I Dont Believe This, Amazons' Island Decoded To The Bone.

 I have decoded that invisible/hidden island before in glp to symbolize hidden/hades/krypton earth.
And right outside of its chameleon dome a massive war was shown to taken place, i wonder what that symbolizes hahahaha!

What blew me away is this intel i had overlooked that in that island/hidden earth everyone was a woman.
I had noticed before the nipples on men and was told in the womb all humans start as female and how the female ovaries are the testicles in men etc and then yesterday came across this pic on google.

And was like "holy shit, men are freaking women!"

But having gained a lot of experience how the lunar boss operates i noticed how both men and women are neither as both are a mix of both.

Why women have clits? which is a miniature version of a male penis and amazons like wonder woman are transgender or hermaphrodite a mix of both man and woman.

So the conclusion i come to which i had concluded before in glp is that both men and women are a mix of both man and woman.

That undescended testicle pic is the final nail to the coffin man, now i'm completely disgusted with the human worm infested body and i'm mad as hell at the lunar scum for the abomination they have created and forced us to live in.

The asians being programmed to believe "do anything to survive, anything for this abomination we call human body to keep on living" which similar programming the west has but not to the extent of the asians who eat their own babies and sell their own mothers to survive, makes me furious at how bad the lunar scum play us, where after trapping us in the flesh they program us to do anything for its survival.

All hollywood movies and video games are also brainwashing us to fear death like it's the worst thing ever.
I like christianity for teaching the asians "death before dishonor" but they turn around and promote reproducing while knowing any soul that enters the human flesh it immediately gets tainted and becomes a sinner, so how about no kids to prevent dishonor in the first place stupid christians?

I had talked to a christian monk a year ago where i told him, "why the christians are not being patient to go to heaven first and then have kids? I'm sure God wont deny them that if they're good enough to enter heaven like he didnt deny adam a woman to reproduce with in heaven."

He liked that idea but then being remote controlled by the devil's book we call bible, he remembered a verse that says "all humans in heaven will be 33 like jesus" and was like "we cant have kids in heaven cause all we'll be 33 so it's ok and perfectly fine to have kids here on hell earth".

By the way the 33 degree in masonry symbolizes the 33 years of jesus and them saying lucifer is god that is correct as lucifer is jesus the son of god who rebelled and betrayed his own father and took his throne like loki.

Traitor judas symbolizes also the son of god and had decoded his name before in glp.
Judas in greek is ioudas and means son of god, iou=son, das is from dias/deus which means god.

At least the masons know they worship satan the son of god while the christian fools think they worship god through the son of god hahaha, what a mess they've done out of this asgardian family man.

Son of god saying in the bible i'm in the father to convince that he's one with the father i see the intel how he lives in us through the worms/mark of the beast he has infected us with and how we humans could be the father suffering from alzheimers like Odin and worship our own son.

Like if the abomination that is the human flesh and our life here on earth couldnt get any more twisted.
In thor movies was shown how bad loki hates his father so to go to this extent to humiliate him by having him worship his own son that screwed him as his god and savior oh man that's so f*cked up!


  1. I remember wonder woman promoting "every man should be a feminist",
    i would tell her "it's ok cause those are not real men, like you are not a real woman" hahahaha!

  2. Men and women have to be similar physilogically, if not how else would they achieve any transgender procedures, they would need donors then for the sex organs same as they do with other parts like the kidneys.

    1. Doctors have said also that is possible for men to give birth too, no wonder why!
      Both men and women are the same mix!

      I've seen in porn videos also men who are actually women with penis implants and it felt so wrong.
      Lunar scum are running the porn industry and the reason everything is so fake and xxx/666 its symbol, most women are transgender and now i spot fake men too and i'm thinking to just stick with japanese hentai and manga as at least with these shit you know everything is bullshit.


      "Is it possible?
      Yes, it’s possible for men to become pregnant and give birth to children of their own. In fact, it’s probably a lot more common than you might think."

      Earth=wonder woman's island, all are wonder women here.

    2. Well the statue of Liberty is a trannie so that is to be expected.

      The Tenant (1976) - I think I'm pregnant.

      Baphomet is both sexes, the flesh is a transgender, the God that created the flesh is Elohim which means angels of El, not El itself, El is the father.

      Bedazzled - I'm the Devil!

      Revelation 18:2
      And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

      Babylon is the flesh and the word itself means mixed, and birds are spirits caged in flesh.

      Long Live The New Flesh (Final Scene) | Videodrome (1983)

    3. Why was Portugals favorite folk singer singing "So me falta ser mulher" translation "The only thing left for me is to become a woman".
      Its a transgender mirror show, Dracula is from Trans-sylvania, trans as in transgender transformer and sylvania as in forest, a shape shifter.

    4. The flesh is play-doh, its a transformer, it has no fixed roles, its all an act, like actors that play both males and females, its all an illusion.

    5. In pro wrestling they call Becky Lynch the man and they had Chyna beating men, they know that if the right substances and procedures were made legal they could fully transgender and mix roles.

      Becky Lynch - The Man

      Chyna wins her first Intercontinental Championship: No Mercy 1999

    6. The pro wrestling industry is upset that even the testosterone, human growth hormone and steroids they need to get the wrestlers big is billed as illegal substances and that guys like Brock Lesnar get forbidden to compete in other sports like MMA because of this.
      Without regulations they could have all kinds of freak shows.
      Which they will get, were heading there with this covid fiasco.

    7. Its a world of transformers, theres no way around it.
      And if i am here and you are here is because we were participants in the mixing transformation.

      Bigger Stronger Faster* (2008) Official Trailer #1 - Steroids Documentary Movie HD

    8. Revelation 18:2
      And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, “the great mixed flesh is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful spirit.

      It could be translated like this.

    9. In fact Elohim just means of El in a plural sense and Eloah means of El in a singular sense.
      And sometimes they call it the Lord thy Elohim, these translations are a mess.

    10. I remember in MMA when Ronda Rousey was undefeated and they were selling that she was so tough that she should start fighting men, then she lost to 2 other women and left the sport.

    11. Good one. The flesh is.a mixture of iron and clay. The he Jewish word golem cums 2 mind when I think about it. All flesh and matter is programmed.

    12. In previous thread you helped me made the connection between earth=school and belly of a beast. Bellies dont only consume but they transform/program too like schools.

      "Earth is both belly of a beast and a school. Schools program us to become a certain way when graduate like north korea brainwashing prison.
      Before we are born we live in the belly of a beast/women for 9 months(school year is 9 months without the summer) where we get programmed to look and behave a certain way when graduate/get out/born."

      Also the belly is a worm and whatever it eats it transforms to its image and the reason all shits come out in the shape of worms. It's subliminal that the actual goal of the worms is not to consume everything but to transform everything like agent smith through consumption.
      Deer goes in from one side, it comes out as a worm from the other side.

    13. In james bond die another day i decoded that the lunar scum dont just mine earth for the minerals but to reshape it also to a weapon, starkiller base style.

      They said "the mine is a front, but the lasers(that reshape) are real"
      So when they say earth is a soul farm that's half the truth or 25% of the truth as the big picture is like vampires do, consume and expand/expand by consumption/program others to become like them.
      Consuming the blood of their victims is the 10% commission paycheck for spreading the worms and transform/reprogram others, which paycheck gets spent/dries out to keep them busy and keep spreading those worms/programs.
      On the outside looks like it's all about consumption but the reality is agent smith cloning all lifeforms.

      Sneaky bastards man, i got them again.
      Eating is a front, reshaping is the goal.

    14. I was thinking recently of all the innocent animals wild animals consume, the flies spiders consume etc, how both of these spiders and wild animals could be the flies and innocent animals that were consumed not long ago and it blew my mind.

      I imagined getting eaten by a shark and instead of dying find myself getting reshaped and living as a shark from then on, man that's messed up.
      That's earth to us, we got consumed by the beast and now we get programed and reshaped in its belly.
      Only way out is graduation they say in usmc bootcamp, rather freaking die, kill the beast from within etc than graduate looking like an abomination.

    15. Damn this intel was shown in mortal engines movie with agent smith.
      A smaller mobile city got consumed by a bigger city, lunar boss said "prepare for digestion" but the people of the smaller city were welcomed and were treated polite and civilized by the bigger city. Brainwashing them and reprogram them was the actual digestion.
      Fools celebrate when graduate from school and college being ignorant that they got digested, reshaped and spitten out.
      In usmc bootcamp they even have a crucible you have to go through before graduation.
      Digested and reshaped the hell and back symbolism right there.

    16. School used to be 9 mandatory years when i was there, then they changed it to 12.
      Back in my fathers day there were only 4 years mandatory.

      I call them black wormholes as stars go in and they come out the other side as worms, meanwhile we as dying stars hallucinate human life here on this mirror planet dreamworld.
      I dont call them black holes as those only consume stars and theres no transformation taking place.

    17. The word Transylvania gives away the terra forming symbolism as trans means transforming and sylvania the forest, the forest is this planet, theyre transforming the planet like vampires do, everything is about shape shifting.

      Transsylvanian Express

    18. Ultimately they are transforming stars/suns/sons.

    19. I imagined getting eaten by a shark and instead of dying find myself getting reshaped and living as a shark from then on, man that's messed up.

      Isnt that how the game of tag works for children?

      Fuck this guy even calls the taggers sharks WOW:

      Epic Game of Tag vs. Subscribers, Winner Gets a New iPhone!

      Youre right on the money.

    20. 3min40sec in above video "If we tag you youre a shark too."

    21. Its so weird that they are playing masked.
      Look at the euro soccer cup, they dont play masked, and those are professionals.
      Why are these amateur tag players playing masked?
      Well i dont need to understand anyway.

    22. Went to hell,reshaped and back, yep.

      Emperor Donald Trump - He Went to Hell and Back

      Thomas 1:7
      Jesus said, "Lucky is the lion that the human will eat, so that the lion becomes human. And foul is the human that the lion will eat, and the lion still will become human."

      This gives away Agent Smith assimilation process, and even when the human gets eaten like a worm it assimilates the host.

      These Hairworms Eat a Cricket Alive and Control Its Mind | Deep Look

      Worms are the ultimate assimilating predator.

      Silent Vault - Maggot's Queen

    23. Nice intel on the 9 years of school that later changed to 12.
      I have decoded the 9 planets in our solar system to symbolize school years and how earth is the 3rd/threa grade. Now science says the planets/grades are 12 in our solar/school system.

      That's why i dont fully trust the outworld as i suspect them to be the cunning assholes that transition us from the 3rd grade to the 4th one/planet/layer etc and might punish the principal of this 3rd grade to save face so the entire 12 grade/planet school system doesnt jeopardize itself and everyone decides to drop out of the entire 12th grade solar system.

      By the way the true purpose of the worms to be reshape/reprogram/brainwashing was shown in gods of egypt. Lunar boss as Set/Satan used apophis/dune worm to consume all of existence so he can reshape it to his liking.

      -How? The only way to achieve
      this is unthinkable.
      One would need to devour...
      The Afterlife itself.
      You would unleash Chaos
      upon creation?
      You would destroy everything?
      -Not destroy. Reshape it.
      -The gate has been broken!
      Chaos spreads.
      Apophis shall destroy this land.(we have intel here if the outworld breaks the gate/dome like in matrix 3 and enters here the worms will destroy this place so the outworld cant have it).

      -Come, demon!(Set calls the worm apophis demon, on the money again that the worms are the demons!)
      -Set has Ra's spear.
      He's drawing Apophis to the Nile,
      to the source of all life.
      -To drink it. To destroy(reshape) all creation.
      Ra(father) isn't dead. And only he
      can make this right.
      But he needs his spear.(like frozen monkey king with jet li, holy moly same intel!)
      -So how do we get it back?
      -Maybe it's time we go fishing.
      (like in aquaman movie the king's spear was hidden underwater at mariana trench and guarded by apophis/kraken itself)

      -By the way, Apophis is going to eat
      the Land of the Dead/Earth.(already has)
      You'll never make it
      to the Afterlife now.(unless like batista in gog vol 2 and mandalorian s2 we kill the worm from within by killing the 3 moons/heads of the beast).

      It was nice revisiting gods of egypt.
      I was verified fully, the worms dont just consume and destroy but they do it so they can reshape as to reshape first you must destroy.
      In gods of egypt was shown like in aquaman movie whoever has the king's spear controls the worms and in both movies apophis was obeying the one holding the spear.

    24. 3 moons are exposed by the 3 statues of Liberty:

      Where Are the Three Statues of Liberty?

      Designed by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, the most famous Statue of Liberty is found in the United States and graces the entrance to New York Harbor. The other two depictions of Liberty are much smaller and are located in Paris, France.

      The first of the Parisian Liberties is found in the Jardin du Luxembourg (Luxembourg Garden). Erected in 1906, this Liberty is a miniature bronze model created by Bartholdi for use as a visual aid during the construction of the larger New York statue. The second Parisian Liberty is located on the Ile aux Cygnes (Island of Swans) in the Seine River, not too distant from the Eiffel Tower. This 37-foot high replica was erected on July 4, 1889 on the centennial of the Storming of the Bastille, in commemoration of both American Independence and the French Revolution.


    25. George Carlin says "Its a big club and you aint in ti":

      George Carlin - It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It! The American Dream

      When in fact he should be saying "Its a big club and they want you in it" as thats what vampires do, they assimilate.

      dance of the vampires

      Dance of the Vampires -The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967)

    26. George Carlin is boss for saying this
      "they want obedient workers(reminded me my usmc bootcamp, they dont give a damn about making you a warrior and all training is based around making you obedient)
      they want people just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb enough to be passive and accept all of their owners' crap.
      (i remember a guy in usmc that was screaming "they dont want us to be smart, they want us to be stupid")

      I have exposed the reason the main brainwashing training we receive while here on earth to be obedience is cause they expect us to be very obedient where we're going after here which is bootcamp moon and then fight the greeks=elinas(means greek in greece)=aliens outside the walls of troy/earth's dome.

      This repeats at a smaller scale with parents and schools teaching us obedience to prepare us for the military that awaits us soon after. In most countries there's a draft and similarly all join the lunar scum military after death.

  3. "In thor movies was shown how bad loki hates his father so to go to this extent to humiliate him by having him worship his own son that screwed him as his god and savior oh man that's so f*cked up!"

    I thor ragnarok i felt bad for homeless odin still loving his son lucifer even after all that he did to him and to his kingdom as it reminded me myself and all the people i loved in my life(teachers, drill instructors, father, school mates, people in the military etc) only to find out later how bad they hated me.

    It's a horrible feeling to love someone while being ignorant that he hates you and find that out later. It's like being robbed from your energy like when the masses go vote for someone they think he loves them only for him after he gets their vote behind closed doors to say "give them hell, release viruses, go to war, martial law, concentration camps, take their guns, kill them like sheep, etc" hahahaha life on earth is so f*cked up man and we humans are one of a kind naive fools.

  4. It's a mastermind move to make the abominations genetic.
    You turn a man into a half woman or half animal after birth and the masses revolt.
    You make it genetic so they are born that way and the masses accept it with love and smile calling it natural.

    No one questions genes/genetics and accepts them as natural being ignorant all genes originate from a lab.

    1. Damn ain't that the truth. It reminds me of how they're manipulating us to mix our genes today. I also believe that they will use invisible programs/worms in the future 2 further manipulate/alter us. Their ultimate goal is 2 have complete control over our mind, soul and body like an evil, mad perverted scientist. This covid vaccine is the starting point....

    2. I once knew a very sick person and when I smelled them they smelled like they came straight out of a lab LOL I mean i could literally smell the chemicals that he/she was made of. So you're spot on about genes originating from a lab.

    3. Genes are programs and programs are digital, the real world is analog, so genes dont occur naturally but created in labs like all digital shit.

  5. Definitely true what you say about them transforming us as energy can never die only change form. Another reason why they torture us 4 loosh so they can transfer that energy into positive energy for themselves. Sick shit bro

    1. In Van Helsing (2004) they were torturing the Frankenstein monster to charge a hive of baby vampires.

      The awake of Frankenstein | Van Helsing 2004 | Unreal scene

    2. Yep that's exactly what they're doing 2 us here in earth in these flawed bodies using us 4 free energy. Btw soul=sun/star eternal child that's why it gives off radiation as kaboom said. So they're really raping and torturing the inner child in us just like a pedophile when break it down.

    3. I just.a had a little thought. I wonder if our soul/sun is the ultimate worm being that it has no gender or even shape.and probably just feeds on its self like the snake eating it's own tail.

    4. I had decoded suns are like the chicken eggs that get impregnated by worms and create abominations. Suns=worm eggs, i dont trust them.
      Then again it's the worms that reprogram/reshape the suns, so the suns could be victims like all things the worms are after.(the victim becomes the criminal i have exposed before, holy moly i now fully understand why!)

    5. Wow that makes sense as the sun is just the lifegiver and naturally creates planets, moon etc. So it's totally possible that one of its creations turned on it like Lucifer did with god.

  6. Yep im a prisoner of the mirror, blonde hair/jet black hair as Loki&Thor strike again, its Miley Cyrus and Dua Lipa and they want me to know that i am a prisoner, again and again and again, rightside up upside down, always the same thing.

    Miley Cyrus - Prisoner (Official Video) ft. Dua Lipa

    Which represents double mindedness and Gleipnir.

    Jas 1:8  A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. 

    In Norse mythology, Gleipnir (Old Norse "open one") is the binding that holds the mighty wolf Fenrir.
    Gleipnir, having bound Fenrir securely, was the cause of Týr's lost hand, for Fenrir bit it off in revenge when he was not freed. Gleipnir is said to hold until Ragnarök, when Fenrir will finally break free and devour Odin.

    Tyrs lost hand thats the hidden hand of freemasonry, same thing as Dracula that has no reflection, and same thing as the AntiChrist that has only one eye and one hand like Guts in Berserk.

    Zec 11:17  Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened. 

    HIGH QUALITY - Sweet Dreams Berserk MMV -

    My mother had me at age 33 from a gift procedure and 33 days later the biggest eclipse in the millenium happened, like In Berserk,

    Total Solar Eclipse -- July 11, 1991

    1. When it comes to juxtaposition both these songs tell the same story, only one is selling the path of light and the other the path of darkness:

      U2 - Walk On (Official Music Video)

      Abysmal Grief - Borgo Pass

      Same thing here with King Diamond and he has the rightside up upside down crosses on his face:

      King Diamond - Give Me Your Soul (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

    2. Even in the scene from Nosferatu (1979) in above Abysmal Grief video, Jonathan Harker is wearing a light colored coat tunic while the coachman is wearing a black coat tunic, and his black horses cant be given to Jonathan, its always the same thing.
      If those were white horses then he would give them.

    3. Heres the black pope and the white pope, same thing.




    4. Damn that black pope white pope is deep. It reminds of what kaboom said in the other thread about blacks originating from ancient atlantia/Atlantis. I think black and white are just 2 sides of the same coin like male/female, man/child. Jesus the son black while the father white hence why they used call the black men.boys during slavery. The Chinese/mongrels and other mixed races were the lukewarm worm. It's all symbology LOL

    5. The point of the white pope and the black pope is that the two will become one with the arrival of the AntiChrist.
      He breaks the mirror like Dracula does.

      Slayer - The Antichrist (live 1985 from combat tour)

      Eph 2:15  Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; 

      The Antichrist brings the one peace same as in the cartoon.

      Ending Song "Grand Line" from One Piece Defeat the Ganzack Pirates

      Everything here is scripted including me.
      Luffys boat in the cartoon has the septagram of Babalon on the prow that represents the two becoming one, same thing as the hendacagram beneath the statue of liberty.

    6. 2001 had the two becoming one symbolism with the twin toweres, same thing they showed in the WWF with Chris Jericho (CJ inverted for JC Jesus Christ) joining both championships into one.

      Vengeance 2001 Pre Match Promo

      Chris Jericho theme video shows him breaking the mirror/becoming a new man.

      Chris Jericho Titantron 2001-2003

    7. Heres Chris Jericho playing the messiah:

      Chris Jericho's WWE Debut

      The Rock and Stone Cold play black and white, Chris Jericho joins them into one.

  7. Maybe on the sibling planet, this game will get finished?



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