Humanity=Fragments Of Sleeping God Intel!

 Lately i've been thinking of the intel that was shown in forbidden kingdom/earth movie how when god was betrayed/tricked and put to sleep/frozen in ice/turned to stone(see also marbled king from Constantinople story, same story, everyone waits for him to unfreeze and return to liberate us) his hair/hive mind became mortal humans whose purpose should be like with jet li to find their frozen god form and liberate it. I have decoded and suspect we sleep in antarctica(or in the moon) and are wireless connected to our bodies here. If our god form sleeps in the moon, destroying it would liberate him. Ring the moon bell, god wakes up, game over.

But there's a catch which was shown in elysium movie with matt damon.
The lunar queen put the matrix/hive mind/god to sleep/shut it down so she can reprogram it to serve her as its queen/god when she boot it back online.

If we are the hive mind/god("collective unconscious" science calls us) that was betrayed and put to unconscious state/sleep/shut down then the reprogramming/hypnotism is happening on humanity/god while here on earth. See all religions that brainwash us and condition us to serve and worship a god(especially after death/waking up) and go as far to make us die for him only to find out is the lunar boss/queen and a being very inferior to us that used trickery to take our throne and go as far to turn us into her puppet/slave.

Imagine waking up in your god form and start serving and worshiping as your god some low life parasite that used to be your servant or janitor and betrayed you. That would be so embarrassing especially if your ancient friends were to come visit you, they would be like "wtf the king is worshiping a janitor!"
Then the janitor sitting on your throne would order you to kill them before they undo his/her mess.

 (see the devil's horns as tattoo on his head, that's the lunar boss and like professor x was controlling the cerebro machine/moon and was robbing like a pirate everyone until hela arrived/returned to her kingdom, which is another possibility that god wasnt betrayed but like odysseus left his kingdom to take care some business/war with parasites/worms far away and while away earth got betrayed by his wife/hera/weaver penelope etc who according to metroid game wiki allowed the chinese space pirates to land on earth as without her betrayal they wouldnt be able to land here like altered carbon s2 showed earth has super advance space defenses that without permission nothing can land or even come close to earth, which explains why it takes so long for god/king of earth to return to his kingdom as he has to figure a way around those earth's space defenses. Trump's space force gives away god is winning in the war that takes place above our dome(see serenity 2005 and star wars rogue one movies) as earth prepares to face him and his forces as evil aliens when he makes it past the dome matrix 3 style. Those aliens could just be our ancient friends coming to our rescue as in ancient literature when zeus was betrayed by his wife hera and put to sleep all other gods when found out left their kingdom to come to his assistance.)

 The above fragments of god intel is one possibility of the many i suspect that i havent give much attention before, so i thought to put it real good in the spotlight here as it's a very good one.

Next i'll try to see the mandalorian season 2 mostly for entertainment but if i see anything worth mentioning i'll be sure to come here to let you guys know.

I have recovered good enough from my leukemia and the chemo so far but i'm always ready to face it again as i expect it can come back any time. Doctors gave me 6 months before it can come back, i'll try to prove them wrong like i've done before. I see bone marrow transplant they suggest me do and as the death of me or part of me as different genes/dna means also i would get new/altered personality as genes affect who we are like the rest parasites/worms in our intestines, so i'll try to stay away from it.


  1. Check this out:

    The Head TV Series (2020– )

    "Winter has fallen on the South Pole.
    A small team, known as the Winterers, will remain at the Polaris VI Antarctic Research Station to continue their innovative research, a crucial part in the fight against climate change."

    HBO Asia | The Head Official Trailer

    Stay strong against the leukemia, its good to read from you again.

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words!
      1:40 of your video blew me away showing what i have decoded and suspected before that we are sleeping frozen in ice in antarctica demolition man with stallone style. Underworld blood wars showed identical thing.
      The words "the head" on that image i see it as a subliminal for "our true form/location" where we are located and are wireless connected to our bodies here surrogates with bruce willis or avatar 2009 style.

    2. By the way stallone in demolition man movie was liberated from his ice prison in 2032/2033 which is the year 2000!
      Of course they took him out of the ice prison to use him and put him back in it when his job is done and why i say "when you wake up do nothing and enjoy the show", our allies would be nearby like in altered carbon s1 when they were torturing the last envoy in the dreamworld, when he woke up his ally that was coming to his rescue was just outside the building.
      In robocop 2014 and spiderman with electro where they were torturing him too like the last envoy before he got liberated, they woke them up and set them free to trick them into saving the lunar boss from imminent danger.

    3. Ive said it before, what has helped me with my health problems has been veganism, hopefully youll help yourself in some way too, be it through sauna treatment or cayenne pepper.
      Best wishes.

      From that series "The Head" i find it odd that the antarctic research station is named Polaris (the north star), and heres what it reminded me of:

      Fist of the North Star opening 1

      Hokuto Shinken can penetrate all defense | Kenshiro vs. Heart | 'Fist of the North Star' (Subbed)

      Megadeth - Rust In Peace...Polaris (Original) HD

      Eradication of
      Earth's population loves Polaris
      Eradication of
      Earth's population loves Polaris

      High priest of holocaust, fire from the sea
      Nuclear winter, spreading disease
      The day of final conflict, all pay the price
      The third world war rapes peace, takes life
      Back to the start, die in the pyre
      When the Earth was cold as ice
      Total dismay as the sun passed away
      And the days were black as night

    4. I'm not much into red meat anymore but i eat yogurt instead with homemade honey from my neighbor, he doesnt use any pesticides but still i would prefer to use greek or african honey instead, i heard good stories about african honey.
      I eat more greens now than before and i'm still waiting for my sauna to get shipped, wayfair takes too long to ship but got it at a very good price.

  2. A recent comment from the previous thread that is relative to the intel of this thread.
    "Garlic jr symbolizes the lunar boss drawing his power from the moon/cerebro like professor x. Makyo star is called in dbz and it looks like our moon.
    Similar thing is shown in the mortal kombat 90s tv series where raiden was whooping shao khan's ass until his moon approached earth and gained a lot of extra power and defeated raiden and turned him into his prisoner and slave. Raiden symbolizes us, the god of earth that now is a slave in his own kingdom.
    This video shows that we lost our god powers when the moon arrived at earth.
    They dont show shao khan's planet/moon in this clip but if you see the entire episode they do. "

    1. Seek and pray for Jesus to deliver you from whats coming, Texas has been a fractal for the dark winter theyll create once they hit the US national power grid and especially the hoover dam:

      "THAT DAM'S GONNA COME DOWN!" Alex Jones BIZARRE Hoover Dam Skit - 100% Pre-Programming SIGNAL

      High priest of holocaust, fire from the sea
      Nuclear winter, spreading disease
      The day of final conflict, all pay the price
      The third world war rapes peace, takes life
      Back to the start, die in the pyre
      When the Earth was cold as ice
      Total dismay as the sun passed away
      And the days were black as night

      Game of Thrones: Season 7 Episode 7: Army of the Dead (HBO)

      Thats the dragon destroying the dam and the armies of hell coming through like Alex Jones is saying, just like Biden was talking about the dark winter.
      Thats the phrase they kept repeating through the whole series of the Game of Thrones, winter/king cold/freeza is coming.

      Biden warns of a "dark winter" amid the coronavirus pandemic

      Its all about energy, dams produce energy but its a fractal that symbolizes spiritual force/chi energy of the body.

      Inside the Hoover Dam Power generation area

      The mask symbolizes chi/life force like in Raziel from Legacy of Kain.

      (3)Lok: Defiance - Raziel's Intro

      Power grid down and cold winter symbolizes life force chi leaving.
      Take my breath away the world is suffocating.
      Im still too confused about the whole thing.

      Berlin - Take My Breathe Away theme from Top Gun with Lyrics

      And they are taking the breath to make the larvae/worms fly/transform into dragon flies that come out from the pit, revelation 9.

      Revolution 9 (Remastered 2009)

      The Dragon, Satan King of the Locusts !! In PLAIN SIGHT

      Hang in there its getting crazy.

    2. I view earth as a bigger version of north korea, in short we are being brainwashed since birth. Everything we're being told is truth mixed with lies.
      I prefer instead of praying to investigate, that's how you solve mysteries, find all secrets and catch the criminals red handed.
      In a criminal world between a priest a scientist and an investigator the 3rd is what you wanna be, the other 2 are laughable.
      Science tells us evolution, all is natural and normal.
      Priests, it's all by design but the creator is a loving god.
      What are the chances of them 2 to figure out the truth? Nor do i think they care having been corrupted by the numbers/money and that's all they care about.

    3. Chi/life force is breath/fire/body heat/energy.

      Shao Kahn drained Raidens Chi.
      No Chi = Chi Na
      No chi = no heat = cold as dead = frozen freezer dark winter

      Stunning images show the aftermath of power outages

      In Jim carreys number 23 movie the dog that guards the dead is called Ned, thats when JC meets Ned the dog that he starts to get his identity back.

      Bi-Den = Bi-Ned = Bi-23 = 23 pairs of chromossomes for a total of 46 = host body

      John 2:20
      Then said the Js, “Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou raise it up in three days?”

      To raise a body you need Chi/heat/fire.

      The Number 23 (2007) Dog Scene

    4. Interesting that the blog used to block comments when you were writing but this time its working fine, it did not blocki me, weird.

      Anyway, "Everything we're being told is truth mixed with lies."
      True, especially the word bible itself means bi-blend as in a double mix of truth and lies which also represents the mixed dna of one seed with another, one real genetic code with one modified genetic code.

      I dont mean to offend you, but you dont have to be religious to pray, either way i dont trust priests and churches.

      This is a prison planet trap illusion to use chi life force as food for worms to hatch into dragon flies, both science and religion present fractals of that reality covered up with a bunch of lies.

      At least thats where my investigation is at.

    5. In Van Helsing 2004 they show Dracula/King Cold/Freeza using frankensteins monster/mixed humanity as an energy source to hatch his children.

      Ladies First! (5/10) Van Helsing Dracula's Children (2004) Castle Frankenstein [HD]

      Dams breaking represent a womb giving birth.,574

    6. I dont trust scientists either as scientists like Bill Gates and Fauci are mere jesuit stooges put forth by the church.

      Bill Gates criticizes U.S. Covid-19 response: Most governments listen to their scientists

      The Devil Was a Nerd in High School

      Bill Gates represents the 7 gates of hell/7 chakras/7 planets/7 week days/7 layers.
      Satan is also known as Beelzebub the father of the flies
      The fles are fully developed worms

      It’s Mosquito Week

      Fauci means sickle as in harvesting Chi life force energy

    7. The Devil 2020 - Commercial - No more hiding!

      10 seconds in Satans dating match is a bug
      A nymph is a hot woman but is also an undeveloped bug
      Satan is the king of the bugs
      Worms are bugs in the very early stages of development

    8. In China they eat dog = No Chi eat God

      Thats what you do in the church, you make believe that you are eating God.

    9. Rai-den

      Biden is a Zionist

      "This is zion and we are not afraid!!" Morpheus epic speech scene (Matrix Reloaded)

      Morpheus = God of illusions
      Raiden = God of thunder

      In above Satans dating match video lightning thunder strikes when Satan mentions hell.

      Luke 10:18
      And he said unto them, I beheld Satan falling as lightning from heaven.

      Barack Obama = Lightning from heaven

      Harry Potter = Lighting Scar Boy
      HP = 816 = 888 = Triple H = Jesus

      Harry Potter Just A Scar MV

      Revelation 13:3
      And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

      Lion King Be Prepared 1080p HD

      2 Thessalonians 2:3
      Let no man deceive you by any means, for that Day shall not come, unless there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition,

      Scarface - "The World Is Yours" HD

    10. Kinda reminds me of the spawn movies when the lunar boss clown eats a rotten pizza full of bugs and worms

    11. subliminal that our food is worms. in blade runner 2049 the main character was eating worms too the AI symbolizing his brain was making it look like a nice meal.

      anonymous poster you didnt offend me and i suspect there's power in praying if done right.
      it's just my personal choice to go the route of investigation.
      Horus from gods of egypt came to mind that got back his god powers through praying.
      I guess we got to pray to right god for it to work, maybe pray to ourselves as we could be "fragments of god"=god like jet li from monkey king movie.

  3. Replies
    1. I'm glad to be back too, thank you for the kind words!

  4. fresh from godgevlamste


  6. King of worms

    1. Thanks, the boogerman loves his worms,

      Donald Trump meets The Boogeyman: WrestleMania 23

      Boogeyman Shows His Worms To Kane & Kane Shocked To See That 720p HD Full Match

      Wow they even call the boogerman "The man from the bottomless pit".
      Seems like all these worm decodings are old news for Trumps team.

      Eating worms with Boogeyman: Talking Snack

      Acid Witch - Worship The Worm

    2. Boogerman in above interview says that he comes from the bottomless pit, loves to eat worms as pizza topping, it takes him 3 hours to do all his facial painting, the tree in the middle of his face grows branches as his character progresses. the dots all over his head represent all the rotten fruit that falls off the forbidden tree, the red paint is the blood of his victims, and the hair is collected from all the souls that hes taken.

      Lookswise the boogerman is better built than the demon, too bad that he cant wrestle.

      Bray Wyatt reveals a dark secret on “Firefly Fun House”: Raw, May 13, 2019

    3. From boogerman interview:
      "Theres a boogerman in all of us" = worm inside the apple
      "All my children went to heaven, Ooops, ahahahahah, awesome"...

    4. U2 band name = im a hybrid seed of the boogerman with the seed of Eve
      Evanescence band name = dissipation of the seed of Eve = 100% boogerman

      Evanescence - Everybody's Fool

    5. Everybodys fool, 2 for 1 = U2, theres nothing better than a good lie, ahahaha
      I wonder why cant Evanescence or U2 make a good song, or why cant the boogerman have a good wrestling match, cant be because of lack of funding.

    6. It never was and never will be
      You don't know how you betrayed me
      And somehow you've got everybody fooled
      It never was and never will be
      You're not real and you can't save me
      And somehow now you're everybody's fool

      "Imagine waking up in your god form and start serving and worshiping as your god some low life parasite that used to be your servant or janitor and betrayed you.
      That would be so embarrassing especially if your ancient friends were to come visit you, they would be like "wtf the king is worshiping a janitor!"

      I wish thaat i could understand most of this convoluted hidden messaging.

    7. If you look at the first video, wrestlemania 23 thats the battle of the billionaires/genomes, theres 23 genes from Eve and 23 from the boogerman for a total of 46 = host body.
      Thats why Trump, Clinton, Bush, Aquino, Marina Abramovic are all maga mages born in 1946.
      In that video Trump is the king and hes telling the boogerman his servant to go get him some sandwiches.
      So that makes Trump the parasite that betrayed the boogerman and made him his janitor?
      I dont get it.

      Donald Trump was Born to Rule

      Trump Strongly Believes in Getting Even

    8. And isnt the janitor the boogerman anyway?
      The caretaker?
      Like in the shining movie?

      The Earlier Caretaker's Name was Delbert Grady

      Jason Voorhees Superbeast

    9. In Harry Potter the janitor was the boogerman also, since he owned the 3 headed dog Cerberus and had the keys to the gates of the hidden castle/hidden Earth symbolism.

      Shouldn't have said that

      The plot of the second book was all about trying to frame the janitor as the snake king but it turns out that he was the spider king and that the snake king was the spirit of Voldemort that was part of Harry Potter, im still confused about the ending of the story.

      Aragog - Harry Potter

    10. Harry Potter = HP = 888
      Donald Trump = DT = 888

      Jesus = 888, REVEALED: The Bible Code. (Episode 1 of several thousand.)

      Triple H's WrestleMania 22 Entrance


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