More North Korea Fractals.

 Listen to 42:06 and after.

-There are 3 types of prisons in North Korea, in one you are born there and live there for the rest of your life to pay for sins your ancestors have done.

In the other prisons you get brainwashed like her father and abdulah ocalan and when you come out you are a complete different person.

Listen at 46:06
-He was so empty, his eyes were hollow and then he started singing songs praising the god of north korea kim(or jesus, allah etc, our programming).
It wasn't him and in some ways that was worse than killing him, they killed his soul permanently he never came back.
In his deathbed told me "never betray our dear leader".

I found hilarious when she said that Kim is placing mines at the border of north korea and soldiers with machine guns(see Antarctica military bases from all nations) to make sure none of his slaves escape as it reminded me identical intel from hades mythology where hades was taking extreme measures to make sure no one escapes.
In westworld s1 they could make our bodies explode if we manage to escape.
In robocop 2014 when robocop jumped the wall(antarctica fence) they shut him down wirelessly.

I had suspected those mines at the border of north korea were placed by north korea and not by the west james bond die another day was claiming and here we learn who placed those mines from the horse's mouth. It's important to know this and the genetic liquid bomb or poison they have placed inside us(through vaccines also) if we decide to leave this place or when our loved ones from the outworld get to us so they dont get hurt when we explode like in universal soldier ii brothers in arms and android 16 from dbz.

This scene is identical also to what the north korea girl witnessed when she saw her father again.

The north korea girl also said the entire north korea is a concentration camp and the slow train she talked about that moves across the entire north korea daily and no one knows what it carries inside it nor is allowed to enter symbolizes our moon and it carries the frozen betrayed sleeping god/monkey king/our sleeping form.

The north korea girl became also a slave trade business owner in china and sold her own mother to slavery too. This is lunar queen subliminal(kidnapped girl from taken movie and helen of troy that now runs the show) and how she will screw her own family when they come here to save her thinking of her as a victim and an innocent little girl while she's now the queen of the worst kind of criminals.
You could see the lunar queen in the north korea girl when she said how she had become cold, ruthless, unable to feel anything not even for her father that came to see her after prison.
She was programmed to believe that life is a gift and that doing anything to survive is acceptable(like selling your own mother to slavery) and was stunned later when christians taught her "Death Before Dishonor" and how some sins you can never wash and is better to die instead.

This shows the kind of thinking asians have and the superior ethics and morality of the west.
In china uncensored there was a recent video about china creating human chimeras which i have exposed the reason of all these chimera superheroes, antman, spiderman etc to exist so they can brainwash humanity of how cool this is so when they introduce human chimeras to the masses they get accepted into their society.

The west is creating human chimeras too but they have laws to not allow them to live more than 14 days after conception and now they try to remove these laws cause china is doing it without restrictions.
China is behind lobbying to remove these laws from the west as they plan to introduce human chimeras globally.
Chimera can be a trap also of losing your human rights and making it easy for the elite or china to genocide humanity when there's no humanity in humans left and they see us all as beasts.

Just like in zombie movies, you go zombie you lose your human rights and now they can genocide the sick and look like heroes while doing it too.
Which reveals if making us lose our human rights is what china is after then a virus that will mutate humanity is what they have in the works.


  1. About the north korean prison where people pay for their ancestors' sins it reminded me when i suspected countless times and said "i must have done something to the worms in a previous life for them to hate me so much and try to make my life miserable since birth", as we are our ancestors mixed and bastardized with other people dbz fusion style.

    I have suspected also that the worms might be punishing me and others for things i/we might do in the future as like in minority report they calculate and predict what we're gonna do before we do it, so if in the future i become a purifier like in chronicles of riddick where i undo the cross/mixing they'll sure be mad at me now for what i might become later even if they can prevent me from becoming, the possibility alone makes them furious.

    I found interesting the intel the north korean girl gave out that they punish your soul for 3 generations for sins you did in the past which reminded me the 3 days intel and i realized the 3 generations is not only for punishing but also for programming just like they also do in north korean prisons and they do it for so long/3 generations/3 days=3 thousand years so it takes deep root in us and we come out as a zombie or robot just like i felt after spending 6 months in usmc bootcamp.

    Same thing they did to elktra in defenders and i loved stick when he knew the old elektra was still there and told her "listen kid she(lunar queen) is full of shit, snap out of the programming"

    I think they know their programming eventually fails but they hope it lasts long enough for us to get the job done(which is kill our loved ones in the outside world).

    1. Just like elektra was about to kill her loved one in above video who had raised her as a child, father symbolism. She also tried to kill matt after she got programmed who was also her loved one.
      Lunar scum/north koreans kidnap people from the outworld, program them ocalan style and send them back out to kill their loved ones.
      I think i got a good grip of how the whole system works.

  2. The kidnapped victim becoming lunar queen/boss reminded me matrix 3 where all humans became lunar boss at the end.
    That's why in tenet 2020 the lunar queen told the black guy "you are a protagonist"(implying there's countless more) and was shown that his future agent smith infected self is running the show/is the big boss on earth.

    This was shown also in taken movie where all albanians were carrying the lunar mark and were saying "we all are big boss marko".
    In waterworld lunar boss said "if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself" and the reason he imprints himself or worms within on everyone to make sure the job gets done exactly the way he wants it.

    1. All humans becoming lunar boss/queen was shown also in westworld s2 where maeve told dolores "you plan to replace humanity with copies of yourself" and she replied "you all already are".

    2. Now i kinda feel stupid telling everyone i come across everything i know as it feels like i'm telling it to lunar queen's face hahaha! That is so funny and terrifying at the same time.

    3. Yesterday i posted this thor video in previous thread
      and was scratching my head why all asgardian women have the same hairstyle with the lunar queen/frigga like they all try to look like her, hahaha i get it now sneaky hollywood bastards, it symbolizes they all are copies of her like the agent smith clones.

  3. Since history repeats i have said before we can learn history real time and in detail and first person view by paying attention what is happening now.
    Mythology informs us the human chimeras has happened in the past and then they all got exterminated.
    Funny how religious people believe that god killed them where in reality the ones who killed them were also the ones who created them in the first place!

    I guess they dont wanna feel guilt committing global human genocide so lets make them lose all their humanity first they say like money and numbers do.
    Going robocop makes you lose also your human rights and was said to robocop's face in the 2014 movie.
    Lunar boss in surrogates then went on to kill all robots/humans feeling no guilt saying "we died the moment we plugged into these damn machines".

    Then in the future religious sheeple will say "god punished us again babylon style for all this filth we became" being ignorant again god/boss of earth/north korea was the one who created such filth in the first place.

  4. I noticed another virginity we have and if we lose it we lose even more value.
    It's murder, that's why in taken movies, gemini man and so many others the father doesnt allow his daughter or son to commit murder even on bad guys and he kills them for us instead.

    So what i learned innocence has great value, you have sex you lose innocence and devalue yourself, you kill humans, animals, plants etc you lose innocence and you devalue yourself even further to the point you have no value and no one from the outworld wants to buy you, then sent back to earth/beginning/purge and start all over for better luck next time.

    The lunar scum always encouraged humans(through religions mostly) to stay virgins and innocent from ancient times profiting by selling us to the outworld taken movie style but at the same time they dont want all of us to be innocent as they need their slaves too.

    Yakuza apocalypse comes to mind where lunar boss was brainwashing in his basement imprisoned humans to be faithful, good, innocent etc as then their blood had great taste and value and was slaughtering them like sheep to sell their blood to his vampire friends.
    Same thing was shown in stardust movie, the lunar queen and her friends loved to drink the blood of innocent good girls and kids. Cloud atlas had identical intel.

    So yeah being innocent can backfire big time lol.
    Not to mention the elite pedophiles that love to rape and drink blood of young boys because of their innocence which is a fractal that gives away the bigger picture i exposed right above.

    So being innocent gets you screwed,
    losing your innocence, having sex, go robot, mutant etc gets you also screwed.
    Just do whatever makes you happy man, just dont have kids.

    1. Or be lukewarm like in the bible cause no one wants to drink lukewarm water lol which means somewhere in the middle of innocence and filth is best to be.
      But the worms get you when lukewarm so yeah that sucks too.

    2. Forgot to mention my platoon in afghanistan back in 2008 at the last week they started killing camels saying "what i'm gonna tell my family, i went to afghanistan and didnt kill anything?"
      and they tried to manipulate me too into killing animals and one got pissed at me cause i didnt run a dog over with my big truck that passed in front of me.
      I was under strong peer pressure to kill innocent animals and instead i felt disgusted by what they did as i loved camels and had never seen one from close before.

      Now in the afterlife my platoon will find out how much they devalued themselves making them as worthy as a 3 dollar hooker and will regret what they did.

      I just googled "3 dollar hooker" and found out there's a drink that goes by that name and rofled so hard hahaha!

    3. Wow youre amazing for caring for those animals even when facing pressure and opposition, you have a very gentle soul.

      Ive noticed that contradiction in movies, in The Wickerman (1973) Sargeant Howie gets burned at the Wicker Man for the crime of being an innocent virgin, while in the Devils (1971) Father Grandier gets tortured and burned at the stake for the crime of being a lustful womanizer.
      So the solution appears to be in the middle, yet the bible says that being lukewarm gets you spitted out by God:

      Revelation 3:15-16
      “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.
      So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.

      Another similar fractal ive noticed with Stone Cold the pro wrestler, ive already mentioned this in GLP as he is constantly mockingJohn 3:16 and at GLP people replied back with Revelation 3:16.
      People said oh hes cold and god only hates the lukewarm.
      But the Stone Cold character killed the whole format of the WWF/WWE that was structured around hot&cold, they had the good guys (face) fighting the bad guys (heel), but then the Stone Cold character killed that format and everybody became a mixture of good&evil a tweener:

      "A tweener is a character who is portrayed as being morally neutral or ambiguous (that is, they are between a face and a heel). Sometimes referred to as greys. Another term to describe this type of character is an anti-hero (or an anti-villain)."

      That basically killed the show as from then on it became just a big mash of segments, the stories no longer have a continuity and a point to them, everything blends together.

      "Stone Cold" gives his iconic "Austin 3:16" speech: King of the Ring 1996, only on WWE Network

      I remember Jake the snake being critical about this and he was saying how he wished the show went back to good guys vs bad guys, i dont remember where i saw it though.

      Every single WHAT-! from Stone Cold Steve Austin

    4. They should have called the character lukewarm Steve, he basically killed the show, the whole point of the stories is that you have to develop heroes and villains but thanks to that character the show became the 50 shades of grey.

      CEO Stone Cold Steve Austin first day on the Job as the Boss

      “Stone Cold” declares #316Day a National Holiday: Raw, March 16, 2020

      Fifty Shades Of Grey - Official Trailer (Universal Pictures) HD

    5. Jake the snake and rattlesnake quoting 3:16 is subliminal that the biblical snake/satan/lucifer etc is the son of god who like loki rebelled and betrayed his own father/god.
      The 3:16 verse is so sinister, it's basically the son the devil blackmailing that now if we dont believe in him we'll die.

      The picture with virgin mary holding the son and the father is missing from the picture is subliminal that now the whole earth is at the mercy of the lunar queen frigga and her bastard son loki.

    6. I just googled "frigga", first picture shows her as a weaver, like penelope, athena and the rebel wife of set in gods of egypt was hidden behind a wall(earth's dome) Set had surrounded with his armies and under constant bombardment like princess leia's mothership was in newest star wars movie, where she escaped like a thief in the night and made it(her mothership/earth) blew up at the face of the empire.


    Hela in thor ragnarok's deleted scene first thing she did as soon she got out of prison earth was kill her own father.
    They had an alien/angel invasion too she fought while imprisoned on earth which i suspect was the staged event they plan to do to us to demonize the outworld, so when they let us out of here all we do is kill.

    1. First thing i'll do when i get out of here is find out if ice cream, chocolate and watermelon exists in the outworld. If it doesnt i'll hate getting out of here, unless there's a good alternative.

  6. At the north korea video on top at 1:20:18 jordan peterson asks the girl
    "how you felt when found out, everything you were taught since you were born and everything your parents were taught, every single bit of it, was a lie"

    I really felt that one and how it applies to all humanity and started calling North Korea "Little North Korea" and started laughing for when the girl will realize she didn't escape north korea but entered a bigger version of North Korea.

    And then the girl blew me away!
    She went to columbia university in 2016-2020 in new york and realized same system and censorship they have in north korea they have also in the west and how no one in the west, no celebrity, media, university etc dares to speak out against the chinese communist regime and she realized there's not a single place on earth THAT IS FREE!

    Listen at 1:44:26
    She said also college in the west is a complete waste of time, energy and money and how it's all about shaping you on how to think instead of actually teaching you actual stuff you can do in real life like her university in south korea was teaching which south korea now is becoming communist.

    Earlier she said in north korea you're not allowed to own anything and reminded me friends in usa who told me same thing that we really dont own anything, not even our home or car as the moment you stop paying their taxes they're taken from you.

    If the outworld is killing animals or lifeforms for consumption and their bodies are not perpetual machines free from the needs we have here that alone will tell me the outworld is another onion layer, an even bigger version of north korea.

    "Is there any truly free place in this world right now"

    In army of the dead they told to our face america is not a free country, in the scene where they called cut off from the rest world zombie vegas a freeer country.

    I noticed also how there's not freedom of speech in usa, try to speak your mind on glp, reddit, online forums, davidicke forum, youtube etc and the mods immediately shut you down. People say they are private corporations they can do what they want.

    I say to those assholes, in my own house to do anything i need a freaking permit, these private corporations if they wanna operate in usa they should be required to abide by usa constitutional laws otherwise they can go operate in china and north korea, places that welcome their practices and operate like they do.

    I remember 10 years ago in icke's forum mods were shutting me down all the time when saying anything bad about china. In glp just mentioning words like jew, banned etc(while even saying only good things) in your posts gets you automatically banned, these assholes have word land mines. Then turn around and play the american patriot while shitting on the first amendment.

    1. I was also banned from alex jones' youtube channel 11 years ago and couldnt post any comment there for a whole decade until youtube banned him.
      Another american patriot that was censoring people left and right.
      I had made a comment back then when i used to think the jews are on top of the food chain that he never says anything about the jews and that got me banned.

      I like him now for exposing china but i used to hate him back then especially for lying about billy cooper.

    2. Damn, search on google images "columbia university",d_placeholder_euli9k,h_1440,w_2560,x_0,y_0/dpr_1.5/c_limit,w_1044/fl_lossy,q_auto/v1544553278/181211-melendez-columbia-student-rant-hero_h6ws7e

      Do you see the dome?
      Earth=school subliminal that shapes your mind/brainwashes you abdullah ocalan style and north korean girl's father style and spit you out to the outworld as a remote controlled zombie to carry out tasks of the old fat hag principal/lunar queen that runs this freaking prison/school we call earth.


      "Alma Mater is a bronze sculpture by Daniel Chester French which is located on the steps leading to the Low Memorial Library on the Morningside Heights campus of Columbia University in Manhattan, New York City. It is a personification of the traditional image of the university as an alma mater, or "nourishing mother"."

      Batista!!!! get her batista get that bitch!

      In a thor 2 deleted scene father odin let his wife die in front of him.
      She was an illusionist like loki which shows everything about her, especially her appearance and now the kingdom she runs in our father's absence is a lie and an illusion, and asgard's beauty is an illusion and in reality a disgusting filthy sewer like sakaar called also the devil's asshole/sewer.

      "An owl, a symbol of knowledge and learning, is hidden in the folds of Alma Mater's cloak near her left leg and college superstition has it that the first member of the incoming class to find the owl will become class valedictorian. The legend at another time was that any Columbia student who found the owl on his first try would marry a woman from Barnard.
      In the early morning hours of May 15, 1970, a bomb was planted on the statue. The resulting explosion caused significant damage to Alma Mater's throne. The damage remained until 1978, when the statue was removed from Columbia. The throne was recast and the sculpture was cleaned, refinished with a new patina, and returned to the Low steps."

      They say also that statue symbolizes the entire school, so the statue getting blown up symbolizes earth school getting blown up like in x-men apocalypse and army of the dead.
      In x-men apocalypse they literally turned the school into a prison to make sure no one escapes while it explodes and we were saved the last moment by our family from the outworld.

    5. Like batista saved also his daughter in army of the dead while zombie vegas/earth was getting nuked.

    6. The word Lilith is used for owl in the bible:

      Isa 34:14  The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl (H3917 Lilith)
      also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest. 

      H3917 Lilith
      A night spectre: - screech owl.
      From H3915 Lil
      a twist (away of the light), that is, night; figuratively adversity
      The same as H3883 Lul
      To fold back; a spiral step: - winding stair
      Compare H3924 Lula
      A loop

      Think a black wormhole.

  7. At the north korean video go to 1:55:06

    "Imagine all of us became enslaved like north koreans, all of us did in that system"

    Yeap she gave it away here, all earth is north korea.

    1. She gives amazing intel about china at the end, how china is the big boss and pretty much all countries are working for china.

      To me the chinese were stupid space bandits like yondu's gang in guardians of galaxy no one took as a serious threat until they got the father's wife/mastermind as their new queen and now seeing how great they rule and play earth for thousands of years, have become ambitious dreaming ruling the outworld too.

      I have suspected and said in glp the lunar boss/queen is not chinese and will genocide all chinese too after their job is done and does not need them anymore.
      That would be quite the karma for the chinese communist assholes.

    2. Oh forgot totally, i had exposed before all military around the world is run by communists and all use fear and blind obedience as their main tool for training, wanting subservient persians instead of proud fearless spartans.

      The nk girl in above video said in north korea you are not allowed to say I.
      In usmc bootcamp same exact thing, you are severely punished if you say I, you suppose to say "this recruit" when talking about yourself.

      Now think, if communists run the military of all nations, what makes you think they dont run the government too?
      My uncle in greece told me how disgusted he was when he went to the police department and everyone there was a communist, even the women.

      No wonder nothing will stop china from coming to power/coming out of the shadow that is and how the game on earth is rigged as hell.

      Lunar queen, may father Batista give you hell for what you did to his children. You give hell to the chinese after their job is done, then after your job is done, here comes the animal.

    3. China is an anagram for chain and chain represents slavery.
      Remember John Cena who is now talking in chinese, his pro wrestling character was part of the Chain/China gang.

      John Cena Invents The Chain Gang 12-30-04

      Here's John Cena's Full Apology To China

    4. Chainese people is like chained/enslaved people.

      DIO - Egypt (The Chains Are On)

      In the bible the chains represent the ligaments of the body.
      The devils tarot card shows male and female chained.

    5. The devil = the lived = the dead
      The dead are chained to the grave and they have no chi/life force/vitality.
      China = Chain = Chi Na = No Chi

    6. Heres John Cena pissing on graves.

      The Dr. Of Thuganomics spitting a graveyard freestyle on The Undertaker! This was the best Cena!��

    7. John Cenas championship spins like Lilith, a loop, like a vortex, wormhole.
      The spin a roo, can you dig it sucka, like a black wormhole sucking stars out in space.
      John Cena says we fight together, we ride together, we are live together, he should have said we die together, communism basically, communion, the hive mind, sharing chi life force.

      Best Booker T Spinaroonie

    8. You cant see me, i cant see who, the lunar boss right, hidden in plain sight.

      John cena you can't see me lyrics

      John Cena = JC = Jesus Christ

      One of the first scenes i saw Andy San Dimas in was called "You dont even notice me", i dont notice who, the lunar queen right, and she wanted to be a ventriloquist which gives wireless hive mind control symbolism, the puppet master.

      Batman: The Animated Series(1992 - 1995) - Scarface And The Ventriloquist

    9. If the Chinese are the devil...then what about the blacks? Lol

    10. Many blacks have white feet soles and white hand palms. I suspect in ancient times their ancestors were hit by some kind of lunar weaponry radiation which turned all parts that were exposed to it black while the parts that werent exposed to it remained white.

      Many blacks in africa are bleaching their skin to make it white which to me looks to be their ancient white subconscious in them trying to restore its ancient form.

      From google after googling "africa are bleaching their skin"

      "Data collected by the World Health Organization (WHO) determined that 40% of African women regularly use skin lightening or bleaching creams. ... Nigeria leads the purchasing trend with 77% of women using skin bleaching products (cream and non-cream based), followed by 59% in Togo, 27% in Senegal and 25% in Mali."

      I met a filipino woman who told me in filipines they do injections under the skin to turn it white.
      That's why it irritates me seeing all this hate towards whites while everyone behind closed doors is trying to become whiter/restore their ancient form.
      Of course china is behind fueling all this hate towards whites to divide the west and cause civil war.
      (to me restoring my ancient form would be killing all chinese/mongol genes from my bone marrow and i would love to turn my skin red in honor of the ancient american red race the mongols completely genocided with help from the moon).

      China in greek is Kina which is anagram of Kain(Cain in english) and USA in greek numerology according to greek mathematicians equals Abel and they predict china will kill usa like cain did to abel as usa is abel.

      I noticed also usa being a mixed race country to symbolize also the chinese chimera(=americha) mixed dragon, so china killing usa would be like killing their own dragon.
      "We are the dragon's race" they say with pride while fixing to kill the same dragon they're so proud of. A bunch of blind idiots they are and always will be and without lilith/athena/lex luthor as their leader they wouldnt have gotten anywhere.

    11. China killing their own dragon reminded me of king piccolo killing shenron in dbz which was his creation in the first place.

    12. I think i'm on the money that blacks were white in ancient times and were exposed to lunar weapons that hit earth in ancient times according to ghrees sources.
      Look at this africa map
      In the school i went to when a kid the teachers said the sun turned the blacks black.
      Do you see the desert line on africa map that starts from the atlantic ocean and goes all the way to asia?
      Now go see the sun mirror weapon from die another day movie, how it was moving on earth.
      This is exactly what this looks like, this stretch of desert was caused by the sun mirror that literally burned the land and turned it into a desert and anyone near the killzone turned black from all the intense light or radiation.
      So there's truth in my teacher's teachings that the sun turned the blacks black but they had no clue how the sun did it.

      Again the white footsoles and palms of blacks give that away.
      This picture is all the money!

      We live in a criminal world, nothing is natural and blacks didnt become blacks naturally is what i suspect.

    13. The word mera in japanese means burning.
      Chi means life force.
      Ch-mera means burning life force.
      Thats what mixing does, it burns/consumes life force, because life force has to be pure.

    14. Like your teacher i think that skin color has to do with the sun, same as toasts in a toaster.
      Before you put the toast in the toaster it is white.
      Put it in the toaster it becomes brown/mongrel.
      Leave it for longer and it burns/turns black.

    15. You nailed it with the toast picture man! The blacks were white that burned by the sun like the sun still does to this day slowly until it gets activated again james bond sun mirror style, then the genes within burn too and the darkness becomes permanent.
      I saw a white man in greece one summer when i was a kid who had turned completely black by the sun and was so blown away.

      Thank you for the mera intel, in greek mera is day and had noticed before day is from die and die is subliminal for dye/getting painted.
      I used to think to die is to be painted/dyed in blood/consumed by the blood and born as a human on earth.

      Now i see the role the sun plays in dying/dyeing and i'm more blown away.
      Damn i so want to blow up the sun(3rd hidden in plain sight moon) now as bad as the other 2 moons for all the crimes it has committed on this planet and no one has a clue.

      From james bond die another day

      "I hope nobody here is superstitious.
      That's one big mirror we're about to break."

      If the sun is a mirror and is blocking the exit of this cave like the moon does in eclipses then we are literally trapped in a mirror(or by a mirror) like ravena in huntsman movies.(she was trapped after death in a gold circular mirror that symbolized our sun).
      At the end her sun prison breaks like a mirror and she flies free like a bird that just got released from its cage!

    16. The media and science scaring us with sun solar flares hitting earth give away subliminally the james bond icarus weapon our sun is which was owned and controlled by a north korean dictator in that movie.

      Everyone thinks north korea is a joke, until they activate icarus that is.
      Then earth will get more desert stretch marks like the one africa has and new generations wont have a clue what caused them.
      By the way the center of the ancient atlantean empire has been exposed by archeologists to be located on north africa right where the desert line begins.
      The asians burned that empire to dust with their sun mirror man, sick bastards!

  8. I agree with you 100%. In LOTR the evil wizard admitted that the orcs/blacks used to be the beautiful elfs until they were captured by the dark side and were twisted and mutilated. Kind of reminds me of the slavetraders taking blacks from their original continent of Africa and taking them west and other places and mixing their genes to get an dumb, down yet stronger version of the original African blacks.

    1. I watched a japanese hentai anime long ago where lunar boss/devil was a scientist doing genetic modifications on humans and was enlarging their genitals(penis) so they can go spread his new genes everywhere on earth and women to prefer to have sex with his new mutants because of their better looking and bigger penises.

      So there's definitely genetic modifications that are happening under our nose and new improved races to be introduced in humanity all the time since ancient times.
      There are many blacks that dont have a big penis and are depressed thinking they are not black enough or their women calling them not black enough because their penis is not gigantic. They should be proud for being not mutant enough and closer to the original thing.

      Not to mention in porn industry everything is fake(even the cum) and those giant penises that are erected all the time and never shrink look like they were augmented with pvc pipe. There are actually penis augmentation surgeries where they cut men's genitals in half put something in between(pvc pipe lol) and attach them again.

    2. Damn bro you and I have similar experiences and I'm black LOL i always felt that my other half was white and that they made me a mutant that's why I am what I am now. Even other races feel like this that's why skin bleaching is so popular among asians and africans. I do believe that we all come from the original white race and. lunar boss and then they mixed our genes to futher divide and conquer us so they can keep us fighting!

    3. when i was a kid in greece, i was crazy about watermelon and chicken and when came to america i was told that it's a black thing and how only blacks love watermelon and chicken.(i was like i must be black then)
      That's one example of the many things i noticed i love to do and blacks love to do too.
      There's a staggering amount of evidence that point of a secret relationship between blacks and whites and no wonder why the asians love to turn us against each other.

      Also blacks being shamed for having no ancient giant structures to show in africa, imagine word gets out that africans originate from the ancient atlantean empire and the reason they have nothing to show for it is cause their kingdom was burned to dust by the asians.
      Also the asians are very afraid of the blacks like they're ancient enemies while blacks having completely forgot memento movie style. In china they fear the blacks like they're demons.
      China colonizing africa and telling the blacks that they're ancient friends terrifies me especially now that i know who made that desert stretch mark on africa.
      China plays africa exactly like trinity was playing her victim suffering from short amnesia in memento movie.

  9. Two new suggestions for decoding: Loki s01e01; Infinite (2021)

    1. I just saw the infinite 2021 trailer.
      Pause at 1:02, do you see the white human being burned into a black toast?
      Now go to 1:03, sun mirror icarus at it again, making humanity black again.

      The intel that blacks are white is also in iron sky movie where a black man went to the moon and came back white and almost got killed by his black friends on earth that didnt recognize him. What they show us in hollywood the exact opposite is usually the truth like scientologist mongol puppet louis farrakhan promoting the whites came from blacks.
      Similarly in venom movies promoting the worms giving us superpowers while in reality they are the bottleneck, the kryptonite that makes superman human.

      Then there's Heraclitus who said "the opposites are the same" which also reveals the secret relationship between blacks and whites, not to mention both are a mix of RGB.
      I suspect the blacks to be remnants of the ancient atlantean empire(which was located in the african desert) and getting humiliated on earth by their ancient enemies like they do to the rest of us, punishing us for sins and pain we gave them in ancient times.

      Similar to the armenian genocide which was punishment for what the armenians did to the mongol turks in ancient times, blocking them access going west for thousands of years.

    2. I used to love the sun when a kid only to find it backstabbing me like judas giving me disgusting moles. Every time the sun looks at me i get moles and i so hated them since a kid. I got very excited when i learned how to kill them, my preferred method now is food grade peroxide 25% as i can kill them permanently within 15 minutes. Scratch them a little with a needle, keep applying fgp while pressing hard with a qtip until they turn black, game over.

    3. I should mention when i was a kid forced to do humiliating jobs by my father like the girl in jupiter ascending cleaning toilets on earth while being the betrayed king/queen/god of earth, i so felt same way while doing those disgusting jobs, feeling like these jobs are not for me and how they are too humiliating for my pride.
      Little did i know how right my feelings were and how i was getting punished and humiliated by the lunar scum themselves for what i used to be.

      I'll get you bastards, i'm not hating my father anymore knowing now who was behind.
      Then again i'm thinking to just play the doctor when i get my powers back, cure the sick instead of playing revenge cause they're sick in the head for treating us the way they do and revenge is for immature people not fit to a wise God.
      Now if the cure has fire in it, i cant deny i'll enjoy applying it to them hahaha.

    4. Just saw loki s1 ep1.
      The time keepers are those who run our shitty prison, the file=life prerecording is their brainwashing they do on us to help them after we wake up/it finishes like they try to do with loki, help them save them from our loved ones or from what we could become just like here with future loki.

      Loki's last name just like the first name is lucifer subliminal, lufeyson.
      The episode ended with an oil trap lucifer setup on earth for the outsiders. I was always suspicious of all the oil we evaporate into our atmosphere and this episode showed the lunar boss plans to ignite it and burn everyone when the outworld gets in here.

    5. In loki s1 ep1 is infuriating when you realize these bastards are doing the exact opposite of what they claim to do, we like loki were destined to become kings/were kings but got kidnapped/removed from our path and now through the brainwashing they put us through here they are creating a new path for us, that dreaded red line/offshoot they parade as protecting the sacred line/path from.

      May your enemies burn you to hell assholes like future loki did at the end.
      The reason our powers dont work in their realm is because it's a prerecording/dream and we asleep and wireless connected to humanoid drones.
      The reset and start all over is part of the brainwashing, repetition is brainwashing and the reason we have to watch the cassette/file/life over and over again.
      And the reason they can teleport us back and forth like a cassette as that's not the real loki, that's the cassette, the real loki is asleep watching the cassette.

    6. Watch also the scene where loki was teleporting the black woman back and forth, he was moving his hand on the remote like he was spinning a cassette.
      Which means none of that were real but all part of the cassette/file=life with one purpose to program the asleep/dreamers.

      Now you know why this was meant to happen, that was meant to happen, or this wasnt meant to happen, lets reset and watch again, they are brainwashing the fools with prerecordings called lifes=files so they behave a certain way when they wake up and released back to the real world.

    7. Which is exactly what they do in north korean prisons. They are killing our soul and replace it with a program/cassette/brainwashing.

    8. In short they kidnap loki destined to become king of midgard, asgard and the 9 realms, program him to a drone and release him back into his main path/line to become that king they will be controlling like a puppet.

    9. In Rage of Mages 2 the plot twist/revelation was that the king was actually a brain dead zombie being wirelessly mind controlled by a wormhole travelling necromancer ventriloquist style.
      Heres that revelation in case youre interested:

      Rage of Mages II walkthrough part 35. (The King's Hunt)

    10. Back in the day you had to fight a war to earn yourself an empire, not anymore looks like it, you simply kidnap the king or heir to the throne for 3 days, brainwash, give back and make sure he gets that throne.

      Some masterminds and evil ex wives are always trying to ice skate uphill.

    11. Im loosely following the story on Elon Musk and his X coin, paypal and online payment processing methods plus the self-driving Teslas and im sure theres a link here to the brain washing wireless ventriloquist hidden script as thats all part of the same hidden digital hand of freemasonry:

      EXPOSED... what Elon Musk is REALLY up to with CRYPTO! (Watch to the end)

      The X-Men were being wirelessly puppeteered by Professor X ventriloquist style, Wolverine story lines were even all about him having amnesia, Magneto had the helmet to protect his vault/skull, im sure theres something here as well, everything in this dream world is staged and symbolic.

    12. Even with all the X, X wife, she was my X right thats symbolic im sure.
      Shes the queen of the reich.

      Queensryche - Queen Of The Reich (Official Video)

    13. In Videodrome she was calling herself the new flesh.

      Cult Horror Movie Scene N°35 - Videodrome (1983) - Long Live The New Flesh

    14. Ive also have not been able to send more money to the GLP homeless as Paypal has blocked me on an ID issue and i have not had my ID renewed because they have restricted access to in person government services due to covid.
      They want me to do the whole proccess of renewing my ID digitally online through the machine, no human contact which is what i am doing.
      I would like to help him further but my hands are tied at the moment and this is the truth, however hes accusing me of being a liar.
      Well i do believe him 100% when he says that everything here is staged and this is a trumanesque virtual reality.

      So, tell me why I'm still looking at this world when it's obviously a Truman Show stage?

      I really hope he doesnt suicide but my hands are tied right now.
      He could make it easier on himself by creating alternatives like a Skrill account or by seeking a ride out of San Diego that has a huge homeless problem but he doesnt listen.


    15. For a price I'd do about anything
      Except pull the trigger
      For that I'd need a pretty good cause
      Then I heard of Dr. X
      The man with the cure
      Just watch the television
      Yeah, you'll see there's something going on

      Queensryche - Revolution Calling

      Its all a stage dollhouse ventriloquist style.

      1987 Playmates Jill - we can make it happen!

    16. The loki s1 ep1 had also the intel from defenders with the kidnapped king and his prison castle/earth surrounded by his armies on the outside.
      They showed loki who was imprisoned in asgard and the elves to be working for him that invaded asgard and killed the lunar queen/weaver frigga which loki led right to her.

      This intel is also in the Troy story with kidnapped queen Helen and Troy surrounded by her armies coming to her rescue and how that whole endless war was made for 1 woman/person/us, the kidnapped king.

      Like in batman anime with the kidnapped king mutant they will have to give us back to our kingdom in the outworld but they try to buy themselves as much time they can for their brainwashing on us to complete which i suspect it will eventually fail(like it did to elektra) and them hope to at least last long enough on us so they can get the upper-hand on the outworld.

    17. Almost forgot, thanks to sekiro game that showed of the father to take the form of an owl, i now suspect the owl lunar queen holds next to her as athena or nourishing mother in columbia university to be our father.

      In fallout 3 the lunar queen had kidnapped our father and had transformed him into a dog in the dreamworld that was right next to her at all times.

      The owl hidden behind her dress in columbia university reminded me of the snake goddess athena was hiding behind her shield(note both snake and owl is symbol of wisdom) and i suspect of that snake to be also our father she transformed like Circe from odyssey into that form as in altered carbon season 1 she was laughing saying how she turned a guy in the dreamworld into a snake and when she woke him up, his real form was crawling on the form like a snake.

      She definitely uses the strategy "keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer" for keeping the father/god that freaking close to her.
      It kinda blew my mind as i never suspected before of the snake athena hides behind her shield to be her victim and our very father/odin/zeus etc.
      We are also brainwashed to hate snakes and owls and i suspect the lunar queen was fixing to trick us mission impossible 2 style, having us kill our own father thinking it's the devil.
      Father Owl In Sekiro, they gave us the option here in one of the endings to side up with our father and then forced us into stabbing him in the back like judas right after.
      They cant stand the idea of us taking his side and are so counting on us to turn against him and side up with the little kid/devil like in this sekiro game.

    18. I remember few years back, i killed a snake close to where i live thinking it was poisonous and was so freaked out seeing human teeth on it and was looking at me like a crying begging human while it was dying. It left me traumatized and still remember those human teeth and feels like i killed a human being.
      All these years of brainwashing that all snakes are evil paid off that day.

    19. Snakes with human teeth?
      Maybe you were dreaming?

      "There is something in your life that you are struggling with. Snake with human teeth dream indicates giving yourself a second chance. You are compensating for your inner feelings of emptiness. You are reacting to things with an envious or monetary mindset."

    20. This is what i witnessed, but then again my vision could be blurred from the fear and all the adrenaline, i saw teeth that resembled human teeth, they weren't fangs at all but straight line teeth. I think it was a young scarlet kingsnake that i killed.
      I googled for its teeth and google doesnt show me any pics of its teeth, would love to see how its teeth look like so i can compare with what i saw or thought i saw.

      Found this 3d model
      scroll down to see the pic with its mouth open,
      it has no fangs and its upper gum line can look like human teeth from a distance when it opens its mouth as you see a straight line that resemble human teeth.

    21. Heres a video of some dude that i was watching eating snakes, maybe you will like it:

      A Caveman found a Snake nest on the higher mountain - Hunting snake and cooked in mountain cave

      Reminds me of Metal Gear Solid 3 that was all about eating snakes:

      Metal Gear Solid 3 -Snake Eater- Official Music Video by KONAMI

    22. Name kingsnake just gave me the chills having just decoded few posts above the lunar queen has turned the king of earth into a snake.

      Plan to watch the witches 1990 movie with long fingers lunar queen dimitrescu from resident evil village where she transformed her victim into a mouse.
      She reminded me the long fingers female ghost i saw when 6 years old, it was dressed like her and can never forget those long fingers she put on my grandma's shoulders from the back like she was trying to mind control her.
      I yelled at my grandma "it's behind you" and she left her and run away.

      Yeap the lunar queen or one of her daughters are spying on me since i was born looks like it.
      Then there's the daily sleep paralysis i was getting in 2008 and them laughing at me sitting next to me at my blindside.

      And like this black guy i've told the lunar queen
      "I'll get you bitch"

      I'll try to be more civil than king leonidas to his ex wife weaver in gods of egypt.
      see at 0:25
      "the last of the rebel gods have retreated behind her walls"
      earth=last stronghold of the rebel worms.

      I think like sekiro did to the ape to simply pull out the worm from her and kill it in front of her, that would be badass.

    23. Merlin beats Mim by giving her corona virus:

      The Sword in the Stone - Merlin vs Mim

      Ive seen demons with long fingers in a lot of cartoons, like X-Men but im sure theres other that i am not recalling at the moment.


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