddie gets killed and the fungi brings him back to life.
    It reminded me also in thor ragnarok where hela resurrected the dead as zombies.
    There was also a japanese cartoon i had seen long ago where one woman was killed and brought to life back by worms/fungi that were living in her forever after. Being grateful to them for bring her back to life, but damn she was looking nasty like a zombie because of them.
    Being dead is better than alive and crawling with worms hellraiser 2 style.

    1. Dragon Ball shows the same thing since Sheron/dragon/king worm keeps bringing the dead back to life necromancer style.

  2. Man i need to vent off, for years it felt so wrong, so evil, how in order to live all lifeforms are required to eat and consume each other and i'm so mad at all religious people that try to disguise this evil act as a natural and good thing.
    I would expect that behavior from a scientist and an atheist but not from religious people aware of evil/devil etc, but they're as much of a fool, never questioning genetics, never aware of ancient mutations, fungal mutations that convert lifeforms to their image and how no lifeform on earth is anymore the way god created it.

    It's all have been perverted all have been mutated and then you have the human fools that never question genetics. A human is born with a snake as a penis they would call it natural and the way god intended it.

    Man i'm mad now after watching this fungal empire video being so obvious the only reason humans and other lifeforms are require to eat is because of the fungi within and how without them, sunlight alone or the soul/battery within could be enough energy to keep the flesh animated.

    Women remote controlled by the womb and worms within will never admit life=live=evil is evil as that could impact their desire to have kids and the worms/fungi cant have that.
    I used to be baffled how can i be the only that sees how wrong life is on this freaking planet, what kind of bullshit is this that in order to live someone else has to die.
    At least humanity acknowledging this evil would be nice instead of calling it natural and the way a benevolent god intended it to be.

    1. My penis looks like a mushroom, and mushrooms are fungi so im literally made in the image of a fungal infection.

    2. This world was created by Satan thats why Jesus came and died in our place, because for Satans army of worms to live someone else has to die, that someone else is meant to be us except if we accept Jesus offer to die in our place.
      Thank you for taking my place Jesus, i dont want to be food for the worms.

    3. I posted pictures of whales down below that look literally like mushrooms, man i got terrified! It's one thing to decode and suspect, it's a whole other to look at it right in the face!

    4. They do call them sperm whales which is another give away.

  3. I have decoded before that plants and trees are fungi/worms and even posted pictures of their roots that look and operate identical to fungi/worms, calling their fruit also worm eggs, looking like worm eggs who are colorful too to attract idiots to eat them.

    The fungal empire video showed it to our face that trees are fungi but it said the fungi is in their roots to help them break down the rocks and minerals with their enzymes. The roots are the heart of the trees and plants and if they're fungi, the whole thing is.

    Then they said "fungi is not plants, they're closer to animals" to give away that animals are also fungi/worms and humans too.

    It's the only mainstream info video i've come across that came the closest to reveal all is fungi here.
    Dont forget the clouds that are shown in the intro of the video, those are fungi too and have exposed that also in older threads.

    No wonder the fungi attacked and killed the aliens in tom cruise's movie war of the worlds.
    you can see the fungi/worms own earth subliminal at the poster of that movie.

    This intel gives away also all is fungi here as if it wasnt it wouldnt be allowed to exist by the fungi that monitor everything here like police or immune system, being in the air, water, food etc.
    No wonder why supermen become mortal men when they enter this crater. Their powers get stripped by the fungi that's all around us going by the name kryptonite which means hidden in greek. Fungi is called also a hidden/invisible enemy and kingdom in above video, put 2 and 2 together fungi=kryptonite!

    1. The intel that the fungi will attack and assimilate anyone from the outworld that might make it inside earth crater was shown in alien covenant.

      They showed earth was hidden from the outworld and revealing itself to the outworld only when few people are passing by to lure them in like the candy world in hansel and gretel.
      Then the fungi in the air which are also released in the air by the plants and trees go to work to do a work on the new arrived fools.
      look at those little bastards, so tiny and weak but when hidden within our bones how do you kill them? 3 tesla magnetic pulser man oh yeah!
      There's a 100 tesla giant magnetic pulser in new mexico i might visit like a thief in the night or bribe my way into if shits go south with the fungi within me that is ordered by the lunar scum to take me out.

      Then again i might like jet li in kiss of the dragon look up to the moon and say to the lunar scum "i'm coming up"(to raise hell and destroy everything).

      At 0:31 those little fungi shits look like they are being remote controlled!
      They behave just like little robots and look metallic in nature too.
      Reminds me of all the metals they spray us with and injecting in us with vaccines so lunar boss can control us like magneto from x-men.
      "I'm coming up!"
      That's how you go to lunar bootcamp, not to get training but like buu from dbz to destroy everything and raise hell!

    2. That reminds me of the tmnt cartoon called mousers where the scientist creates these vicious tiny little robots where he controls them with spray. I always thought the aliens and their agents could control our nano worms, fungus, and nano particles somehow as it's the small things that can have the biggest effect on us.

    3. They showed earth was hidden from the outworld and revealing itself to the outworld only when few people are passing by to lure them in like the candy world in hansel and gretel.

      Same intel is given in the bible:

      Matthew 7:13-14
      Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
      But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

      Since everything here is inverted on the outside that means from the outside only a few find the narrow gate/wormhole to enter in this crater, just like they show in the Inspector Gadget cartoon intro:

      Inspector Gadget Intro (HD Full Screen)

    4. Same thing they showed in MK 2021, the kingdom/temple of raiden was hidden from the outside world and you had to go through a maze to even find its door to enter it.

    5. In that Buu Dragon Ball Z clip i see lots of obelisks which is a give away that we are in the land of the dead just like them as we have here obelisks everywhere.

    6. Good catch! There's a clip also with the ginyu team in hell thinking they can leave hell by flying towards the sky only to hit an invisible ceiling! Both places symbolize earth.


    One realization I had today about the reality of our modern-day and its imminent collapse..

    Everybody really needs to stop breeding for the next 7 years at minimum, except for 2-4 countries. No one child policy.
    Failure to abide by this new law will be met with execution.
    Dictatorships aren't inherently evil if the leaders are real and not psychotic.

    I can't enjoy pregnancies or the sight of babies these days.
    Feels like we're just being sold a lie.
    Continuing to pretend that everything is fine will inevitably only lead to a tragic & karmic exit, instead of a much softer one. But hey, if this place is indeed just another human loosh farm..
    Then they have to ensure the maximum harvest of pain & trauma in order to reinforce their airs of amnesia.

    1. “HENDAYE” (is pun of) “END of DAYS”
      Brought on by the failure of devolved humans as a species to renounce submission to the evil Archonic deceptions of consciousness, instead of rather embracing the age old Gnostic and Libertarian state of mind which is a necessary spiritual precondition or psychological prelude or antechamber to the real liberation, which is the path towards exiting the Matrix brought on by responsible Free Will as opposed to Obsession-Compulsion, based on true Inner Change and not external pantomimes of “political change” as phony as a Hollywood set and as dull as a dishwasher.


    2. That's all breeding is nowadays, just an 'obsession-compulsion' born out of the Machine known as Satanism. True love isn't required in order to use a 3D printer.
      Such a new law would be a better alternative than spraying chemtrails.

      When you break down Satanism in English Numerology, you get the number 96, which is the inverse of the number 69, representing balance and harmony,
      Satanism = 19+1+20+1+14+9+19+13 = 96
      If you are not familiar with Satanism, it is not so much the worship of Satan, instead it is more the worship of yourself. If you think about that for a minute, you'll probably identify a few 'Satanists' from your circle of people you know, sadly. If you think about it deeper, you'll realize most people are living for themselves, which is the definition of Satanism, which is what I believe the powers that be practice as their dominant religion.

      Read about Satanism from Wikipedia; it is believed to be practiced by 100,000 people worldwide, or less. I suspect many of these people are those who are connected to the Gang of 33, and the banking and military power elite.

    3. Furthermore, seeing as the year 2000 is 2033 Gregorian time.
      That would then mean the real 2012 has yet to occur.

      Hmm, wondering if Battlefield 2042 has some clues as to why they chose that date..
      Will 2042 be when this DVD ends once again? And begins "anew" on a sibling planet, perhaps that's the hidden purpose with their relentless chemtrail spraying. So they're destroying the ozone layer until nothing is left. That way, any soul can enter and leave. Galactic soul transference, beaming all of them up to the moon spaceship and onwards to their freshly baked sibling.

      Maybe "glass dome" is an occult term in reference to the ozone layer..
      It's obvious that chemtrailing is shedding it until eventually there will be nothing left. Which could then allow for soul transference on over to the sibling planet.

      "We just put the biggest crack in the ozone layer"
      Keep in mind, chemtrails went global back in 2005. And Satan's star has five points.

      You're bundled up now wait 'til you get older
      But the meteor men beg to differ
      Judging by the hole in the satellite picture

      The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
      The water's getting warm so you might as well swim
      My world's on fire. How about yours?
      That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored

      Go for the moon
      Go for the moon
      Go for the moon
      Go for the moon

      This is the way that lunatic puppetmasters like it

    4. "The government is slayin, new laws is what you're facin
      Next comes the clonin, they're makin new creation
      Secretly forming soldiers of you and they station" Black Eyed Peas, from "Behind the Front" album.

      Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—”

      ◄ Genesis 3:22 ►

      While that amendment failed, human cloning continues to advance and the breakthrough in this unethical and morally questionable science is around the corner.

      Mike Pence

      Human cloning is coming.

      Mike Pence

    5. "People think Terry Richardson is a creepy, perverted, weaselly programmer for celebrities, which he is. Would you believe Bradley Cooper is even worse? Again, the front is such an important tool for the Illuminati. Oh, the handsome, charming, charsimatic, MR cooper, is a pedo?" canofvitamins

    6. That's why I said Nazis had it right with their breeding/eugenics programs. Too many UGLY, retarded people having kids nowadays. I used to watch homemade porn and even the porn sucks compared to the porn in the 90s and early 2000s cuz the ugly, retards of the news generations are having sex now. Gross. Only 1st world countries should be allowed to breed under the right circumstances.

    7. Dr steven gundri said "when you have kids, the bacteria/fungi within dont need you anymore having a new home to go into and your job is done here on earth, so it's time for you to go to make room for your kids to take over, aka the fungi starts killing us after we have kids cause it doesnt need us anymore and need to go to make room".

      From his intel i have exposed how humanity can blackmail the fungi within not to kill us by stop having kids.
      Everyone wants to have kids, no one wants to die.
      I wonder if humanity were to find out what it takes to blackmail death would they still be so fanatic on having kids? Of course not, they would view having kids the same as suicide/slow suicide as that's exactly what it is.

      Also for that to work all humans must stop having kids as say you or i dont have kids but our neighbors have a shitload to get government tax money they're screwing us too not just themselves.

      So if it's ok during pandemics for people to force rules on others so others' actions dont bring harm on them then same thing with this, you have kids(you dont wear your mask aka condom) you put my life in danger too so you cant do that.

      If i was president i would force a 2 child policy, you want kids? one death/slow suicide for you and one for your spouse. Having more would be considered murdering other humans and i would throw them to jail.

      Or i might add sterilization agents in the chem planes that spray all countries except china(would make sure they spray china too twice as much) and bring the nightmare on all fungi/little sneaky bastards.

    8. Wow just noticed from that Hillary Clinton glass ceiling video, she has no thyroid, guess all the best doctors in the world arent enough to prevent a person from undergoing their surgeries, no way Hillary Clinton is a master level witch like people accuse her to be if she cant even protect her thyroid.

    9. She looks in pain also when she makes facial expressions like her face is all glued up with Botox, i dont get it, if youre a puppet master why put yourself through that just to be on stage instead of just using someone with half her age ventriloquist style.

    10. Damn bro u think youre right. I have NO kids and still look like a teenager. My cousin had 6 kids and died before even reaching 40. Also kids in my family who are not even mine but related by blood already act like it's their job to take my place. I'm like you stupid fucks you're not even my kids retards LOL I can clearly see the writting on the wall.

    11. When i was in usmc i used to wonder why god prefers to take people that have kids from this place remembering countless deaths of people that had young kids or even newly born kids. Now i see why, you have kids your name goes up in the list of who dies first.
      King kai from dbz said "for the young ones to live the old must die".

      I wanna add something i forgot, in the above fungal empire video they even revealed all sand is fungus by saying all sand on earth was created by fungi.
      I had exposed the sand before as worm eggs being hollow inside and like a sponge able to trap radiation within them just like our moon above had a sun within it like starkiller base. Maybe still but hidden like in avengers end game lunar forge/crucible where thor made his hammer.

      The fungal empire video also revealed of many different kinds of fungi that get activated and go to sleep based on the temperature of the planet and the colder the planet goes the more deadly fungi comes online. I suspect the more deadly fungi is hibernating like worms within the sand eggs and when earth gets colder everyone will fear the sand movie mummy style.

      So the worms possessed elite trying to cool down the planet snowpiercer style they will wake up a much more horrible beast than the bullshit ones they try to create in their labs.
      Maybe that's their goal seeing how they lose the war to the outworld and they hope the fungi wins their battle like in the tom cruise movie war of the worlds.

      The fungal empire video even said the reason during winter so many people get sick and get the flu is because more fungi becomes active from the colder temperature.

    12. Damn i was just looking at pictures of whales and couldnt believe my eyes, fungal mutation in our face!
      looks just like a mushroom!

    13. pay attention to the teeth and underbelly!

      Now look at this mushroom pic(first whale above even has lumps on its skin just like this red mushroom!)

      and these

      Holy moly man, buu was right in dbz, it's all buu=fungi here!
      and we sleeping like the family of goku in the belly of the beast/fungi.

    14. Jonah in the bible was 3 days in the belly of a whale and those whales definitely look like mutated fungi, yep belly of the beast, its a worm fungus.

      Pinocchio (1940) - Search & Escape from Monstro

      Pinocchio escaped it by creating a fire/global warming.
      And the whale was swallowing a lot of fish that represent souls from the outside world.

    15. Same whale was shown in old star wars movie "that's no cave clip", it had same teeth and face to this whale too, it was shown as a giant worm there living in a crater/hole like the ones the moon above us has.
      Son pinocchio entering the belly of the beast to save his father is similar to what goku and vegeta did in dbz with buu. Father of pinocchio fishing in the belly of the beast was hilarious. Calling later one of the fish his son was kinda scary as it reminded me the trick they plan to play on us in attacking our loved ones from the outside world that will come to our rescue. Father was killing the fish before he realized it was his son.
      Also the cave at the end is suspicious as like star wars showed the belly of the beast is also a cave.
      After exiting the beast and the beast hunting them down, identical scene we have in dbz with princess snake where the giant snake/worm was hunting goku after he managed to exit it.
      It's one thing to exit this place, a whole another to survive of it chasing you hahaha, no wonder why like zod we have to destroy/kill the beast/planet krypton to successfully escape.

      In the clip with kid buu in the land of the dead at the end he charges like vegeta when he killed nappa and king kai scared says "have you lost your mind, you're going to destroy the entire planet".
      I would reply like han solo in star wars "that's no planet!"

    16. Pinnochios ears and tail also shows he was being mutated inside the belly of the beast, he was becoming a chimera.

    17. Exactly that's why he wasn't a real boy. Btw the only way he could get inside the belly without being harm was by being a C himera so it was a trap from the beginning as you always have 2 sacrifice something to get what you want. They never let you go without experiencing great PAIN first.

    18. It would be funny as hell in the princess snake clip when goku is charging to hit apophis with a kamehameha king kai to show up and say
      "Have you lost your mind? You're going to destroy the entire planet!"
      see at 1:56, hahahaha that would be so hilarious, the ignorant masses would be like "what planet?" and would take them many lifetimes to figure it out.

      identical scene we have in thor ragnarok when thor is trying to escape a giant dragon/worm and hell all together.

      belly of the beast=maze/labyrinth symbolism, goku screwed us if this place turned into a maze cause of him, making it harder for anyone after to find the exit.

    19. Destroying the planet is always last case scenario if the worm infects immune system so much that we have just put earth out of its misery. Planets are just bodies and the worm is the invader. I believe it happen before on mars and other planets too. They probably don't want to lose precious earth because of some fucking worm/fungus/bacteri though.

    20. The intel we get from the entertainment industry is that we dont live on a planet but within a beast that lives on the planet. So destroying what seems to be the planet would be killing the beast instead and saving the planet also from the worm that drills holes in it and probably breeding more copies of it to turn the entire planet into swiss cheese like the moon above us.

    21. The planet is the fungi, im created in its image with a mushroom fungal infection in between my legs when im actually a star/sun/son hallucinating human life while being mutated inside a black wormhole.

    22. Damn that's deep! It reminded me the rock giant from darksiders 2 saying "in my dreams i am flesh"(flesh=fungus=buu!)
      Suns are indeed victims of the worms/fungi that they mutate like chicken eggs into abominations.
      The white around the sun in chicken egg symbolizes ice, how the fungi freeze their victims like the bats in fungal empire video and demolition man and then go to work on them to transform them/mutate them.
      They made movies like sunshine showing how the sun will eventually cool down and i know exactly what causes it to cool down.
      I have decoded the white moon above us had a sun within it and now its light is cool giving away how the sun within it has cooled down. The surface is like swiss cheese giving away the worms are doing a number on the sun now that has been cooled down transforming it into a dragon/worm which its ability to spit fire from its mouth reveals how it used to be a sun that got mutated.

    23. That sounds about right as the only way for the metallic nano worms/fungi to survive is by cooling it down and then attacking it like an elderly persons body. Cold shit. I guess that's why it's important for us to keep our inner body so that we can KILL the wirms/fungi whenever they try 2 invade.

    24. I meant its important to keep our inner sun/fire.

    25. I havent been able to overcome pornography and i cant see how could it be better in the 90s than it is now?
      Look at a woman like Aj Applegate, how could you create a better looking woman, she looks better than those super model angels.
      Or lets say you were to create a hardcore female, how could you make one be more hardcore than women like Andy San Dimas, Katrina Jade or Maddy Oreilly?
      They had better ones 20 years ago?
      I dont think so, not a chance.
      Maybe they had better writers 20 years ago.
      Pro wrestling had better writers 20 years ago however they have much better wrestlers today.
      Porn probably has the same problem.

    26. My bad bro. I take back what I said. I meant to say that women were overall better 20 years ago. Skinnier, prettier, less promiscuous etc. Porn girls today are indeed better as there are more willing girls who will do porn and girls are more desperate cuz porn stars don't make as much as they did in the past. So I agree with you there. But overall in the past your average girl was more pretty and less used up.

    27. You dont have to take it back im just trying to understand.
      For example in pro wrestling the Rock and Stone Cold were very limited in the ring, their wrestling moves arent that exciting, however their scripts were amazing.
      Now they have much better wrestlers but their scripts are horrible.
      Movies are the same as ive watched recently Il traditore and the script is much worse than the Godfather and Scarface however visually it far surpasses them.
      Probably the same happens to porn, i dont know as i never felt curiosity in researching older porn.

    28. When i say visually i mean the action scenes because Tonys mansion, Franks mansion and the Babylon club in Scarface all look amazing.
      Even a netflix show like Suburra that i was watching had incredible action scenes that surpass movies from the past.

    29. If you mean that the average women (instead of the porn stars) are worse today than they were 20 years ago, my guess is 1) its spiritual because we are entering the time of the whore of Babylon, and 2) its physical because they believe in calories in calories out, instead of cutting out their fat intake, they are filling themselves up on Pizza Hut, KFC, butter, cheese, eggs, nuts, seeds, you name it, then they are also afraid of sugar which is even worse, and who knoes how many hormonal pills they are taking.
      Heres a good video on that:

      How To Get Fat Adapted SO You Can Get Sub 10% Body Fat PERMANENTLY!

      For me since i went vegan my body fat actually is going down yet my weight is going up, i seud to be around 69kgs with a lot of body fat, now im 76kg with less body fat, it also cured my severe acne and my inflammatory bowel disease.
      i still look below average but not as bad as before, and the food tastes so much better, im tired of eating greasy hard to chew on meats and tripe, liver and other organ meats.

    30. Very wise. I agree with you there that it's spiritual as spirit affects your mind, body and soul. People looked, thought and acted why different back then and it showed. And spot on what you said about the scripts being way better back in the days. I used to watch wwe which was wet back in the days just 4 the amazing scripts. Generation X was my favorite wrestling group LOL video games had better storylines too but crappy graphics/visuals compared to today's games. It's funny cuz it kinda seems like you have to give up something to gain something lol

    31. I meant it was WWF back in the days stupid spell check phone lol

    32. Absolutely you always have to give someting to gain something, the price for knowledge is the loss of innocence.

    33. The WWE became the WWF because of a lawsuit filled by the world wildlife fund, Bret Harts montreal screwjob, Bret Hart means Bright Heart means Hubert, Knights of Hubert operate Bohemian Grove, Trumps screwjob election took place on Saint Hubert feast day. saint Hubert is the patron saint of hunters and wildlife, the change to their name happened exactly 100 years to the death of Bret Harte a script writer that was one of the founders of the Bohemian club, right before Covid 19 they buried Anthoine Hubert the driver of a pink formula 2 #19 renault that died during a race, Bret Hart also wears pink just Jacqueline Kennedy pink suit, theres a fractal to all of this im sure.

    34. Bohemian grove is about worshipping wildlife, the sacred groves as in fungi, the trees are alive and all that stuff.

    35. Was Jacqueline Kennedy in her pink suit the hitman?
      And Bret the hitman Hart wears pink:

      Bret "The Hitman" Hart titantron

      Heres the pink formula 2 driver Anthoine Hubert:

      Anthoine Hubert Tribute

      Bret Hart means Bright Heart means Hubert.

    36. 19 in the bible means slaughter.
      Sporting CP just won their 19th portuguese soccer championship 19 years later during Covid 19.
      Anthoine Hubert was the driver of a pink formula 2 #19 Renault.
      And i just found this song that has a red car with the #19 on it on the cover, from 1994 around the time Kurt Cobain died:

      Xysma - Viewmaster

      Kurt Cobain was killed by the hitman his wife right:

      Something Really Beautiful - Courtney's Love Killed Kurt Cobain

      Everything in this dream wormhole is always symbolic of something.

    37. Interesting. Bret Hart and Jacqueline Kennedy were both born in the month in July too which I'm sure is just another coincidence lol btw, imo the world's beauty reached it peak on 9/11 2001 then it all went downhill from there. After the world trade center was destroyed that pretty much signaled the end of the west and the rise/power transfer to the east and China.

    38. 911 twin towers symbolizes breaking the mirror and also the death of Eve as in Eva-nescence so yes its the rise of evil-
      Heres Judas Priest rising in the east.

      Judas Priest - Judas Rising (Remastered) Budokan, Tokyo, Japan, 2005

      Judas the traitor, 911 traitorous inside job false flag.

    39. Jacqueline Kennedy died on May 19 1994, 1 month after Kurt Cobain was also supposedly killed by his wife like Kennedy was supposedly.
      Who knows, Xysma does have the red car with the #19 on it that came out around that time in 1994.

    40. Judas is rising = The traitor is rising
      Last movie i watched in the theater = Il traditore = The traitor
      Jacqueline Kennedy = The traitor
      Courtney Love = The traitor
      Yep theres something going on here.

      THE TRAITOR | Official US Trailer HD (2019)

      Im the traitor right somehow.
      Here Amy Lee sings you dont know how you betrayed me, came out June 7 2004, thats my 13th birthday.

      Evanescence - Everybody's Fool

      Im a liar, yep thats true:

    41. "Fun Fact: Amy Lee wrote this song for her 8 year old sister because she didn't like that she started liking pop stars like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. That's right, Ms. Lee wrote a song telling the whole world what a fool her 8 year old sister is for liking pop music!"

      Could be a message to me since it was when i turned 13 on June 7 2004 that i started liking porn stars.
      What a fool i am for liking porn!
      Could be.

      Anyway Everybodys fool shows what, oh same paradigm ive seen 1000 times, Amy Lee in black hair is mocked by the blondes, same thing with Andy San Dimas with black hair and Brian Banks the blonde in American Dad XXX, same as Miley Cyrus and Dua Lipa, Hall and Oates, Jim Carreys number 23 movie and a million others if i look for it im sure.

      Miley Cyrus - Prisoner (Official Video) ft. Dua Lipa

    42. Reality definitely follows specific patterns as we're all interconnected. And the higher your conscience/awareness is the more I think you see and are affected by the connection. So that message could very well be for you. I've seen similar things too in my timeline. This universe is a trip dude.

    43. Heres another that i had already decoded on here, you got the guy with the blonde hair, guy with dark hair, at the race the guy with the dark hair rides the #3 car which is the devils number, then facing a car driving backwards together they make the #23 like Trumps wrestlemania 23 battle of the billionaires/genomes where they play a song about losing your manhood/penis/mushroom/fungi.
      Its all a stage.

      Oliver Onions - Dune Buggy - OMPS "...altrimenti ci arrabbiamo!"

      Bald Headed Blues (Battle of the Billionaires)

      This is a weird dream hole.

    44. I counted the pepperoni on Evanescences Everybodys Fool video guess what, theres #19 slices of pepperoni in that pizza, and then she smiles and says theres nothing better than a good lie, as in Covid 19, yep im on it.

      Xysma - Viewmaster

    45. This place is run by the count from Sesame Street, everything is run by the numbers.

      The Count ... The count song censored from Sesame Street ...

    46. From watching that Everybodys fool again, besides the all seeing eye which is obvious there, i noticed when she sings you dont know how youve betrayed me thats when the pink color hair shows up, yep pink hair, theres something going on between the color pink and betrayal, pink suit Jacqueline Kennedy, pink Bret Harts screwjob, pink Anthoine Hubert, pink suicide blonde in Jim Carreys #23 movie, yeah theres something with pink, pink pussy haters protesting Trump the pussy grabber, me2 movement as in ive been betrayed too, the pink moon.

      Pink Moon

    47. Numbers definitely run this place. Also notice the symbology of the count having a big Jewlike nose symbolizing that he's good with numbers/finance. Do you think all women are the same Btw? Which race or group of women do you think are best with witchcraft? I think the more beautiful woman the better they're at or better the chance they can be a good witch.

    48. Wish You Were Here

      So you think you can tell a smile from a veil
      Its all a show
      2 guys in the album cover, 1 is burning the other, thats self-cannibalism and spirit cookery
      The worm is eating my star

      Temple Liar's by ONLY REMNANTS 2020

    49. There's definitely something going on with pink and betrayal as it's a woman's color and the color of man's favorite thing in the world...PUSSY. The best way to get to man is through women and pussy so yeah it would be a treacherous color.

    50. I got a big Jewlike nose like the count, i got a college degree in economics and i quitted a masters degree in finance.
      I dont think all women are the same, neither spiritually or phisically.
      From years of watching pornography ive tried to identify what are the physical traits that i find attractive, but i havent figured it out.
      I say ok let me try black hair, but then i see a bunch of black hair women i dont find attractive, now let me see a big ass, same thing happens, small tits, again, so it doesnt work.
      Which are the better witches?
      They have a hierarchy for that called the order of the eastern star and the mothers of darkness in Belgium.
      I dont think it has to do with beauty but with bloodlines, isnt Marina Abramovic the highest ranking witch in Hollywood, theres Oprah Winfrey also, from the porn stars ive seen the one who look the part the most is Nikita Denise, arent all women in tv shows witches of highers and lower ranks, if the men have to be freemasonic warlocks i assume the same has to happen with women.

    51. I dont know if any of those are real witches but all women are connected through their womb and the moon like a hive. The best witches/manipulators are probably unknown. Btw the eastern, Venus star is the pentagram is the same as China's star so I suspect China is doing major witchcraft. They say Biden won cuz China wanted kamella Harris in the white house so maybe she's a witch. But most.women are. The top of their hive would probably be the one who's most beautiful and seductive to men and probably unknown and behind the scenes.

    52. I look like a vampire all i need is some pointy teeth and i could play Nosferatu.

    53. You should pimp witches as karma 4 all the evil they did LOL that would be a awesome job

    54. I dont think all women are connected, no way, not even the ones in my family can agree with each other and they hate one another and form cliques.
      Sometimes its even mother against daughter, i could this happen if they are of the same mind, yeah that doesnt work.

    55. I dont know i dont have any personal grievances with any woman specifically, if they are doing evil to me they are doing it covertly because i cant identify the source.
      I know the one from the statues of Mary and the statue of liberty, the statue over the US capitol, she runs the show but im not sure what kind of war we are in, i dont have any stories of ex girlfriends or female friends or anything like that dealing with betrayal so i dont know.

    56. Lol I meant subconsciously. I mean they know their place amongst each other better than most men. Ugly women naturally know they're inferior to beautiful women. And they can sense good genetic makeup in man from a mile away like a machine. The moon regulates women more and puts them in their natural place more than men. And they also have biological clocks

    57. Even during this covid lockdown idiocy the only ones that tried to start fights with me were men, ive met zero Karens, but these men were probably controlled by the female spirit hive mind, yeah i could see that.

    58. I have a hard time believing that Hillary Clinton is a witch if she couldnt even protect her thyroid.

    59. Also how come Hillary Clinton has to parade herself at her age?
      Any decent witch would use someone younger ventriloquist style.
      I think she is a puppet.

    60. Most mainstream people ain't witches. To me a witch is just any woman who can use her powers of seduction to gain a lot. Like these normal women who marry billionaires and get half their money. Kardashians are witches in that sense because they were just nobody sluts and are now billionaires lol and yeah most men sadly have female spirits today or no souls at all so I get you. A lot men here today were females in their past lives and vice versa so that's probably why not to mention all the other shit they put in our food, water etc. I'm not even as masculine as my dad and men before me

    61. This chinese girl definitely has a strange spirit working through her:

      Chinese Girl Eating Insects -v03

      Its like shes a cartoon witch.

  5. I wonder why the author of these blogs, all of a sudden stopped posting?

    Very interesting man I'm left questioning where he is..

  6. Found this article talking about how the moon cycle affects parasites

    1. I talked to a filipino girl yesterday and she blew my mind when she told me how she killed all fungal warts on her leg by killing the mother wart, then the rest just died.
      I told her how she identified the mother? She said it was the first one that showed up.
      I look at you moon where all parasites came from and have decoded in glp we one shot all evil on earth by killing the moon(s)/medusa head.

    2. Now i also have more evidence that hair is fungi. They create countless tiny little holes like fungi and turn our skin into swiss cheese. They are the devil to kill too, they keep regrow no matter how many times you cut them, pull them out etc.

      Men mature and become wiser at the same time when they lose most of their hair on their heads. Which gives away the kind of bottleneck fungi is even to wisdom. Women that have long hair are also dumber compare to men that have short hair and invent everything.
      Also hair=hira/hera=mother devil in ancient literature.

    3. In blade trinity was shown same intel, the moment you kill the first vampire/dracula/mother all other vampires die too.
      Then again in army of the dead was shown the one who kills the mother takes her place, like perseus became the new medusa after he killed her.
      Damn this was shown also in blade trinity, after blade kills dracula he transforms into blade which was subliminal that now blade is the dracula.
      Same thing with bees, you kill the bee queen they'll just make another bee their queen.
      The again it's the best way to start by killing the queen/mother/head of the snake and then work your way to the rest who will scatter like scared ants and not allow them time in the process to make a new queen. Will be easy as hell to kill the rest without their queen/mother too.
      I had seen a video of fungi long ago and was shown that they do have a queen/big boss they're all connected to.

    4. Reminds me of chess how the queen is really the main piece and able to move around freely while the king can only move 1 space at a time thus being manipulated by the queen and the hive.

  7. The word in hebrew for whale is also used for serpent and dragon, another giveaway that they are all the same.

    Gen 1:21  And God created great whales (H8577), and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. 

    Job 7:12  Am I a sea, or a whale (H8577), that thou settest a watch over me? 

    Exo 7:9  When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, Shew a miracle for you: then thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent (H8577). 

    Exo 7:12  For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents (H8577): but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods. 

    Deu 32:33  Their wine is the poison of dragons (H8577), and the cruel venom of asps. 

    Job 30:29  I am a brother to dragons (H8577), and a companion to owls. 

    intensive from the same as H8565 Tan; a marine or land monster, that is, sea serpent or jackal: - dragon, sea-monster, serpent, whale

    From an unused root probably meaning to elongate; a monster (as preternaturally formed), that is, a sea serpent (or other huge marine animal); also a jackal (or other hideous land animal): - dragon, whale.

    All the same belly of the same wormed beast.

    Mastodon - Blood And Thunder


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