Mission Impossible 2000(2033 Subliminal!) Wear Your Masks If You Want To Die!


-This is your Captain again.
We've experienced a slight
but abrupt drop in cabin pressure.
As a precaution,
I've released the oxygen masks.
Please put them on, sit back, relax.

This movie came out in the year 2000=2033 subliminal and was based around a man made virus that was made from mixing genes of other viruses and creating a super virus named chimera, kinda like what the chinese dragon is a mixed monster/worm which is exactly what chimera is also.

I was blown away how they showed to our face everyone who put on a mask died which is subliminal that the solution they will present will be the virus itself, so the masks/solution killing people could be subliminal for the vaccines or chinese contaminating mask supplies with the virus.

-I needed to know just how bad
the disease was in the real world
not just the lab.
You were genetically splicing together
strains of influenza

to create a cure for all influenzas.
But you were also creating
a disease so terrible in Chimera

the cure would be priceless.
I needed Chimera
in order to peddle Bellerophon.
It's not that difficult
to understand, is it?
Look, I've got the virus,
you've got the cure.
I need them both.
Time was, a shot of penicillin
would knock off every bug(worm) in the zoo(earth).

Not anymore.
If I couldn't make money killing
the microscopic little shits out there
you'd help me put one out there
that I could make money on.

Hahaha they were mixing genes to create a cure but instead they created a much more horrible disease/worm! How they didnt see this one coming, that mixing creates only monsters!
What i've been screaming for years now and having decoded that evil is always mixed!

Pegasus is mixed too so he's as evil as chimera, baphomet, chinese worm etc, the villain hiding as the hero in plain sight like in all hollywood movies, asian animes etc.

The mixing of genes intel from MI2 movie that created chimera/most evil disease is very important as is also what all lifeforms are programmed by the worms within to do naturally which is sex.
Through sex all lifeforms are constantly mixing their genes and at the end of the road chimera is what all bloodlines will get.

I was disgusted in mr nobody 2009 movie when they promoted the mixing of genes as nature's greatest weapon against diseases, hahahaha what a bunch of shameless liars hollywood is man.

-A vast war plan between two
modes of reproduction ...
Bacteria and viruses
are asexual organisms.
With each cell division,
each multiplication,
they mutate and perfect themselves
much more quickly than we do.
Against this, we respond
with the most fearsome weapon
Two individuals,
by mixing their genes
shuffle the cards and create(chimera) an
individual who resists viruses better.
The more dissimilar he or she is.
Now, are we unknowing participants in
a war between two modes of reproduction?

In man of steel movie and guardians of galaxy 2 was shown the 2nd mode of reproduction which is without sex, how jesus/god was born also and in both movies was shown advanced civilizations dont create life with sex/mixing of genes and find life created through sex as an abomination like chimera.

From guardians of galaxy 2

-What is your heritage, Mr. Quill?
My mother is from Earth.
-And your father?
He ain't from Missouri. That's all I know.
-I see it within you.
An unorthodox genealogy.
A hybrid that seems particularly...

MI2, mixing=evil=chimera
Mr nobody, mixing=good=pegasus

In mi2 like in mr nobody they tried mixing as the solution against diseases and it worked out perfectly hahaha, they created a worse disease than the one they were trying to cure!

Next in mi2 they showed a building that symbolized earth and was blown away at the intel that the light-source/our sun to be a mirror, intel i have decoded countless times before.

-Not going in from the ground.
Show me the atrium.(oculus on earth's dome)
-The atrium? One of a kind.
Runs down through
the center of the building.
Provides 24-hour natural light
via mirrors
and daylight storage cells,
optimum growing conditions
for the virus.(worms of the zoo/earth)
Ends in a glass floor
which doubles as part of the lab ceiling
The atrium roof closes at sundown.

They showed also the intel that communications with the outside world are cut off(intel i have decoded in countless movies) and anyone who enters earth loses radio contact with the outside world.

-Ethan, the (air filtration)generators(were shown also in star trek beyond)
are about to go active.
Just a friendly reminder,
we'll be out of contact for eight minutes.
(tom cruise loses contact when he enters earth with his friends outside of earth, that building reminded me ma-ma's tower/skyscraper from dredd 2012 movie which symbolized also earth)

All in all the main message of this MI2 movie was prepare for a man made pandemic as we approach the year 2000/2033 and covid-19 we already experienced was just the beginning, i think they tested humanity's reaction with bullshit or weak covid-19 and next they'll hit us hard with some real shit.
In comments of previous thread i decoded worms/diseases love water and go crazy for it, and i suspect an easy way to kill them or control their population is by minimizing water consumption.

I found news articles of sick people increasing water consumption while sick to flush the infection out and the disease within getting worse and doctors advising against drinking a lot of water while sick.



  1. "In comments of previous thread i decoded worms/diseases love water and go crazy for it, and i suspect an easy way to kill them or control their population is by minimizing water consumption."

    My favorite hobby when i was a child was digging up worms and transferring them from the earth into the water, i used to place them in a laundry bowl, filled it with water, they would grow from small worms into long worms and they would squirm and swirl around, i loved watching that spectacle.

    "I found news articles of sick people increasing water consumption while sick to flush the infection out and the disease within getting worse and doctors advising against drinking a lot of water while sick."

    When you are sick you sweat a lot because the body raises its temperature to create and so you get dehydrated and need lots of water.
    I used to get strong fevers every 4 months or so.
    Its horrible if you have a sore throat because the liquid burns when going down while solid food is much easier to pass through.

    1. The body raises its temperature to create a fever.

    2. Just noticed worm hydra from mythology means water! The large intestine in our body that i decoded to be a digital part is where our body keeps most of the water and is like a water pool full with worms!
      I read humans can live normal lives without the large intestine and i suspect to be a healthier life too being super light on worms thanks to the large intestine being absent.
      Oh oh oh, dr steven gundry revealed that the bacteria/worms in our large intestine mind control us and give us diseases and how he cures people by doing fecal transplants/change the worms in the large intestine.
      So i suspect not only healthier life with large intestine removal but also a life with a lot less mind control by the worms within and a lot less water within for the rest worms to use too.
      Removing the water pool that is the large intestine might make us less desirable to outside worms as there's no playground for them inside us anymore.
      Also the water that is still gets tons of worms/bacteria while the water that moves is usually clean. Without the large intestine we will not have stuck water within us but water that moves freely throughout our body and as a result no way for parasites to grow, multiply and make our body their home.
      Damn i really see our large intestine as a very evil part of our human body.

      Holy moly, look what i just read in google

      "Malaria and dengue are among the main dangers of stagnant water, which can become a breeding ground for the mosquitoes that transmit these diseases. Stagnant water can be dangerous for drinking because it provides a better incubator than running water for many kinds of bacteria and parasites."

      Thanks to the large intestine we all have tons of stagnant water inside us and no wonder why our shit stink so much!

    3. I forgot to add at the end of above comment "no wonder why our shit stink so much!" and are full with worms and parasites too!
      I read we can drink our pee as it's sterile(thanks to being moving water) but all doctors advise against eating feces as they're full with parasites(thanks to coming from stagnant water within the large intestine).

      One time i had a bad diarrhea after consuming a plant medicine and i was shitting tons of water and was freaking out saying holy moly that's a lot of stagnant water inside me!

    4. My large intestine after losing that water was giving me horrible pains for days to weeks so removing the stagnant water alone from the large intestine is not a solution, i would remove the large intestine/mother worm(looks like the chinese tapeworm too) along with it too.

    5. Ive drank my own piss for around 2 months, it actually had a nice taste, i was eating vegan and consuming lots of sugar so that must be why, i wouldnt drink it on a regular diet as that would be too acid to handle i think.
      I dont plan on doing it again as i didnt notice any benefits from it.
      Faeces on the other hand are repulsive, i wouldnt try those.
      That was at a point when i was suffering from years and years of inflammatory bowel disease, i was reading how pissing on wounds would heal them and how urine therapy could heal internal injuries, i had intense pain everyday for a long time, i even backed out from a colonoscopy at the last moment and i was watching a lot of videos of people who had their colons removed as the doctor had told me i could have Chrons disease.
      I am glad that pain is gone, its like im living with a new gut now, i also used to have horrible flatulence and constipation, when i was a child i used to shit every other week, that was horrible, and those were rock hard shits, now im shitting soft dumps multiple times a day, it feels amazing.
      A lot of diarrhea as well but i got a lot of trash from the past to flush out.
      I was watching a lot of these videos back then:

      Colostomy/Ileostomy: Emptying a Pouch

    6. My current health problems are cornea damage caused by a keratoconus that gives me a blurry vision, peripheral neuropathy on both of my feet that gives me a lot of pain and limits my movement, and thalassemia.
      I refused a cornea transplant and the ophtalmologist became really agressive and i thought i was going to have to fight him, his livelihood depends on these surgeries so i understand him but the guy cant force me to accept one just because im injured, i walked out but the guy was ready to punch my face in.
      Even though im still not healthy im much better than i was at age 20, the pain from the nerve damage is bad but not as restrictive as the pain in my bowels was, also i no longer have severe acne and i can now happily press my back against any surface and be at ease, plus im no longer repulsed of looking at myself in a mirror, i no longer have an issue with people seeing me without a shirt on, ive spent a decade without taking my shirt off in front of anyone, and i totally quitted going to the beach or swimming pools which were things that i used to love as a child.

    7. At my last hospital stay back in january i refused a lumbar puncture and the doctor got so upset i was like "what's her deal?", i already did chemo, you assholes made your money, but no they have to milk every last drop from the insurance money as they also did a skin biopsy on my leg and gave me a nasty wound that's still open for over 3 months now.
      Later i found out from the top doctor of that hospital the lumbar puncture wasnt necessary but sure they got close to give me hell for refusing.
      The skin biopsy was also unnecessary and now i'm paying the price for accepting. The asshole dermatologist had me sign a paper too to have his ass covered. That contract immediately spooked me, i was like why they make me sign a paper for cutting little bit of skin from my leg, the asshole cut me deep and he knew he was putting me at risk having no immune system from the chemo, i got a nasty infection too which thankfully went away.

    8. Thank you for sharing, not only is sickness a pain but doctors are an even greater pain in the ass.
      All they see is numbers/worms $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    9. You know when you are talking about signing the contract/cumming in the pussy, contracts/treaties are firstly signed (think impregnation) and secondly ratified/made valid (think giving birth).

  2. I just read the large intestine is called colon, it's short for colony, colony of worms!

    Google said this too
    "Can you live without a large intestine?
    You can live without a large intestine - something that comes as a shock to many people. The large intestine or colon has one primary role, water and electrolyte absorption to concentrate the stool. It plays little role in metabolism and people can live full lives without their large intestine."

    Useless digital parasitic shit that cause only trouble as i decoded before and feeding off directly from analog like the large digital intestine(and nasty worms within it) does to the smooth analog small intestine.

    1. I suspected also all stds came from anal/colon/digital large intestine sex!(as i used to wonder "how the first guy/patient 0 got the std to give it to someone else?" if you only get them from sex.)
      See also people claim aids came from homosexuals as they do unclean sex, i know aids was manufactured but there's truth in anal sex causing horrible diseases and now i know why, you get tons of worms from the nasty colon which then you transfer everywhere else and in your partner's body when you mix anal sex with oral, vaginal etc.
      And damn i was shown some nasty pictures when i was in usmc to scare us to stay away from sex.
      Priests were scaring women not to do oral sex telling them in hospitals they've seen doctors remove people's infected throats from oral sex. I suspect those throats got infected cause the dick was in a dirty asshole the moment before.

      Funny how the digital large intestine is also responsible for all stds yet it never gets exposed by the criminal medical establishment!

    2. In the sex classes i was in usmc never once they informed us against anal sex!
      Talk about criminal ignorance! The elephant/chinese dragon in the room and no one sees it!
      "Use condoms they said, stay away from sex for best they said(which i agree too)"
      but not saying anything about the dangers of unprotected/unclean anal sex get the hell out of here you ignorant bastards i would tell them, you're not qualified to give sex classes.

      I'm blown away how it's so obvious now all stds started from anal sex yet none of the so called sex experts give any precautions to it or are even aware how stds begun.

    3. I never had sex but ive watched a lot of porn since i was 13, i dont enjoy watching anal scenes, i find gay males sex scenes repulsive, but even anal on a female gives me the creeps, it just feels wrong to me.
      Ive had a tonsillectomy and a circumcision has a child because my penis and tonsils were infected, and that wasnt from sex so the body does create infections when its on a toxic acidic state, i would have benefited from the doctors telling me to go vegan rather than chopping off those two parts of my body but there would be no money $$$$$$$ gained by them doing that so i understand them now.

    4. I found out articles couple months ago of cancers that thrive on both acidic and alkaline environments and was blown away. I wanted to mention this as you never hear of it and almost no one knows about it.
      I'll do more digging to see if i can find more intel on this.

    5. Found some articles on candida flourishing on alkaline environment. Dr tullio exposes most cancers to be from candida by the way.
      "Candida overgrowth relies on increased alkalinity in your intestines. It needs neutral or alkaline conditions to switch to its fungal form. This is why acid-producing probiotics like acidophilus are so effective at slowing and even reversing the overgrowth, and why caprylic acid is an effective antifungal. Your digestive system has evolved with a naturally acidic environment that protects us against pathogens like Candida, so when you begin your Candida treatment plan you need to maintain that acidity."

      There's a war here between pro alkaline posters and pro acid posters lol.
      "Candida loves (and creates) an alkaline environment. Candida hates *acid*. Anyone doing an enema with either vinegar (acetic acid) or Molkosan (lactic acid) will atest to the sheets of candida which come out.

      Acid is your colons natural defense against yeast and pathogenic bacteria.

      This acid is created by lacto and bifido bacteria in a healthy colon. Unfortunately in an unhealthy colon you don't have enough of these good guys, instead you have an abundance of bad guys excreting alkaline substances (e.g. ammonia).

      Also I disagree that candida particularly grows in a toxic enviroment. It *creates* toxins, the most potent amongst them being acetaldehyde which is one of the most toxic substances that human beings regularly come into contact with (it is the breakdown product of alcohol)."

    6. Maybe candida is what is helping my bowels as ive never felt this good before in my intestinal workings, its working amazingly now, multiple times a day, no problems, no farts, no pain.
      I have never tried an enema and im not planning on trying one.

    7. My severe acne has been reversed, and as an infection that is very similar to what was going on in my penis and on my tonsils, so if diet reversed acne i believe also that had i changed my diet as a child i could have saved my foreskin and tonsils too.

  3. Taylor Swift shows the worm as well:

    Taylor Swift - …Ready For It?

    1min16sec in worm moves overTaylors face
    Put it on slow speed
    Worm runs the show

    joel 2:25
    And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.


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