All Humans Are Homeless Living Under A Bridge! Homeless Under A Bridge Fractal Decoded! HOLY MOLY! UPDATE! GTA 3 GHOST TOWN BEHIND THE DAM DECODED! IT'S EARTH, LAND OF THE DEAD!

 I just saw a dark souls 3 video showing a bridge and was like "hey that's earth's dome!" and bam another fractal decoded on the spot.

Homeless people live under bridges they say yet no one knows all humans are homeless(kidnapped from the outside world) and are living under a bridge which is worm shenron in dbz.(living in the belly of a beast/worm symbolism like goku in princess snake video)

I have decoded homeless on earth odin and with his memories erased symbolizes us, little did i know how 100% accurate that was even the homeless part hahaha! Unbelievable man!

Rainbows give away also we live under a bridge.

In altered carbon s2 the lunar queen was making fun of the last envoy for looking for his loved one and walking right over her(her grave) passing her without having a clue.
It's mind blowing to think our sky is a damn bridge with countless people passing over it and not having a clue of us living under it.

This is another good picture giving away the bigger picture having the sewer beneath too, intel from matrix 1.

I wondered for a second if our sky is a bridge how it can also be a dam another intel i have decoded.
Well dams are also bridges.

Damn i love this picture, it has it all, the curvature of our sky/dome, the color of our sky from the waters of above and the freaking bridge! There's even the sewer, trashy place/planet sakaar from thor ragnarok.



 Do you guys remember the ghost town of gta 3?
Hidden behind a dam/bridge and access to it was cutoff from the rest world!
You could play the game and not even know it's there, it was completely hidden like hades earth and access to it was forbidden to the rest world.
You had to do some insane airplane maneuvers to get there and that only if you knew of its existence!

Holy moly man, holy moly, the makers of gta 3 sure knew about our situation here to put this in their game.

The f*cking ghost town symbolizes earth, land of the dead, it's hidden like hades and is behind a freaking dam and a bridge.
I'm lost of freaking words man!

Things get even more spooky in gta 3, in the above video at 7:52 the freaking lunar queen shows up and looks pissed off for making it to her hidden world. The modder probably put that cutscene there which shows even modders are in the know and working for the lunar queen. The girl crying gives away the pain and suffering humans go through here and the lunar queen hiding in the corner of the room reminded me when i was a kid, i was afraid being alone in empty rooms feeling like someone invisible like cloaked predator was hiding there to hurt me.(like knowing my eyes dont show me everything and there's more than meets the eye).

 At the thumbnail of gta 3 video ghost town is subliminal also of moon orbiting earth and at the end of the video the youtuber jumps off that island and lands on earth/map below ghost town/moon.

The broken tunnel that leads to ghost town reminded me the bridge thor broke in thor ragnarok which cut the connection between earth and moon.

Now the lunar queen cutscene in above gta 3 clip spooked me even more as it reminded me the NDE dream i had in afghanistan in 2008.
A rocket hit my tent, we all died there and found myself with the rest guys in that tent on an island orbiting earth like a moon. We were all crying there like the little girl in modder's video wanting to go back to our families on earth and there was a being dressed in black like a greek priest with his face covered behind a black hood just like in this video who gave me a black phone to talk to my family on earth and i immediately woke up in the military tent i was sleeping in afghanistan the moment i put that phone in my ear. I used to think that being in black dress was a dude but Taken movie made me suspect it was a woman and now this video makes it even more blatant it was a woman and the lunar queen herself.


  1. That reminded me this scene:

    The Woman in Black (1989) - "that" scene

    But i would say that the face of the lunar queen is like that of the queen from alien or that of the predator, a bug.
    Never heard of this ghost town and ive finished the 50% of GTA 3 that completes the story mode in both PS2 and the PC, but damn i really hate that freaking rotating 3d camera, makes me nauseated as if i was on a boat.
    Ive only been playing old games for years now, just recently i completed Contra Force, i would have loved this game had i played it as a kid.
    But great catch there with the hidden city behind the bridge and the dam, thats mind blowing.

    1. I was watching this video:

      Changing of the Guard Mishap

      It reminded me of your complaints about all the torture they put you through in the marines, its crazy how much stoicism its expected, its like a complete zombie such as in the movies where the zombies lose limbs and its nothing to them.

      Interesting also that you were talking about rain drops of fire falling when the flood gates of the dam in heaven open and BJ Thomas just died:


      This song itself is about stoicism.
      I also saw this video of John Cena apologizing in chinese to the CCP and immediately reminded me of you also.


    2. Ever heard the story about the troll under the bridge:

      Three Billy Goats Gruff

      "They must first cross a bridge, under which lives a fearsome and hideous troll, who is so territorial that he eats anyone who tries to cross the bridge."

      Fremont Troll

      "The Fremont Troll (also known as The Troll, or the Troll Under the Bridge) is a public sculpture in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle, Washington in the United States."

    3. Youre onto something when youre praising magnets also:


      Worms are afraid of magnets now?

    4. The woman in black is the lunar queen, she always dress like that, in V tv series she was a woman but could transform to the alien queen from alien 2 movie or Venom when she like a mantis was eating the men she mates with.

      In usmc bootcamp they dont even acknowledge your injuries, they assume all recruits are liars and scammers like the DIs that train them and they punish you more thinking you're lying and faking that you're injured.
      Even when they know that you're injured in the medical platoon where you end up they still dont give a damn and they keep haze you. The DIs dont care about making marines and would love to see you greatly injured and end up home. They try also to have the whole platoon humiliate the recruits that get injured and are forced to go to the medical platoon. They tried the same shit on me too but my platoon loved me seeing me greatly injured and doing all hazing exercises they forced on me like a spartan.

      The john cena video shows the kind of power and influence china has to all countries around the world. No other country can do the same thing, forcing celebrities to apologize for calling an island a country and in f*cking chinese which is getting punished and humiliated in plain sight.

      The troll that consumes all that pass the bridge is the bridge/shenron/worm itself like it happened also to goku that tried to pass the shenron bridge above us. He got consumed by the bridge/worm and ended up in a place that symbolized human life on earth/under the bridge/dome, living in a nice house, eating dinner, coffee etc and being ignorant that was being slowly consumed/digested by the worm living in its belly.
      see at 0:05, there's even falling into the bottomless pit subliminal like the persians in 300 movie when kicked by lunar queen's henchmen to it.

      Damn that bitchute video is mind blowing! In first x-men movie they showed the lunar queen as mystique to insidious infecting people through food and drinks with nano metals that could be controlled and killed by them later.
      Similar thing magneto did in another x-men movie with the giant sleeping robots that symbolized our sleeping forms, infecting them with metals when they were asleep so he can control them when they wake up.
      Magnets expose the metals they insidiously put in us and the reason why they might go as far to ban them. And no wonder why my magnetic pulser is working kicking the shit of the aluminum, mercury nano robots/programs within me.
      The amalgam fillings on my teeth also react to my magnetic pulser when i pulse my mouth which verifies those who say those fillings cause all kind of problems even cancer.

      In Venom 2018 movie was shown the worms fear fire and strong magnetic waves.

    5. I saw the woman in black video again to train myself on how to kill fear, laughing does kill fear as i was smiling and couldn't get scared. The lunar queen was talking like a little girl before she showed up. This is the devil disguising as little girl intel we exposed in recent threads.
      It is important to master fear as it opens the door for the worms to get in and root themselves in us like plants.

    6. Heres something scary that i saw recently:

      ORIGINAL - Cougar Encounter in Utah | Mountain Lion Stalks Me For 6 Minutes!

    7. I saw a similar video with a big elephant charging onto people and then stop and go away because they didnt got scared.
      I suspect when the worms in those wild animals smell fear they go crazy knowing their food will taste great while when their victims have no fear they'll be like "this food will taste bitter, plus we'll have to fight and waste a lot of energy, screw this".

    8. Ive noticed that in dogs, they will bark and growl at me when i feel fear inside me.
      It used to be worse when i was a child, i was scared of them all the time, now i dont get as scared as i feel like i could kill most dogs if they were to make a move at me.

    9. Not most dogs as there are some truly vicious breeds out there, but most that ive seen in person anyway.

    10. Night and day I scan horizon, sea and sky
      My spirit wanders endlessly
      Until the day will dawn and friends from home discover why
      Hear me calling, rescue me
      Set me free, set me free
      Lost in this place, and leave no trace

      Stranger in a strange land
      Land of ice and snow
      Trapped into this prison, yea
      Lost and far from home

      Iron Maiden - Stranger in a Strange Land *HD*

    11. Wow i just noticed from the Inspector Gadget cartoon intro:

      Inspector Gadget Intro (HD Full Screen)

      At the beginning it gives the same intel from St Peter, the world is upside down and that is the key to the Kingdom of Heaven.
      Then Gadget goes through the wormhole/into the belly of the beast/worm symbolism like Goku into the snake way.
      At the end when he handcuffs dr claw ( representing the hidden hand of freemasonry) and the bomb explodes, the back of the chair reads Mad which inverted is Dam, thats the explosion of the dam symbolism, and all the stars come out of the explosion, the stars are inverted which represent locusts/adult worms/dragonflies.

    12. At 0:13 there's eclipse subliminal when he enters the sewer, belly of the worm etc.
      Nice catch on the dam exploding subliminal.
      The vault that exploded earlier symbolizes also same thing.

    13. After the vault explodes a dog comes out which is subliminal for imprisoned god getting out of earth when it explodes.



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