The Universe Is Not Vast Darkness, It's Vast Super Bright Light! LET THERE BE LIGHT!

Go to 0:03, outside world is full in super bright light 24/7!
What we see in our blue screen dome above us is the lunar queen's plan which was shown in dark souls 3 to eliminate all light across the universe and bring on eternal darkness with some left over light here and there as embers/stars which is needed as without light there can be no life.

In james bond die another day we have similar intel in the frozen palace under a dome scene where at the end from the outside it was getting hit by immense light the dome was doing a good job blocking that light like a dam blocks water and only allow a small portion of it to enter that gets distributed around though the sun mirror so there can be life here.

But the moment like in cube movie we were were to exit this cave/earth we wouldnt find ourselves in cold darkness but in hot vast abundant light!

Also diseases and cancer like fungus and vampires thrive and are most active under darkness and hate light.
Last year my leukemia during the day it wouldnt bother me at all and i would feel that i'm doing good then the night would come around and all hell would break loose.
It was the same thing every day, during the day leukemia wasnt attacking me at all it was the night when it was coming out like the zombies of dying light game and like in that game every time i was going to sleep i was telling myself "good night, good luck!"

Yesterday i met an old friend and she told me back in october she got covid-19 and during the day she was ok but the nights were horrible she said and i was like "holy shit same exact thing was happening to me with my leukemia".

I came up with the idea to leave the light on at night preferably halogen full spectrum light to scare the worms within like vampires that it's still daylight out and not to dare to go active.

Right now i'm fighting 2 battles, leukemia which looks it's coming back and a horrible flu which i never experienced before and i suspect it's covid-19.

So far i'm winning but the leukemia rash is spreading all over my skin and it worries me that while i feel better that sneaky bitch will have the last laugh at the end.

I'm a big believer in garlic again, i had a terrible headache yesterday and my teeth were getting loose, so i took an elephant type garlic(which is huge) and with a tool i had turned it into a tiny bits so i could eat it fast without chewing(as last time it burned my gums), my body acted like it was possessed by a demon/parasite and tried to spit it out, make me puke and all that, i had to force myself to eat it and be careful for my sneaky body not to spit it out without my consent.

15 minutes after i ate the whole thing, headache was gone, my stomach was feeling like a tons of bacteria/worms were running for their life and had to take a number 2 to let them out and flush them down the toilet. Felt brand new after and today i still have no headaches and i plan to continue to eat the same dosage of garlic every day.

So the only thing that worries me now is the leukemia rash that looks like tiny dots on the skin, old ones fade away but new ones show up and in new places.I remember i had some of that after i left the hospital last year and they eventually fade away, now they're coming back but also fade away some of them.

I'll go Tuesday to get my blood tested, i know my hemoglobin will be good as i feel good but my white blood cells might be sky high to fight the leukemia and maybe covid too within which will alarm the doctors and i'll have to escape again like a prisoner like last year.

Another thing i started doing which helped me tremendously with covid-19's coughing and mucus build-up in my nose is oxygen advantage nose breathing.

I would lay back on my chair and breath in and out only from my nose as slow i can, my body eventually relaxes and can breath very slowly to the point that i dont feel like breathing.
It's at that point where my nose clears and stops producing mucus like some kind of miracle, coughing and all other symptoms go away even the headaches(i suspect side effect from antifungus pills) which headaches would come back when i go back to regular breathing, that's why i love garlic, it killed these nasty headaches for good!

But that breathing technique i use it feels like when you're in that state, completely calmed down and able to breath very little through the nose like it doesnt feel like you're breathing every problem you have goes away but you have to keep it that way otherwise the problems come back. Guy from oxygen advantage Patrick McKeown instructs to make this breathing a way of life(aka 24/7) and teaches how to work out too with this kind of breathing.

I have exposed wim hof that he's practicing this kind of breathing when they inject him with bacteria and all other tests they put him through and now i'm more confident that this is exactly what he does.


  1. In cube clip where they say "out there(outside of prison earth) is endless stupidity" shows the kind of filthy scumbags that run the entertainment industry, endless stupidity is here on earth that's for sure.

  2. I love the white universe picture i found that shows matter/planets/digital like viruses crawling that need to get wiped out/eliminated.

  3. LET THERE BE LIGHT! the universe is light!
    I nailed that shit again!

    In batman vs superman cartoon batman said "earth now has very little light, so superman wont be strong like before"

    They allow just enough light here to keep us alive but never enough that could ignite us into superman/super saiyan/lycan etc.



    The enemies/parasites/worms/fungus are stronger during the night in Castlevania 2.

    Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES) - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

    1. Xi Jinping/X Kingpin probably took his jesuit oath and became a coadjutor in Ireland back in 2012.

      In February 2012 Chinese Politburo member and future Paramount leader Xi Jinping visited the college as part of his visit to Ireland for a special reception in the O'Reilly theatre. An annual exchange with a Jesuit school in Hong Kong was the catalyst for this visit.

    2. Joe Biden as the 46th president will launch the China/No Chi/Breathless/Only Darkness one world government.
      I take Trump being suspended from all 3 Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as a sign that Ali Baba is ready to announce that it owns all 3 platforms and that it is ready to launch the one world social credit score.

      Black Mirror - The future of social media - Rating everyone in your daily interactions


      Joe Biden is the 46th president and his son Beau Biden died at age 46
      from brain cancer.
      Bi-den = Bi-23 = 23 pairs of chromossomes for a total of 46 = DNA

    4. I havent experienced a blocked nose or sore throat in 5 years but curry always gave me running noses, seems to be great for nasal congestion.

    5. Apparently Lana del Rey/The King of Anal loves chemtrails and the color turquoise too.

      Lana Del Rey - Chemtrails Over The Country Club (Official Video)

      Take out your turquoise and all of your jewels
      Go to the market, the kids' swimming pools
      Baby, what's your sign?
      My moon's in Leo, my Cancer is sun
      You won't play, you're no fun
      Well, I don't care what they think
      Drag racing my little red sports car
      I'm not unhinged or unhappy, I'm just wild

      Always green/turquoise for the dead.
      Like in Legacy of Kain:

      "Beings native to the Material Realm could not typically see the Elder's body, including his worshippers; Raziel could distinguish it after being remade as a wraith, and Moebius and Kain became able to perceive it as well following their purification by the Spirit Reaver. Upon being wounded by the Soul Reaver, the Elder's eyes and tentacles weep his "lifeblood" - green soul energy."

      Same green from Osiris or room 237 in the Shining in which Jack Torance meets death.

      The Shining (1980) - Jack Enters into Room 237

      Strong's Greek: 237. แผ€ฮปฮปฮฑฯ‡ฯŒฮธฮตฮฝ (allachothen) -- from another place, by another way
      The other side like Jaydreamerz mentions about crossing dimensions/the mirror.

    6. For the love of money, people will steal from their mother
      For the love of money, people will rob their own brother
      For the love of money, people can't even walk the street
      Because they never know who in the world they're gonna meet
      For that mean, oh mean, mean green

      For the love of money - O' jays Full Version

    7. Lana del Rey also shows Anubis the god of the dead at the end after crossing the mirror to the other side, Anubis like the dude procuring children from Dutroux for the mother of darkness castle in Belgium.


      Magnee also said that the prosecutors didn't follow up on evidence leading to a cult called "Abrasax", which allegedly performed human sacrifices.
      In a wooden house of Bernard Weinstein (accomplice of Dutroux) a letter was found from the occult sect "Abrasax", in which a gift for the high priestress (Dominique Kindermans) was mentioned consisting of 17 girls between the age of 2 and 20 for anal, oral and vaginal sex.
      It was signed by priest "Anubis".
      This priest was later identified as Francis Desmedt.
      Later investigations showed that four police men in Charleroi were also members of the sect, one was even the treasurer.
      The headquarter of the sect (Institut Abrasax) in Rue Emile Vandervelde 223 Forchies La Marche was raided in 1996 by 150 officers.
      The television showed police taking away bags of papers, video cassettes and a refrigerator.
      They also took away black magic ritual implements and human skulls.

      Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats - Crystal Spiders (OFFICIAL) REMIXED & REMASTERED

    9. Let there be light:

      President George H.W. Bush - Points of Light

      President George Herbert Walker Bush gives his inauguration speech

      Trump: What The Hell Is 'A Thousand Points Of Light? ' The New World Order

      Gotta love the maga mages and their happy serfs.

    10. The Elder God lifeblood is green soul energy = green money
      Cutting the money supply to the maga mages = cutting the chi supply to the vampires = cutting the light that enters into a dark world
      Money is the blood flow of the world = restricting the money from flowing around is like giving the world anemia = confinement

      Oh but but but our small businesses, oh boohoohoohoohoohoohoo.

      The blood is the life mr Renfield = make that money

      Dracula (4/10) Movie CLIP - Children of the Night (1931) HD

      A Night at the Roxbury Soundtrack - Robi Rob's Club World - Make That Money (Roxbury Remix)

    11. The Universe Is Not Vast Darkness, It's Vast Super Bright Light! LET THERE BE LIGHT! = the world is not about struggling to make ends meet by living paycheck to paycheck, its an infinite supply of money provided by the government = the great reset = china will provide everybody with a social credit and money credit with the one world governement

      Matthew 6:24

      “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

      The Great Reset

      The government will take care of everybody as long as tou take their chip and vaccine,
      Free will is darkness/ignorance according to these mages.

    12. i have been praying for you Kaboom in hopes that youre hanging in there.
      Over here in Portugal theyve locked us up again under strict confinement, no coffee shops open, no travel between boroughs, can only leave the house for necessities.
      These guys are also shoving the 7 layers/dragon balls/planets/chakras/week days hard right in front of my face.
      This week is the presidential election, there are 7 candidates that you can vote for, 5 men, 2 women.
      Those are the 7 layers/chakras/dragon balls fractal, 5 men 5 week days 5 layers above, 2 women 2 weekend days 2 layers below.
      Cant believe this ridiculous script playing out right in front of me.

      Check it out:


    13. "On 14 May 1796, Jenner tested his hypothesis by inoculating James Phipps, an eight-year-old boy who was the son of Jenner's gardener.
      He scraped pus from cowpox blisters on the hands of Sarah Nelmes, a milkmaid who had caught cowpox from a cow called Blossom, whose hide now hangs on the wall of the St. George's Medical School library (now in Tooting).
      Phipps was the 17th case described in Jenner's first paper on vaccination."

      "In a wooden house of Bernard Weinstein (accomplice of Dutroux) a letter was found from the occult sect "Abrasax", in which a gift for the high priestress (Dominique Kindermans) was mentioned consisting of 17 girls between the age of 2 and 20 for anal, oral and vaginal sex."

      I wonder why its always 17 like Q.


      "Cardinal Seรกn Brady reported that applause broke out during the tabulation when Bergoglio's count reached the 77 votes required for election."

      77 votes necessary to elect a pope just like September 11 7/11, statue of liberty 7 crown on top standing over 11 star on bottom, Lincoln assassination 7 conspirators on trial in front of a 11 man military court, 77 year old Joe Biden announced president on 7/11, 4 conspirators hanged for Lincolns death on July 7 77...

      Oh but but but but the jayishes and the rebbe and the crooked noses and the hair locks and the small hats and the money changing and the hexagrams, yeah yeah theres no way to take seriously whatever that you people say.

      Beyoncรฉ - 7/11

    15. "You are standing in the cavern of the evil wizard, all around you are the carcasses of slain ice dwarfs.
      Melt wizard.
      What do you want to melt him with?
      Thermal pod.
      With luck you will thaw in several million years."

      More being frozen somewhere while being wireless plugged into this dreamland scripted reality symbolism.

      Big (1988) Cavern of the Evil Wizard (All Scenes)

    16. I actually see plenty of stars of David/hexagrams all over, from peoples gardens to coffee shops to police badges to churches architecture but but but it must be evil jayishes with crooked noses hiding everywhere.

    17. This is my favourite star of Moloch boogerman, right on the middle of the main square in Coimbra:
      You can see right there on the pavement, a star of david hexagram, and out of it comes out a triple street lamp trident.
      This is the same town with the fake history about crooked nosed jayishes being burned alive by the inquisition in the public patio during the middle ages.
      They had to convert or die.
      But but but crooked noses lie according to Martin Luther and the right wing conspiracy theorists, its crooked noses everywhere doing 911, selling drugs, trafficking people, selling pornography, running brothels and casinos, yeah yeah makes me puke all over myself everytime that i see those hair locks and small hats..
      Oh but but but noahide laws are going to guillotine my head off, oh boohoohooo because kneeling in churches, undergoing confinement and playing school prison life with the non jayish catholic divine chose right makes it so much worth it to participate in this moronic sheit hole.

    18. Besides its not hard to figure out what the guillotine is a fractal of:

    19. The divine right aristocrat Martin Luther was already laying out the foundations for todays confinement on his1543 book "The jews and their lies".
      "Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews.
      For they have no business in the countryside, since they are not lords, officials, tradesmen, or the like.
      Let them stay at home"
      These aristocrats certainly love to shove their obelisks straight up everybodys rear ends:

      Stick it straight up your CANDYASS

    20. Strong's Greek: 77.adapanos -- without expense, for which nothing has to be paid

      "For which nothing has to be paid" inverted becomes tooth for tooth, eye for an eye, we dont forgive and we never forget

      Trump's Revenge

      Genesis 4:24
      If Cain shall be avenged seven fold, truly Lamech seventy and seven fold.

      Donald Trump: “someday i’d like to lose everything... to see who’s loyal and who’s not loyal”

    21. Hopefully you are improving on your health condition Kaboom.
      The election here in Portugal is over, same guy stays as president for a second term 72 year old Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.
      Thats the guy in this video giving Trump a powerful handshake:

      U.S. President Donald Trump hosts President Rebelo de Sousa of Portugal at the White House

      Since there were 7 candidates/planets/layers/chakras, and since Mr Marcelo is an old man, i take that he represents the planet Saturn that is usually represented with an old man.
      The 2 women being the 2 layers below Earth must then be the planet Venus and Mercury. the woman Ana Gomes that won 2nd place behind Marcelo must be Venus.
      3rd place was won by the extreme right winger Andre Ventura that ran a campaign based on attacking the parasites of society, mainly gypsies, since the campaign was all about calling for an uprising i guess that it must represent Mars the god of war.
      I dont really know how any of this stuff works in relation to the chakras.
      I havent voted this time around and neither have i voted once in the past decade, i dont see the point in it.
      Oh but but but if people dont vote then the country is going to fall back into a dictatorship, yeah yeah whatever.

    22. It already is a dictatorship anyway and it has always been one, i say that its run by the Vatican, you say that its run by the chinese, others say that its the jayishes, Mr Hross says that its the swissies, yeah one of those.

    23. At the end of the day all is scripted by some hive mind thingy that wants to hatch itself out from this prison planet and break through the dome ceiling..

      Hillary Clinton: When there are no ceilings, the sky's the limit

      Meanwhile lunar queen must be somewhere plotting her exit through the nearest wormhole.

    24. Movie Hausu shows the 7 girls becoming 1.
      So ff all these planets/chakras are just characteristics of the same person, they are all the same thing, so why should i vote for the face that will be the president if they all are of 1 mind, this place makes zero sense.

      House (Hausu) Trailer - Subtitled (Nobuhiko Obayashi, 1977)

      Its kinda like when i go to the ophtalmologist and he pretends that my eye problems are not related to my bowel problems, then ill go the neurologist and shell pretend that my neuropathy has nothing to do with the eye problems or then i go to the dermatologist and hell pretend that the acne has nothing to do with the bowel issues,
      Its like a broken glass this place.

    25. Fauci says that HIV/Aids has infected 77 million people, freemasons and their numerology strike again:

      The HIV/AIDS pandemic is #Solvable​ | Dr. Anthony Fauci

  6. Yep, Jaydreamerz made a video about this very topic.

    The outer system is probably an complex fractal network that is incomprehensibly vast.

    Next time you're outside hold your phone up against the sun and notice how the light of phone is obscured by the light of the sun.

    1. I watched the video, Jaydreamerz mentions similar intel like the sun being just a reflection that pesses through the oculus in the dome and even has a similar positive energy about him like Kaboom.

      Hes spot on biblical content since the book of revelation mentions that New Jerusalem is all white/light (Jerusalem means dwelling of peace/light), and got it right when he mentions that the world is upside down since thats the intel on why Peter the apostle was crucified upside down, Peter holds the keys to the pearly (light white) gates of heaven because what you have to do to cross them is to turn the world upright since its already upside down, for examplethe world calls the outside space black darkness which is inversion for white light.

      Another character he could have mentioned is Gandalf the White, Gandalf is turned upside down from being Gandalf the grey (grey state = amnesia) into Gandalf the white (white/light/gnosis/enlightenment/remembrance).
      Similar to Gandalf is The Beatles White Album, revolution nยบ 9, the world/darkness is a 6, you invert a 6 you get a 9 heaven/light.

      Matthew 27:45
      Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour.

      Revolution 9 (Remastered 2009)

    2. Also when he talks about the cows at the end he couldve mentioned that Biden the 46th president is going to be inaugurated on top of the chinese new year of the cow.
      46th is the complete temple so i wonder whats the symbology in conncetion to the cow, Hathor the cow is the goddess of the sky in Egypt, Anu the sky god from Babylonia gives Ishtar the bull of heaven, like the brahma bull from the pro wrestler the rock, like the sacred cows in India, or the statue of Baal to which children where sacrificed to like pedo Joe.


    3. When Trump was inaugurated he was shown everywhere with frog pepe the frog symbolism on top of the new chinese year of the chicken, frog over chicken is how a basilisk the serpent king is hatched, the vatican is the serpent king.

    4. #frog over chicken egg
      new years = chicken egg

    5. St Peters Basilica
      Basilica = Basilisk = Basel

    6. Apparently the word vaccine comes from vaca/cow because vaccines are meant for cattle, fitting for Biden to come in along with the chinese new year of the cow.
      Also for missing children they put up their faces in carton boxes of cow milk.


      "The origin of the word vaccine is Latin. It comes from vacca (“cow”) and the related word vaccine (“from cows”). (The Latin pronunciation for vaccine is different than in English.)

      Origin of the Word Vaccine: The Bovine Connection to Human Health

      Well, a bit of medical history is in order when we talk about the origin of the word vaccine. In the late 1700s, English physician Edward Jenner made an interesting find.

      He noticed that milkmaids who had contracted cowpox—a disease that causes blisters to form on a cow’s udders—did not contract smallpox.

      So he did a test. He exposed over a dozen farm workers to smallpox, all of whom had previously had cowpox. (Cowpox causes only minor blistering in humans.)

      Do you have smallpox? No? Then thank a cow.

      The result? None of the workers who had had cowpox and were then exposed to smallpox developed the latter. In other words, if you had been exposed to cowpox, you were immune to smallpox.

      In 1796, Jenner ran an unethical but world-changing experiment. He infected a boy with cowpox on purpose, then exposed him to the smallpox virus. The boy didn’t get sick.

      Jenner called his invention “vaccination” and published his findings two years later."

      We're Watching (Music Video)

      Biden and chinese new year of the cow, cant make this script up.

      "Just how valuable was the good doctor’s experiment? Well, by 1820, millions of people had been vaccinated. The death rate from smallpox had dropped by half. In fact, smallpox was declared eradicated in 1979.

      The origin of the word vaccine should be no surprise for native speakers of Romance languages. (Latin gave birth to Romance languages, after all.) Take a look at the following list of words that mean “cow”:

      vaca (Spanish and Portuguese)
      vacca (Italian)
      vache (French)
      vacฤƒ (Romanian)

      So the next time you drive past a dairy farm, thank the cows."

      ็‰› Chinese Horoscope 2021 Ox • Chinese New Year 2021 • Year of the White Metal Ox ็‰›

      Bi-den = Bi-23 = 23 pairs of chromossomes transformed by the white metal ox vaccine


      "...Inoculation was already a standard practice but involved serious risks, one of which was the fear that those inoculated would then transfer the disease to those around them due to their becoming carriers of the disease."

      We are living in inverted world because today the fear is that those not inoculated will transmit the disease to those inoculated, moronic script is all rigged.

      I Wear My Face Mask in the Car

    9. "Jenner continued his research and reported it to the Royal Society, which did not publish the initial paper. After revisions and further investigations, he published his findings on the 23 cases, including his 11-month-old son Robert."

      23 cases huh, sure...

    10. "Napoleon, who at the time was at war with Britain, had all his French troops vaccinated, awarded Jenner a medal, and at the request of Jenner, he released two English prisoners of war and permitted their return home.
      Napoleon remarked he could not "refuse anything to one of the greatest benefactors of mankind"."


  7. Kaboom, how you holding up bud? Hope all is well.

    1. Well shit kaboom, haven't heard from you in awhile. Sure hope your are kicking leukemias ass๐Ÿ‘Š prayers sent ๐Ÿ™


    - wonder how much longer we have left. Earth is like the worst horror movie ever, and there's no happy ending for those apart of the Ultimate Good.

    1. China, Russia and Korea are about to make itself known. Seems that the USA will be sacrificed sometime within the next decade or two.
      All going according to the Great Script, which appears as a divine prophecy in the eyes of hypnotized robots.

      "So, we've got California, New York, and now Florida making attempts to disarm the population..the three main avenues of approach for Any invasion by a foreign power. Nice."

  9. Yeah the show is only getting worse and worse. A true waking nightmare.


    human cloning?


    2. hey Kaboom, this vid reminds me of what you said about how every military is the same and being prepared to fight any type of outside alien.

    3. I'm glad to see more people being aware of it and spreading the message.
      Making us fight the aliens/god i see it and as satan's trap to condemn humanity to the same punishment he will receive from god.
      In batman as mr freeze said "if i must suffer the humans will suffer with me".
      Tricking us into fight god will be the same thing/sin he did "rebel against god" so we all will get the same punishment he will get for rebelling.


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