I found out recently that dna melts at 60°C and guess what else melts at 60°C?


"Bacteria(worms) usually grow in the ‘Danger Zone’ between 8°C and 60°C. Below 8°C, growth is stopped or significantly slowed down. Above 60°C the bacteria start to die. Time and temperature are both important because proteins(are worms too) need to be heated up for a long enough time for them all to be broken down.

Standard advice is to cook food until it has reached 70°C and stayed at that temperature for 2 minutes.

The other time and temperature combinations are:

60°C for 45 minutes
65°C for 10 minutes
70°C for 2 minutes
75°C for 30 seconds
80°C for 6 seconds

During cooking, heat energy transfers into and breaks down proteins in the food. The meat changes colour from pink to brown or to white. Its texture changes too. Cooking also causes the proteins in bacteria to break up so they no longer function and the bacteria die. This is why cooking removes the risk from harmful bacteria that are in some food."

I read saunas go up to 90°C and it used to be higher until people(in competitions mostly) started dying in 110°C and above.

I'm glad to know i dont need to go that high at all to kill the worms within and purify my bone marrow.
I'm skeptical though if that's enough to kill all the worms within as i remember a priest on tv back in greece that was against cremation saying that fire cant melt the bones on our higher back and that they use a crushing machine to turn them to dust.
These bones he talked about that can resist high temperature where all the body evaporates except them puts me in suspicion of the lunar boss to made the human body that way to protect the worms within from extreme heat.

The dangerous zone where the worms multiply rapidly is very important intel as i was always suspicious of the articles that were saying "worms hate heat", yet the chickens warm their eggs for the worm within from the rooster(that looks like a moon floating on the dome) transform the frozen sun within into their image.

Warm and Worm are also synonyms and another give away of the dangerous zone where the worms thrive.

By the way so far my antifungus pills are doing great, they are like Yhorm the giant in this dark souls 3 fight 

carrying the whole fight against the leukemia worms on their own.

Garlic and cayenne were great during summer time then winter came along where worms and diseases are most active and they werent up to the task.

Last winter i was also on antifungus pills after got out from the hospital end of december which i didnt appreciate much then but i do now.


  1. There may be a lot more to the sciences of sound and magnetism than what's public knowledge. Kaboom, you need to watch the 2 videos of this channel.

    Could really help you in connecting some more puzzle pieces.


    1. I checked a little and it looks very good, i work 9-9 now at a new job but will still try to find time to watch it.

    2. A B B A Our F A T H E R Of The Æther Giving The Leather Feather Weather And Everything Else Seen And Unseen Life

  2. US Capitol building in lockdown as Trump supporters clash with police

    The capitol is where the dome/womb/moon of Isis is with the lunar queen standing on top of it.
    I see this as maybe a fractal that the moon is under attack on the above layer.

    On portuguese news they kept repeating how yesterday was the worst day for new covid cases with the numbers of new infected being over 9000.

    There was a debate for the presidential election in which the candidate of the opposition kept repeating how there is a need for perpetual punishment life inprisonment for criminals.
    Maybe a fractal on keeping the prisoners locked in this westworld zoo layer.

    Also the symbol they have for the warp speed vaccine delivery is the reiki Antahkarana that stands for the opening of the 7 chakras/layers.



    1. If you havent seen it check out this DNA transformation fireworks new years event from Seattle.


      "Seattle 2021 new years display showed a needle penetrating a strand of DNA"

      It's Now 2021 & The Luciferian Agenda Rolls On!

    2. Weird that Bolsonaro is the only world leader backing Trump on the fraudulent election result, from his name Jair Messiah Bolsonaro, Jair means lightworker like one of those reiki chakra magicians.

      Bolsonaro - Tropa de elite

    3. My grandmother that died in the old folks nursery was born in Brazil and her name was Nair.
      Jair = to turn on the light
      Nair = to turn off the light

      Kanye West - All Of The Lights ft. Rihanna, Kid Cudi


    4. יָאִיר

      From H215 (אוֹר 'ôr); enlightener; Jair, the name of four Israelites: - Jair.


      A primitive root; to be (causatively make) luminous (literally and metaphorically): - X break of day, glorious, kindle, (be, en-, give, show) light (-en, -ened), set on fire, shine


      No wonder that these people love fireworks.

      Wrestling: The BEST entrances with pyro

      The Lord of the Rings - Firework scene [1080p HD]


    5. Its also insane how this moronic hive thingy needs every street light on every street corner turned on all night long all year long yet this thing cries and complains year after year about absurd eletric costs for households year after year after year, theres no way to take anything serious that this thing says or does.
      It has casinos, hotels neon lights, windows stores lit up all year long, everyday, yet this thing cries and cries and cries about energetic costs.
      This thing is nuts.

    6. My previous landladys name was Aurora/Dawn, yet she was always complaining about me turning the lights on at night, she wanted the lights off she repeated over and over and over again.
      Another lady i went to see her apartment and first thing she started ranting on was the previous renters electric bill.
      Yet this thing has all streets, stores and gas sations lit up every day everywhere all night long, this thing has no consciousness.

    7. Reiki = Chi control = Breath control
      Goku = Go Chi
      China = No Chi = Stop Chi = Breathless
      Warp speed emblem = Antahkarana = opening of the 7 chakras = 7 dragon balls = summoning Shenron the worm with legs = Bruce Lee's Enter the dragon = Egyptian Djed = Jedi power


      The djed, an ancient Egyptian symbol meaning 'stability', is the symbolic backbone of the god Osiris.

      Green Man Osiris wow must be a coincidence that all the rituals center around the same clown.

      Green = Pale = Chloros = Chloroquine


      But the green movement is not about this clown, its about climate change and deforestation the serfs tell me, suuuuuuuuuuuure.

      The djed was an important part of the ceremony called "raising the djed", which was a part of the celebrations of the Sed festival, the Egyptian jubilee celebration.

      Raising the djed = raising the dead = dome of the rock octogon that takes over the well of souls on the temple mount = UFC octogon with all the green monster energy flashing

      But Adam Green is going to sell me on the idea that the poltergeist of the rebbe and wicked Ivanka Trump are so so meanie that they want to blow up the dome, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.




      This clown can come all out like he was chanting in his lullabye at Isreal, my hairy ass is waiting for him and his big obelisk.

      Portugal - LIVE - Conan Osiris - Telemóveis - First Semi-Final - Eurovision 2019

    8. Everything you need to know about Scott Borgerson, the tech CEO tied to Jeffrey Epstein's alleged madam, Ghislaine Maxwell

      Ghislaine Maxwell is the madam that procured women and children for Jeffrey's Epstein, the maga mage that suicided while on suicide watch.
      And her husband Scott Borgerson just happens to be CEO of CargoMetrics, a company that tracks the movement of Cargo vessels across the high seas via satellites.
      And what are humans, chi vessels, what is the warp speed covidiot vaccine about, a vaccine passport and the insertion of rfid chips that track the movement of human chi vessels on this layer westworld zoo world.
      Must be another coincidence.

    9. Good thing that everything is a joke to all the serf clowns.

      Jeffrey Epstein's Temple Has Moved To Los Angeles To Find Work

      Work work work jobs jobs jobs.

      Then here comes the bull crap egyptian nazi bull shit calling the holocaust a myth, you people will find out what a myth is soon enough.

      Tartaria, THE HIDDEN HISTORY

    10. Where else have i seen a demon creature that tracks humans through their heat chi wave, oh you mean like on the Preadator movie, surprise, surprise, surprise, not really.

      The Predator Heat Vision Compilation

      Not surprised at all that this place is becoming fast into a Manhunt style of zoo world like the non jayish chosenites that play their most dangerous game with children in Belgium, i wonder why mr Adam Green does not cover those, oh you mean because Withney Webb's weaving spiders come not here like her bff Millie Weaver, rigged script is all rigged, good thing that only pro wrestling and tv soap operas are staged though..

      Manhunt Official Trailer #2 (PS2)


      I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire-The Ink Spots

    11. Tartaria, THE HIDDEN HISTORY

      Heres is your staged history, lets see how staged you want this to be.


      "Patio of the Inquisition"

      In Coimbra Patio of the Inquisition owes its name to the historical and architectural valuable buildings where Inquisition Court had its headquarters after 1548. The jails can now be seen through the thick glasses they have as ceiling. The team led by the Architects João Mendes Ribeiro and Teresa Alfaiate has rebuilt the building under the essential motto of transparency so as to make the connection between past and present times.

    12. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfbgWaNgEevMdqX9-jecRGQ

      The blue channel
      China = No Chi = Breathless = No oxygen = Blue


      "Blood that has lost its oxygen is dark bluish-red. People whose blood is low in oxygen tend to have a bluish color to their skin. This condition is called cyanosis."

      Cyanosis just like Raziel the chi vampire in Legacy of Kain

    13. Tartaria, THE HIDDEN HISTORY

      I got here some fake history for you:

      "When the Old and New Testaments were adopted as the Empire’s official sacred writings they, too, were given to the exclusive care of the priests. And in accord with Roman tradition, the people learned sacred content
      from discretionary retelling.
      This had to be, for the sake of the Holy Empire.
      For should the people acquire biblical knowledge, they would know that Pontifex Maximus was not a legitimate Christian entitlement.
      Knowing this, they would not bow to his supremacy.
      The Empire could collapse.
      And so the monarchial Roman Church forcibly suppressed the Bible’s intelligent reading.
      This is why the millennium between Constantine and Gutenberg
      is known as “the Dark Ages."

    14. "Sprinkled throughout the Empire, however, were isolated
      Christian assemblies who had preserved Scripture from the days of
      the early Church.
      For them the Bible invited an ongoing, personal communion with the Creator of the universe.
      They lived by the writings of which Rome was so jealous.
      By the thirteenth century, these assemblies had grown so vibrant that Pope Gregory IX declared unauthorized Bible study a heresy.
      He further decreed that “it is the duty of every Catholic to persecute heretics.”
      To manage the persecution, Gregory established the Pontifical Inquisition."

      Matthew 4:2-4

      After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.

      The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

      Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

    15. "The Inquisition treated the slightest departure from the life of
      the community as proof of direct communion with the Bible or
      Either instance was a sin worthy of death.
      Cases were prosecuted according to a strict routine.
      First, the inquisitors would enter a town and present their credentials to the civil authorities.
      In the pope’s name, they would require the governor’s cooperation.
      Next, the local priest would be ordered to summon his congregation
      to hear the inquisitors preach against heresy, which was
      defined as anything the least bit opposed to the papal system.
      A brief grace period followed the sermon, wherein the people were given an opportunity to step forward and accuse themselves of
      Those who did were usually punished mildly.
      Later, the inquisitors would receive at their lodgings unverified accusations, guaranteeing in the pope’s name the anonymity of informants.
      Many innocent lives were ruined by false testimony."

    16. The Inquisition was most effective against the isolated truthseeker
      in an ignorant community.
      As communities became more literate, the Inquisition grew subtler.
      What brought literacy to communities was the epidemic of Bible-reading made possible by the perfection of Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of movable type.

      Prior to 1450, Bibles were so rare they were conveyed by deed,
      like parcels of real estate.
      A Bible took nearly a year to make, commanding a price equal to ten times the annual income of a prosperous man.
      Johannes Gutenberg intended his first production, a folio edition of the 6th-century Latin Bible (known as the Vulgate), to fetch manuscript prices.
      Dr. Faust discreetly sold it as a one-of-a-kind to kings, nobles, and churches.

      This put enough copies into circulation for Church authorities
      to notice that several were identical.
      Such extraordinary uniformity being regarded as humanly impossible, the authorities charged that Faust had produced the Bibles by magic. On this pretext, the Archbishop of Mainz had Gutenberg’s shop raided and a
      fortune in counterfeit Bibles seized.
      The red ink with which they were embellished was alleged to be human blood.
      Faust was arrested for conspiring with Satan, but there is no record of any trial."

    17. "As quickly as our generation has become computer-literate, the
      Gutenberg generation learned to read books, and careful readers
      found shocking discrepancies between the papacy’s interpretation
      of God’s Word and the Word itself."

      But the pope says that Trump is the one that is not a christian, talk about looking yourself in the mirror.

      President Trump Met With Pope Francis. It Got A Little Awkward

    18. Clement VII was succeeded by the oldest cardinal, an erudite humanist with formidable diplomatic skills, 66-year-old Alessandro Farnese. Cardinal Farnese had been privately educated in the household of
      Lorenzo d’Medici and had been appointed Treasurer of the Vatican in 1492.
      He wascrowned Pope Paul III. Vatican wags called Farnese “Cardinal Petticoat” because his strikingly beautiful sister Giulia had been mistress to the licentious Pope Alexander VI, for which the same wags nicknamed her “Bride of Christ.”
      Giulia posed undraped forthe statue of the Goddess Justice that still reclines voluptuously on Paul Ill’s tomb in St. Peter’s Basilica.
      Two centuries later, at the command, in the interests of decency, of Pius IX, the first pope to be officially declared infallible, Giulia’s exposed breasts were fitted with a metal blouse."

      Infallible pope just like todays infallible modern medicine, all a bunch of stinky bull crap.
      But but but but gotta obey Dr Fauci and gotta take your covidiot vaccine and gotta play russian roulette with your DNA, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.

      "The pope can enact new articles of faith....
      Definitions of popes and councils are to be received as infallible....
      Inquisitors may torture witnesses to obtain the truth.... It
      is laudable to torture those of every class who are guilty of
      heresy The Pope has power over infidels.... The Church may
      make war with infidels— Those who are strongly suspected are
      to be reputed as heretics He who does not inform against
      heretics shall be deemed as suspected— Inquisitors may allow
      heretics to witness against heretics, but not for them...."

      Here come the contact tracers.

      I Wear My Face Mask in the Car

      Its plain to see that you cant really trust anyone as it doesnt matter who the person is, your mother, father, sister, wife, husband, brother, friend, whatever, they will turn you in if these papal and medical inquisitors ask them to just like Agent Smith and his clones.

      But but but but this is the fake history, Tartaria is the real history, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.
      And covidiocy is not happening either.

      Agent Smith - Me too

      Agent Smith evil laugh from The Matrix Revolutions

    19. But here come the nazi serfs with their claim that the holocaust is a myth and that Hitler was the second coming of Jesus Christ, coming to rid the temple of the money changers, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.

      "The men of Catholic Action did try.
      Their first major effort was to employ Black Pope Vladimir Ledochowski’s strategy of bringing the Catholic nations of central and eastern Europe together into a pan-German federation.
      To head the federation, Ledochowski required a charismatic leader charged with subduing the communistic Soviet Union on the east, Protestant Prussia, Protestant Great Britain, and republican France on the west.
      Ledochowski chose the Catholic militarist Adolf Hitler, who told
      Bishop Bernind of Osnabruch in 1936 that there was no fundamental difference between National Socialism and the Catholic Church.
      Had not the church, he argued, looked on Jews as parasites and shut them in ghettos?
      ’I am only doing,’ he boasted, ’what the church has done for fifteen hundred years, only more effectively.’
      Being a Catholic himself, he told Berning, he ’admired and wanted to promote Christianity.’
      To promote Christianity as taught him by Roman Catholicism, Hitler appointed Leni Riefenstahl to create the greatest fascist films ever produced.
      Her deification of Hitler and romanticization of autocracy in spectacles like Triumph of the Will are, in themselves, the history of German cinema in the thirties and early forties.
      In print, Ledochowski’s pan-German manifesto took the form of Hitler’s autobiographical Mein Kampf (“My Struggle”), ghostwritten by the Jesuit Father Staempfle and placed beside the Bible on the altars of German churches."

      These ones are the christians right, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.

      Donald Trump, In The Flesh & Waiting For The Worms -- Pink Floyd's The Wall Mashup

      But but but but bad Ivanka Trump and the poltergeist of the rebbe want to blow up the dome of the rock and that would be so horrible, it would be so meanie, it would be the worst attack on christianity since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ according to Adam Green, oh noooo, booohooohooo gotta vaccinate the soldiers and send them to war to save the poor christian temple on the mount.
      And the knights templars dont receive their name from this temple either, noooooo, the temple that they are refering to is their own body, suuuuuuuuure, thats why they have been fighting wars to keep control over the middle east since the exodus from Egypt.
      Fake history, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.

    20. Rev 6:8  And I looked, and behold a pale (G5515) horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. 

      From the same as G5514; greenish, that is, verdant, dun-colored: - green, pale.


      Greenish and coolish, i dont think so.

      Raising the djed = Raising the dead

      Venom - Raise the Dead


      "Osiris, lord of the dead and rebirth. His green skin symbolizes rebirth."


    21. Djed = Jedi

      And whos the leader of these jedi, oh mr green man, what a surprise, not really.

      Type O Negative - The Green Man

      Yoda || The Jedi Master

      Green Frankenstein monster was pieced together by the combination of different body parts from dead bodies, oh you mean just like mr green Osiris and his 13 pieces pieced together by Isis the lunar queen, very original, rigged script is all rigged.

      Hulk (2003) "Set Me Free"

      Clown world loves their green clown.

    22. In the movie The Wicker Man (1973) sargeant Howie stays at the Green Man Inn/Adam Green Inn which serves the same role as the temple of Diana, and Diana is there playing the harlot while wearing turquoise green, surprise, surprise again.

      The Wicker Man (1973) - The Landlord's daughter Scene [Spanish Subs]

    23. - What's the matter, aren't you hungry?
      - Aye, it's just that most of the food I've had- the farmhouse soup, the potatoes, broad beans- all come out of a can.
      Broad beans, in their natural state, aren't usually turquoise, are they?

      Broad beans surely were turquoise in Scarface, here she is the lunar queen Diana is wearing turquoise.

      Scarface (1983) She's On Fire Scene

      - Lesson number two -- don't get high on your own supply.
      That's right. Course not everybody follows the rules.

      What supply are we talking about here, oh you mean the supply of embryonic stem cell steroids and adrenochrome, wink wink, oh no nobody uses those.

      Youth Elixir of Pharaoh's Vampire Aristocracy Masters of Alchemy Embryonic Cells

    24. Scripted dreamland is still scripted, as ive been on here writing about the color turquoise my mother just happens to be weaving some clothing pieces in crochet for some ladies, and the wool is colored turquoise.
      Rigged reality is all staged.

      And yesterday the news was associating Trump to the devils number 3 all day long, talking about how he was suppressed in 3 platforms, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
      Thats the pope triple crown or a 3 pointer like Alex Jones teases in this Weaving spiders come not here video.

      Sacred Owls - Weaving Spiders Come Not Here

    25. Antahkarana = opening the 7 chakras = joining the 7 dragon balls
      Reiki = raising the djed = raising the dead

      And it just happens to be just that that Son Goku/Sun Go Chi did everytime that he joined the 7 dragon balls, he rose the dead.

      dbz- Earth Reborn

    26. "What brought literacy to communities was the epidemic of Bible-reading made possible by the perfection of Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of movable type.
      This put enough copies into circulation for Church authorities
      to notice that several were identical.
      Such extraordinary uniformity being regarded as humanly impossible, the authorities charged that Faust had produced the Bibles by magic. On this pretext, the Archbishop of Mainz had Gutenberg’s shop raided and a
      fortune in counterfeit Bibles seized.
      The red ink with which they were embellished was alleged to be human blood.
      Faust was arrested for conspiring with Satan, but there is no record of any trial."

      This is an exact fractal for human cloning.

      Bibles = bi-blend = mixing of two seeds = double helix dna
      A bible is a book comprised of a bunch of words/worms/dna.
      A human is a chi vessel, this vessel is comprised of a bunch of worms/dna.

      Gutenbergs movable type allowed bibles to be cloned with precise accuracy.
      This is human cloning in the making.

      Eminem - The Real Slim Shady (Official Video - Clean Version)

      Scientists reveal SECRETS of Human Cloning

    27. "As quickly as our generation has become computer-literate, the
      Gutenberg generation learned to read books, and careful readers
      found shocking discrepancies between the papacy’s interpretation
      of God’s Word and the Word itself."

      And this passage right here refers to a clone of Jesus Christ the Word itself.
      Thats the 1977 statue of La Resurrezione found right where the pope sits.
      It depicts Satan coming out of a nuclear blast but looks also like hes coming out from a bunch of worms.



    28. The bible starts on genesis (creation of man) and ends on Revelation (judgement of man).
      On judgement either man becomes a xenomorphic locust or an analog angel.

      Revelation 9:3
      Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

      Those are the 3 stages of being:
      Analog angel
      Xenomorphic locust
      Human chi vessel cocoon

      Machine Head - Locust [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

      This is shown in the Seattle light show:

      It's Now 2021 & The Luciferian Agenda Rolls On!




      Transmutation thats what all the hendecagrams, septagrams, pentagrams are about:

    29. "Then here comes the bull crap egyptian nazi bull shit calling the holocaust a myth, you people will find out what a myth is soon enough."

      What was the holocaust a fractal of, the locusts getting burned and fully genocided.
      What myth will you find out soon enough, locusts coming out from the pit.

      Angels to Humans to Locusts

    30. Same thing show in this one:

      Negative Gemini - You Weren't There Anymore (Official Music Video)

      Negative Gemini = Twins = Mirror world = human chi vessel cocoon
      The two become one = transmutation is completed
      Negative twin is the locust
      You werent there anymore = no more analong angel that has been fully cannibalized by the worms in his dna flesh suit

      Here she is lunar queen birthing the locusts:

      You werent there anymore = the gene of eve = covidiot vaccine altering the dna = eva-nescence = dissipation of the gene of eve agenda = no more central headquarters of the UN in Geneva

      Alien tribute - Bring me to life

      This place is too moronic, i dont know what to do about it and am in a lot of pain.but at least i get the intel.

    31. Gonna catch up with reading Confessions of a medical heretic even though its just going to tell me what i already know, that the enlightenment is all bull shit.


      Armory - Faith In Steel


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