Sneaky Leukemia Strikes Back, The Return Of AML Episode 2.

Thanks to my experience from before, i caught it i wanna believe early as i dont feel nearly as bad as before, i felt a lot better after i increased my garlic intake the past 2 mornings.

Just today in the shower i felt a 3rd testicle and instead of getting frightened i was like "cool 3 eyes above 3 eyes on the bottom" knowing getting scared/cold makes only things worse so i laughed it off. I looked it up and they say it's benign and goes away on its own(most of the time). They suggested iodine intake to help it go away faster.

I started fenbendazole again and if things get worse i still have some antifungus pills leftovers and i also have a friend with a human size bakery oven i plan to use as a sauna.(this is my dardanelles BFG last resort defense/offense against AML)

The past 6 months i had left my guard down(as i was feeling great from the cayenne extract) and started eating home made ice cream every day and all kinds of crap loved ones and friends were bringing me and the garlic i used to eat every morning was old and rotten the past month and was cutting off the bad part before consumption, bad idea i should be eating fresh instead. Got me tons of fresh garlic 2 days ago.

From my experience diseases/worms are most active winter time so this winter is going to be war.
I'm positive i'll come out of this winter victorious and off to a beautiful summer which of course the elite will ruin again with their covid and vaccines.

This is how i plan to mock AML after i beat it this winter again.

And every upcoming winter from now on i'll be going over 9000 on garlic and cayenne extract.


  1. By the way mixed majin buu purified his body with intense heat which reverted it back to its ancient superior form and i read dna melts/gets unmixed/unwinded at 60°C!

    So i'm very excited if i end up using my friend's oven but at the same time i would prefer not to as i read recently people/expert champions dying in sauna competitions and it can be dangerous/deadly too if not done right.

  2. Just woke up, what a night! Leukemia was coming back at full force and one time i worried i wont make the night so i went and took some antifungus pills(cresemba) and within minutes i felt so much better. It looks those antifungus pills are superior to everything else as they act fast and are most effective against leukemia and are much weaker than hospital's antifungus iv amphotericin b yet they did an amazing job last night.
    I'm disappointed at garlic and it looks my recent 3rd enlargement in testicles must have been from it as i ate a lot the past few days and most likely a shit ton of bacteria/worms were running for their life and all gathered at my bottom/close to the exit.

  3. If you haven't stopped beating your meat and looking at porn completely I reccomend you do that, especially considering your current circumstance it's an extremely powerful piece of the puzzle and can boost your health immensely after a few months.

    Do that and also start going outside even though it's cold and start Sprinting 3x a week as fast as you can for 10-20 minutes. Be sure to drink water.

    1. I stopped jerking off the past 2 days and now i'm afraid to even think about it considering what i have going on down there. They say this 3rd enlargement is semen accumulation and the thought of releasing some semen to make it shrink came to mind. Looks to me leukemia is trying to drain my brain(as semen come from the brain) to weaken me and kick my ass after so i'm not consider jerking off anymore. I can attest to jerking off weakening our body as i have a bad tooth and it would hurt right after jerking off most of the time.

      Thank you for reminding me running, i see how it can be very effective as it increases the body's temperature which kills the worms within.
      It might be hard to do it now with what i have going on on my bottom but will give it a try and if it doesnt hurt i'll be doing it regularly.

      The most f*cked up part is today is my first day at a new job where i'll be working 9-9, so it will be even harder for me now to find time and energy for running but still will try something.

      Damn 2021 had a horrible start for me, i hope it's not a bad luck year like friday the 13 and so far it looks that way as i run into other problems too last night(house plumbing) and a close friend neighbor of mine injured his hand badly at a door that was shut at it last night too.
      Didnt dare to tell him what i went through last night as i didnt want to make him further sad but damn he would get suspicious of 2021 to be a horrible year full of jinx!

    2. Yeah man consider fasting a bit too, maybe once or twice a week, to detoxify and starve the cancer cells
      and it's good for you to think of your neighbor. Love thy neighbor. It's not just good morally but it strengthens your spirit, helps you remain positive to fight off those damn parasites. They feed off the stress and fear but instead replace that fear with love for others and don't let little bastards keep you down.

      If you can't find time to run then just set timer for 10 minutes and do circuit of pushups, burpees and squats. Get angry an do it. Sufficiently intense exercise can starve the cancer cells of energy as well.

      Do all these things alongside the fungus killers and sauna shit and it will definitely improve your situation, won't hurt it. That's for damn sure.

    3. Thank you for all this info, now i'm motivated as hell to start running too, plan to do it rocky style with eye of the tiger music and all that. Thank you so much, if it wasnt for you and the info you provided i would have never considered running and now i see how important it is!

    4. Id also recommend the fasting. That and walking 20km a day helped tremendously 2 years ago. I heat up quite fast so brisk walking everyday was enough. So hard to get back at it after taking an extended break though.
      For the fasting I would only consume a small meal every 48hrs which consisted mostly of low carb veggies and a small portion of meat. When starting for the first week was eating every 24hrs. I also lost almost all sexual urges when doing it.

    5. Remember you must sprint at full speed, Not simply jug or run at a moderate pace. And if you can't sprint then speed walk or bear crawl as fast as you can. Bonus point if you bear crawl up a hill. Sprinting and high intensity movement exercises like this produce a anaerobic/oxygen deprived enviroment in your body where instead of relying on air for energy your body start breaking down other things for energy. Just make sure you're breathing normal while you're doing this or you'll pass out.

      Believe it or not Though, Someone actually made a an intense anaerobic workout based on baki the grappler character that has the ability to hold his breath for long periods of time. If you're still trying to do that then give this a look:

      This workout will give you superhuman anaerobic endurance, That you seek. But be fuckin careful.

  4. I wanna give some more interesting intel on leukemia, it is a very sneaky disease and most active at night like fungus is active at night which gives away of its fungal nature.
    This time it tried to blindside me by not going to my gums like before which makes them swell and immediately gives away of its existence which shows it has intelligence, cunningness and awareness of our consciousness and it tries to fool us.

    The first time i had aml it would try to fool me all the time, like you wake up one morning and it makes you feel good and you think you're improving, you relax, you let your guard down only to find out leukemia was preparing a full force attack later in the night.

    Next day same thing, you feel good in the day you think you're improving only to attack you worse in the night and mess you up even more.

  5. "Spec’s “Apnea Rush Training” (Grappler Baki)
    June 11, 2020 6:11 pm

    Stephen Ross

    In the “Most Evil Death Row Convicts” Saga of Grappler Baki, we are introduced to an American death-row inmate by the name of Spec. He’s a massive man, who showcases incredible strength, stamina, and speed. However, his most powerful weapon– the weapon he used to crack the Statue of Liberty– is a non-stop rush of attacks for up to 5 minutes straight, all while holding his breath. The name of this attack is “The Apnea Rush.”

    This attack is pure anaerobic endurance and power. He’s throwing non-stop, full power punches for 5 minutes straight. To put that in perspective, you can only really operate at max effort for about 10-15 seconds and at a high rate of continuous effort for about 2 minutes.

    This workout is designed to push your anaerobic endurance to the next level. Let’s get into it!

    Spec’s “Apnea Rush Training”

    1. Movement–

    Choose 1: 10 Minute Run/Swim at Easy Pace
    Interval Training– Same exercise for 45 Seconds Hard/90 Seconds Easy x 8 Sets
    –5 Minute Walk

    2. Combat–

    Choose 1: 10 Minutes Shadowboxing/Bag Work at Easy Pace
    Interval Training- Same Exercise for 45 Seconds Hard/90 Seconds Easy x 8 Sets
    –5 Minute Walk

    3. 5 Minutes Bag Work (Steady hits. Set a metronome for 1 second and hit 1 time every second. Decrease the interval time of the metronome VERY slightly when you are able to successfully complete the current interval in 3 separate trainings without failing.)

    4. “Apnea Walk”


    It’s good to alternate your exercise choices for each section.
    Use the easy sections to recover as much as possible while still moving.
    At the beginning of your training, you should be already able to run or swim for at least 30 minutes at a moderate pace.
    You may want to start with only one of the sections: Movement or Combat and build to doing both of them in a single workout.
    You can do section 1 on Monday and Section 2 on Friday to build up to doing each of those things in a single workout. Then you can drop it back down to once a week for the full workout.
    The “Apnea Walk” is very simple. Find a soft area to walk (sand/grass/etc) with nothing around you that you could fall into if you pass out (which is a possibility) and walk while holding your breath. To begin, take a few, slow deep breaths, then let all of the air out of your lungs and then take as big a breath as you can. Start to walk. Make sure that you don’t exhale at all until you are ready to stop the Apnea Walk. The biggest portion of this training is increasing your CO2 tolerance, which you can’t do if you’re exhaling.

    Also, DO NOT TRY TO DO THIS WHILE SWIMMING. Swimming while doing this exercise, especially if you don’t have a partner, can end with you drowning.
    This workout can be done 1-3 times a week, but you should start with 1 for about 6 weeks to get yourself used to the increase in intensity. From here, on your second day of training, just do one section and not both for 3-4 weeks before doing 2 full sessions a week. Hold at 2 sessions a week for another 6-12 weeks. Most people will be good with this, but if you want to do this workout 3 times a week (which is probably not the best if you’re also training other things), make sure you do the necessary base-building.
    That’s all for today, guys! Until next time, good luck and train hard!"

  6. Im praying for you.

    Ku = Ka = Ki = Chi = Breath

    GoKu = Go Chi = Go Breath

    Goku's 1st KAMEHAMEHA

    HaKi = Go Chi


    KaMeHaMeHa = Chi Pyramid Go Pyramid Go

    1. Dreamland is a mess.

      Testicular Cancer: A New Chapter In My Life | Furious Pete

    2. Maybe you could get a bycicle instead of doing sprinting, i am thinking about getting one too, i havent decided on it.

      Running VS Cycling - Which DROPS WEIGHT FASTER?


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