Biblical Evidence, Satan's Master Plan Is To Make God/Jesus=Humanity Worship And Serve Him/Her! Abdullah Ocalan Fractal Decoded!

 I was talking to a christian friend about satan's master plan i noticed in his movies like elysium 2013 and then i remembered it's also in the bible and was blown away, then i noticed it's also in the bible that we are the God that will worship Satan and i lost my marbles!

In the bible Satan attempted to make Jesus worship him, if it was impossible he wouldnt waste his time, so by attempting it he reveals to us through his bible book he wrote for us that it is possible and his ultimate goal.

Next the intel that we are the God/Homeless Odin or fragments of god like jet li in monkey king is in this religious story i heard many times while growing up in greece.

"In heaven God will tell the humans, i was in jail and you never came to see me, i was hungry and you didnt give me food, i was thirsty and you didnt give me water, i was in pain and you didnt help me etc.
And the humans will reply
-But we never saw you to provide you help or assistance.
God will reply
-I was all those humans in need you came across and you didnt help."


So everything we experience God experiences and he takes it personally as he is US!!!
And guess what else he experiences!


This intel shows how important is to break free from the programming we receive here and inform everyone else too as the more people break free the more chances God has to not worship Satan when he wakes up in the year 3033.
Imagine like in batman anime with the king mutant you wake up and find all your angels and armies having arrived to see you, satan arrested, beaten up for you and them wait for you to issue the order of what punishment he should receive and instead they see you like king leonidas drop on your knees and worship ephialtes, a filthy scum that betrayed you and then you give the order that ephialtes is the new boss they all should obey to from now on.

I thought i have experienced enough humiliation in this human life but this, this is the ultimate humiliation man. There's nothing more embarrassing to find out you're Jesus and you just worshiped Satan in front of all your angels, space friends, space family, saints, virgin mary, martyrs etc all see you the Jesus failing to resist satan's programming and manipulation, falling victim to his/her deceptions and dropping on your knees like a fool and worship him.

In matrix 3 was shown too God is a hive mind and satan/agent smith by infecting with his genes/parasite and program everyone in the matrix he was infecting and programming god himself.
God is the ultimate power and Satan wants that power, he never intended to put us to sleep forever but as long it requires for his programming/hypnotism to complete so he can control and own that power/US!

This intel(and what was shown in batman anime) has become also a fractal in the turkish-kurdish conflict with kidnapped and brainwashed kurdish leader Abdullah(Abducted Allah/God/Odin subliminal) Ocalan.

When i was in greece everyone was baffled and screamed "he's brainwashed" after they saw him showing up on tv after some time since the turks abducted him and said nice things about turkey and asked his people/kurds to stand down.(what we will ask our space friends/evil aliens to do when they see us again)

I just came across his wiki and found even more interesting intel.

"Abdullah Öcalan also known as Apo(Apollo/Sun God subliminal) is a Kurdish political prisoner and founding member of the militant Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

He helped found the PKK in 1978, and led it into the Kurdish–Turkish conflict in 1984. For most of his leadership, he was based in Syria, which provided sanctuary to the PKK until the late 1990s.  

After being forced to leave Syria, Öcalan was abducted in Nairobi in 1999(interesting year, right before year 2000 which is 2033, it has 666 too) by the Turkish National Intelligence Agency (MIT) (with assistance of the USA) and taken to Turkey,[21] where he was sentenced to death under Article 125 of the Turkish Penal Code, which concerns the formation of armed organizations.[22] The sentence was commuted to aggravated life imprisonment when Turkey abolished the death penalty. From 1999 until 2009, he was the sole prisoner on İmralı Island(moon symbolism), in the Sea of Marmara(marmara is marble in greek, medusa statue/frozen in ice subliminal like the greek marble king and monkey king), where he is still held.
(sea of marmara=frozen sea is antarctica subliminal where i have decoded our god form is sleeping, either in one of the moons above us or frozen in antarctica demolition man with stallone style, could be frozen in the moon too as the white moon emits cold light giving away it's frozen like antarctica on the inside and like a freezer).

Öcalan has advocated a political solution to the conflict since the 1993 Kurdistan Workers' Party ceasefire. Öcalan's prison regime has oscillated between long periods of isolation during which he is allowed no contact with the outside world, and periods when he is permitted visits. He was also involved in negotiations with the Turkish government that led to a temporary Kurdish–Turkish peace process in 2013.(Hahahaha he asked his people to stop attacking the turks, this is exactly what they'll have us do to our people/armies/aliens that have earth surrounded outside its dome like in star wars, serenity 2005 etc movies.)

From prison, Öcalan has published several books."

What just shocked me is his current age
Born 4 April 1949 age 72
(72 is athena's number in ancient greece and has 3 days subliminal 24 hours times 3 = 72)
(prison acropolis was built around that number(72) which is subliminal that it was built to keep us imprisoned for 3 days/3000 years)

Öcalan was born in Ömerli(synonym and anagram to Imrali his current island prison that symbolizes earth or the moon).

So unlike in defenders series, they know the armies that have Troy/Earth surrounded are working for us and instead of begging us for mercy they brainwash us and plan to take control or ownership of those outside forces through us.

The books Ocalan writes from his prison are obviously not his books and i'll be damn if they write books in our name and give them to the outside world.
Hell they already did with the bible which they claim we/jesus/god wrote it hahaha!


  1. Just noticed satan in picture above is in identical body position to god in michelangelo painting!
    Same hand gesture, red cape and michelangelo's god's left foot looks like a hoof like in satan's above picture. He's also crossing his legs which is a clever X, satan subliminal.

    In short that's no god in michelangelo's picture but satan and stupid adam the jesus brainwashed fool that will accept satan as his god and savior and kneel before him.
    I bet satan plays us like trinity in memento movie. Every time he fails to make jesus worship him, he goes away, waits for jesus to forget and tries again with a better plan/program hahaha!

    1. Great catch, Jonathan Kleck had already showed the witch there hidden posing as God and that the shape is a glans penis ejaculating, but he never mentioned the crossed legs and the hoof from what i remember:

      .Is it FINALLY the END?? Only the LORD GOD Knows,,But MYSTERY SOLVED!!

    2. The witch is the queen the worms:
      Avril = Larvae
      Lavigne = Vaginal

      Avril Lavigne - I Fell In Love With The Devil (Official Video)

    3. Devil = Lived
      If they lived they are no longer alive = dead

      DANCE WITH THE DEAD - Only a dream

    4. Theres 11 people in that glans shape around the devil in Michaelangelos painting.
      Thats the hendecagram that is below the statue of Liberty.

  2. Thor raganarok reveals also humanity is god showing hela receiving her godlike powers from the people of asgard/earth which she turned into infected zombies at the end and were sleeping and dreaming before that underground matrix style, with cerberus in the middle guarding them too.

    I googled "heaven" and came across pictures of the dune worm's mouth as the entrance to heaven and how all that experience nde seeing that tunnel/worm mouth as the entrance to heaven. Hahahaha i couldnt believe my eyes.
    Similar thing was shown in gods of egypt movie. The giant worm apophis was hiding behind the gate they were claiming was leading to heaven. Anyone going to that gate was getting consumed by the worm like goku also did in his afterlife, walking on the worm bridge like a fool.
    Similar bridge james bond walked when he was released from north korea and right outside of it his allies that had North korea surrounded were waiting for him.
    North korea released him under pressure from his allies that had it surrounded.
    His allies were worried james bond might have got brainwashed or infected while in north korea so they neutralized him and put him in a medical bay to cure him. He escaped before they cure him in that movie. Yeah outside world would get screwed far cry 5 style in the scene with the guy that refused treatment after he was rescued from earth/dreamworld claiming he's fine and then went on to blindside and kill everybody.

    1. In batman anime king mutant was also released from his prison/earth after pressure from his forces that had earth surrounded and were threatening to invade earth.
      In mandalorian s2 the lunar queen was given 1 more day to release us(it was 3 crucified prisoners getting electrified electro style, trinity jesus symbolism) which i decoded to symbolize 1000 more years and final day to release us at 3033. Lunar queen's right hand man said "we'll be ready by then", meaning their programming on us will be complete by then.

      In the old testament in babylon story where lunar boss says "humans when speak one language and are united there's nothing they cannot accomplish" is another give away that humanity is god. The one language and union symbolizes telepathy, connected directly or wireless at the core of the brain or soul level where no words or numbers/middle guy is needed for communication.

    2. Damn just noticed the 3 crucified prisoners in mandalorian s2 getting electrified symbolizes brainwashing! Holy moly! In greece they are using also electricity to brainwash and program dogs to behave a certain way, be obedient, aggressive when instructed etc.
      In dollhouse series similar methods were using to alter personalities on humans.

  3. I just watched this video
    which reminded me that they program us also while we sleep through dreams that act as hypnotism, they talk about connecting human brains together when they're sleeping, creating hive minds, stealing memories from people when they sleep inception style and much more.
    Bacteria that can store videos and movies, dna that can be used as hard drive with mass storage capability, bacteria that can wipe people's memories etc.

    I used to hate the memory erasure thing and was pissed why the universe/god etc allows it to happen. Now i suspect only digital shit can be erased while analog are immortal, invincible and cannot be erased. Imagine you're in a crappy school being forced to learn f*cked up math that are useless in the outside world but in the school they're everything and without them you suffer.
    So yeah while in school with no digital memories/numbers you'll suffer, if you manage to exit school and enter the bigger world you wont miss any of that useless crap that was the holy bible while in school.
    Just remember to bomb the school out of existence when you get out as it will expand and more people will suffer under its math/numbers/digital shit and its worm possessed teachers.

    1. USMC bootcamp is the best example of the useless things schools teach and punish you severely if you dont do 'em right, not allow you to graduate, repeat years, hit you, haze you etc and when you finally get out be like "what the hell was all that useless crap" and feel scammed and violated.

      In usmc bootcamp it's all about jerking the rifle up and down like a penis and get punished severely if you dont do it right like it's an important secret technique that will save your life in combat or win the war.
      Then you go to the fleet and never do that shit again, not even wanna remember that gay shit you went through being better to stay off memory anyways.
      Now if you were to be stuck in bootcamp and keep repeating years like in school and reincarnations and forgetting each time how to jerk the rifle, you'll be going through hell over and over again trying to learn that shit again and hate memory erasure thinking it's robbing you from some important shit while those shits are important only while in school or boot camp but laughable and completely useless in the real world.

    2. In usmc bootcamp in the medical platoon i met people that were stuck for 2 years in that island while you were suppose to graduate in less than 3 months. I was stuck for 6 months as i got injured too on stupid and dangerous things the DIs make us do like run on top of wet aluminum bleachers at full speed wearing cheap running shoes with all tread worn out. What could go wrong?
      I should have asked for a demonstration first and watch these asshole DIs tripping and breaking their legs and laugh at their face.

    3. I had posted that video here on the comments months ago under this title:

      Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War

    4. This story is from the bible:

      Next the intel that we are the God/Homeless Odin or fragments of god like jet li in monkey king is in this religious story i heard many times while growing up in greece.

      Mat 25:32  And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: 
      Mat 25:33  And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. 
      Mat 25:34  Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 
      Mat 25:35  For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 
      Mat 25:36  Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. 
      Mat 25:37  Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 
      Mat 25:38  When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? 
      Mat 25:39  Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? 
      Mat 25:40  And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 
      Mat 25:41  Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: 
      Mat 25:42  For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: 
      Mat 25:43  I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. 
      Mat 25:44  Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? 
      Mat 25:45  Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. 
      Mat 25:46  And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. 

    5. Odin in greek means birth pangs.
      Heres the water breaking for the birth:

      "THAT DAM'S GONNA COME DOWN!" Alex Jones BIZARRE Hoover Dam Skit - 100% Pre-Programming SIGNAL

      Heres the birth fashioned out together with the destruction of New York by water.

      Prophetic Pillars on St. John The Divine Cathedral Warns of Coming Disaster & Deception

      China and Iran are anagrams for chain rain

    6. Heres the hidden hand of freemasonry:

      In Norse mythology, Gleipnir (Old Norse "open one") is the binding that holds the mighty wolf Fenrir.
      Gleipnir, having bound Fenrir securely, was the cause of Týr's lost hand, for Fenrir bit it off in revenge when he was not freed. Gleipnir is said to hold until Ragnarök, when Fenrir will finally break free and devour Odin.

      Zechariah 11:17
      “Woe to the worthless shepherd,
      Who leaves the flock!
      A sword shall be against his arm
      And against his right eye;
      His arm shall completely wither,
      And his right eye shall be totally blinded.”

      Berserk by Kentaro Miura had all that symbolism with the hand missing, the eye missing and the wolf chained.

      Thats the hidden hand or dr claw from inspector gadget.

    7. Thank you so much for posting the biblical quotes!

  4. Spot on. We are God ourselves for the simple fact that we're all interconnected. Everything we come across we leave our energy signature on. Satan wants our energy inverted for his own personal perversions. It's like getting a really pretty virgin girl 2 worship an UGLY ass old man!

  5. I wonder if yahweh/jehova was really satan btw. And why did the jews kill Jesus? LOL

    1. Jesus was killed/put to sleep so they can program him hypnotism style and force him that way to join satan's side.
      It's also in justice league with superman dying good and resurrecting evil.
      Why he was evil when woke up from death?
      Cause massive hypnotism, programming and brainwashing took place while he was asleep and in the land of the dead.

      It's also in elysium 2013, lunar queen shut down the matrix/hive mind so she can reprogram it and boot it back up thinking she's the big boss that all should serve and worship.

    2. Any god or being that wants worship is satan as that's exactly what satan wanted from jesus.
      The intel of jesus being the whole humanity is in superman too where all kryptonians were living in him and zod wanted to divide him into humanity/kryptonians. Divide and conquer what he has already accomplished. Now our angels/aliens have earth surrounded so now he wants to unite us again into superman/god as he needs that power but brainwashed so he can control us.
      This was shown in batman vs superman where lex luthor resurrected zod but infected him prior with his blood/worms so he can control him which worms turned him also into a mindless beast/zombie etc.

  6. In next years DLC expansion for Destiny 2, THE WITCH QUEEN...we will finally come face to face with the HIVE daughter of Oryx that is the ultimate manipulator. She can infect people with her song and melody. She tricked us into creating a loop of endless killing to power her up before she comes to take over. What is this world but a death generator that siphons energy for another purpose?

    1. Birthing and killing looks like soul farming too, fools on earth multiply and harvest moon forces wars, aging and killing on earth and collect their souls/energy.
      They showed in jupiter ascending that they use earth as a soul farm and how the lunar boss is about to lose earth to the outworld, the owner of earth is a human washing toilets on earth, which is identical to homeless odin intel that we humans are the kings of earth betrayed and enslaved in our own kingdom by family members.(wife, son etc).
      In both jupiter ascending and thor ragnarok it was a son that betrayed us but i know also through mythology and alexander's story that the son conspired with our wife/ex wife into betraying us and stealing our throne and how both could be doing the works of a worm that possess them.

  7. Hi Kaboom, im trying to help this guy out:

    So, tell me why I'm still looking at this world when it's obviously a Truman Show stage?

    This guy is living homeless and he sleeps under a tarp at the park, he has no ID.
    He says that in the US you cant ride any public transportation without an ID, which i find odd as in Portugal i never needed the ID to ride any bus/train/taxi.
    Ive already gave this guy 1500$ but hes still asking for more because he says that the cheapest rents in San Diego are 3000$ for 1st month/last month/deposit security.
    Thats a lot for me as in Portugal wages are nowhere near that and i am not rich.
    San DIego is one of the most expensive cities in the world so i think that the guy is just insane for being there in the first place, that and for not maintaining a valid ID, since you need one for everything apparently in the US even just for a bus ride or to rent a hotel room for a night.
    Would you know of any way that this guy could get a ride out of San Diego?
    Any suggestions?
    What could this guy do?
    Im not willing to give him any more money.
    I think hes fleecing me since there are way cheaper rents in other counties inside his state of California.
    I dont know anything inside the US or anybody.

    1. Also it doesnt make any sense how can you rent a place without ID but you cant get a room for a night in a hotel without ID?
      Laws like that are the reason why the US is a shithole, that makes no sense, so this guy can keep a bank account without ID (which i cant do in Portugal) but he cant ride the bus without ID (which i can do in Portugal).
      US is failing fast.
      Im really not willing to help him any further.
      He should be getting to someplace cheaper and he should keep a valid ID.
      Any ideas on how can this guy go from San Diego to someplace cheaper?
      No way im going to give him money for a 3000$ luxury rent which i would never give myself especially when there are 500$ rents in other counties inside his state of California, all he needs is to find a place to get around.
      If i was him i would buy a bike and get to someplace cheaper, yeah im gonna tell him that, its going to piss him off but hes pissing me off already.

    2. He cut me off because i said hes fleecing me, which he is.
      America is failing fast.

    3. Thats what i get for helping homeless Odin, he basically told me to fuck off.
      Heres his latest thread, he has been making threads like these for years now, i dont think he can be helped, at least i cant help him.

      This world IS the Truman Show, without a doubt

    4. Homeless Odin is suffering from amnesia that was forced on him by the ones who betrayed him. You did awesome trying to help him and will appreciate it when his memories come back.
      I dont recommend suicide as that doesnt get us out of the ice but simply have the matrix find a new container/life for us to dream into, after another memory erasure that is so we dont suicide again.

      When i was in usmc bootcamp which symbolizes the moon bootcamp i kept telling myself and other recruits, "we had it nice(before we join) and we didnt appreciate it" and one thing i was missing the most was chocolate and ice cream. All recruits were agreeing with me too.
      This homeless you came across will feel the same way after he suicides and finds himself on the moon or cold ass antarctica. He will appreciate countless things he was taking for granted while here.
      Tell him this to prevent him from killing himself, "your life might suck but it's still ways better than the hell/bootcamp(and its crucible) or frozen hell that awaits you after death".

    5. He says he believes all beliefs are moot so he wont believe that, i dont feel like saying more, its on Gods hands as i feel suicidal also because of this covid scam layed on top of my other problems.
      I gave enough money for him to get to someplace cheaper in my view, i dont see how hes owed a place in one of the most expensive cities in the world, makes no sense to me.
      He cut me off because a few days ago i said i would help him, but today i accused him of fleecing me, which he was, if hes homeless why stay at an expensive city, makes no sense.
      Is it required an ID to ride a taxi or an Uber in the US, do you know this Kaboom?
      Do taxi drivers really dont take fares from illegals?
      Thats hard to believe.
      And wouldnt some person drive him to a cheaper county if he offered him money for that?
      I think someone would, people need money.

    6. By the way Kaboom i remember your thread where you said you were feeling guilty for eating candy, dont be, im consuming loads of sugar too either on water or wtih cornflakes, the problem with the chocolate or the ice cream is the fat content, watch that out especially with chocolate bars as those have a massive fat load, even higher than chips and fries.

      How Insulin Resistance Is Keeping You Fat

    7. When i rode uber with a relative that took me to the hospital, all he showed them was his phone. He can get a state id which is cheap.
      All homeless where i live are ruthless, they go as far to threat weak men and women for money, break car windows to steal whatever's inside etc.

      I'm against suicide then again i got the memo in die another day movie when james bond was stuck in north korea and told his allies why you abandoned me there, he was told "you always had your cyanide" implying he could get out any time with suicide.
      But i have decoded they allow death or suicide because they control what happens after.
      In tenet 2020 the protagonist suicide too in the beginning of the movie, then he woke up in a hospital bed.(Coma subliminal)

      I'm not feeling guilty for consuming sugar anymore but enjoy the hell out of it knowing i wont have that after death.
      I read black chocholate is good for the blood so i try to eat mostly that.

    8. Thanks for replying, im gonna budge and give him the money as money is fake anyway and this world is going to hell soon.
      He can get an ID without an address and he will also need one to receive his documentation like his birth certificate.
      Both of you are my favorite contributors from GLP and i dont want to see either of you ending like that, i love reading your crazy threads.
      Its great to hear that you are enjoying sugar, you look more energetic in your recent threads, youre writing a lot like you used to do last year before you went to the hospital.
      Thats great, keep it up.

    9. Haha, we are not jesus christ:
      “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it."
      Matthew 24:23

      Alot of people end up believing they are christ as they dig or tap into "christ consciousness", which is very curious but jesus himself said do not believe those who claim they are him, period. So even if they have tapped into something christ-like, it is not of christ, because they stated they are he.

    10. Thank you for the kind words Anonymous! James bond in die another day ended up stuck in north korea after betrayal just like odin got stuck homeless on earth after betrayal.
      Both were betrayed by the lunar queen(odin by his son but his love for his mother gives away of her to be behind, she raised him to hate the father just like in bad boys for life movie) and james also slept with her which gave away wife or ex wife subliminal.
      He said sex with her is the coldest thing ever which makes me suspect she freezes us subzero/medusa style during sex or right after the end of it like female mantis eat their mates as soon they ejaculate.
      I suspected the mantis from guardians of the galaxy 2 to have manipulated peter into killing his father. She could put the father to sleep and she probably have done that before and during the father's sleep she could have program him hypnotism style to say to his son that he killed his mother so his son goes on and kill him. The father could have been her puppet the entire time doing her bidding just like in dead silence movie where she had turned our father into a literal puppet(like in Ventriloquism) she was controlling from behind.

    11. I keep an open mind bankail and i entertain the possibility of humanity to be fragments of god and satan the fragment that rebelled and tries now by force and manipulation to rule the rest fragments of god.

      “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it."
      Matthew 24:23

      Well does this "anyone" applies to the bible also? as anonymous posted the biblical quotes that reveal humanity is jesus.

      This shows the kind of mess the bible is(probably from thousands of years of constant editing) telling us one thing on one paragraph and then on the very next the exact opposite.
      I have come across many religious debates where one side says "look what the bible says here, it is backing my thesis" and the other side to reply "read further down, now it is backing my thesis which is different than yours".
      This is called hedging in forex market, playing both sides of the fence which is exactly how the devil operates and since the bible behaves same way it's another give away that it's the devil's book.

    12. I just remembered, the mantis from guardians of the galaxy 2 have said that she helps the father sleep which means she has already put him to sleep before countless times.
      She reminded me the mantis queen from ender's game where they had the kid ender crying in front of her to show she's a good person and as soon the camera stops recording we all know what happens next.

      "Fear not the mantis my friend and let the feast begin"
      From Dark Souls 3 DLC

    13. Worth mentioning Thales the father of science who said everything is god which verifies my decoding that humanity(and all other lifeforms) is god/jesus/odin and satan the fragment that rebelled(after it got infected or mixed and the reason the symbol of mixing X or + is the sign that represents it and how god dies on the cross=becomes satan/no longer god after mixing).

      In jupiter ascending the god of earth was like homeless odin cleaning toilets on earth and with her memories erased.

      Also the fact that satan and his/her worms hate the guts out of us gives away that we're someone very special!
      In thor loki/lucifer had similar hate for his father.

      Yeah man all signs lead that we're the father.

      Bankail said "we are not jesus christ"
      Well that could be right in the sense jesus is the son(which symbolizes also satan in many parts in the bible like with the morning star, having long hair like loki which god/father forbids men to have, which long hair is also transgender subliminal) and we are the father.

      Google "morning star jesus"
      First link that shows up says this.

      "Why Are Both Jesus and Satan Referred to as the Morning Star?"

      When in usmc and back in school i couldnt understand why some people(even teachers, all bus attendants, even DIs in bootcamp) would start hating me out of nowhere and go as far to try to get me in trouble(DIs would haze me when injured and call me names to manipulate me into hitting them so i end up in jail). I remember people and customers at jobs i worked trying very hard to make my life miserable, i cant help now but see clearly the devil in them.
      I can never forget the first time at 1st grade a whore bus attendant took me to the fat old hag principal in school to hit me, her eyes was black like the devil's, and she so enjoyed hitting kids.
      She got fired at the end like satan is about to get fired from earth.
      What sucked was that she got fired after i finished all 6 years in that school and i never enjoyed a school year without her the devil.
      Which tells me the devil will lose earth after i freaking die and i'll be jealous how good the new generations will have it and how i wasnt as lucky.

    14. In the pic above the devil wears red cape and jesus blue cape.
      "The opposites are the same"

      Goku is the rebel devil in chinese mythology wearing red and his opposite piccolo or vegeta wearing blue symbolize also the devil.

    15. The devil as jesus in above pic is way more frightening than the ugly beast below him as the wolf in sheep's clothing is the most terrifying beast.

      It reminded me in dbz where captain ginyu/devil switched bodies with father goku and the ugly beast was the good father while the nice looking human/goku the devil.
      I imagined the devil in above pic to be the good guy while jesus the devil and rofled so hard hahaha.

    16. "The only way to the father is through me"

      As that's exactly how thor found the father in thor ragnarok, he first found the devil who like captain ginyu had taken the form of the father and ruling his kingdom while he had locked and hidden the father away as a human on earth.
      In fallout 3 he had him as a dog on earth.
      In V series same thing the lunar queen had done to her mother which was shown to be of good character.
      3:37! That's all the money right there!

      4:18 "Where's the father, Jesus?"

      I'll see you on the other side, brother.
      I was thinking just yesterday the "big brother" saying to symbolize our brother lucifer/loki watching us from the moon next to our mother Hera/lilith/medusa.

      I have decoded the movie avengement with scott adkins where when in jail/earth everyone was after him to kill him, make his life miserable etc and he found out at the end that his own brother was behind sending all these people after him and was furious and baffled at the same time.

    17. Here the pope calls Lucifer the father of Jesus Christ:

      Pope Francis's Canter Declares Lucifer is the Father of Christ

      St Peter crucified upside down gives the intel that the roman catholics invert everything.
      That makes Jesus the father and Lucifer/Satan the son but it also shows that Lucifer/Satan wants to be/switch places with the father.

      Joh_10:30  I and my Father are one.

      Jesus is the father:

      Psa 82:6
      I (the father speaking) have said, Ye are elohim;
      and all of you are children of the most High.

      John 10:34
      Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said “Ye elohim”’?

      Jesus says i said quoting the father, before he said i and my father are one.
      Jesus went to the grave for 3 days to make us one with the father again.
      In other words we are the father also, through Jesus.

    18. John 10:34
      Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law (quoting the father), ‘I said “Ye are elohim”’?

    19. John 10:38
      But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father."

      In other parts of the bible the father is in all humans so all humans are the father too.
      Jesus acting like the middle guy and the one the whole humanity owes him favor makes me no to trust him, especially after like loki in thor ragnarok he's the only one who knows where the father is.
      Saying also i'm the way to the father like he's the only one who can take us to him is also ferryman subliminal.

      All these truthers i come across on youtube keep saying "jesus christ" over and over again and i'm sitting back saying "damn the jesus programming is a strong one".
      People realize satan is real and then like scared sheep run to jesus assuming because satan is the bad guy then jesus must be the good one, where in reality the only good guy in this shithole earth are the victims/humans and that's subjective if we take into account the worms/mark of the beast is in all humans too.

    20. The jesus programming makes the job of satan to make humanity worship him very easy.
      All he has to do when he shows up is say that he's jesus, turn his X symbol 45 degrees to look like a cross, cut his tail like goku, saw his horns like hellboy, his long transgender give away hair can stay as jesus has long hair and bam, worship me i'm jesus satan will say, look i wear an X cough i mean a cross, and the sheep will kneel.

    21. On the money again that the old fat hag principal at my elementary school was possessed by the devil.
      Fromm matilda 1996
      in this classroom, in this school, i am god.
      Right before she's cursing our father, hahaha yeah who hates the father the most?
      And like the pope she says she's never wrong.
      Damn looks like what i experienced in my school to be a global phenomenon especially in older times.

    22. At 2:05
      -Besides if you didnt do it i'm gonna punish you because i'm big and you're small and i'm right and you're wrong and there's nothing you can do about it.

      Damn i felt that one.

    23. "Why Are Both Jesus and Satan Referred to as the Morning Star?"

      Satan was Lucifer the morning star until he fell and became a black wormhole.

      Isa_14:12  How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

      Black Hole Caught Eating A Star | Captured For The First Time!

      David Bowie - Blackstar (Video)

      Eating stars is child eater symbolism like the Black Madonna, the 1000 points of light and the mother of darkness/worm queen castle.

      THE ILLUMINATI | Mother of Darkness Castle: The Most Evil Place on Earth Documentary

      The Mythology Behind “Eaters of Children” by Johnny Cirucci

      Since Lucifer fell Jesus became the morning star:

      Rev_22:16  I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

      In other words Jesus is now the light bearer the leader of the Elohim:

      John 10:34
      Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said “Ye are elohim”’?

      Eze 28:2  Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord Jehovih; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am El, I sit in the seat of Elohim, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not El, though thou set thine heart as the leader of Elohim: 

      Mat_1:23  Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, with us is El.

      The father runs both the darkness and the light:

      Isa_45:7  I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

    24. Nah_3:16  Thou hast multiplied thy merchants above the stars of heaven: the cankerworm spoileth, and flieth away.
      (Black wormhole eating stars out in space symbolism)

      Isa_14:13  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of El: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

      Rev_12:7  And there was war in heaven: Michael and his elohim fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his elohim,


      Luk_6:22  Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

      Joh_7:7  The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.

      Joh_15:18  If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

      1Jn_3:13  Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.

      Joh_15:18  If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

      Joh_15:24  If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.

      Joh_15:25  But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.

      Joh_17:14  I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.


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