My Greatest Sin Was To Bring A Son Into A World I Knew Was Ending. Tenet 2020


-My greatest sin was to bring a son
into a world I knew was ending.
You think God will forgive me?



No one seems to get it until they face God(their future or ancient wise self/conscience(see intel further below)) face to face to whom they'll say in excuse "in the bible you said multiply and reproduce" and God will reply

"I didnt write that damn book,
i gave you a brain, common sense, you should have followed your own judgement and critical thinking instead of the urges from the worm/penis of below or worms/words from books written by corrupt worm infested fools you've never met."

Next the lunar queen was shown to live on top of a tower(moon symbolism) and to use a man as the frontman. The moment she showed up i knew exactly who she was and when she revealed herself to be the big boss i was like damn i got good at spotting her over the years.

This is your operation?
-A masculine front in a man's world
has its uses.

The tall blonde transgender wife symbolized also the lunar queen who betrayed and killed her husband hera to zeus style at the end.(She was the lunar queen ayesha in guardians of galaxy 2)

When the father said
-I made a bargain with the devil.
the camera was zoomed in on his wife's face hahahaha i rofled so hard man but who pays attention, same thing we had here with Priya, the blonde woman/wife was the big boss and her husband her puppet, that's why the protagonist put the whole world at risk to save her by giving the box up in order to save her. It was all about her, none of the assholes shown on screen gave a damn about the world.
The father was dying also from pancreatic cancer so making a bargain with the devil for more life could be subliminal of making deals with the parasite/worm within.

The father punishing his wife calling her also "vengeful bitch" was damn satisfying
-Vengeful bitch! Living off me!(like parasites do)

I have decoded the lunar boss/queen to be also traitor ephialtes from 300 movie and every traitor in a hollywood movie to symbolize him/her so i rofled so hard when they called him a traitor in this movie too.

-Each generation
looks out for its own survival.
-That's exactly what they're doing.(the future generation)
-But not you. You're a traitor.
Bringing death to all, because
you have no life of your own left.

This is the intel from jupiter ascending of lunar boss planning to destroy earth if he loses it to the outworld.
The future trying to kill the past in order to fix the future blew me away as it felt like the outworld it's us/our future self!
It kinda makes sense if you look at future generations as us mixed with other people as that's exactly what kids are, so i imagine the outworld to be similarly us but instead mixed unmixed/pure!
And the past they try to kill is the mistakes of the past which is mixing which can also be interpreted as the future killing the past, as mixing is what the sinful past was/is all about.

-How could they wanna kill us?
-Because their oceans rose
and their rivers ran dry.(because the worms mixed so much, they gave birth to mission impossible 2's chimera)
Don't you see?
They have no choice but to turn back.(They have no choice but to initiate purification/unmixing)
We're responsible.

At the end the movie gave away that we're all the protagonist here(like in truman show) and our future self is some kind of big boss that pulls strings and tries to save its past self/selves from the lunar queen.
That's why when the protagonist killed the lunar queen at the end he said "mission accomplished!"

-You used me.
As you used Katherine.
-Standard operating procedure.
You've done your part.
-My part?
I'm the protagonist of this operation.
are a protagonist.

Later close to the end of the movie

-I told you you'd have to start
looking differently at the world.
-I have to tie up the loose ends.
-That was never your job.
-Then whose was it?
I realized I wasn't working for you.
We've both been working for me.(Our future self)
I'm the protagonist.
-Then you'd better tie up
those loose ends.(He kills the lunar queen here who she symbolized his reflection(or parasite/worm within) as he was looking at a mirror and when she was killed she wasnt in the mirror anymore, took me a while to figure out why the lunar queen turned the car rearview mirror away when he kills her)
-Mission accomplished.
(The traitor was killed, the one who was working for us/our future self and betrayed him judas style.
She was killed also right before she was about to hurt the protagonist's loved ones.
The protagonist/savior found and killed the lunar queen thanks to his loved ones who gave away her hidden position. She was surprised how the protagonist found her as like a snake/worm hiding is her expertise. This makes me suspect if we like in odyssey with son telemachus have to do our part for the father/savior/odysseus/future self to succeed but then again we risk helping the lunar queen/worm instead so i prefer to do nothing.)

I should look at the moon one night and yell
Or like in underworld blood wars i like what the vampire queen told to her traitor servant who symbolized also the lunar boss/queen.
-Varga/Judas, you could still be forgiven!(if he changes his mind and tries to fix things before it's too late)

I had decoded in the defenders series that we could be the big boss in the scene where the prisoner revealed the armies outside the castle/dome that had it surrounded were working for him.
And we like homeless odin from thor movies with our memories erased living imprisoned on earth have no clue about it anymore.

From defenders series

-That army you used to fight alongside...
The Chaste.(Lunar scum)
They captured me once.
This was years ago.
Long before you were born.
I had been captive three days(tell me about those 3 days man hahaha, i love it when i keep bumping across this 3 days intel)
when they heard my soldiers approach.(war with the outworld begins at the end of 3rd day intel which is 3033, in the mandalorian s2 the lunar queen was given 1 more day to surrender where her right hand man said "we will be ready for war (with the outworld) by then" which is 3033 as the 2nd day is almost over ending at 2033)
The fortress fell silent.
The gates remained locked.
The Chaste
couldn't comprehend it.
But the soldiers outside,
they were following my orders.
They sealed the gates,
allowed no one in or out.
On the third day,
your soldiers turned on each other.
By the fourth, they'd run out of water.(oceans will rise, rivers will dry intel from tenet movie)
By the sixth, no food.
I believe it was the tenth day
that they knelt before me.
Begging to make it stop.
(Why wait bastards/lunar scum, kneel now and beg for mercy hahaha)
(If it's up to me i'll be nice enough to let everyone go free... after they undergo purification from the worm within).
(It's mind blowing to think the vast armies that have earth/troy surrounded are not our allies but our very personal armies that have come to rescue their king, which king i have decoded the lunar queen tries to hijack his mind apocalypse to professor x style or snatch his body body snatcher from dbz style in order to survive and take control of our forces on the outside that work for us(precisely what batman did to his prisoner king mutant in anime
The Dark Knight Returns which anime i decoded in a blog not long ago). I have decoded the process to hijack our mind or body takes 3 days(3000 years in the dreamworld like in inception movie) and the reason we get resurrected like jesus at the end of the 3rd day and why we must wake up before that, before the programming is complete, like professor x woke up before apocalypse was fully transferred into his sleeping body).
The lunar queen plays a risky game trying to hijack our god body and i was terrified at the thought of her succeeding but zeus from mythology gave me hope in the story where he cracked his head open and pulled the lunar queen/athena/devil parasite out of his god body.

Me when my alien loyal armies arrive and i'm possessed by the lunar queen or worm within.
-Sledge hammer please, stand back.
(Cracks my head open, pulls parasite out)
Kill it with fire.
(I suspect they might shoot me to death alien resurrection style the moment they see the worm coming out of me hahaha)
(see the spaceship scene with the clueless human that was kidnapped when was in deep sleep in his spaceship traveling through space and was infected with the worm while asleep and woke up with it).

I would be like aim at the worm not me/your king you stupid bastards.

Next the Tenet movie revealed humanity will not get genocided with nuclear weapons but with silent weapons which i suspect to symbolize, 5G, mk ultra etc where all humans drop dead like flies surrogates with bruce willis style.(It's convenient so the chinese can simply move in to our homes after and not waste time rebuilding and the cannibals they are i suspect they'll be barbecuing us next to our dogs.)

 They had a scene at the end with the good guys trapped in an underground cave/prison where they couldnt open the door which was locked by the lunar boss himself
-Can you pick it?
-I hope not.
I paid a lot for that lock.

and they got pulled out by their friends on the outside from the oculus/opening at the ceiling of the cave.
The cave symbolized earth by the way.

 I found interesting when the lunar queen first betrayed her husband and tried to kill him and the husband was rescued by his friend, he didnt blame his wife but himself.

-You think she released my harness?
It was my own mistake.

Which makes me suspect if we like in the movie didnt treat our vengeful wife good enough and the reason she betrayed us. Then again i've met men who treat their wives like queens and they still get hated tons and get treated like shit by them and cheated on a lot like the wife was doing in this movie too symbolizing the slut the lunar queen is.

This movie had intel that the lunar queen is trapped here and seeks out like agent smith.

-Leaving would never have been easy,
but now it's impossible.
You can't fight.
Just beg. 

I guess like it was said in defenders series she'll start begging us on the 10th day.

-I believe it was the tenth day
that they knelt before me.
Begging to make it stop.

They had intel of her husband willing to let her go if she promises to never see his son again which reminds me the family drama intel of lunar queen having kidnapped her husband's son like in star wars movies and guardians of galaxy and train/brainwash him to kill his own father. The son is too valuable to the father and he's willing to trade him for her freedom.

 -he made me an offer.
He'd let me go if I agreed
never to see my son again.

It gets complicated on who we actually are, are we the betrayed father, the kidnapped son or the battery/holy spirit/soul hahaha!
I keep an open mind and entertain all possibilities, why bet on one when you can bet on all.
Religion tells all 3 of above is actually 1 and the same which blows my mind when i think of the answer of who we are is all of the above, father son and holy spirit.(the son carries his father's genes so he's the father in a way like boba fett's son)

The opera arena where it blows up at the end and everybody dies symbolizes earth and there was a hell of a war there, special forces from all over the place met and fought there, forces from the future, from the past, present, from the outworld/aliens, it was insane and everything happened really fast.
Found funny earthlings were enjoying their life/show till the last minute having no idea the shitshow that was fixing to happen.


  1. This is the easiest book in the Fighting Fantasy series, Island of the Lizard King:

    The lizard king was actually a mind controlled puppet being controlled by a parasite that was camouflaged as his crown which very much reminds me of the current corona virus psy op.

    1. Fighting Fantasy books in general are very hard to beat but this one is the opposite, its very hard to lose in it.

    2. "Found funny earthlings were enjoying their life/show till the last minute having no idea the shitshow that was fixing to happen."

      Thats my every day life, enjoying my sleeping death while being blind to the shitshow that awaits me around the corner.

    3. The crown/corona of the lizard king being the parasite itself reminded me the halo from dbz all dead had to wear and werent allowed to return to the land of the living/outworld until they got rid of it.
      Yeap it's the mark of the beast/worm itself and we all got it in this land of the dead/crater earth.
      In legion movie with angel michael they showed the lunar boss controls us through that halo/corona and it acts also like a leash/neck shackle.

    4. I was looking at this fifa world cup 2022 poster for next year and they show the halo/corona on top of the world:

    5. That's the halo/ringworm arabs and muslims wear, they program us while here that is a great thing to wear one as i suspect in the afterlife like in dbz and 40 martyrs christian story lunar scum force us to wear one. Or in the afterlife it's visible on us while here in the flesh is invisible thanks to our brain and eyes filtering out what they dont want us to see.
      In tron legacy everyone who entered the digital world(land of the dead) was forced to wear a halo too!

    6. The fifa world cup 2022 poster is also a subliminal earth is ringwormed(consumed by the worm) like the asgard map reveals.

    7. Check this video game poster that i used to play as a kid called Tzar the Burden of the Crown, the crown is the ringworm, Zar means zua alteza real/your royal highness, i dont know what the T is for but i see it in the courts in the tribunals like the scales of Maat, the tribunals have a very prominent big T design at their entrances like Trumps buildings, you can also see the dragon/winged worm and the moon.

      It shows the infinite loop in the right bottom corner just like the Qatar fifa world cup logo.

      They even make the logo like the ouroboros, you can see the snakes head design on it.

    8. That castle is tower symbolism like in lord of the rings and it symbolizes also the moon just like the dragon next to it.

      I just decoded the allegiant movie by the way, i exposed the halos that were shown there so hard if they had consciousness they would hesitate to show up in another movie.

  2. Love Death and Robots season 2 episode 3 "Pop Squad". This one is a direct message of the impurities from having kids.

    1. Just to realize how wrong mixing is, imagine the most beautiful woman you're attracted to.
      Now imagine her mixed and fused dbz style with an ugly dude.
      That's how our kids are and we too.
      I imagine God created perfect things and the worm ruined them all with mixing, chimera style.

    2. So do you think race mixing is the worst thing possible then? I'm black and even I feel that the race/gene mixing agenda that they're pushing is just wrong and disgusting!

    3. Trump had a conversation with China's leader Xi Jinping who told to his face all these ancient empires like the great Egyptian civilization went extinct through mixing while them chinese are still the same people after 5000 years, black hair, yellow skin etc and trump was speechless.

      The enemy knows the damages mixing does and that's why they push it heavily on the west while they make sure in the east they keep their race original.
      I have make threads exposing how bad mixing is and how evil is born from mixing and is always mixed.
      We're all mixed right now but preventing further mixing we prevent things going from bad to worse.

  3. Suppose everyone becoming gay and lesbian or not intermingling at all like the Japanese may prolong impurities. Kaboom, aren't the Chinese allegedly a mix between the reptilian and hominid race? This would explain our reptilian brain from being mixed with them as well? Or am I way off on this.

    1. Indeed or just procreate with species/creatures that look the most like us like the Chinese do that's if you do want 2 procreate. I'm with kaboom mixing does cause a lot of problems. That's why even mixed race/mutt Hitler dreamed of a pure blood Aryan, master race cuz he knew the evil/dangers of mixing!

    2. More mixing doesnt take away impurities it creates worse ones, i havent investigate the impurities of the japanese race but i can tell with confidence they got them from mixing as they're mongols and mixed as hell.
      The chinese are also mixed as hell but i guess they love their special mix black hair, yellow skin and no smelling armpits and try to preserve it.

      Found out mongolia has a population of 3 million people and was baffled how such a small group(even smaller in ancient times) did such genetic damage to the entire earth.
      When they conquered europe it is said they were only 100,000 when they left mongolia and were expanding rapidly by kidnapping kids of other countries and spreading their genes through mass rapes and marriages agent smith style.
      Still i'm baffled how the whole planet has mongol genes yet there are only 3 million mongols in mongolia.
      Goes to show when you have the lunar scum backing you, you can march alone and rape the whole planet like agent smith.
      The native americans/mongols reveal they had help and guidance from people from the stars/moon when they came to america and genocide and raped the ancient red race.
      Then they went ahead and called themselves the red man.
      Same in japan, they raped that island so hard all look like mongols, then they turn around and call themselves japanese, the indigenous race and hate the mongols for invading them which is comical to me.


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