Army of the Dead 2021 Decoded. UPDATE! "It's at the microcosm level/realm our enemy resides and it's on that level where we defeat it!" (See my new comments)

 The movie starts with a sex scene and i was like what's the importance of this, it took me a while to connect the dots.
Before the sex the woman tells her man "you're about to get in trouble mister", after the sex both die and the first of all mutants gets freed from his prison/it is born!

No wonder why they called sex the most fearsome weapon in Mr nobody 2009 movie!
Sex/mixing of genes creates evil which is exactly what this movie showed to our face.

The zombies symbolized humanity, were able to have sex and reproduce too and were trapped behind a wall hahahaha! That was earth's dome!

They said after 4 days the whole place gets nuked by the outworld and was like wait that's not the 3 days i know of like majora's mask showed to our face. Then during the movie the outworld changed plans and decided to nuke us at the end of the 3rd day hahahahaha! Sneaky hollywood bastards man.

-Due to fears that
mounting anger from humanitarian groups
would cause the bombing
to be postponed indefinitely,
the administration
has made the dramatic choice
to not postpone the bombing
but rather to move it up
by a full 24 hours.
-The f*ck?
-The scheduled drop time
now coming at sunset tonight.(We're on the 3rd day intel! after 2033 that is)
(unless this change is intel that the date moved to 2033 which could be great as waiting 1 thousand more years to get out of this matrix sewer/crater/shithole programmed and mutated as a tmnt rat would really suck)

They showed sedusa/medusa/lunar queen as the zombie queen and her plan was for her/her head to escape like in star trek first contact before this place gets nuked/purified.
She was also the mother of all zombies which is the lunar queen mother intel i have decoded.
They had intel with batista that our father/odin/zeus will kill our mother/hera/devil not from hate but because she's infected by the parasite/worm, intel i have also decoded that lunar queen/lucifer/devil etc went evil after he/she got infected and how our true enemy is a parasite/worm born from mixing.

I loved the scene where the good father overpowered the evil mother, manhandled that bitch but at the same time i felt his pain knowing too that she wasnt the enemy but the parasite within. He had to kill her in order to save his kids/us from her parasite.

Her banging on the door trying to escape shows how afraid the parasites/worms are of our father, like the demons(which i decoded to be worms/parasites) were to jesus in the pigs story running away and towards lukewarm water for their lives. I wish i was a badass like him and not a weak victim of the parasites that i'm now. 

 -Thousands of protesters
marched on the Capitol this morning
in response to yesterday's
historic Congressional vote
that narrowly ratified
the controversial proposal
to wipe out the last remains(earth last stronghold of the worms intel)
of the so-called Zombie Wars,(star wars/worm wars)
which drew to a dramatic end
with the US military
suffering massive casualties
and being forced to retreat
as Vegas(Earth) was walled off with the zombies
left inside to haunt the abandoned city.
This will mark the culmination
of the president's efforts
to fulfill his campaign promise
to exterminate
Las Vegas' undead population
by taking the extreme action of dropping
a low-yield tactical nuclear bomb
on the city of Las Vegas
in four(three) days' time

In 3 days was shown also that we join the zombies' ranks, that we become a zombie which is the intel i have decoded that the programming that will make us puppets of the lunar scum and their parasites takes 3 days to complete and the importance to wake up or leave this place before the 3 days like this movie showed. They showed also they kidnap kids and people from the outside world like in allegiant movie, oh and how like in north korea we can buy our way out of here by bribing the guards intel i have also decoded recently.

-That money is our ticket out of here,
or we'll be trapped in Barstow forever.
Listen, these guards,
they don't give a shit.
But for five grand,
I can buy my way out, me and my kids.

I have to get the kids out by Friday,
and I will do
whatever it takes to protect my family.
(The enemy loves us to have family and loved ones as through that he has leverage over us like the north korean leader to the ones who escape his kingdom, one of the few important reasons not to make a family while here).

-There's no way Geeta's alive, right?
I mean, look at these things.
-Don't be so sure. I brought a guy in once.
Lost sight of him.
Had to leave him. I thought he was dead.
Then three days later,
he came walking back out.
-What happened to him?
-Said they took him to the Olympus.
Shoved him in a room
with two other people.
The leader, he came for them one by one.
If my guy hadn't escaped,
he would have been next.
(If he got out after 3 days he's a zombie and an agent working for the zombies behind the wall and the reason they allow him to get out)
What gave me the chills is that the humans before they got infected/turned into zombies in the walled/domed area they were living in apartments like regular humans waiting for their turn to come to get infected and join the zombies after the 3 days are over.

The woman that was kidnapping people from the outside world and giving them to the zombies was called Lily/Lilith and she replaced medusa after she was killed and became the new queen.

-You all keep talking
about the city(domed crater earth) like it's their prison.
It's not. It's their kingdom.
(Whatever helps them sleep at night)

-There they are, the shamblers,
what's left of them.
-What happened to them exactly?
-What's it look like?
Weren't smart enough
to get out of the sun.(vampires subliminal)
(later nukes were shown to create sunlight that kills the vampires/zombies/parasites within)
You should see what happens when it rains.
For a few hours,
they all come back to life.
(Didnt we decode and expose in a recent thread how the worms(demons) within love water, hahahaha! No wonder the zombies come back to life after it rains!(or sky bleeds like in allegiant movie)

They showed also how mixing degrades us like dbs showed with father akumo making fun of his weak descendant/goku for having diluted/mixed genes and therefore to be a much weaker version of him.

The first zombie that was created was the strongest one, the ones he bites and mixes his worms with theirs become a weaker version of him named alphas, the ones the alphas bite become an even weaker version of them called shamblers and so on.

At the end of the movie the worms escaped after this place was bombed/nuked to the ground which bombing by the way i have decoded the lunar scum will do, not the outside world and like man of steel and this movie showed the destruction of earth will help them escape as the outside forces will leave in order not to get hurt by the explosion which will also tear down the wall/dome they built.

-With 96 hours left,
the government has already moved
more than half of its military presence
out of the quarantine zone,(
because this place is fixing to blow up)
which makes it vulnerable.(and an opportunity for the worms within/medusa head to escape which is exactly the goal of the mongol asian boss talking here and not the money the humans were fooled to believe.
You hear that all the time, "it's all about the money", in reality it's all about the worms, that's where the true power and control/dominance over all lifeforms is which was said right below.)

-You said
you just needed a vial of her blood.
Well, forget blood.
You know how much the whole head of
one of these things is worth to my boss,
to the government?
In the right hands,
this is the power to make more of them.
The power to control your own zombie army.
That's the ultimate WMD.

That's the medusa head alright, and we have intel here that all worms obey the king/queen worm like bees do. I would have thought and said long ago that if we kill the king/queen is game over for the worms/parasites but this movie showed like bees do if the worms lose their queen they'll just make a new one.

The trash helicopter on top of the tower symbolized our moon and is the ride of the bad guys out of here(before or while earth gets blown up), i rofled so hard at the scene where a transgender mechanic was trying to repair it.(it was destroyed on one side like our moon is on its dark side in dead space 3 game). The zombie boss boarded it at the end too.

They had the intel also of the father coming to this place to save his daughter/family before it gets blown up which i dont know anymore if it's a good thing as that's what the worms are counting on too like in tron legacy movie.(not to mention they have made the father's daughter their new queen like in taken movie i decoded and in witcher 3 blood and wine)

- Is it another team,
or is it us, Dieter?
- Huh?
- Think about it. Us.
I mean, look at them. It's us.
It could be us in another timeline,
and we're caught
in some infinite loop
of fighting and dying,
fighting and dying,
fighting and dying. And Tanaka...
the puppet master.
Devil. God.
And we, you, me, Guz,
and the rest of the team,
simply pawns in some perverse play
where we're destined
to repeat our failures.
And finally,
in some mind-bending, ironic reveal...
it all begins again.

From altered carbon
-How many times have i done this?
-Not nearly enough.

Repetition is programming so the whole thing gets exposed again as programming for our sleeping soul to act a certain way and respond to certain stimuli when it wakes up.

I remember when i was 7 years old back in school and was forced to memorize entire pages from books word by word and had to spend hours reading them over and over again to the point i could like a robot memorize every single word of them. This i had to do for many years at that damn school and now that i learned how evil the numbers/words/worms are and what they do to us i feel like i was mentally/spiritually violated and abused by mental/spiritual level pedophiles which were my teachers and parents. I wish i could go back in time(most likely will(my past will repeat) from what they tell us hahaha) as Mike Tyson or Scott Adkins from undisputed and beat the crap out of all them, then drag their beatup bodies home and yell at my parents "send me to a school again, i dare you to send me to a school again, i'll fill up the entire house with beat up bodies of teachers". I could then even force my parents to memorize whole pages from books they hate out of fear of punishment like they did to me to see what it feels like, but then again i'm so appalled by it i wouldn't want another human being to experience such nastiness, even though it could teach em a great thing tasting their own nasty medicine they forced on others.(Imagine a classroom full with beatup teachers and my parents and me as undisputed boyka their teacher forcing them to memorize crappy books and beat the crap out of them when they miss a word. That would be divine justice right there, back in the day especially at my grandpa's time teachers were beating up kids ufc style for grammar mistakes and my parents telling me these stories were proud of them, my teachers at school were saying "those were the times, unlike now that we just slap you hard in the face and back of the head once or twice". I have decoded the victim becomes the criminal and goes on to repeat the same thing on others which is wrong, the justified thing to do is repeat the same thing on the ones who did it in the first place curing them in the process by having them taste their own medicine).

By the way worm in greek is schooliki.
Go to school=Enter the dragon/worm literally!

I remember math/numbers at 12th grade in greece(which is college level math in usa) was a total mindf*ck and used to wonder what's the point in learning that shit, there's no real world applications to it other than brain damage which all teachers got from it by the looks of it, especially math teachers who all looked f*cked up in the head.
I used to wonder why at every school it's the math teachers that are the most mean, heartless, cold and crazy/psychotic.
Now i know, the numbers do a number on you.
Also the very definition of number is to numb=to make someone without feelings/heartless which is what all teachers are as words are numbers too.
Money are numbers too and we all know what money do to people, yet no one knows the same exact thing numbers and words do too.

-If I can open it,(hellraiser cube/vault)
it will be either destruction or renewal.
Death... or rebirth.

This took me a while to decode. The vault full of money/riches is our prison/earth, see also potc with jack sparrow locked in a vault/tomb full with riches(the land of the dead is called also pluto in greek which means rich),
Opening the vault is getting out of our prison/egg and to be born in a much bigger world.
The black guy was locked in that vault like jack sparrow too.
The first zombie/mutant was also locked in a vault/container and both were freed like zod thanks to an explosion, earth/krypton getting blown up.
The black guy was locked in the vault for protection like riddick did also in riddick 2013 where his tomb/prison had also the shape of an egg.
Both black guy and riddick were getting hunted down on the outside world and the reason they entered the vault.
Black guy exiting the vault after the world outside it gets blown up reminds me the allegiant movie where the lunar queen was locked in a vault(moon symbolism) while the world outside it was fixing to get killed, saying also "we are safe in the vault/moon".

The black guy exited the vault infected too! Which makes this ending scene identical to the scene at the beginning of the movie with the first mutant exiting his vault after the explosion/nuke bomb.
Which makes this movie a cycle/loop like the tenet 2020 beginning exactly where it ends!

Damn the black guy was right on the money earlier when he said they're caught in an infinite loop.
Also the black guy at the end was about to infect an entire new city after he got out just like the mutant did in the beginning of the movie after he got out from his vault.

Damn i got you zack snyder, i decoded the loop you hid in plain sight.
And to imagine now when you first see the first mutant the history he has and what he has went through and the hero he was before becoming a mutant is mind blowing!


  1. By the way i decoded the mortal kombat 2021 poster.
    Fire and ice mixed in a human body which gets you water, what all lifeforms on this crater are and what worms/parasites love to live in.

    This shows precisely what you get by mixing different things, you dont get the best of both worlds you get the neither of both worlds, hahaha!

    Freaking weak ass lukewarm water man, no wonder why chinese/worm's race bruce lee was promoting to all humans to be water.
    Would love by the way instead of being mixed=water to be able like the equals sign = and mk poster to preserve both powers in me while making sure they are always parallel and never mix/cross and able to use both.
    Throw ice from one hand subzero style and fire from the other scorpio style.
    How about that bruce lee? I could dominate your stupid water with fire or ice. Freeze it and walk on it jesus style or vaporize it out of my way and walk through oceans moses style.

  2. I have decoded these worms/parasites we're dealing with are programs, so then i wondered for them to infect and take over, their programming must be stronger than their victims, then i remembered a zombie movie(world war z i think) where it was revealed they can only possess weak minded people!(lukewarm minded people).

    Which means if my mind or soul is hot like fire or cold like ice the worms cant possess me and the reason they possess and live in only mixed/lukewarm people!
    Mason jordan maxwell came to mind i listened to 10 years ago who revealed that demons can only enter and possess mixed human bodies(chimeras) and how they cannot enter or possess unmixed/pure human bodies!


  3. Just remembered they showed through this new covid19 pandemic they created they will create new rules to control the masses, throw to prison and suppress any one who might say something they dont like.
    It's the new terrorist strategy. A chess champion that was thrown to jail because he spoke against gw bush said "bush called me as a terrorist and bam you have no human rights, then they threw me to prison with no trial".

    Identical thing with covid this movie showed they will do. You're angry? you hate the government? you're infected! Bam you have no human rights and are thrown to prison/concentration camp immediately and of course without a trial just like they did to the chess champion.

    -What? Were you saying something to me?
    -No, I didn't say anything.
    -You know, the first sign
    of infection is belligerence
    and actions outside of social norms.
    Look at me and hold still.
    Your turn.
    If you want,
    I could use my rectal thermometer.
    You're down a couple of decimal points.
    You sure you're feeling all right?
    You sure you're not infected?
    - I... I'm fine.
    I'm fine. I'm... I feel fine.
    you're both within
    the margin of error, but watch it.
    -What were you thinking?
    Do you know how easy it would be
    for him to make you disappear?
    All he has to say
    is that you dropped a degree,
    and nobody would question it, nobody.

  4. I saw also the divergent 2014 movie few days ago that showed through vaccines they will put trackers in our bodies that can hijack our brains and turn us into literal mindless obedient robots. What usmc and every military bootcamp tries so hard to do and takes months of training to become somewhat robot, here they come with a freaking vaccine that can turn you instantly into a robot. Every military's wet dream!

  5. Ive noticed from your use of symbols:
    = two separate shores in a river
    x two shores bridged together/mixed
    Pontifex Maximus = Supreme bridgebuilder = X-man
    Thats why Switzerland the global government headquarters has a X on the flag

    Same X they have at the center of St Peters square, it even looks like a X where the obelisk is, the obelisk is the bridge that connects worlds/mixed cultures together.,width-640,resizemode-4,imgsize-955124/st-peters-square-vatican-city.jpg

    Thats exactly the X-Man symbol.

    Oh look Elon Musk is promoting dogecoin X now.

    ELON MUSK launching his OWN Cryptocurrency called X?

    X Men Opening Theme (High Quality)

    1. Professor X also loves tu puppeteer his puppet X-men around just like a ventriloquist move, thats why Magneto got a helmet for his vault/skull to protect it from getting wormed which is what i was writing about on the previous thread.
      Worm in the apple = Wormed skull

    2. Who else has a X on the album cover, oh its the Vaginal Larvae/queen of the worms, yep.
      "Under my skin", i know im wormed on the inside, im a moorish mongrel.

      Avril Lavigne-Under My Skin-Take Me Away

      Then my wormed genetics give me diseases but all the scripted wormed puppets know is how to parrot that sugar is bad and that it causes diabetes.
      I never had diabetes and i dont have diabetes you freaking worms.

      Cure Type 2 Diabetes With Sugar & White Rice - Dr. McDougall

      Sugar bad, mixed genetics good is what these puppets parrot.

    3. Ive already ate tons of tripe, animal blood and organ meats growing up and it didnt get me anywhere, it only got me sicker and sicker.
      Yet these parrots would incite me to continue down that path of garbage consumption until im dead, you want to eat that crap you eat it yourselves.
      Then i checked the comments on Furious Pete eating cotton candy and my god the comments:
      "I'm diabetic and just watching this killed me a little inside lmfao"
      "Hey Pete, I would rather you do a challenge that is painful yet still healthy. Idk about your other viewers, but I don't find chugging sugar very impressive, it's more of just 'wow this dude really chugged that much sugar', I could do the same, but I don't wanna die, I hope he's okay."
      "This can't be good for the body. Imagine the gall bladder, liver and kidneys all working overtime to process all that sugar."
      "Can't say I enjoyed this. Just made me concerned for your well being."
      "The next vid will be called, "how I became a diabetic" lol"

      This is clown world on full display, your are going to die from sugar, from sugar!!!
      The most innocuous substance on the planet.
      Dying from sugar.
      I just cant, i cant take this world in, look at the insanity, this man eating full animals and tons of fried foods, he gave himself testicular cancer, had it removed from eating all that garbage, but the sugar is the thing that is going to kill him.
      I just cant process it, i cant think like these people, im sorry.

      CRAZY Cotton Candy Chug! (1,000+ Grams of Sugar)

    4. He chugged 1 kilo of sugar in 2 cups, thats overkill, no wonder it was hard to do, but what is the outcome going to be for him, what price will he pay for it, nothing, his life will continue being the same as it was before.
      Now when he was chugging down fried food what happened, oh he lost his testicle.
      But sugar is bad, its going to kill you, sure, can take me out of this worm hive any day, these people know less than nothing, its all nonsense.

    5. While i have decoded and expose the cross + symbol to be the icon of sin i'm stunned how while religious people view it as a divine symbol, the moment you rotate it 45% and make an X out of it, it immediately becomes the symbol of Satan, hahaha! X and + is the exact same thing/symbol which verifies also my decoding and how bad all christians have been deceived to love and worship the symbol of mixing/crossing and sex.

    6. Kaboom ive enjoyed your North Korean fractal decodings but i wonder if you could do something similar with Mexico, 88 politicians and candidates killed in this year midterm elections:

      Mexican candidate killed while handing out flyers

    7. "Would love by the way instead of being mixed=water to be able like the equals sign = and mk poster to preserve both powers in me while making sure they are always parallel and never mix/cross and able to use both."

      Thats Blackbeard in One Piece:

    8. The Japanese really love the X symbol, from cartoons:
      Luffy with X on his chest:
      Himura Kenshin with X on his cheek:

      To old clans:
      Shimazu clan
      History of the Shimazu Clan
      Takeda clan
      History of the Takeda Clan

      They all show the X as their mark/mark of the worm.

    9. Evil witch, cast her spell, seducing you
      She'll take you to the very depths of hell
      cannot move, no eyes to see, a statue now
      For all eternity Medusa laughs at you
      And you're her slave

      Medusa, she's staring at you
      Medusa, with her eyes
      Medusa, oh she's cold


    10. DBZ bardock has also an X/cross on his left cheek and he symbolizes space pirate lunar boss.
      What happened in mexico is horrible but the 88 number makes it look like a ritual as is also the elite's number, a short version of 888/HHH which is the number of the chinese dragon in china and the number of jesus. The 88 was also the number of Hitler and the nazis which german magician franz bardon was killed by them/nazis cause he didnt participate in their rituals.
      Ghrees i used to read long ago had decoded and exposed the 88 number.
      So if the deaths in mexico before the election stop at 88, it was a bloody ritual for someone important they fix to elect/bring to power which i would be very suspicious of.

    11. Mr WIlly Portugals favorite hero did award mexican Jesus Corona with a golden dragon just 3 days before Trump fell ill with corona last year:

      BRUJERIA - Viva Presidente Trump! (OFFICIAL TRACK)

      3 days later Trump came out of the hospital thats 33, and it happened 42 years to the date of burial of John Paul I the 33 day pope, 33 days before election date on November 3 3/11 33.

      Mr Willy later on a press conference used the expression "i dont believe in witches".

      Pinto da Costa não acredita em ...

      Well i do...

    12. The bible calls the ligaments of the body "Chains", and in this music video right at the beginning the chains make a X.

      Dokken - Breaking The Chains (Official Music Video)

    13. Brujeria/Hex/Witchcraft are all synonymous,

    14. This year they had Sporting Cp winning their 19th portuguese championship 19 years later during Covid 19, they also had Hulk the soccer player scoring a total of 77 goals in Portugal, 77 goals in Russia and 77 goals in China.

    15. With all these evil representing numbers, 6,13,666, 777, 888, 999 etc i wondered if there's any number that doesnt symbolize evil and was suprised how i found evil sublimnals on every number/symbol 0-9. That was long before i learned all numbers are evil being the backbone of the digital realm while the good/heaven realm is without numbers which is analog and the reason why people like Paul in the bible, wonder woman's boyfriend who said they went there and back they couldnt describe it with human words as words are numbers/digital and cant explain or describe a world without numbers which is analog.
      This amazing world without numbers is the world morpheus was talking to Neo(or neo on the phone at the end of matrix 1 that he will show to humanity) that exists outside the matrix and the following movies never dared to show us.

    16. Like you said if you cant express it in words i doubt it that they could show it in movies.
      Ive noticed from the japanese media where they say in cartoons and movies that the kataba is the deadliest weapon:
      In hebrew kata means down or curse
      Ana means up or blessing
      Kata-ana means Blessing-Curse or Up-Down, same as ab-ba, so its the mirror again.
      The mirror is the deadliest weapon.

    17. Not kataba, i meant katana, sorry.


  6. You misunderstood my post, I didn't say he said to destroy the universe but when one says "the universe/cosmic body is sick/evil" he prepares the way for the masses to accept its destruction. That was the message i tried to pass on my last post.
    Same strategy was done in the darksiders where there too they didn't say we must destroy the universe but tried to convince us that the universe is sick, so we accept the galactic criminals' solution aka the destruction of it and not try to stop them.

    To give you a simple example when you have a beautiful animal in your possession and you wanna kill it but you worry your neighbors will see you as evil when you do so, you simply poison it make it sick then your neighbors will thank you for killing it so they don't catch the disease your animal carries.

    Same thing they've done to the humans on this planet they have corrupted them to the point so that their extermination will look like a good thing, hope you get my point now.

    The excuse that this is a Cosmic School doesn't fly. Its the PERFECT cover for the criminals. Think about many religious or new agers would ever break free of that ego inflating trap???? Very few. Its MUCH easier to pat yourself on the back and think you're in some "elite" soul school/skull than to face the fact that you've been kidnapped, brainwashed and left in a hole for thousands of years. LOL.

    1. Which is why English happens to be the most evil language filled with trickery, because you see this subliminal programming with Live/Evil.
      Their seed already getting planted in our shadows, and all it takes is a droplet to contaminate the entire glass of water.

      The language of the New World Order.
      Its release out unto this realm was synchronized perfectly with the Gregorian calendar, all Jesuit sorcery and mind games.

      "We have both a collective and personal shadow, which is the collective unconscious and the subconscious. The entirety of MK ULTRA, clandestine operations: unacknowledged special access programs, Illuminati in-fighting, ancestral trauma (epigenetics), Artificial Intelligence, false timelines work through the subconscious. There is a amnesia wall that is built as a buffer, which works to conceal the truth of the human condition." - 1 Seed of Evil is all it takes for transforming a normal human soul. Saturn - Sa-Turn.

    2. Sonic Wave Warfare
      The air is a like a pond and vibrations are like a stone thrown into the pond creating ripples and effects. Thoughts, the written word, the spoken word, and emotions are the vibrations and ripples in the sea of the atmosphere. Words are like swords or words can even be like medicine. Vibrations are weapons if used correctly. After tears comes rain, after righteous anger comes thunder, and after joy comes ionized air. Ions from the atmosphere are a type of fuel for matter. This increases the vibration of matter which is why life itself seems more beautiful or vibrant at times.These are some of the mysteries of creation. This knowledge expands understanding. Use muscle tension and force with willpower to fight them. This understanding enables power. Having the will to fight is necessary to win against an opponent. The key in spiritual warfare is stability with willpower. Some refer to willpower as faith, confidence, or even the force or chi. Martial artists use the "Kaia" sound as a spiritual technique to enhance their physical attacks and strikes. Loving people who spiritually attack you makes no more sense than loving someone who physically attacks you and threatens your life. You have a right to use self defense. This also correlates with vocal vibrations when combating wicked spirits. A strong vibration can cast wicked spirits into the underworld like a hammer hitting a nail.The Ju in Jujutsu refers to gentle and flexible. The gentle approach is underestimated and is subtle. This enables a person to maneuver and adapt with their enemies attacks and motions. This technique is most useful in written warfare. When you face written opposition the enemy often creates an opening for more attacks through their own words. This is mental Jujutsu. The law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Use muscle tension and force along with a willingness to use spiritual violence. That means if you release energies from you body into the atmosphere they must have an equal and opposite reaction in the atmosphere. This carries over to the theory of sonics and the transmission of mechanical energy. The body is a biomechanical source of energy and vocalized words and emotions are the most powerful forces that the body transmits. Applying understanding and willpower to these natural concepts enhances a persons influences. This is sonic wave warfare.

    3. Oh and i just took notice yesterday in the name "nemesis" ghrees' galactic judge the word neme=mene!
      From the wiki.
      "Selene was also called Mene. The word men (feminine mene), meant the moon, and the lunar month."

      After the things i learned and decoded about water/black water/black goo i got blown away when he talks about the water behaving exactly like black goo! copying and assimilating other forms!

      Pay attention also how dangerous his advice he gives to his naive viewers and fans is.

      "empty your mind, be formless... so you can be whatever other forms/lifeforms want you to be=be their slave/puppet!"

      emptying your mind advice apart that symbolizes memory erasing/death reminded me german black magician franz bardon who was advising people in his book to empty their mind so god/lunar boss/agent smith/satan can get inside hahaha!

      I just took notice peace=erase!
      p=r in greek!
      And what better peace of mind than an erased mind, funny thing thats how they were promoting memory erasure in the dollhouse series "get your memories erased get peace of mind", but but someone might ask "babies are in blank slate yet they dont have piece of mind they're always scared and so vulnerable to any criminal they come across!"
      Yeah they sure wont want to have me around when selling amnesia/death pills to the sheeple across this planet hahaha!

      Death is not an Escape nor a Solution. YOU GOT IT ALL WRONG!
      Ok i keep coming across many people who look at death as an escape or a solution to their problems.

    4. It's not and here's why!

      So you finally figured out you're a soul stuck in the flesh and can't wait to die to be free. Last time i checked it's not the cage or the prison who hunts and catches the bird or the prisoner but the maker/owner of that cage/prison.

      So that maker who put you in that cage are you ready to deal with him when you exit your cage?

      Before you were born you were already free and on the other side right? So if everything is fine on the other side how did you end up here? You're here because something very messed up is going on on the other side, in fact that's where all your problems begin ON THE OTHER SIDE!

      And you wanna rush go back to it, completely uninformed/misinformed and completely unprepared.
      Guess what's gonna happen when you do that? You'll be right back! Drained from all of your energy and memories you gathered while you were here and right back into a new cage to refill and repeat!(see the matrix energy drink commercial on how they farm us for our energy being told straight to our face!)

      To make it short.

      Until we bomb Omega/Moon out of existence, we'll never escape we'll always be chasing fake happiness like a carrot on a stick we'll never get our dignity our pride our honor our true freedom back!

    5. Thank you for reminding me of these posts, i got the chills when i read
      " they sure wont want to have me around when selling amnesia/death pills to the sheeple across this planet hahaha!"
      seeing how the parasites/worms already tried to take me out 2 times with leukemia.

    6. This link doesnt work: - 1 Seed of Evil is all it takes for transforming a normal human soul. Saturn - Sa-Turn.

    7. I am stupid, sorry, it works fine.

    8. "So that maker who put you in that cage are you ready to deal with him when you exit your cage?"

      From reading the bible and watching Jonathan Kleck the archangel of Christ my understanding is that i have put myself in this cage by following Lucifer in his rebellion and taking part of the insurrection.
      Insurrection scripted event in the United States is a fractal that mirrors that reality that my memory cannot recall.
      To repent from the insurrection i have to take part of the resurrection represented by Christ being 3 days inside the grave.

      Rusty Cage

      US Capitol riots: Tracking the insurrection

      wwe insurrextion 2000 promo

    9. Im watching this excellent interview between Professor Sean Hross and Rabbi Berkowitz, they are talking about the mixing of genetics between the pharaonic serpent bloodlines and the hebrews during the enslavement in Egypt, and later between the pharaonic serpent bloodlines and the europeans:


      This is a great video for anyone that believes that the jewish boogeymen is coming to enslave them.
      I dont believe that any jew is coming to enslave me as i am already a slave of the european aristocrats, my own portuguese countrymen have already sold everything in this country out to the spanish crown, the swiss banksters, the chinese communists, the jesuit roman sorcerers and the rest of the european aristocratic family.
      I also cant be a jew as i believe that Jesus Christ is the messiah, have gone through 1 catholic baptism, 2 catholic communions, eat leavened bread, dont like to wear hats and i am not a fan of animal sacrifices.
      Still i feel sympathy for jewish people who were already being persecuted and killed by the portuguese inquisition 500 years ago:
      Portuguese Inquisition

      I cant stand nazis who use moronic arguments like when people hate you the problem is not them its you, you are the problem, which they use to scapegoat the jews as boogeymen with their mob rules mentality.
      Well they were doing the same thing to christians too, the fake church of rome hijacked the name of Christ to parade itself as a complete fraud, and centuries later in Caesarean fashion these nazis came up with the idea to sell dear Adolf as the second coming of Jesus Christ.
      It will all come back to bite you one way or the other, but Christ did say that when the world hates you know that it hated me first, and heres a good example of a christian martyr that was killed in the same fashion that these jews were being killed:

      William Tyndale: The Cost of an English Bible

      John 15:18
      If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first.
      The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you.

      1 John 3:13
      Do not marvel, my brethren, if the world hates you.

      There were plenty of non-jews being killed at nazi camps, probably even more than jews as the nazis were part of the zionist movement to establish a jewish nation in Israel.
      My favorite nazis are the ones that claim that dear Adolf the second coming of Christ was going to save Paris from muslims when dear Adolf was the one that actually had muslim divisions in his army:
      "Germany using Bosnian Muslim While Japanese Using Indonesian Muslim Called kyōdo bōei giyūgun or In English Defenders of the Homeland"

      BIZARRE MILITARY UNITS | 13th Waffen SS 'Handschar': Nazi Muslims Warriors

    10. These nazis justify the muslims by claiming that they were europeans, they even had Arafats uncle Amin al-Husayni a palestinian as a general together with palestinian jihadis in the nazi army, but the Serbs that they were genociding were africans?
      I dont get it, ill have to look more into it.

      Amin al-Husseini: The Architect of Holocaust

      Heres the Serbs being genocided at Jasenovac, guess they werent wormed enough for the likings of the euginicist inquisitors.

      Jasenovac the essence of horror

  7. Another amazing breakdown kaboom. You’re a true hero in this loop.

    I had a dream that they told me I wasn’t of this matrix. It reminded me of the reality that exists outside this madness. It’s easy to forget.

    You should check out resident evil village. I bet there is a ton of info to get from it!

    1. Thank you for the kind words! Resident evil village looks very interesting and will try to find some time to play it. I saw the scene on youtube where the big mother/lunar queen transforms into medusa on top of a dragon/worm and everyone in the comments lost their marbles. She tries hard to be all scary and shit until batista/the father shows up that is.
      Same lady with long fingers was in full metal alchemist and she was no match to our father/god when he showed up.
      Damn i just remembered of the tall woman/ghost i saw when 6 years old who had also long fingers that i could never forget. I suspect she could be one of the daughters as if what i saw was the mother that means i must be someone/something very important for them to monitor me like that. She had cloaking abilities like the predator and she was shocked that i could see her. I've written on what i experienced when 6 years old in detail on glp. If she was the mother, that would make me suspect of me to be the father like odin on earth erased and homeless, or an important fragment of the father as i have decoded we could all be fragments of the sleeping father/odin they try to brainwash and program him hypnotism style when asleep so they can control him like a puppet when he wakes up. Dividing his consciousness into billions, trillions of lifeforms for accelerated programming.

  8. excellent man, another great decode. you have a great gift of seeing things as they are , i've never seen anyone decoding shit like you, keep it up man.

    las vegas earth prison/dome getting destroyed reminds of the movie con air with nicolas cage, the flight(moon ?) carrying criminals/worm infested zombies crashing into vegas, and its all about the cannibal lunar boss garland greene(steve buscemi) getting free.i wonder why greene leaves that small girl who sings him "he's got the whole world in his hands" unharmed, may be she is his succesor after he escapes from the earth/vegas ?

    1. In fallout 3 lunar boss was shown to love taking the form of little girls in the dreamworld, matrix etc. Similar suspicious little girl was shown in matrix 3 that even agent smith was very interested and nice at.
      I saw that con air movie when very young in greece, nicholas cage's character something felt wrong about him when i first saw that movie. Probably he symbolized the lunar boss too like most hollywood movies do where the good guy and bad guy are mirrors/a double.
      Like neo and agent smith where the oracle even told neo "he's your mirror/opposite/same".

      "The opposites are the same."

      Thank you for the kind words, i was blown away by this army of the dead movie and will try to see it again. I was surprised as i thought it would be a cheap rushed movie with minimal intel and was hit with a tsunami of intel instead.

    2. In altered carbon too the lunar queen took the form of a little girl which form was using to blindside her enemies/victims as no one suspects of little girls to be the devil.

    3. Little girl shows up in this music video as the devil:

      Negative Gemini - Different Color Hair (Official Music Video)

      I think I know that little girl, I wonder where I've seen her before
      In a cellar down below, I see the little girl dressed in blood
      And the blood is not her own

      "Give me your soul, give me your soul for the dead"
      It must be a dream... it must be a dream from below... oh
      "Give me your soul, give me your soul for the dead"

      Give Me Your Soul - King Diamond

  9. Your experience with the “mother” figure made me realize I had a run in with her in the dream realm. She appeared in a goddess form, and she shot me with a “bliss” ray. I instantly felt pure desire for her and would’ve done anything to for her.

    Since then I’ve fallen into bad female “love” traps that do nothing but bring suffering and stunt progress. I seriously think that weapon programmed me for these experiences. In fact I usually will have a dream about the next girl I meet months before!

    Now that I’ve learned it gets trickier because you get sent female situations that make you suffer even if you’re not with them! So you have to basically just become a monk.

    Another mother experience:
    When I was very young I got a high fever. One night my “mom” was looking at me as I lay in bed and I could see she was a monstrous witch and I screamed as loud as I could. I was told I was hallucinating because of the fever but now I’m not so sure. Lol.

    1. The lunar queen shows up as mother Hera and Medea in ancient literature killing and abusing her own children. I so hated Medea when i was a child while reading the myth of Theseus and was so disgusted when i read that she poisoned her children so she can go and marry a king.
      She wants us to hate our father/god and love our mother/her/hera/medea and the reason i suspect here on earth our fathers treat us horribly but our mothers mostly nice for most people. She program us while here to be biased and favorable towards mothers.
      I used to wonder why my father was treating me horrible when a child, now i have a good suspicion. The mother of above/moon was behind which i suspect to went as far as remote controlling my father Gamer 2009 style.

      I've noticed also a lot of lunar queen characteristics on women which i found a lot less on men.
      For example all women in my family tree, mother, grandmas, aunts, sisters of my grandma etc love to conspire behind their men's back, they love to lie all the time and even lie when there's no need for it like they love the sport of it.
      They love secrets and to keep things secret from their men.
      My father got screwed big time by his mother and sister that changed his father's will and gave everything to his brothers and sisters.
      My grandma from my mother's side did same thing when her husband died. She conspired with her sister behind everyone's back so all the money my grandpa had goes to her favorable son after he died.

      So couldnt help but notice a pattern with women seeing the same thing repeating across all of them. Lies, secrecy, love for money, conspiring etc are way more pronounced on women. Women themselves also told me that women are masters at manipulating which is what the lunar queen is.
      See in daredevil series Matt being furious at electra/devil for manipulating him all the time.

    2. yes, in esoeric traditions from ancient times female is represented with moon and male with sun, the earth itself is a giant womb and sun impregnates her with the seed - sun rays / light / plasma.

      in psychology women is represented with emotion as dominant and man with intellect as dominant,

      in the adam and eve story, adam is intellect and eve is emotion , it is by stirring of emotion , she ate the fruit(letting adams seed enter her) and mixing/crossing started , the beginning of the end of humanity. humans were never supposed to mix and procreate forever , and become prisoners of this giant womb, we were meant to escape the shell/battery, but rather we betrayed god and chose to stay in this sewer, the god who said breed and multiply is the lunar queen not the god, god will never let his children suffer in this sewer, only the women/lunar queen would do this.

      a womens menstrual cycle is related to phases of moon, the gravity of moon has much more effect on women than men, women are not in control,they are helpless most of the time, they are grounded to this sewer from the exertion of gravity of moon, men are not totally grounded, we have the choice but the temptation leads to our fall,

      even the temptation of man towards women is of love/lust , need for a companion, friendship,

      but the temptaion of women is much more sinister, it goes beyond love/lust, companionship, friendship, she wants a baby, she wants to extend the progency, she delights in extension of this suffering , she just wants the worm to stay alive and she will do anything to save the worm, because its the worm that is controlling her to survive.

      to really escape from this womb/sewer, we first need to deworm the mind of women first, then the escape is a piece of cake, but i doubt it ,even if she agree at first, the desire of having a baby and saving the worm will make her go mad later due to the moon phases and menstrual cycle, but i still hope there are intelligent women out there who are in control and not completely posseses by the moon.

    3. Damn you nailed it man! I've met so many women that all they think about is having kids, they have a crazy desire for it like they're drug addicts, they follow the urges of the worm within and orders of the bee queen right above blindly.
      And most men i've met are puppets of their wives, girlfriends and do nothing without their approval.
      It's a recipe for disaster, the one's who have the brain capacity to solve the mysteries of this world and defeat the parasites within are being puppeteered, bottlenecked and held back by emotionally and 100% worm driven creatures called women.
      The worms like the snake in the bible is sure using the women/eve to sabotage and control man/adam. I suspect eve and women to have a special relationship with the worm/snake like they're working for it or even created by it. I have suspected before that god created adam/man and the worm that mimics and tries to copy god created an inferior bootleg version, the woman.
      Same with dogs and cats. A dog truly loves its owner while a cat dont give a shit.
      I have suspected and said before god created the dogs, the jealous mimic worm the cats.

      I love women even though i have been treated horribly by many adult women when i was a kid, mostly teachers but i wanna know the truth.
      A priest was telling a friend of mine while smiling evil "you dont know the women, you dont know them" implying there's something very sinister about them.
      I would reply "i suspect they were created by the devil", the priest would spew his drink instantly.

    4. Damn dude, such good info here on women. I’ve been watching a lot of “red pill” material just because I needed to understand why I failed with women and I came to learn I never realized the true depth of female nature!

      It’s ALWAYS the same. As a man you have to be aware of their nature and not get pulled into their lies. You can associate with them, but man, there is always a trap involved no matter what!

      I truly believe all my relationships have been programmed in for maximum damage to my path and strength. My father who I viewed as strong really didn’t warn or teach me a damn thing beyond work ethic.

      We get led astray and the entire society we were born into supports the female parasitic nature of things. It’s not a mans world when men are weak like they are now, at least in the west. We’ve been conquered by female nature more than any army!

      Btw just now I was typing “army” and auto-correct typed Selena for me. You can’t make this shit up. LOL!!!!

    5. I know people who went to jail for women claiming falsely they got raped. One guy i knew was lucky as there was a camera where he got a bj and proved his innocence.
      In the military i met women who were saying to their female friends how they love to get men in trouble and how they will try to get a man in trouble.
      There's countless videos online showing women hurting themselves so they can accuse their bf hit them and get them to jail.
      The law protects the women and when women get caught lying instead of getting punished severely they get away with nothing. Then they claim this is a man's world only because god made man stronger, smarter, moral etc.

    6. "Then they claim this is a man's world only because their incompetent devil couldnt mimic god 100% and made them a lot less less strong, smart and moral".

      I like this one better.

  10. I'm watching this movie again as it was awesome and will finish it tomorrow as it's late and got to get some sleep now.

    Few new things.
    We have the intel from elysium 2013 with matt damon that earth is a no fly zone like gaza in israel(another fractal like north korea) and no one is allowed to leave and no one from the outside is allowed to come here.

    -You can't fly into Vegas(earth).
    It's restricted airspace.

    The vault i decoded before symbolizes earth(plato described earth as a cube) and its door is the way out of here, they told it to our face here when talking about the vault's door.

    -It's a doorway
    to another realm, my friends.
    (see also the cube movies symbolizing also earth).

    The traps right outside the vault were shown also at the wall/dome of vegas/earth.
    See the scene where a woman gets smashed by the containers at the exit of the dome/wall like the zombie did outside the vault.
    The machine guns death trap outside the vault symbolize the outworld's military that has earth surrounded like they did to vegas in this movie. And there were also non lethal weapons traps outside the vault that symbolize when we try to get out of here, we might get either smashed like the argonauts ship and han solo's in solo movie(and like the amazon queen in justice league when she was escaping a prison that symbolized earth and was sunk like atlantis at the end), get shot by the guards at the border north korean style or get neutralized by the outside guys if we make it to them as they'll have to cure us before allow us to enter their world. Just like when james bond escaped north korea in die another day movie, his allies on the outside neutralized him to make sure he's not infected or cure him from whatever nasty shit they injected him with while in north korea. In far cry 5 was shown if the outside forces dont cure us and allow us to enter their world, the parasites within us will simply make us kill them all or infect them too.

    In the beginning of the movie we have this dialogue while they were trying to haul the infection/medusa head out of earth.

    -Gatekeeper, this is Mothership(moon).
    The Four Horsemen are on the gallop.
    You are a go to open the stable door(earth's gate).
    I repeat, open the stable door.
    The payload(medusa head/virus/parasite) is secure,
    and the Horsemen are en route.

    I heard stories when japan was about to get nuked ufos were seen to be hauling ass out of there.
    This dialogue reminded me that.

    -This facility is in an active evacuation.
    Board the shuttle bus for Barstow.
    Have your current
    temporary health clearance card
    to present to officials
    as you board the shuttle.
    Reminder, shuttles
    will be leaving every 15 minutes.

    They were hauling people out of vegas before it got nuked and it reminded me the db gt scene where vegeta was knocking people unconscious and forcing them to enter his spaceship/moon before earth got blew up/nuked.
    Similar scene we have in thor ragnarok before asgard got blew up.
    People have advised in glp not to enter any ship that will get you out of earth as it most likely will be the lunar scum which i suspect will use us as hostages to blackmail the outside forces. Then eat us too(food for the road) other movies show, being cannibals like yondu's spaceship crew in guardians of galaxy.

    1. I just finished watching this movie again. Here's couple more interesting things.

      -That is the most money
      I've ever held in my hand.
      As soon as that door opens,(door of earth to the outworld)
      it's a rounding error,
      toilet paper.

      I had decoded before earth is like a luna park or casino and luna park or casino money are worthless in the outside world.
      This is the intel i have decoded that god hates numbers/money and how in his kingdom everything is free and in abundance. Money/numbers are slavery, death and control=digital.
      Analog=Limitless, abundance, freedom, heaven.

      I found interesting the baby mutant had blue blood and when it died its blood turned red which i took it as a subliminal of us humans having red blood to be the dead and when we're alive we have blue blood.

      -To quote
      the great Joseph Campbell, he said,
      "It is by going down into the abyss
      where we recover the treasures of life.(see in 300 movie, there's plenty of earth and water down the bottomless pit(abyss=earth), leonidas told the persian.)
      Where you stumble,
      there lies your treasure."
      To the ironic twist of the unknown.

      Reminds me a wise guy i heard long ago praising problems as they teach you new things, they force you to improve, make you better than before etc.
      That's when you solve them that is, prevention/not stumbling/not playing is the better cure/solution anyways.

      The head of statue of liberty was shown in front of the sun and the lunar boss there holding the medusa head. Head of liberty=moon(was called medusa head in ancient times) and lunar boss is watching us from the moon truman show director style.

    2. I used to wonder when i was a kid why they dont use real money in casino and luna parks, little did i know, lunar boss loves creating fractals and putting subliminals everywhere he can get his hands on like a graffiti junkie crappy painting every wall it comes across.

    3. Solving problems/numbers can be a trap as changing you into something else by solving them could be their goal in the first place as you program yourself while solving them, same way you program yourself with repetition trying to defeat a boss in dark souls games.
      Wining, solving problems is part of the game as the game programs you with the repetition that is required to defeat it/solve its problems, but at the end it's the game that have won killing your original self/personality by having changed you into something else insidiously.

      See also the elite praising problems and even create problems so the masses are forced to accept their solutions which change everything.

    4. One more thing i just remembered from this movie, we had matrix subliminal, that all are asleep here dreaming human life.
      The moment the batista team enters earth everyone is found to be dead like in alien covenant planet and later were shown to be asleep/hibernating.

      The faces of the zombie queen and zombie boss looked familiar like i've seen them before.
      The zombie boss i've seen him in a dream hiding somewhere in my room.
      I tried to familiarize myself with their ugly faces so they cant scare me when i wake up or when they come for me to infect me after the 3 days waiting period is up.

      I'll try to be like the black guy warming up to beat their asses mike tyson style.
      Them try to scare you/put fear in you by screaming, put their ugly faces to your face etc before they infect you apart from feeding on our fear i suspect they do this to create a fertile environment for their worms they're about to infect us with.
      So be fearless and laugh at their pathetic attempts to scare us i see it as important in order for our bodies to be non friendly environment for their worms and defeat them.

      It's at the microcosm level/realm our enemy resides and it's on that level where we defeat it!

  11. Movie dead silence came to mind where parasite queen could only enter and possess people when they were scared.
    Parasite baby in db gt was operating similar way. It's signature attack would cause a lot of fear in you before it killed you.

    Oh and haven't i decoded and exposed how you kill fear?
    It's simple, get angry, laughing kills it too i suspect.

    1. I think they kill by arousal, at least thats whats shown on St Peters altar.
      How i kill arousal?
      I think about all the worms and the bugs face, oh like they show here in this U2 video:

      U2 - Even Better Than The Real Thing (Official Music Video)

      2min3 sec in thats the lunar boss king of the bugs face and maybe my real face?
      I dont know, im feeling bewildered like Bono spinning around.
      The rest of the music video is about arousal.

    2. Youre very energetic today, at least you are writing a lot, your magnetic pulser must be working, youre going to beat leukemia, keep it up.
      Dont fear sugar, im consuming lots of sugar too.

    3. "Parasite baby in db gt"
      Parasite, baby is arousal.
      Come inside me baby, right.

      Miley Cyrus - Prisoner (Official Video) ft. Dua Lipa

      Check Dokkens Breaking the chains video, the chains all make a X over the prisoners.

    4. Baby I'm a prisoner
      Chained by love
      It's so easy to see
      I can never be free
      I'm a prisoner
      Chained by love

      Theyre not singing im chained by fear.

      Dokken Prisoner lyrics

      Look at the devils tarot card, male and female chained.

      Take these chains off
      Take 'em off of my heart

      Reach out to me, as if from the grave
      I tried to run but I'm tied to you like a slave.

      Judas Priest - (Take These) Chains

      Thats what keeps the world running, not money, oldest profession in the world.

      Britney Spears - Work B**ch (Official Music Video)

    5. Magnetic pulser, steam sauna and fenbendazole is all i do now, with a little bit of red wine and cayenne extract before sleep and some pull ups and push ups in the morning.
      I still feel the leukemia parasite inside me so i'm not comfortable the enemy is defeated but if i make it to next spring damn i will be excited.

      No wonder why they named the worm parasite baby in db gt(looks like kid buu too) as i recently decoded baby is an anagram of worm in greek, mwro.
      Scare is synonym to scar and in db gt for the baby parasite to get inside you first it had to scar you/scare you like in dead silence movie.

  12. Just noticed the dead waiting for rain to come back to life is subliminal for the great flood or great fire which the nuke could symbolize too which i have decoded the great flood/holy water/fire to be god himself curing the sick/zombies and resurrecting the dead/zombies indeed.

    I just listened to the song "open the flood gates of heaven, let it rain, fire upon all" and the reason i just took notice.

    1. It is also after the explosion/nuke/great fire that the zombie like lazarus exits its cave in both beginning and end of the movie which symbolizes resurrection, getting out of grave too.

      The vault was called a grave in this movie also when they called the dead team they found there grave robbers.
      The locksmith before he opens the vault says "it will be destruction or renewal, death or rebirth" and the black guy creates an explosion when he says the loop ends which symbolizes getting out of the grave/vault/earth/land of the dead.

    2. Just thought about the intel that we are frozen in antarctica and how the great flood/fire brings us to life by simply melting the ice and then i thought of the global warming and how it could be a great thing.
      Actually global heating as global warming is subliminal for global worming hahaha!

    3. Just today i came across a scientific theory called "Heat death of the universe"(earth burns by the great flood/fire subliminal) and i lost my marbles.
      Of course the devil worshiping bastards that are the scientists/satanists twisted this truth they put into our face so the masses understand the opposite of what it says.
      They went ahead then and said that it means the heat will die and cold is all that will remain and how the entire universe will freeze.
      This is why i dont trust cold seeing how the elite is pro cold, our souls frozen in antarctica etc. Then again we get the water worms love and thrive in from the cold/ice thanks to heat/fire so i dont fully trust that either.
      Now i'm pro magnetism and x-men apocalypse showed our father is magneto(of magnetic nature and not of fire/heat or ice/cold) and i love that idea as i dont trust neither fire or ice.
      Especially after both let me down in my fight against leukemia while my magnetic pulser so far kicks ass.

  13. "Solving problems/numbers can be a trap as changing you into something else by solving them could be their goal in the first place as you program yourself while solving them, same way you program yourself with repetition trying to defeat a boss in dark souls games.
    Wining, solving problems is part of the game as the game programs you with the repetition that is required to defeat it/solve its problems, but at the end it's the game that have won killing your original self/personality by having changed you into something else insidiously."

    in a way yes, thinking actually burns much more calories than physical work/ manual labor, that means the sleeping bodies/avatars of thinkers provide much more loosh/energy than a normie avatar.

    like in divergent the erudite / intellectuals are respected for their thinking power, or just about anyone in the faction , but the factionless, the useless eaters are thrown away from the club ,no priviliges , no security .because they dont provide enough energy for the lunar boss.

    but its better to be a factionless than be in a faction, jesus even though a divergent chose to live and stay with the factionless.

    1. also in our world the jobs of the thinkers pay 10x more than jobs of manual labor, in the big picture ,, it is not about the fake paper/casino/monopoly money , it is about the harverst of energy, the more you shed the energy , the more payment you get from the lunar boss.

    2. when we get sick , we shed more energy , our cells disintegrate at much faster rate and we die early, may be all diseases and bio wars are about getting the loosh forecefully from the factionless/useless eaters and also of those who rebel and insist of being a battery, making the rebels sick and killing them is a win - win situation for lunar boss, he gets the energy as well as gets rid of a rebellion.

    3. I noticed that too, in this world/crater earth the ones who excel in numbers/education/college etc are rewarded with nice jobs, lives etc while those who reject the numbers/education/college etc get punished with slavery jobs.
      I've met many phd people that are on pills and they say most doctors die young which shows to me the price people pay for going down the numbers path.
      See also in the 1930s people that played with the numbers/stock market ended up jumping off buildings while those who live hard working lives die hard/they dont suicide at first disaster as they're used in a hard life anyways.

      So i see numbers like the gold in hobbit 2 movie, makes you happy at first, then insidiously corrupts you and eventually drive you insane and make you suicide.

  14. Forgot to mention this movie had cerberus from mythology too, they had him in the form of a zombie tiger guarding the entrance to the land of the dead.
    The zombie boss was called Zeus living on top of a building named Olympus and his zombie queen medusa was played by an actress named Athena.
    I had decoded in glp that medusa is athena so i found nice what zack snyder did here. He gave blatant medusa symbolism to the zombie queen by having her head still be alive after it was cut off from its body just like in mythology.

    In the scene with batista holding some money and saying when the vault door/door to the outside world opens the money he holds will be worthless is symbolism also of the wealth of the outside world that is analog/limitless and not in comparison by the limited wealth of our infected and consumed by the worms to the core cave.

    I found interesting the shape of the vault door, being circular like the rock cyclops was using to seal his cave and with similar circular rock/door jesus's grave was sealed.
    Eclipses symbolize also the sealing of our cave/earth and our sun mirror the oculus/opening/door on our cave's ceiling.

    In far cry 5 to reach the oculus/door above you had to flood the cave and rise with the water towards the exit. The alternative is climb with a rope to the top like kratos in gow and like batman in bane's bottomless pit.

    1. Cube zero showed there's a 2nd hidden exit underwater, i keep forgetting this intel.

    2. the d-day(death/renewal) will be definitely come on an eclipse , holywood is full of eclipse subliminal, golden ring, just like 9/11 they been programming us into this corona(crown of the sun) event to this year 2020/2021, the next will be the d-day,
      kaboom checkout this channel its all about 9/11, 2021, corona event and d-day intel from hollywood, tons of useful info , may be the three days are about this, 2 days are already over, 9/11 , 2020/2021 the next is d-day ?

    3. Thank you for the youtube channel, i'll definetly check it out, i miss the old days of youtube where it was full with truth seekers and exposers.
      Now it's just game streamers and people doing vpn commercials for a living.

      GLP used to be great too, now it's all politics.


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