Biblibal Proof And Evidence That The Original Humans Did Not Have Sexual Organs.


Critical thinking and attention to detail detective style pays off big time.
Before the snake/satan humans did not cover their lower parts, after the snake they did, what does this tell you?

They woke up one morning after they got genetically infected and mutated by the worms of the apple and found what raymond drake exposed as a mutation which is our sexual organs. They immediately freaked out, felt very embarrassed and rushed to cover them up so their friends dont find out, make fun of them or even worse kill them out of fear they might get infected and mutated too.

Same way every human would react, if you were to wake up one morning and find out your sexual organ was replaced with a pig's sexual organ what would you do, you wouldnt want anyone to find out(aka cover it up immediately) and try to fix it before anyone finds out.

I suspect adam got his sexual organ when the lunar boss put him to sleep and butchered him to create eve, that was the perfect time for that change to happen.

Also the way Eve was created gives away that her creator wasnt god. Adam was created from the ground up without having to steal someone else's organs or parts.
Satan that cant create like god simply like farmers do who cant create seeds/lifeforms from the ground up, they cut a branch from a tree, plant it on the ground and from that have it regrow a new tree.

Why the same god who created adam couldn't create eve the same way but had to use the farmer's lazy way which farmers do cause they dont know better. Farmers say too is better to grow plants and trees from seeds/from the ground up and not from branches as from seeds they get more roots, are healthier, grow stronger and it's much better and when they have the choice they always choose to grow their plants and trees from seeds and not from butchered parts like Eve was grown.

The way Eve was created lunar boss in movie island 2005 was creating humans, he was stealing an organ from other humans who had them in a vegetative/sleeping state and was regrowing full adult humans from that single organ.

There's a lot of messed up things that have happened on all lifeforms on this planet/zoo and i want you guys to be aware the way life is here is not the normal/natural/god's way, all is perverted and an abomination in this zoo, that's why the winning move is not to play, dont reproduce, dont vote for more life but vote for awareness and wisdom, as when you get these eventually and look back in your past the less embarrassed you will feel the less you had played/aka tricked into doing very dumb things when were ignorant and naive.

 "Why humans have kids? To replace them, end them"
Ultron, Avengers 2

"For the young ones to live the old must die"
King Kai DBZ

Another biblical intel that in garden of eden all animals were calm, this gives away there were no animals killing each other in these ancient times as for an animal to kill another animal it has to get aggressive.
This points out also that lifeforms could be like perpetual machines with no need to eat and no need to breed as the absence of sexual organs points out to immortality.
Man of steel and guardians of galaxy 2 movies showed also advanced civilizations dont breed like animals but like god they create them from the ground up and find sex/breeding/mindless mixing of genes as an abomination! God was born without sex which is another give away that sex(=mixing) is the devil's domain!

Creation by sex/random mixing and creation without sex reminds me in videos games the handcrafting creation of worlds/god's way and procedural generation/evolution/random/mixing/satan's way and handcrafting is always superior while procedural generation/random mixing creates abominations like this one.

 0:12 this is what evolution and mixing of genes eventually gets you.


  1. Just noticed adam and eve is also what lunar boss as zeus did in greek ancient literature where he divided the original humans into man and woman.
    Eve covering her lower part gives away she still had adam's memories when she was one with him where she didnt have sexual organs and felt disgusted too like adam and covered them too.
    This gives away eve was also adam but a female version of him and the new adam a male version of the original adam.
    Scientist nova/lunar boss and his f*cked up shit/experiments as usual.
    I have decoded also word scientist=scitenist is synonym to satanist.

    1. The zeus intel verifies my suspicion that in the bible adam and eve got their sexual organs when god/lunar boss divided adam into 2/man and woman as i suspected that was the perfect time for that change to happen.

      Now i suspect the original adam=humanity as one symbolizes god that was conquered by the devil by putting to sleep and getting divided.
      Who would have thought the devil invented or was the first to use the divide and conquer strategy.

      There was some video games and cartoons i had come across that were revealing of adam to be the original god.
      In guardians of the galaxy 2 the father/god was shown to be made from dust/soil when he died at the end just like adam was made. Another subliminal that adam is the father/god.
      Adam was also the first human and god is said to be the first human as he made us in his image and likeness, so god=first human=adam!

  2. The entire Vatican is a serpent, the mouth of the serpent is a vagina, at the mouth of the serpent is St Peters throne, the throne represents a dead sheep, a dragon, angels melting into semen, rightside up it is a penis, upside down it is a vagina.

    1. Sex is a trap to get spiritual beings mixed up with the flesh and trap them into this dimension where they are consumed by worms who later evolve into dragonflies.

    2. Im a 29 years old virgin male, i havent been able to overcome masturbation yet, my flesh has a will of its own, my body just starts fuming all over.
      Ive been masturbating since i was 13 years old, i think im going to be able to give it up now, ive just seen too many bugs sucking cock not to.

    3. Heres the imagery if you want to look at it:

      ????? SEE ALL The WAY PAST the ILLUSION !!!

  3. God told adam and eve to be fruitful and multiply, they were both created by god with the intention of them having sex and reproducing just like all of god's creations, So it's implied they had penis and vagina. The corruption and mixing came in when they ate of the fruit, not beforehand.

    1. Genesis 1:28
      God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

      This is not Adam and Eve, Genesis 1 is the first creation, the ones that mixed themselves with Adam and Eve the second creation Genesis 2 at the fall in Genesis 3.
      The wives of Cain and Seth are all from Genesis 1.

      Genesis 2 heres what the Lord God, not God thats the difference, told Adam:

      Genesis 2:22-23
      22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”
      23 So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.

      Cains wife wasnt Eve.
      Seths wife wasnt Eve,
      All those women came from the first creation, Genesis 1, created by God/Elohim/Fallen Angels/Annunaki.

      The Lord God/Jehovah only created 2, Adam and Eve, thats it, then they bred together with the seed of the serpent the annunaki from Genesis 1.

      I dont want to reproduce.
      Before i wanted sex but i dont want that anymore either.
      Im tired of this place.

      Heres a good video on the two seeds being mixed together as represented by the twin towers becoming the one world freedom tower:

      9th of AV is 911 Destruction of the Temple

      I was thinking on going for a vasectomy to just enjoy an adult life of sex but since this world is going into a global dictatorship to purge out the undesirables, and since its all just a breeding ground for worms to develop into dragonflies, im not interested anymore, im just done with it all.

      2 BIG Reasons NOT To Get A Vasectomy?

    2. Genesis 4:13-14
      Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is more than I can bear.
      Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”

      Whoever will find me will kill me.
      Whoever, who could that be if Adam and Eve were the only 2 people around, there were already a multitude created by the Annunaki Elohim in Genesis 1.

      Only later was Seth born.

      Genesis 4:25
      Adam made love to his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, saying, “God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.”

      Even in Genesis 1 they refer to God Elohim in plural:

      Genesis 1:26
      26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

      Let us not let me.
      Meaning they were a group of Gods the annunaki elohim.

    3. Genesis 2:23
      So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.

      The Lord God banished them from the Garden of Eden for having sex meaning no sex allowed in there.

      Genesis 3:16
      To the woman he said,

      “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe;
      with painful labor you will give birth to children.
      Your desire will be for your husband,
      and he will rule over you.”

      If they were meant to reproduce why curse Eve with very severe childbirth pain, there was no sex allowed.

      The forbidden fruit is sex/mixing.

    4. Genesis 1 doesnt even talk about man having any possibility of achieving life eternal, only Genesis 2 and the Lord God/Jehovah mention this possibility:

      Genesis 3:22
      And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”

      Genesis 3:24
      After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

    5. “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe;

      Speaking singular

      “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.

      Speaking plural.

      There were more than just a single entity involved in the creation.
      Who is Us?
      Its all God and Satan and some insurrection in heaven.

    6. Genesis 4:16
      So Cain went out from the Lord’s presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden.

      This land of Nod had to have inhabitants, if not why the need of a protective mark?

      Genesis 4:15
      But the Lord said to him, “Not so[e]; anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.

      This mark of Cain is the root of freemasonry and of the royal bloodlines.
      His son was Enoch, Enoch means initiated.

    7. Follow the worms/words.

      Donald Trump, In The Flesh & Waiting For The Worms -- Pink Floyd's The Wall Mashup

      The Alex Jones Prison Planet - Super Heavy Galactic Stuff [FULL EP]

    8. Thank you for all this biblical intel, you're expert at it.
      In my newest thread i exposed when lunar boss divided adam into male and female it's the same story with zeus dividing humans into men and women that used to be one.
      This reveals just like in zeus story adam and eve got their sexual organs after/during the division as what was the point before that for adam to have a sexual organ when no women were around to use it.
      Using critical thinking and not taking the bible at face value as it's the lunar boss' book and is truth mixed with lies we come to this conclusion as it's common sense.
      Before eve there was no point for adam to have a penis. He was put to sleep, he got violated/butchered, modified and woke up with a worm between his legs which he felt disgusted of and tried to cover it up immediately. No one that has a penis for decades wakes up one morning and feels disgusted/embarrassed of it out of the blue, only someone who never had one and all of a sudden got one.

    9. Well thank you, im no expert, ive just watched a lot of Jonathan Klecks videos.

      The foundation of his teachings is that:

      Genesis 1 is the first creation of man by Satan and the fallen angels Elohim Annunaki that rebelled against the Lord God, it does not specify how many were created.

      Genesis 2 is the second creation of man by the Lord God Jehovah of Adam and EVe, they were in the Garden of Eden where sex/mixing was the forbidden fruit.

      Genesis 3 is the mixing of the two creations, Eve took the forbidden fruit, had sex/mixed with the snake/Satan and Adam also mixed/had sex either with Eve or with Lilith Satans wife according to other story tellers.

      Im still confused about this stuff, but the premise is that apparently Satan gave Adam and Eve their sex organs which they did not had. they were light beings i think, im not sure.

      But there had to be others because Cain feared for his life. he then found a wife and built a city, Adam and Eve third son Seth also found a wife, Cain was banished from the sight of the Lord that was where Adam and Eve were so unless he kidnapped a sister, and he would need a mark to protect him from who, Adam?
      I dont know.
      Besides the main difference between the Genesis 1 creator being God plural, and the Genesis 2 creator being the Lord God singular, Genesis 1 God tells their creation to be fruitful and to multiply, Genesis 2 the Lord God gets angry with the whole sex shenanigan, curses Eve with severe pain at childbirth and kicks them out of the garden of Eden, doesnt seem like the kind of move that one would take if he wanted them reproducing.
      I dont know.
      Mostly ive just seen too many imagery of worms and bugs parasiting of the sex reproductive paradigm.

    10. Here is a man that sounds a lot like myself, im also confused about this whole situation called reality:

      Oblivion NPC Conversation - what's your name?

      I dont really want anything out of this life anymore, its all nonsense and illusions.

    11. The intel with the protective mark of cain that reveals more people were existing at his time, thank you so much for bringing that up, that's very important intel.
      I suspect the lunar boss created a new race through adam and eve and slowly exterminated all other original races just like he did to neanderthals.
      He repeats history so it's safe to assume that's exactly what happened during the adam/eve period. They werent the only humans when the snake/lunar boss/worm arrived at earth/eden with his spaceship/moon like kami from dbz and snakeman in man of steel, but were the first from his new creation/perversion and the rest that he couldnt modify he exterminated them.

      The oblivion npc video was amazing, the guy looked in the know behind the jokes, "how can i die when i'm already dead", yeap he knows some shit.

    12. Just like they'll do to us now, they have further genetic perversions/mutations to do on us and anyone who denies them/deny the new/updated mark of the beast will get exterminated. History repeats until the worm is dead.

      Found interesting how worms are identical to spiderman venom, when outside an animal or human are weak and easy to kill, when inside and they get easy inside by hiding in food sources they take control of the host and become as strong as the host, deadly, very dangerous and hard to kill.
      Venom movies and cartoons show these worms came from space, they dont originate here and they reminded me an amazing movie i saw when kid, i'm gonna make a new thread about that.

    13. "Genesis 2 heres what the Lord God, not God thats the difference, told Adam:

      Genesis 2:22-23
      22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”
      23 So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken."

      This is Genesis 3 and Genesis 3:22-23, not Genesis 2, sorry.
      Still it is the Lord God singular speaking and not God plural.

      The Lord God banished Adam from the garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken implies that Adam came not from the garden of Eden but from outside of the garden of Eden.

  4. You simulated my grandsons genitalia?

    Rick and Morty Try to Escape the Zigerion's Simulation | Rick and Morty

    1. Nice intel there that the worm between our legs is a terrifying thing, no wonder why adam covered it up as soon he got one. Unlike adam we were born with it and got used into viewing it as a normal harmless thing despite the total mind control it does to us on daily basis like the toxoplasma/parasite cats have and infect humans with.
      Similar to me first time i saw a vagina i was disgusted, and first time i had sex with an attractive woman when i turned 18 i was disgusted at the sight of her vagina, it took time to get used to it as like adam i wasnt born with a vagina and wasnt used to it like women are like we are with our penis/worm, vagina=mouth of a snake=worm.
      Sexual organs=worm mutations.
      It all comes full circle back to the worm/snake with legs/satan.

      Rick/old man scientist symbolizes scitenist/satanist lunar boss like nova from alita.
      Lunar boss hiding in plain sight as always.
      In island 2005 lunar boss was also a scientist, in gears of war the lunar queen/boss was also a scientist, medusa in a cartoon is a scientist, in new bliss movie is also a scientist.
      Every time i see doctors or scientists in movies, cartoons etc i immediately suspect lunar boss/queen.

    2. By the way i had come across women back in school that were calling the human penis disgusting and a snake, so similarly to me/us for most women it takes time too to adjust and not get disgusted at the sight of our sexual organ.
      One more thing that still disgusts me to this day about the female sexual organ is when they bleed. I cant get over it, every time i think they bleed from there i get turned off immediately. I could use this to my advantage to resist the sirens/sex traps of the afterlife and of this life, oh and quit fapping too, i'll give this a try next time the worm between my legs tries to mind control me, i'll start thinking of women bleeding from their vagina lol.

    3. Doctor Fauci and scientist Bill Gates show how it is all satanic.

      Bill Gates is a Wanker Song

      The Devil Was a Nerd in High School

      Bill Gates criticizes U.S. Covid-19 response: Most governments listen to their scientists

      Bill Gates on pushback against masks: 'We tell people to wear clothes'

      DJ Bill Gates plays the windows error remix

    4. My latest leukemia doctor looks like a younger version of dr fauci.
      I googled his name and came across this video
      i got pissed as in this video he talks about a medicine better than the 7+3 chemo which is what he gave me. They say fda only approved it for old people when i google it but was like if it's better for old it should be better for young too. Then i read it only extended life for 3 months and was like, look at these clowns coming on tv and promoting it as a breakthrough. I wouldnt have face to show if i came up with a medicine that only gives you an extra 3 months to live.

    5. The medical industry is a big scam, ive mentioned here before this book, i havent read more through it but it exposes much of the fraud:


      Viroly another fraud, im starting to believe that even viruses arent real, heres a video about that was deleted from Youtube:

      Dr Andrew Kaufman Interview Virus Isolation Terrain Theory COVID 19

    6. Vagina = mouth of the snake:

    7. labium
      a fused mouthpart which forms the floor of the mouth of an insect.

      the inner and outer folds of the vulva, at either side of the vagina.


    8. nymph
      a mythological spirit of nature imagined as a beautiful maiden inhabiting rivers, woods, or other locations.

      an immature form of an insect that does not change greatly as it grows, e.g. a dragonfly, mayfly, or locust.

      A Baby Dragonfly's Mouth Will Give You Nightmares | Deep Look


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