Remember To Never Get Married, Not Only Presidents And Kings, Even Gods Get Killed By Their Wives!

 I noticed today the "evil lunar queen wife" is a damn fractal and can be seen everywhere, even in our own family tree. I spotted 3 cases in my family tree so far and was blown away.

In hollywood intel the lunar queen wife conspired with her favored son to kill the father/husband and give his throne to her puppet son.

Same intel we have with alexander the great, son and mother killed the father out of fear he will choose someone else to be the king.

Same thing i noticed with my grandma's sister. She and her son took the elderly father to get killed at the hospital and both were happy and laughing when the doctor came out and told them he died.
It's a common practice in europe especially in england for families to kill their elderly father at hospitals to inherit his riches quicker.

My grandma and uncle/her son did the same thing to my grandpa. Both were afraid my grandpa might marry a younger woman(like king philip, alexander's father) that will get all his money so they rushed him to get killed in a hospital after he got the flu. Then my grandma behind everyone's back gave all my grandpa's money to her favorite son and screwed everyone else.

Same thing from my 2nd grandma. There her favorable sons even blackmailed her that they will not look after her when she cant take care herself if she doesnt change my other grandpa's will and put all his riches to their name, screwing my father in the process who was the 1st son and rightful heir to his father's riches according to his island's traditions. My father was the 2nd father in his family and was treated like a slave by his father doing all kinds of slave work from young age while his younger brothers and sisters had it easy. So my grandpa to reward my father for all the help he provided since he was born he wrote everything to his name. Evil wife came to the rescue.

The i remembered the wife of jfk and how i had noticed that she could have shot him point blank at the face in front of everyone, then got scared of the ejected bullet shell that fell on the back of the car and rushed to pick it up so it doesnt get found and reveal that the killer of jfk was in his very car.
From my observation, the driver shot the jfk first and his wife delivered the final killing blow.
They say she was trying to pick up his brain from the back of the car so the doctors can put it back at the hospital and save his life, hahahaha who believes these lies! Who at a murder scene picks up pieces of brain instead of running for their lives which at first people thought jackie was trying to get away, then they see her picking up something so they came up with this horrible lie above.

I did a google search to see if more people noticed jfk getting killed by his wife and was blown away.
Wife cold assassin reminds me also odin's wife expert with swords which reveals of her to be of a professional assassin, like frost in die another day, hela etc.

Was wife hired by CIA to kill John F Kennedy?
(the elite from ancient times always seduce and trick in powerful positions people to marry their assassins so they can take them out whenever they want)

Fetzer says: "The autopsy x-rays were fabricated to conceal a massive blow-out to the back of the head, caused by a shot fired from in front… The autopsy record was falsified."

"It was no secret that 'Jack', as she called him, had affairs, the most notorious being with Hollywood legend Marilyn Monroe.

When Monroe was found dead – allegedly through suicide – Jackie didn't hide the fact that she was pleased and was reported as saying: "I was glad that Marilyn got out of her misery."

This i didnt know and reminded me same intel from alexander the great's father, altered carbon and gods of egypt(jealous lunar queen telling her husband angry "i should have been enough to fulfill you") and same thing they say about zeus that his wife hera hated him cause he had many affairs. Yet it's ok when the wives f*ck everything it moves(especially the lunar queen), god forbid if the husband has an affair.
In most fractal cases on earth it's not the affair that gets the husband killed, it's the fear of the wife she might lose the throne or riches/money to the new woman.
"On anniversary of his assassination conspiracy theory suggests it was Kennedy's WIFE who shot him and claims that footage seems to show something metallic in her hand"
"Just call her “Jackie 007”!

America’s beloved former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis worked for the CIA, according to a newly unearthed letter she wrote in the 1950s!

“In the JFK Library in Massachusetts, there is a letter — written in Jackie’s own hand — to Vogue magazine, which had recently awarded her a literary prize,” author Philip Myers told The National ENQUIRER.

“In the letter, she says she may not be able to accept the prize because ‘I’m considering a job with the CIA.’"

Then she married greek millionaire onasis where CIA killed his only son which caused the father to die from depression soon after. I wonder if that bitch jackie had something to do with that too.
Onasis like a naive fool thought he was marrying a kennedy only to find out he married a 3 dollar hooker CIA assassin.

Worth mentioning the 300 rise of an empire movie where darius was killed by his lover/wife in front of his son, who then she made a king/god and was shown to control like a puppet ventriloquist style!
(this is an amazing read and contains greek evidence that jackie was a cia spy that kept working for the cia long after jfk's death, screwing also her new greek husband who like a fool knew nothing about her connections with the cia)

Why Jacqueline Kennedy Didn't Take Off Her Pink Suit After JFK Was Assassinated
(look at the picture with the cia drivers of jfk, look at their eyes how guilty they look! compare them with the ignorant fools sitting behind them, one has the eyes of someone that knows of something bad is about to happen, the other does not, tried to find pictures of the face of the main driver and all looked suspiciously hiding, bluring or editing his face out)
"Yet in 1963, while still recovering from the August death of prematurely born son Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, she agreed to join husband John F. Kennedy on a trip to Texas. Unfortunately, in Dallas on November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was shot while sitting next to Jackie, and the pink suit she was wearing became covered in her husband's blood. In the aftermath of the presidential assassination, Jackie refused to change her outfit for the rest of the day. This created a powerful and devastating image for the public while also reflecting her personal trauma." 

I was like "she didnt wanna take off her suit so all her assassin weaponry hiding below doesnt show, imagine jaws dropping if they were to witness what she was hiding below her suit.
I suspect her baby that died was another cia murder as the jfk assassination was already in the works and jackie was not to be distracted or lose time for preparation and training for the assassination day due to a newly born baby. The baby was born a month early and jfk was killed 3 months after its birth. That baby sure got cia worried that might make jackie unable to perform on her due day, so they took it out of the equation.

Army of the dead movie comes to mind that said
"earth is a hell where we relive our sins and failures over and over again"
looks to me we are reliving the lunar queen's and her son's jesus/lucifer's sins over and over again in their attempt to convert us to their image agent smith style, and the reason the women on earth are being manipulated to hate and kill their husbands and the sons their fathers loki style.


  1. You ain't lying bro. Also it was eve who ate the apple and then made then made foolish Adam choose her over God which causes them to be banish from heaven forever. Its already written that women are 1 of man's downfalls. Men KILL over women all the time too and would take a woman's word over even their best friends. Also look at how many died or went too jail over women falsely accusing them of rape even since slavery.

    1. Man i just remembered back when i was 22 and freshly out of usmc i was working security at a bar and an attractive girl showed great interest in me. She took me to her place and then changed her mind and didnt want to have sex and wanted me to try choking her, show her moves and that, i decided to leave and she was begging me all the way to the door to choke her. I was suspecting that she was up to something but still had my doubts being naive as i was back then. Now looking back it was so obvious what she was trying to do.

      This thing of women acting they wanna f*ck me and then change their mind happened in the military too, you ignore them they're all over you, you decide to give in and f*ck, all of a sudden they're not interested cause you validated them as most women according to alphamalesstrategies youtube channel all they want is the validation and once you've given it to them they're done with you.

      I'm glad i stopped chasing women 11 years ago, screw these bullshit and their horrible ways they treat men, who the hell from men would do that to a woman, seducing her and bring her all the way to his home so he can get validation that he's hot and then change his mind about sex and asks her to punch him in the face instead so he can call the cops on her after or extort her for money.

      Who does that shit man, one must be very f*cked up in the head to do that and i've met quite a few women doing that and countless more i heard doing that from friends' stories.
      And when you thought things couldn't get any worse those bitches are murdering their husbands to not lose their money to other women.

      But every man should be a feminist says the wonder woman.
      Every man should be a monk i say, on his purpose and away from train wrecks and empire wrecks that most women are. Sure there are good women out there but do we have the luxury in this freaking criminal planet to waste our time chasing a dream that will fade the moment you touch it when there are way more important things to do.
      Stick from daredevil series said "women are a distraction", what he didnt say is
      "it's a distraction with purpose to consume a man's whole life and time so he has no free time to think about, to notice, to become aware that he lives in the worst place of existence that is crawling with criminals and parasites and the only thing that matters here is kill the parasites or get the hell out and lock the door back while making sure you didnt help any parasite escape this prison through you".

  2. Women are man's natural enemy. They hate us for relentlessy pursuing them and then forcing them to have our seed/kids. They see it as a burden. They also feel that their pussy is golden and that owe them your soul 4 it. I remembering arguing with an old gf in high school and she said that I pursued her first and it was like she hated me 4 that and seen me as predator that should have to PAY LOL I learned my lesson then and there about women that in their mind they will always be right and justified so it's better to just nor pursue as they will always seek revenge and use everything against you.

    1. That's a prime example about women right there, they love to hate men, they love to get men in trouble(see my personal story above) and the best thing a man can do is not to play/ignore them even if that makes them kill themselves like the sirens did in mythology the moment a man ignored their songs and they werent able to seduce him, make him validate they're irresistible etc.

      I sadly suspect if one day all men started avoiding women like the plague they would be suiciding left and right.

    2. Or executed by the lunar boss/queen like in blade runner 2049
      seducing man failed, women's purpose failed, terminate, all worms board the moon(s) to haul ass out of here, man/god/king has awaken.

  3. Just came across this jackie 2016 movie poster
    All red even the background, that's blatant bloody murderous red queen(lunar queen) symbolism right there.
    It's also a clever way to paint her guilty as hell!
    Virgin mary dressed in red is same give away message, murderous wife guilty of killing our father and the reason the father is absent from all her pictures.

    Lunar queen in huntsman 2 movie was shown to love killing her naive king husbands to inherit their riches and their throne/kingdom etc and had made a sport out of it, like in jupiter ascending too.

    Looking at mastermind onassis, i feel sad how great men destroy themselves and their empires over 3 dollar hookers.
    Darius' lover in 300 2nd movie was literally a 3 dollar hooker he picked up from the slave market.
    Yeah f*cking embarrassing losing your life and empire over an erection.(coming from none other than a worm looking mutation we call penis, women call it our second brain that takes the steering wheel whenever it wants)

    1. also women sexualizing themselves gives away they want the worm/second brain in charge and not us and this makes them pawns of the worm like eve was too.
      no wonder the worms would kill them all blade runner style if they fail at that one job they have. to keep seducing man like elektra to daredevil and keeping the worm in charge/erected.

    2. Indeed they FEED off the sexual energy that man gives them. Also i once had a very REAL dream/nightmare with the suspected lunar boss in it. He was with what looked like one of his science experiments a very strange looking man mixed with cyborg/machine maybe and he looked totally submissive to the lunar boss! My guess is that he was eunuch or his genes were mixed with that of a woman to make him more submissive as it looked like he was directly feeding off the lunar boss's commands and energy Robocop style. It wouldn't surprise me as powerful people in the past especially in China have always chosen to make their servants/slaves eunuchs so they can be more submissive like women and easier to command. This is also how they're trying to destabilize the west today by making men more feminine.

    3. Transsexual/trans leads to transhumanism so i suspect robots/cyborgs/clones will be the next thing to come online as you must have a female conscience to be controlled by the hive/borg.

    4. That's interesting intel, the worm in its nature is a traitor and a rebel, so yeah it can become a problem to dictators that expect pure obedience from the masses.
      In usmc bootcamp that trains us to be obedient servants there's no sex and religion that trains us to be obedient servants to god is also against sex unless it's for reproducing.
      Makes the worm look like a tool it was created to degrade the masses only to be dumped the moment it's not needed anymore.
      I guess the king worm dont give a damn about the rest worms like chinese leaders dont give a damn about their own people, bragging from one hand the chinese are the worm's race then bury them alive when fell in sinkholes instead of trying to rescue them like their lives have no value.(it was in a recent episode in china uncensored channel).
      I would tell xi jinping if i was trump
      "what's the point you assholes bragging you are the worm's race when you dont even bother pull a fellow man out of a sinkhole like his life is worthless?"

    5. I didnt pull out the GLP homeless from his sinkhole either as he cut me off when i didnt gave him more money, now i dont know whether hes still alive or if he has comitted suicide.
      Neither i pulled out my father from his sinkhole as he was a drunkard all his life, after my mother had children she divorced him, then a few years back as i am an adult now his liver failed, he choked on his vomit, became delirious, went into coma and died.
      Im not better than the chinese as i fail to help those around me.

    6. You did more than most men would do with that homeless. I hope he's still alive as i keep telling anyone who thinks of suicide "i know life is bad but it's still way better than the lunar bootcamp that awaits you after death" and i've been to a good copy of it down here on earth called the devil's island/usmc bootcamp, stuck there for 6 months which is double the time than most people spend there. Not to mention i got hazed the worst while i was injured with a broken leg. Some say usmc bootcamp is easy, i say try again with a broken leg and tell me if it's still easy. I was in full training for 2 weeks with a broken left fibula doing all exercises and hazing, even 3 mile runs. The only reason they dropped me out of main training for 3 months in the medical platoon is cause i couldn't run the 3 mile run fast enough with my broken leg where after that i got hazed for 15 minutes by the senior DI cause an officer found out he had me running pfts with a broken leg. Doing jumping jacks with a broken leg was a hell of a pain.

      I got a good taste of the bootcamp that awaits us in the afterlife and i say screw that, bring me some watermelon instead.

    7. Thats horrible, im sorry you had to go through that, thank you for sharing your experiences, i love your blog.

    8. You reminded me of all the promos with Kurt Angle repeating that he won a gold medal with a broken neck:

      Kurt Angle Recounts Breaking His Neck Before '96 Olympics | GWN Sneak Peek | Kurt Angle: Champion

    9. Thank you for the kind words guys and for the kurt angle reference who made me thought of myself too every-time i saw him saying that lol.

      I have also pointed out there's a crucible in usmc bootcamp which symbolizes the crucible in the moon where they burn us like they did to thor in thor ragnarok to turn him into a weapon(robocop symbolism).
      Now while some might say the crucible in usmc bootcamp is not an actual real crucible, the lunar scum will reply like this black security guy in below video in a 7/11 stopping thieves
      "Oh well, ours is real!"

      So religion is right that hell/purgatory awaits us after death which is a reference to the lunar bootcamp's crucible and in usmc bootcamp i kept telling everyone "we had it nice and we didnt appreciated it" and everyone was agreeing with me.

      Before i joined usmc, i was working in a restaurant all day for free doing disgusting jobs and was getting hit too when i would drop a plastic drinking glass down by mistake while moving a shit ton around. Sometimes i would work 36 hours straight for the restaurant to pass a medical inspection and life was total miserable.
      But guess what, still better than usmc bootcamp where they spit in your face all day every day, cant have a sweet drink, anything sweet to drink or eat, and no monday night raw to watch which back in 2004 was the shit.
      Yeah i had it nice before i joined and didnt have a clue. Not to mention a nice strawberry icecream banana smoothie i used to drink every night at the restaurant before i went home.
      And at home sometimes i had time to watch a funny movie too, i remember starsky and hutch 2004 i watched many times back then, a hilarious movie.
      All that were cutoff in usmc bootcamp(which felt like eternity) and i met people that had been to prison and told me prison is better than this shit/usmc bootcamp/devil's island/symbolism of the bootcamp above us.
      I see the subliminal now, the prison that is better than the lunar bootcamp symbolizes earth, hahaha mind blowing shit!

  4. November 22 the day of JFKs assassination is the same as the day of the signing of the Treaty of Verona, in my mind theres no doubt theyre linked together:

    PART 7 Page 6781 25 April 1916, by Senator Owens:
    "I wish to put in the RECORD the Secret Treaty of Verona of November 22, 1822,
    showing what this ancient conflict is between the rule of the few and the rule of the
    many. I wish to call the attention of the Senate to this treaty because it is the threat
    of this treaty which was the basis of the Monroe doctrine. It throws a powerful white
    light upon the conflict between monarchial government and government by the

    ARTICLE 1. The high contracting powers being convinced that the system of
    representative government is equally as incompatible with the monarchial principles
    as the maxim of the sovereignty of the people with the high divine right, engage
    mutually in the most solemn manner, to use all their efforts to put an end to the
    system of representative governments, in whatever country it may exist in Europe,
    and to prevent its being introduced in those countries where it is not yet known.

    ART. 2. As it can not be doubted that the liberty of the press is the most powerful
    means used by the pretended supporters of the rights of nations to the detriment of
    those princes, the high contracting parties promise reciprocally to adopt all proper
    measures to suppress it, not only in their own states but also in the rest of Europe.

    ART. 3. Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep
    nations in the state of passive obedience which they owe to their princes, the high
    contracting parties declare it to be their intention to sustain in their respective States
    those measures which the clergy may adopt, with the aim of ameliorating their own
    interests, so intimately connected with the preservation of the authority of the princes ; and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope for
    what he has already done for them, and solicit his constant cooperation in their
    views of submitting the nations.

    1. It was because of this conspiracy against the American Republics by the European monarchies that the great English statesman, Canning, called the attention of our government to it, and our statesmen then, including Thomas Jefferson, took an active part to bring about the declaration by President Monroe in his next annual message to the Congress of the United States that the United States should regard it as an act of hostility to the government of the United States and an unfriendly act if this coalition or if any power of Europe ever undertook to establish upon the American Continent any control of any American Republic or to acquire any territorial rights.
      This is the so-called Monroe doctrine.
      The threat under the Secret Treaty of Verona to suppress popular governments in the American Republics is the basis of the Monroe doctrine.
      This secret treaty sets forth clearly the conflict between monarchial government and popular government and the government of the few as against the government of the many.
      It is a part, in reality, of developing popular sovereignty when we demand for women equal rights to life, to liberty, to the possession of property, to an equal voice in the making of the laws and the administration of the laws.
      This demand on the part of the women is made by men, and it ought to be made by men as well as by thinking, progressive women, as it will promote human liberty and human happiness.
      I sympathize with it, and I hope that all parties will in the national conventions give their approval to this larger measure of liberty to the better half of the human race."
      -- Senator Owens.

      I noticed how they threw womens rights in the mix, same thing they do now with all the spanish speaking migrants flooding the United States where they push womens rights movements to come forward and make a call that no migrant is illegal.
      Hillary Clinton is a big part of this and so is Kamala Harris.

      'Basta! Enough!' Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump

      Always women crying for migrants, everytime theres a commercial about refugees who they put up, a woman.

      Solidarity with Asylum Seekers - Jesuit Refugee Service Mexico

    2. Trumps stolen election has everything to do with this as well, since they kept selling him as a monstrous pussy grabber.
      And the election was stolen through the spanish voting system Scytl, at a time that the cat hole lick/catholic/pussy licker pope calls for Mexicans and spanish speakers to flood the US, and at the same time they jailed all Catalan independence leaders under charges of rebellion against the king.

      Then Jacquelines Kennedy pink suit reminds me of all the pink pussy haters protesters, the pink list killers LGBTQ gay mafia, the death of Anthoine Hubert the driver of a pink formula 2 #19 renault which they buried on September 11 911 2019 right before Covid 19, Bret Harts pink attire and his Montreal Screwjob on November 11 911 1997, Which Bret Hart means Bright Heart means Hubert and the stolen election took place on St Hubert feast day, knights of Hubert run Bohemian Grove with all the sex magick and mind control, cremation of care to make you loose your restraint and act out any acts of sex and violence, of course the groves link back to Hollywood which links back to Nemi and Diana of the woods with all the sacrifices and sex magick rituals, the owl at bohemian grove thats Lilith the goddess of lust, the hexagram is a sexagram to trap souls as food for the worms, the queen of the worms, its all the same, the wild hunt, the moon is the womb.

      The Secret Origin of "Hollywood" will shock you! (R$E)

      Of course all the priests and priestesses worship Mary/Diana/Isis the queen of Heaven/Lunar queen, its a hive sex fertitility cult with a bee queen.

    3. And of course Tarantino also showed the connection from the US-Mexico border to the queen of the worms with his movie From Dusk till Dawn, and what do you see from dusk till dawn, oh the moon.

      Tito & Tarantula - After Dark (HQ + HD) - "From Dusk Till Down" OST

      Yep the pink moon.

      Pink Moon

    4. They say Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain which is another fractal of what you talk about here:

      Something Really Beautiful - Courtney's Love Killed Kurt Cobain

    5. I noticed women go crazy for the church and the monarchy, to me its the opposite it all disgusts me, but its their world so theyre the ones that have to kick me out of here, i couldnt care less about the pope and his kings and queens.

    6. Get out right now, nhanhaha, well i want to get out, do i have to suicide, be raptured or can i be taken to the guillotine?

      JoJo - Leave (Get Out) Official Music Video [2004]

      Couldnt care less about this nonsense.

    7. Alice Sweet Alice movie also comes to mind where the mind controlled woman kills the priest.

      Alice, Sweet Alice (1976) - Trailer

      Maybe i can be killed this way?
      Or The mark of the witch style, this one is more psychadelic.

      Mark of the Witch (1970) Trailer

    8. Alice Sweet Alice is annoying but Mark of the Witch is a good movie.
      What about Female Prisoner Scorpion, man this has to be the best movie ive seen, you could kill me Scorpion style.

      Female Prisoner Scorpion - The Complete Collection Trailer

    9. Its a series of movies, ive seen all 4.
      Those are better than Suspiria.
      And i cant forget Hausu where the lunar queen joins all 7 girls into 1, thats the septagram of Babalon that is on the prow of Luffys boat in One Piece.

      HOUSE (1977) Trailer - The Criterion Collection

    10. All that Intel leaves no doubt in my mind that women are destroyer of nations. They always betray what's best for them and choose the opposite for the fuck of it just like they do today with migrants, BBC etc. Lol If malevolent aliens/fallej angels came to earth today women would be first in line to have sex with them and sell mankind out just like in the days Enoch. I guess that's why they say whore of Babylon.

    11. Women cant really destroy nations as the nations are evil by default, as God is against nations and against the flesh, as God is spirit and women are flesh.
      Its the same story from when Jezebel took over Israel, and then theres the angel of God Jonathan Kleck who left his wife Eleuthera, and Eleuthera means licentious freedom, as in the freedom to be incarnated and have sex with women, wow this is a very convoluted story.

    12. Lol true that. Maybe they're doing their job then. I find woman's nature funny though as they always seek opposite like white women today with interracial sex. They also do the extreme.

    13. I havent voted in portuguese elections for 10 years but of all the candidates they have now the best ones are women, all the men know is to cry that the jewish boogeyman and the chinese are coming to get them.
      I dont see how is anyone coming to get me, ive been get from the beggining, from school to hospitals to church.
      Then they say oh the evil TV is destroying me or some other nonsense.
      But whos making them watch the TV?
      I watch the movies because i want to watch them, nobody is making me.
      I guess i could be mind controlled but still, i was forced into school, vaccination, churches which all these men defend so, that was imposed, it wasnt because i wanted to do those, but now who the jewish are going to come and force me, force me into what exactly, to take more vaccines, to do more useless jobs, who cares thats what i already do.

    14. If women want to reproduce with black men that means nothing to me, im not even white as any real northern european white will call me brown or a moor, and blacks would call me moroccan or pakistani, couldnt care less about the nonsense.
      But asians especially love all the racial nonsense.
      Then they push hard for catholicism but at the same time they flee from catholic countries and flood the protestant american republic, while at the same time transforming catholic coutries like Portugal into little american wanna bes with all the american brands from Pizza hut, Mcdonalds, KFC chicken everywhere, together with american style malls and Netflix, i mean its all american everywhere, yet these people sell me how much they hate protestantism and how much they love catholicism, its all a lie.

    15. Wow Portugal must be extremely right. You can't even say the j word over here. There must be some agenda at hand 4 them to give you that propaganda. Whatever you do don't become like America. We're on the verge of becoming socialist like the nazis

    16. Portugal is nazi socialist and has been since the dictator died back in 1970.
      Then they sell me how patriotic they are while at the same time they bend over constantly to the spanish king, the same spanish crown from which the first portuguese king seeked independence from in the first place, its all a lie.
      Then they say oh the spanish king is just a figure head, he has no real power, yet all the catalan independence leaders got 10 year jail sentences under charges of rebellion against the king, the nonsense is never ending.

    17. They even gave interviews about the concession of Macau back to the chinese and its 20 year anniversary, they said that it will take another 30 years for the transition to be complete!
      50 years it takes to transition back a small province, thats insane.
      And Macau is nothing but brothels and casinos, yet i never see any Netflix shows where they expose the evil russkie mobster women trafickers dealing in chinese prostitutes..

    18. I also get confused by all the doublespeak, from one side they keep crying that there are too many people and so we need to depopulate, then at the same time they keep crying that there are no more marriages, that the family unit is being destroyed and that the fertility rates are falling hard.
      So which one is it, then they import migrants but they cry that the migrants all flee over to France?
      Oh you mean like all the portuguese natives do as well?

    19. The voyage of men that created Washington DC (Daniel Carroll) and the white house also took place on November 22:

      On November 22, 1633, two ships, the Ark and the Dove, set sail from London. The passenger list included three Jesuits, sixteen to twenty Roman Catholic gentlemen, several hundred predominantly Protestant slaves and laborers, and Cecilius Calvert’s brother Leonard.
      Leonard Calvert had been appointed Maryland’s first governor.
      The voyage of the Ark and the Dove was spiritually directed by a Jesuit priest named Andrew White.
      Educated at both St. Omer’s and Douai, a professor for twenty years in Portugal,
      Spain, and Flanders, Andrew White is remembered by the Church as “the Apostle to Maryland.”

      November 22 being the date of JFKs death is not a random date.

    20. What do i mean by they created Washington, well they settled the land in Virginia, Rome on the Potomac that eventually became Washington through the apotheosis of George Washington, its all freemasonry.

    21. Lol If malevolent aliens/fallej angels came to earth today women would be first in line to have sex with them and sell mankind out just like in the days Enoch.

      Ive seen Andy San Dimas having sex with a man dressed up as the alien in American Dad XXX so you are not too far off.
      Same Andy San Dimas that has also given the ventriloquist fractal and the blonde&black hair paradigm that keeps repeating on here.
      I was looking for it on youtube and i only find the cartoon, maybe people do prefer cartoons to live action scenes, i find that odd.

      Heres a picture:

    22. Ok ive found it:

      American Dad Porn Parody Review

      Youre right on the money.

    23. Freaking picture that this dude chose for his porn review tells the whole story, Andy San Dimas black hair/black pope, Francine (i dont know the name of the actress and dont care about it)/white pope, grey alien in the middle showing that the alien runs both sides left/right, catholicism/freemasonry.
      The wholre freemasonic story given in one picture, perfection, right on the money.
      The alien runs the show, the alien is Satan by the way.
      And is Andy San Dimas hot, god damn.

    24. But right there you have everything ive said before, just like in the Miley Cyrus and Dua Lipa prisoner video, black&blonde hair thats the mirror, and Dracula breaks the mirror.

    25. Ive also deocoded that the golden fish in the bowl represents a trapped soul.
      Theres Francine the blonde looking at the fish in the bowl, which blonde is light and i guess thats her trapped soul.
      This is my guess.

    26. Good review by the person who reviewed the American Dad porn parody.
      Yeah it is dumb when they are faking ecstasy and arousal yet theres no action going on, but thats ok since its a movie.
      And Andy San Dimas is a fine actress, most of these porn stars all they do is moan and groan, but ive seen her delivery entire texts of lines during the sex action, thats commitment.
      I even wonder if shes coming up with the lines as the action progresses or whether she has them memorized.

    27. I think most lines are improvised, they just flow well, she gives a smooth delivery.

    28. Francine (i dont know the name of the actress and dont care about it)

      Briana Banks is the actress for Francine, guess i did care.

    29. Wow that picture reminds me of this match commercial where Satan is dating this blonde

    30. That Satan costume must be a pain, look at all the stuff the guy has to hold on his head, i remember Kane the wrestler complaining how hard it is to wrestle with a mask on because it suffocates you, that Satan guy must be experiencing something similar.

      Kane finds his old mask in his storage and wears it again !!!

    31. Andy San Dimas in the American Dad porn has a headband over her forehead, the headband has a septagram on it, just like Jordans flag, just like Luffys boat prow in One Piece, just like the movie Hausu, just like the Snow White story, just like the hendecagram beneath the Statue of Liberty, that represents the two/the mirror becoming one, its always the same thing, just like Miley Cyrus and Dua Lipa, again and again and again and again.

      Miley Cyrus - Prisoner (Official Video) ft. Dua Lipa

    32. Andy San dimas with a septagram on her headband is an easier simple way to portray the exact same meaning as the statue of liberty with a 7 pointed crown over its head.
      Imagine if she was wearing an acual crown instead of a headband with a design on it, the sex action would be more difficult to try and balance that thing over her head.

    33. But thats the same exact thing as the statue of liberty, the liberty to have sex with the angels.

    34. Andy San Dimas has two swallows bird (i guess?) tattoed over her pelvic area, thats the mirror again because theyre opossed to each other, and birds represent souls as well, trapped birds in flesh cages.

      Soundgarden - Rusty Cage [Studio Version]

    35. Doctor And The Medics - Spirit In The Sky

      Thats Lexi Belle roller skating in between septagrams, and she also does the as above so below Baphomet pose.
      Everything here is spirit cookery, its everywhere.

  5. Women will reproduce/ have sex with whatever the media/tptb tell them too as they are just tools LOL all I know is that there's a plan to destabilize the west right especially America with racism, gender confusion, socialism/communism etc. And at the same time China, Russia and other eastern and middle eastern countries are pushing towards more masculinity.

  6. What's your favorite religion Bro? I was raised Catholic too btw. Don't really follow anything now 4 obvious reasons. But often wonder which one is closes to the truth...

    1. I am a christian, the difficulty is that i am lacking in love and a charity, being truthful is also difficult.
      I was raised catholic, i did two communions, catholicism is all a show, people are there for the rituals like marriage, communions, baptisms, funerals as all those are big money makers.
      Most people openly tell me theyre there because theyre going to need a funeral ceremony.
      And processions and Saints feast days, people love all those, its like cosplay all year round.

    2. Catholicism vs protestantism is just the old battle between the clergy and the nobility, thats why they have the black nobility which are those that sided with the pope when he was overthrown and confined juxtaposed against the regular nobility.
      Same thing they have going on with the muslims, which the shia muslims are the ones that side with the ayatollah that is their pope, and the sunni muslims are the ones that side with the nobility.
      Its the old feudalist system, the clergy and the nobility run the show, freemasonry is the righ hand the nobility, catholicism is the left hand the clergy, thats the whole show.

    3. Martin Luther was an aristocrat himself, he wasnt a simple monk, its the nobility, the aristocrats are always trying to take the power back from the pope, thats why there was the roman question, settled by Mussolini when he gave the Vatican sovereignty.

    4. Digital media also makes things complicated, ive watched a lot of movies, listened to a lot of music and played a lot of video games that i have not payed for, so that makes me a thief, or digital pirate, thats not christian.

    5. My favorite religion is "investigatorism", all religions have truth in them and are full with subliminals and secret intel, a playground for an investigator like all movies, cartoons, songs, mythology etc are.

      To find the truth you have to play judge, you listen to all sides and you find the truth in the middle cause everyone is lying and says only what benefits them.
      In short no one has the pure truth, it's up to the ones looking for it to collect its pieces like the scattered dragonballs and put them together to witness the ugliness that is the truth and its worm nature in the image of shenron.


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