Plaque Exposed, It's Fungi!

 I remember dr berg i used to listen to saying "it's calcium, drink ACV so your body breaks it down and it doesnt go to your teeth and become plaque, to your bones and becomes arthritis etc".
Others on youtube were saying "floss immediately after you eat, keep scrubbing with a toothbrush there twice a day"

The past 2 years especially after chemo and antibiotics i had horrible plaque buildup on my lower teeth i couldnt get rid of for good. It would keep regrowing over and over again to the point i gave up.

I started using a 3 tesla magnetic pulser and a steam sauna 3 months ago and out of nowhere all plaque on my lower teeth melted and went away without me doing anything else. I had stopped brushing my teeth too, i would brush maybe once a week or 2.

So i did some research if plaque is fungi and holy moly!

Fungi and bacteria team up in dental plaque

"the researchers showed that the bacteria and fungi worked together to form a particularly tough biofilm. In their new study published in PLOS Pathogens, the group figured out how the bacteria and fungi interact."

When i read elsewhere how fungi and bacteria are sworn enemies i said "yeah right, more like good cop bad cop" and it reminded me dolores in westworld that told bernard(both robots) how they need to be enemies to ensure their survival. 
That's why i loved the above intel on plaque that exposes how bacteria and fungi work together.

Bacteria are prokaryote while fungi are eukaryote, take a good look at this picture, what do you see?

 Semen and egg fractal, now you know how close those 2 work together.

And the reason brushing or flossing doesnt work is because these bastards are below the gum line too so when you brush or floss is like cutting the grass outside your home while leaving the roots intact for it to regrow immediately after.
While my pulser and sauna go after the whole thing, it cant hide from those and the reason i finally found salvation without doing anything else.

While others scrubbing and flossing all day scared, me i chill in my sauna for 15 minutes and use my pulser while sitting comfortably for 8 minutes twice a day. 

It's good to know thy enemy, life's easy when you know, hell when you dont know.
"Ignorance is bliss" my ass and you have to be ignorant to believe it.

This article is also a good read
Influence of the magnetic field on microorganisms in the oral cavity 



  1. Tartar reminds me of Tartarus the hell zeus trapped the titans after he defeated them.
    Fungi flesh and earth subliminal.

  2. Good find kaboom. My mom has dementia which is caused by plaque buildup in the brain. I also have gum disease which is caused by plaque and tartar in the gums. I even had surgery and they told me I might have to do the surgery again so I just said fuck it and just stopped going to the dentist.l entirely. I see now that these traps were already set in place cuz they told me at 7 that I would to get gum surgery along with other things. This place is completely rigged. All we can do now is get out like that movie.

    1. I pulse my brain too with the magnetic pulser, thanks for telling me this plaque goes to the brain like all fungi love to go too.
      I had serious pain in my teeth too and my gums would get inflamed all the time.
      Now my teeth and gums as a whole are doing great and i dont have pain anymore.
      I used to had such horrible pains i was considering pulling some teeth out, not anymore.

    2. Wow it's amazing how similar our experience are. The plaque and tartar buildup was also in my lower teeth, gums and below my gum line as well. I would also feel horrible pain as my gums were always inflamed and swollen and would bleed when I brushed my teeth. The bacteria must have had a field day at my expense. I also noticed that when I lost weight and got my bmi down that the bacteria didn't stick around as much lol there's so much they don't tell us about sentient bacteria/fungus and worms. And you're correct ignorance is not bliss, it's very painful!

    3. After i got leukemia i had same problem, every time i brush my teeth they would bleed a lot, it's not as bad anymore but goes to show how fungi is behind both of our problems.
      I see now tartar/plaque as a sign of too much fungi buildup in one's body which will lead to all kinds of problems like it did to me.


    The sky was blue and bright not dark and grey.
    The air was clear and you could go out to play.

    There were green hills and flowers,
    no buildings and no toxic power.
    The sea was full of life.
    No plastic bags and no pools of oil.

    You ask yourself who is responsible.
    Who had the right to steal your life.

    You are not guilty.
    When you were born it was all too late.
    Look out of your window,
    and ask this big grey sky about your fate.

    I miss seafood, especially ceviche.. God it really feels like this world was intentionally designed to maximize the amount of pain & grief you can harvest from its amnesiac inmates.

    1. I never really was a fan of beef anyways, so having to give up seafood years ago is such a torture. What type of world is that? Where that's no longer safe for consumption, sounds like a trauma factory.

      Salmon hasn't spawned naturally in decades.
      Richard Proenneke would shake his head at how horrible things have gotten since his departure.

  4. In Greek mythology, Tartarus is the deep abyss that is used as a dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked and as the prison for the Titans.

    1. Oh you had already spotted this connection on the comments, i am sorry.

    2. And this fungi like tartarus sure torments the hell out of us. It even robbed our memories like it keeps doing to the old people.


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