Loki Episode 3, That's No Moon.

 I saw the Loki episode 3 today. Loki revealed his mother hated his father! Hahahaha i knew it and i told you guys, i exposed the hell out of her/hera who she truly is and the reason Loki hated his father was because of her, she brainwashed him like in bad boys for life!

The moon above us was shown to open in half like it was opening its mouth to consume our planet like the planet eater in shadow raiders and apophis in gods of egypt!

They showed earth is a giant mine and the show here ends with the moon falling on earth like in majora's mask, turns out it falls like apophis to consume something from the earth before it takes off to another realm/crater etc.

TVA is subliminal for tv/vhs tapes they have the fools watching thinking it's real life.
The apocalypse events are the reset charges as note both work in identical way, they destroy everything in their path and reset the area which gives away all apocalyptic events are lunar scum made and not natural.

In episode 2 they revealed there's going to be a great flood in the scene where loki was flooding the salad that symbolized earth in his own words, the salt he was throwing symbolized the oceans rising and pepper fire dropping from above. 

They showed the lunar queen has downloaded her personality into all of us dollhouse style and the reason she was calling us all copies of her like dolores in westworld season 3.

They showed also humans after they die here on earth go to work for the lunar scum intel i also decoded recently with the lunar bootcamp after death.
In the reviews they exposed the sacred timeline symbolizes earth that is hidden and separated from the rest universe and the branches they keep cutting are those who try to make contact/connection with the outside world which is forbidden by the lunar scum like it was shown in gods of egypt.

The lunar queen bombing the sacred timeline is the intel of her bombing the earth like she also did in star trek first contact(telling picard where to attack her cube planet to make it explode) which creates the necessary chaos for her moon/trojan horse to escape the galactic police that has earth surrounded like the greeks had troy.

The trojan horse was athena's by the way and they say she also has a bronze planet/moon.
In an asgard video i mentioned recently they had the moon as a giant horse that helped built earth's dome/wall.
In tmnt 2016 we had same intel, where the eye/moon in the sky goes the dome/wall follows.


  1. There was a star trek movie i think the beyond one where i exposed the lunar scum activating volcanoes by putting bombs in them.
    The vesuvius volcano that was shown in episode 2 i have exposed it to be also lunar scum made.

    Note it was erupted at the same time the colosseum was built 80 AD.
    They tried to destroy the roman empire the same way they destroyed the athenian empire.
    That colosseum was meant to be the gravestone of the roman empire(that marks the end of it) like acropolis was for the athenian empire.

    I learned that from a greek professor liantinis who revealed how the elite builds great monuments not to honor empires but to mark their end as they proceed to end them as soon construction is finished.

    From google

    "What was happening in 80 AD?
    The Colosseum was opened in 80 AD. He responded generously with disaster relief after the eruption of Vesuvius, which occurred two months into his reign, and after a serious fire and a plague at Rome in 80 AD."

    Hahaha look at these bastards how hard they tried to end the roman empire with the completion of the gravestone that was the colosseum which symbolizes bloody arena earth.
    They even started a great fire and a plague just like they did to athens!

    1. Just found out they even assassinated 2 roman kings by poison around 80 AD, they killed the father at 79 AD and his son who saved the empire from all the ongoing destruction at 81 AD. Both were killed by poison like alexander the great.
      They killed the athenian king same way while the athenian empire was crumbling by a similar fire and a plague.

      Prior they destroyed the entire athenian fleet mysteriously at sicily.
      None survived and the athenians had no clue their entire fleet was killed for months until a traveler went there to get a haircut and told them about a massive fleet that fell into a trap and none survived.

      Only lunar scum could have pulled this stunt off genociding entire fleets and not allowing survivors.
      That athenian fleet reminds me the galactic police that has earth surrounded and the lunar scum by blowing up earth might be planning similar genocide. I hope they're not as naive as the athenians.
      Sicily was in trouble back then like earth is today and athenians went there to help like the galactic police has arrived here to help. I hope they dont get the same outcome as i've noticed long ago the lunar scum love to create fractals and make fractals out of their plans too.

      After that athenian fleet was destroyed athens was in deep trouble as was invaded by the spartans soon after. So if the galactic empire loses the fleet they sent to fight at earth they'll be in trouble too soon after.
      This plan was shown also in dark knight rises where lunar boss lured all cops to his tunnel(earth) and trapped them there(or killed them by having the tunnel collapse) leaving gotham(outside world) unprotected!

  2. In episode 2 loki laughed about throwing the hulk off the rainbow bridge on asgard like thor did to hela. Which transparent bridge i have decoded to symbolize earth's dome and how we're all homeless living under a bridge.

    I noticed many people that want to die jump off bridges which is a clever subliminal that the dead lives under a bridge.

  3. The tour de France staged crash was put in place to bring in the chinese social credit score along with full street grid facial recognition to the EU, im convinced of this.

    How China Tracks Everyone

    Black Mirror S03E01 Airport scene

    Social credit score is here thanks to this crisis actor "lady".

    Spectator Causes Entire Peloton To Crash At Tour de France

    1. Its coming jailed for crossing the street.

      Cop Overreacts to Jaywalking

      Globalists love cycling and "safe" roads.

      How Bike Shop Owner Discovered He Was Jeff Bezos’ Dad

    2. Also there must be a symbolism for the crisis actress that caused the crash to wear a yellow raincoat.

      It (2017) Official Soundtrack | Yellow Raincoat - Benjamin Wallfisch | WaterTower

      Alice, Sweet Alice (1976) - Trailer

      Jurassic Park 1993 - Fat guy dies HD

      Spectator Causes Entire Peloton To Crash At Tour de France

      Because I'm free
      Nothing's worrying me

      Not for long with the tracking system.

      Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head

      Also Alice Sweet Alice and the yellow raincoat are all about mind control ventriloquist style.

    3. From Alice Sweet Alice "She has a knack of making things look like accidents" just like the Tour de France crash.
      "No more dolls, no more toys, Alice only plays with bodies" ventriloquist style.

      1987 Playmates Jill - we can make it happen!

    4. "No more dolls, no more toys, Alice only plays with bodies" ventriloquist style.
      So this simulation literally becomes a dollhouse Sims game style coupled with social credit scoring.

      Aqua - Barbie Girl (Official Music Video)

    5. Dude you should check out tila tequilas youtube channel if you want a real mindfuck. All her videos are on religion and sound like blasphemy. She's the perfect Chinese boogie man that kaboom talks about LOL

    6. Youtube.com/watch?v=rbfrR3zwjNw

    7. This is her newest one but she has a shit ton of crazy ass funny videos. You and kaboom would get a kick out of watching her crazy shit lol

    8. I dont know how crazy she is, there is a connection between black women and wigs that ive noticed.
      But i had not looked into these passages about hair before, maybe thats why theres hairdressers everywhere, theres more hairdressers than any other business everywhere i go, sometimes theres half a dozen of them in the same street, its insane.

    9. 1Co 11:14  Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? 

      Wow i always thought that men with long hair looked cool but i have never had the patience to let my grow out, its hard work, i dont know how they handle it.
      Ive always seen people talking trash about men with long hair, especially my father or grandfatherwho would immediately call them homos, i thought it was just some societal rule but its in the bible, i didnt knew that.

    10. Why do a lot of men start balding though, i dont know the reason for that.

    11. On May 6, 2016, Nguyen tweeted that Jewish-American political commentator Ben Shapiro should "be gassed and sent back to Israel" and later posted that "There are only two things in this world, for which I would gladly sacrifice my own life; the destruction of all Jews and preservation of the white race" and "You know what will help Asians earn respect? An Asian version of Adolf Hitler ... I want that person to be me; I want to save the world from this Zionist disease."
      In June 2016, Tila Tequila accused Sarah Silverman and the Jews of killing Jesus before saying the comedian was next on a "celebrity sacrifice" list.

      She probably enjoys doing black mass rituals with Michael Aquino and the rest of the nazi gang.

      U.S Army solider Michael Aquino brags about having Himmler's Nazi Dagger

      Tila Tequila is probably part of Aquinos MindWar pentagon operation.

      Michael Aquino on MindWar, PSYCONs, fMRI, and TMS

      Whats interesting is that Himmler was an ordained jesuit:
      "In 1919, at the age of 19, Himmler decided to become a Jesuit priest enrolling at the Munich Technische Hochschule during the troubles of the brief Bavarian Soviet State and subsequent street battles."

      Lots of 19s there with Himmlers jesuitical initiation, just like Sporting CP that just won their 19th championship 19 years later during Covid 19.
      The jesuits created the nazis, and the jesuits worship the Black Madonna of Montserrat which is their patron saint, dont know how Tila Tequila feels about that since she likes nazism so much.


      Here they are the nazi templars following the guidance of the black madonna, and they even show her birthing the chimera beast:

      Rammstein - Deutschland (Official Video)

    12. Sean Hross which is one of the best conspiracy researchers online has exposed a lot on the nazi templars and the funny thing is he also makes the hair connection, he points out how the early germanic tribes that destroyed Rome had long hair and were real warriors unlike Hitlers nazi homos.

    13. How is Hitler a defender of the white race when the jesuits themselves worship the black madonna and claim her as the original gene Eve?
      As in Jenaveve Jolie another porn star, her name means Holy Gene of Eve which they claim comes from a black woman?

      "Scientifically, the black woman is the only organism that
      possesses the mitochondrial DNA that has all variations possible for
      every different kind of human being on this Earth (the african,the
      albino, the european, the middle eastern,ect) When the DNA of a black
      woman mutates all other types of human beings comes about. You can
      research this topic & it is true. This is called the “Eve Gene” and
      is ONLY found in black women."


    14. Even Jesus himself is depicted everywhere with long hair and all these nazis see nothing wrong abou that, but they will berate another man their equal for having long hair which is another contradiction.

    15. And everywhere thay make a big deal about having to get your hair shaved to joing the military, i dont see what the deal is.
      Yet they love Hulk Hogan the real american, the guy had both a balding situation and long hair, and his name HH is 88 as in Heil Hitler, they love the guy.

      Hulk Hogan Real American (official video) / Theme Song

      Hulk Hogans whole image is built on the likeness of the early germanic tribes.

    16. Heres the long hair germanic tribes commentary exposed by doctor Sean Hross:

      Octogon the Empire of Darkness

      Also ive noticed before how the death star shoots an octogram/octogon in Star Wars.

    17. Sorry its missing the time stamp, its at 42 minutes into the Octogon video, Sean Hross makes the commentary about the long hair on the germanic tribes.
      A guy that fits the description is Adam Green from Know More Knews, yet hes also constantly pushing the nazi narrative, same nazis that hate long hair, i dont get it, who knows, its all a mindwar.

      Adam Green Drops Truth Bombs on Owen Shroyer

      He looks very much like the early germanic warriors so how come is always defending the nazis.
      Then you see here the juxtaposition with Green Day on their video showing when you have to go into the military and get your hair shaved to be a pawn.

      Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends [Official Music Video]

      I dont get what the deal is with this simulated construct.

    18. The early germanic tribes destroyed Rome, and the nazis were the revived roman army so how do you make this 180º turnabout make sense, it makes no sense.
      Im not into the nazi nonsense, thats why i cant go vote on right wing politics, its all nazi nonsense.
      And the worst part for instance in Portugal the right wing is tied with the monarchical party that wants the revival of the monarchy so they are the ones that praise the spanish king for imprisoning all catalan independence leaders under charges of rebellion against the king for no good reason, yet they claim the king has no power and that hes just figure head, and they sell me how patriotic they are while at the same time they are completely sold out to the spanish crown, same spanish crown that the first portuguese king seeked independence from in the first place.
      Then its the jewish nonsense, oh how evil are the jews for taking the land from the moslems, yet i spent years in school having to study the great catholic conquest that took place when the early portuguese kings took the land from the moslems to create Portugal, and how great were the knights templar that killed all the moslems and conquered the land, blah blah blah, its all a facade.

    19. I wanted to love the germans for the nice cars they make but they hated me in usmc as bad as they hated the jews. They blame the greeks for losing ww2 for wasting their time and by the time they went to russia it was winter and weather kicked their asses.
      America is full with germans and from what i noticed most rednecks and hillbillies originate from germany. They hate blacks, jews, greeks etc equally and make the whole white race look bad or as bad like them.

      The worst woman i dated back in the day was a german too, i spent a lot of money on her on a date and she didnt wanna sleep with me telling me she's not that kind of girl etc, while the best date i had was with a black girl.
      I dated an argentina girl that was a total gold digger but still ways better than the german girl that just used me without giving me anything.

      I had met a german woman on myspace that was the wife of a mafia boss and she was cool as hell, so maybe there are good german women out there but not many i guess.
      I didnt like when she said that she was going to fly to germany to have a kid with a german as her husband in america wasnt german.
      If i knew back then i would have told her, dont worry we're all mongols/mixed, have a kid with your husband you stupid woman.

    20. And how did the jews take the land from the moslems when both temples in Jerusalem the dome of the rock octogon and the Al Aqsa mosque are moslem temples, its all a lie.
      Just like when they say oh Hitler would save France from the moslems when Hitler was the one that actually had moslem divisions and even had Al Husseini arafats uncle the grand mufti of jerusalem as general on his army together with palestinian jihadis.

      Amin al-Husseini: The Architect of Holocaust

      BIZARRE MILITARY UNITS | 13th Waffen SS 'Handschar': Nazi Muslims Warriors

      Its all part of the Treaty of Verona signed on November 22 1822, which just happens that John F Kennedy was also killed on Novermber 22, just a mere coincidence, sure.

    21. "I didnt like when she said that she was going to fly to germany to have a kid with a german as her husband in america wasnt german."

      Crazy the kind of contradictions that the inner worms force people into, getting a marriage then travelling across the world to go procreate with someone else.

    22. Heres a black mass ritual that i just learned about yesterday, Owen Hart (which looked very germanic) died during his ring entrance at the WWF's Over the Edge 1999 ppv.
      And at the beginning of the show heres the Undertaker cutting a black mass promo:

      WWF Over The edge 1999 intro

      20 seconds in:
      "Everything man is determined to destroy can be found within his own heart."

      Own Heart = Owen Hart that died later on that show.

      Dark Side of the Ring Owen Hart final days! [Owens Fall/Death segment]

    23. He and the nazis worshipped the black sun/son/Jesus Christ too. He even admitted that black Americans were the real jews. So he wasn't really that racist at all. I call tila crazy cuz if you look at more of her videos on that channel she tries to make it look like she's the bride of Christ and pretends like Jesus chooses Asian people...shes a full of shit troll but funny and crazy lol

    24. The BET awards yesterday was a black mass ritual!

    25. Asian women seem to have inner worms the most even more than their men cuz they really HATE their men and race at least here in America. They date any race but their own here and worship whites like tila tequila.

  4. I had exposed in glp noah's ark to symbolize our moon, it was said to our face in episode 3 loki.
    Humans were boarding a rocket to take them to the moon while earth mine was blowing up.

    They called the earth mine a moon too and looked like a moon with all these craters who were actually mining places.

    The intel of lunar boss luring the galactic forces to earth and killing them all here like it happened to athenians, was shown also in thor ragnarok with hela killing all asgard forces that were lured to her prison earth, in latest star wars movie where darth vader activates earth's electric fence and kills the entire galactic forces like flies that had earth surrounded.

    In potc dead men tell no tales he said he leaves only one man alive to tell the story and was like he didnt leave anyone alive in Sicily, then remembered the guy that went to athens to get a haircut and tell the story and was like "aha!".

    In 300 movie was shown the one who is left alive to tell the story is the lunar boss himself as note the spartan that left to tell the story had one eye.
    The valkyrie in thor ragnarok that survived hela's genocide was also hela/lunar queen herself being exposed when thor called her "traitor" for betraying asgard like judas.(Hela like the valkyrie used to work for asgard and fight for it)

    So to imagine the guy that went to athens to get a haircut and tell the story was the one responsible for all the athenian fleet getting exterminated gives me the chills, the athenians would arrest him and crucified him if they knew who he was.

    1. In sunshine movie the lunar boss said "in the end one man will remain, will i be that man?"
      In matrix 3 the last man that was left alive was agent smith/lunar boss himself.
      Same in krypton, superman/snakeman was the only one left alive... to tell the story hahahaha! And the one responsible for krypton's destruction as he stole the codex that was keeping the planet together.

      In alien covenant same thing, lunar boss was the only one left alive after the entire earth was genocided by his virus.
      On the money again that the one who is left alive to tell the story is the lunar boss himself.

      In latest star wars movie with darth vader we had same story too, the only alive on that planet was darth vader, everyone else in that arena were holograms, not real people.

    2. Worth pointing out what happened to the athenian fleet is fixed to happen to the american fleet in its war against china around 2030.(they love to repeat history in this hellhole we call earth)
      America is preparing to face china on the water just like athens in sicily.

      I had read long ago in lunar agents ghrees blog how the forces of the west will get completely exterminated in a desert on the east(with the invisible help of the lunar scum of course) which will leave the west completely defenseless to the 500 million soldiers from the east/chinese that will march west killing and eating everything and everyone in their path like the old testament reveals with the 200 million soldiers from the east. It's 500 million inactive reserve now and climbing, china's on standby military force.

    3. I just read "the sicilian expedition"
      the athenians had sicily invested which means
      "Investment is the military process of surrounding an enemy fort or town(or earth) with armed forces to prevent entry or escape. It serves both to cut communications with the outside world and to prevent supplies and reinforcements from being introduced."

      Hahaha the fractals man, the fractals!
      Athenians losing their fleet at sicily led to the demise of their empire soon after which makes me worry about the outside world if they fall to a similar trap the athenians did and the cops in dark knight rises.

      Note also the athenians were betrayed by their own leaders during that war just like america is gonna get betrayed by their own leaders when they fight the chinese.

  5. What you said about Fullmetal alchemist, resurrection and how the mother came back evil.
    Reminded me of this regarding human cloning.


    Donald Marshall (July 2012) - nah they can reanimate you into a shadow.you come back evil gay child molester. they all do. its flawed.. they have neurosurgeons trying to fix this problem. all over the world german scientists asian russian they cant fix it. they would stop doing it but they fear death. said theyre scared of possibly facing gods judgement and will reanimate themselves. they record your consciousness on a chip just before u die. then they implant this chip in a clone body's head OR a victims head. then they implant this chip in a clone . but use chips now. thats an undead chiphead. can do it to a clone body and have to just get replacement bodies like every 6 months or so. or real body stolen which makes have less side effects and no need to change bodies. destroy the mindworks satellite :) all the undead chipheads will drop. they dont even need to be executed... a button push deactivated em.

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2pzPE5DAsM


    2. i suspect because the chip is digital it cannot capture the entirety that is the analog mind, imagination etc and like a book with words/numbers it just captures whatever the numbers can understand, then the new body donor just like when we read a book he reads those bits of pieces/numbers/words and imagines the rest(what the numbers failed to capture) just like we imagine all kinds of things when we read a book that barely captured what really happened.

    3. https://youtu.be/F6txspISI1M

    4. Wow what a horrible world we live in where nobody is safe not even babies. That alone should tell everybody what kind of evil that we're dealing with. Even more of a reason 4 me to destroy this planet and all its networks...

    5. Athletes and actors do need their fetal stem cell steroids, how else would they be able to perform.

      UFC vs Crossfit - Battle of the naturals

    6. How deep do think the doping rabbit hole goes.

      Icarus | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

    7. I like how Netflix sells that its the evil russkies that take fetal stem cells to enhance their performance, as if Ronaldo gets to his level by eating oranges and apples, sure.

    8. Sex should be painful instead of pleasurable like giving birth is, there would be no aborted babies and humans would reproduce responsibly.

    9. If sex was painful then you wouldnt be baited into incarnating here in the first place, its bait, why do the athletes take the fetal growth hormones in the first place, to get sex and money so they can get more sex.

      Tadej Pogacar Stage 5 Tour De France Analysis Natty OR Not?

  6. wasp zombifies cockroach


    wtf ! this place is fucking hell, where is the exit !

    from comments :

    " you must admit, a lot of these parasites make for amazing mothers "

    what kind of shit beings do here just to survice possesed by programming/worms, especially females, nasty shit

    1. Mind blowing video and it shows exactly whats going on here, we are the cockroach that was sequestered and trapped inside a hole, who is then used to hatch the wasp's offspring/the adult worms.
      Used as a host to hatch their young.

    2. I gotta keep posting this song since it reveals it all.

      Silent Vault - Maggot's Queen

    3. Love all i need is my love machine tonight to hatch more worms

      WASP - LOVE Machine (HQ)

      And if you try to love me you wont be the same
      Changed into a worm.

    4. nasty shit

      What about the flesh isnt nasty, blood, faeces, urine, hair, pus, bacteria, nails, teeth, eyes, boogers, mucus, snot, you name it.

    5. But got to desinfect the surfaces at the super market as if i wasnt myself a walking talking infection Lol made in the image of a fungus.

    6. Yes sir I agree with everything you just said. The flesh and human body are indeed disgusting and is mystery to even myself. It's becoming quite obvious that humans are walking biological weapons that still don't know their full capabilities yet. And we're definitely food 4 the eorms, fungus and bacteria. And higher beings too who feed off our pain and suffering and use it as a free energy source for themselves. This is HE'LL by all means broski LOL

    7. Heres a great story to go with that:

      Peculiar parasitic fungi discovered growing out of the rectum of a 50 million-year-old fossilized ant | Live Science

      "Along with the bulbous mushroom protruding from the ant’s rectum, proof of the freaky fungus could be seen all through the physique of its unfortunate host. The ant doubtless died on account of its fungal an infection and was fortuitously mounted in tree resin (which fossilizes into amber) shortly afterward. It’s the oldest instance of a fungal parasite ever found in ants.

      Parasitic fungi are exhausting to search out and examine as a consequence of their brief life cycles, Poinar stated. “However all of us bear some fungal progress on our our bodies,” he added.

      Bugs are a fantastic host for all these parasites as a result of they’re “available and provide a wealthy supply of vitamins,” Poinar stated. "


    8. I come to the conclusion that everything is weaponized though and that all existence is constant fight/battle....

    9. Fungi mind control revealed in above article:

      "Ophiocordyceps fungi develop their ascomata across the neck and head of their host ants; the fungi hijack the host ants’ mind in a type of thoughts management, which the fungi use to power the ants to chew into crops the place different carpenter ants lay their eggs. This permits the fungi to launch their spores in areas with a excessive focus of potential new hosts. "

      Together we can make it happen Playmate Jill ventriloquist style:

      1987 Playmates Jill - we can make it happen!

    10. News.yahoo.com/covid-19-black-fungus-robs-114017718.html

    11. Read this article about black fungus. We should be considered certified scientist right about now LOL


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