Mortal Kombat 2021 Mark Of The Worm Decoded!

-Yeah, that's why
you don't have one of these.
You don't have
the mongrel in you.

Hahahaha oh my goodness all my research and decoding on the mark of the beast/worm got paid off the moment these above words were spoken.

I have decoded evil is mixed and is born from mixing and the reason they forced mixing on all of humanity in the past especially through the global mongol invasions and rapes.

Mongrel can be a subliminal for the mongol genes which i have exposed we all have them and how we all have the mark of the beast/worm as all human bloodlines were raped in the past agent smith style.

This movie showed it to our face that the worm/mark of the beast gets transmitted through sex/rape in the fight scene between sonya and kano where kano told sonya

-Tell me, blondie,
how does that feel?
-It was fucking amazing...

There was sex subliminal in this scene and the worm mark from kano passed to sonya right after.

Raiden had reptilian eyes and symbolized the king worm itself having the chinese dragon/worm with legs behind him on his throne and he created a dome to keep the outworld out of his kingdom.
Sun tzu said it is only a matter of time till the dome gets taken down(like in matrix 3 cave, avengers 2012 drilling the dome takes time) but like in Constantinople war it was taken down from the inside to speed things up.

Which means it's us that got to take down the freaking dome so the outworld/dark dimension/brightseid/god can come here.
But traitor ephialtes/devil/kano that wants out of here like agent smith has us covered as i suspect he will bring the dome down just like in the movie and constantinople in exchange for his freedom.
They promised him to turn earth into a casino that he will own. This earth casino was shown in star wars solo movie which i decoded to symbolize earth.

They showed also through Cole how the mark of the worm/worms inside of us pass down from generation to generation and weaken over time and in need to get updated/vaccines/more genetic mixing to remain strong. I had decoded that too and the reason we keep getting more mixing and genetic updates as evil/mixing is unnatural and it fades/expires over time and it needs to get refreshed/updated all the time to keep on existing.

The 9 straight victories the outworld has and 1 left remain to conquer earth is symbolism that they have conquered all 9 realms/planets outside of earth and earth to be the last planet/crater standing like in snyder's justice league movie and gods of egypt movie where the land of the dead was the last kingdom Set hadnt conquered and was in the process to.

And like in justice league same propaganda we had here, unite to face the savage outworld/dark dimension/darkseid hahahaha the lies man i was cracking up at all the lies they tell us about the heaven that is the outside world.

Mind blowing news that it's the devil that will let God into earth, that's why i suspect his circle might try to take him out like in riddick 2013 and rock movie with ed harris!

At 1:30 Vaako tells to our face how earth was conquered by the alien chinese and the worms that possess them and they brought here in ancient times.
Earth fell by betrayal according to metroid wiki(earth's queen/penelope/hera(traitor wife) took the altered carbon s2 style of dome's defenses down so space bandits chinese can land here without getting blown up out of the sky) and will fall again by betrayal to the good guys this time.
You got to love how history repeats man hahaha!
Traitors what can they do but keep on betraying(like the scorpion told the frog it's in their nature), it's the bad guys turn to get betrayed this time and i will be laughing my ass off for centuries to come over this.


  1. Holy shit, the tongue of the worm in mortal kombat logo is identical to the tongue of nasa's logo.
    Others had exposed it to be a snake tongue but never thought of it to be the tongue of the chinese king worm.
    No wonder why they work hard to give humanity the illusion that we are free and earth is our beautiful home as if humanity knew what's going on all would be singing
    "open the floodgates of heaven, let it rain" when the good aliens/great flood comes here instead of fighting it matrix 3 cave style and asgard to hela style.

    1. Lol you got it exactly right bro. My Intel also tells me that they're gonna take god out of the equation like in NWO China and make purely about money and that's how you will rise 2 the artificial heavens in the future. That's why I'm screaming open the floodgates now and let God in before it's too late LOL

    2. In justice league they said they're gonna replace all religions with 1 global religion so all humans serve and worship the same person. They dont mind god when it's them/elite the people worship as god. North korean kim is the god to his people so was lenin, stalin and most ancient kings.

      The reason they created many religions was to keep humanity divided so they control us easier, now that Neo/Hela/God is coming they want humanity united to face him so the many religions have to get replaced with one new global religion to help unite humanity.
      In the beginning it might look like they try to take religions out of the equation but as soon they succeed they will introduce the new global religion they have in the works and lunar boss/queen might make appearance too for the masses to serve and worship.

    3. I love porn. It's just that todays porn is shit. Nothing like the porn of the 80s and 90s. Also why was Jesus Jewish?

  2. -Hell, you could turn this
    old temple into your own casino
    if you wanted to.

    This is the solomon temple intel from the bible how earth was the temple/house of god and was turned into a money place/casino what god hates the most.

    See also in matrix 3 agent smith telling to returning home Neo, "you like what i've done with the place?"

    In transformers movies optimus prime returned to his home planet like odysseus drifting in the ocean universe and was angry as hell like jesus with what the lunar queen had done to his home/house/temple.

    Same intel we have in thor movie with hela returning home and find her kingdom redecorated and all her people killed and buried beneath ground.

    1. Correct. The lunar God also corrupted the bible by making Lucifer look like the bad guy when all he wanted was 2 give us spiritual knowledge so we can FREE our souls. Now we have 2 submit 2 the hideous lunar boss forever cuz we do not have the right knowledge to get free. All we know is numbers and submission LOL

    2. It's important for people to know the bible has been corrupted, edited to hell and back(i suspect the lunar boss wrote it like he revealed in devil's advocate that he will write his own bible too).
      Words are numbers like money are numbers and analog/limitless god is against numbers/digital/limited like jesus and apocalypse from x-men were shown to hate money=numbers=words/digits/digital and how both were betrayed and killed by/for it/money/numbers.

      That's why the true analog/limitless god will never use or have used words to communicate but speaks directly into our soul which skips the need to use words, something scientists have replicated now by connecting human brains at their core and have them communicate without the need of languages and words.

      Words are like crutches for broken disabled people to get by. Once you heal and able to go back to analog, you throw the crutches/words away and never look back, remembering also how depressed, limited and weak we were while using them and never want to go back to them, enjoying also how awesome life is without them.

      No wonder why most kids hate school, reading and books and get stressed the hell out by them, it's the analog soul inside them screaming "to hell with this bullshit!"
      Seek analog and find true power and freedom, follow the path of numbers/schools/books/digital and you'll find a good slave job to keep you busy and distracted from the real deal which is analog/limitless/god.

  3. Couple more interesting things from mortal kombat movie

    -Are you sure Dad's gonna be
    able to find us?
    -Completely sure.
    Look, I just want to get us out of here.
    Fuck another four armed monster
    showing up.

    This is the intel of the lunar boss/queen to have kidnapped us from our real family and hidden us away from them dolores to maeve style in westworld.
    Identical thing raiden did to scorpion in this movie where scorpion went all the way to hell to find his son raider hid away from him.
    Yoda did identical thing to darth vader's son in star wars movie and trained and brainwashed him to kill his own father.
    This is us/humanity getting fooled to fight our father/god that is coming to earth.

    We have also the odysseus/zeus intel that the lunar queen is penelope/hera which odysseus/rightful king of earth will punish severely when he returns. It was shown in the scene with kano returning home, where sonya in the beginning of the movie had him chained/imprisoned identical to what traitor hera did to zeus/her husband.

    Kano to sonya blade
    -Honey, I'm home.
    (yeap that was some husband vs wife shit, what followed after)
    Sonya/Hera used earth's underground tunnels to fight her angry husband returning home, fighting him from under the house.

    1. This movie showed also when the father found his family they were frozen in ice demolition man style and initiated global warming(subliminal) to free them from the ice.

      "I call for a supernatural heatwave straight out of hell"
      Kenneth Copeland

      I have suspected that we're frozen in Antarctica and are wireless connected here, but i also suspect a soul transplant trap with the sleeping frozen forms in antarctica.
      Through father scorpion was shown god is fire and through chinese subzero that evil/devil is cold/ice like freeza from dbz, mr freeze etc.(freeze in hell batman! fire is heaven, cold is hell!)

      After using my magneto pulser i suspect the true god to be of magnetic nature(funny in x-men apocalypse our father was magneto) and not fire or ice as heraclitus said "the opposites are the same". I noticed also how fire/light and cold/darkness behave similarly. Both can blind us, both can cause pain, both can kill etc and how it's best when away from both which is the middle.

      So i like things that are singular, having no opposite.

    2. Wow in demolition man stallone said he witnessed his family punching his ice prison to free him from the ice which identical thing father cole was doing in this mortal kombat movie and how both efforts were in vain as the ice wasnt breaking until grandpa scorpion showed up and initiated global warming.

      I'm in tears man!
      I went back to the MK movie to rewatch the scene and it plays out identical to what stallone was saying in demolition man!

      -Even you must appreciate
      the persuasively tranquil humanity...
      of the cryo-prison system?
      -I don't want to spoil your dinner, pal, but
      my cryo-sentence was no sweet lullaby.
      I had feelings and I had thoughts.
      How about a 36-year nightmare
      about people caught in a burning building?
      -You were awake? I don't think so.
      -I do think so.
      And my wife beating her fists against a
      block of ice that used to be her husband.
      Then you were nice enough to
      wake me up and let me know,
      everything that meant
      something in my life is gone.
      It would have been more humane to stake me
      down and leave me to the fucking crows.

      Island 2005 and maze runner 2 movies showed why they keep us awake and conscious while frozen in ice with the wireless connected/surrogates and dreaming shit.
      Cause they're milking and farming/harvesting our sleeping forms prometheus style and without consciousness and emotion(mostly fear, stress etc) they(our sleeping forms) dont produce the substances they're after farming and harvesting.

  4. "The lunar God also corrupted the bible by making Lucifer look like the bad guy when all he wanted was 2 give us spiritual knowledge so we can FREE our souls."

    What a total bullcrap.
    Lucifer is the god of this world/worm king, the one that keeps imposing on me such bullcrap as mandatory school, mandatory vaccination, mandatory taxation, mandatory registration, back in the day it was even mandatory church attendance, manatory military survice.
    The bible calls him the deputy.

    a person who is appointed to undertake the duties of a superior in the superior's absence.

    Of course he works for God but hes a clown, this place is a sheit hole, ive no recollection of how i fell here but him and his worm army can kiss my ass, im ready to chew all of his larvae.

    Gen 1:26
    And God (H430 elohim Plural of H433 eloah, angels of the supreme God)
    said, Let us make man in our image (H6754 tselem, phantom, illusion, idol),
    after our likeness (H1823 demuth, similitude, to assimilate):
    and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    Gen 2:2 
    And on the seventh day God (H430 elohim Plural of H433 eloah, angels of the supreme God)
    ended his work (H4399 melakah, deputyship, from H4397 malak, to despatch as a deputy, an angel of God)
    which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work (H4399 melakah, deputyship, from H4397 malak, to despatch as a deputy, an angel of God) which he had made. 

    Lucifer is the deputy and all authority has been given to him:

    Luk 4:5  And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 

    Luk 4:6  And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. 

    Luk 4:7  If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. 

    In Legacy of Kain they even had Raziel sacrificing himself for him so that he could be the ultimate winner against the Elder God.
    What a clown, and you say that he revealed anything to anyone, this entire place is a clown show and everything is hidden away by secret societies and royal bloodlines which all are luciferians and they share nothing with no one, even the clown pope chanting to Lucifer, you clowns will get whats coming to you, if not by me then by someone else.

    Legacy of Kain: Defiance - 38 - Vengeance and sacrifice


    1. "2 give us spiritual knowledge "

      If this clown was meant to give anyone spiritual knowledge everything wouldnt be hidden away by secret societies, royal bloodlines and by the catholic church.
      Same catholic clowns that hide that the word Elohim is plural and that it means a collective of angelic beings and not singular like they claim.
      Same clown that hides that we are fallen angels and not human meat serfs.
      Spiritual knowledge Lol
      You meant material knowledge as that is what hes the god of, the flesh, with all its sex, violence and deception, the god of illusions.
      And now you have to get vaccinated and chipped to show your allegiance to this clown, sure thing, you can take me to Auschwitz anyday, im tired of the clown show.

      Psa 82:6
      I have said, Ye are gods (H430 elohim Plural of H433 eloah, angels of the supreme God);
      and all of you are children of the most High.

      John 15:22
      If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak (embodiment) for their sin.

      John 10:34
      Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said “Ye are gods (H430 elohim Plural of H433 eloah, angels of the supreme God)”’?

      You clowns and all your embodiments and your idols and your fuhrers and your popes and your bullcrap.

      Matthew 18:3
      And said, “Verily I say unto you, unless ye be converted and become as little children (angels), ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

    2. Exo 20:4 
      Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image (H6459 pesel, an idol),
      or any likeness (H6459 temunah, phantom, embodiment, similitude, to assimilate, from H4327 miyn, species, mankind)
      of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 

      Rev 21:8 
      But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. 

      What is an idolater?
      Its those that make flesh bodies to assimilate angels.
      But but but the isrealis are so meanie, yeah sureyou clowns, i guess you love all your tax exempt brothels, your rigged sports and all of your farting jokes.

    3. Lucifer was Nimrod the king of Babylon, and Babylon means land of confusion and miscegenation, Lucifer was the worm in the garden, hes Cain the vampire, hes Apollo the worm king, Abaddon the king of the locusts worms with wings, Pazuzu father of the bugs, Beelzebub lord of the flies worms with wings, im at war with all you luciferian clowns.

    4. Eze 28:12 
      Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. 
      Eze 28:13 
      Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. 
      Eze 28:14 
      Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. 
      Eze 28:18 
      Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. 
      Eze 28:19 
      All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more. 

      Ezekiel 28 addresses Lucifer the anointed cherub, his end is already written down and declared by the Lord God, and so is my end, i just dont know it yet, well its coming, im tired of this shit show.

    5. "Give us spiritual knowledge"
      Cant even talk about nazis and jews on GLP without getting banned, yet those clowns want people to sign up, sign up for what?
      That is a great microcosm of this whole macrocosm shit hole, sign up for what?
      To get banned, to submit and to follow orders given through the luciferian hierarchies, yeah you can all kiss my ass.
      But but but you are no christian if you dont serve us and help us and feed us, sure, you can take me to Auschwitz any day of the week, or to Jasenovac, or whateer else you have prepared, clown show, clown world, maybe ill finish myself off.

    6. But but but the holocaust never happened, we are the good guys, we promise, we are so good, we are so loving, yeah you can put a bullet through my head anyday, clowns.
      Here you go Jasenovac with all your ethnic cleansings and your miscegenations and your superior mixed worm genetics.
      Now its covid, more genetic dna modifications, great, more worms, more farting, more nonsense.

      Documentary "Jasenovac the Cruelest Death Camp of all times" 1983,Roman Catholic Genocide in Croatia

    7. The bible says that the flesh is an assimilation vehicle, oh just like the borg.

      Borg Assimilation Process

      Yet you clowns on GLP claim that what i say isnt biblical, and that im not even a christian, well fine, you know what isnt biblical, praying to Mary, praying to saints, the jesuit confessional, doing the rosary, going on pilgrimages, illicit banking, royal bloodlines, building churches, worshipping relics, paying for your sins and the rest of the nonsense.

    8. My birth name, the one that is on my ID card, properly translated means Jehovah favors His people.
      Neither my mother or my father knew this, they dont know what the words mean in other languages like hebrew.
      I was born in Portugal, which was formed as part of a rebellion against the kindgom that is now Spain, the Iberian Peninsula, the worb iber as in ibriy o eber which means Hebrew in Hebrew, the Hebrew peninsula, but of course this clown Lucifer gave me knowledge, sure hes the reason why nobody around me cant see any of this, they copy and repeat the words but cant even see their meanings, Lol, its all vanity.

    9. John = Jehovah Favors
      British = Bryith = Covenant
      Iberian = Iber = Eber = Ibriy = Hebrew
      But Lucifer gave me knowledge, sure, and Hitler was saving me from all those evil jews that werent taken to the ovens during the holocaust that never happened, just to protect me from the evil and useless hebrew language, because its good to copy it and to repeat it without knowing what any of it means.

    10. The names are interchangeable but when you look closer Lucifer represented the enlighten white man/God trying 2 give us knowledge so we can be set free. And Yahweh the god bible=evil alien reptilian being trying 2 enslave us. But take it how you want lol

    11. Interchangeable my ass, Lucifer is a Elohim which means is on par with me, yeah thats right, hes on par with a useless meat serf just like myself, on a spiritual level that is.
      But on physical terms he gets to be above me as this is his creation that was given to him as a deputyship.
      Thats why i am under the authority of his law and the never ending bullcrap, like voting for clowns,seking useless jobs and getting useless education.
      Well you can keep it all, plus all your bug armies and the rest of the demonic crap on the other side of the sitra achra.

    12. Psa 82:6
      I have said, Ye are gods (H430 elohim Plural of H433 eloah, angels of the supreme God);
      and all of you are children of the most High.

      All of you, not some of you, all of you.
      All includes me, thats right, me.
      I am an Elohim.
      Not a human meat serf.
      And as an Elohim i dont have to play the sacrificial dummy like Raziel did on Legacy of Kain.
      Screw that.
      You other Elohim want to sacrifice yourselves so that Lucife Kain can beat the Elder God/Fake version of Jehovah, you do it yourselves.

      Legacy of Kain Defiance Elder God Battle

    13. Eze 28:6 
      Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thou hast set thine heart as the heart of God (H430 elohim Plural of H433 eloah, angels of the supreme God); 

      Eze 28:7 
      Behold, therefore I will bring strangers upon thee, the terrible of the nations: and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy brightness. 

      This is my role here, i am one of the strangers, i dont want to be part of your Luciferian pyramid.

      Eze 28:8 
      They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shalt die the deaths of them that are slain in the midst of the seas. 

      Eze 28:9 
      Wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee, I am God (H430 elohim Plural of H433 eloah, angels of the supreme God)?
      but thou shalt be a man, and no God (H410 El, the Almighty, from H352 Ayil, anything strong; specifically a chief (politically), ram (from his strength); a pilaster (as a strong support), an oak or other strong tree)
      in the hand of him that slayeth thee. 

      As i see it were like Dr Dre and Eazy E Lol

      Dr. Dre - Fuck Wit Dre Day (And Everybody's Celebratin') feat. Snoop Dogg, Jewell & RBX (Official)

      I am not the only stranger in the house you be certain of that, thats why you are coming out with all the contact tracing nonsense.

      We're Watching (Music Video)

      Scarface security

      You think you see it all, youll never see it coming.

      Matthew 24:43
      But know this, that if the master of the house had known at what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and would not have suffered his house to be broken into.

    14. Eazy-E - Real Muthaphuckkin G's (Music Video) HD

      Whats he saying here, real Gs, oh hes saying We are Elohim.
      Heres a news flash, so am i.

    15. 40 years of Mr Willy the dragon stadium president as Portugals #1 folk hero. with all the serfs licking his balls.
      Yeah thats the luciferian pyramid for you, an eternity of ball licking.
      Well you do it yourselves, i never set foot on the dragon stadium neither i want to serve your leader.

    16. Whats the difference between elohim and reptilians? From my understanding elohim are white and reptilians are not

    17. Reptilians are fallen elohim that lost their connection to El/Jehovah, and therefore they have to get their light/energy from Elohim that are still connected to El/Jehovah.
      That is vampirism basically, or Cain and Abel = Cannibal, they have to cannibalize their own kind other Elohim.
      Being white doesnt mean much as there is fake light as well, like Kaboom decoded the sun to be a false light, or anglerfish that use a false light to lure their prey.

      2 Corinthians 11:14
      And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

      Deep Sea Creatures Exhibit Bioluminescence | Blue Planet | BBC Earth

      Have you heard about Luciferase/bioluminescence, well there you have it, its a lure.
      And i am the fish.
      Yeah no thank you.

      First footage of deep-sea anglerfish pair

      I dont like being on the menu:
      4hunnid Hunnid 4 dinnuh/Hunted for dinner
      Yeah ill pass.

    18. Another thing about reptilians is that they are just a shell/cocoon/intermediary stage.
      Their real form is a bug race.
      Their reptilian form is just their surface level disguise, its just a medium to hunt food/light/energy.
      Their real form is a bug like in Alien.
      I really dont like bugs.
      Heres Satan/Lucifers match, its a bug, Lucifer is the king of the bugs.

      Match Made In Hell

      She looks like a girl but thats a bug.
      Just like Die Antwoord showed:

      DIE ANTWOORD ft. The Black Goat ‘ALIEN’ (Official Video)

      Thats whats on the other side/sitra achra/pit, an army of bugs.
      Why would i want to be assimilated by a bug hive when i dont even like bugs.
      Remember Avril Lavigne:
      Avril = Larvi = Larvae
      Lavigne = Vaginel = Vaginal
      "Under my Skin"
      The worms are attached to the reptilian race, but thats just for the miscegenation process to inject the real enemy within which are the worms/worms with wings/bugs.

      Avril Lavigne-Under My Skin-My Happy Ending

      My happy ending really?
      Being assimilated into a hive of bugs?
      Yeah i dont think so.

      worms within me

      "Its not like we are dead" says Avril/Larvae Lavigne.
      What a mockery, yeah i know that i am dead and i am being consumed by worms inside the belly of the basilisk serpent king just like Luffy in One piece.

      Luffy stuck in snake's belly

      Luffy/Lucifer just like an anglerfish lures other angels into the mystery cave/wormhole/belly of the snake so that they can get digested and assimilated into his bug hive.
      Yeah im screwed.

    19. "Lets talk this over, its not like we are dead" Says Avril Lavigne/Vaginal Larvae.
      Oh man what a mockery.

      Moose carcass, maggots and three days after.

      3 days just like Jonah inside the belly of the whale for 3 days, or Jesus in his grave for 3 days, i am being consumed by worms for 3 days, at the end, "My Happy Ending" i either come out of it as a born again angel, or i get assimilated by the worms bug hive.

    20. "My Happy Ending".
      I choose the bad ending instead Avril/Larvae, no thank you.

      Goku vs. Princess Snake

    21. Satan/Lucifer is always depicted fully red, which has to do with bloodshed and sexual desire, hes blood thirsty, that also links to the scarlet whore and the bugs in the bible:

      And the LORD (H3068 Jehovah) said unto Cain (H7014 Kain, the same as H7013 Kain, a lance (as striking fast like a penis): - spear, from H6969 Koon, to strike a musical note, that is, chant or moaning (from pleasure): - sexually aroused woman),
      Why art thou wroth (H2734 to blaze up, with wrath or sexual pleasure)? and why is thy countenance fallen?

      Wroth = Rothschild = Red shield
      Mars = Wars = bloodshed = Meyer Amschel Rothschild
      und Söhne = Mars

      Countenance fallen = Fallen angel = Vampire
      I am a vampire too now/fallen angel.

      Rev 17:4 
      And the woman was arrayed in purple (G4209 porphura, the red blue color, miscegenation)
      and scarlet colour (G2847 kokkinos, (from the kernel shape of the insect); crimson colored, from G2848 kokkos a kernel)
      , and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations (G946 bdelugma, idolatry, bodily shapes and desires)
      and filthiness of her fornication (G4202 porneia, harlotry (including adultery and incest); figuratively idolatry, from G4203 porneuo, to act the harlot, that is, (literally) indulge unlawful lust, G4204 porne, harlot, whore.) : 

      Dream Job

      They didnt had the courage to show the truth, dream job = porn star

      Chris de Burgh - Lady in Red (with lyrics)

      How To Become a Male Pornstar "Sean Lawless (Going in. EP27)"

      2 Thessalonians 2:8
      And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.

      Lucifers destruction again written down.

    22. I dont understand how can you people be against porn and at the same time be in favor of Lucifer the porn king, well thats how he lures me in, with the porn.

    23. And you can also be anti-Rothschilds which are the biggest luciferians on the planet, yet still be in favor of Lucifer the God of war, yeah you people are full of contradictions.

      red Ribbon Army Lyrics

      God of War 1 - Trailer 2 [PS2]

    24. My neighbor is cackling really loud like a witch as i write this stuff down, Lol.

      Cackling Witches

      First time that ive heard her doing this.

    25. Well the porn and the brothels arent worth it, you can take me to Auschwitz.
      Moronic wormhole.

    26. Bugs Bunny
      Bunny = Sex = Vaginal = Vaginel = Lavigne
      Bugs = Worms = Larvae = Larvi = Avril

      Bugs Bunny - That's All Folks!

    27. Wow i have to repost this girl, thats really crazy, i want to chew all those hateful maggots too.

      Eating insects �� mukbang chinese asmr

      We are what we eat right, well heres the chinese eating worms.

    28. This girl is on another level, its like she isnt even human.
      Now i see where they got the inspiration for the worm eater lion king.
      Hollywood really is run by the chinese, why else would the lion king eat bugs like the chinese do.

      Lion King (1994) ~ Hakuna Matata ~ Sing Along Video ~ 720pᴴᴰ ~ 2017 ~ W10

    29. I love porn. It's just that todays porn is shit. Nothing like the porn of the 80s and 90s. Also why was Jesus Jewish?

      I think you were commenting this for me.
      Porn in the 80s and 90s couldnt be better as there simply werent any women that looked anywhere as good as the ones that they have now, and the man were not jacked on fetal stem cells like they are today which makes them perform like stallions.

      Jesus was Jewish because he is Jehovah, thats His people that he brought out of Egypt.
      The covenant was completed through Jesus as that was the point of the Jewish people, they were created to bring the messiah into this world.
      Once that was done and Jesus resurrected there was no more Jewish covenant, all the ones that claim to be Jews after that are a counterfeit.
      I admire them for the simple fact that they have been able to withstand till today against the roman empire, which just shows the obvious, that Satan runs both sides, the nazi romans and the jews.
      That is a given, he says right there when he tempts Jesus, all kingdoms are mine, its all controlled opposition on all sides.
      Just like gang wars, the gangs are at war but who profits from all sides, its always the same clown, the one that providss them with their guns.

    30. Dude you gotta be kidding me or just really young lol w9men today are FAKE as shit and full of disease and tats LOL women of any older, retro era beat the women of today. I agree with what you said about the man though. Thanks 4 answering my Jesus question too

    31. Full of disease doesnt mean much, like what the fake aids test and the make believe covid swabs.
      Tats i guess its bad if it bothers you, the tats actually look amazing most of the time.
      Fake as shit, i didnt say all porn was good, just skip all the fake tits and balloon faced women, still the naturals that remain are going to be much better looking than anyone from the past, especially if they are jacked on fetal stem cells as well.

      The Aids (/virus) Hoax, humans wake up! - mirror from CuriousLife

    32. Look at this girl for example:

      This Is Why I Quit Porn

      She looks fake as shit with those ugly fake big balloon tits, still overall she looks better than the naturals from the past.
      And she is very nice to listen to, just check her youtube videos.
      Women from the past could barely put two sentences together.

    33. Lol she's alright but I guess you gotta see them without makeup 2 get the full truth about their beauty

    34. Who cares how they look without make up, i look like shit, still today they are going to look much better without their make up since they use all kinds of creams and stem cells that were not available before.
      In the past they used some ridiculous green goo all over their face and some peppers, Lol i think they have evolved from that.

      Look at this nonsense, thats what the past looked like.

    35. Freelee is not a porn star as far as i know but shes a good example:

      The Freelee from before is how these women used to look in the past, all bloated and low in energy, look at her now she looks amazing and full of energy, thats a microcosm that applies to the macrocosm of porn.
      Its a no contest between the present and the past

    36. Lol puleeasse. I was her in the 90s and early 2000s and that's when women were at their best. Well at least here in California. We're from different places so I have 2 keep that in mind. But the women here were skinny or had fat perfect asses back then

    37. Im not going to post porn to keep it a lighter subject.
      But WWE is a good example.

      Watch a Wendi Richter vs Fabulous Moolah match from the 80s and see how ridiculous they looked:

      The Fabulous Moolah vs. Wendi Richter, 7-23-1984

      Now watch Paige vs Emma from the 2010s and see how great they look:

      WWE Main Event Emma vs Paige 06.04.2016

      Its a no contest.
      Women have come a long way.
      Which is also biblical, the end times is the time of the female rival and of the whore that rides the beast.

    38. Look at this beach Karen:

      Get Fit With Natasha VS Beach Karen

      You think thats attractive?
      Thats how women were in the past, sheesh, yeah well the bugs would starve with that kind of nymph.

    39. Ive re-watched the Wendi Richter vs Fabulous Moolah match, they may look ridiculous but that was a nice match, very enjoyable.
      And Paige Jennings the former pornstar has removed her fake balloon tits, wow that makes her a real natural stunner now, no way would you find better looking females 30+ years ago.

      Why I Removed My Breast Implants Storytime Part 1 | RedheadRedemption

    40. Heres a bond girl Ursula Andress:

      You think she looks better than Paige Jennins?
      No way.
      And you are calling me really young, maybe, im only 1 month younger than Paige Jennings.

    41. Veronica Vain

      "Veronica attended the University of Florida on a full scholarship and graduated with a degree in finance."

      I quitted a masters in finance here in shithole Portugal.
      I got a degree in economics, there might have been 3 or 4 girls when i was there in college that looked as good or better than her, but 30+ years ago?
      No way, look at Sharon Tate or Marilyn Monroe who were sex icons, they werent even close.

    42. "Yoda did identical thing to darth vader's son in star wars movie and trained and brainwashed him to kill his own father."

      Yoda = Green man = Osiris = Obelisk man = Lucifer = Kain
      My father = Jehovah
      Me kill my own father, yeah no thank you.
      Or just like in Legacy of Kain expecting me to sacrifice myself to empower Kain/obelisk man/green man so he can charge his powers to defeat the Elder God/Jehovah.
      Not at my expense.
      Like ive said, you want to do it, you do it yourselves, not gonna play the dummy like Raziel for no green man.

      Legacy of Kain: Defiance - 38 - Vengeance and sacrifice

      Or just like Sgt Howie the dummy sacrifice in the WIcker Man being groomed at the green man inn.

      The Wicker Man (1973) - The Landlord's daughter Scene [Spanish Subs]

      Same thing shown recently by the Angry Video Game Nerd, he gets sacrificed at the WIcker Man for the green man.

      Shrek: Fairy Tale Freakdown (GBC) - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

      You can keep your green man to yourselves, no thank you.

      Type O Negative - The Green Man

      I wasnt trained by no Yoda/Lucifer.
      And as he is an Elohim he is on par with me and not my superior, we are on the same level.

    43. Green man = god of money/numbers

      Money, money, money
      Give me that green, mean green
      Almighty dollar

      For the Love of Money

      The only reason i studied economics was because i wanted to understand money as my family was swallowed in debt, they no longer are so i no longer care, also the concept of family no longer means much to me now that i can see this wormhole for what it is, a dump for fallen angels.

    44. Money = Mono Eye = Osiris green all seeing eye = The wadjet
      Well keep watching buddy, like ive posted above youll never see it coming, the Spirit is unpredictable and improvised, not something to be planned for like luciferian clowns do.

      Heat of the moment - Supernatural

      And the green team is going to win their 19th portuguese championship 19 years later during Covid 19 because this isnt a simulation and everything isnt rigged by luciferian clowns, sure.

    45. MK = 1311

      G1311 diaphtheiró
      to destroy utterly, to spoil, corrupt
      from dia and phtheiró

      H1311 bashel
      cooked, boiled

      MK = Spirit cookery

    46. "Just like in venom movie same here the worms give you great powers they show but it's the exact opposite, they are the bottleneck and what deprives us from our ancient analog powers."

      "Parasites Lost" is the second episode in season three of Futurama.

      While making a pit stop at an interstellar truck stop, Fry buys and eats a decaying egg salad sandwich from a vending machine in the restroom.
      Upon returning to Earth, Fry and Bender are assigned the task of fixing the plasma fusion boiler, which promptly explodes.
      Bender is not damaged, but Fry is impaled by a large pipe.
      Despite the severity of the injury, Fry's damaged body repairs itself in seconds, and the subsequent medical examination reveals to the crew that Fry is infested with microscopic worms from the egg salad sandwich.

      Controlling the micro-droids using virtual reality gear, the crew board a miniature Planet Express ship, and enter Fry's ear.
      Throughout the travel, the crew discover that the worms are drastically improving Fry's intelligence, health, and fitness.
      The crew make their way into Fry's bowel, and fight their way to the pelvic splanchnic ganglion, intending to cause a massive bowel movement to expel the worm society.
      Meanwhile, Leela is enchanted by the now intelligent and muscular Fry.
      Leela realizes that the worms are responsible for the new, improved Fry, and sets out to stop the Professor.
      The Professor tells her that the worms will burrow so deep into Fry's body, he will be stuck with them forever, but Leela reasons that Fry is better off with the worms.
      Fry is informed of what has been happening, but is more interested in romancing Leela than clearing the worms out of his body.

      Avril = Larvi = Larvae
      Lavigne = Vaginel = Vaginal

      I dont like being worm food.

      Avril Lavigne - Hot (Official Music Video)

    47. "Wear your mask they tell us now with covid-19 which verifies my suspicion also."

      Spirit is breath which they show in Legacy of Kain, Raziel consumes souls with his breath, 2 Thessalonians 2 that i posted above says that the Lord will consume Lucifer with the breath of his mouth, again like Raziel.

      G4151 pneuma
      wind, breath, spirit, ghost, life

      If you have ghosts/breath, you have everything
      Save your breath, this is real currency unlike fake numbers/money.

      Ghost - If You Have Ghosts (Live at Music Feeds Studio)

    48. Burrowing tunnels just like a worm.
      Tunnels everywhere, we love tunneling.

      World's longest tunnel opens in Switzerland

      How Are Subways Built Underground?

      Example of Tunneling
      For example, XYZ company has a majority shareholder and executive named Bert. Bert is planning to leave the company in a couple of years because the company isn't doing as well as he'd thought it would. In the meantime, Bert wants to take in as much money as possible.

      He uses his influential position to vote for significant executive compensation packages and pays himself inappropriately large bonuses, draining financial resources from the company. This hurts the company because it negatively affects its valuation due to the significant loss of cash.

      Just like Agent Smith planning on tunneling his way out of this wormhole.

    49. They say earth underground is full with ancient giant tunnels and caves, in hobbit 2 was shown to our face they were made by giant worms and called humanity fools for having forgot all about them.

  5. Worth adding in this MK movie they showed the scene from batman arkham city that when you kill someone that is possessed by the devil worm it enters you.(fallen movie had similar intel)
    Kano was asking sonya to kill him like ra's al ghul was asking batman for this very reason so he can enter her body, he even said that he is the black MK dragon/king worm itself.
    (i suspect coming even close to someone who has the worms in him you get the worms too as they contaminate the air with their eggs when their host exhales like the worm like plants of poison ivy from batman are doing with their spores.)

    While they were promoting wearing the mark of the worm is a great thing, through Kano/Cain they revealed only the worst kind of humans wear that mark just like Cain from the bible.

    -Careful, he bites.(cannibal/cain subliminal)
    -Oh, hello, sunshine.
    -Who are you?
    -He's Kano.
    Kano, what?
    -Kano, none of your
    fucking business.
    -Was that Russian?
    -Do I sound Russian to you,
    you fucking idiot?
    -He's a mercenary
    with The Black Dragon clan.
    Arms dealer, drug runner,
    murder for hire,
    scum of the Earth.
    -I also give
    really good foot massages.
    -You have a marking.

    Later kano said to his robocop friend

    -You've fallen down a long way
    since you led the Black Dragon.
    -Don't tell me about
    the Black Dragon.
    I am the Black Dragon.

    -You failure.
    Fucking failure?
    Let me educate you,
    motherfucker. I'm Kano.
    I'm the black fucking dragon.
    (his knife had a worm/snake painting on it which was subliminal for the MK dragon/worm)

    Just noticed conan the barbarian symbolizes also cain from the bible like Kano=Konan

    1. The invisible reptile reminded me of predator and the invisible beings that were visited me in my sleep paralysis back in the day.
      A judge Dread youtube movie had also similar invisible reptile beings and cant help but suspect those things actually exist.

    2. I'm amazed on how bad they lie to us in these movies man.
      Just like in venom movie same here the worms give you great powers they show but it's the exact opposite, they are the bottleneck and what deprives us from our ancient analog powers.
      See the spiderman suit in homecoming that had to get hacked in order for peter parker to access great powers, hacking by killing the worms/venom/black dragon/chinese king worm that is.

    3. I once knew a really ugly black gurl who gave me ringworms and pink eye outta nowhere. I also noticed how she would secretly steal my energy so you're not far off. There's so much that they don't tell us!

    4. I became aware that we dont need to have sex to get someone else's nasty worms, just getting close to their breathing bubble is good enough. Wear your mask they tell us now with covid-19 which verifies my suspicion also.
      When we exhale just like poison ivy's plants we contaminate the air with worms.
      Also this is why when someone's breath stinks we automatically try to get away, our subconscious is aware of this.

    5. True, just letting that ugly thing get close.2 me was how I got it. She had stinky ass breath too which should have been another clue. I think humans were meant 2 biological weapons similar 2 their makers/masters just like how the white people killed off the Indian with foreign diseases when they first arrived in America....

  6. Yeah, Kano was the only good part of this low budget shit film. But when you said the mongrel bit to Sonya, Do you really think it's a coincidence that he said it to a blonde haired blue eyed aryan woman? And then through metaphorical sex she is mongrelized? Also, Kano = cain perhaps cain in the bible looked white but was a mongrel. What if there are pure nob mixed whites still around? All, The main cast besides Sonya blade is non white and shes the only one who doesn't have powers because she doesn't have the mark of the beast. So, I'm thinking that maybe the secret to having powers in this realm is have corrupt worm infested DNA, be a mongrel or perhaps the chosen ones are in reference to a specific bloodline of mongrels.

    Also, Yeah I have begun to notice alot of edeians are Asian/mongoloid looking almost if Chinese and out worlders have the same origin, but then why are these niggas fighting each other? you'd think shang tsun and liu kang could bond over some dumplings or something.


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